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Showing posts with label SHINee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SHINee. Show all posts

[Audio] SHINee sings for "Prosecutor Princess"!

SHINee who are currently working on their new album,sing for the OST of the latest SBS drama "Prosecutor Princess"!

The title of the song is "Fly High",listen to it here,love it or not?

2009, Year of Us : 3rd Mini Album [Digipack] [S.M. Entertainment] [Korea 2009]

[Video] Onew looks so cute in glasses for "The Brothers were Brave".

Fans are so delighted with Onew's new look for musical show "Brothers Were Brave".

Another clip of the musical was also released late at night yesterday,please take a look at the preview clip below.Onew's musical will start on 1st April which is tomorrow,love his new look??

2009, Year of Us : 3rd Mini Album [Digipack] [S.M. Entertainment] [Korea 2009]1st Repackage [Amigo]1st [The Shinee World] A Ver.

[news] Having recently performed at the Esplanade, up-and-coming band SHINee consisting of Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin, were amongst many Ko

"If we see their happy faces, we feel more happy"

● You debuted on May and it's already your 2nd year. Being the oldest from the group, What do you think of SHINee recently?
Onew: I think we are accustomed in many different ways. When we are going to do something before, we're always shaking because we feel nervous. Of course it doesn't mean that we are not nervous now, But we feel more comfortable when were going up on stage and have eye-contact with our fans, Since then we are having so much fun.

● Do you often have eye-contact with your fans?
Onew: Yes of course

● So during the time, do you stare at the fans eyes steadily?
Onew: I stare and show my smile.

● That will truly make the fans happy!
Onew: Yes. They feel happy so If we see their happy faces, we feel more happy.

● During your activities of your mini album "2009, YEAR OF US", You often appeared at a variety shows right?
Onew: Yes, We are also getting accustomed to it and we enjoy it actively.

● Does Onew-Kun have interest to make people laugh?
Onew: Kwack!

● Eh? Eh? What?
Onew: Kwack! Kwack! Kwack! ^▽^

● It's Donald Duck! (laughs)
Onew: I doesn't hate to make people laugh like this! ^▽^

● You're so good! (laughs)
Onew: Two years have passed nearly so I had the time to show this kind of side.

● Can you tell us what kind of album do you listen recently?
Onew: Jamie Cullum's 1st Album. I really really love the song "Twenty Something". I also listen to George Benson.

● Besides music, What kind of things are you having fun?
Onew: I'm having fun recording and collecting the variety shows that I appeared and watch them.

● Do you really love yourself that much?
Onew: No! No! I'm not narcissistic ^▽^ It's not like that, I'm convincing of what the people are reacting to me like the things I said, the things that I had done. I don't have time to look myself at the actual spot so I check and get ready for the next recording.

● We are going to interview Jonghyun-kun next so do you have any message for him ?
Onew: I hope you will make more funny talk/stories. Please tell him! ^▽^

translation credit: winkme @ soompi shinee thread

"I'm not interested of deciding a game"

● Onew-kun said "Tell more funny talk/stories"
Did he really said that?! (laughs) Sometimes I think that I doesn't fit myself at variety shows. I really love variety but I can't make people laugh actively.

● Do you prefer cool duties more?
No, not really. Especially I don't think to make myself cool. I want to show my true-self. Frankly, I doesn't have the element to make fun.

● I see. You wrote the lyrics for "Juliette" before. It was really a passionate lyrics. Did you ever experienced that
kind of love?
I didn't...But I want to experience it. Romeo and Juliette were in love for several days right? they show their love through their risk of their lives, I want to experience that kind of love once in a lifetime....But I don't want to die (laugh)

● Besides music, What is Jonghyun-kun interested in?
Exercise. To keep myself in good care. If I don't have stamina, I can't do anything so health is really important...I realized this last year.

● What kind of exercise?
Generally I do push-ups, carry light dumbbells. If i have time, I'm thinking of going to a gym.

● How about Soccer or baseball?
I don't like sports that has rules and confrontation...Instead of that I prefer to make my body in good stamina.

● You're a pacifist
I think so. I'm not interested of deciding a game.

● Besides going to the gym if you have time, what other things would you like to do?
I think practicing piano. I was in a band during my high school days so I want to play the bass once again. I also want to get a driving license.

● What is your recent favorite CD?
Maxwell"s "Unplugged". I also listen to maroon 5.

● Please tell a message for Minho-kun.
Minho is appearing at "Dream Team" which is a physical game variety show so please take good care of yourself and don't make yourself injure!

translation credit: winkme @ soompi shinee thread

"If were just 5 together, were noisy and speak out loud."

● Do you love sports?
Yes. Generally I love sports. That's why I'm so happy when I got the chance to appear at "Dream Team". Of course it accumulates fatigue but when I win at the game, my stress will go away.

● Sports you especially love the most?
I think it's Soccer.

● Ah! You're father! (Professional soccer team Daejeon Citizen's ex-coach Chae Yoon Kyum)
Yes. That's one of the reason too.

● Is Minho-kun good too?
It's embarrassing to say this from myself but....Yes, I'm good (laugh)

● Do you have confidence?
I have. One of my dream is to become a soccer player.

● What position do you like?
Center Forward.

● How about making a team in SHINee?
Aaa...I think they are not interested unlike me. I'm sorry (laughs)

● Are you interested when there is going to have a Japan-Korea match?
I'm interested. Even I go somewhere, I will definitely see the match in the TV.

● It's good if SHINee will sing the ceremony song for the match.
If that will happen, it's really an honor. There is a chance that we could talk to the players.

● Can you tell us the songs that you're listening recently?
Musiq Soulchild's "On my radio" Album. Especially I love the song "If You Leave". The vocal and melody is the type I like.

● If I look at Minho-kun's image, you're really quiet but usually, what personality do you have?
Ummm...I think I have an ordinary personality (laughs). If you compare to the other members. I know that I looked like the most quite but if were just 5 together, were noisy and speak out loud.

● Really? Can you tell us something funny that make us laugh?

● Now, ready please.'s impossible (laughs)

● Sorry if I did something mean (laugh). Can you tell us a word that represents SHINee from your debut until now?
"Fortune". I think all the experience we did are "fortune".

● Tell a message for Taemin.
Do your best so that you can achieve your goals!

● What is Taemin's goal?
I don't know (laughs)

"There is no scary people (laughs), usually all of us get along well."

Taemin: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

●You're Japanese improved! Are there any Japanese words you learned?
Ai s h i t eru, Wakarima s h i t a, Itadakimasu, Sugoi, Ikuzo, and also Yamete! (laughs)

● Yamete?! (laughs)
I learned from watching the anime called "One Piece". Chopper said that (laughs)

● Is Taemin-kun a high school student?
Yes. I'm on my 2nd year.

● Do you really go to school regularly?
Of course I go!

● How about today?
I don't have a school today.

● Are you sure? (laughs)
Yes, I'm sure (laughs). I go to school well. Even I'm busy with my work, I go to school just to greet my teachers.

● You're great!!! by the way did you see Michael Jackson's "This is it?". I heard that you respect him a lot.
Of Course. Even he is old, I always thought that he is truly Michael Jackson. I'm so impressed of him. And also, I got a chance to see some parts that is not yet normally seen. My favorite choreographer appeared too so it's a study for me.

● Taemin-kun is the youngest in SHINee. Who is the most nicest from the 4 members ?
Taemin: All the 4 of them are my nice brothers. Onew hyung is the eldest and also the leader so he always worry about me and protects me.

● How about the scariest member ?
There is no scary people (laughs). Usually all of us get along well. Were too close that's why were in a trouble.

● You don't need to be in trouble.
No, But for example, When all of us gather together, were too noisy and give a person into trouble (laughs)

● I see (laughs). Does Taemin-kun sometimes feel depressed?
Almost No. I'm a type of person who thinks positively.

● Taemin-kun's face is always looking gentle.
Really?! (laughs)

● Yes (laughs). What CD are you listening recently?
Timbaland's "Shock value". This is my favorite from Timbaland. I listen to it when I'm practicing.

● Lastly, Please tell a message for Key-kun.
Recently, Key hyungs hair is getting dry and damaged so please get a treatment! (laughs)

"Actually I'm a bright and active person. I love to make people happy"

● When I saw Key-kun at the jacket cover of "2009, YEAR OF US, I was really shocked.
You're right. I was shocked also (laughs)

●I think it's kind of sexless...
Yes, because usually no male person who have this kind of hairstyle. I would like to try this uni-sexual image just for once. That's why I consult with my designer and chose this hairstyle.

● Oh yes, Taemin said "Please get a treatment" (laughs)
Ahahahaha (laughs) But if I don't get a treatment, my hair is really awful. I always dye my hair so it got damaged.

● The further I looked at you, so far your friendly image is opposite.
I feel that people see me having a cool image because of this hairstyle and make-up. Some of my older sunbaes didn't recognized me (laughs)

● You're already cool but you danced and imitate to perfume's song at the event.
I do (laughs). If I only show this cool image of mine, I'm sure some day the limit will come that's why I think of showing this cute side.

● A cool Key-kun and a comical Key-kun, Which is real?
Excluding this outfit and hairstyle, I think many people say that I'm more cool in appearance. But actually I'm a bright and active person. I love to make people happy.

● What is Key-kun's recommend CD?
KE$HA's "ANIMAL" Album. She's a new female singer in America. Anyway she's really cool. I recommend!

● How about J-POP?
I'm sorry, recently were too busy and I don't have time to listen...Ah! but I saw the drama "Ryusei no kizuna", It's really interesting!

● Japanese words you learned recently?
Medama totte iidesuka?

● What?!
I learned "Totte ii desuka? I put a noun and make good use of it and play it (laughs)

● What is a word that represents SHINee for 2 years.
I think it's "Study". At the beginning we didn't know what to do but we studied a lot and learned many things in 2 years.

● Please tell a message for Onew-kun.
From now on leader, Good luck!

translation credit: winkme @ soompi shinee forums

[news] SHINee in Singapore Teens Magazine, april 2010 issue

Having recently performed at the Esplanade, up-and-coming band SHINee consisting of Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin, were amongst many Korean Stars who arrived in Singapore for the Oh Joonsung Drama Concert. But none drew as much attention, or gasps of sheer delight, from the throng of teenage girls who stalked the arrival hall of Changi Airport, for a chance to see these cute Korean boys up close and personal!
Says fellow performer Bobby Kim, "When we arrived at the airport, we were shocked by the sheer number of SHINee fans! It felt as though the boys were Michael Jackson!" Indeed, the five hotties from SHINee were equally surprised by their popularity here. "We are very excited and didn't expect to see all these people at the airport welcoming us," says Onew humbly.

Boys to Men
Although the band was formed only in 2008. SHINee is already hugely successful within the region, scoring many firsts including becoming fashion trendsetters for their young fans and winning the "Best New Artist" award at the 5th Asia Song Festival. But the real challenge is reinventing themselves as they grow up and graduate into full-time singers.
"We may be students now, but we're also professional singers and we would like to have a more professional career later on." say the boys. "We want to go from being a boy band to being a man band. We will do our best to please our fans."
In the meantime, the boys are taking the opportunity to learn from other veteran bands. Displaying their humility to the maximum, the band says, "With so many boy groups out there, we're really learning from all these other artistes. It's all about health competition."

Asian Roots
As much as they hope to show their fans their maturing musicality, one thing they aren't keen to change is their strong Asian roots. Speaking about their first-ever performance in Singapore, SHINee is particularly delighted to have the opportunity to participate in a concert that features music from Korean drama favourites. The boys declare, "We will try our best and hope that our Asian culture will spread to other parts of the world!"
Just before the interview ended, we asked SHINee if they had any plans to perform with international artostes. To our pleasant surprise, they boys showed more interest in collaborating with singers from Asia! "So far we haven't had any chances for collaborations, but we're looking forward to performing with others Asian artistes like Bobby Kim."

Please take out only with full credits! THANK YOU.
source and reup by angeltard@sfi

[news] SHINee in Singapore's I-Weekly Magazine Issue 647

a 5-member group with members of average age of 16 - 20 years old. Band of SM Entertainment. Debuted in 2008 with a representative track "Ring Ding Dong"

With the high popularity in Singapore, in just shortly 2 months, they've landed in Singapore's land twice with fans waiting at the airport to welcome them, following them even to their hotels and occupy shopping malls.
3 years ago, when SHINee were still students, their company - SM, has already planned for them to capture the hearts of many in Asia. Recently visiting countries like Taiwan, Cambodia, Singapore and sharing the stage with a Hong Kong artiste Lin Feng in Hong Kong.
These idols also know when to show their own individual talents. In "Hello Baby", watch how these young boys take care a baby, making fans who watches them, also want to love them like how they love the baby. Team leader Onew will be staging a musical "Brothers Were Brave" in the coming April, displaying his musical talent. Having an ex-soccer coach father, Minho appearing in "Dream Team" showed his guts in challenging the challenges they had for him, giving the audience a sense of excitement.
And, with the personal experience i-weekly had with the boys a month back during a face-to-face interview, the five politely introduced themselves "Hello! We are SHINee!" and with their recognizable action of the hand "Woosh", neatly presented. Wondering that such a simple action has made the boys practiced and rehearsed for how many times.
After seeing their performances, obviously interesting and exciting, and also because of their passion for this, their sweat that they put in and the professionalism they present, these boys really deserve 100 out of 100!

Please take out only with full credits! THANK YOU.
Source; Translations and Reup by angeltard@sfi

[news] SHINee Has an All-out War to Expose Each Other, Curious of Their True Feelings

On KBS JOY?s ?SHINee?s Hello Baby,? acting fathers SHINee wanted to spend a happy time together with their child Yoogeun, going on a spring trip to a pension (homey hotel) near Seoul.

Leading busy lives due to recent activities overseas after their debut and seeing as it has been a while since they made a trip, SHINee explained afterwards that they were extremely excited the entire way there. SHINee, in particular, during the recording of preparing dinner, went all out on exposing themselves even more.

Last time, until the very end of the recording of SHINee?s five members? vote for ?Best & Worst Dad,? the undisclosed incident showed the truth that Key was the one who hastily wrote Taemin?s name for ?Worst Dad? on air which came out as a revealing and satisfying incident. When the truth also revealed that both Jonghyun and Onew started the graffiti when Onew took the all blame for the incident, Onew?s unfair, falsely charged crimes were stripped.

Furthermore on air, the nonpublic SHINee?s private lives at home are going public. Broadcast on March 23rd at 12:10 AM.

source: nate
translate: joodit @weareshining
credits: + SFI

[news] 'Raising Idol'…The Project Of Turning The Normal Idol Into The 'Know-It-All' Idol

Comedy TV ‘Raising Idols’.. 3 people including U-KISS Dongho’s special training.

Comedy TV’s new program ‘Raising Idols’ will be broadcased for the first time on March 27th at 10:30 o’clock.

3 Korea’s raising idols were selected and will be learning new skills from the female teachers in order to be known as the ‘know-it-all-idol’ in the 21st century. Looks, dance, singing and lots more of new skills will be learned by U-KISS’s Dongho, SHINee’s Key and MBLAQ’s Thunder.

The first challenger will be the idol magnae’s representative, Dongho. He has taken the variety programs world by storm with his cute face and sportsman image, but in order to become a global Korean Idols, he’ll take up a special English class.

The second challenger is SHINee’s Key who will take up the cooking class in order to become every women’s romance guy.

The third challenger will be MBLAQ’s Thunder, who was groomed by world star Rain and is known for his status as the younger brother of girl group 2NE1’s Sandara Park. Thunder’s task is to shape up his body in order to become a charismatic beastly idol.

Credits: Digital Times (Source) + Mimi@contiukiss (Eng) + ROCKETBOXX.NET

[NEWS] Choikang Changmin-SHINee Visit U-Know Yunho’s Concert!

TVXQ’s Choikang Changmin, SHINee’s Minho and TRAX’s Jungmo visited U-Know Yunho’s concert performance to support him.

The three male celebrities attend “A Tribute band from Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT movie and U-Know Live’, that was held today at Yongsan’s War Memorial Hall, to support fellow agency-mate U-Know Yunho.

At 6:45 pm, SHINee’s Minho and Choikang Changmin appeared and the fans stood up and welcomed their sudden appearance.

U-Know Yunho’s agency representatives said, “To support U-Know Yunho, SHINee and TVXQ came to the concert despite the cold weather. More celebrities will visit during the performance on the 28th.”

Source: [stDNBNarnews+]
Translation credits:
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[NEWS] 'Haha Mong Show', Big Bang·Shinee·SNSD·Kara and other idols guest star!

Best friends MC Mong and Haha have finally come together after seven years for their new SBS pilot program 'Haha Mong Show', where many idol groups have guest starred for the first episode.

On the 21st, the first recording of the "Haha Mong Show" featured members from Big Bang, SNSD, Kara, 2AM, Brown Eyed Girls, SHINee, MBLAQ, and other popular idol groups.

Lee Ji Won PD, who is in charge of this new show, said "After hearing that Haha and MC Mong are back together for a show, many idol members showed their support by appearing on the show. Anyone can see the big anticipation that is surrounding Haha and MC Mong's reunification."

The PD confidently said, "We are producing the show by emphasizing both Haha and MC Mong's unique personalities, and through the appearance of these idol members, the audience will be able to see a more cheerful variety show."

MC Mong and Haha were MCs for 2002 Mnet's "What's Up Yo!" where their bad boy image made them immensely popular. They also were radio DJs together in 2003 for SBS Radio's "Haha Mong's Young Street," when they had the #1 listenership.

source: joynews | translated by [info]filmsession @ [info]omona_prection

[Pictures] SHINee Shi Dae's version of Run Devil Run

After looking at CNE1's picture, fans are totally like to edit picture. This time, they aim for SNSD and SHINee and it comes with the pictures of SHINee dressed in SNSD Run Devil Run's costume! Do you like it? Honestly, it is really way better than CNE1 and SHINee is more lovely.

Credits: Syee22 @ Daily K Pop News

[News] SHINee is going to Malaysia on May 25th? ''It may be a rumour''

Good news for SHINee's fans in Malaysia! Recently, SHINee was holding their fan meeting all around Asia and it has been announced that SHINee will be coming to Malaysia too. 

After Super Junior's Super Show 2 live in Malaysia, for those who missed the concert, here is a chance to see another SM Entertainment artist- SHINee soon along with Zhang Li Yin. They will hold their first fan meeting on May 25th, detail as follows:

SHINee & Zhang Li Yin 1st Fanmeet in Malaysia
Date: 25-5-2010
Time: 15:00-16:30
Venue: The Summit Batu Pahat, Johor (Malaysia)
Artist: Zhang Liyin、SHINee (Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, Taemin)
Host: The Summit & S.M Entertainment

Raise your hands up if you are going :) and hope that SNSD will be the next SM artist that come to Malaysia! For the Singaporean fans can come over to Johor for the event too, the boys are waiting to see fans from all over the world.

Note: this news may be a rumour
'' its a rumour, we're connecting with SUMMIT & SWM for more info. please keep refer to this announcement,TQ '' - From dailydoseofshineee@blogspot

Source: dailydoseofshineee
Credits: Syee22 @ Daily K Pop News

[Video] Preview of Raising Idols unveiled!

This is the preview of the new show featuring MBLAQ's Thunder,U-Kiss Dong Ho & Eli and SHINee's Key.

The name of the show is "Raising Idols" ,the show looks promising right?


[NEWS] Snippets about hello baby episode 10!

This week we'll see SHINee members spending time with their 'son' Yoogeun at a pension house near Seoul for a spring outing. After being so busy with overseas promotions, they were excited for this kind of outing that they haven't had in a while.

They also had a good time revealing some hidden truths while preparing for dinner. They talked about how it was Key all along that picked Taemin as 'worst dad,' and Onew was vindicated after it was revealed during the broadcast that Jonghyun was his partner-in-crime in vandalizing the members' faces on the folding screen.

They also revealed what their private dorm-lives are like for the first time!


um, so that last line is a lie because we have seen some of it during yunhanam, but wutevs, EXCITED ANYWAY

source: newsen
found through: shakizi
translated by: [info]okdubu @ [info]omona_prection

[News] SHINee bags award in Singapore

K-pop boy band SHINee won the New Generation Artist award in the 2010 Singapore Entertainment Awards held at The Float at Marina Bay on March 13.

About 10,000 people attended the ceremony that recognized Asian singers. Some 45 awards were given in 11 categories.

Most of the people who went to the event are SHINee's fans as evidenced by the group receiving the loudest cheers when they appeared to perform and get their award on stage.

In the event, SHINee sang 
Replay, Jojo and Ring Ding Dong

Besides SHINee, other Asian artists who attended the ceremony were Eason Chan, Yoga Lin, Moses Chan, JJ Lin, Tanya Chua, Liang Wen Ying, Mark Chou, Alien, A-Do, Liang Wen Fu, Olivia Ong, Budak Pantai, Chou Pi Jiang, Liu Ling Ling, Chen Wei Lian, George Tien, By2, Tay Kewei and Ric Low.

The next day, SHINee held a showcase at IMM building in Singapore where about 3,000 fans attended.

According to accounts of the event, some fans were there as early as 8 a.m. even though the showcase was scheduled at 2 p.m. Despite heavy rains, the fans stayed until the end of the event just to see the pop group.

Source :
Credit :

[DKP Survey] Who can pose better with milk,Tae Min or Seunggi???

Well,Lee Seunggi just took a photo for Samsung Zipper recently.

In the photo,Seunggi is holding a bottle of milk as seen in the photo above.Then netizens started to compare his pose to Tae Min's pose in Ring Ding Dong's MV where Tae Min is drinking a glass of milk.

Today's survey is a bit special,we will be comparing the boys' pose with milk,who do you think is better posing with milk??

Photo credits to Koreanindo!


[Pictures] Key & Nicole's children revealed?????

Well,don't be too shocked after seeing the title,it is not something that you have thought before after seeing the title.

These photos here are some photoshopped photos made by fans,their "Son" and "Daughter" have good looks right????The fans paired up both of them most probably because their performance for "Juliette" on last year's Gayo Daejoon.

Kudos to the fans who made these photos!!

[news] SHINee in Metropolis, Surabaya Post 100318

Girl Vocal Group dominate 2010 7th Korean Music Awards Nomination

SHINee as the only boy band that was nominated for pop song of the year.

Metropolis, Java, Surabaya Post, Thursday, March 18, 2010.

Korean annual music awards, 7th Korean Music Awards (KMA), will be held on March 30, 2010. On Tuesday (3/9) a press conference has been held to announce 25 nominations of 2010 KMA.

This year nominations contains many popular girl vocal groups, such as Girls’ Generation a.k.a So Nyeo Shi Dae (SNSD), Brown Eyed Girls, and Kara.

SNSD, which is consisted of nine beauty members, is nominated for 4 nominations (song of the year, best pop song, best and / or electronic song, and netizens choice of best female artist of the year).

SNSD is one of successful girl vocal group in Korea. The group which has Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun as members, debuted in 2007 with the release of their 1st album, Girls’ Generation.

January 2010, SNSD had just released their new album, Oh!. Their single, Gee and Tell Me Your Wish (Genie), has led them to get the opportunity of winning 2010 KMA nomination. The other shining girl vocal group is Brown Eyed Girls (BEG). The quartet was also nominated for four nominations, including song of the year and best dance / electronic song. BEG is exceled with their hit, Abracadabra.

BEG has existed in the Korean music from 2006. The group which consist Jea, Ga-in, Narsha, and Miryo as members, released their 1st debut album, You Story, in 2006.

Their single, Abracadabra, has became a magnet in the world of Korean music. The single made BEG received many awards at several music awards. Such as, song of the month in Cyworld Digital Music Awards 2009 and the best house & electronic song and best female group in Mnet Asian Music Awards 2009.

On the other hand, Kara quintet has the same luck with SNSD and BEG. The vocal group, which is consisted Park Gyuri, Seungyeon Hang, Goo Hara, Nicole, and Jiyoung Kang, was nominated for best song and best pop dance / electronic song.

Among them, there is SHINee as the only boy band that was nominated for pop song of the year with a single Ring Ding Dong.

Although they have to compete many girl vocal groups, SHINee couldn’t be underestimated on 2010 KMA competition. They are idols for Korean girls.

KMA 2010 is awards for Korean music. This event is so pretigious because KMA 2010 is not only about the popularity, but also the musicality.

translator note: since i’m not a good translator and my english is so damned poor, so sorry if there’re so many mistakes ^^;;;

the original article can be found here

source : almighty_key + shawolindo
translation Indonesia – English: eijisatoshi @ weareshining
credit: weareshining

[news] Top 25 Fans Club @ Cafe Daum

Cafe Daum is very well-known fan cafe in Korea.

Below is the number of the members of the each stars cafe from #1~#25

1. TVXQ 783805

2. Bigbang 366398

3. Girls Generation 297771

4. SS501 266442

5. 2PM 264345

6. Super Junior 248616

7. Shinwa 188821

8. SHINee 116447

9. Wonder Girls 109823

10. FT-Island 109585

11. 2NE1 96690

12.HOT 75616

13.GOD 72020

14.MBLAQ 67417

15.BEAST 64287

16.SES 61319

17.2AM 57662

18.F(X) 55682

19.kara 52849

20.BrownEyedGirls 44003

21.T-ara 20210

22.4Minute: 18854

23.AfterSchool 14726

24.U-Kiss 4936

25.HAM 961

Credit: + sahya + (English Translation)

[news] The Brain Outlines of Onew, Jonghyun and Minho

What’s on Onew, Jonghyun and Minho Brain?

ONEW: 닭 Chicken
JONGHYUN: 샤이니 월~드 SHINee Worl~d
MINHO: 드림팀ㅎ Dream Team hehe

Onew’s Brain

사후세계 After life
주봉이 Highest peak
운전면허 Driver’s license
애기 안아주다가 떨어뜨리면 안돼 If I hold the baby I can’t drop him
성대모사 찾기 To find an impersonator
CF가 좋아 I like CFs
닭 Chicken
빨간색 맘에 든다 The color red appeals to me
원조 꿀벅지 Support honey thighs
이상형 좀 찾아줘 Please find a strange hyung
그림 잘 그리고 싶다 I want to draw well
친구들 다 군인 All my friends in the military
덜덜덜덜덜 춥다 덜덜덜덜덜 Shivershivershiver It’s cold shivershivershiver
한국이 좋다 I like Korea
작사 Words
유근? Yoogeun?
저질체력 Darn fitness
양치질 오래하는거 좋아함 I like brushing my teeth/gargling for a long time
노래하자 Let’s sing
난 배불러도 밥을 먹어 I eat even when I’m full
사냥 해 보고 싶다 I want to try hunting
여행 Traveling

Jonghyun’s Brain

난 웃겨 I’m funny
하찮은 최민호 Choi Minho is unimportant
유근이는 귀엽다 Yoogeun is adorable
이상하게 가사 바꾸기 Strangely to change lyrics
엄마 생일 Mom’s birthday
이민정 신세경 Lee Min Jung, Shin Se Kyung
스킨쉽은 내가 1등 I’m 1st place in skinship*
리얼리티가 이런거임? Real reality is like this?
누나 보고 싶다 I miss noona
내 이름 좀 외워 유근아 Yoogeun-ah, please learn my name
성장판 닫기 전에 유근이 키 키우기 To raise Yoogeun and Key before I stop growing
샤이니 월~드 SHINee Worl~d
운동하고 싶다. I want to work out.

translator note*’skinship’ considered a close friendship

Minho’s Brain
언제쯤 유근이가 이름을 외워줄까? When will Yoogeun learn my name?
버라이어티에 대한 부담감…….. (예전보다는 많이 좋아짐) The pressure from variety shows……(To like it more than the older generation)
내 아들 유근이~ My son Yoogeun-ee~
파워레인저 Power Ranger
너무 귀여운 유근이 때문에… 평소에도 계속 떠오름… Because of super cute Yoogeun…I always get up even on a normal day
유근이에게 더 좋은 아빠가 되기 위한 방법???? How to become Yoogeun’s most likeable dad????
드림팀ㅎ Dream Team hehe
유근이에게 운동을 가르쳐서 스포츠맨으로 거듭 날 수 있도록~ 도와주기~! To teach Yoogeun how to exercise so he can move like an athlete~ To help him~!

translation Joodit @ weareshining
credit weareshining

[Picture] Dong Ho,Thunder & Key pose for "Raising Idols"!

It has been reported a few weeks ago that U-Kiss' Dong Ho & Eli,MBLAQ's Thunder and SHINee's Key will be hosting a show called "Raising Idols".

The latest promotional picture of the show has been unleashed recently.Each of them plays different roles in this photo as you can see,Dong Ho as an english teacher,Key is a cook while Thunder...a model perhaps!

This show looks promising right?
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