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Showing posts with label super junior m. Show all posts

[News] Henry Lau Speaks His Mind About Antis

Everybody knows especially ELFS what happened during Super Show II in Shanghai on March 6,2010.
To freshen it up.

Super Junior made an encore concert during the show which they didn't do in the previous ones.
What happened is during the show, Shanghai ELFs are chanting "Hangeng/Hankyung" everytime SJ-M members Henry and Zhou Mi stepped in the stage.

To the point that even fellow member Siwon had to say "Be Queit!" in order for them to stop. Siwon and Heechul showed impressive love and support for the two by managing the chanting ELFs to stop.

After this, Henry Lau who still receiving  hatred since his first debut as a member Super Junior Family finally speaks up his mind regarding to what happened.


SSII Encore in Shanghai- ENDING

Watch and hear the awful chanting below

posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews

[NEWS]Henry Baidu Reply to Only13 Haters!

Dear all,I really don't understand. Aren't people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? We speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same customs and yet we are not welcome in our own country to perform. All we want to do is to express ourselves through performing and music but how can we do this when there is so much hate? Don't you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? I I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to pursue a dream all alone here in Asia. As a result, I have been hated ever since I first debuted in Korea in 2006 from fans. What more do you want from me? How do you think I or we both feel every time we go up on stage knowing people will be screaming for us to get off? I've tried to laugh it off for far too long now and can't hold it in anymore. Just to let you know…we have feelings too. I will continue to work my hardest to bring the best performances for you all but today I'd just like to let you know a little about how I feel in the inside. I'm almost all out of breathe.
qinxian1 men...
mitang2 men…
xiexie nimen3
Thank you so much
I hope you all understand what I'm feeling.

1 Strings
2 Honeys
3 Thanks you all


Posted by ahzhen on SJ-World
Cr: Henry Baidu Bar
From here:

[Pictures] SJ M for Semir!

Here are some photos of Super Junior M for Semir!

I have no idea when these photos were taken but i am really happy to see all the 7 members be united for these photos!

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Credits: SEMIR's Official site; shared by superlover♫ @

[Transcript/Video] Henry and Donghae’s Birthday Party Transcript

(starting at 0:38)
SW: That was suprising!
RW: I can’t do it!
DH: Just try it and see!
DH: Eh, why did it go out?!
Everyone: Congratulations!
DH: *in Japanese* Purezento~ (present)
SW: To Henry and Donghae… arigatou, omedetou (thank you, congratulations)
HR: Arigatou gozaimasu~ (thank you very much)
DH: But because I’m the older brother, there should be a difference, right?
SW: Open it and see, please.
DH: Your thoughtfulness has made us very happy. From here, we’ll continue with all of our effort to do our best! Thank you.
HR: Um, I’m really thankful… *switches to English*
HR + DH: Arigatou gozaimasu~ (Thank you very much~)

RW: I’m going to give a present~… Where did he go? Donghae, present~
SW: Zhou Mi~ Kirei desu ne~ (Pretty/nice, huh?)
ZM: Pretty. Handsome~
SW: Sugoi yo~ (Awesome~)
RW: On the third album, there is a song of my composition. “Love U More.”
DH: (gibberish, lol. I heard the word ‘kirei’ which means pretty, but that’s about all I could pick out.)
RW: Please listen to it many times. I wrote the lyrics… And I made the melody, the arrangement, it was me who was in charge.
DH: (still speaking fake!Japanese )
RW: I don’t know if you’ll get the feeling, but…
DH: I don’t know.
RW: Please support it.
DH: Hontou ni aishiteru~ (I really love you~)
KH: How was the DVD?
DH: Even with our Chinese activities, we were allowed to record this. Please love it a lot~
HG: Let’s meet in Japan. We are Super Junior-M!

Source: eunteukseasoon1@youtube
Translated by: onewhomust@sj-world
Do NOT take out without FULL credits and do NOT add in your own credits.


[News] Super Junior M Learns Chinese!

HG: Hello everyone, we are Super Junior-M!
DW: Hello, I’m Donghae. It’s been a long time~
KH: Hello, I’m Kyuhyun.
SW: Hello, I’m Siwon.
HG: Hello everyone, I’m the Chinese member, Han Geng.
RW: Hello, I’m Ryeowook.
ZM: Hello everyone, I’m Super Junior-M’s new Chinese member, Zhou Mi.
HR: Hi, I’m Super Junior-M’s new Chinese member, Henry.
Everyone: Itadakimasu~ (sort of like… “Thank you for this food”)
HR: This is a Chinese dish, suān là tāng. It’s, uh… “sweet and sour” soup. How do you say sweet and sour soup in Korean? Sweet… sweet and sour. *adorable* *
HG: In China, there are a lot of different kinds of food… every place you go has different tastes.
SW: Where is this food from?
HG: Shanghai.
SW: Shanghai?
DH: I’m not sure what to eat.

ZM: Shanghai crab.
SW: Han Geng will explain how to eat it.
DH: You’ve eaten it before?
HG: You eat here…there’s a lot of miso. (note: miso here means this miso-like paste that is found inside of crabs.)
ZM: You eat the crab-miso. Usually, you use a tool to take out the insides. But we don’t have a tool, so we are using our hands.
DH: Is it delicious?
HG: It’s really good.
RW: Delicious~
ZM: This is the most delicious part of the crab~ Do you like it?
??: There’s no miso…
ZM: This yellow colour.
??: There isn’t even a little.
HR: Me too.
ZM: In China, there are a lot of delicious things. When you eat delicious things.. “tai hao chi le!” (It’s too delicious!)
HG: Put feeling into it.
ZM: “Tai hao chi le~”. In China, when you eat crab, you always say this. “Delicious!”
HG: It’s really recommended in Shanghai.
ZM: Yangcheng crab, right?
DH: Cheers.
HR: Delicious. Delicious~
KH: I am a Japanese expert. Shopping phrases are okay.
DH: What?
KH: “Shitaku dekimasu ka?” (Lit. “Can I get ready?” but he’s trying to say “Is it okay to try this on?” Thanks sketchglitch@lj)
DH: “How much is it?”
KH: “Is it okay to try this on?”
RW: Ohh, it’s my first time seeing this.
ZM: This is dòufuhuā.
RW: What’s that?
SW: Sun du bu. (Korean name.)
HR: If you come to China… No matter what country you go to, the phrase you need to remember is is “ce suo zai nar?” (“Where is the bathroom?”)
ZM: Every place has its native food, so the phrase you should remember is “zui hao chi de shi shen me?” (“What’s the best to eat?”) Then you can eat the recommended food. How do you say it in Korean? What?
SW: (Korean.)
ZM: (repeats the Korean.) This is the phrase.
RW: I love Chinese food. Japanese food and Chinese food are both delicious.
HG: Yeah, they are. There’s a lot of variety.
RW: I like gyoza.
HG: Say it in Chinese. … After you eat, okay?
DH: Right now, we’re all talking in Chinese.
RW: “Wo xihuan zhong guo cai.” (“I like Chinese food.”)
HG: The price of Chinese food in Beijing is expensive, but you can say “make it cheaper” to haggle. “Pian yi dian er ma?” So when you come to China, when you go shopping, definitely try to bargain and negotiate. Say “pian yi dian er ma?” It’s simple.
ZM: You can use that.
HG: You can use it anywhere.
SW: When you use a taxi, to the driver, say “ting yi xia” (stop/pause) and the driver will stop for you.
KH: Everyone comes to China and thinks about shopping, but if you are taken lightly, it’ll end (the bargaining HanGeng was talking about.) If you ask the shop keeper to bargain, become angry and … “tai gui le” (expensive.) Say this with an angry feeling, and you won’t be taken lightly. He’ll think “don’t do that,” and he’ll give you a discount. Say this rapid fire “tai gui le, pian yi dian er ma” (It’s expensive, make it cheaper?) Use these consecutively.
DH: If a Japanese person is sightseeing or something when they visit, you might meet a Chinese person of the opposite sex. If this person has a good feeling, say “ni hen piao liang” (you’re very pretty) to a pretty person. If they let this develop more, say “Gao su wo ni de dian hua hao ma?” (Tell me your phone number?). And start listening for their number.
DH: The meal is finished~ Today, we are came here… to have a concert in front of fans. Look forward to it. Ganbarimasu! (We’ll do our best!)
RW: Ganbarimasu~!
DH: Let’s go!

* “suan la tang” is actually hot and sour soup, not sweet and sour. Silly Henry~ :P Thanks to kyube!@lj

Source: k34won@youtube
Translated by: onewhomust@sj-world, chinese/pinyin by xelfishx@lj, corrections by kyube@lj, sketchglitch@lj,a and black_silver@lj
Do NOT take out without FULL credits and do NOT add in your own credits.


[Transcript] Super Junior M conversation at Taiwan’s HitFM


In the second day of Lunar New Year, Super Junior M boys became DJs for Taiwan's HitFm to greet fans and shared experiences during the occasion. They accompany the listeners for being Lunar New Years' DJs. Below is the transcription.


SW – Siwon; ZM – Zhoumi; KH – Kyuhyun; H – Henry
All: Happy New Year
ZM: You’re listening in to the hitfm network. We’re the DJs that will accompany you for the New Year
All: Super Junior M
KH: I’m Kyuhyun. Happy New Year. Give (me) red packet
SW: I’m Siwon. Wishing all prosperity in the year of the Tiger
H: I’m Henry. Hope everyone would not be anticlimactic in the year of the Tiger. All wishes must come true
ZM: Hello everyone I’m Zhoumi. Wish everyone in the year of the Tiger, hu hu sheng wei*, receive red packets till your hands are sore. Today is the second day of Lunar New Year, let’s first listen to a very lively song for the New Year. That is our “Super Girl”. Let’s move together with “Super Girl”
All: *sings*
ZM: It’s the second day of the Lunar New Year, in Taiwan it’s a day where mothers go back to their maiden homes. So Siwon and Kyuhyun, is there any fun things happening celebrating the Lunar New Year in Korea?
SW: Actually it’s the same in Korea
KH: Red packet
ZM: Go home for dinner
SW: Red packet
ZM: Reunion dinner, then collect red packets
SW: Yesyesyesyes
ZM: Really? Then it’s the same as here
SW: Yeah it’s the same
ZM: So the next song we’re going to listen to is SHINee’s song
H: Called “Ring Ding Dong”
ZM: I remember that when I was little during Lunar New Year will wear new clothes. It’s very interesting. Like the day before Lunar New Year, will arrange my new clothes neatly. Then every year will look forward to this time (of the year), able to wear new clothes and collect New Year’s money. Looking forward, looking forward
H: Wa~for me, last year, actually during New Year I would come to Taiwan. So this year, also will, keke yeah
ZM: I’m also hoping that during the New Year I can be together with family
H: Together, together, let’s come to Taiwan together
ZM: Okay (H: How (about it)?) You buy the airtickets for me and I’ll come
H: Okay, I’ll buy for you
SW: Me (too) me (too) me (too)
H: Siwon wants too
SW: Yesyes
ZM: So Henry will buy the three of us tickets to Taiwan for Lunar New Year
H: What about Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun don’t want (it)? Do (you) want?
KH: I’ll come myself
H: *stumped*
ZM: Alright, he don’t want you to buy
H: Don’t have to buy your tickets!
SW: Ha
ZM: So we’ll listen to a song by Jay Chou, “Bu neng shuo de mimi”
All: Gong xi fa cai*~~~
ZM: You’re now tunning in to hitfm network, today is the second day of Lunar New Year. Everyone having fun during the Lunar New Year holidays? We’re the DJs that will accompany you for the New Year
All: Super Junior M
KH: I’m Kyu~hyun
SW: I’m Siwon
H: I’m Henry
ZM: I’m Zhoumi, so now please listen to a love song from our first mini-album, “Blue Tomorrow”
SW: *sings* Dao le ming tian, ni jiu li kai wo sheng bian~~~~~~~~~
ZM: Hello everyone, I’m Zhoumi. Wish to go for a vacation now
SW: Hahahaha
H: Me too
SW: I’m Siwon. I want to go travelling
H: Travelling
SW: Yes travelling
H: Where to?
SW: Let’s go Taiwan together
H: Taiwan
ZM: Very good, good suggestion
SW: Really really, no schedule
ZM: (If) no schedules, then come to Taiwan to play**
SW: Yesyesyesyes
ZM: Wa good thing good thinking
H: The four of us together, come to Taiwan together
KH: Nono
SW: The other three is..
KH: I’ll come myself
ZM: So you have to come Taiwan too, Kyuhyun
KH: I’ll come myself!!
SW: Okay, he’ll come himself, then tell us
KH: I’m here now
ZM: So the four of us, our wish is to come Taiwan for a long vacation
SW: Yesyes
ZM: So the next song we’re going to listen to is Jam Hsiao’s “Forgive me”
ZM: I’m Zhoumi
SW: I know
ZM: You know? Siwon you know that I’m Zhoumi?
SW: Your pronunciation, your pronunciation is very good
ZM: So what is my New Year resolution? I hope that Super Junior M is able to release (a) second album. With more good songs then come to Taiwan with the second album, promoting it with everyone
H: Oh~yeah~
SW: I’m Siwon. I hope that we Super Junior, Super Junior M, we’re all, our fans
ZM: All our fans
SW: Yes everyone
ZM: Every single person
SW: Every single person, are happy
ZM: Filled with happiness
KH: Me~too~
ZM: Kyuhyun said he’s the same as Siwon, wish everyone will be happy too
SW: What about Henry?
H: I hope that the people around us, are healthy because health is the most important
ZM: That’s right. Being healthy is the most important. Because it’s the Lunar New Year, in this New Year everyone must think of their own New Year wishes. This way, there’s a possibility it will come true. So now let’s listen to a So Nyeo Shi Dae song, “Tell Me Your Wish”. Hope everyone’s New Year wish will be able to come true in this New Year
All: *sings* Sowoneul malhaebwa~bwa~bwa~bwa
Credit: 小文子525@周觅吧 : twelfs
Shared in
Thanks to chunny for shoutout
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[News] Hankyung SJ-M Semir 2010 Endorsement

Not long ago, Super Junior M's leader, Hangeng, has rumours about leaving the group. Recently, Semir* has a new Spring fashion line. Super Junior M are once again the spokespersons of Semir. With their suave dance moves and cute actions, you will surely feel it**. Semir has new ways to promote their fashion line! Nearing Chinese New Year, Semir and their spokepersons Super Junior M crossover and jointly launch 3 limited edition designs, as a gift to their customers. The 3 grand designs that Semir launched this time, has bright yellow and black as its main colours. The limited edition bright yellow hoodie emphasizes on youthfulness; the black reflective jacket feels like fashion from the future; and the main piece, a yellow-black striped sweater, got its inspiration from the stripes of the tiger***. New year is always the best excuse to buy new clothes, and the Semir-Super Junior M crossover collection is obviously the best choice for the tiger year.

* A China clothing line
** I'm not sure if this is a typo error or not, because it sounds weird. If it's a typo error, the translation should be "you will surely be touched".
*** Chinese believe in the zodiac, and the zodiac sign of this year is the tiger.

Source: Here
Translated by: EMILYYY @

[UFO] Zhou Mi UFO Replies in Valentines Day And Lunar New Year

2010-02-14 14:05
Fan: Zhou Mi Ge~ Happy Valentine’s Day! I saw your UFO last week which said you’re still in Korea, and can’t have your reunion dinner with your family, but I hope you still had a happy celebration! International Honeys will always support you!

ZM: *ilovejr*, I see your message again~ I’m celebrating Lunar New Year’s in Korea again this year, but with all of you accompanying me, I don’t feel lonely at all. The first day of Lunar New Year is also Valentine’s, and I remembered the Valentine’s Day fan meeting that we’ve had with all of you.

2010-02-14 14:07
Fan: Zhou Mi Ge~ Happy Valentine’s Day! I saw your UFO last week which said you’re still in Korea, and can’t have your reunion dinner with your family, but I hope you still had a happy celebration! International Honeys will always support you!

【周觅】2010年,我们都会更加加油,希望有机会去新加坡,墨尔本见国际觅糖啊~ 新年快乐.....我爱你们~
ZM: In the year 2010, we’ll all work harder, and hope that I have the chance to go to Singapore and Melbourne to meet the international Honeys~ Happy New Year…… I love all of you~

2010-02-14 14:03
Fan: Zhou Mi Ge, Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day, gege* must eat tang yuan**, and who are you spending the day with today? Please tell me, I won’t tell anyone else, haha. No matter who you’re celebrating the day with, we only want you to be happy

ZM: Jia Jia, I’m spending Valentine’s Day with all of you, just like last year, except that I’m in Korea this year~ My heart is with all of you~ Happy Lunar New Year~

* Elder brother in Chinese
** A Chinese food made from glutinous rice flour (Click!)

2010-02-14 14:xx
Fan: Zhou Mi Ge, it’s Lunar New Year today~ Wishing you a Happy Lunar New Year! And… Happy Valentine’s Day! Keke… Honeys miss you a lot! Please take care of yourself, jiayou! Zhou Mi, you’re the best! We love you!

ZM: Morning. Jiao ya, Happy Lunar New Year~ I’m so happy today because I’ve received a lot, a lot of wishes from Honeys today~ With all of you, I won’t be lonely during New Year’s~ All of you are also the best!

2010-02-14 xx:xx
Fan: Zhou Mi Ge, Happy New Year! It’s your original life this year!* Please remember that you still have Honeys, remember that we’re always here, and everyone’s waiting for you in the bar**, come out and meet everyone once you’ve had enough of hiding yourself, keke, miss you

ZM: Keke~~ Yu Yi classmate~ Happy New Year~ I’ve been wanting to send my New Year’s wishes to everyone since a long time ago, but restrained myself until the first day of lunar new year haha~

* It’s the year of the Tiger, the year in which Zhou Mi was born in ^^
** Zhou Mi’s Baidu bar

2010-02-14 14:01
周 觅觅啊...在干什么呢,很想你啦。韩国很冷吧,要多穿衣服不要感冒咯!香港不冷呢你要来玩嘛^^要不俺去找你玩。嘻嘻...新年+情人节快 乐><><

【周觅】口罩妹妹~新年快乐啊~谢谢你们一直一直的陪伴我~送你巧克力~哈哈 ZM: Kou Zao meimei~ Happy New Year~ All of you, thank you for always, always accompanying me~ I’ll give you chocolates~ Haha

2010-02-14 xx:xx
Fan: Dear God! I hope You can deliver my wishes to Zhou Mi who is currently far away in Korea, wish that he’ll be happy and blessed forever. Just like you sang, we hope you’re happy, really just want you to be happy! Do you know? – Xiao Li

ZM: Xiao Li, Happy Lunar New Year~ I’ve received all your wishes today, and I’ll always be happy if I have all of you~ ^^

Credits: Zhou Mi's Baidu Bar
Translated by: eternalsnow @
May take out with full credits.

[NEWS] SJ-M hopes to come back to Taiwan, Donghai vows to act with Ariel Lin!

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Korean group Super Junior-M's Super Girl album sold more than 20,000 copies in Taiwan last year. Donghai happily said, "In the year of the tiger, if we release a new album, we hope it will be a success. However, what I long to achieve the most is to act together with darling Ariel Lin."

Idol group SJ-M is sub-group of the 13 member Korean group Super Junior. The 7 members include Chinese-born Hangeng and Zhou Mi, Korean-born Siwon, Ryeowook, Donghai, and Kyuhyun, and Henry of Taiwanese origins. Last year, Donghai acted in an MV for Ariel's single "Firefly" but did not feel that it was enough. Thus, without hesitation, he mentioned that his New Year's wish, "I want to act in an idol drama with Ariel Lin."

Hangeng wants to act, Henry longs to return to his native land often

The leader, Hangeng said, "I also hope to be able to act in order to put my ability to memorize scripts to the test." Siwon said, "I hope that everyone will be healthy and that they accomplish their heart's desires during the year of the tiger." Ryeowook expressed that he hoped SJ-M could hold a large scale concert in the year of the tiger; Kyuhyun, Zhou Mi said in unison, "I hope to come back to Taiwan in the year of the tiger." Canadian-born Henry whose mother is from Pingtung said, "I hope that we can come back to Taiwan often. After all, this is my native land."

Source: Cpop Access

[News/Video/Pictures] Super Junior M releases new SEMIR Advertisement

No Super Junior CF promotions lately?

Scratch that. Super Junior M releases a new advertisement for clothing brand SEMIR. Chinese fans will be glad for sure. Miss Hangeng no more. The boys looked good and cool with pretty fruity colored shirt while dancing. 

Below are official photos of Super Junior M for the advertisement.

 Hangeng, Ryeowook&Henry

Watch the video. And find out more. 
plus BEHIND THE SCENES footage.

The behind-the-scenes will play first and the full ad will start around 2:20

video credits: fampar2@youtube; photos: twelfs

article by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[News] Fans sad about Hankyung’s Absence

“Choi Siwon, I love you!” “Henry! Henry!” Yesterday night, when popular Korean group Super Junior M went on stage, the audience’s enthusiasm was sparked once again, the fans offstage used their energy and shouted and chanted their idol’s names.
Many fans were there, including Yu Quan, Jolin Tsai, Super Junior M’s fans. Most of them meet online and communicate using the internet to gather at the event. Super Junior M’s fanclub leader (Hot Pepper*) said that out of the fifty-sixty girls (fans), there were college students, junior high students, that came from SiChuan, HeNan, and, WuHan and other provinces by themselves (to the event).
After the performance, the group of fans hurriedly went to the airport to send their idols off from WuHan.
A fan from HeNan booked a flight along with Super Junior M to accompany them to BeiJing.
The Absence of Hangeng Makes Fans Sad
Yesterday night, when it was time for the famous Super Junior M’s appearance, without their leader Hangeng, many fans on site have shouted together “Very Sad”** The reporters learned from the organizers that the cause of HanGeng’s absence is because of the case between him and Korea’s SME.
Hot Peppers is like a nickname*
Poor translation, directly translated would be “sour hearted”**
I DID NOT translate what was written about Hangeng’s case, in case it was wrong or gave off the wrong idea.
(Only translated section about SJM)
CR: 襄樊晚報&轉至寶藍閣
Translated by:
Please take out with full credits.
Do not add yourself in the credits!

[News] Li Xiaolu's High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract

SJ - Hankyung

Li Xiaolu’s High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract; Romance Nearly Divulged

High-Profile Support of Han Geng Terminating His Contract
Li Xiaolu [ translator’s note: Jacqueline Li / Lulu ] debuted at 16 and has been flying in her career ever since. It is extremely rare for there to be news about her relationships. But last year, there were media that filmed her having a meal with Han Geng, the leader of Korea’s extremely popular group SJ-M and as a result it was the first time that she was referred to as Han Geng’s girlfriend. Even though both parties never admitted it, but the entertainment world is like that, there are no baseless stories. Recently, Han Geng is in the midst of terminating his contract with his Korean company. A time consuming and long lawsuit will be difficult to avoid with this always harsh Korean managing company.

Yesterday, reporters had just mentioned the two words “Han Geng” and Li Xiaolu’s manager hurriedly came over and indicated, “we will not respond to this question”. But, Li Xiaolu still patiently listened to the reporters' questions and did not avoid it in any way. She appeared to be very willing, but in her expression there was a little shyness in indicating, “support him! Support him in terminating his contract! He wants to be an artiste with his own value!” If not speaking about her rumored boyfriend, then how does she view love and family? Li Xiaolu also indicated, “for me, family is the most important. Love… it should take its own course. I feel that it is also needs to be like friendship, two people need to understand each other and support each other.” Then has she already met such love? Li Xiaolu said with a smile and nodded, “yes!” But continuing on she became aware of something and immediately changed it to “there was!” Then she slowly said again, “currently I cannot place love at number one. This year I hope others don’t write about me without basis, rumors stay faraway from me and there is normal love."

NB: Only the parts related to Han Geng have been translated from the article.

Translated by:

[News] Hankyung Is Sorry For Being Absent At Super Junior-M’s Performance, Dangerous Overcrowding Of Fans Caused Police Coming To Maintain Order

Hangeng is regretful for being absent at SJ-M’s performance, Dangerous Overcrowding of fans causing police coming to maintain order.
On January 18, 2010, making the world be filled with love, “君和之夜” Miss International Tourism 2010 competition award ceremony, taking place in the Xiang Fan district, was filled with performances from many stars. This took place yesterday (January 17) in Xiang Fan in the Hubei province.
On that day, Super Junior M’s member, Hangeng, was absent from the performances. But the remaining 6 members still brought out , , their performance made the atmoshpere boiling hot, the temperature was out of control. This caused hundreds of local police to come and maintain control of the scene.
Credits: SOURCE
Translated by:

[News] SJ-M performs without leader Hankyung

Hunan Satellite Television’s 2009-10 New Year Concert was grandly held at Shenzhen’s Window of the World, with the unprecedented cast of the Happy Family and the Brothers of Tian Tian as hosts and a magnificent line-up of stars, which made this New Year concert full of highlights.
As one of the most anticipated special guests of the concert, Asia’s popular super idol group SJ-M rushed to the concert venue as soon as their plane landed. But Han Geng, who had news of his contract termination revealed earlier, did not appear as scheduled. It appears that this confirmed the reality of the matter regarding the termination of his contract and Han Geng’s non-appearance also made many fans feel deep regret. Despite lacking the leadership of their leader Han Geng, the six boys still worked hard performing their songs. At the venue they sang <> and <>, which both ignited the explosive atmosphere at the venue and raised the night’s climax to a high.
Translated by:
Credits:; sup3rjunior@wordpress

[News] SJ-M serves Patty Hou caringly

Recently, Super Junior-M once again appears on Taiwanese Variety Show, fighting to cook delicacies for MC Patty Hou. On the show, Hangeng and Ryeowook both leaded a team to battle, but Donghae who was in Geng’s team made an extremely large dumpling and kept adding spicy condiments to it, scaring Patty to say, “Moms, please don’t let him in the kitchen.” Ryeowook who is a good cook, has been proclaimed SJM’s “Mom”. Under Ryeowook’s leadership; Zhoumi, Siwon and Kyuhyun all had seperate jobs, to make their spicy dukbokgi (rice cake). The smell of it, led Patty to drool over it. But Ryeowook added too much water in the beginning, so the rice cakes cant dry out the soup. MC said with disbelief, “Are you sure you know how to cook?”
Because Hangeng’s Mom owns a dumpling shop in Beijing, he knows how to make dumplings from when he was young, and made them look fabulous. However Donghae and Henry, who were in the same group, kept messing around; shaping the dumplings to Buns or Batmans, and even added an unbelievably amount of spicy condiments inside.
SJ-M who’s always into the game segments, has to use some knowledge to win this. Even though Henry went to Ryeowook’s group to extinguish the fire, but when Patty Hou was gonna eat the food, Ryeowook’s team tried convincing her, and brought out the freshly cooked food and said, “Princesses should eat warm food”. Also, Siwon also helped her wipe her mouth, letting Patty smile until she cant close her mouth.
Credit: chinanews
& eunmi/은미남~☆


[News]SM Entertainment Denies Henry Lau Going Solo

Sohu Korean news: Last week, after the news about Hangeng wanting to terminate his contract with his company, the fact that whether SJ-M will continue their activities in China had became the media’s main focus. Before that, a news published that “Henry felt unfair for Hangeng” and “Henry going solo”. About this, SM company called Sohu Korean entertainment to release a statement that they did not go through any interview. The following is the full statement from SM :
One: About the news that Henry felt unfair for Hangeng, our company would like to clarify that when we reached the place to perform, we did not receive any sort of interviews. The organizers, Guangdong Weishi and Dongguan TV station did not give us any arrangement for any interviews so therefore, this news is not true.

Two: About the news dated 23rd December 2009 by Guangzhou’s Xinkuaibao (Henry going solo and was paid 50k to perform) and 24th December 2009 by Yangcheng Wanbao, the truth is: Super Junior-M’s Korean members are slated to perform at a countdown concert in Korea and it was confirmed months ago. Thus, the organizers on our side has always stated: “Super Junior-M will not attend the activity as a group but instead, the only artistes that are attending are Zhang Liyin and Henry.” And Henry is attending this activity to sing “love me” with Zhang Liyin as a performing guest.

Three: Our company, S.M.Entertainment’s official statement: The previous articles, together with articles that states that “it(the news) has created a bad impact between S.M company’s artistes and has caused misunderstandings between the artistes” or any reports that are fake has violated the “Internet announcement requirement”(?) and the “Internet information service idea”(?) laws. If the media releases any news that has not been confirmed in the future, S.M would not hesitate to take legal measures to the related parties that wrote the news.

Original source: &
Translated by τнє ғιяѕт тυпє ♪ @ SJ-WORLD.NET



[News]Super Junior M’s Henry stood up for HanKyung, “People who curse others are lower than animals!”

Henry of SJ-M showed up at Dongguan as a performer for the first showing of “Ji Qing Dong Man Jia Nian Hua”. Because of the recent contract controversy between SJ-M’s Hangeng and SM Entertainment, Henry inevitably faced questions regarding this topic from reporter s. When discussing about how there were SJ-M members calling Hangeng “lower than animals”, Henry rebuked: “People who curse others are lower than animals!”

On the night of December 30, Henry will form a group with Zhang Li Yin and perform.

With regards to the earlier contract termination dispute between leader Hangeng and SM Entertainment, Henry, with the same Chinese nationality, evidently stood on Hangeng’s side. He disclosed to journalists that in order to avoid the company and media, Hangeng turned off his cellphone and pretended to be missing. “Hangeng needs to calmly be by himself, but he’s currently doing well. The fans who worry about him can rest assured.” When reporters mentioned that earlier, a Korean SJ-M member condemned Hangeng to be “lower than animals”, Henry changed face and burst out: “People who curse others are lower than animals!”. This caused the reporters to further suspect that there is internal disagreement and strife among the SJ-M members.

When asked about whether or not SJ-M will be attending the New Years Event that’s being held in Shenzhen on the night of 31st, Henry vacantly replied: “To be honest, it all depends on the result of the dispute. It’s useless to speak of other guesses.”

Source:, || Translated by ontokki @[info]omona_prection || shared by:kpop rants


[News] SM to face hefty compensation if Hankyung were to miss Hunan TV’s New Year Eve Concert

During Hunan TV New Year Eve Concert last year, Chen Chusheng’s silent departure became the biggest storm of 2009 created by an artist.
Hunan TV’s 2010 New Year Eve Concert in Shenzhen next week may yet again face the “missing gate” embarrassment. This concert’s heavy-weight guest performer SJ-M member Hankyung is in the mist of terminating his contract with his management company.
Recently, after Hunan TV communicated with the management company, the other party expressed that the problem is not big. But the reporter was told that the possibility of Hankyung making the trip is silm.

Hankyung’s management company claims no problem

The New Year Eve (Concert) sponsor is also unable to find Hankyung, can only contact the management company. It is revealed that at the moment the answer Hankyung’s management company gave is that SJ-M attending should not be a problem. According to this optimistic estimation, the direction group’s arrangement for Hankyung and co is: SJ-M takes a plane to Shenzhen, to reach the airport at around 10 in the morning that day, rehearsals at 11am at the venue. The direction group is looking at Li Yuchun and Hankyung to perform together at midnight.

Industry analyzed Hankyung’s trip as slim

If Hankyung doesn’t come, will Hunan TV New Year Eve Concert accept a “depleted” SJ-M? One of the staff at the direction group expressed that SJ-M has always appear as a group, and leader Hankyung is the core (of the group). “The New Year emphasizes on reunion, if Hankyung is not there, we are not able to accept.” As both parties have already signed the performance contract, if SJ-M cannot appear at the last minute, SJ-M’s management firm would face a compensation. In accordance with the general practice of breach of contract, the indemnity is double (of the agreed amount). If things turns out so, SJ-M’s management company will face a 7-digit payment claim.
Source: Xiao Xiang Morning News
  • reports: SJ-M is confirmed to participate in Hunan TV’s New Year Eve Concert on December 31st, (they) will not participate in the Happy Valley Event on January 1st (Hankyung absent)
  • Sina Reports:  SJ-M, led by Hangeng is luckier than Rain (mentioned at the first part of original article). Our reporter understood from Tudou website’s ( manager that Tudou used high prices to get the rights for online streaming to broadcast the end of year countdown concert by the 3 main channels, Shen Chuan TV, Jiang Su TV and Dong Fang TV. At the same time, they also invited the highly popular Hu Nan TV to stream their end of year countdown event online. There had been high expectations of SJ-M’s performance on the countdown event. Due to Hangeng’s contract problems with SM entertainment and in order to prevent their image from being overly discussed online, Hunan TV gave up Tudou website’s offer to stream the countdown event online. Hunan TV also limited the exposure of the countdown event on other websites. Hoping that Hangeng can successfully appear at the countdown event, Hunan TV gave up a 6 digit offer for the online streaming rights.
Source: & Jolyn :D
Credits: kbites

[news] Zhoumi apologises on SOHU blog

Hi everyone, I’m Zhoumi of Super Junior-M.

Not long ago, SJ-M was interviewed in Taiwan, and because of my misuse of words I caused a big misunderstanding and a bad influence, I have been very guilty because of this…

That was not what I meant to say.

So I would like to apologise to everyone here: Sorry!

I sincerely hope that everyone will forgive my mistake, and I’ve truly learnt through this incident, that an artiste’s actions and public image are infinitely important.

I will be more careful next time so that I do not make the same mistake again.

Zhoumi extends his deepest apologies to everyone here once more…


Source: SJ-M's SOHU blog
Translated by: theretroradio @ omonatheydidnt

[news] January 2010 Issue of ReiLi SJM Interview

Q: How long did you all take to nurture the chemistry in the group since most of the members come from different countries and regions?

HG: We actually know each other during our trainee period and at that time we had our vocal, dance and other kind of training together. After being grouped together, we bonded through various performances and it was about half a year when we really knew each, we could understand what each of us is thinking through by just looking.

Q: Besides performing together, what else do you do in your free time?

ZM: Actually the 7 of us live together, our schedule is really packed and all of us feel that we are living to the fullest. However, we are already used to such life, the 7 of us living together made each other very happy and we also treat each other with sincerity and care, after performance had ended, we will also go out and eat and relax, giving each other opinions when we go out and shop, its very meaningful to live together.

Q: Who is the most hyper member?

HG: I think its Henry, he is the youngest and the cutest, curious about everything and also the most active one in the group. Of course Zhou Mi is one of the hyper ones, he always makes everybody laugh, changes his attitude a lot too, causing everyone to find it hard to figure out his what kind of person he is.

Q: What kind of group do you think you are?

SW: Idol group
HG: A lot of people say we are the Asia Idol Group
RW: of course an idol group
KH: An Idol group with talents

Q: How long do you wish to have the title of Asia Idol Group? What kind of efforts will you make?

ZM: maintain it well
HG: yes, he maintains it really well and Ryeo Wook slimmed down a lot
DH: Kyu Hyun even had a new hairstyle, doesn’t he looks younger?
(Talking about their taking care of physical appearance, word play with chinese word)
HG: Besides taking care of our physical appearance and idol image, the most important is the
market, we wish to be an idol group with great qualities and potential.

Q: Then how would you maintain your youthful spirit? Any way to achieve it?

HG: Actually i never really take care of such aspect, I’m those that would gain and lose weight
easily like a balloon, when i return home(China) i would gain weight, because there’s so many irresistible food for me to eat
SW: Im also the type that gain weight easily, hence i need to exercise to maintain my built
ZM: We need to take care of our skin, especially when we are tired, our skin ages easily, facial
mask is a good method in taking care our skin, of course, i think maintaining a positive attitude is very important, everyday must be happy, naturally we will look young and leave people a good impression.
HG: Yes, our daily schedule is always fully pack, maintaining a positive attitude is really important

Q: Among the members, what is everyone’s special talent?

HG: Everyone is skillful, i admire Henry, he knows how to play a lot of musical instruments,
like piano, violin. Zhou mi also have very high hosting/emceeing skills, Dong Hae is practicing composing, Kyu Hyun plays the computer game, always passing the level easily.
KH: No, i like to read
SW: He likes to read books that introduce computer games (laugh)
HG: The song Ryeo Wook composed is included in our latest mini album, Siwon is the type with a lot of
passion, so he acts really well, my forte maybe dancing, but if possible, i would like to be an invincible super man!

Q: Which member do you think changed the most during the growth of the group?
HG: i think its Henry

Henry: I think the loneliness when you leave your home is the most heartfelt these few years, and probably it is one of the reasons which caused me to mature a lot, because in Korea i have to handle stuff on my own and also have to learn to take care myself.
HG: Yes, every SJ-M member experienced the hard feeling of leaving behind their family members.

Cr: Scaned by:
Text version by: 露娜的露娜@baidu sj-m bar
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