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[News] K.R.S. to replace Eunhyuk for SUKIRA

Super Junior members replace Eunhyuk, who has been diagnosed with H1N1, as radio show host.
After Eunhyuk was diagnosed with H1N1 on 26 February, his job as DJ on KBS FM ‘Kiss the Radio’ was inevitably left vacant.
According to an official from SM Entertainment on 28 Feb, it was fellow group member Sungmin who replaced Eunhyuk as DJ on 26 and 27 February. Ryeowook will join Leeteuk to host the radio show on 28 February and 1 March. If Eunhyuk’s condition does not improve by 2 March, Kyuhyun will help take over as host of the programme.
It is also said that Eunhyuk is now resting at home and that he will continue to host the radio show after he fully recovers.
Due to Eunhyuk’s diagnosis, he was also unable to participate in the Girls’ Generation Encore Concert Guest performance held on 27 and 28 February.

CR: 小程 @ SJ公会 
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @ SJ-WORLD.NET 
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[DKP Photo] Hottests getting worse!

I don't have any harmful reason for posting this photo.
I just posted this to remind Hottests what shouldn't be done.
Since the issue is getting worse now.
And to..


This is neither a news nor update.

this is an old picture posted after the announcement

Recently, 2PM's 6 members conference became a huge topic.
This is regarding to leader Jaebum's withdrawal from the group.

We from DKPOPNEWS also sympathize to any KPOP group.
No biases!

Our aim is to bring you latest scoops from your favorite kpop group.
But this issue about 2PM is alarming to the point that every post about 2Pm is getting worse.

Yes I said worse. That photo above is an evidence.

I won't credit someone who posted this photo to avoid commotion.
You know who you are. Please don't do something like this.

Is this how you show your LOVE & RESPECT to 2PM?
Think again.

This post is aiming for Hottests to reflect whatever they have on their minds.
Continue supporting 2Pm as a group.

[News] A-Star Extra Magazine Vol.4/2010 – Most Impression Idol

It’s how the Korean star impressed the A-star magazine staff (from meeting, press conference , interviewing or working experience with Korea stars)

*T/N There’s no ranking among the TOP 5

#1 Jaejong – Clumsy with good manners

We have no idea why we’re impressed of Jaejoong this much because every time we got a chance to meet him it’s always from distance. But His cutie aura keep flashing on us. He doesn’t talk much in order to continue his mysterious image but out of the blue he just did something cute and clumsy on his own.

When he gets to talk,he can impress us with his touching speech for example we were talking about the pink wristband (Thai people wear it to show loyalty to the king) Jaejoong said he was wearing it because he wanted to be like Thai people. That’s why he always wears 2 wristbands every time he visited Thailand.

Moreover the way he looks at the fans slowly from left to right and right to left as if he wants to keep every moment in his memories. Then he gives us a little smile or sticking his touch out or laughing with no reasons.

He’s so focusing on loving one thing every time he visited Thailand, which is to ride the elephants.Also the way he gracefully paid respect in Thai way.All of these simple little things impress us more and more.

#2 Siwon (SJ)
#3 Nichkhun (2 PM)
#4 Taemin (SHINee)
#5 Minho (SHINee)

source: A-Star Extra Magazine Vol.4/2010
trans by:


[News] DBSk/THSK/TVXQ Rules Again! Already TOP! NEW DVD+CD Pre-Sale at HMV Japan!!

HMV Weekly General Sale Ranking:


Release Date: March 17, 2010

#2 Tokiwo Tomete CD (+DVD)

Release Date: March 24th, 2010

*These two are already ranked top at weekly general HMV sells!! ^^
(Ranked top of every other items sold at HMV!)

translated by:
shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!


[Video] Dong Hae & Eun Hyuk's Cino CF is out!

After seeing the first version featuring member Siwon,Shin Dong and Lee Teuk,the second version has been revealed to public recently.

This version involves 2 Super Junior's member (Eun Hyuk & Dong Hae).Dong Hae looks great here,watch the CF now!


[Photo spam]Promotional Posters of SPAO features Super Junior

Another round of cool and hot Super Junior!
These are only fantakens but its too gorgeous not to share.
SPAO did a good choice for choosing SJ members to endorse their brands.

Enjoy yourselves. They looked so hot!

Oh well. who wears it best? 

credits: marenubium;twelfs
reuploaded by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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[news] {MANILA BULLETIN} 2PM fans condemn JYP for ousting Jaebum

February 27, 2010, 1:20pm

Korean and international fans of K-pop boy band 2PM slammed Park Jin-Young (aka JYP), founder of JYP Entertainment, over the agency’s announcement last February 25 that Park Jaebum was not coming back to the group, saying that Jaebum’s supposed “personal wrongdoing” was only made up.

2PM fans are still in shock over the news and are planning different activities to show their support for Jaebum, including boycotting the remaining six members of the boy band.

JYPE announced last February 25 on its website that Jaebum is permanently out of 2PM and that it has terminated its exclusive contract with Jaebum because of the latter’s alleged admission that he made a “personal mistake” when the boy band was promoting “Again & Again” last year.

The announcement also claimed that the remaining six members of 2PM reached a consensus that they could no longer work with Jaebum because of the wrongdoing.

However, JYPE did not disclose the alleged wrongdoing, saying it was a private matter. This sparked rumors including a supposed sex tape between Jaebum and Sunmi, former member of the Wonder Girls, who quit the girl band to resume her studies in South Korea. The rumor was denied by JYPE.

Fans said the “facts” contained in the announcement were inconsistent. They pointed out that the January 3 meeting between JYPE and the six members was not possible since the members were on vacation at the time.

Korean and international fans have been posting criticisms against JYP on forums. Korean fans are flocking to the JYPE building in Cheongdam in Gangnam, Seoul, to post more pro-Jaebum notes.

They put chrysanthemum flowers at the doorstep of the building to signify their mourning. White flowers in Korea symbolize death.

Fans have terminated their membership in the official 2PM fan cafe to protest JYPE’s decision on Jaebum.

Others have directed their anger towards the remaining six members of 2PM, saying that they betrayed their former leader. Fans even urged some of them to withdraw from TV programs that they currently appear in as permanent members.

There is a scheduled meeting between JYPE officials and 2PM, and the representatives of fan clubs in Korea on February 27. The meeting was scheduled even before the February 25 announcement.

~~~I'm quite shocked this got to Manila Bulletin.
Note: Manila Bulletin is one of the largest media publishing corporations in the Philippines....


[NEWS] BEAST Mini-Album leaked before official release

Male group Beast, who were going to release their second mini album, have fallen into a state of emergency due to the fact that all of their songs have been leaked.

A representative from CUBE Entertainment stated that 'On the 2nd [of March] we were planning to release 'Shock of the new era' offline, online and through mobile. But we found out that their title song 'SHOCK' and 'SPECIAL' had been leaked on the 28th.'

"We found out that the songs were leaked on YouTube first. We're trying our best to find out the source of leakage. We will take appropriate actions against that person if we find out who they are."

On the 27th, BEAST gained exploding interest as soon as they released teasers. They also released the first batch of jacket photos and have increased the expectations. But there are signs of surprise due to the unexpected accident.

"We will release the songs online on March 1st as emergency measures due to this unfortunate incident. This is not noise marketing. We're upset that we can't do everything as planned.

'SHOCK OF THE NEW ERA' will be released on the 1st on Melon, MNet, Bugs, Dosirak, Soribada and other online music portal sites and all are predicting success.


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[Fanaccount] Details on the rumours about the fan meeting!

The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…
I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…
  • The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.
  • Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning.
  • When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)
  • When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, that they think of him still as a best friend, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.
  • One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [I’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-fucking-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom and their desire to protect him, they could not speak of to the fans. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—“all seven of us”—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die [the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, fyi—it’s a more commonly used expression in Korean than English]. They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.
  • There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom.” He goes on to say that despite the fact that they have forgiven him, and though they will always love him as a brother, the mistake he made was too serious to reveal to the fans, and that they, too, would feel as shocked and speechless as the 2pm boys did if they knew what it was. He apologized for having to say that.
  • Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. We promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and sniggered, saying “쳇” (it sounds like “chet” but the “t” is very light) on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].
  • There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.
  • When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [It breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.
Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.
And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.
P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is TRUE:
  • All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.
  • One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.
  • The JYP rep did say “To put it as a metaphor, the six members, and our company, are like the victims in this situation, and Jaebeom is the attacker.” The quotation itself was part of an explanation as to why they were honest in revealing that Jaebeom had made a big mistake in his private life, and why the company was trying to protect the other six members of 2pm. I personally don’t think it was as awful as other fans seem to think, although it isn’t pleasant to hear that Jaebeom was “the attacker,” but it’s up to you as to how you want to interpret it.
  • The JYP rep also said (as part of the above comment) that the six members are “just as important as one member.” He never said that the six were “more” important than the one.
  • Someone (I can’t tell who—I believe it was the JYP rep) answered “Yes” when asked if Jay’s private mistake was serious enough that even if the Myspace controversy had never happened, Jay would still have had to leave the group. I’ve seen accounts that all the members also said yes, but on the audio file I hear only one voice. Maybe they nodded; I don’t know.
I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can confirm I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep in mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best. I trust our 2pm boys, and I believe in them.

Credits to

[NEWS] Kwon "I don't want to show Ga-In to other guys"!

2AM’s Jo Kwon protected Brown Eyed Girl’s Ga-in, showing an image of a real couple.

On MBC’s ‘We Got Married,’ aired on February 27th, Jo Kwon and Ga-in got ready to cook for their housewarming party.

During this episode, after seeing Ga-in wearing a sweatshirt that was slightly revealing, Jo Kwon was embarrassed and said, “You can clearly see through.” And he said, “Your shirt is too revealing” and confessed, “I don’t want to show you to other guys.”

Jo Kwon said that while thinking about 2AM’s other members, who will be at the housewarming party later on, and directly put an apron on her to cover her up.

After Jo Kwon put an apron on her himself while worrying about her, Ga-in showed a smile, implying that she does not dislike what is happening.

On this day, in the house of the ‘Adam Couple,’ members of 2AM and Brown Eyed Girls came and created a fun atmosphere. Their housewarming party scenes will continue on next week’s ‘We Got Married.’

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
CREDITS : mydaily (SOURCE) ; qtkrngal515@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

[NEWS] Kim Jun Hee: "Love at first sight at MBLAQ Lee Joon"

Source: Newsen
Chinese translation: summerccc @ MBLAQ China
English translation: tohojess @ absolutemblaq


[Video] Who is the best runner among Jonghyun,Taemin & Onew??

Well,the best runner among SHINee's members is undoubtedly Minho,this is a fact and i think everyone know that.

But who is the 2nd fastest runner in SHINee?Well,you have to check out this video to find out the answer,but before that,please make a guess on who will be the fastest among JongHyun,Taemin and Onew??

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