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Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts

[news] B-boying Park Jae-beom featured in Canadian magazine

ark Jae-beom, former leader of popular Korean idol group 2PM, has been featured in a Canadian magazine while participating in a local b-boying contest.

Vancouver HYPE Magazine wrote on its online blog "justalilhype!" ( about the former K-pop idol and ran photos of Park dancing with his b-boy crew named Art of Movement at the "Battle of T.N.G: Just Battle" contest held in Vancouver on Monday.

HYPE briefly interviewed the Korean-American singer -- who goes by the name Jay Park -- at the event, saying that he was "reluctant to shoot still shots with fans until the end of event" but he was "friendly nevertheless and talked to many of his female admirers" throughout the contest.

Park was introduced as "a superstar back in Korea" and said to have "kept a low-key presence and treated all other b-boys of the event with respect".

The article explained that although the Seattle native and his team did not win, their performance was "one of the most anticipated" numbers of the night and received "abundant cheering and screaming from his female fans."

The magazine ended the article by calling Park a "multi-talented young individual" and mentioning a video that he had released last week on popular video sharing site YouTube -- a cover of "Nothing On You" by U.S. hip-hop artist B.o.B.

Park, 22, had sparked national controversy last September after remarks -- including "I hate Korea" -- he had written on his MySpace account before his debut became public. He quit the boy band four days later and returned to his hometown of Seattle.

He was expected to make his much-awaited comeback to the group this year until agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) announced last month that it will be terminating its contract with the singer due to "a huge personal wrongdoing" on his part.

JYPE did not reveal further details, saying it was linked to his personal life, but stated that it deemed Park "no longer fit to be the agency's artist", and that his bandmates all agreed it would be "difficult to work with Park Jae-beom as the group 2PM any longer".

After Park's departure from the group last fall, the remaining members made a successful comeback as a six-man band last December with their single "Hearbeat."

Source: Asiae

[news] Jay sends out prayers for the fallen soldiers and sailors.

It seems he has updated his about me section this time to prayers for the fallen sailors.

Lets pray for the fallen soilders and sailors.
My heart goes out to their familys.



Lets pray for the fallen soilders and sailors.
My heart goes out to their familys.

Everybody keep strong.

Park Jaebum

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[news] Kahi ranked #4 on TTChart

The winner of idol dance battle

1. Jaebum
2. Eunhyuk (Suju)
3. U-know Yunho (DBSK)
4. Gahee (After School)
5. Shindong (Suju)
6. Taeyang (Big Bang)
7. Kim Hyunah (4Minute)
8. Lee Ki Kwang (B2ST)
9. Taemin (SHINee)
10. Gong Minji (2NE1)

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[News] Jaebeom ranked #1 for ''The winner of idol dance battle'' followed by Eunhyuk and Yunho

The winner of idol dance battle

1. Jaebeom (2PM)
2. Eunhyuk (Suju)
3. U-know Yunho (DBSK)
4. Gahee (After School)
5. Shindong (Suju)
6. Taeyang (Big Bang)
7. Kim Hyunah (4Minute)
8. Lee Ki Kwang (B2ST)
9. Taemin (SHINee)
10. Gong Minji (2NE1)

The prettiest male idol

1. Jaebeom (2PM)
2. Heechul (Suju)
3. Gyu Hyun (Suju)
4. Nichkhun (2PM)
5. Yesung (Suju)
6. Sungmin (Suju)
7. Donghae (Suju)
8. Kangin (Suju)
9. Han Kyung (Suju)
10. U-know Yunho (DBSK)

You can play too!
Go to to play 'Winner of idol dance battle'
and go to to play 'The prettiest male idol'.
and click '시작하기' ('Start') on the upper right hand side to play

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[news/info] Jay going to Canada for B-boy Battle of T.N.G - Just Battle 3 on 3

This info was posted on AOM's Facebook as screencapped above. Jay, along with Dial Tone and ChaCha from AOM will be participating in a 3-on-3 b-boy battle in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

I looked up the event info Facebook page:

Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 5:30pm to Monday, March 22, 2010 at 11:30pm (PST)
Oakridge Centre Auditorium
319-650 West 41st Avenue
Spectators: $15 flat rate

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[news] Jaebum's video, a big hit even in America

The video made my ex-2PM member Jaebum (Park Jaebum, 23) has been a big hit even in America.

On America's DMW Media, vice-president Shermen wrote on his column about 'The social media story of Park Jaebum'. He wrote, '(Jaebum's) marketing power is not being recognized at all', 'In 2 days, the video on Youtube received over 2 million views, and the song he covered, 'Nothing on You' has reached number 1 on the Cyworld music charts, and number 2 on iTunes.'

Vice-president Shermen continued, "I can see his videos on Youtube as a new start for him," "If there was one anyone from Asia who could breakthrough the American music scene, it's Park Jaebum". On his column, he thoroughly explained the story of Jaebum's departure as well as the aftermath story, and revealed his continuous interest in Jaebum.

[Omitted information about his Youtube video]

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[picture] Idol's Graduation Photos Compilation

It's that time of the year again! Graduation~ makes me think my friends graduated today at our university~ sad... but happy for them at the same time!

Idol's aren't exempted in this ceremony either and that includes graduation photo's especially those in your yearbook.

Some idols take it to the extent to burn their yearbook because they do not want to remember how they looked back then but there are just some that can sneak their way in the netizen's possession.

Those are compiled photo's made by netizens of some of your favorite idols~ Fun to look at huh? :))

Original Source
via 파스타 @ bbvipz

[news] Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace and the Story of Jay Park (AKA Jaebum Park)

Authored by Tinzar Sherman on March 18, 2010 - 7:32am.

If you pay any attention to Asian Entertainment news, you can't miss the story on Asian pop star Jay Park (AKA Jaebeom Park). His story broke in early September 2009 when the Korean press published comments he made on his MySpace page in 2005 before he had made it big and was a young trainee at JYP Entertainment, expressing his frustration with life in Korea. Taken out of context, his comments were misinterpreted by the Korean media and in the course of three days, bombarded by attacks, Park decided to leave his band 2PM and to go back to Seattle which he now calls home.

The mood quickly changed in Korea after he left when the press and public discovered that his MySpace posts from five years earlier had been terribly misinterpreted. Instead of hate, he gained sympathy. Support for the young performer quickly grew in both South Korea and internationally resulting in silent protests and flash mobs in many different countries and tweets about Jaebeom (and Jaebum) hitting No. 1 trending topic on social media sites like Twitter.

JYP Entertainment seemed to acknowledged his marketing power and used his name in all of their promotion for the new 2PM album in October. Most Asian fans supported the group hoping to see Jay Park back with the group but in February 2010, the company terminated his contract. Many fans are saying that it's a calculated act due to the fact that the group 2PM is doing fine without Jay Park now and the company cut him loose. The cry for him to return is loud and clear. Many Korean fans left the 2PM fan clubs in thousands and tweets for him passed Oscar topics on the night of the Oscars itself to be the #1 trending topic.

As an executive in the digital entertainment space, I am intrigued by all the buzz around Jay Park on Social Media. As an international student and an Asian, I feel his pain. He was so young when he left his family for a foreign country, adjusted to new foods and culture and went through the tough training required to become an Asian pop star. As a daughter and a mother, he gets my support. He had said many times in interviews that the adjustment to Korean life was difficult but he did it for his family. He was there for his family to have a better life, to buy nice things for his mother.

Yes, the Jay Park story is full of heart. People support Jay Park because he took responsibility for his actions and seems so genuine unlike the big entertainment company JYPE. I don't think he is even aware of marketing power he currently has. This week he released his first video since leaving Korea. Meant for his fans, it was RAW (he sings in the bathroom) and was posted on Art of Movement's official Facebook page. Within two days it reached over 2 million views on YouTube. The song he covered "Nothin' on You" is now #1 in Korea on Cyworld Music charts and is currently #2 on iTunes sales today.

I think this is just the beginning for Jay Park. If any Asian artist can make the difficult "crossover" to the American music entertainment market, I think he could be the one. He already has a big international fan base, and he is living proof of the power of social media.

Here is Jay Park's YouTube video. Check out the amazing stats!


[news] Jay's video passes 2mil views! and Youtube Honors

Most Viewed.

Jay's video passes 2mil views! and Youtube Honors
Most Popular.

Jay's Youtube Honors.

#1 - Spotlight Videos) - South Korea
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Australia
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Canada
#8 - Most Viewed (Today)) - United Kingdom
#24 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Ireland
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - India
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - New Zealand
#10 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Israel
#1 - Most Viewed (Today))
#10 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Spain
#5 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Mexico
#4 - Most Viewed (Today)) - France
#25 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Japan
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - South Korea
#12 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Netherlands
#9 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Poland
#19 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Brazil
#14 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Russia
#5 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Hong Kong
#4 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Taiwan
#11 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Czech Republic
#16 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Sweden
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Germany
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Australia
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Canada
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - United Kingdom
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Ireland
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - India
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - New Zealand
#3 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Israel
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Spain
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Mexico
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - France
#24 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Italy
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Japan
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - South Korea
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Netherlands
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Poland
#7 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Brazil
#3 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Russia
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Hong Kong
#2 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Taiwan
#1 - Most Viewed (Today)) - People & Blogs - Czech Republic
#87 - Top Rated (This Week))
#10 - Top Rated (This Week)) - People & Blogs
#10 - Top Rated (All Time))
#2 - Top Rated (All Time)) - People & Blogs

CREDITS: SaranghaeKhunnie@2oneday

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[news] Jay to star in a movie?

Ok, so I was checking out *** as usual and suddenly came across Jay's thread in the general discussion.

Apparently, some of them know Jay personally because they go bboying with him and one of them said he found out through facebook that Jay and his partner Thesis went to CA today to work out a movie deal.

The movie is called Hype Nation and Son Dambi was supposably to star in it but got held back due to her schedule.

Let's all hope the deal works out! =)

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[NEWS] Jay's video is the most watched and top rated video on Youtube!

I think many of you have already watched the video posted by 2PM's former leader ,Jay on his personal Youtube account.

He managed to gain more than 20000 thousands subscribers a few hours after he posted the video.Besides,his video is one of the most viewed and top rated videos on Youtube today.

Pictures credits to!

[News] Fans to release album for Park JaeBum on 200th day since he left Korea

Fans will produce an album for 2PM ex member JaeBum.
A cafe site was set up in January on a portal site in January named ‘Album for JaeBum’ and fans who had joined had gone through the process of making songs and recording to produce the album for JaeBum.
The recording was done on 27th February and coming 27th March, the album ‘With All My Heart’ will be released. The day will also be Park JaeBum’s 200th day since he left Korea.
There will be 3 songs included in the album like ‘To You’, ‘You are my heart’ and ‘A step at a time’. There will be 100 copies of the album sold.
Meanwhile, it was announced in late February by JYE Entertainment that JaeBum will leave the group permanently.
Credits: Kbites

[News] 2PM's Jaebum Situation getting more serious

The 'Jaebum Situation' is becoming more serious.

Last month on the 27th, JYP Entertainment and fans carried out the fan conference as planned, but it failed to solve any problems; just showed the differences between fans' perspective and the company's perspective. The situation actually became worse. Some fans that were disappointed at 2PM's reaction are turning into 'Antis' and are even exposing the personal lives of the 6 members to the media and related sites.

There is a clear difference between the fans' thoughts and the company's thoughts among looking at the 4-hour conference. JYP's representatives said that they had answered to the best of their ability at the fans' questions, but the fans said that it was more of an one-sided explanation of the company's view, not taking into thought the fans' perspectives. The media's analysis is that the conference just deepened conflictions, not even close to relieving the conflicts.

JYP is seeming to not proclaim their thoughts officially for now. In all this, 2PM's fans are seeming to divide, and entertainment officials are keeping a close eye to see how far the "Jaebum Situation" will expand. One official warned this situation might affect idol groups, or even the whole music industry.

The biggest reason why Jaebum's permanent withdrawal and contract termination was carried out was because of a 'serious personal problem' he had done in the past year. The rest of the members of 2PM and JYP officials seem very serious about not wanting the problem to be revealed to the public. Because of this, there are unmentionable rumors going around between fans.

When the situation became more serious, Jaebum's mother had posted through one of the fan pages wanting Jaebum's return, Underground, "I got hope from Jaebummie's maturity through all this, rather than despair. Although this isn't a good ending for Jaebum, I'm just happy that the whole problem's over, even like this. I hope now that this problem's ended, Jaebum won't be an issue because of a bad thing. I hope that the fans will keep watching Jaebum, as well as not hate the remaining 2PM members too much."

Source:HeraldBiz Translated by: JinaStar@2ONEDAY
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[News] 2PM fans demand, "Reveal the truth behind the 'jaebum, come back' situation"

[TV Daily = Lee Eunji Reporter] “ Jaebum, come back” This situation has to be clarified…”

The existence of 2PM is faltering due to the termination of Jaebum’s contract with JYPE. The majority of the fans demand, “The remaining members should stop all activities and terminate 2PM”. They strongly demand that the members who are currently involved in variety programs should leave the shows.
But, amongst these fans’ opinions lies the voice of the minority fans.

One person who was revealed to be a 2PM fan said during a phone call with TVDaily, “Only Jaebum can clarify the situation,” and said that she wants Jaebum to speak his side of the story.

This fan said carefully, “Jaebum’s life is important, but so are the lives of the other members. It is regrettable that Jaebum has withdrawn from the team but it is somewhat selfish to block the other members’ activities because of it”.

“Jaebum has terminated his contract with JYPE but the other members are still under JYPE. They are not in the position to NOT participate in their activities.”

Also, “at this moment, whatever the company or members say will not lessen the fans’ rage and no one will believe them,” and, “it is the time for the person who is directly involved in the situation, Jaebum, to reveal his stance”.

But, this fan also stated, “the truth is, even though Jaebum comes out and reveals his stance, the fans are not going to believe it. They’re simply going to believe that he is speaking how the company told him to”.

Currently, the majority it 2PM’s fans either wish for them to stop all activities or quit their careers as celebrities. But, other fans criticize those for being selfish. 



[news] {MANILA BULLETIN} 2PM fans condemn JYP for ousting Jaebum

February 27, 2010, 1:20pm

Korean and international fans of K-pop boy band 2PM slammed Park Jin-Young (aka JYP), founder of JYP Entertainment, over the agency’s announcement last February 25 that Park Jaebum was not coming back to the group, saying that Jaebum’s supposed “personal wrongdoing” was only made up.

2PM fans are still in shock over the news and are planning different activities to show their support for Jaebum, including boycotting the remaining six members of the boy band.

JYPE announced last February 25 on its website that Jaebum is permanently out of 2PM and that it has terminated its exclusive contract with Jaebum because of the latter’s alleged admission that he made a “personal mistake” when the boy band was promoting “Again & Again” last year.

The announcement also claimed that the remaining six members of 2PM reached a consensus that they could no longer work with Jaebum because of the wrongdoing.

However, JYPE did not disclose the alleged wrongdoing, saying it was a private matter. This sparked rumors including a supposed sex tape between Jaebum and Sunmi, former member of the Wonder Girls, who quit the girl band to resume her studies in South Korea. The rumor was denied by JYPE.

Fans said the “facts” contained in the announcement were inconsistent. They pointed out that the January 3 meeting between JYPE and the six members was not possible since the members were on vacation at the time.

Korean and international fans have been posting criticisms against JYP on forums. Korean fans are flocking to the JYPE building in Cheongdam in Gangnam, Seoul, to post more pro-Jaebum notes.

They put chrysanthemum flowers at the doorstep of the building to signify their mourning. White flowers in Korea symbolize death.

Fans have terminated their membership in the official 2PM fan cafe to protest JYPE’s decision on Jaebum.

Others have directed their anger towards the remaining six members of 2PM, saying that they betrayed their former leader. Fans even urged some of them to withdraw from TV programs that they currently appear in as permanent members.

There is a scheduled meeting between JYPE officials and 2PM, and the representatives of fan clubs in Korea on February 27. The meeting was scheduled even before the February 25 announcement.

~~~I'm quite shocked this got to Manila Bulletin.
Note: Manila Bulletin is one of the largest media publishing corporations in the Philippines....


[News] Park Jaebeom to leave 2PM and JYPE for good?

Former 2PM leader Park Jae-beom will not be making his much-anticipated comeback to the K-pop music scene as the group's agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) has decided to terminate its contract with the singer.

JYPE announced the unexpected outcome through a message on its official website Thursday, saying that Park's confession to "a huge personal wrongdoing" led to the decision.

The singer had called his agency's president Jeong Wook in late December, admitting to a "mistake" he made while promoting 2PM's hit single "Again and Again" last summer which was belatedly causing problems.

JYPE did not reveal further details, saying it was linked to his personal life, but explained it was "far worse" than the controversial comments Park came under heat for last year and "something that could create much more serious trouble on a societal level."

Park, 22, had quit the boy band and returned to his hometown of Seattle in September after remarks he made before his debut on his MySpace account regarding Korea became public and sparked national controversy.

As fans pleaded for his return and the public outrage died down however, JYPE founder and the band's producer Park Jin-young hinted at readmitting the singer to the boy band early this year, even mentioning it several times on television shows. 

JYPE explained in its message yesterday also that Park Jae-beom's comeback had been long planned; when he returned to his hometown in Seattle, Park Jin-young set the singer up with local instructors -- in acrobatics, dancing and vocals -- to continue training him. 

The two Parks had agreed that the former idol return to Korea and hold a press conference in February after the Lunar New Year's break, making his official comeback in time with 2PM's new album release in April. 

After the young singer broke news of his blunder however, the agency told the remaining six members -- Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung -- about the matter on January 3, which came as "a big shock."

His band members judged it would be "difficult to work with Park Jae-beom as the group 2PM any longer" while JYPE also came to the conclusion that Park is "no longer fit to be the agency's artist."

Despite the drama surrounding the group, an official at JYPE said in phone call with Asia Economic Daily later on Thursday that they plan to go forth with the fan meeting scheduled for February 27. 

2PM members had recently announced that they will be meeting with fans to talk directly with fans about various issues including Park's leave from the group as well as rumors surrounding the incident. 

2PM, one of the most popular idol groups in town since their debut in 2008, saw a successful comeback as a six-man band last December with their single "Hearbeat." 

Editor in Chief : Hwang Yong-hee
Reporter : Park Kun-ouc
Editor : Lynn Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


[news] International 2PM fans create online petition for Jaebum's return

International 2PM fans create online petition for Jaebum's return

International 2PM fans are creating online petitions for Jaebum's return.

On an international website, they have created an online petition page demanding the return of 2PM's Jaebum. After a week, about 8000 netizens have signed this online petition. Koreans who are living abroad, and foreign 2PM fans have been actively participating much like the fans in Korea, putting out ads for Jaebum's return etc.

Currently, JYPE and the fans are preparing for the meeting. However, some fans are antagonized by this and is against the meeting. Their thoughts are that the company is holding the meeting as a way of shielding themselves and using it as a media play.

Amongst all this, the petition held by international fans is a big encouragement for the fans in Korea. The fans in Korea are going to continue with the charity work and protest against the company for Jaebum's return.

One fan of Jaebum's emailed Newsen stating, "The company is not giving us a straight answer regarding Jaebum", she went on to reveal, "I'm worried that time is just passing by, and the likelihood of Jaebum's return is getting lower."

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[news] Difference in sales between with Jay and without Jay

Week of Feb. 21, 2010
CD & Mobile Sales

틱톡 (발매 10.01.12) 13일간 누적 = Tik Tok (Released 10.01.12) 13 days accumulated
날 따라 해봐요 = Follow me

발매부터 6일간 계속 40외권 외 = Around #40 on the charts for 6 days since release

67일간 누적 = 67 days accumulated
가인&조권 우리 사랑하게 됬어요 = Ga-In & Jo Kwon We fell in love

39일간 누적 = 39days accumulated
씨엔블루 외톨이야 = CNBLUE "I'm a loner"

32일간 누적 = 32 days accumulated
2AM 죽어도 못 보내 = 2AM "I can't let you go even if I die"

28일간 누적 = 28 days accumulated
소녀시대 Oh! = SNSD "Oh!

싱글 2집 Again & Again 음반 판매량 = 2nd Single "Again & Again" CD sales = 70,140
정규 1집 Heartbeat 음반 판매량 = 1st album "Heartbeat" CD sales = 55,875

싱글 2집 Again & Again 음반&모바일 판매량 = 2nd Single "Again & Again" CD & Mobile sales = 400,762
정규 1집 Heartbeat 음반&모바일 판매량 = 1st album "Heartbeat" CD & Mobile sales = 198,455

*Sorry if any of this is confusing! *



[news] Fans are against JYPE's conference, JYPE speaks out

2PM's agency, JYP Entertainment, has put up a notice on 2PM's fan cafe stating that they will be holding a conference with the fans and 2PM. This conference will have representatives from 2PM's main community sites, in which their applications will be thoroughly examined before decisions are made.

An associate of JYP Entertainment spoke with OSEN over the telephone on the 22nd and stated, "This time, fan representatives, 2PM members, and representatives of the company will be participating. The last conference with the Wonder Girls fan representatives were held in private. However, we expect the scale of this conference to be larger in comparison."

Currently, the fans are not viewing this as a welcome sign and are instead rejecting it. They believe that the company is using the conference as a shield for more media play.

JYP Entertainment stated, "This conference will be a place where we will be able to have a heart-to-heart talk about the truth and authenticity of the various rumors that have circled Jaebum's withdrawal."

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[news] 2PM's Junsu and Jaebum's empty space on '10 out of 10' feels like something is missing

2PM did their debute single '10 out of 10' without Junsu or Jaebum on 'Show! Music central'

On 20th as a live show on 'Show! Music Central' as a 200 ep special 2PM did their debute song '10 out of 10' and their hit song 'Again and Again'.

2PM Junsu could not attend due to his Rhinitis surgery. Leader Park Jaebum withdrew from the group last September. In the end on this day 2PM's Taecyeon, Junho, Chansung, Nickhun, Wooyoung preformed as a 5 membered group and tried to re-enact the 7 membered debut stage performance.

Junsu and Jaebum were also unable to preform for a special stage. On this day when 2PM preformed 'It's Raining' and 'I'm' the legendary K-pop singers' debut dance were rekindled. Since Junsu and Jaebum were not there, fans could not help feeling the empty space.

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