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Showing posts with label micky yoochun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label micky yoochun. Show all posts

[Info] Singer You Want To Be Your English Tutor

  1. Micky Yoochun (DBSK)
  2. Jaebum
  3. Tiffany (SNSD)
  4. Nicole (KARA)
  5. Nichkhun (2PM)
  6. Kibum (Super Junior)
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*well, I don't mind having any of them as my english tutor ^^
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[picture] Idol's Graduation Photos Compilation

It's that time of the year again! Graduation~ makes me think my friends graduated today at our university~ sad... but happy for them at the same time!

Idol's aren't exempted in this ceremony either and that includes graduation photo's especially those in your yearbook.

Some idols take it to the extent to burn their yearbook because they do not want to remember how they looked back then but there are just some that can sneak their way in the netizen's possession.

Those are compiled photo's made by netizens of some of your favorite idols~ Fun to look at huh? :))

Original Source
via 파스타 @ bbvipz

[Picture] DBSK's YooChun is keeping the faith!!

It has already been such a long time since DBSK got into the trouble with SME.

However,member YooChun showed fans that he is still keeping the faith that the problem they are facing now will be resolved.

YooChun was spotted wearing a jacket with "Keep The Faith" on it,there is a high posibility that the jacket was given by a fan.

Lastly,let's Keep The Faith too!!

Photo credits to DBSKnights!

[News] Who Would You Like to be Kissed on White Day?

[Chosun Online News] 100313

Entertainment News
2010/03/13 08:46:28

Singer Rain shined to the first place of the star who people wanted to do mouth to mouth transfer of candy on the white day.

As a result of having carried out questioner survey to ask, “The male star who you wish to do mouth to mouth transfer of candy on the white day” at “Monkey 3″ site which specializes in music in Korea, Rain was chosen as the first place according to the site that announced it on the 12th. The survey was collected from 3,093 members of “Monkey 3″ music site from the 5th until the 11th of March.

Rain got 1,234 supports which are 40% of the total votes and suppressed his rivals and shined on the top.

As for the second place, Yuchun (Micky) of TVXQ, received 23% (708 votes), for the third place, Jang Gunsuku (Actor), and Nichkhun of 2PM received equal number of votes (11%, 333 votes), and G-DRAGON of BIGBANG scored the fourth (10%, 323 votes), followed by Minho of SHINee (5%, 162).

source: chosunonline+as tagged
translated by:
shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

[Fanaccount] Lucky encounter with DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Yoochun in Daegu

In relation to this post HERE

So everyone guessed Yoochun was present!
A Korean fan account later proved that to be true

At 11am, she was in a restaurant eating
The restaurant was closed to where Xiahzart was to be performed at
When they arrived there weren’t a lot of people, right when her and her friends were really getting into a conversation, a guy walked in and sat at a seat by the window.
Then after 2-3 minutes, another person came in
Surprisingly, with on glance
It was Yoochun oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (I am so JEALOUS!!!)
She was dumbfounded, couldn’t talk, she was excited to the point that she was about to cry, her friend turned around
and saw Yoochun oppa, she was so shocked that she screamed out loud.
Yoochun look at them for a second and then sat by the guy that came in earlier.

After a little bit
She got out a notebook and went over to Yoochun with her friend
Tears was about to come out
They walked up to Yoochun and said
“Oppa, I am a Cassiopeian, can I have your autograph?”

Yoochun said okay
Took the pen she had gave her his autograph
His hand was super pretty ㅠㅠㅠ

Just so happens, she had tickets to see Xiahzart in herhands
When Yoochun saw, he said
“Did you come to to see Mozart today?”

She said “Yes~!!”
Yoochun Oppa: Oh, I’m going to watch later too~

She thought Yoochun oppa was goign to watch the 3:00PM one so shouted in excitement
“3:00PM one?? Mine is at 3:00!!”

Yoochun oppa only smiled and didn’t answer ㅠㅠ

The guy that sat in front of Yoochun… scary

… WHen Yoochun oppa returned the notebook and pen to her
their hands touched ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (AHH!! lucky!!!)

Then on, she returned to her seat and pretended to eat
but she observed Yoochun oppa through the mirror the entire time

When Yoochun finished eating, they all left together

Yoochun told her
You can look straight at me, why look through the mirrorㅠㅠ

She said
“I would be embarrassed”

Yoochun said “Its okay~”
After this, he crossed the street and left in a car

trans+shared by:

[News] Captures of Micky YooChun piggybacking f(x) Sulli garners interests

Captures from a video featuring Dong Bang Shin Ki Micky YooChun piggybacking f(x) Sulli have recently caught the attention of many netizens.

The captures were from Dong Bang Shin Ki’s movie drama ‘Vacation’ released in 2006, and Micky YooChun was featured in episode 4 ‘Eternal’ saving young Sulli from a fire. The bright smile of young Sulli in the drama was especially impressionable.


Credits :Kbites

This picture is quite old news, i saw this in the internet when f(x) just debuted, i'm quite surprised with the netizens, but its good to share this :) !.

[News] DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Jaejoong and Yuchun Spent Valentine's Day Together!

Translation of a blog from yedawol lodge, Korea:

TVXQ's Micky Yuchun and Hero Jeajoong visited 예다울/yedawol lodge (pool villa 8 don)
for 2 nights and 3 days during holidays in a lunar New Year, and they were very satisfied.

I am not an age to cheer an idol star, but when I first met Micky Yuchun and when he laughed with a bright smile
and he greeted me with a 90 degree vow (*a formal respectful vow), I was completely struck by his charm. ^^

They even helped serve the food together with us and shared interesting jokes
and also took photographs with the staff.

They have beautiful and refreshing faces, very tall, we sighed looking at such breath-taking look on them -

Jeajoong was quieter than we had imagined, but he was very polite and very kind to all of us.

It did not seem like they were an idol star. Their manner was the best ever~~~

In addition, they told us that they will visit us again and secretly made a reservation -
(*T/N: LOL. Now it is not a secret, if it is written in a blog. ^^)

They visited the lodge to get recharged before they go to Japan, so that they can show better figures to the fans.
During their stay, they rested in a really quiet and the best manner.

Please perform well in Japan, and please show good activities in the New Year too!
TVXQ fighting ~ and fighting to us too~!!!

*The upper photographs are posted with the agreement of the TVXQ's manager,
so please keep the original source when moving it to elsewhere.^^*
URL of Yedawol Lodge:

Always Keep The Faith!

Translated by:
Thanks to:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!

[Picture] Micky & Gahee share the similar smile??

Firstly,many thanks to huyentrang9201 @ Soompi for sharing this picture.

I just got into K Pop 2 years ago so i dont really know much about what happened between YooChun and Ga Hee,so i did some Googleing and found that Ga Hee used to be YooChun's ex-girldriend.

But after seeing the photo above,i think that they do share the same smile,what do you think??

Some old photos to share

[Pictures] DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Micky Yoochun with violinist

with violinist – Kim CheeYun

credit: as tagged
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[News] T-ara EunJung’s kiss scene with Micky YooChun before debut?

Another interesting piece of T-ara EunJung’s past has been revealed!

It is known that EunJung has taken part in the 2006 drama production for Dong Bang Shin Ki called ‘Dating From Earth’. In the romance comedy drama, Micky YooChun plays the role of a highschool student whose wife happens to be his teacher at school.

And EunJung plays the role of a crazy fan and schoolmate to Micky YooChun at school. She was seen in uniform and with her black long hair.

What caught the attention of many is also her kiss scene with Micky YooChun. In the drama, she had tagged along with Micky where he went and in the end, she initiated a kiss.

Netizens who have seen the videos commented, “EunJung has much activities even before debut”, “she even get to kiss Micky YooChun, did she like saved the whole nation in her previous life to get such good opportunities this life?”, “she looks pure and pretty” etc.


i myself don't understand what is the big deal o.o? There are many other onscreen kisses which the other members did... o.o.Secondly, from what i heard from fans, they didn't even kiss directly.

Video Credits:dirah9307

[Picture] JunSu & YooChun wild love revealed!

When we talk about love among group members,usually we refer to how much the members care about each others and understand each others' feeling,but have you thought about some complicated love relationship among members of DBSK??

Well,there are a lot of interesting fanmade photo that i have to show today,this one is getting into my nerve,i was shocked when i saw the photo.JunSu and YooChun are having some kind of wild love in the jungle.

Just look at JunSu's expression when he is chasing at YooChun in the photo.YooChun transformed into a jungle woman in the photo,running and screaming,JunSu is a bit aggressive in the photo.

Many thanks to jae90ful @ Soompi for the photo!

[Picture] DBSK's Yoo Chun bought an elegant new car!

DBSK's member Micky YooChun bought a new car!

To be honest,i don't really know much about cars,but i think you guys know "Porsche" right?The new car he bought is Porsche Panamera, a name that i haven't heard before as i am not living on that standard yet.

I searched for the price of the car online and it really shocked me as a Porsche Panamera can easily cost more than 150K USD,i think that's the main reason why there are so many people who want to debut as an artist in Korea!!!

Phot credits to DBSKNights!

[Pictures] Netizens spot similiarities between Micky YooChun and Amber

Some netizens have spotted some similarities between Dong Bang Shin Ki Micky YooChun and f(x) Amber.
We all know that Amber is known to be lookalike to many male idols. Add one more to the list?

Netizens points out the similarities. Do they lookalike?

c: mickybaidu, sharingyoochun


[news] 091124 Tohomobile Director's Cut★SPECIAL

2010 Calendar Shooting

Yunho was...

Studying his drama script during his break!
He has such amazing concentration (*0*)

"No Limit ~Heading to the Ground"
Will be broadcast in Japan staring from January 2010! Everyone please look forwards to it ♪


Waiting comfortably

Yoochun spent his break time comfortably, sitting on the sofa and chatting to the staffs!

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[news] UPDATED:TVXQ, MAMA Asia Star Award "I Love You" with video eng sub!

Group TVXQ's Micky Yoochun, YoungWoong Jaejoong and Xiah Junsu received the Best Asia Star Award at the 'Mnet Asian Music Awards'

TVXQ was awarded the 'Best Asia Star Award' at the Mnet 2009 MAMA at the Seoul, Jamshil Indoor Stadium on the 21st.

Xiah Junsu said, "Thank you. It's been a while. We are thankful to received such a big award. This award was not one we could have received from the efforts of only one member, the best efforts from all five members were needed to receive this award so it is more meaningful to us. We would like to thank all our fans in Asia for this award."

Micky Yoochun said, "This is the first time I've ever had such a big yearning to sing on a stage like this. I was able to get to such a place because I became a singer by meeting great members. Please give us your support. We will become a group who does not fall below your expectations."

Lastly, YoungWoong Jaejoong said, "We are more happy because it was an award give to us by our fans across Asia. We would like to thank all our domestic and overseas fans who are watching this. I would like to tell two people who might be watching this that I love them." (Translated by Soompi Member)

Source: [asiae+DNBN]
Translation credits:
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credits: Eternalmerkamoon1 @ youtube

[news] JaeChunSu to attend the MAMA’s!

Wow! The Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA), just may not be a complete failure anymore.

On the 19th, the three TVXQ members Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun and Youngwoong JaeJoong have decided to attend the MAMA's which will be held on November 21st.

An Mnet representative stated to Starnews:

"Youngwoong JaeJoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun will attend the MAMA's and will be able to greet their fans after being away for a long time."
In addition they stated:
"However, we are not sure yet whether the 3 members will perform or just greet the fans on stage as of now."
Well, it's better than nothing right? Finally some good news for TVXQ fans and for the MAMA's.

source; allkpop

[news] Jaejoong & Yoochun Interview in ‘What’s In’ (October Issue)

Jejung and Yuchun from Tohoshinki, who walked out from the colourful music world

The new single “COLORS ~Melody and Harmony~” is Jejung and Yuchun’s duet song during “4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~The Secret Code~ FINAL in TOKYO DOME,” which was sung together with 50,000 fans under a warmhearted atmosphere. What is the meaning behind this song? Let’s find out.

- Part omitted -

Q: How did you compose songs?
YC: My own way of composing, ai~ (sighs) I normally compose during my bouts of loneliness. The melody of that song (”COLORS~”) was one of Jejung’s creations, which was really good (the melody). Therefore, I asked Jejung hyung, “Let’s complete this together?”
JJ: During that time, Yuchun came looking for me and said, “The melody done by you is really beautiful~ Let’s work on it?” I said, “Okay~”
YC: Luckily, he didn’t say “NO!”
JJ: I wouldn’t say that kind of thing. (laughs)
YC: Very warm-hearted ah, Jejung hyung~

- Part omitted -

Q: The idea of inserting the ‘rap’ was by Yuchun?
YC: Because I’m capable of doing everything. (laughs) Just kidding~ (laughs)
JJ: But personally, I think Yuchun is a rap expert.
YC: Really?
JJ: Yes, really.
YC: Ai ya~ Is it? (laughs)
JJ: I was the one who thought of inserting the rap part, and I asked for his help. “Yuchun ah~ Please include a rap in this song~ RAP~”
YC: It’s impossible to reject Jejung hyung. (laughs)

Q: The rap done by Yuchun is really passionate.
JJ: I think so, too. No one can do it like Yuchun.
YC: Thanks! (shy laugh)

- Part omitted -

Q: What’s the extent of your composing work so far?
JJ: Including the unreleased pieces, I have lesser than Yuchun.
YC: No, that’s not the case, I have lesser?
JJ: But, Yuchun has 10 pieces and I have only 6.
YC: Let’s count them later~ (laughs)

- Part omitted -

Q: “Endlessly Sweet” was released on the 23rd of September. Let’s talk about this song.
YC: This is a bright and cheerful song.

Q: It’s been a long time since your last cheerful song.
YC: Really? We (Tohoshinki) are trying to regain our youth!

Q: No, all of you are still young…
YC: The truth is, it was recorded during our breaks in between the TSC Live Tour. I can’t seem to remember when exactly.
JJ: That’s supposed to be a secret. (laughs)

Q: Ai ya, let… it out. (laughs)
YC: Ah, I remembered! The beginning part is by Junsu. When we first heard this song, all the members and staff thought that the beginning would be sung by Jejung. ‘But Junsu is the one who sang it, though surprised but it’s meaningful.
JJ: I also felt that it’s something new for Junsu to sing the opening.

Solo Comment by Yuchun to Jejung

“Because we are not used to doing activities by ourselves, we were curious and had the excited feeling during our interviews and photoshoots. Jejung looks the same as always, quite at ease; not much changes as before which surprised me. (laughs) Whether in Japan or in Korea, the chance for the two of us to hang out is very slim, and we have not gone out for a very long time due to our busy schedule. The day before, Jejung asked me to go out for a drink, and there were only two of us, therefore I said, “Let’s go!” What I felt while composing a song with Jejung hyung is that, because I mostly work on piano pieces, most of them are ballad-type of songs. As Jejung uses MIDI to work, his genre of songs is very broad, really amazing. I’m happy that we are able to come out with something that is a combination of our different “COLORS” (merits).

Solo Comment by Jejung to Yuchun

While we were having our Tohoshinki activities as five, Yuchun always sleeps late and wakes up late, but this time, during our duet activities, Yuchun always sleeps early and wakes up earlier than me! Even for today, Yuchun is the one who woke me up. (laughs) Seriously, seeing the Yuchun who sleeps early and wakes up early really shocked me!! But why did he do that? That’s the question… If only YuChun slept early and woke up early during our Tohoshinki (as five) activities as well. (laughs) Once again, I have to admit that Yuchun’s rapping skill is really amazing; I hope that I can compose more songs with Yuchun’s rap. Ah~ There was a interesting incident. (laughs) Once, I was composing a piece, and Yuchun suddenly came in and said, “Change it to this feel~” and he left right after he told me what to do! At that moment, I felt like he was the director, and I’m the worker doing an overtime. (laughs)

Source: What’s In October Issue + baidutvxq
Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ
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