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Showing posts with label JYP. Show all posts

[news] JYPE terminates official Hottest fanclub admins

These are screencaps of the logs of the notifications/announcements of the admin terminations from the official 2PM fanclub, Hottest.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated [Vice President] Jung Jiyoon from the admin position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated 2PM level coordinator from the admin position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the video coordinator from the staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the 'Jaebum Return' coordinator from the staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the photo coordinator from the staff position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated the [Capital Area Director] Jang Dohee from the admin position.

Admin Termination
JYPE has terminated the [Capital Area Director] Lee Kyungju from the admin position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the relationship coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the account and monitor coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the UFO coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the plating coordinator from the board staff position.

Board Staff Termination
JYPE has terminated the event coordinator from the board staff position.

NOTE: In the history of idol fanclubs, no other company has ever done this before. These were the admins that remained in their positions despite the other admins resigning after the conference.

All admins were terminated and the main page image of the fanclub was changed to an image of the six members,

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[video] JYP Entertainment released promotional video on youtube

JYP Entertainment released a short promotional video in their channel on youtube featuring JYPE's succes on the Korean, Chinese and American Market.

It showed JYP's live performance snippets and music video's and also the stars under JYP like the wonder girls, 2pm, 2am and Joo.

It was like a summary of everything in JYPE.

credits: jypentertainment @ youtube

[NEWS] Jaebum is good, 2PM/JYPE is evil, 'Game Over'!

[Seoul=Newsis] Lee Monwon's Culture Criticism

There has never been such a diversion regarding a national idol group such as 2PM's Park Jaebum controversy. Disputes of nationalism, noise marketing, the tyranny of the company, and the power of the fandom all exploded within two turns. Because of this, the issue has been the topic of TV debates and current affairs.

Even so, there is still so much left to say, especially regarding the psychological foundations of Korean idol fandoms. The Park Jaebum controversy is a perfect explanation of such a topic.

Last fall, the first part of the Park Jaebum controversy regarding his Myspace comments ended on a rather positive note, with many supporters coming forward. Due to excessive noise marketing, 2PM even received some benefits from it, their name sky rocketing to instant fame. Both Park Jaebum and 2PM received great sympathy from the masses, the first, for being 'banished,' and the second, for losing Park Jaebum. Because of these benefits, they were able to win every award during the year end ceremonies and came out on top as the #1 group.

However, the second part that came about after Park Jaebum's complete withdrawal brought about the complete opposite of results. The conference with JYPE, 2PM, and their fans proved that the members of 2PM agreed wholeheartedly to Park Jaebum's withdrawal and Park Jaebum's private life became an unspeakable, severe matter. Despite it all, the arrow turned back at the rest of the members and the fans turned into antis while the fandom cracked.

The difference between the first and second part is really only one reason. It all depended on 'which side' the six members stood on. During the first part, they had no clear stance, while in the second part, they stood clearly on the side of JYPE. That one difference was the difference between heaven and hell. Of course, there are many analyzations regarding this matter in columns and articles but the context is alike. Idol fandoms had always stressed the importance of friendship between the members. During the first part of the controversy, the members had always stressed their friendship in various award ceremonies. After the second part of the controversy, they no longer do, causing the fandom to turn in the complete opposite direction.

Looking at it from an outsider's point of view, what you see is what is exactly happening. However, the explanation does not end there. If the fandom does not receive what they want from the idols, they can just leave. But the diehard fans of 2PM have now turned into diehard antis. Although they released their private lives on internet boards and emailed journalists with them, they were the ones that once strongly loved the boys the most. Their feelings are not just one of disappointment but of detestation. What exactly is the reason that gave birth to such an empire of hate?

Omitted lengthy analyzation of old idol groups HOT, GOD, Sechs Kies.

But the Park Jaebum controversy requires a new viewpoint. During the first part of his controversy, he was seen as the weaker person (TN: deserving of sympathy) for having been kicked out due to one mistake, sympathy that was received from people that had the same feelings of being pushed around by a brutal society. It was impossible not to feel sympathy for the rest of the 2PM members either. They, too, had lost Park Jaebum and they were also the weaker ones in the battle. This notion is easy to organize and easy to understand. The company is the one that is deserving of hate, but the weaker ones must be protected. As long as they were the weak, they were the idols.

The aspect of the second part of the controversy was different. Once viewed as weak, the rest of the six members turned into traiters and are now standing on the side of the strong. 2PM is the group of the strong, a group that caters to the strong, and a group that utilized their position of strength to push down those weaker than them. The fandom has now lost their projections. An idol that does not project them are no longer idols. Love and attachment takes only a moment to disappear. The fact that one loves 2PM, the fact that one love any idols of Korea, means that one also loves 'one's self.' This is not disappointment. This issue is a direct threat to one's self, and this is what brings about anger.

This is the level that must be reached in order for the fans to turn into antis, and with that change, they have also gained power. To the fans, 2PM is a presence that must be hated more than the company, a group that has brought them despair. Of course, this is just a temporary event. The terror will soon cease, but the detestation will not, and the love they once had towards them will never be revived. 2PM will be thrown away and the fans will soon find a new subject. The weakest of the weak, thrown away twice by the strong, that subject is Park Jaebum. There is not another perfect, more deserving subject than him. With a rumor about a possible American debut already circulating, the big names within the fandom have already moved to his side, with the high possibility of the rest of the fandom following.

Conclusively, the Park Jaebum controversy left a lesson to the idol market of Korea. That lesson is to never shake the foundation of Strong-Fandom-Weak, a foundation that the idol market has created itself. The notion of 'The president is our hyung, our father,' and 'We are one family with our company,' is a hopeful stance taken by companies but not particularly what the public requests for. There are no benefits stemming from becoming a 'nice company.' CF deals and singer incomes are based off of the idol's image and popularity, not exactly whether the company's image is positive or not. Celebrities with many rumors surrounding them still manage to land CF deals.

The beautiful but weak princess and the brave prince that protects her, along with the dangerous, disgusting dragon. This is a fantasy that has never changed for thousands and thousands of years. Perhaps there are situations where the dragon and the princess spark a deal and take some income from CF deals while screaming nonsense such as 'We are one family,' but in the end, it all comes down to understanding who is selling what, and to whom. Maybe then, the same mistake will not be repeated.

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[NEWS] JYP to debut a new girlgroup in May, “The 2nd WonderGirls”!

JYP Entertainment is preparing to debut a 2nd WonderGirls.

JYP Entertainment has started auditioning for their new girlgroup set to debut in May from 10th March. They will open the audition online till 1st April and the final selection will take place on 4th April.

They are selecting candidates born between 1987 till 1996 for this audition.

A JYP rep said, “If you dream to be the WonderGirls, come and take up the challenge. There is chance that you will be part of the new girlgroup planned to debut in May.”

Meanwhile, YeEun of WonderGirls, who are currently promoting in the States, was also chosen to be part of the group via the open audition.


K Bites

[NEWS] ‘Even the conference is useless’ Jaebum controversy ‘JYP-Fandom Parallel Race’!

‘Even the conference is useless’ Jaebum controversy ‘JYP-Fandom Parallel Race’

After the conference, JYP and fans have gone in two completely different directions. A reconciliation or resolution between the two sides looks ambiguous.

After the announcement of the termination of Jaebum’s contract, attention in the entertainment industry was flooded toward the conference held on the 27th between 2PM members and JYP representatives and fans ended only where both sides revealed their stances. Although many had hoped for a good conclusion where both sides understood each other, both JYP reps and fans alike were left in disappointment.

Already, this situation has caused some 2PM fans to leave the fandom. As the days passes, the number of fans in the fan club are decreasing. Few fans here and there are protesting the 6 members of 2PM and have turned into ‘anti’ fans. In a situation where everyone is a victim, the situation is just spreading into a worse situation.
After the conference a representative of JYP said, “2PM members and Jung Wook representative were present for 4 hours as the conference progressed and tried their best to answer all questions.” Also he revealed, “On the receiving end of the news, we don’t know how fans are going to take this.”

However, fans’ positions are the complete opposite. Some fans raised her voice and said, “JYP and the 6 members are all fake.” JYP representatives only answered questions one-sidely was also a complaint expressed.

In the future, JYPE and fans parallels will continue. Some even worry that 2PM and the fandom will disassemble. In addition to this, the April album release may be a difficult possibility to come by if this continues. In reality, Jaebum’s return is now impossible is what a majority of those affiliated with the industry claim. Many also think that it is unfortunate that 2PM will be trapped in a cloud of fog in the future due to this situation.

On another hand, present at the fan conference on the 27th was 2PM’s Fan Union and if we follow what the file recording states, when asked for the possibility of Jaebum Park’s return, JYP Entertainment and the 6 members revealed, “There is no possibility of a return to 2PM”.

Member Chansung explains, “If Jaebum can endure everything and returns to the entertainment industry, we will
cheer him on. But a return to 2PM will not be the case.”

Regarding the personal issue all members answered, “It was a situation that we could not possibly cover up for him” and Jung Wook agreed, “It was a situation where there was no choice but for the members to agree on his departure from the group. It seems that even if they didn’t all agree the result would’ve been the same.”

Also, in regards to the “serious personal problem”, they revealed that only the members and a few of the JYPE staff knew what it was. This ‘serious problem’ was one that they did not want to be revealed outside. Then a fan asked, “Then if it is revealed to the public, we can assume it was released by you?” Jung Wook answered, “We do not want this to be revealed, but even if it is not revealed by us and is leaked that we are not responsible for it.”

In addition he states, “JYPE has no responsibility to take care of our artists personal lives, so we think that Jaebum Park is solely responsible for his actions. So looking at this situation schematically, Park Jaebum is the offender and the 6 members of 2PM are the victims.”

Kim Hyung Woo*

*Kim Hyung Woo is the reporter who has written over 200+ articles following the Jay controversy and wrote on his cyworld following Jay's contract termination and the fan conference and can be seen here

May be taken out with credits.

[news] {MANILA BULLETIN} 2PM fans condemn JYP for ousting Jaebum

February 27, 2010, 1:20pm

Korean and international fans of K-pop boy band 2PM slammed Park Jin-Young (aka JYP), founder of JYP Entertainment, over the agency’s announcement last February 25 that Park Jaebum was not coming back to the group, saying that Jaebum’s supposed “personal wrongdoing” was only made up.

2PM fans are still in shock over the news and are planning different activities to show their support for Jaebum, including boycotting the remaining six members of the boy band.

JYPE announced last February 25 on its website that Jaebum is permanently out of 2PM and that it has terminated its exclusive contract with Jaebum because of the latter’s alleged admission that he made a “personal mistake” when the boy band was promoting “Again & Again” last year.

The announcement also claimed that the remaining six members of 2PM reached a consensus that they could no longer work with Jaebum because of the wrongdoing.

However, JYPE did not disclose the alleged wrongdoing, saying it was a private matter. This sparked rumors including a supposed sex tape between Jaebum and Sunmi, former member of the Wonder Girls, who quit the girl band to resume her studies in South Korea. The rumor was denied by JYPE.

Fans said the “facts” contained in the announcement were inconsistent. They pointed out that the January 3 meeting between JYPE and the six members was not possible since the members were on vacation at the time.

Korean and international fans have been posting criticisms against JYP on forums. Korean fans are flocking to the JYPE building in Cheongdam in Gangnam, Seoul, to post more pro-Jaebum notes.

They put chrysanthemum flowers at the doorstep of the building to signify their mourning. White flowers in Korea symbolize death.

Fans have terminated their membership in the official 2PM fan cafe to protest JYPE’s decision on Jaebum.

Others have directed their anger towards the remaining six members of 2PM, saying that they betrayed their former leader. Fans even urged some of them to withdraw from TV programs that they currently appear in as permanent members.

There is a scheduled meeting between JYPE officials and 2PM, and the representatives of fan clubs in Korea on February 27. The meeting was scheduled even before the February 25 announcement.

~~~I'm quite shocked this got to Manila Bulletin.
Note: Manila Bulletin is one of the largest media publishing corporations in the Philippines....


[Videos] JYP & 2PM send messages through Youtube!

After seeing the YG family leaving some messages on Youtube,now is the turn to watch the clips brought to you by JYP and 2PM!

2PM boys greeted fans in the video and of course they also urged fans to subscribe their Youtube Channel,watch the video clips here!


[news] Fans are against JYPE's conference, JYPE speaks out

2PM's agency, JYP Entertainment, has put up a notice on 2PM's fan cafe stating that they will be holding a conference with the fans and 2PM. This conference will have representatives from 2PM's main community sites, in which their applications will be thoroughly examined before decisions are made.

An associate of JYP Entertainment spoke with OSEN over the telephone on the 22nd and stated, "This time, fan representatives, 2PM members, and representatives of the company will be participating. The last conference with the Wonder Girls fan representatives were held in private. However, we expect the scale of this conference to be larger in comparison."

Currently, the fans are not viewing this as a welcome sign and are instead rejecting it. They believe that the company is using the conference as a shield for more media play.

JYP Entertainment stated, "This conference will be a place where we will be able to have a heart-to-heart talk about the truth and authenticity of the various rumors that have circled Jaebum's withdrawal."

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[news] Jo Kwon, "When I try to be sad, I think of the times JYP yelled at me"

The funny Jo Kwon appears on Ha Ddang Sa (The sky laughs, the ground laughs, the people laugh).

On this episode, Jo Kwon appears with Lee Gyung Sil, Jo Hye Ryun, Ji Sang Ryul, and Jung Chan Woo (all of them have transformed into high school girls). Showing off his funny side, he gave the audience a good laugh.

Dancing to Hyun-A's "Change," and SNSD's "Gee," Jo Kwon showed an upgraded version of his signature dance, Ggap-gwon dance.

Jo Kwon also showed off his chocolate abs and lifted a 30kg weight, and sang "I can't let you go even if I die." To really get into the emotions of it (?), Jo Kwon grabbed Jo Hye Ryun by the neck and made the audience laugh.

When one of the MCs asked him how he gets into a sad song emotionally, Jo Kwon once again made the audience laugh by replying, "I think of all the times JYP yelled at me."

This episode will appear on Feb. 21st.


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[news] Don't you miss Jaebum, JYP?

2PM is handling a very busy schedule, appearing in variety shows, dramas, and commercials.

Despite their schedule, a lot of the fans still seem to miss Jaebom. However, 2PM seems to be doing pretty well without him.

Last September, something tragic happened to 2PM, a much loved group. Jaebom's post on Myspace about his difficulties before his debut was found.

Not able to overcome the witchhunting, Jaebom left 2PM and returned to the United States. Finally, the scandal calmed down and the witch hunters were criticized. However, Jaebom's wounds are not going to heal that easily.

Fans of 2PM couldn't accept Jaebom's empty space. To please the fans, JYPE left the hope that Jaebom will one day return.

How does JYP feel right now?

If JYP feels any regret for not having Jay, he wouldn't be putting so much effort into the schedules of 2PM. Fans believe it is because JYP wants to take care of the remaining members and take care of Jay when he returns.

Contrary this idea, JYP may be enjoing the 2PM without Jay, 1:59 PM. After he's done enjoying the fun, maybe he'll give Jay a call and ask him to come back? JYP knows that fans will still enjoy the 1:59PM.

This doesn't mean he's going to completely ignore the efforts of the fans. It's just that even though it's slightly not satisfactory without Jay, 2PM seems to be doing so well that it just passed JYP by.

On the 19th, fans revealed the song they wrote in hopes that Jay returns, "Waiting for you, PT.2." Their disappointment in not having Jay seems to be growing bigger.

Sometimes, fans get updates of Jay through Youtube. Although they want more, for now, they can live with just these videos. But how does JYP feel about this? Only he will know the answer to that question.

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[news] Repackaged 2AM album to be out in March

2AM's repackaged album to have JYP songs?

2AM is planning to release a repackaged album in mid-March and start promoting the next song in their album. Because this new album is planning to have some JYP songs, many are wondering how far JYP's 2AM will succeed after Bang Si Hyuk's 2AM.

Their mini-album "I Can't Let You Go Even If I Die," which was revealed first online last month, has a total of 6 songs. However, none of the songs were written by JYP.

JYP has joked via his personal website saying, "I wrote 3 songs for 2AM but what if none of them are chosen for the new album?" before the album was released.

JYP did write 3 songs for this album and showed a very high interest in it. However, after hearing Bang Si Hyuk's "I Can't Let You Go Even If I Die," he realized that, "there was no better song for 2AM," and stopped all work he was doing for 2AM. At that time, 2AM said they were planning on putting in JYP songs for the repackaged version.

With the song "I Can't Let You Go Even If I Die" taking over the charts for almost a month now, 2AM is enjoying their first Golden Age since their debut, not only with the popularity of their song, but also with their various performances on TV shows.


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[news] Taecyeon and Junho fear phone calls from JYP

2PM's Taecyeon and Junho told their story of how they fear phone calls from JYP.

Taecyeon and Junho appeared on the Strong Heart episode that was aired on Feb. 16th.

Taecyeon said, "JYP monitors us and points out what we did wrong and right. Even when we only do one thing wrong, he repeats the same thing over and over again for 2 hours."

Taecyeon also told the story of JYP's phone call after their first "Heartbeat" performance, which they thought was pretty good.

"We had just finished working out and we were in the changing room when he called. He criticized me by saying that my pronunciations were wrong when I was rapping."

Fortunately, the talk with Taecyeon ended quickly, but the phone was passed onto Chansung.

"Chansung hadn't even finished wearing his clothes but he had to stand there with his clothes wrapped around his head like a nun and repeat his rap for an hour," said Taecyeon.

Junho said that he gets criticized a lot for cracks in his singing. "YeEun (from Wonder Girls) cracks her voice often too, but he never criticizes her. He just criticizes me. Once, he told me that if YeEun and I had a baby together, the baby would crack its voice a lot when it cries."

Junho also mentioned, "Jinyoung hyung told me to try it like he did, but his own voice cracked. At that moment, Jinyoung hyung squinted his eyes saying, 'Let's regroup tomorrow at 2pm.'"

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[news] Sound engineer clarifies rumors regarding 2PM

Hello, Hottests.

I used to work as the sound engineer for a company and recently finished up working as the freelance sound staff for SBS and KBS. The reason I am writing this is to speak of 2PM.

I've seen 2PM since their debut. The person that put the mics on the boys during their M-Countdown debut stage was me and I have worked with them various times in music broadcasts.

Last September, I have nothing to say regarding Jaebum's leave. He was one of the members that I thought especially preciously of and cried the day of his leave. I was able to meet with the members a few times privately after the controversy because our companies have worked closely together.

I have heard various things these past 5 months. I have kept my mouth closed on the matter but I feel like I must say at least something now because everyone seems so lost and confused with the rumors pouring out lately.

I guess I should speak with the rumor regarding Khun and the other members. The rumor that the members are colliding with each other in opinion is 100% just a rumor. There's even a rumor about Khun being outcast by the group but it is all not true.

When you see 2PM, you begin to wonder how they can be so respectful of one another as brothers that do not share an ounce of blood.

On a music program, there was an occurrence where the mic's cables weren't connected. We were waiting to exchange the mics but 2PM was forced to rehearse with one less mic. Khun immediately took off his mic and gave it to Wooyoung. The mics were according to the order of standby's ending. Wooyoung had come late and was not given a mic. Taecyeon was watching this until he tried to give Khun his own mic. Shortly, he was stopped by Chansung, stating, "Hyung, you have the chorus later, you need it," and gave his own mic to Khun instead.

During the rehearsal, Taecyeon eventually took off his mic and held it for Chansung as soon as his part was finished. Chansung sang into the mic that was held before him.

At the time, other groups that were lacking mics would have the member with the least parts give up the mic. 2PM was the only group that would rotate their mics in order to let every member sing.

There was even a time when Junho had made a mistake during his ending performance and hurt his leg. Because of the worrying members, Junho fixed his hurt face expression and told them that it was okay but the members would have none of it. Eventually, Junho answered honestly, "Yeah, it does kind of hurt a bit."

The members finally relaxed a bit and made a few jokes, saying, "Yeah, that's normal," or "You're not a terminator." It was a small gesture to help injured Junho feel better. As Junho got up with shaky legs, Khun helped Junho back to the waiting room.

That's how much the members loved each other.

You can imagine how hard the members must have felt after Jaebum left. A few of the members would all speak of Jaebum and their feelings whenever we would meet privately, Khun and Wooyoung especially.

Jaebum was a special figure to Khun, having relied on one another in a foreign land during their trainee days.

Wooyoung always had a shy personality when meeting new people and was unable to get close with the other trainees. The first person to extend his hand out to him was Jaebum. Maybe because of that, Wooyoung relied on Jaebum more so than on the other hyungs.

Although it was a hard situation for all of the members, the members worked hard to take care of those two members, fully knowing that the void in their hearts were bigger.

Please, don't criticize the boys because of rumors that lack evidence.

There have been rumors that JYPE has held a meeting regarding Jaebum's return.

The meeting is true, however, I cannot tell you about the contents of the meeting. I do know that a solo debut and a complete withdrawal is not true.

Please, do your best in whatever you are doing now.

Do not believe anything. Do not listen, see, or believe in anything until the moment Jaebum's feet step on Korean land.

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[News] TaecYeon, “JinYoungie hyung would talk about the same thing for 2 hours”

2PM Ok TaecYeon and Lee JunHo reveals the real Park Jin Young.

They were on SBS Strong Heart aired on 16th February when TaecYeon wrote ‘Terrifying Ringtone’ as his subject for discussion, and reveals that when Park Jin Young calls on the phone the members will get very nervous.

He said, “He will talk about the same thing, and will skillfully change (to talk to another person). He will talk about that same thing for 2 hours.”

TaecYeon added, “We had our first performance and I thought we did well so we changed out and was thinking of going exercising. But JinYoung hyung called and said ‘The rap part, the pronunciation was messed up’. He told to get ChanSung to the phone and ChanSung has to repeat his rap portion for an hour on the phone in the dressing room.”

JunHo added, “The more terrifying thing is working at the recording room. Because my throat was not feeling so good, I would get out of tune. But he did not get angry with WonderGirls YeEun even if she goes out of tune.”

S: MaxMovie

[NEWS] Large-scale demonstrations planned by Hottests ‘canceled’!

The large-scale demonstration that 2PM fans have planned to do did not happen eventually.
2PM fanclub Hottest released an announcement on 30th January, “Coming 31st January at 2PM we will be holding a demonstration to request JYP Entertainment for JaeBum to not be withdrawn from 2PM.” And there were plans that the demonstration will take place in Seoul, CheonAhn, DaeGoo etc.
And for the one in Seoul, the fans planned to distribute flyers to passers-by to sign the petition to stop the withdrawal of JaeBum from 2PM in front of Seoul JongRoGoo 2 BoShinKak.

Ahead of the demonstration, a boycott fancafe ‘HwalBo(闊步)’ also posted up posters with the messages “Only 7″ etc at JYPE building on 30th January. The fans said, “We want to tell JYP Entertainment who has yet to give us their official stand about all the news reports and rumours to Park JaeBum that ‘Fans will be waiting for the confirmed stand from the company, and we will always support and wait for 7-member 2PM’.”
Meanwhile, the 2PM fans are up with collective actions regarding JYP’s inaction in revealing any clear stand on rumours of JaeBum’s solo comeback or permanent withdrawal as well as SunMi leaving WonderGirls.

Credits to Sookyeong @

[News] JYP, 2PM, Wonder Girls in a Crisis

Because of 2PM's situation and Sun Mi's withdrawal of Wonder Girls, JYP Entertainment is going through a rough time. Also JYP's head Park Jin Young is also facing crisis as the producer. Especially because he has produced outstanding singers in the past like Rain, G.O.D, Wonder Girls, 2PM, with his great songs, he has been judged as the nation's best producer, but now he is facing the responsibility of all these troubles and again is in deep thought.

Wonder Girls, 2PM -- Park Jin Young's dream and more

The music producers of the company determine the direction of music the new singers take. They apply the singer's talent and character to choose the best direction that they can go. In Park Jin Young's case it is a big deal to find the identity of the company's singer.

Park Jin Young takes JYPE's singers' music and style in order to determine the way they perform. The current Wonder Girls with 'Tell Me' 'So Hot' 'Nobody' and also continuing with the so-called 'The Wonder Years Trilogy' were all made by Park Jin Young and the same for 2PM's 'Again and Again' 'I Hate You' 'Heartbeat'. The song style, singing method, and dance moves entirely show Park Jin Young's style.

The music style naturally makes the team's color. Through the Wonder Girls, the retro, out-of-style concept was brought back in a cute and sensuous way, while the rough beat and strong music of 2PM helped them earn the nickname 'Beast Idol'. The official reason and background of Sunmi's withdrawal showed, as everybody knows, that the Wonder Girl's activity in America has been Park Jin Young's long ambition. At the end, the Wonder Girls and 2PM are Park Jin Young's other self and as a producer, Park Jin Young's crisis started as his own dream contradicted the members' dreams.

Withdrawing and adding, is it the producer's right to make and get rid of teams?

If making a team is the producer's obligation, is making them break up the producer's obligation too? Seeing the results, this is true. Of course the condition that 'the management will be faithful' is attached, but the exclusive contract itself is about broadcasting media as they negotiate appearances, promote and advertise, plan to work in the entertainment business, organize, direct, and manage the schedule as they can restrict the company's celebrity in order to entrust a monopolistic company.

If there is a specific reason to make somebody withdraw from the team, they have no other choice but to accept it. Also one of the clauses in the contract states that it is an offense to reveal the secret to any outsider.

This case is what happened to Jaebum and Sunmi. Wonder Girls and 2PM fans are insisting that as a producer he has not been responsible as he is obligated to be. JYP turned Jaebum's controversy into his own personal responsibility as they accepted his withdrawal and Wonder Girls' Sunmi also withdrew because of her own personal will as they emphasize that it was because of her studies.

Willing to have group action, the angry fans' intelligence is the same. They insist that even though the team members are like his other self, they may have different thoughts than him; but Park Jin Young, instead of solving this disagreement internally, chooses to force their withdrawal from the team and 'eliminate' the problem.

Young stars, who is responsible for their family deprivation?

They concluded that although there was documentation of the contract, the main problem was trust between the company and their celebrities. Especially because the trainees are in a position where they have to give up their normal lives where they should be happy living a life with school and spending time with their families. Although the young stars definitely suffer different degrees of this, they cannot avoid the family deprivation accompanied by this lifestyle. Especially the kids in their 10s and early 20s that gain a lot of popularity, it is true that they have to get through murderous schedules all by themselves without anybody's help which is just too much. Sunmi's withdrawal and Jaebum's situation caused by his past comments of belittling Korea was found to be a result of family deprivation.

In order to follow the official standard contract, the company has to consider their celebrities' physical and mental health. Especially because the companies produce celebrities of the pop culture, they need to offer training that will help their talents and their personality and also provide treatment for their celebrities if they are suffering from extreme depression.

There is no question that to producer JYP, the Wonder Girls and 2PM are clearly his ideal dream. As a producer, for the team's members, for his own company he certainly has the right to make choices that nobody else wants. However if he cannot be faithful as a producer, he certainly cannot strongly support their dreams. Along with this, he has to deal with the hot reprimand of the fans who loved Sunmi and Jaebum's talent and passion.

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MK (SOURCE) ; to♥gl4ever@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

[NEWS] 300,000 will be protesting nationwide against JYP

2PM's fanclub union will be holding a large scale protest on the 31st starting at 1 PM against Park Jaebum's withdrawal.

On the 28th, the fanclub union posted a message on their cafe stating, "On the 31st, starting from 1 PM, we will be holding a nation wide protest against Park Jaebum's withdrawal. The location for Seoul will be at the Jongno district in front of Boshinkak. We know that you will be busy but please release an article on this information. - HOTTEST -"

Recently, with rumors circulating on Jaebum's complete withdrawal, fans have been openly expressing their disagreement. They are connecting it to Sunmi's sudden withdrawal and are speculating whether Jaebum will be completely withdrawing from 2PM also.

The reason fans are so nervous at the moment is because before, Park Jinyoung came out on broadcast and said that Jaebum will return no matter what, but right now, the atmosphere is the complete opposite despite the many rumors.

They are also nervous at the fact that there have been no news of Jaebum's return even after the 6 members of 2PM have ended their promotions. When rumors of Jaebum's withdrawal began circulating with the press, JYPE only responded that they are "groundless stories."

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[News] Park Jin Young turns down Wonder Girls fan union’s request for conference

The representative of Wonder Girls fan union revealed that their request for fan conference with JYP Entertainment has been rejected on 23rd January.
It has been known that fans requested for a conference with JYP CEO Park Jin Youngregarding the shocking news of SunMi’s sudden leaving of the group, but it was rejected. According to the fans, JYP has personally rejected the request.
The representative of the fan union announced on 27th January, “We are still in shock and confused state of SunMi’s leaving of the group. Such an important piece of news and it was released through WonderGirls American homepage and not through the fanclub, explaining it briefly in a few sentence in English. We are disappointed with the way JYP announced it.”

“We have been waiting for JYP’s sincere answer but until now we have not heard anything. And when we request for conference, they simply told us that they will reject it.”
It has been known that the fan union had given JYP 4 conditions on 23rd January:
  1. There is a need to explain clearly about SunMi’s activities discontinuity. And when will the discussion and official announcement about the case be released.
  2. Clear explanation about new member HyeRim’s status. This is because in the announcement posted on JYP American website, it is known that SunMi may have her comeback in the future.
  3. SunMi’s fanmeeting. WonderGirls will meet with fans personally and establish a consensus, and also do a goodbye stage, since the last stage they had was during their Seoul concert last March.
  4. JYP to apologise for their unilateral communication.
The fan union has given JYP a notice to hold the conference before 31st January. But it has been unclear from JYP’s side about their stand on holding the conference.
S: TVDaily
Credits: kbites

[News] Wonder Girls to be casted in JYP and Bae Yongjoon's ''Dream High''?

Hallyu superstar Bae Yong-Joon has strived hard to promote South Korean tourism in the past 2 years. Entering 2010, he is finally announcing a new acting project. His & ace producer Park Jin-Young’s joint production of ‘Dream High’ will begin shooting soon. Team members of popular girl group WONDERGIRLS are expected to collaborate.
Bae Yong-Joon, in writing his travel book ‘The Journey in Search of Beauty of Korea’, had receded from the entertainment spotlight for a significantly long time. His BOF management company said that his first priority this year is a TV drama. Besides the earlier ‘Waterdrops of God’ that is temporarily shelved due to product placement issues, there are other purchaseable adaptations of copyright works under discussion.
[The last paragraph is left untranslated as the news tidbits are about actresses Yunjin Kim & Jun Ji-Hyun.] **[There is no official confirmation made by JYP Entertainment regarding the collaboration of Wonder Girls in “Dream High” yet.]
[Translator: qoxie@WGspectacle]


[News] Democratic Party Failed To Recruit Park Jin Young

It has been known that Democratic Party has failed to get JYP Entertainment representative cum idol group producer Park Jin Young to sign up for the party even though the party has been promoting him to do so.

According to YTN on 25th January, Kim HyoSeok Democratic Party policy research institute has established an affiliation ‘Youth Institute’, and through the recommendations from officials in the music industry, Park Jin Young was promoted to join the party. But after considering the offer, he eventually did not sign up for it.

Meanwhile, Park Jin Young is currently known as the producer of idol groups like WonderGirls, 2PM and 2AM after he promoted as a singer himself in the 1990s.

And recently he released a new album ‘Sad Freedom’ after 2 years.


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