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[NEWS] Chansung and Junho at Cyworld Digital Music Awards!

On afternoon of the 1st, at the Seoul Olympic Hall at Olympic Park, 2PM members Chansung and Junho attended the Cyworld Digital Music Awards 2009. While receiving their award, they were confounded as the fans shouted out Park Jaebum's name in unison.

May be taken out with full credits. You may not add yourself in the credits nor edit the credits.

[News] VIVI 605,000 Sold #1 in History Again! DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Absolute Uproar!!

*Note: No offence to Jonny’s fan.
This is an article written at Nikkan Gendai News.
Their main readers are adult male (businessmen etc).
So, it is written with the guy’s point of view.

Nikkan Gendai News Japan

Things which the wives and children are absorbed in recently when dad comes home.
It is a Korean idol group of 5 “TVXQ” who participated in NHK’s Red and White Singing Battle lat year.
They are an absolute uproar in Japan now on days.

Woman fashion magazine “JJ” which TVXQ was displayed as a cover was all sold out last month.

In addition, another woman’s fashion magazine “ViVi” (released on February 23rd)
which attached a supplement of TVXQ’s articles to a magazine
had published their best 605,000 prints since its’ foundation.

And it is said to be sold out surely.

It is possible that Japanese Johnny’s women fans might be moving toward TVXQ.
There is a research that supported this flow by collecting the vote of, “Who I want to make as my lover”
at the “CDTV” (TBS), which was broadcasted on February 13th.

This research at CDTV has been carried out twice every year, in summer and in winter.
And for the previous five times, the first place was Jin Akanishi of KAT – TUN (Jonny’s),
and consecutive four times, Kazuya Kamenashi (Jonny’s KAT-TUN) kept the second place.

However, it was a member of TVXQ who won the first place this time.
And Kamenashi ranked the fourth place this time.
TVXQ members were ranked within the top ten ranking range,
and Jun Matsumoto of “Arashi (Jonny’s)” that was the seventh place until last year
did not make it to the top ten place this time.

Additionally, group of 5 idol group, “BIGBANG” also from Korea is developing a force in Japan.
Jonny’s might be feeling uneasy recently with these Korean male idol forces.

Always Keep The Faith!

Source: Nikkan Gendai News: +ViVi
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Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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[Pictures] SJ M for Semir!

Here are some photos of Super Junior M for Semir!

I have no idea when these photos were taken but i am really happy to see all the 7 members be united for these photos!

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Credits: SEMIR's Official site; shared by superlover♫ @

[NEWS] Jaebum's mother posts on Underground!

Please tell all fans 'thank you'. Please tell them to often check up on him and keep interest in him.
Through out all these rumors Jaebum could have been despaired but seeing him strong gave me more hope than despaire.
Thank you to all the fans.

You have worked very, very hard.

Please forward our heart to the fans and I will pray for the wound in the fan's heart to be healed quickly. Thank you for trusting and loving our Jaebum. This is not a good ending for Jaebum but my heart is lighter now that this issue has ended. I wish that after this entry, Jaebum will not become a bad issye. Please love the 2PM dongsaegs too. They and their familiies will have had a hard time because of Jaebum

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[News] 13 types of personality of Super Junior, Donghae is looking for a lover to marry with him?

Love at the first dream
Being the korean group with the most number of members, from debut until now, Super Junior has "created many miracles, and will continue creating more miracles", according to Leeteuk's words.
Because of the large number of members, the SuJu that have debuted for 4 years have already divided themselves clearly in terms of who is in charge of rapping, singing, dancing etc. As they are getting more successful in the Kpop industry, many of the members have not only done what they are in charge of initially, but tried out on various other fields. But the first dream will always continue, it will not change.
In the MC, variety shows, drama, movies and musical fields, SuJu members have done well. When they are together though, their indentify as a whole is Super Junior. Leeteuk have said during broadcast that they are preparing for 4jib, Eunhyuk also said he wants to create a nice body for 4jib. The members are gearing up, getting ready to make their comeback soon. We anticipate SuJu to appear as a complete group during Super Show 2 in Shanghai on 3rd June.

Solo? Musicals? Composing music?
The new dance student Kyuhyun
The one who has been acknowledged as the best in singing is K.R.Y. The 3 member sub unit have been silently singing behind the scenes* from the start. Besides their singing skills, K.R.Y is constantly venturing into other fields to present their other skills to others.
Having replaced Eunhyuk to be the dancing king of Super Junior once, Kyuhyun’s dancing skills is drawing much attention and being complemented by fans. During the Year End performance, Kyuhyun also danced MJ's dance. It seems like our maknae is throwing away his "black hole in dancing**" nickname and get some dancing roles in 4jib?

Dancing Ryeowook
Actually the self-claimed "maknae" Ryeowook have always wanted to have more than just a singer's image. His personality is actually a cute active little child. Ryeowook, who’s variety skills have improved a lot since 3jib, is still unsatisfied! The solo performance in Super Show definitely made him drop the quiet image, making fans shocked when he danced a hot and sexy dance. So... Ryeowook actually has a potential in dancing!

Passionate filial son Yesung
The Yesung with a unique personality and a unique way of making people laugh is always depressed that he has too many parts edited out on shows. The reason is that people do not understand his way of making people laugh. But the great performance in "Namhansansung" and the passionate solo "Resignation" in Super Show proved that Suju's main vocal has a shocking capability. Taking advantage of SuJu's popularity, he promoted his mother’s shop on his CY. His filial son's actions is well-liked by the people.

Always hardworking Donghae
The member who has been voted most hardworking by the other members. Our Donghae is actually only a 24 year old little tiger***. Always lamenting that his variety skills in not good enough, admiring Leeteuk's debating skills, admiring the quick-witted Eunhyuk, admiring Kangin's speaking ability, admiring Heechul's sharp tongue, Donghae seems very frustrated from the start, wondering why the other members can be so great on variety shows but he cannot. As the saying goes, "different people have different capabilities". Donghae's self-composed "Beautiful" surprised many fans. Dancing with Eunhyuk on stage also proved his dancing ability. Actually, not being good on variety shows is not a big deal, his composing talent can make up for it.

Musical king Sungmin
Regardless of acting as a magician, or the guitar prince that make fans go wild, the Sungmin with many abilities keeps giving us different surprises. But this all-round prince is said as "the one with the lowest sense of existence" by Leeteuk on Kiss The Radio, and is even agreed by Eunhyuk. On shows, Sungmin is quieter as compared to the other members. No wonder the rest have been thinking how to boost Sungmin's "sense of existence." Another thing worth mentioning is, Sungmin and Yesung acted in musical "Hongildong" which will be shown in Feburary. Thinking about their musical and singing skills, it is quite interesting!

*It means that they do not have much attention drawn to them so they are somehow like "singing behind the scenes".
** Directly translated from Chinese to English. Basically, it's a nickname for someone who's bad at dancing.
*** He's born in the year of a Tiger, hence calling him a little tiger.

MC? DJ? Gag comedian?
In an interview during debut times, Leeteuk, Kangin and Shindong used an MC status to introduce themselves to others. From the starting of M!Countdown, to SuJu's very own Super Show. The MC trio grabbed all the chances there were to accumulate experience, using "I want to be the best MC" as a goal to diligently persevere until now.
All round entertainer Leeteuk
Leader Leeteuk is the most outstanding. Quick reaction, great articulation skills, funny entertaining ability. In every show, he will grab the opportunity to become the MC. Under the lead of this all round entertainer leader, it's no wonder SuJu is recognised as the entertaining group.

Absolutely great articulation Kangin
Being appointed as the one with most words by other artistes on shows, Kangin is recognised as the one with great articulation in SuJu. The 2009 popular "We Got Married" showed us the always smiling, seemingly heartless guy's romantic side.

Cute round Shindong
Round round Shindong received a lot of comments about his size from debut until now, tried very hard to diet and had a visible result. But round Shindong is very cute, right? I reckon the one that little kids in "Bobobo" love the most is round Shindong hyung. If asked which MC is most popular among Korean kids, our Shindong would be one of the top. Shindong said on a show once that because there are many members, there are strong debates because of different persectives. Using Heechul's words to explain, we understand that because these debates exist, SuJu can improve and realise the other fields they excel at.

Asia's anchovy Eunhyuk
Our anchovy of Asia - Eunhyuk. Naturally, if you want to keep up with the rest, you cannot relax! Ever since he DJ-ed Kiss The Radio with Leeteuk, Eunhyuk seemed to have been influenced a lot by Leeteuk. Although he is SuJu's dancing machine, or even one of Kpop industry's top dancing machine, our anchovy of Asia made variety his second field of development. From the time he MC-ed "Exploration of Human Body", Eunhyuk have always used the anchovy way of making people laugh. For results, just watch Teukigayo and you will know.
Singers? Actors? Entertainers?
Actor Heechul, Siwon and Hankyung
Heechul, Siwon and Kibum are the three who acted first. Kibum"s "
Yulin's growing up diary* Sharp 2" and Heechul's "Rainbow Romance". Both can be considered as the ones with heavy roles. Siwon filmed "A Battle of Wits". Hankyung, being one of the better dancers, wanted to show his capabilities too. Needless to say about the surprises we received when watching "Stage Of Youth", even the few seconds of appearing in Zhang Li Yin's MV with Siwon is acted out with their full potential.

The new appearance of Kibum
Unable to join the group for 3jib, Kibum presented his new work on 21st Feburary. Being limited to outdoors, limited to needing to survive for 3 months on the filming site, Kibum had a better understanding with the other actors and improved his acting skills. When promoting "Jumunjin", he did not forget the ELFs who have waited very long for him, reassuring that he have never thought of leaving Super Junior". Actually, in ELF's heart, as long as you believe actor Kibum is SuJu's member Kibum, it will be fine.


Words at top left:
"In the new year, let us start from the beginning. Leave all the bad things behind, and let us face a tomorrow with greater challenges together." 31st December 2009, Donghae left these words on his CY. This year, SJ will set out again with 4jib, what kind of surprises will Donghae have? We will anticipate!

At the bottom:
Looking for X'mas
Last year's Christmas eve in KTR, Eunhyuk revealed that Donghae decorated the Christmas tree alone in the dorm. Maybe it's because the members living in the 11th floor are too lazy, there was only a Christmas ytee on the 12th floor. Hardoworking Donghae thus automatically hung some things on the Christmas tree, and even put on lightings on the Christmas tree. But Eunhyuk felt that Donghae was weird decorating the tree alone, totally neglecting the good intentions of Donghae.
Looking for Marrriage
24 year old Donghae started to think about his marriage already. "The dream I want to fufil the most is to marry early. I want to have a family, maybe around 31 or 32 years old." Regarding his ideal girl, Donghae's type is always changing. When "Full House" was popular, he was attracted to Song Hyekyo, but afterwards he liked girls with personalities similar to Kim Haneul.
Looking for Lover
Donghae's first love is with someone older than him, loved her truly, but separated because of the age difference. After breaking up, Donghae still did not forget her. Feeling sad for years, until now, the realationship have become a beautiful memory. "If I have a girlfriend, I will bring her to Mokpo, I will show her the place I live and grow up in." Donghae admitted that he is someone who feels lonely easily, loves to be protected and taken care of. When he eats, he cannot eat alone, he needs someone to accompany him.

Credit: 牛奶小雯@宝蓝阁 / Milk.Wen
Translation: MondayRomance at
Take out only with credit, and plz do not add your own credit.


[Cyworld] Eeteuk is being emo again?

2010.02.25 Thursday (2010.02.26 07:10)

..I'm tired..having a hard time..

..My head's got too overloaded ...

..Too many thoughts piling up...

..But that thing seems like something that can't be helped...

..My heart..
* The word he used translates to both heart and mind.

 박정수의 미니홈피
translated by 
superlover♫ | checked by ↗Miss.규영
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2010.02.28 (2010.03.01 04:39) I miss it when the winter has gone.. I miss it when February has gone..

..the tears were falling from the sky..

..the rain was dropping down..

..the warm spring has come..March has come..

..the Spring also gradually comes to my heart..

..because I'm lonely so it seems that I always put my heart in the winter..

..but now I guess I should bring a warm sunshine to my heart.. heart..I'm sorry during all this time you have had to suffer a lot..^^ 

source : 박정수의 미니홈피
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thanks dDonika for the shout out

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

Heechul's Cyworld
2010.02.26 20:55
Title : Baengsin is a kid

The cold-hearted Baengsin is crying~♬*

Our Baengsin who listens to my words well

If I say go to sleep he will pretend to sleep^-^**

Why I woke him up while he was sleeping to film him (-┏)

he changed the lyric "The cold-hearted man is crying" into "The cold-hearted Baengsin is crying"
what Heechul said to Baengsin in the end of the clip is "Sleep"

source : 김희철 cyworld
translated by
may take out with full credits


[Hottests Must Watch Video] Please keep the faith and continue to support the boys!

Dear Hottests, i guess many of you know that what you have done these days have placed the boys in a crisis.

Bashing the boys online with some comments such as "Taecyeon and Woo Young are so fake","I can't find any reason to love fakers" are some ways for Hottests to show their love towards leader Jay as well as their hatred towards the other members.

Well,just a reminder here,we love the boys because they are great performers,do you realise how many years they trained before debut,they worked hard for their dream to become a great performer,many things are out of control and they really don't have the ability to stop all those bad things from happening.

Well,here is a clip for you to watch the conversations on the conference and hope that Hottests will always keep the faith,and continue to support the boys!

This video is produced by DKP's video director CONED @ Youtube.

CONED tried to keep a neutral stance on this matter!


Please note that DKP is biased to........K Pop!!!

One of our missions is to spread the K Pop love,but of course we want to see all the groups such as DBSK and 2PM to be united as a team,i sincerely apologise if you think that our mission is wrong or impossible!

[News] 2PM fans demand, "Reveal the truth behind the 'jaebum, come back' situation"

[TV Daily = Lee Eunji Reporter] “ Jaebum, come back” This situation has to be clarified…”

The existence of 2PM is faltering due to the termination of Jaebum’s contract with JYPE. The majority of the fans demand, “The remaining members should stop all activities and terminate 2PM”. They strongly demand that the members who are currently involved in variety programs should leave the shows.
But, amongst these fans’ opinions lies the voice of the minority fans.

One person who was revealed to be a 2PM fan said during a phone call with TVDaily, “Only Jaebum can clarify the situation,” and said that she wants Jaebum to speak his side of the story.

This fan said carefully, “Jaebum’s life is important, but so are the lives of the other members. It is regrettable that Jaebum has withdrawn from the team but it is somewhat selfish to block the other members’ activities because of it”.

“Jaebum has terminated his contract with JYPE but the other members are still under JYPE. They are not in the position to NOT participate in their activities.”

Also, “at this moment, whatever the company or members say will not lessen the fans’ rage and no one will believe them,” and, “it is the time for the person who is directly involved in the situation, Jaebum, to reveal his stance”.

But, this fan also stated, “the truth is, even though Jaebum comes out and reveals his stance, the fans are not going to believe it. They’re simply going to believe that he is speaking how the company told him to”.

Currently, the majority it 2PM’s fans either wish for them to stop all activities or quit their careers as celebrities. But, other fans criticize those for being selfish. 



[News] The beastly idol era comes to an end, new 'Fake Idols' are born

Fans have began to put up posts on program boards asking for the 6 members of 2PM to be taken off shows.

After the conference held on the 27th with JYPE associates and 2PM members, fans have been showing the epitome of anger and rage.

On the program board for SBS TV's Inkigayo, fans have left comments after the broadcast on the 28th stating, "Take MC Taecyeon and Wooyoung off the show," and "We are disappointed in their pretensed image."

It is not only Inkigayo. Fans have also flocked to the boards of KBS 2TV's Win Win and Mnet's M Countdown, leaving comments such as "They are no longer beastly idols. They are fake idols now."

The content of the conference was revealed on the early morning of the 28th by fan representatives that attended.

After hearing of the actual content through a voice recording, 2PM fans have expressed their immense feeling of betrayal and disappointment, harshly criticizing the members for their statements.

2PM fans are also holding a 'withdrawal activity,' withdrawing from the current 2PM fanclub.

Because of JYPE's decision, it seems that the once titled beastly idols of 2PM will not be able to avoid the criticisms of their new title, fake idols, for a while. 

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[News] Who is that mystery lady in BEAST ‘Shock’ MV?

Who is that mystery lady who appeared in BEAST new MV ‘Shock’ released on 1st March?
A Cube Entertainment rep revealed, “The lady is a Cube Entertainment trainee. She is of the same age as 4Minute Kwon SoHyun, and is 170cm tall. She is currently preparing for her solo debut. We will be able to meet her as a singer soon.”
With the release of the MV, there were much curiosity amongst netizens with regard to this mystery lady. She has already earned herself the nickname of a ‘female Mulan’ with her charming single eyelids, huge eyes and chubby face. Some of netizens’ comments were “It is good that we will get to see her soon even though we didn’t learn of her upcoming debut.”
Meanwhile, BEAST is back with their 2nd album released on 1st March and will start promotions on the title song ‘Shock’ soon.
S: Newsen
Credits: Kbites

Cr: B2STalert02@youtube


[News] Se7en To Return Better Than Ever

Murmurs of Se7en’s Kpop comeback have been floating since G-Dragon’s mega concert and now there’s some solid confirmation of a new album.
A YG Entertainment spokesperson has stated that Se7en is currently in the studio working with elite producers to start promoting the album in May
The rep said,
“The actual date of comeback will be decided upon after we consider the format of the album and its musical quality. We are expecting a comeback around May or June. So far, only 50% of the album has been recorded; however, it won’t take much longer.”
Credits: Kbites


[NEWS] ‘Jaebum situation’ throws unexpected fireballs, 2PM in danger!

‘Jaebum situation’ throws unexpected Fireballs, 2PM in danger

Ex-2PM member Jaebum (23)’s fans are shooting cannonballs at 2PM. Excluding Jaebum, the fans are releasing threatening photos of the 6 members personal lifes.

Why devoted 2PM fans have turned into antis.
It seems that the fans do not want to accept the fact that 2PM came to a consensus to agree to not have Jaebum return. ‘Oppas need to stay forever as one’ is the mind and feeling of girl fans when they admire a male idol group. “Jaebum is lacking as a 2PM member,” revealed by a member and ripped the last string of hope fans had.

‘2PM’ and ‘6PM’ are being compared. The before ‘beast idol’ has turned into ‘traitor idol’.
On portal site cafes, there has been a sudden increase of anti-2PM communities. There is a strong division amongst 2PM fans as Jaebum and 6PM fans.

The remaining members of 2PM are on the receiving end of much backlash. Revealing rumors and pictures of the members past is an obvious example. In the midst of this, a members particular religion became a problem and also revealed was a photo of underage drinking of one member.

There is even a 2PM boycott movement that is active. 2PM fans have clearly announced that they will boycott promotions of a 2PM without Jaebum. They also revealed that they will not purchase items that 2PM are currently endorsing.

On the 27th, at Seoul MoonJungDong Garden Five, the conference that was held with the remaining 6 members of 2PM and the fans was bitter. Fans in attendance criticized 2PM for their rude and disrespectful behavior. The fans actions were fully of sneering and cynicism.

The ‘2PM Boycott’ movement was created after Jaebum left the group due to controversies regarding remarks on Korea. But JYP Entertainment is aimed at with blackmail weapons. Now they will really pull the trigger.

May be taken out with credits.
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