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Showing posts with label leeteuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leeteuk. Show all posts

[news] Eeteuk and Donghae visited the "House peacefully" in VietNam

" Music for the unfortunate "

This is an article on vietnamnet. Eeteuk and Donghae oppa is not about the other six stayed as a volunteer at the House peacefully

Updated 16:21, Monday, March 29, 2010 (GMT +7)

End performances opening was held on March 27 at My Dinh Stadium, Hanoi with the subject MTV Exit Live in Hanoi pm on 28-3-2010 exit MTV representative in Vietnam with the artist group Korean music Super Junior Donghae and Eeteuk visited the children are victims of trafficking in currency project "House Binh yen" of the Center for Women and Development Association of Women in Vietnam.

In House Binh yen two male singers group SJ, representatives MTVexit and USAID visiting model peacefully Center, meet and chat cordially with representatives of the house, Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet - director Center and Ms. Le Thi Thuy co-director of project "House Binh yen.

Ms. Le Thi Thuy Director Center for suppliers who YEN model house to support the victims are women and children trafficking and domestic violence of the Center for Women and Development in Central Union side Women Vietnam with the sponsorship of several organizations in the country and internationally as Ford Foudation, Office of Cooperation and Development of Switzerland, UNICEF ... ..

He feared no period when talking about the unfortunate victims of human trafficking, children are the victims of trafficking who wish to send to visitors from the emotional heart of his, the more joy and services supported as health care, counseling and vocational psychology they have been in the House in Binh Yen. Face filled with joy, they used their own hands the products they make such as scarves, postcards, wool scarf as a gift for the guests of this friendly.

MTV Exit (End Exploitation and Trafficking - Termination of victims of exploitation and trafficking) is a national program of music to the propaganda campaign against trafficking, is operated by the MTV Europe Foundation Agency for International Development U.S. (USAID) and the Agency for International Development of the Australian Government (AusAID).

MTV Exit was born in Europe in 2004, to 2007 has expanded the scope of activities throughout Asia. In two years, MTV Exit held 15 performances throughout Asia, passing through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal, Taiwan, Philippines and now the names. Program campaign against trafficking of MTV Exit program is extremely meaningful in the propagation of trafficking are pressing social causes today, scale all over the world.

* Minh Nguyet

[news] Leeteuk Diary Entry + Kim HeeChul's Young Street

Leeteuk Diary Entry

2010.03.28 일 22:06

..lost 5kg..

..very tired..even though (my) body is going to work harder, (I) started to exercise again..

..but looking at this did I lose so much in 2 weeks.. tired...

Credit: 박정수 미니홈피
From Korean to Chinese: E @
From Chinese to English: τнє ғιяѕт тυпє ♪ @ SJ-WORLD.NET

Kim HeeChul's Young Street
2010.03.29 02:24 [in the 希 Style folder]

Kim Heechul's Young Street
Evening from 8pm till 10pm

In the past, I've already walked the path of my youth but my heart's still filled with ambitious soul

This photo received the most responses for the hairstyle eet-hing*(-┏)

However, in actuality my hair still goes the way I want it to be, fall on deaf ears**♡

* 잇힝 is... a cute sound. Ok I can't explain it -_-
** The phrase he used is actually 마이동풍 / 馬耳東風 which is equivalent to fall on deaf ears

Source: Heenim's Cyworld
Translated by: Cinderella @

[NEWS] Leeteuk sick after SS2 in Malaysia

DIARY ENTRY : 2010.03.21; 01:56
..I've got a fever..

.I must be over-stressed..Anything I ate would be vomitted back..

.And also diarrhea..I lost so much weight..I even lost all my makes me worried..


Originally from LT's Cyworld
Translated by Chivz_^@Sujunesia

D: I hope Leeteuk gets well soon, even those who are not E.L.Fs should wish him well, he brings laughter and joy on Strong Heart, Sukira Kiss The Radio and etc. He is an important figure in the Korea Entertainment industry. I am very worried, Leeteuk~~~~~ Take Care! T^T

[News] SJ’s Leader talks about Hangeng & Kangin’s case for the first time

Super Junior Leeteuk becomes the MC of the new generation following Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk’s footsteps. Although Leeteuk currently is still an assistant MC, his ability to control the guests and stand out in variety shows gives him the possibility of becoming the new generation MC.

▶Without talents and character is to his advantage instead?

Leeteuk does not have any special talent or character. He does not have an outstanding appearance and he is not very charismatic either. All these would be put to his disadvantage when he tries to stand out on variety shows. Although his popularity is considered above average amongst the Super Junior members, this factor adds on to his success to his MC career instead.

“Rather than making myself stand out amongst others, I have always been taking up the role of helping the people around me to stand out more because there isn’t anything that can make me stand out, thus, I’ve decided to ‘work diligently’. As I start to gain recognition by helping others on variety shows, I can slowly expand the area of my activity.

A strong point of Leeteuk is being able to show off his charisma on stage but when he is on variety shows, he will ruin his image without any hesitation.

“Because I’m an idol, does it mean that I must look fabulous and amazing? I think that an idol’s lifespan is 5 years and if you look at it in the long run, you need to have a flexible attitude. Although I think that looking fabulous is very good, being able to receive lots of love from people for a long period of time is much more important.”

▶His two teachers are Kang Ho Dong and Boom

Leeteuk chooses Kang Ho Dong and Boom as the most important teachers in his MC career path.

“I will always learn a lot of things from Kang Ho Dong sunbae just by looking at him. He would often call me to the resting room and tell me to “sit at the side”. I learn about the “true nature of variety by looking at how they discuss and analyse”. There was once when he advised me that if I ‘want to be a successful MC, it would require 10 years of practice. Do not hurry, just accumulate your skills bit by bit’.”

Leeteuk’s “Teuk Academy” originated from “Boom Academy” when he worked with Boom. Although Boom left “Boom Academy” to serve in the army, Leeteuk started unleashing his ability after he got familiarised with the work environment.

“I have been hosting with Boom hyung in 6 variety shows for the past 3 years and he had been of much help to me. Even though he is currently serving the in the army, he would often contact me to cheer me on and to give me advises. I hope to take good care of this position until Boom hyung is discharged from the army and continue the show with him. By then, the show should be receiving even greater success. “

▶Thorough Self management

Leeteuk doesn’t even have any single time to rest in his daily schedule. Apart from hosting KBS2FM’s “Kiss the Radio” every night at 10PM, he is also a permanent guest on “Strong Heart” and “Star King”. He also has to concentrate on the preparation of the 4th album, which is set to release around May*. and carry out Super Show 2 Asia Tour every weekend. Not to mention about taking rest, he doesn’t even have enough time to sleep. However, Leeteuk did not neglect about the preparation for “Teck Academy” and training his body.

“Teuk Academy” relies on creativity. Every night after returning to their dorm from the radio broadcast, he would hold a discussion with Eunhyuk and Shindong to look for new ideas. Other than understanding the funny incident of the guests, we also have to look for interesting pictures on ourselves. We also have to communicate with the author noonas in order to work out the script. Because the response was great, we had to look for better ideas which gave us lots of stress.

No matter how late his schedule ends, he will always workout at the gym. Exercising at 2AM is a normal time for him; everyday he would undergo 1-2 hours of weight training and aerobic exercises.

▶Super Junior is my everything

Leeteuk’s love towards Super Junior is completely different from others. Even though he is currently active being a MC, he puts Super Junior above everything. For the year 2009, it held an great significance to him due to their 3rd album “Sorry Sorry” becoming a huge hit. However, he was very heartbroken because of all the bad occurrences happening to fellow members.

“2009 was a very significant year for Super Junior. However, the departure of Hangeng and Kangin’s incident will always be a painful ordeal for us. When Kangin had committed a mistake for the first time, I encouraged him telling him that “it’s alright”, but when he committed another mistake, I reprimanded him because I was very disappointed. Nevertheless, Kangin is still a very important member to me. Hangeng too, no matter when he comes back I’ll still welcome him back warmly.”

“At the Taiwan concert, I was extremely happy when he saw the local artists amongst the audience dancing to ‘Sorry Sorry’. I am starting to gain the confidence to begin our overseas promotions. However, I feel a bit regretful for the absence of some fellow members because only when all 13 members are gathered together is when we’re truly Super Junior.”

* The article did mention that the 4jib would be released around may but they didn’t quote it from Leeteuk so there might be a possibility that it may not be true.. and according to other sources, they might not release the album before June due to the upcoming World Cup.

please copy ALL the below information when redistributing

CREDITS Shared by: SJ Family English translation: marchocho @


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[NEWS] Leeteuk, There is a “special” reason why he is receiving attention as the next generation MC

Super Junior's Eeteuk is gaining popularity as a new generation MC following after Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Seok. Recently, In SBS 'Strong Heart' as well as 'Star King' he is showing outstanding wit and an eloquent display. In 'Strong Heart', he is in charge of 'Teuk Academy' which has become a corner that not only the viewers anticipate but the guest stars as well. As of now, Eeteuk is still only a side MC but with his ability to control the guests, he is standing out as having a possibility of being a new generation MC star.

▶ Talents, Is not having a character actually an advantage?

Eeteuk doesn't have a special talent or character. He doesn't have an outstanding appearance and he's not a person who has a strong charisma either. He has a disadvantage at standing out on variety shows. His rank in popularity in Super Junior is in the high-middle. But this point is a main plus factor in becoming successful as an MC.

"Rather than being a model, I’ve accepted the role of helping the people around me stand out. As much as not having exceptional point, I decided ‘ 'Let's stay consistent'. I think that that role of being oil for the gear wheel fits well as one of the roles of the MC. As I gain acceptance as a helper figure in the program, I can slowly expand my position."

Eeteuk's good point is that on stage, he is demonstrating charisma but on variety shows, without hesitation, he ruins himself.

"Just because you say I am an idol, should I carry myself fabulously and be only amazing?. I think the lifespan of an idol is 5 years. If you want to look at it for the long run, you must have a very flexible stance. It's good to become instantly amazing but I think receiving love for a long time is more important."

▶ My two teachers are Kang Hodong and Boom

Eeteuk counts on Kang Hodong and Boom to be important teachers to him. Kang Hodong taught him the 'Authenticity of Variety'. From Boom, he learned how to slowly sacrifice himself and how to hold a shining presence along with the other stars.

"Just looking at Kang Hodong sunbaenim, I feel there is a lot of learn. Sometimes he calls me to his waiting room and says 'Just sit down here next to me '. I learn about the 'Authenticity of Variety' by studying him constantly and watch him holding discussions. One day he gave me the advice 'If you want to succed as an MC, you need 10 years of experience. Don't be impatient and build up steadily step by step."

Eeteuk's 'Teukkie Gayo ' was included in the section he did together with Boom called 'Boom Academy'. But when Boom left to serve in the army, Eeteuk worked to familiarize himself and is demonstrating his skills.

"Over the past 3 years, I did 6 programs together with Boom hyung. He's a hyung that helped me a lot. Even though he is serving in the army currently, he contacts me and gives me support and advice. I want to take good care of this position until Boom hyung is discharged from the army. At that time, we will be more successful then now."

▶ Exhaustive Self Management

There is not a break in Eeteuk’s schedule. Every night at 10PM, he hosts KBS 2FM 'Kiss the Radio', and is a regular guest on 'Kang Shim Jang ' and ‘'Star King'. He is also absorbed in preparing for the release of Super Junior's 4th album in May. He is also conducting Super Junior's Asia Tour every weekend. Far from rest time, he is even lacking time to sleep. But Eeteuk doesn't forget to research up items for 'Teukkie Gayo' and get in exercise.

"The item is the life of "'Teukkie Gayo '. Everyday after my radio schedule, I return to the dorms and hold an idea conference with Eunhyuk and Shindong. We find out interesting things about the guests and we find the funny pictures ourselves. As we discuss over the phone with the writer noonas, we even work out the script. We better the item we find, the better the response will be so as it goes on, my shoulders get heavier. "
No matter how late work ends, I go to the health club and build up my physical strength. 2AM is my regular workout time. I do weight training for 1~2 hours and do aerobic exercises."

"Trainer Lee Youngman never sleeps and waits for me to help me out. I'm thankful and sorry at the same time."

▶ Super Junior is my everything

Eeteuk has a unique attachment to Super Junior. Although he is taking an active role as an MC, he puts being a Super Junior member before everything else. In 2009, he was feeling very great when their 3rd album 'Sorry Sorry' became a huge hit but he was heartbroken due to the unfavorable conditions that some of his members were in. That is because of his responsibility as the leader.

"2009 was a very meaningful year for Super Junior. But Hankyung's leaving us and Kangin's accident was a very painful ordeal for us. When Kangin caused trouble the first time, I cheered him up saying 'It's okay' but the second time around, I reprimanded him. It's because of how disappointed I was. But Kangin is still a very important member. And whenever Hankyung comes back, we will accept him warmly.”

Recently, Eeteuk is happy with Super Junior's latest Asia Tour. It's due to the positive response from the overseas fans.
"At the Taiwan concert, when local stars followed us in the 'Sorry Sorry' dance, I was extremely happy. I am gaining the confidence to begin our overseas promotions. But it is unfortunate that some members are missing. When all 13 members are together is when we are truly Super Junior."

Credits: Jihee @, original
Take out with full and proper credits

[News] Eeteuk Cheers For "Figure Queen" Kim Yuna

Super junior leader Eeteuk prays and sends his cheers to ‘figure queen’ Kim Yuna for her (possible) gold medal at the Vancouver winter Olympics.

In an interview on the 23th, Eeteuk said “The only fact that the ice athlete Kim Yuna exists is already a gold medal” and “she has powers to overwhelm her competitors so if she just does what she does normally then she’ll get the gold medal”. The public support and the global media spotlight might be a burden but she should just don’t get hurt and do her best like she always does.

In 2007, Eeteuk along with Super Junior had been chosen for an uniform CF with Kim Yuna. Even if there wasn’t mutual exchanges since then the fans had cheered for Kim Yuna at that time.

“Last week-end I went to Taiwan for Asia tour and there I made researches on the internet about winter Olympics.” He said. “Among the figure skaters, I have read that the Finland Figure skater Kiira Korpi was pretty, I looked and she is indeed pretty. ” He added, laughing.

Eeteuk enumerated one by one all the South Korean publicized athletes present at the Winter gams of Vancouvert. “After Mo Taebum won the Gold Medal the interview ‘Because of the lack of attention, I made a good performance’ was the most impressive.” Leeteuk said, He also added “The speed skating athlete Lee Sung hoon saw some events changing but by all means his dream won. I want to learn that fighting spirit. “. Finally he pointed out that “Although he didn’t get a medal I was very impressed by the noble Olympic spirit that has shown Lee Kyuhyuk”.

Article source here
Translated by Alice (`Whiteuk별♯♪) @
Take out with full credits and without addint your own!


[News] SJ Lee Teuk cried when DBSK debut 1st

Super Junior leader Lee Teuk talks about how he has cried looking at his juniors Dong Bang Shin Ki debut before himself few years back.

Lee Teuk will be featured on SBS E!TV ‘Jo HyungGi and Park JoonKyu’s Brother Restaurant’ to be aired on 17th February as the first customer to the restaurant.

Lee Teuk revealed on the show, “I was set to debut as part of a 5-member group in June 2002. But with Worldcup which shook the whole nation, the debut was pushed backwards, and I had to see junior trainees Dong Bang Shin Ki debut before myself.”

He added, “I congratulated coolly them on their debut, but I cried on my way home in the bus.”
Lee Teuk will also share the hard times he went through during his trainee days and also life now as leader Lee Teuk on the show.

The show is set to air at midnight on 18th February.

credits: K Bites
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[News] LeeTeuk/Shindong: "Hyungnim restaurant" Summary

This is a summary of all the articles about the SBS E!TV new show "Jo Hyungki Park Joonkyu's hyungnim restaurant" which Leeteuk & Shindong are guests for the first epsidoe. The show will aired at 0.00AM on Feb 18th.

 - Shindong said his ideal type is a girl with short height and cute and sexy. He said according to the physiognomy he should get married when he's over 30 and the fortune-teller said although he gets married a quite late but his wife will have a lot of luck.

- Leeteuk said he would have been debuted on June 2002 with a 5-member group (Donghae & Leeteuk supposed to debut with a group called "OKAY") but because the World Cup so their debut was postponed, then DBSG who are their hoobae trainee had been debuted first. Leeteuk said although he said congratulation to them but when he was on the bus to come back home, he had cried.

- Leeteuk said he was quite worry when SJ had just debuted because there were some members who are more popular than the others then, but he said popular/fame is like the season in the year, it comes but it will go so although at first Heechul, Siwon, Kibum were those who got attention but the other members will get their chance to shine eventually.

- Leeteuk said he had kept secret with his family about him being accepted to SM and being the trainee for 5 years, he also will talk about him saying he went to study at home but in fact go training & using his tutor fee to pay for transport fare & the hardship during the training period.

- A person from the show said according to the physiognomy, Leeteuk has to work with a person who has big frame so their synergy effect can be shown and that's why he should take care of his relationship with Kang Hodong & Shindong.

- Shindong said during his school days, because of his family situation he had to live in an old bulding of a restaurant in front of a cemetary, he said he had practiced dancing in front of an old mirror in the lobby to build his dream to be a singer and he can become now thanks to that time.
original articles : newsen
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posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[Pictures] Super Junior members showed their drawing skill

Super Junior members showed their drawing skills.

I'm not sure what are this drawing for.
When I'm surfing the internet, I found this pictures.
It's for christmas, but don't know exactly what for.
If any of you know, do tell us at the comment box.

And I think they're showing their drawing skills ^^
What do you think about their drawing skills?

Thanks to Hypnotic Asia for sharing the pics


[Video] Minho,Lee Teuk and Eun Hyuk performed "Change" with Hyun Ah!

I belive that you have seen the performance of "Change" by Hyun Ah before,the LIVE performance is pretty sexy with the ABS dance,but what happens if male idols perform the ABS dance too??

On today's Star King,SHINee's Minho,Super Junior's Lee Teuk and Eun Hyuk joined Hyun Ah with the ABS dance.They really gave me a different feel of the song and it looks funny when they did the dance

Watch the video here!


[cyworld] 091228 Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk Cyworld/sidebar updates

091228 Leeteuk Cyworld Diary Entry

2009.12.27 (2009.12.28 03:48)
..It snowed heavily..
Credits: 박정수 Cyworld
translated by superlover♫
may take out with full credits

Sungmin cyworld update

Our pretty Hyaku
and also
* 센 (sen) Sungmin coloured it with white so you have to highlight the text to see it. Not sure what it is, fans are guessing it’s his new cat or something

source : 이성민 미니홈피
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Eunhyuk’s sidebar update

Liar… *
* He typed it in English
Credits: 이혁재 Cyworld

[cyworld] 091227 Leeteuk Cyworld Updates

Sidebar Changes
Call heaven to witness
source: 박정수의미니홈피
translated by
may take out with full credits

Diary Entry
2009.12.26 (2009.12.27 03:18)
…As always when it’s come to the year-end…
…(I feel) sad and empty and lonely…

source: 박정수의미니홈피
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thanks superlover♫ for the shout out
may take out with full credits

[Cyworld] Leeteuk Cyworld Update about SNSD's concert!

2009.12.20 (2009.12.21 02:01)
..Girls Generation 1st concert!!!..
..congratulations!!^^ my mood’s getting better..ㅋㅋㅋ everything that we dream of during training days are one by one accomplished..
..the feeling when we ended our 1st concert is still vivid..’s exactly that feeling..^^’ve worked hard girls!!!
..even though super show 2 is still not ending yet..
..what are you expecting to see in super show 3..ㅋㅋ
source: 박정수’s
translated by: carolyn @


[Cyworld] Leeteuk Cyworld Sidebar & Photo Entries Update

Sidebar Update:
1st change (removed “..” and changed his “today is..”):

Today is.. I love you

Call heaven to witness *
* typed in english
Credits: 박정수 Cyworld

2nd change
 (Changed today is..):
Today is.. Happiness

Call heaven to witness *
* typed in english

Credits: 박정수 Cyworld
Update on photo entries:

Credits: 박정수 Cyworld & Thanks ★_Excentrique for sharing

[News] Leeteuk “It’s sad that Boom hyung who is in military only called Sunny”

Super Junior Leeteuk has expressed that he felt sad when Boom, who is currently in militay only made phone call to SNSD Sunny.
On a recent meeting with the reporter, Leeteuk was asked “Has Boom who is in military contacted you ?” and he said that “after (Boom) receiving his training course, he hasnt contacted me yet”, but he continued with “But I heard that (Boom) has called SNSD Sunny” and “I felt very sad about that”
However, Leeteuk said “But after I asking Sunny, I know that (Boom) didnt say much to her and his voice was quite nervous” and “It’s not easy for a person who are under training course made a phone call” thus understand Boom’s situation.
After that, he also said “After finishing this interview, I will go finding Boom hyung immediately” and “I will comfort hyung and I’m thinking that I will come there to get the ideas that he (Boom) thought of when he’s in military” and laughed.
Before Boom entered the army on October 29th, Leeteuk had learnt a lot of thing about gag through “Boom academy” and currently bring many laughter to viewer through “Teuk academy” with the other members Shindong & Eunhyuk.

original article is here
translated by
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits


[Cyworld]091206 Leeteuk 1 Diary Entry !

2009.12.05 (2009.12.06 04:27)

..(The weather) got very cold..

..It’s December..

..Last year December..

..the very happy moment (I) had lived..

Credits: 박정수 Cyworld
Thanks ★_Excentrique for the shout out
Translated by
may take out with full credits
Shared By : Jenny32@shiningblue

Note : I uploaded a picture of him since he didn't upload any picture for this entry !

[cyworld] 091123 Leeteuk Updates (friend comment + Diary Entry)

Friend Comment

Please leave a message (~.,~ Lee Jaejin)

Diary Entry
2009.11.23 Mon (2009.11.24 02:53)


Source: Park Jungsoo Cyworld
Translation by. viragis at SJ-WORLD.NET
may take out with proper credit!


091124 03.16 KST

Sidebar Update
Today is… Lonely

Call heaven to witness *

* He typed it in English ^^

Credits: 박정수 Cyworld
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