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Showing posts with label hangeng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hangeng. Show all posts

[NEWS] Han Geng made first public appearance after case of contract termination!s

Yesterday night (Night of 26th March), Han Geng attended the finals of the Migu Show. Since the news breakout of his contract termination last year, he made his first public appearance. This attracted large amount of media and fans, causing chaos at the studio. Before the activity starts, he accepted a short interview from the media. As for the news everyone cared for, the progress of his contract termination case and about his new company, he kept mum about it. He stated that, ‘Now isn’t the time to discuss about this issue’.

Many fans attended the show causing chaos
Media waited two long hours for a seven minutes interview

Since Han Geng’s dispute with his Korean company last year, there were a lot of reports on him but he had never appeared in front of the public crowd. Yesterday was the last episode of the Migu Show, they invited Jay Chou and him as guests, and this was also his first public appearance since the news breakout.
Han Geng’s fans got the first hand news and waited at the studio since in the afternoon causing a big human jam. Those who had the tickets started queuing 4 to 5 hours before the show while those who don’t have the tickets were wandering around. The situation was quite chaotic.

That night, the organizers arranged Han Geng for a media interview, but the interview was delayed and delayed again. The media waited a full 2 hours before the interview started. Before the interview, it was made cleared that there should be no questions about the contract termination or any questions related to the current news of his new company. During the interview, the organizers arranged a ‘main member’ for asking the questions. So all the questions were about the activity that night and there was also time set aside for fans to give presents, causing the 10 over media at the scenes to be extremely unhappy. This situation causes the media there to start a ‘war’ of questioning. In this situation, Han Geng was extremely awkward so the interview only goes on for 7 minutes and was hastily wrapped up.

Went to the America for dancing and singing courses
Denied opening a dance school with Jay Chou

Han Geng stated in the interview that he stayed in America for half a month. He was there to improve on his dancing and music capabilities, including learning from Michael Jackson’s dance choreographer. He said, ‘I had some free time on hand so I decided to recharge myself and do things I loved.’ There was news stating that Han Geng had started to prepare for his new album in America. He denied the news of him preparing for his new album. ‘I wasn’t doing any preparation for any new album there. I was just there to learn more things because I wanted everyone to see a brand new Han Geng.’

There were reports about Jay Chou and him opening a dance school the day before, he shook his head and denied this piece of information. ‘I don’t know who came up with such news again’

Avoid talking about contract issues
Don’t mind collaborating with Super Junior members again

Han Geng’s publicist reminded the media again and again before the interview that no questions about the case should be asked, because if there is any discussion, it would affect the progress. But, the fate of Han Geng’s future is under great attention. He admitted that there were several companies that made contact with him but he would not talk about it now. He only said that he is also currently still waiting for the outcome so he cannot talk about it and did not reveal anymore.

Han Geng also stated that he had not thought much about his future. He did not make a comment about the news of him joining a new group; he just said that he did not think about whether to come back as a soloist or a member of a group. But, he hoped that he can work with some outstanding artistes in near future. If there is a chance, he felt that collaborating with members of Super Junior again would not be a problem. Even though going through the contract termination crisis, he expressed that he is still in contact with the members of Super Junior from time to time, proving that their relationship is still good, not strained.

Source: Ent163
Translated by:

[NEWS] Han Geng donated $100,000 RMB to relief for Yunnan!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

News broke out in December 2009 about Han Geng's contract termination lawsuit. The case has not come to a conclusion yet and details have been kept hush-hush for the past two months.

In the past days, news broke out about Han Geng's contribution to the relief efforts for Yunnan drought. Through "Sweet Rain Action" group, Han Geng became the second star to respond to the call for help. It seems that this Asian superstar does not forget to contribute to charity even when he is resting.

100,000 RMB is about $14,000 U.S. dollars.
Credit: Fotoever & Han Geng's baidu
Translation: [info]proleptical

[picture] Idol's Graduation Photos Compilation

It's that time of the year again! Graduation~ makes me think my friends graduated today at our university~ sad... but happy for them at the same time!

Idol's aren't exempted in this ceremony either and that includes graduation photo's especially those in your yearbook.

Some idols take it to the extent to burn their yearbook because they do not want to remember how they looked back then but there are just some that can sneak their way in the netizen's possession.

Those are compiled photo's made by netizens of some of your favorite idols~ Fun to look at huh? :))

Original Source
via 파스타 @ bbvipz

[News] SJ’s Leader talks about Hangeng & Kangin’s case for the first time

Super Junior Leeteuk becomes the MC of the new generation following Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk’s footsteps. Although Leeteuk currently is still an assistant MC, his ability to control the guests and stand out in variety shows gives him the possibility of becoming the new generation MC.

▶Without talents and character is to his advantage instead?

Leeteuk does not have any special talent or character. He does not have an outstanding appearance and he is not very charismatic either. All these would be put to his disadvantage when he tries to stand out on variety shows. Although his popularity is considered above average amongst the Super Junior members, this factor adds on to his success to his MC career instead.

“Rather than making myself stand out amongst others, I have always been taking up the role of helping the people around me to stand out more because there isn’t anything that can make me stand out, thus, I’ve decided to ‘work diligently’. As I start to gain recognition by helping others on variety shows, I can slowly expand the area of my activity.

A strong point of Leeteuk is being able to show off his charisma on stage but when he is on variety shows, he will ruin his image without any hesitation.

“Because I’m an idol, does it mean that I must look fabulous and amazing? I think that an idol’s lifespan is 5 years and if you look at it in the long run, you need to have a flexible attitude. Although I think that looking fabulous is very good, being able to receive lots of love from people for a long period of time is much more important.”

▶His two teachers are Kang Ho Dong and Boom

Leeteuk chooses Kang Ho Dong and Boom as the most important teachers in his MC career path.

“I will always learn a lot of things from Kang Ho Dong sunbae just by looking at him. He would often call me to the resting room and tell me to “sit at the side”. I learn about the “true nature of variety by looking at how they discuss and analyse”. There was once when he advised me that if I ‘want to be a successful MC, it would require 10 years of practice. Do not hurry, just accumulate your skills bit by bit’.”

Leeteuk’s “Teuk Academy” originated from “Boom Academy” when he worked with Boom. Although Boom left “Boom Academy” to serve in the army, Leeteuk started unleashing his ability after he got familiarised with the work environment.

“I have been hosting with Boom hyung in 6 variety shows for the past 3 years and he had been of much help to me. Even though he is currently serving the in the army, he would often contact me to cheer me on and to give me advises. I hope to take good care of this position until Boom hyung is discharged from the army and continue the show with him. By then, the show should be receiving even greater success. “

▶Thorough Self management

Leeteuk doesn’t even have any single time to rest in his daily schedule. Apart from hosting KBS2FM’s “Kiss the Radio” every night at 10PM, he is also a permanent guest on “Strong Heart” and “Star King”. He also has to concentrate on the preparation of the 4th album, which is set to release around May*. and carry out Super Show 2 Asia Tour every weekend. Not to mention about taking rest, he doesn’t even have enough time to sleep. However, Leeteuk did not neglect about the preparation for “Teck Academy” and training his body.

“Teuk Academy” relies on creativity. Every night after returning to their dorm from the radio broadcast, he would hold a discussion with Eunhyuk and Shindong to look for new ideas. Other than understanding the funny incident of the guests, we also have to look for interesting pictures on ourselves. We also have to communicate with the author noonas in order to work out the script. Because the response was great, we had to look for better ideas which gave us lots of stress.

No matter how late his schedule ends, he will always workout at the gym. Exercising at 2AM is a normal time for him; everyday he would undergo 1-2 hours of weight training and aerobic exercises.

▶Super Junior is my everything

Leeteuk’s love towards Super Junior is completely different from others. Even though he is currently active being a MC, he puts Super Junior above everything. For the year 2009, it held an great significance to him due to their 3rd album “Sorry Sorry” becoming a huge hit. However, he was very heartbroken because of all the bad occurrences happening to fellow members.

“2009 was a very significant year for Super Junior. However, the departure of Hangeng and Kangin’s incident will always be a painful ordeal for us. When Kangin had committed a mistake for the first time, I encouraged him telling him that “it’s alright”, but when he committed another mistake, I reprimanded him because I was very disappointed. Nevertheless, Kangin is still a very important member to me. Hangeng too, no matter when he comes back I’ll still welcome him back warmly.”

“At the Taiwan concert, I was extremely happy when he saw the local artists amongst the audience dancing to ‘Sorry Sorry’. I am starting to gain the confidence to begin our overseas promotions. However, I feel a bit regretful for the absence of some fellow members because only when all 13 members are gathered together is when we’re truly Super Junior.”

* The article did mention that the 4jib would be released around may but they didn’t quote it from Leeteuk so there might be a possibility that it may not be true.. and according to other sources, they might not release the album before June due to the upcoming World Cup.

please copy ALL the below information when redistributing

CREDITS Shared by: SJ Family English translation: marchocho @


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[News/Video] Hankyung's Interview - SOHU STAR ONLINE [eng subbed]

Super Junior Hangeng recently kept on avoiding all publicity regarding his sensitive termination contract with SM.

Lately, he accepted an interview with Sohu Entertainment's [Star Online] and revealed his recent situation.
According to him he himself is still waiting for the result. Being not in public view as of now, he stated that he is resting since there are lot of things going on around him.

Don't worry. Also according to him, he is not depressed with all of these happenings but instead he has calm and peaceful mind.He wanted ELFS to wait for the result with him.

watch the interview below VIDEO CR to

posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews

[Interview] Hangeng's most recent interviews!

Han Geng Accepted An Interview

When I saw Han Geng, both of us embraced in a big hug, during this sensitive time when his contract lawsuit has still not been settled, we both were appreciative of each other’s understanding. We also reminisced about the scene four years ago when I interviewed him when he had just returned to China, it was the same as it was today as well with him facing the questions by himself, even though the circumstances now are very different, but he is still that Han Geng who is hardworking and always improving himself, while I am still that Sohu Dapeng who abandons all resistance before him. This part will probably make him fairly embarrassed, my so-called “abandoning all resistance”, is firmly rejecting any assistance from the stylist, because no matter how they make me handsome, before Han Geng it will be comparatively very ugly, so doing his interview really is a difficult matter, but when I see him sitting across from me with confidence in me and unguarded like that, in my heart it is very warm and there is a big sense of accomplishment.

This time the interview was conducted in secret, not only did fans not know, the staff members were all informed only when it occurred, this was for this intense time, to give Han Geng a relatively relaxed interview environment, as to when the content of this interview will be broadcast on Sohu, I don’t know either, only by coincidence this week from Beijing, by coincidence receiving a good friend’s telephone call hoping that I would host this “very meaningful” interview. That’s right, the content of our conversation was roughly about his recent situation, how he spent the New Year, what he’s doing every day, what his individual plans are for the future, also, what he wants to say to the fans the most...

Okay, seeing you still able to smile happily and relaxed that way, we are satisfied. Best wishes Han Geng!

Translated by:
Source: Sohu, Third Chapter

[News] Han Geng Cyworld Updates & Called on Fans to Join Public Service, Gengfans “Let Love Fly” in 2010

Hangeng say thanks for his birthday gift.
English Translation :

2010-02-09 15:15
Let Love Fly
Thank you for the best birthday present! Really touched really~~~Let's all continue to work hard together~~~!!!

I love you all !!!

** The Birthday/Charity Project from GengBaidu.

When Han Geng’s birthday in 2010 (February 9) is coming up, his fans organize the “Let love fly” charitable activities as the birthday gift for their idol. It is learned that this is not the first time Gengfans organizing such love spreading activity. Since 2007, called on by Han Geng, Gengfans have had the tradition of organizing charitable activities for three years. They want to do their part to pass along love to people who need help.

Although Han Geng is currently in the process of contract termination lawsuit with SME, and he cannot show up for public activities, Han Geng’s fans organize this “Let Love Fly” charitable activity for Han Geng’s upcoming birthday, as the best birthday gift for their idol, who have been calling on charitable activities for years. This year, Gengfans’ charitable activity theme is “Let love fly”. They organized these activities at the primary schools in Mashan County, Nanning City, Guangxi Province; in Bazhou District, Bazhong City, and in Pingchang County, Sichuan Province. They would like to do their best to help those children learn and grow healthy and happily.

As a public figure, what Han Geng has brought to his fans is not only splendid performances, but also life values of being sincere, kind, and helpful. Han Geng repeatedly called on his fans at his personal online space, that do not spend money on buying gifts for him, but turn to helping those in need of help. Since 2007, Gengfans began to organize charitable activities as gifts for Han Geng. Every year, Han Geng’s fans will collect all of the resources to do their best in organizing charitable activities, making that as the gift for their idol. They hope that everyone could work together to contribute the strength of each person, to pass along such love.

It is learned that Gengfans’ charitable activities are not limited to Han Geng’s birthday each year. During the South snowstorm as well as Sichuan earthquake in 2008, Gengfans were very actively involved to help. Han Geng’s fans said that they will continue to spread love by carrying forward these activities, and they also hope that more caring people would join in these charitable actions, using fan group’s force to support public services, to spread love, to contribute a heart of love to more people who are in need of help.

Source: Sina; translation @ forhangeng

Source: Han Geng/韩庚's Cyworld
Credit: eunmi/은미남~☆ @

* Happy birthday to Super Junior's beijing fried rice, Hankyung ^^

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[News] Li Xiaolu's High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract

SJ - Hankyung

Li Xiaolu’s High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract; Romance Nearly Divulged

High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract
Li Xiaolu [ translator’s note: Jacqueline Li / Lulu ] debuted at 16 and has been flying in her career ever since. It is extremely rare for there to be news about her relationships. But last year, there were media that filmed her having a meal with Han Geng, the leader of Korea’s extremely popular group SJ-M and as a result it was the first time that she was referred to as Han Geng’s girlfriend. Even though both parties never admitted it, but the entertainment world is like that, there are no baseless stories. Recently, Han Geng is in the midst of terminating his contract with his Korean company. A time consuming and long lawsuit will be difficult to avoid with this always harsh Korean managing company.

Yesterday, reporters had just mentioned the two words “Han Geng” and Li Xiaolu’s manager hurriedly came over and indicated, “we will not respond to this question”. But, Li Xiaolu still patiently listened to the reporters' questions and did not avoid it in any way. She appeared to be very willing, but in her expression there was a little shyness in indicating, “support him! Support him in terminating his contract! He wants to be an artiste with his own value!” If not speaking about her rumored boyfriend, then how does she view love and family? Li Xiaolu also indicated, “for me, family is the most important. Love… it should take its own course. I feel that it is also needs to be like friendship, two people need to understand each other and support each other.” Then has she already met such love? Li Xiaolu said with a smile and nodded, “yes!” But continuing on she became aware of something and immediately changed it to “there was!” Then she slowly said again, “currently I cannot place love at number one. This year I hope others don’t write about me without basis, rumors stay faraway from me and there is normal love."

NB: Only the parts related to Han Geng have been translated from the article.

Translated by:

[news] Hu Nan TV Does Not Accept Henry & Zhang Li Yin Replacing The Group

Hu Nan TV does not accept replacement group

SJ-M still has a final performance for the year that is the Hu Nan TV Countdown Concert performance on the 31st and the reporter has learnt from one of Hu Nan TV’s staff that for SJ-M to appear at the concert as a whole group would prove to be a great feat. He said that before Han Geng’s contract termination issue has been settled, SJ-M would be unable to perform together as a whole. And when SM suggested it they could let Henry and Zhang Li Yin replace SJ-M, they did not agree as the audience had wanted to see Han Geng the most. In conclusion, they would not give up till the last minute ( for the whole of SJ-M to perform that night ).

As a result of SM company’s last minute changes, one of the local performance coordinators says that for him to inviting all seven SJ-M members requires 150 000 dollars of performance fees, while inviting Henry and Zhang Li Yin only requires 50 000 dollars.

original source: sjhangeng
translated by bulletproof @

[news] Han Geng's Termination of Contract Leads To Fragmentation of SJM - Hunan TV Rejects New SM Group

The disturbance caused by Han Geng’s lawsuit is yet unresolved, but the company will not give up any chance at money-making, putting Henry and Zhang Liyin into a temporary group for performances.

Yesterday, a reporter learned from the source of a local performance that because of Han Geng’s contract termination, the constantly acting together SJM is now faced with disintegration, with member Henry and company colleague Zhang Liyin being put into a temporary group for performances. For thirty days, they will be performing together in Dongguan, pulling invitation prices of no more than 50000 RMB.

Hunan TV also confirms this – being affected by the termination of contract, SJM may still appear in the New Year’s show as a “battered formation”.

[SJM is replaced by a new group.]

SJM was originally scheduled to perform live as a group at Dongguan on the 30th, but a reporter failed to see SJM on the night’s performance list, instead seeing the group of Henry and Zhang Liyin performing “Love Me”. Before this, no SJM member had ever performed without the other members. As leaked by a staff member of Guangdong TV, they suddenly received an urgent message from SM company on the 21st, expressing that SJM is unable to perform as a group due to “internal problems”, and raised the idea of replacing SJM with the new group of Henry and Zhang Liyin. The anonymous staffer said, “Only after that did we learn from SM’s Chinese division that the reason for SJM’s inability to show up was Han Geng’s termination of contract lawsuit. The company is currently trying to negotiate with Han Geng – in this time where Han Geng is trying to leave the company, SJM’s members will temporarily disband, while both Chinese citizens Henry and Zhang Liyin are turned into a new group to deal with the difficulties of maintaining performances.”

As for the temporary adjustments by SM, the local representative of the performance expressed a continued welcome, saying, “Before, inviting the whole of SJM took 150000, and it wasn’t possible to invite just one member. Now, inviting just Henry and Zhang Liyin takes just 50000 RMB.”

[Hunan TV Rejects The New Group]

SJM had one remaining last performance of the year, namely at Hunan TV’s New Year’s Gala. Yesterday, reporters learned from a staff member at Hunan TV that to get the entirety of SJM to perform is now very difficult: “SM says that until Han Geng’s contract dispute is over, they will not be able to send the entire group to perform. They brought up the idea of having Henry and Zhang Liyin perform in SJM’s stead; of course, we didn’t agree, because what the audience wants to see is Han Geng, and we won’t give up trying (to get him) until the last minute.”

Translation: Neph @ cfensi
Original article:

[news] Avex Taiwan is VERY surprised.

Hangeng throws a bomb, requests for contract termination with SM

the shocking news of a member leaving the popular Korean group Super Junior arrives just before their Asian performance tour. According to Mainland reports, SJ's Chinese member, Hangeng, has already submitted an application to the Seoul Central District Court requesting for a termination of his contract with SM Entertainment. Due to SM's recent contract dispute with TVXQ, this matter will undoubtedly once again inflict serious damage.

SJ is affiliated with Avex Taiwan Inc. who has expressed their surprise, "We were only made aware of this from reading online. However, we have been unable to verify the authenticity of this matter. Mainland new reports are often erroneous. We have not received official information from the Korea government at this time." Organizers of SJ's concert in Taiwan in February next year, Super Dome, hasn't received news either. However, fans have already been rendered frenetic worrying about whether Hangeng would be absent from next year's concert.

In the 2001 SM Auditions, Hangeng relied on his handsome appearance and dancing talent to defeat more than 3000 competitors to receive singing, dancing, language, and other training. In 2005, he became a member of Super Junior becoming the first Chinese person to debut in Korea. In 2008, as leader, Hangeng lead SJ's subgroup Super Junior-M to invade the Chinese market.

In the recent year, SJ has exploded in popularity in China and Taiwan. Hangeng's degree of popularity is very high and has a healthy sunshine image that has impacted many. Hangeng and artiste Lulu were rumored to be together, but the two have not officially confirmed it. The Mainland media speculates that if Hangeng has really asked for a contact termination, it might be that he wants to fly solo and is not in line with SM's idea. However, everything is still waiting to be explained by SM when they step forward.

Source: UDN
Translations: CpopAcess
credits: yunsias @ omonatheydidnt
shared by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP

[news] Super Junior M to temporarily end all activities

Since reporting that Korean group Super Junior-M's leader Han Geng filed a contract termination request against SM Entertainment on December 21st, it has triggered many speculations from the media world. Recently, a reporter noticed that the December 30th event guest list for "Passionate Animation Festival" includes SJM's member Henry's name.

The reporter realized that Henry's name is not linked with other members, but with SM's Chinese female artist, Zhang Li Yin to sing her song, "Love Me". According to festival producers, they originally planned for the entire group to appear at the event but because of the recent lawsuit, SM declared that SJM cannot perform due to "internal reasons" and offered the Zhang Li Yin & Henry combination instead of the originally planned complete SJM group. The festival staff member then said, "Afterwards, we learned that SJM cannot attend because of Han Geng's contract termination. Currently, the company is consulting with Han Geng on this matter. During this stage of Han Geng's leave of the group, SJM will also temporarily disband, and Henry with Zhang Li Yin will represent the company by forming a group for future promotions."

About SM's temporary adjustment, the producers welcomed it. "Before SJM required 150,000 in appearance fees, now with only Henry and Zhang Li Yin, it is only 50,000. The fee difference is quite a lot."

Source: Sohu
Translations: Wendy @

[news] The reason why Hankyung brought in the lawsuit against SM

These are 6 unfair things from Hankyung's exclusive contract with SM which are stated by Hankyung's side (not sure from his lawyer or his representative)

1. The contract has many provisiosn which are in SM's favor. When the first contract was signed (January 2003) Hankyung was 18 then (underage) and being a Chinese person, he didnt know everything about Korean showbiz so SM had given him a contract with the content that SM suggested.

Not only that, but those side agreements with SM after then (on Febuary 2007 and December 2007) also were only from SM (aka Hankyung didnt have chance to suggest the provisions which are in his favor)

2. The period of the exclusive contract is 13 years is too long. The first contract was signed stated that it will be ended 10 years after Super Junior's 1st album but it has been extended to 13 years on the 2nd modified time. Super Junior's 1st album was released in December 2005 so the contract will be ended in December 2018 and Hankyung will be 35 then.

Moreover, if Hankyung gives up some activities because of his health or study, the contract's period will be extended according to the situation so it might be 13 years on the paper but it could be longer in real life and this violated seriously to Hankyung's civil right.

3. There is clause stated that Hankyung will have to pay SM a lot for breaking contract or creating damages toward the contract, thus this prevents Hankyung to cancel the contract or some agreements on the contract. If Hankyung wants to move to another company and continue his activities, he will have to pay SM threefold of the money that SM had invested to him and pay twofold for the loss of the remain time of his contract.

4. The amount between Hankyung's rights and responsibilities that stated in the contract are not the same. Hankyung has to follow and attend all the schedule that SM give him, has to do/follow all SM's orders/intrustions unconditionally but he doesnt have right to request his contract to be revised.

5. SM has forced Hankyung to do some activities that against his will.
At the training time, if Hankyung was late or absent or didnt fulfill his duty he would be fined 10,000won for the 1st time, 20,000won for the 2nd time. After debut, if he was late or absent from his schedule, he would have to pay for all the damage, if he cut the contact with SM more than 1 day according to the situation SM can cancel his contract. And if he doesnt fulfill his duty, according to the situation he could be fined 5,000,000won.

According to the contract, Hankyung doesnt have any right to decide for his schedule, he has to follow SM's words and only attend the events/performances that SM's manager designed for him. Hankyung even had been forced to attend some activities because of SM's order when he was ill.

6. The profit distribution and copyrights between SM and Hankyung.
During the contract period, all the copyright of albums and song will belong to SM. Although Hankyung wrote, composed, arranged the songs, they can be used by SM without his permission.

About the profit, the album has to be sold more than 50,000 pieces so that Hankyung can receive 2% the profit. The digital sales has to be equal with the net profit so Hankyung can get 10% and the oversea income has to be equal with the net profit too so Hankyung can get 60%.

About the oversea activities income, after SM deduct all the promotion activities's expenses & fees, the remain money will be divided among the members.

Source: 스타뉴스
translated by evanesco@

[news] Hankyung, "No rest in 2 years.. From gastritis to kidney illness"

Hankyung, Super Junior's only Chinese member in the 13 member group, has filed a lawsuit against the effects of his exclusive contract with the defendant SM Entertainment because of their unfair activity scheduling which has caused him gastritis and kidney illness.

Through Hankyung's legal representative, the lawsuit to terminate his exclusive contract was filed on the 21st with the Seoul District Court.

According to the litigation, Hankyung has not even been given a single rest day per week after debut. It has been said, "Because of the recent continuous overseas activities etc, it has almost been 2 years since he last rested, he has been rushing schedules (all this while)." "Due to contract obligations and heavy penalties, even during bad health, he was not to skip any scheduled activities."

Hankyung's side emphasized, "Because of these kind of health problems, (he) has continuously put forward requests to rest, but has always been rejected." They added, "Except for when they started their perfomances in 2006, at other times, he had to stay in Korea." "Through their manager, Hankyung requested from SM for leave to return to China to rest but he was rejected every single time."

Hankyung's side added, Hankyung's exclusive contract terms ▶SM was definitely in a more superior position signing on unfair terms in the contract ▶The contract would span 13 years (starting from the release of their first album) ▶Incorporated excessive damages and in terms of the contract, if he voided it, he would be blocked (from other activities) ▶Allocation of rights and obligations in the contract were significantly off-balanced ▶SM had the right to request Hankyung to be in any activity ▶Profit-splitting rights and provisions were also off-balance, hence the intiation of the lawsuit against SM to terminate his exclusive contract.

On the other hand, after Hankyung intiated litigation, SM stated their stand that "for the sake of Super Junior and Hankyung, they are in talks to resolve the problem".

PS: More details on the terms translated by pyro_o

Original Source: 스타뉴스
translated by: ゞilσvεjr⌒★@
Credits/Posted by:
shared by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP

[news] Under immense pressure, Han Geng thanks fans' support on blog

Yesterday, news broke out that Super Junior member Han Geng submitted a formal application to court, wishing to terminate his contract with management company SM Entertainment. On one hand, Han Geng hopes to lift the inequality in his exclusive contract, on the other, SM hopes that they can settle this through communication, and save Super Junior.

Towards member Kyuhyun’s earlier blog post: "Even a beast don't bite the hand that feeds one...I can not understand..." which seemed to suggest Han Geng’s ‘ungratefulness’, Han Geng also updated his CY blog last night at 10:11pm with the message: “I’m currently very well, I know you guys are all there! I love you all.” Besides reassuring fans, the message also expresses his own thoughts of gratitude. And fans have also flooded his blog with comments, expressing that Han Geng can take this time to get some proper rest.

Caption: Kyuhyun's message on his blog

Caption: Han Geng's message on his Cyworld

Source: 163, 163
Translation: Sarah @
shared by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP

[CYWORLD] Hankyung cyworld updates

Today at 10:52pm

Hankyung`s cyworld entry 091221

Date: 2009-12-21 22:11 Weather: * Mood: **


I am very good right now,I know that you all have been always there!

I love you all~~~

*the weather is a SUN
**the mood is a FLOWER


Original Source:
Geng’s CY.;

>for posting this on facebook and tagging me thus me discovering this news: MiRianne Villejo a.k.a. simba13 @ Facebook
>Blueprincess824 @ DKP for sharing

Leeteuk's cyworld entry is false so I deleted it

nevertheless the Hangeng cyworld entry is true and 100% legit.

[Picture] Whose extra long arm is behind Jessica?


Is this another case of a fame-seeking paranormal entity?

Nope, just another case of bad photoshop. SM Entertainment and Eland have released the wallpapers for Girls Generation (SNSD) and Super Junior SPAO photo shoot. Guess someone forgot to crop out Seohyun’s hand (see above). Wonder if the ajusshis at SM would get angry at the mess up?

The real picture:



[NEWS] Things to look forward to in this week’s “Bravely Going Forward”

12/06, This Sunday at 7:35 PM, HunanTV’s Celebirty Charity Show continues to show the beautiful, yet dangerous challenges of the Japan trip. The guest list has grown to include SJ-M Leader Hangeng and ’s main actress Zheng Shuan, A challenge of 5 vs. 5 will be as exciting as ever. Not only will there be funny punishments, there’s also the scary Guinness World Record’s Coaster Ride, and during the process of the Coaster ride, that guests have to face MC He Jiong’s tricks, Who’ll be the last one down the Fuji Mountain, that has to face his final trick?

Hangeng, Zheng Shuan are added to the Guest List; Live performance of Peacock Dance

In this Japan Trip, the show has moved to the foot of the beautiful Fuji Mountain, the Fuji Amusement Park. And despite Hangeng and Zheng Shuan, there’s also Wei Cheng, Zhu Zi Xiao, Yu Hao Ming, Danson Tang, and 4 “ShuLei” Cosmetics Models, they make up the 5 teams that will be accepting the challenge. The 5 teams of guests have all put out their own talents, and SJ-M’s leader Hangeng showed off his most amazing talent, after a segment of Freestyling, Hangeng even showed an soft, gentle Peacock Dance, leaving everyone at the filming scene in awe. His exciting performance, truly conquered everyone else’s, He is defintely the best out of the team.

Exciting Challenges at the foot of Fuji Mountain, Guinness Record’s 2 Big Coasters

Besides the popular list of guests, the challenges at the beautiful Fuji Mountain’s bottom, you can also see the mountain’s beautiful appearance. This brought the guests that have come to challenge, happy feelings. However, the challenges won’t be this comfortable, The Coaster the Guests have to challenge, is the Second Biggest Coaster in the Guinness Records. The first one is a Coaster that you have to ride for, 2 Minutes and 47 Seconds, that’s a long period of riding a coaster that has non-stop curves, and the coaster only goes faster, it really challenges a person’s limits. The other coaster, can speed up to 170 kilometer/sec in 1.8 Seconds, it can be called the limit for speed, and a speed so fast, yet so short, also tests the pressure and stress the guests may feel. Besides all that, the guests sitting on the coaster, still has to face MC He Jiong’s tricks, He Jiong will ask them a question during the ride, and the guests will have to figure out the answer during the period the Coaster is going, they have to give the correct answer at the end in order to escape the final punishment.

What kind of challenges will they be facing at the beautiful Fuji Mountain? How will the guests accept the challenge, present their loving hearts? Please watch 12/06, Sunday @ 7:35’s episode of .

[News]Hangeng, Liu Yifei, Nicholas Tse etc Chosen as Most Influential Stars After the 80s

In the entertainment industry that’s full of talented people, if you want to mis with good company, you can’t only depend on your professionalism, more importantly you have to have never-say-die spirit. They represent the after 80s idols, & the influence they have is not only over one generation. Not only after the 80s, even the after 70s have also been influenced, the after 90s have also been conquered by them. (People) like Hangeng, Nicholas Tse, Ethan Ruan etc, have walked through difficulties beyond one’s imagination, yet now the the sacrfices they made earlier has changed into today’s cheers & shouts.

In reality, Hangeng’s popularity in China has really flared up within the past two years. However, this “Hangeng fire” is burning really fiercely, leaving us seemingly hearing news about Hangeng all the time. Who he’s eating with today, who’s he shopping with tomorrow, whose hand he’s holding the next day, all that will turn into information for the entertainment circle, receiving the attention of everyone. This after 80s newcomer, is really popular beyond words!

*irrelevant info was omitted.

just a little explanation of what i mean by “after 80s” or “after 90s”. it just means the year they were born. so if you’re born in 1984 (like hangeng), you’ll be what i referred to as “after 80s”. if you were born in 1994 (like u-kiss’ dongho), then you’ll be what i referred to as “after 90s”.
original; / sina
translation credits; fragment @
may take out with proper credits, BUT NO ADDING YOURSELF IN THE CREDITS!

[news] SJ-M leader Han Geng donated most of his income last year to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake

A couple of weeks ago one comment written by one Geng fan grasped my attention.

"About income, I once worried about this too.

It was reported that he earned only 1.8 million RMB last year!

My god, with his popularity and his workload, in Hong Kong he would have earned tens of millions.

That’s why he’s called the poorest star in China.

But when I heard that he donated almost all of his yearly income to the victims of Sichuan earthquake, I thought why should I worry.

Obviously, money isn’t that important to this guy.

If he earns more money, he would have given it to his mother to open another dumpling shop.

And his mother would work harder and earn more money!

Look how happy he is recently (you can see how naughty he has been in his cy)!

Isn’t that enough?

Then I felt so good! All the money in the world can’t buy you a heart of gold! I’m glad I can see it!"

by Sharon

I was so glad to see this comment since I don't remember posting about Han Geng's donation story.

source: here

Original Author: Avior

Avior gave me a permission to post her pictures at my NAVERblog.

I am sure she wouldn’t mind sharing them in here since her purpose of making those pictures was making words about our wonderful boy spread to the world.

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