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Showing posts with label jae beom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jae beom. Show all posts

[NEWS] 2010, A person with an anticipated comeback, 'Park Jaebum'!

How long would it take for someone who has failed to get back on their feet? Regretfully speaking, 3 out of 5 college students considered 'Korea is a society that is uptight about failure' as an answer.

Recently a portal site named Albamon shared the results from a survey they conducted in which 1,386 college students participated.

When asked 'if there was a person in the society who has been tagged for social failure, would you give them another chance', in total 58.2% of the students answered "I would give them another chance for a come back to the person who failed but I would be uptight about it". 34.0% of the answers were "I am generous and understanding about it", while 7.9% answered they were unsure.

When asked about how lenient they would be on social failures, 26.8% of males and 28.0% of females answered 'none'. In regards to the field where chances for comebacks are most commonly given out, males voted 'Politics (22.7%)', whereas females voted 'Broadcast, celebrities (33.8%)', which ranked no. 1 in their respective gender categories.

In addition, when asked about their most anticipated comeback of a figure of 2010, in total 37.9% of the college students voted 'Myself (males 40.5%, females 36.1%)'. 2nd place went to 'My father, my mother and family' with 15.8%. Following this, the ex-2PM leader Park Jaebum got ranked 3rd place with 15.7% of the votes.

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[Info] Jae Beom won the best idol dance battle & prettiest male idol on TTChart!

The winner of idol dance battle

1. Jaebum
2. Eunhyuk (Suju)
3. U-know Yunho (DBSK)
4. Gahee (After School)
5. Shindong (Suju)
6. Taeyang (Big Bang)
7. Kim Hyunah (4Minute)
8. Lee Ki Kwang (B2ST)
9. Taemin (SHINee)
10. Gong Minji (2NE1)


The prettiest male idol

1. Jaebum
2. Heechul (Suju)
3. Gyu Hyun (Suju)
4. Nichkhun
5. Yesung (Suju)
6. Sungmin (Suju)
7. Donghae (Suju)
8. Kangin (Suju)
9. Han Kyung (Suju)
10. U-know Yunho (DBSK)

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[NEWS] Jaebum's six pack is the best... Fans vote him #1 in 'Highcut'!


'Can't forget Jaebum's six pack even if we die!' 2PM fans expressed their longing for 'mom-jjang' Jaebum. For their one year anniversary star-style magazine, Highcut ( surveyed 4471 people in an online poll from the 8th-15th with the question 'Who is Highcut's star with the best six pack?' 2PM's ex-leader, Jaebum received first place with 54.3% (2429 people) of the votes. In July 2009, during 2PM's Again&Again days, Jaebum was the only member to show off his abs in their pictorial. Jaebum's fans showed their dedication by spreading the word to vote through various fan cafes and other sites.

Super Junior's Siwon, who will appear in SBS drama 'Oh! My Lady' (set to air on the 31st) received second place with 30.9% (1380 people) of the votes. After reading the phrase "chocolate abs" on the first page of the script, Siwon went on a diet, cutting off even water, to lose 8kg in one week. MBLAQ's Lee Joon's "art abs" got him third place (10.1%, 451 people). After appearing in "Ninja Assassin", Lee Joon has been working out with an exercise called "cross feet". "Chuno"'s Jang Hyuk, who has been called 'the beast in his 30s', placed fourth with 4.7% (211 people) of the votes.

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[NEWS] Even Youtube is captivated by Jaebum's 'Nothing On You' video!

2PM's former member Jaebum's (23, Park Jaebum) video has become a hot issue on Youtube.

American internet broadcast, in a segment called 'but What do I Know' in which they mention new and popular videos, introduced Jaebum's video.

Jaebum created his own account on the 24th of last month, and on the 15th (Seattle time) he uploaded a 2 minute and 33 second video of himself showing his current condition and expressing his thanks to his fans for their kind hearts.

In this video Jaebum showed a bright and cheerful expression while singing B.o.B's 'Nothing on You'.

River and Bek, the men who introduced Jay's video, showed their excitement for the video by moving their own bodies.

Bek complimented Jaebum by stating, "I was extremely shocked. I didn't know that he would have that kind of a voice." Scooter stated, "His voice is really good" and praised Jaebum's singing.

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[NEWS] Fans petitions for Jay Park!

Status: Ongoing

I am willing to support Jay Park if he returns as an artist.

Your signature on this petition is to show support for Park jaebum and his return as an artist in the entertainment industry, if he decides to return.

We have been in correspondence with several companies, both American and Korean, who have expressed their interest in helping Jay. Influential members of various global forums (Kabler! (: Thank you!) and international business institutions have contacted us to aid fans in this process. Plans are already in progress. The Korean companies need a reason to bring him back before they officially decide to support him as their artist. This petition will serve as the reason if enough fans worldwide sign it. The number of signatures will show companies/businesses/public how many people are willing to support Jay’s return as an artist.

This petition’s purpose is NOT to force Jay to go back to Korea. The decision will ultimately be his if any companies decide to contact him. He can refuse their offer if he wants to stay in Seattle or if the situation won’t allow him to return.

Jay Park’s name has been tarnished and stepped on by his previous company, but his fanbase has and will remain solid. As fans that span across the globe, we have the biggest voice and the most power. Let’s use this to our advantage and help Jay continue pursuing his dreams again.

Many fans frown upon the thought of him joining the industry again because they don’t want him to get hurt again, and they doubt he will even want to return. To be honest, that’s what WE thought when our source first introduced the idea to us – that it was quite possibly the worst idea ever. However, after thorough explanation, we realized: What if he really does want to return? It is a shame to see his talents and ambitions go to waste. We might be afraid for him, but ultimately, we can not stop him. This is the one thing he can love and use to make a good living for his family. As fans, we should think about what is best for him, even if it is something we do not want.

Thus, we as fans have made sure our sources have only been considering ideas/companies in which Jay will have a considerable amount of freedom in his career. Nobody wants to see him bound to another miserable contract.


(He already planned on re-entering the entertainment circle with the movie deal, Hype Nation).
However, he is in no power right now to request it or ask Korean companies to help him. But, that’s what his supporters are for – the people who have power to help him. This petition can be seen as something that is “paving a path for him”. By doing this, we’re just opening up OPPORTUNITIES for him to choose from. If no opportunities arrive between now and September, he will return to school in Seattle.

Please keep this in mind – THIS IS IN NO WAY FORCING JAY TO DO ANYTHING. If he wants to stay in Seattle, so be it. If he wants to accept entertainment company offers, so be it. We will be happy for him either way.

Spanning from Uzbekistan to Bulgaria to France to Korea to Malaysia to America, is it even countable how many hearts have reached out to cushion Jay Park’s fall? Fans did this for him because… we didn’t want to see someone break this much. We didn’t want to watch him walk away. We’ve fought for 6 seemingly never-ending months. It’s been 192 days, still counting, and he’s still trapped. The last thing we can do to love him is re-catch his dream and offer it to him again. Granted, he might not take it, but it’s only fair to return to him what was unrightfully taken. It doesn't matter if you support 6PM, if you hate them, if you hate JYPE, if you're just a spectator. As human beings, we should at least be able to support somebody's dreams.

Let Jay Park be the first artist to succeed again through his fans.
Let’s be the world’s first fans to literally rebuild an artist’s career.
Jay Park deserves the world as his stage.

NOTE: WHEN YOU SIGN THE PETITION, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE VERIFIED OR ELSE THE SIGNATURE WILL NOT COUNT. After you sign the petition (Insert the words into the box of the advertisement, and then just keep clicking “No thanks, just submit my signature” on the bottom of each page) AN E-MAIL WILL BE SENT TO YOU. You must click the verification link in your e-mail (might be in the Junk mail).


[Info] Jae Beom's video reached 1 million hits!

I think many of you have watched the video uploaded by former 2PM's leader Jae Beom on his own Youtube account.

After reporting to you that his video was the top rated and most viewed on Youtube yesterday,another good news to be delivered today,his video has already passed the 1 million views mark,it is a huge achievement for a non MV video to receive more than 1 million hits per day,if Jay continued to share some of his work on Youtube,i am sure that he will be one of the top 100 most subscribers Youtuber!

Picture credits to 2Oneday!

[NEWS] Jae Beom,"2PM Fighting"!

Former leader posted a video cover of "Nothing On You" on Youtube and the video has caused some uproar from netizens.

Former leader Jae Beom mentioned about his formers teammates 2PM on the description of his own channel.

2pm fighting!
i dont want you guys to hate on 2pm on behalf of me cause i still love those guys and likewise. they're still my homies. if you dont want to support them thats cool you know but i just want everyone to get along and move on and all do great things know what i'm sayin?

Despite his departure,he still hopes that fans can support him and his former teammates all at the same time,although he is no longer the leader of 2PM,his still shows some endless love to the team!

Thanks to Daniel for sending in the tips!


[Video] Jae Beom covered "Nothing On You" on Youtube!

Former 2PM's leader Park Jae Beom posted a video on his Youtube Channel recently after months of controversy.

This is the first time he stood out after to face the public after his 2PM's departure.It seems that this boy has improved in terms of rapping and singer,it would be a big loss for 2PM to let Jay go....This is only my opinion of course..

Watch his cover here!


[NEWS] Jaebum, Twitter search ranking surpasses Academy Awards!

Withdrawing from 2PM, Jaebum (Real name Park Jaebum, English name Jay Park) who is currently in America surpassed the search ranking of the Academy Awards in America's micro blog, Twitter.

On the 8th, the UK's daily newspaper, Independent, the internet edition, had an article with the title of 'Current Twitter Trends: Jaebum, Oscar' and revealed that "Jaebum, ex-leader of 2PM, is the top topic on Twitter on March 8th at 9:30 AM".

Independent said "2PM fans continue to talk about the Korean singer on Twitter, hoping that he will return to the band one day".

On the past 7th, in the Kodak Theatre in LA, America, the 82nd annual Academy Awards took place which ended up being 2nd place on Twitter. Also on this list were 'Hurt Locker', 'Iron man 2', 'Kathryn Bigelow', 'Justin Bieber'. 'Sandra Bullock', 'Avatar', all words that were related to the Academy Awards.

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[NEWS] Did Park Jaebum's fan commit suicide?

Did Park Jaebum's fan commit suicide? Netizens explode

With reports of 2PM's former member Park Jaebum's fan committing suicide, the attention of netizens have been swept to the posts.

On fan communities such as 'JYP 2PM FanCafe,' 'HwanSang,' and the official fanclub, Hottest, there have been posts that detailed the suicide of a fan on the 5th.

The post explained the reason why she committed suicide and her name, bringing about great shock to the netizens. The fan cafe that it was posted in holds 110,000 members. There are still posts commemorating her death even now.

It has been posted on various Jaebum fansites and many are accepting the suicide as the truth. It is not only fans that are accepting it, but other citizens too as it has been posted on popular portal sites as well.

After Jaebum left America, Kim (masked name) fell into a deeper depression and created a fan cafe that did volunteer work named 'Run for Park Jaebum,' working as an admin in order to help Park Jaebum's return.

After hearing of his complete withdrawal through the company notification and finding out about the members' decisions at the conference, it was found that she had felt great disappointment.

It is hard to confirm whether this post is real or not. It may truly be a real post but it might also be a hardcore fan's ploy in order to pressure JYPE. Netizens have brought forth opinions asking for JYPE and 2PM to properly exchange discussions with the fans in order to verify the truth of the post.

Although it is unlikely that the post is true, JYPE must act fast in order to set the fandom straight if it really was fabricated by a fan.

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[NEWS] A Message from the Chief Editor on Jay's departure!

Jaebum's Situation Hurts My Heart

It happened last September. Like a horde of alligators attacking for food, Korea’s netizens ripped him to shreds. “Return to your country” and “Yankee go home” were some of the less harsh comments. Awful words such as “Suicide Petition” and “Amputation of all Four Limbs Petition” upended the internet all in one morning.

In four days, he returned to Seattle where his mother was. The name “Park Jaebum” became ingrained in my mind after I saw the video of his mother greet him at the airport through the internet.

When I saw the mother who most likely cried on the inside as she warmly hugged her son, who was locked in despair, it did not just feel like another person’s business.

After he left Korea, the atmosphere changed in an instant. It was discovered that his words that were at the root of the problem were actually mistranslated with bad intentions to slander him. After this, popular idol group 2PM’s leader Park Jaebum became more well-known by the day. After the third generation young Korean-American man was unjustly forced out of Korea, it looked as if his return to show business was certainly to be expected.

However on the 25th of February, the entertainment company unexpectedly announced Park Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal. The reason they gave was because of his immoral personal life. This reason that was announced by the entertainment company was more than enough bait for the netizens and the press.

Again like starved coyotes, it was obvious that they were going to attempt to try and find out what his immoral personal life was like. When I realized that they were killing Park Jaebum twice over through the evils of the internet in Korea, where human rights do not exist, where he was put in a situation where he cannot even defend himself, I could not contain my sadness.

However, my prediction was wrong. It was shocking. Surprisingly, after the announcement by the entertainment company, the public was showing boundless faith in Park Jaebum.

It was hard to find any antis attempting to witch-hunt. It was almost suspicious as to how this could happen on the internet in Korea.

Now with the past revealing his complete absorption in his training in his unfamiliar motherland, his tearful love for his parents who were far away, the thorough self-discipline through which he would not drink or smoke because of the dream he wanted to achieve, the cheerful way in which he learned more about the Korean society, this third generation Korean-American’s pureness and humbleness has grabbed a hold of the hearts of the netizens.

The general public who are defending him do not seem like they are coming from his young female fans. Men in their thirties and forties and housewives who are over fifty are, on various message boards and blogs, revealing their opinions. They are embracing the broken dream of the third generation young Korean-American man that was so appallingly stomped on and ripped under the large entertainment company.

On the other hand, the group members that pointed the arrow of betrayal towards him, their personal lives are being exposed uncontrollably. Because they were fans all this time, they glossed over and hid the members’ two-faced personal lives, but now without any filters, their personal lives have been revealed to the point where the internet is about to explode.

The fanclub of the members has been voluntarily closed under the manager, and the members of the fancafe are leaving in mass amounts. This is an unprecedented extraordinary event that is happening in the history of Korean show business and the internet.

The regrettable part is that at the cross section where he is being given both moving faith and dirty betrayal, where he has already once experienced horrible despair, he is again being given an incurable wound from his motherland itself.

His mother has said even as she is going through this current situation, “I am able to hope rather than despair when I see the maturity that Jaebum is showing even though he is put in a situation where he could despair over all of the rumors.”

Even though he was ripped and wounded to the point where he was thoroughly hurt, I wonder if his mother’s feelings are that because this is the country of her mother, the homeland of her son, she has no choice but to stay silent and can do nothing but forgive. When I think of his mother, who has probably countlessly repressed the tears that have been exploding from deep within her heart, my heart gets choked up.

Chief Editor Choi Yoonjoo

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[Info] Park Jaebum's Life!

Jaebum drank shikhye (TN – a sweet rice drink while his dongsaengs (Junsu Chansung Taecyeon Khun) drank beer on broadcast.

‘Six Pack’ Jaebum “In order to build my body I stay away from beer and smoking”
pink – “In order to build his body, he stayed away from beer, smoking, and even coffee. But now drugs? Kekekekeke Wow, Jaebum’s tub is pretty big (TN - .. a saying i think)
black – Then there must be things you don’t do in order to keep your body in shape? I don’t smoke or drink, don’t’ really like that kind of stuff. It’s also not good for your health. Beer tastes bad, and I don’t know about smoking cause I’ve never smoked before.

This kid that doesn’t drink or smoke,, what kind of immoral private life would he have?

When asked on Sang Sang Plus how he broke up with his ex-girlfriend whom he dated back in the States, he kept being embarrassed and repeated that he didn’t remember

Sang Sang Plus
Jaebum – Truthfully, I don’t think we’re at the top yet.
Kim Tae Woo – Jaebumah, if you pick, they’ll all come to you.
Jaebum – No, I just want to make money at the moment.
When Shin Junghwan asks Nichkhun who his ideal girl is, he replies Yoona
after that
Shin Junghwan – Jaebum, your ideal girl?
Jaebum – I don’t have one.
Jaebum – I want to send money to Seattle
I want my mom to go shopping and do things like that for her.
That is my dream right now.

June 14, 2005 – Xanga discussion with friend (translated version)
While I’ll be happy if I’m with my friends and people who think of me
I’m not going be able to make a lot of money,,
Then I can’t buy good things for my mom or pay for the bills,
I don’t know what to do,,

On Maybee’s Volume Up (radio show)
He said that he’s much happier now than when he was back in the States.

He’s been going to church with his mom, dad, and dongsaeng ever since he was really little.

Jaebum's pastor - (Jaebum) He’s a very gentle kid.
And he’s very respectful towards his parents
and he always had very good relationships with the people around him.

“I want to put everything down and give up and go back to America” did you ever have these thoughts?

Jaebum – I thought that every day for two months

Jaebum – I realized that I could do it if I tried my best and became strong.

He is someone that had those kinds of thoughts and garnered strength from them.
Even though he wanted to give up in Korea and go back to America, he is a kid that put that away and suffered for four years for his family.

You say that kind of person committed a huge, socially unacceptable mistake? And during his busiest period?

My heart hurts a lot, the words from news that are heard by a public who believes in the company’s word.
Jaebum’s relationship with a girl must be complicated, what did he do,,, that’s probably how people are thinking, no?

However… fans know well that Jaebum isn’t that type of person.

His talks of money on broadcast wasn’t for himself
but for his mother,, it was in order to buy her good things,,

Although he grew up in America bboying and rapping,,,

he’s a kid that’s never smoked, let alone can’t even drink,,

During Again and Again promotions, his schedule was full to the point he couldn’t even breathe right,
there was even a time he had 4 radio appearances in one day,, he really had a schedule that kept him busy with no breaks.
And he always spent time with his members and slept together in the same living quarters,, what kind of mistake did he commit that even his members didn’t know about it?

Jaebum’s wish… to devote everything to his mother..
Jaebum’s nickname… Conservative Bum (A nickname given by fans as they observed his conservative nature on broadcasts)
Jaebum’s humanity…. A polite, kind kid.

“A story even 'hotter' than the Olympic games has shaken the night of Seoul. What I want to say is, I have been watching them right by their side since last year, and as I got to know them, I really got to like them, and even now, I want to run to them. Just as human to human. To tell them to hang in there.”
“I know who you're talking about. And that's why I'm sad.”

The words written by SBS PD… even them…
(The acceptance of Jaebum’s humanity)

Jaebum who cried himself to sleep for two weeks every night because he couldn’t speak Korean and eat properly.

At a recording of Star King after receiving treatment..
The Jaebum you saw on TV this day seemed perfectly fine right?
The truth is that he was hurting like this in the back. While he’s a kid that doesn’t really express his pain, a kid that keeps his pain inside, how much could he have been hurting to show it like this.

While he was probably hungry because of his busy schedule, he is a leader that didn’t think to eat and first took care of his members.

And because of that, you think he only took care of his own members?

Jinwoon’s thanks to..
“Jaebum hyung who became so funny these days keke someone who’d actually come out and help on broadcast if asked to jokingly.. a really nice and cool hyung”

[Jokwon on the radio]
During their trainee days when they had no money, he said to Jaebum that he liked a certain pair of shoes. Jaebum who remembered that and bought him (Kwon) the shoes for his birthday and Jokwon who said that he remembers that gift the most.

While doing dangerous and tiring acrobatics, Jaebum who took glucosamine pills at only a young age of 23.

Because his cartilage kept ripping and he took the pills and couldn’t sleep because of back pain,,
he still lived smiling in order to make his members feel happy when they were down.

You guys just have to sit there right?
He always did this.

And because he likes dancing so much, because he continuously fell while doing acrobatics, just how much did he do in order to form calluses like these?

Even with such a purple bruise on his ankle, he never expressed any pain.

And this is his last appearance.

Jay who always respected people that were usually ignored.

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[NEWS] Removal of Jaebum Backfires, News from the Korea Times newspaper!

Former 2PM leader Park Jaebum was branded as a "sinner" and kicked out of the popular idol group by its agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE).

However, the controversial removal of Jaebum is backfiring on 2PM and JYPE's president Park Jin-young as fans are turning their back on them.

Yet, the group swept music charts even after the Korean-American singer left 2PM in September amid disputes about negative comments he made about Korea on social networking site MySpace between 2005 and 2007.

But the group faces the biggest crisis ever since its debut, with some fans threatening to boycott 2PM minus Jaebum.

For an explanation for the expulsion of the young singer, JYPE said Jaebum did "something seriously wrong that is more serious than his MySpace controversy."

The agency said it and the six members came to an agreement that it was no longer possible for Jaebum to continue activities with 2PM. But they are refusing to disclose what kinds of transgressions he committed.

Jaebum's fans are up in arms over why he had to carry the scarlet letter. They are venting their anger against the remaining members for what they call the betrayal of Jaebum.

In a meeting with fans last week, the group said they had no other choice but to agree with the decision to permanently kick Jaebum out due to his "serious wrongdoing."

As his fans are protesting against 2PM and its agency, his mother has asked them to refrain from taking any action against them in a letter sent to the Jaebum fan club.

Underground, the association of Jaebum fan clubs, made the letter public on its Web site, Tuesday.

"Despite all kinds of rumors that could cause a person to despair, Jaebum has shown his normal self and allowed us to not despair but have hope," his mother said. "I feel a bit relieved as it's all over now, even though it was not a favorable end for him."

She expressed wishes that her son won't be the subject of issues in the future.

In turn, the fan site called for its members to respect her request.

"Jaebum and his family went through a difficult time dealing with various rumors over the last six months. They no longer want him to be an issue now," the fan club said in a statement. "Underground has decided to respect their wishes. Supporting what he and his family want is part of a fan's last act of love toward Jaebum."

But disputes are unlikely to subside. Some fans are turning against 2PM and posting items against them and their personal information on various Web sites and online cafes.

On top of shutting down online fan cafes voluntarily, some fans are posting video clips showing the burning of CDs and photos of 2PM members.

In reaction, JYPE filed a complaint against netizens with the police.

"Some netizens are spreading the six members' residential ID numbers and personal information illegally. To protect their privacy, we have referred the case to the police," it said in a statement.

The conflict between fans and the agency is likely to continue as long as Jaebum's wrongdoing remains a secret. They said the cloud hanging over 2PM will be cleared only when JYPE comes clean on why it kicked Jaebum out of the group.

Credit: Korea Times

[Info] "When you’re feeling falsely accused, let’s look at God’s bigger picture" - Jay's Pastor!

When you’re feeling falsely accused, let’s look at God’s bigger picture.

If you watch the movie about Joseph’s life story, there is a scene where Potiphar’s tries to seduce Joseph. Potiphar’s wife says to Joseph, “Joseph, spend the night with me,” to which Joseph replies, “I don’t like middle-aged women who are old and ugly like you.” When Potiphar’s wife grabs Joseph’s clothing, he leaves his clothing behind and runs away. She becomes extremely mad and her goodwill towards him turns into rage. She shouts in a loud voice that this slave tried to dishonor me. The scene changes and it shows Potiphar holding a trial in front of the whole household. Potiphar’s wife shouts that Joseph must die. Joseph insists that he is innocent. However, in the end, Potiphar decides to put Joseph in prison. The scene changes again and shows Potiphar’s bedroom. It shows Potiphar’s wife turning on her husband in a fit of rage, “Why did you not kill the one that tried to disgrace me? Don’t you think that just sending him to prison is not enough?”

Potiphar says this, “I believe Joseph. I know that he is not that type of person. You were the one that intentionally tried to seduce him, right?” In this scene, as he says this, he hits his wife. I could not continue watching because I felt that this [movie] did nothing for my devotion. In the Bible, there are those who are falsely accused. The first is Jesus, and the second is Joseph. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt because of his brothers. Even in Egypt, where he was serving his owner, Potiphar, he was put in prision because he refused the seduction of Potiphar’s wife. Potiphar knew that his wife was not living a virtuous life. At the same time, he also knew of Joseph’s loyalty and religious belief when he put Joseph in command of the whole household. If he really thought that Joseph was guilty, he would not have simply put Joseph in prison. He would have killed him. At the time, the owner had the power to decide whether a slave should live or die.

Joseph was the sacrificial lamb for Potiphar’s honor. Potiphar sent Joseph to prision knowing he was innocent to protect his and his wife’s honor. There was a rumor that that Caesar’s wife also had an affair with another man. This turned out to be false. However, Caesar still cast out his wife. The reason? It is because Caesar believed that “there should not be any rumors about the wife of Caesar”. This is because of the characteristic of the men who cared more about their honor than the truth. That is why Joseph was falsely accused and sacrificed to save Potiphar’s honor. Joseph did not fight with people to try and convince them that he was innocent. He only cried to God about his false accusations. This is also important to us as believers. Joseph was put in prison under false accusations, but it turns out that prison was a shortcut to meet the king.

Right now, there is someone who is by my side that is also suffering from unspeakable false accusations. He is suffering from all sorts of rumors and gossipers. To save their own honor, they are making a young man and his parents suffer. It may look bad now, and even though you feel falsely accused, if you just trust and follow the way that God is leading you, it will turn out to be the fastest shortcut. When you feel falsely accused, you need to place your complete trust in God, who is creating the bigger picture. This is because God’s way of thinking is different from the way humans think. You could resolve it by retaliating like regular people. You could also resolve it by explaining. However, none of these solutions can completely resolve false accusations. Nevertheless, later on, when you look back at the way God has led you, it will have been the shortcut not to false accusations, but the shortcut to receiving blessings.
February 28, 2010
From the Pastor’s Office, Pastor XXX

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[NEWS] Jaebum's mother posts on Underground!

Please tell all fans 'thank you'. Please tell them to often check up on him and keep interest in him.
Through out all these rumors Jaebum could have been despaired but seeing him strong gave me more hope than despaire.
Thank you to all the fans.

You have worked very, very hard.

Please forward our heart to the fans and I will pray for the wound in the fan's heart to be healed quickly. Thank you for trusting and loving our Jaebum. This is not a good ending for Jaebum but my heart is lighter now that this issue has ended. I wish that after this entry, Jaebum will not become a bad issye. Please love the 2PM dongsaegs too. They and their familiies will have had a hard time because of Jaebum

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[NEWS] Jaebum to feature in AOM's leader ChaCha's album!

Thank you all for subscribing or befriending me on youtube! I'll try and make time soon to skim through all of your questions, so I can answer them with genuine consideration! If you were wondering, I plan to release a solo album in June 2010 'CHA CHA MALONE - TWENTY TEN' as an unsigned artist and Jay will be featured on the album with his new and improved voice! He can sing even better now!

So be on the lookout for some fresh new music!!! I love telling stories of experiences in my life, through songs and usually choose not to sing about the pointless things. If you enjoy music that references real life situations, please support the album when it comes out :D You won't be sorry! --CHACHA

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[NEWS] The Reason for Jaebum's Permanent Withdrawal was Not Revealed!

2PM Fan Conference, The Reason for Jaebum’s Permanent Withdrawal was Not Revealed.

The reason for Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal was not revealed even at the fan conference.

On the 27th, at 3PM, the conference between 2PM’s six members and the fans was held at the Garden Five in Seoul MoonJungDong. The members themselves set out to frankly speak about Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal. The most attention is on what will be revealed after JYPE said that the reason why Jaebum was permanently removed was because of his “serious personal mistake that can create a huge problem socially”.

The fan conference was attended by 2PM’s six members, CEO Jung Wook, and eighty-seven fans. JYPE thought that it would only take about two to three hours, but because the fans questions did not stop, it was over four hours long and finally ended after 7pm. The conference was held in a manner so that the six members of 2PM and CEO JungWook could answer the fans’ questions with the utmost sincerity.

A representative of JYP said, “Since a lot of fans were going to attend, instead of the JYPE building, we held the conference in different place. Because we were going to hold the conference until there were no more questions from the fans, the conference took longer than expected.” The representative also said, “The fans were most curious about Jaebum’s mistake, but we were unable to reveal anything about that. Like we revealed in the official statement on the homepage, it is because of a “personal problem” and the atmosphere felt like the fans understood that.”

It seems like JYP decided not to reveal the content of what went on during the conference directly. They agreed to have the fans upload what they took away from the conference themselves on their own fancafes.

Reporter Lee Donghyun []

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[NEWS] First Korean news outlet report re: JYPE/2PM - Hottest meeting today!


2PM, troubled with the matter of ‘agreement’ about Jaebum’s permanent secession? One industry associate, “One member of the mean, at opposite ends with management company.”

Members VS Company, disagreements emerged at the 2PM fan conference?

On the 25th, news like lightning on a sunny day struck the celebrity industry, with the title of ‘Jaebum’s permanent secession’. Many have their eyes on the matter as management company JYPEntertainment (from now on JYPE) went on with the fan conference as scheduled.

At first, the fan conference which started at 3pm on the 27th at a shopping mall in Seoul’s Songpa-gu Moonjeon-dong, was scheduled for all 2PM members and JYPE associates, as well as 10 fan representatives, however as of now, 4:30pm, it is known that only 4 of the 2PM members are present. (ETA ~7:35PM KST: apparently all 6 are there now)

Also it was originally planned that only the pre-finalised fans would be there, however it is said that many fans under the name ‘Hottest’ visited the site to listen to JYPE’s side after hearing the news of Jaebum’s ‘permanent secession’.

A producer of a certain TV station revealed that “I received text messages from an acquaintance who is at the conference site” and that “I heard that while only 4 out of the current 2PM members could attend, different opinions on the issue claiming that ‘all members agreed to Jaebum’s complete secession (as officially announced on the 25th) emerged, causing variation on the company’s stance.”

Additionally, “Even the possibility of a certain other member’s ‘additional secession’ can be detected in the atmosphere” and that “about the issue of Jaebum’s permanent secession, there is possible conflict between the management company and the members themselves.”

Meanwhile JYPE had revealed in an official statement that “Park Jaebum notified the members that he had done something that could impose a serious social problem on the 3rd of January, and on the 6th of January, all members stated that ‘it was no longer possible for Jaebeom to continue his career as 2PM.’”

Below is a part of the official statement that JYPE released on the 25th regarding ‘Park Jaebum’s permanent secession’.

“We cannot reveal what exactly the problem is since it is his private matter, but it is worse than myspace issue, and could bring up much trouble. We wanted to discuss this issue with 6 members immediately, but we could not because 2PM members were too excited with Jaebeom’s return, and busy participating year-end award activities. Thus, we told them on January 3rd when all of their activities ended. They were shocked and later came up with conclusion on Jan 6th that it was no longer possible for Jaebeom to continue his career as 2PM.”

Kor-Eng by Janne @2pmalways (thanks, [info]jannejanne bb ♥)
Coordinator Cassina @2pmalways

Original Korean: New Daily
Translations: 2pmalways

[NEWS] 2PM Jaebum permanent withdrawal ‘Sunmi Liaison,’ JYP says “‘Groundless statement”!

Among the netizens, there is a rumor going around saying that 2PM’s former member Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal has to do something with the withdrawal of Wonder Girl’s Sunmi, who is in the same company as 2PM.

On February 25th, JYPE, 2PM’s company, revealed through their website, “We were planning on Jaebum’s return to the team but he said he would leave the team because of his personal mistake,” and also revealed, “2PM also agreed to this and allowed Jaebum to leave permanently.”

When this announcement was spread out, some of the netizens wrote on message boards of different internet websites, making guesses such as “The timing of Wonder Girl’s Sunmi’s withdrawal and Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal seems to be hinting something. Is there something going on between them?”

On one hand, there is an unconfirmed rumor going around saying “There are people who saw Sunmi and Jaebum together in the US.”

In response, JYPE dismissed these rumors by saying “It’s an unjustified statement. It’s a groundless guess and there is no relationship between the reasons of the withdrawal of the two.”

JYPE explained the reason for the withdrawal of Wonder Girl’s Sunmi: “She personally wanted to stop working as the Wonder Girls because of school and other reasons.”

For Jaebum, JYPE revealed, “We can’t reveal his mistake because it’s his private life. But this mistake is so much worse than the problem that led to him leaving last September, and this mistake could also lead to a more serious societal problem.”

It’s rare that contracts can be ended that easily in the entertainment business and because JYP said that Jaebum’s mistake is a serious problem in the society, netizens are assuming relations between Jaebum’s withdrawal to the withdrawal of Sunmi, who left around the same time.

Members of 2PM’s fanclub are making criticisms toward JYPE saying: “This is a conspiracy of JYP who wants Jaebum to permanently withdraw,” “The explanations don’t make sense. JYP never even thought about Jaebum’s return,” “JYPE is making up stupid reasons because they think Jaebum’s return will affect 2AM’s work.”

Last September, Jaebum left 2PM and returned to his home in Seattle because netizens found out about a post that he made on his blog during his training days, a post that belittles Korea.

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CREDITS : mydaily (SOURCE) ; qtkrngal515@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

[NEWS] The truth behind the trashing of JYPE building!

This is regarding about what happened at the JYPE building.

I am writing this because I have been reading news about door smashing and us throwing rubbish all over the floor.

As you can see in the pictures, we cleaned up after ourselves and we did not throw any eggs at the building...

That is so far from the truth that it's funny.

I will post up pictures to prove that there was no door smashing and egg throwing.

And also, the news journalists may know about this too,

A broadcasting company requested to have an interview and when they said no,

and they kept saying, if you don't does that mean you are supporting JYP's decision? Does that mean you agree to Jaebum's withdrawal? Stuff like that.

I don't know if they ended up doing an interview or not, but I don't think they did (This is TvN's presumption)

And also there was a journalist wearing green that kept taking pictures,

and we told them not to and that it's abusing human rights,

but the person said it's none of our business ^^

After that pictures that did not have the HOTTESTs faces blurred out were posted, and it said that we said we were going to report the journalist in green to the police (I only heard about this, I don't know if it's true)

All we did was innocently put up post its on the building, this is so unfair ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Although we did lay down the chrysanthemums....

We did not throw any eggs....

The people who gathered together last night may have thrown eggs...

But the people who gathered up today didn't do anything of the sort ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

This is so unfair ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Please spread this...

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