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Showing posts with label Hottest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hottest. Show all posts

[news] JYPE terminates official Hottest fanclub admins

These are screencaps of the logs of the notifications/announcements of the admin terminations from the official 2PM fanclub, Hottest.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated [Vice President] Jung Jiyoon from the admin position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated 2PM level coordinator from the admin position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the video coordinator from the staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the 'Jaebum Return' coordinator from the staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the photo coordinator from the staff position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated the [Capital Area Director] Jang Dohee from the admin position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated the [Capital Area Director] Lee Kyungju from the admin position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the relationship coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the account and monitor coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the UFO coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the plating coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the event coordinator from the board staff position.

NOTE: In the history of idol fanclubs, no other company has ever done this before. These were the admins that remained in their positions despite the other admins resigning after the conference.

All admins were terminated and the main page image of the fanclub was changed to an image of the six members,

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[News] 2PM fans demand, "Reveal the truth behind the 'jaebum, come back' situation"

[TV Daily = Lee Eunji Reporter] “ Jaebum, come back” This situation has to be clarified…”

The existence of 2PM is faltering due to the termination of Jaebum’s contract with JYPE. The majority of the fans demand, “The remaining members should stop all activities and terminate 2PM”. They strongly demand that the members who are currently involved in variety programs should leave the shows.
But, amongst these fans’ opinions lies the voice of the minority fans.

One person who was revealed to be a 2PM fan said during a phone call with TVDaily, “Only Jaebum can clarify the situation,” and said that she wants Jaebum to speak his side of the story.

This fan said carefully, “Jaebum’s life is important, but so are the lives of the other members. It is regrettable that Jaebum has withdrawn from the team but it is somewhat selfish to block the other members’ activities because of it”.

“Jaebum has terminated his contract with JYPE but the other members are still under JYPE. They are not in the position to NOT participate in their activities.”

Also, “at this moment, whatever the company or members say will not lessen the fans’ rage and no one will believe them,” and, “it is the time for the person who is directly involved in the situation, Jaebum, to reveal his stance”.

But, this fan also stated, “the truth is, even though Jaebum comes out and reveals his stance, the fans are not going to believe it. They’re simply going to believe that he is speaking how the company told him to”.

Currently, the majority it 2PM’s fans either wish for them to stop all activities or quit their careers as celebrities. But, other fans criticize those for being selfish. 



[DKP Photo] Hottests getting worse!

I don't have any harmful reason for posting this photo.
I just posted this to remind Hottests what shouldn't be done.
Since the issue is getting worse now.
And to..


This is neither a news nor update.

this is an old picture posted after the announcement

Recently, 2PM's 6 members conference became a huge topic.
This is regarding to leader Jaebum's withdrawal from the group.

We from DKPOPNEWS also sympathize to any KPOP group.
No biases!

Our aim is to bring you latest scoops from your favorite kpop group.
But this issue about 2PM is alarming to the point that every post about 2Pm is getting worse.

Yes I said worse. That photo above is an evidence.

I won't credit someone who posted this photo to avoid commotion.
You know who you are. Please don't do something like this.

Is this how you show your LOVE & RESPECT to 2PM?
Think again.

This post is aiming for Hottests to reflect whatever they have on their minds.
Continue supporting 2Pm as a group.

[News] Infront Of JYPE Building With Chrysanthemums; 2PM Is Dead

On the 26th at 2PM, 100 2PM fans gathered in front of the JYP Entertainment building to show their were against the permanent withdrawal of Park Jaebum

After hearing the news of Park Jaebum's permanent withdrawal, 2PM fans gathered to protest. Because the protest had started due to Jaebum, it is thought that the gathering will only grow. To show they were against Jaebum's withdrawal, they laid down chrysanthemums.

Junsu, Wooyoung, Chansung, Junho, Taecyeon and Nichkhun idol group 2PM's company, JYP Entertainment, realised an announcement on the 25th at 8PM via their official homepage regarding Jaebum's withdrawal. It was a long post but explained that it was because of Jaebum's personal mistake. They explained that this personal mistake was much worse than the incident that happened in September, and came to a decision to end his contract.

However the majority of the fans are not willing to agree to JYP's announcement. The fans have refuted each point made in the announcement and declaring it as conspiracies. Because of this many uncertain rumors are rising to the surface.

The fans' opinion is that the time that the 6 members agreed to the withdrawal with JYPE does not match up with the actual situations they were in. The apparent time of the 6 members' agreement was at the start of January, a time when the members were given a holiday. Also on February 3rd, during the Seoul Music awards, they referred to Jaebum in their speeches. Because of these points the voices of those who do not understand the announcement are increasing. In regards to the announcement that this happened during the time of 2PM's 'Again and Again' promotions, the fans have voiced out that their schedule was too busy for this to happen. Fans are bursting in rage, declaring that "JYPE are lying".

Meanwhile 2PM's Taecyeon has deleted his Cyworld minihompy. Until now Taecyeon has been actively communicating with fans via his minihompy and leaving posts in his diary section. Fans are shocked that he had suddenly deleted his minihompy. Last January, another 2PM member, Wooyoung, also suddenly deleted his minihompy and has made fans more shocked. Junsu's minihompy was also closed his minihompy, and on Chansung's minihompy, he closed it with his status as "Confused...".

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[News/Info] 2PM Fan Union Question & Answers

1. Despite Underground having corrected our document of questions and resubmitted them, why have you opened this conference without answering them?

Jung Wook: Park Jaebum has requested for us to reveal his withdrawal at the end of February and so we couldn't answer the questions. We are opening this conference in order for the members to have an honest talk with the fans.

2. What the fans wanted as communication with JYPE. Why are the members present at today's conference?

Jung Wook: In order for the members to express their honest thoughts. If only I had come to the conference, the fans wouldn't believe the members.

3. JYPE announced that the members agreed to Park Jaebum's withdrawal on the 6th of January. Are there any refutes against this statement?

Membes: We all agree to the statement.

4. We would like an honest response as to why the members continued to speak of Jaebum's name in broadcasts and their interviews even after the decision was apparently made on the 6th of January.

Members: Despite his withdrawal, he is still a good hyung to us. I don't think it's a problem to be honest in saying that we miss him. And from now on, if we miss him, we will say so. We don't think it will be a problem.

5. After the termination of the contract with Park Jaebum, what are you required to do by law?

There is nothing left.

6. Until when is the income distribution active?

There is no fee for the termination of his contract. Income earned up to December completed its distribution in January.

7. Please explain what the company is doing to handle the mental and physical stress that has been placed upon the members and their families with the various rumors that are circulating.

Jung Wook: JYPE is not responsible for the personal and social lives of the celebrities within our agency. We believe that Park Jaebum must take full responsbility for his actions. The rest of the members are victims to this case, while Park Jaebum is the attacker.

8. It is not hard to ask for articles to be taken down and for hateful replies to be deleted. Why didn't the company take a stance on this issue?

Jung Wook: Honestly speaking, we have never had to delete articles or replies before this issue. However, after the issue broke out, our company has tried our best.

9. Despite revealing that decisions have been made on the 6th of January, the company has been using Park Jaebum's name for marketing. Please reveal your reason.

Jung Wook: It is impossible for JYPE to control the media and the press. It is true that the decision was made on the 6th of January but we had already come to an agreement to release the information late February.

10. On the official notification, you described the reason as 'a severe personal mistake.' Will you be taking responsibility for specifically using the words 'severe' and 'mistake?'

Jung Wook: I will reply with three reasons.
1. After this 'mistake' occurred, we didn't want the remaining members to turn into betrayers. The 6 members are just as important as the one.
2. The notification was to all of Korea. We could not lie.
3. The 6 members are the victims and if we did not speak of the truth and reveal it as a severe mistake, people will get the wrong idea.

11. Does Park Jaebum know about the conference with fans? Does he know that the reason for his withdrawal is 'due to a severe personal mistake?'

Khun: I have texted Park Jaebum recently. He knows that we are holding this conference. He wanted to give us a video recording.
Jung Wook: He knows of the notification, too.

12. In the future, will 2PM be adding a new member or deciding another leader?

Jung Wook + Members: There are no plans.

13. Is there really no chance for Park Jaebum's return? And if he returns through a different company, what is your opinion on the matter?

Jung Wook + Members: There is no possibility for him to return through 2PM.
Chansung: If Jaebum wishes to take responsbility for all of this and comes back as a celebrity, we will encourage him. However, I think a return through 2PM is out of the question.

14. Couldn't the company have covered for the severe personal mistake? And, if the members did not agree to Jaebum's withdrawal, don't you think the issue wouldn't have gotten this far?

Members: It's not something we can just cover.
Jung Wook: We were put in a situation where the only thing we could do was agree. That is why we agreed. If we hadn't, I believe that the results would be the same.

15. If the controversy last September never happened, would your decision still stand the same?

Everyone: Yes

16. Do you personally control the cyworlds of the members? There are posts that went up after the 8th that have created much controversy amongst the fans. Are they all your posts?

Wooyoung: Yes, I was truly frustrated which is why I wrote it.
Chansung: Yes. I was truly in a state of confusion which is why I wrote it like so. But it has nothing to do with the issue.
Jung Wook: We believe that a celebrity must be responsible for his own personal and social life. We do not control them.

17. What do the members think of the boycott?

Junho: We didn't care because we knew that Jaebum would return and knew that it would all be solved with his return. But honestly speaking, I would be lying if I said wasn't hurt. If, after today, the boycott continues, then I will think of it as the fans hating us. We will show that we will be trying our best through our songs and performances.

18. If the severe mistake is revealed to be false, do you realize that you will be charged for libel?

Jung Wook: We only wrote of the truth.

19. Will Park Jaebum be able to receive the income for his 1st and 2nd singles?

Jung Wook: He will have to discuss that and reach an agreement with copyright officials. It has nothing to do with JYPE.

20. Will you continue to use the name 'Hottests' for 2PM's fanclub?

Jung Wook: Yes. Are you saying that the members are not 2PM? No. The 6 members are 2PM, therefore, we will continue to use Hottests.

21. The members were revealed to be on vacation when the specifed date of January 6th was revealed.

Wooyoung: It was our first vacation.
Taecyeon: We are celebrities. We cannot cringe at the people we meet.
Chansung: We cannot meet our families during the holidays with dark faces. What do you want? Do you want us to make a fool of ourselves asking for Jaebum to come back on live broadcasts?

22. Do you know the rumors circulating on the internet? Will you protect him?

Wooyoung: We are not throwing him away but protecting him. We knew that we would regret it if it was later revealed.
Chansung: Please don't be skeptical of our friendship.
Junho: After finding out on January 3rd, I honestly hated Jaebum. We had always tried our best for his return. However, we believe that silence will protect him.
Taecyeon: I believe that rumors will always disappear after time.

23. Why is there no fee for the termination of his contract?

The other members have a lot of CF, etc contracts but there are none for Jaebum. That is why there are no fees.

24. Please reveal Park Jaebum's exact contract terms.

Jung Wook: His contract was set for 7 years. We offered 10, then offered 8, and then again for 7 years.

25. Park Jinyoung stated on Golden Fishery that Park Jaebum's return will definitely be through 2PM. What is the company doing now to hold true to that statement?

Jung Wook: Up until December 22nd, when he called us, he was still a precious member with the chance of a return.

26. What are you doing to support Jaebum in America? Park Jinyoung specifically stated that he is receiving support and training from JYPE.

Jung Wook: We had trainers reach him in Seattle at the end of September. We had always tried our best for his return.

27. JYPE has used Park Jaebum's name to promote and market 2PM's 6 membered album. Was this in order to hold the fanbase down or was it really part of a plan to have Park Jaebum return?

Jung Wook: In my heart, he was a precious member from the minute he left Korea to the day he called me on the 22nd of December. However, after the 22nd, things have changed.

28. JYP Entertainment previously revealed that the first official album will have the income distributed evenly amongst the members, including leader Park Jaebum. However, there are many opinions that go against this statement. Please correctly specify the income distribution terms.

Jung Wook: The income earned through December of last year was distributed and finalized in January.

The 2PM Fan Union agrees that everything stated above is the truth and not a lie.
- 2PM Fan Union

May be taken out with full credits.

[News] JYPE Is Just Engaging In Media Play

2PM fans claim that facts don't line up with JYPE's announcement

Fans are swept in shock after JYP Entertainment released information regarding Jaebum's contract termination.

Fans are stating that this is 'a groundless rumor' and that JYP Entertainment is engaging in media play. Fans have fallen into panic mode, causing the official homepage to crash and are heading towards the JYPE building.

Fans are rejecting a statement within the announcement that claimed that the members of 2PM agreed to Jaebum's withdrawal on the 6th of January.

"JYPE is just engaging in media play. The rest of the members are wanting Jaebum's return."

The date of January 6th is said to be a problem because of the following reasons.

On the 3rd of February at Seoul's Gayo Daejun, 2PM had won the bonsang, in which Junho stated in his award speech, "I would like to thank Jaebum hyung for working hard with us."

On the 14th of February, Nichkhun made a statement regarding Jaebum on his Thailand trip saying, "He's an awesome hyung. I miss him."

Fans are claiming that if the members agreed to Jaebum's terminations, they would not have said such things.

"They had no idea of Jaebum's withdrawal which is why they said such things. The company knew that the boycotting by fans will effect the income of the company and are throwing him away."

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i've been checking the daum site of 2PM and seriously the number of fans just keeps on going down.. :'( sad day to all of us

[news] 2PM fans release 'Waiting For You' version 2, Updated with lyrics

2PM fans have produced another song for Park Jaebum, titled 'Waiting For You 2.'

Last September, fans had previously produced a song titled 'Waiting For You' and released it as a video. They had expressed the feelings of the fans with lyrics such as, 'Without you, the time of 2PM has frozen in place.'

On the afternoon of the 19th, they have revealed the 2nd version of the song in the form of a response from Jaebum. Produced by themselves, the lyrics state, "I'll go back to 2PM to fulfill that last one minute. I'm not afraid even if I'm alone because you guys are always walking behind me. Let's walk together forever, Hottest.'

Fans have stated, "I hope that the members listen to this song and never forget Jaebum. I hope that Jaebum will find the strength to come back. Please never forget that the 7 members are 1." There have even been reply relays stating, "We are waiting forever for 2PM's leadja Park Jaebum."

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January 13th, do you remember the day?
The day I came to this foreign land
The fact that I was alone was such a big wall
Where I went to find hope, there was no hope

There were only walls that trapped me in
I looked for light in a place that only gave me pain
A race for my dreams

Finally, it starts

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
We are ONEDAY, forever
A happy time that will never stop

The 7 stars were able to add wings to their dreams
I am not alone
I'm going to become the brightest star and light the world
I'm your super star

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
I'm sorry, I'll never leave again, I promise you

I lost my dreams to one mistake
But I will never give up
I'm 2PM's leadja
In order to fulfill that last minute in 2PM, I'll go back
I'm not afraid even if I'm alone
I have you guys walking behind my back
Let's walk together forever, HOTTEST
And my precious ONEDAY

Let's not spill any tears so we don't get hurt
I'll always be by your side
In this world, only lovely you & I

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
We are ONEDAY, forever
A happy time that will never stop

We can no longer be separated
Without you, I can't breathe
I'll be there forever
I hope that you'll be with me too

For always protecting me by my side, I love you
Girl, I'm with you
Just my one heart
I want to give it to you guys
Back to you, girl
ONEDAY forever
A happy time that will never stop

Produced by Min
Sung by Yejin
Rap by 'TrueChansung'
Video 'Jaebum, I 5 you'

Translation by hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY.COM

follow me in tumblr for the latest photo updates!

[News] Hottest raises RM3,000 for Haiti

In behalf of Korean Boy group 2PM, Malaysian hottests organized a successful charity event for the victims of earhtquake in Haiti.

Love at 2PM charity event, has successfully raised RM3,000 for Haiti. The proceeds will be donated to UNICEF’s Haiti relief fund.

The fund was collected from the fan club’s many efforts. Aside from the entrance fee of the event, fans also raised money by selling  merchandise, the generous donations of fans as well as the sale of food from The Street Café’s booth.

The Love at 2PM event - held at Korea Plaza in Menara Hap Seng on Jan 30 - had a charity show by the fans, for the fans. Kpop enthusiasts danced and sang to their favourite idol groups’ songs. The event is not only dominated by fan girls, guys also participated.


Khazans, a 7-member group that danced to a variety of Kpop hits such as Again & Again (2PM), Sorry Sorry (Super Junior), Heartbeat (2PM) and Mister (Kara). (Sorry but can't provide you the videos, still searching for it.)

In addition, there was also a B-boy performance from the Royal Phantom Dance Studio. Love at 2PM not only brought Malaysian Kpop fans together, but also put the fans’ love and admiration for 2PM to a good cause.

To the hardworking organizers of this charity event, CONGRATULATIONS!!

posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
follow me on twitter

[News] Another Good Deed From Hottest Under Jay's Name

Fans participate in "Save the children" campaign under Jay's name

The associate fan-sites 2AM&2PM(Oneday-room), participated in the "Save the children" campaign under Jay's name.

Onedayroom started the campaign on 29th, Oct last year, and ended on 20th, Jan 2010. They knitted the hat for the newborn babies in Africa. The total number of knitted hats is 420, and they will be delivered to the Mali(Africa), and used for the newborn babies who can get hypothermia.

"The knitting hat campaign for newborn babies" is the campaign which "Save the children" started in 2007. In this year, they started the season 3 campaign for Mali, Africa. They also sold the season 3 kit, which contained the knitted hat and support fund for medicine through GS ESHOP(internet shopping mall). The season 3 kit were sold out, so they will get additional applications to 31th. Jan.

"Save the children" is one of the international children care organization. They work to save the children and transcend the nationality, religion and political-ism around the world.

shared by sukira@dailykpopnews|| cr:offogato@2pmalways || Kor-Eng by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it || Coordinator: || Source: TVDaily


[News] 2PM fan union to hold large-scale demonstration for JaeBum coming 31st January

2PM fan union will be holding a large scale demonstration coming 31st January in Seoul JongRo regarding JaeBum withdrawing from 2PM.

The fan union wrote on their fan cafe on 28th January, “On 31st January from 1pm, we will be doing a nationalwide demonstration for JaeBum. For Seoul, the venue is in front of JongRo 2 BoShinGak. I know that (reporters) may be busy, but please do do reports on it. Thank you. -HOTTEST-”

Recently, there has been speculations about JaeBum’s permanent withdrawal from2PM amongst the fans, and the fan cafe has also clearly expressed their stand that they are against it. And some fans also drew associations from WonderGirls SunMi’s case and are worried about JaeBum’s status in the group.

Even though JYP had gone on national broadcast earlier and stated that “JaeBum will comeback”, there has been much worry and uneasiness from fans.

Also, even after 2PM has ended their 6-member activities, they have not been any confirmed plans about JaeBum, and fans are feeling uneasy about it.

Recently there has also been rumours, which was later said to be false by JYP representatives, that the company will come out to talk about future plans for JaeBum.


Credit: sookyeong @ KBites


[News] A Phone Call From Hottest with JPYE

처음으로 통화를했는데요
처음에 통화하고 2번누른담에 하트비트나오고

제왑 : 네 JYP입니다
저: 거기 제왑맞아요?
제왑 : 네
저 : 제가 궁금한게있는데요, 택연오빠 예능 자제한다고 해놓고선 패떳 왜나오는거에요?
제왑 : 전에까진 자제를 했고요.
저 : 네?
제왑 : 전에 까진 자제를 했다고요.(좀 화난말투로)
저 : 재범오빠 돌아오기 전까지 자제하신다면서요.
제왑 : (비웃더니)재범씨가 돌아온다고 말한적도없는데요.
저 : 지금 팬들도 원하지않고있는데 출연한다는건 말이되지않다고 생각하는데요.
제왑 : 네 알겠습니다.
저 : 네?
제왑 : 알겠다고요ㅡㅡ(여기서 엄청 화냈음)
저 : 아네

이러고 끊었어요.
다들 전화안된다고하시는데 전 받더라고요.
아진짜 싸가지없었음ㅡㅡ
저 처음 통화하는거라 횡설수설 했는데 진짜 싸가지없어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

In English:
I called JYPE for the first time today.
I dialed and then pressed 2, 'Heartbeat' played.
Then I pressed 3 for management?
They answered...kkk

JYPE: Yes, this is JYP.
Hottest: This is JYPE right?
J: Yes
H: I was curious about something, I thought Taecyeon oppa (*and the others) were going to avoid variety programs temporarily, why is he appearing on Family Outing?
J: They did not go on variety programs previously.
H: What?
J: They did not go on variety programs previously. (in a slightly angry tone)
H: I thought it they were going to avoid appearing on variety programs until Jaebum oppa returned?
J: (scoffs) We never stated that they would not be appearing on variety programs until Jaebum-sshi returned.
H: I think it doesn't make sense that you are going through with something the fans don't want.
J: Okay, we understand.
H: Excuse me?
J: We get it. -- (the person got really angry here)
H: Oh okay.

And then they hung up.
Everyone says that they weren't able to contact them but I got through.
Gosh, they were really rude --
It was the first time I was talking to JYP so I spoke a lot of gibberish but they were so rude. kkkk

CREDITS: 다음 (SOURCE); tvxqbuzz7921@2ONEDAY (TRANS)
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits. 

[News]VIP understand what Hottest Felt

After the controversies stirred by G-Dragon's solo concert for unlawful and provocative performances, VIPs (Big Bang's official fanclub) express their concerns and also voice their feelings to the Hottest.

As the Korean people and netizens have voiced their disapproval of GD's concert antics, more and more VIPs are getting worried and afraid that G-Dragon's actions during the concert will affect the Big Bang leader and his life as a celebrity.

As Shine A Light is G-Dragon's first solo concert, thousands of fans, including those who were underage, gathered to watch his performances. The fans, ones that were there and international fans who watched the concert through fancams, enjoyed the concert. However, soon after the photos and fancams circulated the internet, issues arose.

Everything at the concert was fine until "Breathe" began. "Breathe" was previously banned from underage audiences long before the concert due to its lyrics and the performance of it even moreso displayed what the song was about. It featured dancer Aimee Lucas lying on a bed and displayed a lot of skinship with G-Dragon to the audience. Netizens declared that the point was to express a "sex" scene. There was even the sound of heavy breathing mixed in with the original track during the instrumental. Netizens stated that the scene was too much for the underage that were present.

As people go on Korean search engines and type in G-Dragons name, "G-Dragon's Withdrawal" comes out as one of the common queries.

With this, the VIPs are concerned with the on going movement that calls for G-Dragon's withdraw from his group Big Bang. They have called this action excessive and unneccessary. They have used Jaebum's (who left Korea for Seattle) incident to ask why netizens have to crush a rising stars dreams and ambitions.

They have reached out to the Hottest saying, "we finally understand what you guys went through."

Do you guys feel this controversy is being blown out of proportion or the movement is justified?

cr: kokonut & sandy of OMGKPOP.COM

[News] kHottests' Support for Jay at the 2009 Melon Music Awards

banner: Today is Leadja's 100th Day of Absence

이거 이분들이 쉬는시간에일어나서
찍어주시고 많이 퍼트려주세요!! 박재범 잊지말아주세요!!!!!!!!!!!
라고 외치셔서
기자들 엄청찍어가고
거기 모든 팬들 관계자가 환호성질러주고 멋있다고 소리지르고 장난아니였음


아 저 전광판은

LED 전광판으로 제작하신거랫어요 ㅋ궁금해서 가서 사진도찍고 물어봣다는ㅋㅋ
진짜 멋있엇다는 불다꺼져도
완전 반대엿는대도 다보엿어요 ㅠㅠ

플랜카드도 완전크고 멋있엇어요 ㅠ
리드자 부재중 오늘이 100일째 ㅠㅠ역시핫티에요

In English:
These people stood up during intermission and shouted, “Please take pictures of this and spread it!! Please do not forget Park Jaebum!!!!!!” which caused many reporters to take pictures of it and all the fans there to cheer out in support and say how admirable they were, it was no joke.
Hotties are really amazing.


Oh, that board,
They said it was an LED board they made. I went and took and a picture and asked them cuz I was curious keke
It was really cool even when the lights were all turned off
Even though I was on the opposite side, I could totally see it

The banner was also really big and awesome.
Today is Leadja’s 100th day of absence. ㅠㅠ Without a doubt, they are Hottests.


[News] Ivy, “I did not close down my minihompy because of 2PM fans”

Singer Ivy comes out to explain the statement she wrote on her minihompy ‘Thank you Hottest’ while closing down her minihompy.

Ivy’s performance with 2PM Nich Khun previously on 21st November on 2009 MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) has attracted many bashing on her minihompy by fans. In the end, her minihompy was closed down, and she left a message thanking 2PM fans Hottests which had led to another round of criticisms. .

But Ivy reveals that the reason for closing down her site is not 2PM fans, “It is very much a misunderstanding.”

Ivy said, “Even though there are fans who left hurtful bashing message on my minihompy, the message was meant for those who complimented me on the performance that day. I wanted to thank those people hence the message was posted up when the minihompy was closed down.”

She added, “I have also been through the phase as a highschooler who idolizes stars, I understand the fans very well, and because of that I want to thank the 2PM fans who have encouraged me.”


[news] kHottest phone call with JYPE about tVN News


this is something that came up on daum i think not too long ago. a khottest called jype to ask some questions. i've read through a lot of phone convo's of khottest and jype but i think this is the best one. plus it's recent and has to do with tvN's release of jay's personal life.

*throughout the translation, i will refer to the jype staff as "he" - nobody except for the person who called knows if it was actually a female or a male.
*to avoid confusion i italicized the parts that are the khottest's opinion.

1. 취재방송전 소속사에 동의를 구하지 않는지 묻기동의를 구하지 않고 촬영했다고 한다.
내가 그럼 청담동도 취재할때 동의를 구하지 않느냐 했더니
한국과 미국의 지역 차이라는 어처구니없는 대답을 했다.
결국 6명멤버 촬영시 사전동의가 이루어지나 재범촬영시에는 그렇지 않다는것을 인정했다.

2. 방송사실을 알고 있었는지 묻기
전혀 몰랐다고 한다. 아침에 기사를 보고 알아서 지금 논의중이라고 한다
그래서 도대체 소속사에서는 항상 늦게 대응하고 그 대응책도 논의만 하고 논의를 진짜 하긴하냐고했더니
대답을 못했다.

3. 앞으로 박재범사생활 침해시 강력대응하겠다고 기사까지 났었는데 대응책에 대해 묻기
기사는 나갔지만 강력대응에 대한 대책은 하나도 없다. 질문에 정확한 답변을 하지 못한다.
그러므로 결국 말뿐인 대책인것이다

4. 박재범이 알바를 하고 있다는 사실을 알았는지 묻기 (소속가수인데 서포트를 어느부분까지 해주는지 확인하기)
아르바이트를 하는것은 소속사 상관할바가 아니라고 했다
그래서 그럼 6명 멤버들도 소속사 소속이면서 아르바이트를 할 수 있는것이냐 했더니
대답할 수 없다고 말했다.
결국 박재범이 알바하는것은 관련사항이 아니나 6명멤버들은 알바를 할 수 없다는것이다.

5. 박재범에게 춤/보컬트레이너를 붙여줬는지 사실 확인하기.
진행되고 있느나 사실여부는 모르겠다
그럼 도대체 그 담당직원이 모르며 누가 아나? 박진영이 혼자 하냐? 정욱대표가 혼자 하냐?
확실한건 진행되지 않았다. 구해주지도 않았다는 것이다.

6. 한밤방송건의 정정보도 요청 공식적으로 하기로 하셨는지 묻기
공식적으로 정정보도 요청건 논의해보겠다고 했으나 논의한적도 없고 건의할 생각도 없다
왜냐하면 오늘도 똑같이 확인해보겠다라는 말만 되풀이 했다

7. 연말에 있을 박재범에 대한 기사,방송에 대한 어떤 대응책을 갖고 있는지 묻기
대응책을 별달리 마련해논게 없는것으로 보여진다.
자세히 추궁하자 담당자 연결해준다면서 전화를 끊어버렸다.

1. Asking if tvN asked permission from JYPE before invasion(?) broadcasting.
He said they didnt ask for permission. So I asked, "don't you guys ask for permission when digging into research" and they said a bizzare answer that "it's the difference between Korea and America." In the end, you can say they admitted prior consent is necessary for broadcasting/filming of the other 6 members but not for Jaebum.

2. Asking if JYPE knew about the broadcast.
He says they had no idea. They saw the articles online in the morning and now are discussing the issue. So I asked why the company (JYPE) is always so late at reacting and "discussing" without any counter-movement plans and if they actually were even "discussing" this with tvN but he couldn't answer.

3. Asking about JYPE's counter-movement plans to strongly prevent invasion of Jaebum's privacy in the future like JYPE stated in news articles.
News articles were published but they have no counter-movement plans - he couldn't even answer my question clearly. You can say JYPE's "counter-movement plans" are nothing but talk.

4. Asking if JYPE knew Jaebum was working part time (Checking how much support JYPE is giving Jaebum as his company).
He said it's none of JYPE's business if Jaebum works part time or not. So I asked if the rest of the 2pm members are allowed to work part time under JYPE contract and he said he can't answer. You can say Jaebum working part time isn't relevant to JYPE but the rest of 2pm aren't allowed to work part time.

5. Checking if JYPE supported Jaebum with a vocal and dance trainer.
He said it's in the process but he doesn't know for sure. If the person in charge of it doesn't know, then who does? Does only JYP do this himself? Or representative Mr. JungWook? Nothing has been done for sure. They didn't even try to help Jaebum.

6. Asking if JYPE officially requested to HanBam for a correction.
Although JYPE "officially" announced they will request for a correction and discuss with them, they haven't ever had this discussion or even have thoughts of proposing one. I know this because he said that he'll check over and over again just like he did any other day.

7. Asking about what JYPE's plan is for all the future articles about Jaebum that will come up towards the end of the year.
It looks like they don't have any plans. As I asked specifically in more detail, he said he'll connect me to the person in charge and just hung up.

cr: esc223 @

[Cyworld] Clarification regarding Ivy's Cyworld

Thank you Hottests! Homepage will be temporarily discontinued

아이비가 홈피 문구에 고마워요 핫티스트 한 건 비꼬는 게 아니라
핫티스트들이 댓글로 응원 많이 해줘서 정말 고마움의 표시로 한 거예여ㅎ
그리고 홈피 폐쇄한 게 아니라 사진첩에 악플이 너무 많아서
사진첩만 잠시 닫은 거거든여?

In English:
Ivy was not being sarcastic to Hottests on her homepage header.
She was showing her gratitude by thanking Hottests for leaving so many comments of support.
Also, she is not closing her homepage, but just the photo album because there were too many comments on it.


[News] "We're Sorry Ivy.. We didn't mean it!"

Global HOTTESTs want Ivy to know that they're sorry on behalf of those who bashed her on her Cyworld, causing her to temporarily shut it down. So what do they do? They twitter about it..

Seems like some international Hottest were ashamed of the bashing on Ivy's Cyworld by their Korean counterparts, so they've taken it upon themselves to apologize to her by tweeting #sorryIvy, which has become a hot trend on twitter in the past few hours.

Some comments by Hottests were:

Ivy unnie. Pls understand that not all 2PM's fans are like that. #sorryIvy

as a Hottest i should say #sorryIvy .... it was just a performance.. no jealousy involved!

We want to be HOTTESTs 2PM can be proud of. :D #sorryIvy.

on behalf of all the Hottests, #sorryivy > <

I'm happy and proud of HOTTESTs effort to say #sorryivy. i hope our apologies will be heard. :)

We've apologised. Hope our efforts have been heard. #sorryIvy.

.#sorryIvy unnie for the harsh words on your minihompy. Ivy fighting!

#Sorryivy unnie. Hottests are one family, we're Sorry for the mistakes that our family members did. Please forgive them.

#Sorryivy unnie, Sorry for hottests acts. You didn't really need to close down your

we're sorry ivy! we didn't mean it! please don't hate us. #sorryivy

Credits: Cathy@omgkpop

[INFO]Hottests' 100 Reasons why they love Jaebum

Reasons to Love Park Jaebum 101

1. Because you are 2PM’s Leadja
2. Because you are 2PM’s heart
3. Because you’re a muscle man but has smiling eyes like an angel
4. Because you are guy that takes good care of himself
5. Because you have abs that are more awesome than Usher’s
6. Because you made your abs from Choco-chex
7. Because on stage you have a pose that no one can imitate
8. Because on unlike being on stage, you lose your mind easily
9. Because you are an acrobatic person
10. Because you are an emoticon person
11. Because you match clothes colors
12. Because you are a guy that matches to the color pink the best in the whole world
13. Because you are a respectful guy
14. Because any hairstyle matches you
15. Because even a suit matches you very well
16. Because the way you make double eye-lids is of great charm
17. Because you act like a kid around mango
18. Because you are an idol that goes around saying you like nipples
19. Because on shows you ruin yourself without hesitation
20. Because you do Rated-R shows well
21. Because while the other members watch porn, you don’t
22. Because you are good at annoying Taecyeon
23. Take off..don’t take off…because you always take off your clothes
24. Because you relay God’s message to the members
25. Because you use Chansung’s earphones like your own
26. Because by going to Seattle, you left your notebook there and only brought back the mouse
27. Because the vampire costume fits you so well
28. Because you were so pretty even wearing a stocking over your head
29. Because your didn’t wear underwear during a shoot so they wouldn’t get wet
30. Because you dance well, but are also good at singing, but also good at rapping
31. Because you are able to intimidate Chansung and Taecyeon with merely a fan
32. Because you use Jaebum’s “fusion dialect”
33. Because you were worried that Junho wouldn’t be able to have babies with those kinds of pants
34. Because of your confidence, that even though you are not good at driving, you act like you are
35. Because you continue to drive even after running into a [Mercedes] Benz
36. Because you know that Wooyoung wears a thong
37. Because it seems like you’re going to expose your lower parts someday
38. Because your lower body is weak in comparison to your upper body.
39. Because you dance to Chae Yeon’s “Shake” better than she can or anyone else
40. Because while autographing, you wrote so honestly in the P.S. that you really needed to go to the bathroom
41. Because you honestly said on a show that you were drinking water for having diarrhea
42. Because you match wife beaters better than anyone else in this world
43. Because you’re a grandpa that has to eat Glucosamine due to your damaged cartilage
44. Because you dance perfectly to girl group songs, such as “Gee” and “Forever Love”
45. Because you tried to expose Wooyoung
46. Because when Wooyoung couldn't speak because of his throat during an interview, you read out loud everything he wrote
47. Because you said that only you can be the Leadja
48. Because you dream of 2PM conquering the world
49. Because you do Kim Jaedong’s impersonation very well
50. Because you didn’t have your ID, but danced to Again and Again in front of a club and was allowed in
51. Because of your modesty- when anyone would agree that you are amazing, you say you’re not
52. Because you have thick lips you have to wet often
53. Because you have a very good voice
54. Because you sing with your beautiful voice for us
55. Because you are a caring Leadja who really loves and takes care of his members
56. Because you have milky skin like a baby
57. Because your embarrassing pictures are still very stylish
58. Because you even made the “ssanti” (cheap) dance very natural
59. Because you make us continue studying English
60. Because you really love your family and think of them
61. Because even though you’re the leader, you don’t seem like one, and you don’t seem like a leader, but you are the forever leader
62. Because you are more passionate that anybody else
63. Because you are cute, but sexy
64. Because the ends of your eyes turn up and no one can copy this
65. Because you said that hottests are the best fans in the world
66. Because you are one of hottests’ reasons to live
67. Because you are the hottests’ president
68. Because I feel like going crazy if you’re not next to me
69. Because you don’t forget you’re a rookie and try your very best
70. Because you’ve become the center of our lives
71. Because my heart jumps like crazy by just looking, hearing, thinking about you
72. Because you are a present from the sky
73. Because you are an angel who gives it his all for everything you do
74. Because every time I see you, you look different
75. Because of your infinite charms
76. Because your addiction is too much
77. Because there is no way out
78. Because for always showing us more than what we expect
79. Because even though you are playful like a child, on stage you are a serious adult
80. Because you don’t lie
81. Because you know how to appreciate everything
82. Because you are skilled and know how to do anything and everything
83. Because your past is still stylish
84. Because you are a “Beast Idol”
85. Because regardless of what I’m doing, I only see you
86. Because 2PM and hottests are forever
87. Because you taught me how to truly like someone and wait for him
88. Because you are a person who helps your younger brothers to shine before taking care of yourself
89. Because you had the courage to give up everything and come to Korea in order to become a singer
90. Because when I look at you, my smile never ends
91. Because without you, it doesn’t matter if I live or die
92. Because without you, I cannot be fixed
93. Because without you, I cannot laugh again
94. Because the more I look at you, you have so many good qualities
95. Because I cannot hate you
96. Because you are my destiny
97. Because you are just Park Jaebum
98. Because you are one of 7 people
99. Because only you can make it 2:00pm
100. Because I know that you are definitely going to return

CREDITS: DAUM (SOURCE); kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY & hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY (TRANS)

[INFO] kHottests picket protest in front of Inkigayo

"The Generation of Disbelief in JYP"

"The time now is 1:59 PM.
There is no longer any belief in JYP.
There is no Hottest in 6PM's activities."

A fancafe went to SBS Inkigayo's hall and did a picket protest along with putting up banners and signature petitions. The fans of other artists showed great positive interest and offered to sign their names on our petitions.

There were a lot of 2PM fans but they have moved to support other artists with the promise that they will return when Jaebum does.

Thank you to all of our cafe members that met us in front of the hall.

CREDITS: DAUM (SOURCE), hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY (TRANS), kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY

[NEWS] 2PM Fan Union, 2nd round of donations and community service

2PM Fanpage Underground for fans over 20, has started the 2nd round of donations through the Naver Happy Bean on the 24th and 25th to the 'Children's Foundation', by donating books and doing community service.

In the Naver Happy Bean bank called 'People waiting for 2PM Leadja Park Jaebum,' fans have collected over $8500, and this was donated to the 'Children's foundation' to be used to support the children's study room and book collection.

An anonymous publishing company expressed their desire to participate and donated 300 books which was then distributed to 19 different welfare facilities under the name 'Underground.' International fans have also participated in the good works by donating $1500. The fan site 2oneday ( based in N. America, sent $1500, which was then donated to InKAS (International Korean Adoptee Service) and will also be used to purchase books for international adoptees.

Also, members of 'Underground' have proceeded with offline community service by visiting the 'Children's Foundation' welfare center in the mountains on the 25th. This is the second time they have visited after their first visit in September along with their donation to the 'Foundation for undernourished children'.

Furthermore, on October 10th, when Dream Concert was held, they have raised around $7650 by organizing a bazaar through the 'Beautiful Store'. During this bazaar, 30% of the profits made ($2550) was donated to a 5th grader at an orphanage.

'Underground' has been proceeding with the series of good works apart from Jaebum's withdrawal issue. This was not meant to be a one time thing, as their intention was to share with those in need, provide service, and they will continue doing good works through donations
and community service.

Credits: Nate News (Source); saradah@2oneday (Trans)
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