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Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts

[NEWS] Sunny "Jessica is... perverted. She has a paparazzi collection."!

SNSD's Sunny has revealed Jessica's tendency to be perverted.

In SBS's "Strong Heart" which aired March 23, Jessica and Sunny showed off their witty talking skills. On this day Jessica stated, "This year, all of SNSD are now in their 20's. Whenever words like 'boyfriend', 'date', or 'kiss' comes out, the kids go crazy" and got the attention of the crowd.

She added, "Because we're idols, we can't imagine walking with our boyfriends and kissing in public. One day, while we were in our van, we witnessed a couple who was holding each other and kissing. While the other members were being embarrassed and saying 'Oh my..', Sunny was staring at the couple and I shouted 'Oh~ Look at them!'" She reenacted what she did at the time and caused a laughter in the studio. Jessica said, "After that day, everyone kept calling me perverted."

In relation, Sunny mentioned, "Being accused of being perverted was not since then," which caused the guests to be curious. Sunny added, "While we were changing in the waiting room, there was a sound of a camera. When I turned around, it was Jessica's act of paparazzi." This made Jessica embarrassed.

When Sunny told Jessica to erase it, Jessica said that it was a precious memory and ended up keeping it. It was revealed that Jessica looks at the pictures and laugh by herself. Jessica seemed proud to have the "ByunSica Collection".

Following this story, MC Kang Hodong and Lee Seungki gained great attention to Jessica's cell phone. When Kang Hodong asked where the cell phone was right now, Jessica answered, "I'm keeping it safe in the dorm." Lee Seungki also managed to cause a laughter by asking, "Where is your dorm located?"

Credit: Sosiz ||1||2||

[Video] Jessica's cute "Jump' garners much attention!!

After watching the video here,i can only say that Jessica does not have the genes for sports.

You will get what i mean after watching the video below,while Krystal broke the highest record for high jump,i guess Sica managed to hold the lowest record,watch the video and have some laughs please!


[NEWS] Lee SeungGi and Jessica’s ’scarf kiss’ on SBS Strong Heart!

So Nyeo Shi Dae Jessica and Lee SeungGi’s ’scarf kiss’?

On SBS ‘Strong Heart’ aired on 23rd March, Jessica said, “I want to have a kiss in front of our dorm with the members looking on and not carrying about the others who are seeing. I will usually cover my face with a scarf outside. I want to get rid of the bandage and just do it.” revealing her dream.

Lee SeungGi then offered to help fulfil Jessica’s wish on the show. Go under the cut for the video to find out what happened.


[Video] Jessica's head hit by sandals and received a hug from Kim Jung Min!

SNSD's Jessica sacrified a lot when she appeared on Star King aired on 20th March.

During the show,she was asked to throw the sandals on the floor into the basket hung at her back,she tried her best to do according to instructions but she failed to do so as the sandals hit her head continuously.

This is still not the end,she has to hug gagman Kim Jung Min on the show as he managed to win the sandals competition,this is undoubtedly an unlucky day for Jessica!


[Pictures] Netizens are jealous over YulSica's close relationship!

Another SNSD's couple that caught the attention of fans lately.

Some fans shared some evidence of Jessica and Yuri for being too close on the net.But after seeing these photos,it is hard to believe that there is nothing special between the girls,perhaps something fishy between them???

After all,my conclusion is these girls are close like siblings,so what do you think?


[News] ZE:A Jung Hee Chul Surprising Confession: SNSD Jessica is my Ideal Type

Jung Hee Chul was asked by MC Park Myung Soo, "Is there a female celebrity that you're interested in?" and he said without any hesitation, "My ideal type, SNSD's Jessica"

The MC hyungs tried to protect his image by saying "are idols allowed to be like this?" but Hee Chul took it even further by shyly confessing "Jessica has been my ideal type since a long time ago, I've met her a few times during performances and stages and I felt very nervous."

artsnews || loving_D@soompi

[NEWS] Jessica-Krystal the "friendly sisters"!

The videos taken from the fans in KBS "Let's go Dream Team 2" filming stage is very popular.

On March 7th with the filming of dream team, fans were able to capture the warm and tender Jessica-Krystal sister relationship.
Netizen named "FlipFlap" took pictures of Jessica touching Krystal's hair, sisters sitting together, messing around, and resting on
each other. Also, pictures of Jessica sitting on Krystal's lap and sharing a Chocopie was taken, showing a very deep and warm bond
between them.

Jessica and Krystal sisters are usually called the, "Superior Sisters", however with videos and pictures now posted on several different
community websites with the title, "The Jung Sister Pictures" it's making the netizens envy the deep bond between the two girls.

The people who saw these clips said that, "It's nice to see sisters have such a close relationship. Just watching makes me smile."

**NOTE: In this phrase, the word superior was used as a direct
translation from Korean to English. However, in this phrase it can mean that the sisters are very high-class, strong and predominant.


[Video] Fake Jessica VS Real Jessica on Star King!

Gosh,i think Jessica has not thought of someone who is more genuine than herself.

Kevin of U-Kiss imitated SNSD's Jessica on Star King aired yesterday.Honestly,i have never seen a guy who is as pretty as Kevin,he looks exactly like a female in these videos,evem Jessica herself was shocked by Kevin's imitation!

Watch the videos here and have some laughs please!


[Pictures] Black Soshi Jessica & Sunny revealed!

After seeing the new concept photos of members Yuri,Tae Yeon,Seo Hyun,Hyeo Yeon and Soo Young,now we have the black soshi photos of Jessica and Sunny!

The girls really underwent some drastic transformation for their black soshi concept,Jessica really surprised me with the little showing off cleavage.Sunny transformed into a hot cat woman here,i can't think of any words here besides amazing!

Love their concept photos or not?

[Pictures] Jessica shed tears on the last stage of "Legally Blonde"!

Tears flow for SNSD's Jessica during the last stage of Musical show "Legally Blonde".

Fans were so touched by the moment when Jessica's tears started to flow.Many fans were present on the last performance to support Jessica.

Jessica confessed that she made a lot of mistakes during the performances and many thanks to fans who supported her all the time.

Some photos here showing touching scenes during the last stage on Legally Blonde,please take a look!


[Pictures] Yuri's Cyon Maxx promotional picture and a photo that will make you jealous!

Another eye candy of Yuri besides the official picture of black soshi which was released earlier today.Yuri was having gold hair when this photo was taken,love her smile here!

Besides,i also found a picture that will make sones jealous,i can't really see the man but i am guessing that the man might be Sang Chu of Mighty Mouth,he is carrying Sica as you can see in the picture,are you jealous now??

[Pictures] Jessica is bleeding!

I have to say that this post is a bit lame....

The main purpose for me to post up this post is to show how much i salute netizens for their sharp eyes.After spotting Goo Hara and Eun Jung's belly fat,they managed to spot something when Jessica was performing at Legally Blonde.

A fan spotted that Jessica's leg was bleeding during the Legally Blonde performance,some netizens commented "luckily it is not some serious injuries","What a relief after seeing the pics,the title is scary"...

Impressed by netizens' eyes??

[Pictures] Jung Sisters moment on Dream Team!

 It has been reported that SNSD's Jessica and f(x)'s Krystal appeared for the recording of Let's Go Dream Team a few days ago.

Found some photos showing the close bond between the Jung sisters,after seeing these photos,i can only say that they are pretty close with each other,but of course what they did here will make some fans jealous,especially fanboys!!

Credits to Lemon99 @ Soompi for sharing the photos!


[Pictures] Jessica & Krystal to appear on Dream Team together?

After the Jung Sisters' appearance on Star King last week,this might be another great news for the girls' fans!

I have found 2 photos showing the girls shooting for Let's Go Dream Team.The girls posed with Dream Team's Ace Minho as shown in the photos!

Photos credits to Affxtion!

[News] 'Supreme Siblings' Jessica-Krystal, first program together '' Krystal is prettier ''

The 'supreme siblings', Jessica and Krystal, has gotten a chance to be in a program together.

In the Star King episode that will be aired on the 6th, Jessica and Krystal made an appearence together which gained a lot of interest from the audience.

Although they're siblings, it was hard for them to be in a variety show together since Jessica is a member of SNSD and Krystal is a member of f(x).

The new magician Choo Seungho (19) has asked, "Who is prettier" and Jessica replied "Krystal" which showed her love for her sister.

Jessica and Krystal enjoyed their time together, shared many laughs and saw Choo Seungho make a necklace out of thin air.

Also, Jessica has showed her mature side by making Krystal feel more comfortable on 'Star King' since it was her first time being on the show.

Cr: HwangGroup@yyoutube

Source: Newsen
Translator: Sugarcookie
Credit: affxtion

[Videos] Jung sisters appeared on Star King together!

Jung sisters were present on Star King aired on 6th March together!

Some of the videos of that episode have been uploaded on Youtube ,so i will just share the videos here with you,please enjoy!

Here is another bonus video showing SNSD dancing with a little girl!


[Pictures] Jessica's favourite sexy sitting pose revealed!

Well,sometimes i am really impressed with netizens.

You got to be careful once you are a celebrity,any mistake or minor habit will cause you into trouble.But of course it is not so serious in this case.

A fan found out that Jessica of SNSD has a favourite pose when she is sitting on the floor.The pose that fan referred to can be seen in these photos,she is sexy right??

Kudos to  一剑透心涼 @ Baidu  for the sharp eyes and SoneMS for sharing the photos!


[News] Jung sisters Jessica and Krystal to appear on Star King together

Celebrity sisters So Nyeo Shi Dae Jessica and f(x) Krystal will be appearing on one variety show together for the first time.
According to SBS on 4th March, the sisters will be appearing on SBS Star King aired on 6th March. Fans will get to see the pair with Jessica who is the celebrity senior and a nervous-looking junior Krystal together on one variety show for the first time.
Credits: Kbites


[Picture] An old photo of Jung sisters!

Found an old photo of Jessica and her sister Krystal !

The girls were so young back then,Jessica was still and kid while Krystal was a baby back then,Jessica must have loved her sister very much,look at the smile on her face.

A really "Haengbok" Jung family ,as we can see here!

[NEWS] Krystal,"I can hug Jessica everyday,are you jealous"?

Well,this is an interesting conversations between f(x)'s Krystal and a fan.

The fan asked Krystal,'SooJung~ i have jessica unnie's 5 autograph ! Are you jealous?'

Krystal then replied," I don't need her autograph. i can hug her everyday, Are you jealous"?

I am pretty sure that the fan would become crazy seeing Krystal's reply,haha!

Credits to lemon99 for the pic!
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