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Showing posts with label Onew. Show all posts

[Video] Onew looks so cute in glasses for "The Brothers were Brave".

Fans are so delighted with Onew's new look for musical show "Brothers Were Brave".

Another clip of the musical was also released late at night yesterday,please take a look at the preview clip below.Onew's musical will start on 1st April which is tomorrow,love his new look??

2009, Year of Us : 3rd Mini Album [Digipack] [S.M. Entertainment] [Korea 2009]1st Repackage [Amigo]1st [The Shinee World] A Ver.

[news] The Brain Outlines of Onew, Jonghyun and Minho

What’s on Onew, Jonghyun and Minho Brain?

ONEW: 닭 Chicken
JONGHYUN: 샤이니 월~드 SHINee Worl~d
MINHO: 드림팀ㅎ Dream Team hehe

Onew’s Brain

사후세계 After life
주봉이 Highest peak
운전면허 Driver’s license
애기 안아주다가 떨어뜨리면 안돼 If I hold the baby I can’t drop him
성대모사 찾기 To find an impersonator
CF가 좋아 I like CFs
닭 Chicken
빨간색 맘에 든다 The color red appeals to me
원조 꿀벅지 Support honey thighs
이상형 좀 찾아줘 Please find a strange hyung
그림 잘 그리고 싶다 I want to draw well
친구들 다 군인 All my friends in the military
덜덜덜덜덜 춥다 덜덜덜덜덜 Shivershivershiver It’s cold shivershivershiver
한국이 좋다 I like Korea
작사 Words
유근? Yoogeun?
저질체력 Darn fitness
양치질 오래하는거 좋아함 I like brushing my teeth/gargling for a long time
노래하자 Let’s sing
난 배불러도 밥을 먹어 I eat even when I’m full
사냥 해 보고 싶다 I want to try hunting
여행 Traveling

Jonghyun’s Brain

난 웃겨 I’m funny
하찮은 최민호 Choi Minho is unimportant
유근이는 귀엽다 Yoogeun is adorable
이상하게 가사 바꾸기 Strangely to change lyrics
엄마 생일 Mom’s birthday
이민정 신세경 Lee Min Jung, Shin Se Kyung
스킨쉽은 내가 1등 I’m 1st place in skinship*
리얼리티가 이런거임? Real reality is like this?
누나 보고 싶다 I miss noona
내 이름 좀 외워 유근아 Yoogeun-ah, please learn my name
성장판 닫기 전에 유근이 키 키우기 To raise Yoogeun and Key before I stop growing
샤이니 월~드 SHINee Worl~d
운동하고 싶다. I want to work out.

translator note*’skinship’ considered a close friendship

Minho’s Brain
언제쯤 유근이가 이름을 외워줄까? When will Yoogeun learn my name?
버라이어티에 대한 부담감…….. (예전보다는 많이 좋아짐) The pressure from variety shows……(To like it more than the older generation)
내 아들 유근이~ My son Yoogeun-ee~
파워레인저 Power Ranger
너무 귀여운 유근이 때문에… 평소에도 계속 떠오름… Because of super cute Yoogeun…I always get up even on a normal day
유근이에게 더 좋은 아빠가 되기 위한 방법???? How to become Yoogeun’s most likeable dad????
드림팀ㅎ Dream Team hehe
유근이에게 운동을 가르쳐서 스포츠맨으로 거듭 날 수 있도록~ 도와주기~! To teach Yoogeun how to exercise so he can move like an athlete~ To help him~!

translation Joodit @ weareshining
credit weareshining

[Video] SHINee's Onew practicing for "Brothers Were Brave"!

Found a video of SHINee's Onew practicing for musical show "Brothers Were Brave".

He is still able to practice for the musical despite his busy schedule these days.SHINee is currently preparing for their new album that is set to be released in April.

Let's watch how hardworking leader Onew is here!


[NEWS] Donga interview with SHINee's Onew and his Musical Debut!

"Hate, hate, hateful Sukbong. Un, un, unstoppable Jubong. Anyway, they have the ability to surprise people."

On the morning of the 17th at the PMC production rehearsal room in Seoul's Daehakro's Woori Theater, a run through was taking place for the musical "Brothers Were Brave" that will start April 1st. While the main characters Sukbong (played by Kim Jae Man) and Jubong (played be Lee Ji Hoon) rehearsed in the center, SHINee's Onew (21) was sitting to the right. Onew has been triple casted along with Lee Ji Hoon and Trax's Jay for the Jubong role.

A script instead of a mike, baggy sweatpants instead of skinny jeans, a dark gray hoodie zipped up to the neck instead of jackets of diverse colors...there was no appearance of the "ring ding dong~" singing Onew. He followed the two sunbae's acting and mouthed along to the songs, trying to learn as much as possible. We met with "new musical star" Onew after his practice.

▶ Cast as a main character without an audition due to confirmed singing and dancing skills

- How did you get the chance to star in a musical?

"I thought all the musical actors were very cool since I was young. When I heard I would get the chance to stand on stage, I was really excited. Jessica, who was in the 'Legally Blonde' musical, recommended me so I got the opportunity."

'Brothers were Brave' is produced by PMC Productions who also did 'Daejanggeum' and 'Legally Blonde.' It is the story of a father whose sudden death brings two brothers together for the first time in three years. The two brothers, who were more interested in their fortune more than their father's death, discover their parents' love too late. The musical was created in 2008 and this will be the fourth time it is performed. PMC Production's Lee Dong Hyun stated, "Jessica recommended Onew, and because we already knew he was great at singing and dancing from his group activities, we felt that he didn't need an audition."

- The opening night is soon, have you practiced a lot?

"I first got my script when SHINee went to Cambodia in late February. Since then, I've been carrying and reading my script every day but it's only been a week since I've rehearsed with my fellow actors. The run-through yesterday was my first as well. There are a lot of parts that I haven't fully gotten used to yet because of the lack of practice time, but the other actors have helped me a lot, and cue signs have helped me as well. I think it has ended on a good note."

When asked if we could see his script, Onew flipped through the pages of the book that he hadn't let go of since the interview started. He said, "I looked at the script as if it were a textbook during my high school days." And true enough, the script was highlighted all over and there were notes in red pen in the margins. Since he had a habit of underlining every time he read the script, there wasn't a blank spot on any of the pages.

▶ Changed his talking and walking style to be more like Jubong

- You have the role of the second son, Jubong. He is a pessimistic, antagonistic 31 year divorcee who graduated Seoul University. It could be hard for 21 year old Onew to take on this character.

"Jubong's personality was so different from mine, so at first I felt a lot of pressure. It was hard to understand the character at first. So I got a lot of advice from the people around me. I pretended I was Jubong and tried to understand his character. I don't usually answer punctually but since Jubong's personality is like that, I fixed my talking style to match his. I was also told my walk wasn't heavy enough, so I changed that to match the 31 year old Jubong's as well.

- Anything that the two of you are similar on?

"We studied well when we went to school? Hahaha."

It is a known fact that Onew was second in his class during senior year.

-Jubong is rude to his parents. What kind of son are you?

"Well first, Jubong is a second son whereas I'm an only child. I can't visit my parents often because of my busy schedule but I try to be as filial as possible. Since it is a family musical, I think of my parents a lot."

- The musical is 140 minutes long. What is your method to maintaining a healthy stamina? You said yourself that you had 'poor stamina'...

"To build my stamina, I've intended to exercise but I have no time. I only do basic things such as pushups and jump rope in the rehearsal room. I don't get enough sleep so I'm tired, but since it's fun I don't even realize that I'm tired while I'm rehearsing."

Onew is also preparing for SHINee's comeback while rehearsing for his musical. On the 16th, he recorded until 4 and then rehearsed for the musical as soon as he woke up. He remarked, "We haven't chosen a title song yet so we don't know when we will have our comeback, but we are in the final stages of recording."

▶ First kiss on TV, second with Sukbong hyung...

- There were rumors that there would be a kiss scene. Is there one?

"(Surprised) There is no kiss scene. I try to kiss Aurora (Lee Ju Won) but we were about 50 cm apart, and I stick out my lips but Aurora blocks it with her finger. Oh, but there is a kiss scene with Sukbong hyung. We were holding hands and we coincidentally turn our heads and touch each other's lips."

- Your first kiss was on TV too, right?

"It wasn't my first kiss (since he didn't initiate it), but I was kissed by gagwoman Jung Joori sunbaenim. If you look at it like that, Sukbong hyung is my second, but since we grazed lips so many times during rehearsal, it's hard to say it's just the second time...maybe it was because it was a man, but it was pretty calm. It didn't feel good though. Hahaha."

- Did you do ad libs as well? Do you have anything prepared?

"I plan to devote myself to the script rather than ad libbing. It's not as if I perfectly understand Jubong, so I can't really ad lib either. If I suddenly ad lib, it's breaking a promise with fellow costars so I am going to be cautious of that. I could prepare ad libbing in advance with a costar but I wouldn't do it on my own."

- Any advice that "sunbae musical star" Jessica gave you?

"She gave me lots of advice. The most memorable was that she told me to get along well with my fellow costars."

Maybe it was because of Jessica's advice, but Onew really does get along with his costars as if they were family. Managers aren't even allowed in the room in case the celebrities might get bothered, so they hang around outside.

▶ First musical, more anticipation than pressure

- You're the hyung and leader of SHINee, but the magnae of the musical. How do you get along with your sunbaes?

"They guide me a lot. I talk a lot with both Hong Lok Gi and Kim Jae Man hyung who play Sukbong, and Lee Ji Hoon and Jae hyung who play Jubong. We discuss every detail from emotions to our surroundings, so I am very grateful.

- You've stood on many huge stages as a singer, but it's your first in a musical. The differences would be..?

"I think they're pretty similar. When I first debuted as a singer I was really nervous but after getting on stage, it was very comfortable and natural. I think this will be the same. My costars treat me like family so I think it will be a comfortable experience. So strangely, I don't feel very nervous even though it's my musical debut. Rather, I think it'll be really fun so I'm anticipating it a lot."

- Seeing your recent 'brain analysis', Jubong seemed to take up a big part of your brain.

"Jubong's portion of my brain has gotten even bigger since then. When I wake up I suddenly remember songs, and even when I'm unconscious lines from the script pop out. Even when I'm talking to the other members, I say lines from the script if a similar real life situation happened. I even ask for other schedules to be altered so that I can practice for the musical. That's how obsessed I am with it right now. Hahaha"

- The fans expectations are so high that the tickets sold out in 2 minutes the first time. What would you like to say to them?

"I hope the fans are as excited and anticipate the musical as much as I do. When I heard I would get to participate in a musical, I was excited and was confident that I could do well. But I realized how much I was lacking after beginning to rehearse. I hope all the fans enjoy the show even if it is lacking in some parts. Thank you for your encouragement.

▶ "Plenty of potential to do well in the musical as an idol star"

When the interview finished, Onew went back to talking with the production staff and actors. When the director Jang Yoon Jung called "Jubong, where are you?" she found Onew sitting cross-legged on the floor. "There you are," she said, and then started to give him directions.

Afterwards, we asked the director about Onew as a musical actor.

"Onew is like a blank piece of paper. He can perfectly absorb directions. I can see his improvement every time we rehearse. He gives 120% while rehearsing and is very devoted. His best feature is the pure image that he will be going on stage with."

Was she worried about the performance than an idol star would give?

"Jessica debuted in a musical in 'Legally Blonde' which I directed, and she did fabulously. I think it's good that idol group members try musicals. They can already sing and dance so if they practice well, they have the potential. Jessica wanted to be seen as an actor, not a member of SNSD, and Onew does as well. Onew is particularly devoted and sings well so we had no worries from the start. He doesn't have acting experience but since he came with an open mind and is so devoted, I think it will definitely work. He's definitely a sufficient actor."

source: donga | translated by [info]filmsession @ [info]omona_prection

[Pictures] Onew and Kim So Eun coupled up for Clride.N!

"White days" is just 2 days away ,CLRIDE.N coupled up Onew of SHINee and Kim So Eun to promote their latest products ,the "Couple T-Shirts"!

You can see a pink love at the center of the T-shirt,showing your love towards your other half.A representative of CLRIDE.N urged couples to buy their couple t-shirts this year instead of buying some love chocolate this year.

Whether to choose Couple T or love chocolate,it all depends on the price,correct me if i am wrong!

Photos credits to Shakizi!


[News] Taemin is the Most Wanted Boys for Spring!

Spring is coming and which idol star do you want spend your season with? Seoul Star Magazine had conducted a poll for their March 2010 issue and check out the idol males who came on top!

Curious as who sits on the number one spot? None other than SHINee’s maknae Taemin! His innocence just make any noonas fall for him. Dress him up as a boy or a girl, the word ugly will never suit him. He can show and prove you his dancing skills in one shot. He will surely warm the ladies’ spring as he was voted to be number one in this poll.

Second place is owned by another Super Junior member, Donghae. Labeled as the most boyfriend material, Donghae is also a popular name in overseas polls. His members had also claimed that he is a romantic fellow and fans could not agree more. He wins over the heart of ladies with his sweet voice, suave moves and sweet personality. What more can this guy offer?

Who claimed the third position? Super Junior Eunhyuk. Several female idol group had claimed interest with Eunhyuk?s dancing skills as to label him a possible player. However, ladies sure love a bad-boy image although EunHyuk is far from being a bad boy. His sincere thoughts is what keeping his fans wanting more of him.

On fourth place in DBSK Jaejoong. He made you smile with his witty comments. He made you fall in love with his voice. And he made you drool over him with his facial feature. Jaejoong is always on the top of the polls in Japan, so in any case, you can always expect his name to be in any popular polls.

On fifth place is SHINee?s leader Onew. This young leader shows his charm through his bright smile. He can serenade anyone with his confidence and entertain the ladies with his funny remarks. Onew is also known to be smart during his high school days and ladies love guys with brains.

Which among these boys do you want to spend your spring with? Rather, is there anyone you would include with the current list? No matter who’s your number one, every spring would be lovely if you could spend it with your favorite celebrity. Although it is a wishful thinking, it doesn’t hurt to dream once in awhile, right?

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[Video] Who is the best runner among Jonghyun,Taemin & Onew??

Well,the best runner among SHINee's members is undoubtedly Minho,this is a fact and i think everyone know that.

But who is the 2nd fastest runner in SHINee?Well,you have to check out this video to find out the answer,but before that,please make a guess on who will be the fastest among JongHyun,Taemin and Onew??


[news] Onew, surprising Abs Show at SHINee's Hello Baby

SHINee leader Onew, surprising Abs Show? SHINee Onew recently revealed the hidden washboard(!) Abs while he was washing duvets during the record of KBS JOY ?SHINee?s Hello Baby. The group was divided into two teams, one team went to hospital to get immunization for Yoogeuni and one to wash the duvets and while the member Jonghyun was washing, he joked, ?Hyung, your abs are washboards, take your top off so I can wash with your abs.? At this, Onew has shown his unique sense by pulling his stomach out on purpose and made his surrounding full of laughter. On the other hand, you could see the love towards Yoogeun by looking at the members, whose hand washing for the first time in their lives (adding too much washing powder than they are suppose to, dropping the washing on the floor etc), trying and putting their best effort in this cold weather, warming their freezing hands. This episode will broadcast on 24th at 12 at night.


[news] SHINee Onew is Trying 'The Brothers Were Brave' Musical

From April 1st to June 20th, Onew got casted as Jubong at the ?The Brothers were Brave? musical which takes place at the Coex theaters.

?The Brothers were Brave? is the hit musical for its solid plot and configuration that had its first performance in 2008. The musical goes like this: The poor Suk Bong and Ju Bong brothers came down to their home town at An Dong to find their deceased father?s inheritance, and while they are looking for the fortune, the brothers come to understand and forgive each other. Onew?s character Ju Bong is the second son who is know to be discriminated, short tempered Seoul university graduate.

Onew?s challenge for the musical is his first and especially with the kissing scene in the musical is attracting many attention.

The publisher said to T-new, ?This is Onew?s first musical performance. But Jessica also had her first musical called, ?Legally Blond? and she could not pull it off well. Because these day?s idol not only have talents for singing and dancing, they show hard effort; I believe also that Onew will do a good job so I an not worrying about this.?

Onew?s representative of SM entertainment said to T-News, ?Onew started his singing, dancing, and acting practices for ?The Brothers were Brave?. To show good results, we?ll try our best??

Onew is currently in a group called SHINee and is famous for his singing and dancing talents, so his musical debut has been the focus attention.

source: (find: shakizi)
translation: Tiger Girl @
credit: (WRS)

[news] Onew will be on "Brothers Were Brave" The Musical

Genre: Musical
Place: Coexartium
Performing Dates: 2010.04.01 ~ 2010.06.20 (2010.02.33 Ticket opens!)
Performing Time: 20:00 on Tuesday~Friday/ 15:00 on Saturday/ 14:00 and 16:00 on Sunday (no performance on Monday)
Ticket Price: 70000 won for Seat R ,50000 won for Seat S, 30000 won for Seat A
Plot: (roughly summarized) fights between Sukbong brothers and JooBong brothers (includes Onew). A beautiful lady, ?Olola? appears and the brothers dreams about getting her for themselves and starting a new life.
Featuring actors: SukBong brothers-Hong Roki and Kim JaeMan/ JooBong brothers-Lee JiHoon and Onew

Source : SHINee-ing,
Translation : jojo @

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[Picture] Super SHINee Moment, Onew Ignored By Yesung!

Once again, Yesung's 4D-ness appeared! He's so mean but still the fans love him. He was using his old trick- the high five and Onew thought that Yesung wanted to clap his hand with him but poor Onew even got ignored by his hyung. 

Yesung: YES!
Onew: ( He just laughed loudly and ran away )
In the end, Jonghyun was *glaring* at Yesung. Super SHINee lovess ㅋㅋㅋ


[Pictures] Onew Looks Like..?

A simple question- Which Kpop artist do you think has the most similar appearance with Onew? 

Since i'm a fan of Super Junior and SHINee, i never noticed that Onew looks so much like one of the member of Super Junior. Do you know who he is?

The answer is Henry of Super Junior. They do look alike perhaps i can say they're like twins! No matter which part of their face, their eyes, lips have a big resemblance. After looking at the photos below, can you differentiate who's who?

 Pictures credit:


[NEWS[ SHINee’s Onew reveals his key to studying, “Study until dawn”!

On the episode of SBS’s “Quiz! The Sixth Sense” that will be aired on February 7th, Onew revealed the instance in which he was second-best in the entire school in his third year of high school when they were discussing the topic of “School Life”. He also said, “If you study very seriously and constantly, you will receive a good result no matter what.”

Onew said, “The effects of studying right before dawn is especially good,” thus revealing his trick for studying. “Because I studied until dawn, I was very tired and would fall asleep at school,” he joked.
SHINee member Jonghyun added on that he didn’t know about Onew’s good result in school, but went on to compliment Onew and said, “He’s good at school and is really well-mannered/polite, but still manages to stay humble and modest.”

Cr: Newsen + translated by forevermoreandmore@soompi

[Photo] Onew at Seoul Music Awards

Seoul Music Awards which held on the 3rd of February is over. It left some good memories for all, mostly the winner.
Well, I just browse some site, and found this photo from Seoul Music Awards event.
I think it's quite an interesting photo to be shared with all of you.

Enjoy the photo. ^^

Credit as tagged, WeAreShining.

[PICS] SHINee Fansign Event in Singapore

SHINee hit Singapore by storm. TRUE. 
These pictures of the boys having so much fun at their fan-sign event. Meeting Singaporean shawols.

High resolution pics.
Onew looks smexy. MInho close up pic. Key's looking somewhere. Jonghyun smile. Adorable Taemin.

reuploaded by shaynekay@dkpopnews


Talking about sex is really awkward especially for such an innocent maknae.

SHINee's Taemin's face got red while talking about sex.

While Onew and Taemin guest starred on the January 31st episode of SBS's "Shin Dong Yeop's 300", when the question "I've talked about sex with my parents" came up Taemin commented, "Wouldn't that be really embarrassing? It seems awkward." Onew said "If you started talking with them since you were young, it would help a lot."

MC Shin Dong Yeop then asked, "Where have you gotten your knowledge about sex?" Onew replied calmly, "I mostly learned at school" but Taemin's face became red and laughed in embarrassment.

On another note, Onew and Taemin risked around $5000 to bet that the number of people in the audience who've talked about sex with their parents would be from 60 to 90. The actual number in the audience was 92, so they were eliminated.

watch video:

LOL. Look at Onew still calm. But i think he's awkward also ;p

Source: omonatheydidnt
Credit: SHINee Forums International

posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews
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