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Showing posts with label Eeteuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eeteuk. Show all posts

[Trans] Junsu cracked Eunhyuk’s knuckles?

Junsu cracked Eunhyuk’s knuckles
Leeteuk: “I heard that people who like to crack their knuckles, if they don’t hear the “crack” sounds from all ten fingers, they won’t start doing anything.”

Eunhyuk: “Mm, that’s right. Those that like to crack their knuckles like it even more when they crack other people’s knuckles, so irritating.”
Leeteuk: “ Mm mm! Donghae is just like that.”
Eunhyuk: “Donghae is also counted. When Junsu is younger, he cracks his knuckles really fast….”
Leeteuk: “Yeah right, I remember now.”
Eunhyuk: “His movements are faster than our eyes, while standing beside him you can always hear the “cracking” sounds.”
Leeteuk: “He cracks his knuckles as fast as a blink.”
Eunhyuk: “Now my fingers are all bent, because of that guy.”
Leeteuk: “Constantly cracking the knuckles is bad for the joints, better don’t crack so much.”

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Chinese translation: kimseohye’s cyworld
English translation: dhatsying @
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100108-100114 Sukira
In the extremely cold weather, Leeteuk used his hands to wash his car
Leeteuk: A few days ago, when the temperature was below zero, it snowed and the car was dirty. So in the middle of the night, at 10.30, I went to a self service car wash place, empty handed. I put in a coin, and empty handed, I poured a bucket of water onto the car. After pouring it, (the water on the car) became ice.
Eunhyuk: Nonsense, it was such a cold day, of course it would freeze.
Leeteuk: It was about -7/-8 degrees, I hesitated whether to continue, in my heart I was thinking, when a man pulls out a sword, he should proceed, and end the battle quickly
*. The bubbles were all frozen, my hands were almost breaking. Again, I hesitated if I wanted to leave it as it is. The car would break down…… No, a man should persevere to the end. I poured another bucket of water, my frozen hands really couldn’t continue wiping. I put my hand in the water again, my hand could move, but the water was very cold, the feeling was like my hand was being ripped apart……
Eunhyuk: You were filming Invincible Challenge…… What were you doing so foolishly.
Leeteuk: I was almost dying.
Eunhyuk: Sending the car to a car wash would get the job done, why would you want to wash it yourself.
Leeteuk: Anyway I persevered to the end, when I finished washing the entire car was frozen, it wasn’t easy for me to open the car door.
Eunhyuk: When you wash your car, you don’t take a look at the weather conditions.
*I did a literal translation, but the gist of it is that since he has already started doing something, he should continue and just get it over and done with.

King of Picky Eaters, Eunhyuk
Eunhyuk: When we just debuted, the manager still didn’t know me that well. If we were to go out and eat as a group, and eat raw fish or seafood, I would eat unwillingly. I lost my temper at the manager, so now, whenever we go and have our meals, he would take care of me, and not go to places that I do not like. The members are also like that, I’m touched to death.
Leeteuk: You’re in the wrong. But honestly, you’re really an extremely picky eater.
Eunhyuk: If I’m not able to eat it, I’m in the wrong? I’m also trying hard.
Leeteuk: In future, what would happen when you get married?
Eunhyuk: I’ll find and marry someone who will be able to understand me.

Eunteuk dressed in swimming attire?
Eunhyuk: If I were to let my girlfriend wear a bikini to the swimming pool, I…… would definitely be unhappy, (she has) nothing better to do, than to wear a bikini.
Leeteuk: Come to think of it, I’ve never been to a swimming pool with my girlfriend.
Eunhyuk: Me too, it’s not that I don’t want to go there, I can’t go there, I absolutely can’t go there. At the beach, you can wear a T-shirt and go down to the water, but you can’t do that at a swimming pool.
Leeteuk: What would it feel like……
Eunhyuk: I don’t want to think about it
Leeteuk: A bunch of people wearing sunglasses and sneakily peeking at Bikini girls.
Eunhyuk: I hate it when others look at my girlfriend.
Leeteuk: Women would also look at us, right?
Eunhyuk: Rubbish, of course they would look

Siwon is the smartest
Eunhyuk: When eating in a restaurant, when we usually call for a waiter, we would call “ajumma” or “noona”. But Siwon, each time he calls (the waiter), he would address them as “boss”, and after calling them, he would say “boss, can I have a glass of water”. Hearing him say this, I almost died laughing, calling for the boss, but only asking for a glass of water.
Leeteuk: That is because Siwon is smart, by raising the rank a little, the person hearing it would be happy, and it’s a lot better than calling someone a waiter.
Eunhyuk: But it’s really quite funny, calling for the boss, and only asking for water.
Leeteuk: Think about it, if you were working there, and someone were to call you “Hey, anchovy……”, how would you feel?
Eunhyuk: But I’m not the boss, calling that would be a little….. Anyway, it’s like this.

Invisible Sungmin
Leeteuk: Lately, when we go out together, I always cannot feel the presence of some members, such as Sungmin.
Eunhyuk: Yeah, that’s right, it’s like he’s invisible.
Leeteuk: For 12 hours, we were together, I suddenly realized he was around, “Ah, you’re actually here”
Eunhyuk: yeah, he went to the restroom and came back, and you said “Oh Sungmin, you’re here, why did you just arrive”
Leeteuk: “Hyung, I’ve always been here since just now……”
Eunhyuk: It hurt him to death.
Leeteuk: We cannot let him exist without a sound in our group any longer.

Perfect 179?
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, if you were to grow taller, how tall would you want to be?
Eunhyuk: 180 is too tall. Honestly, 179.
Leeteuk: Ah, ah, me too.
Eunhyuk: 180 is too burdensome
Leeteuk: Feels like the distance between people is too far
Eunhyuk: 179 is not too tall, and not too short, it’s just nice.
Leeteuk: If we are 179 barefeet, with shoelifts, it would be around 183, it’s too perfect.
Eunhyuk: yes, yes, sigh, it would be good if we could grow taller.

Leeteuk returned home at 8am
Leeteuk: When I was 20, I would always reach home at 8 in the morning.
Eunhyuk: You really have no sense.
Leeteuk: At that time, my mother and noona would ask me why I only returned at this time, and I would say I went out for a walk and came back, I was really tired, and really wanted to sleep. I saw that noona was leaving for work, and my mother was also going out, and both of them were scolding me. So I said I was going out now…… As a result I often followed them out……
Eunhyuk: Ask them which direction they are heading in, and you can walk in the opposite direction.

The Trouble With More People
Eunhyuk: We often gather together in twos or threes to talk about interesting things together. When we are done talking, everyone will be laughing, and while laughing, we would attract the other members. “Hey, what are you talking about?” After that, we would have to repeat again, and after repeating, we would attract someone else, and have to repeat all over again. After repeating many times, it gets troublesome.
Leeteuk: Yeah, for example, like Siwon.

Invisible ShindongLeeteuk: In the past, we had finished performing at an outside venue, and after eating, we got ready to leave, when suddenly we heard someone from the back yelling “wait for me!” In the end, we saw Shindong running towards us from about 500 metres away. None of us knew at all.
Eunhyuk: Behind him, there were still a bunch of fans yelling “Oppa, where are you going…”

Eunhyuk prepares for the 4th album!
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, recently, what is the main thing that you are doing?
Eunhyuk: Erm…… Album preparations
Leeteuk: Preparing so soon? We still haven’t started preparing yet.
Eunhyuk: Recently, I’ve been thinking about the image I want to present, and how I am going to present it.
Leeteuk: Wow, I await your hard work.
Eunhyuk: heheh, definitely.

Source: Kimseohye
Korean to Chinese translations by Kimseohye
Chinese to English translations by --dreamx @ 

[News] Eeteuk "it seems hard for Super Junior to become beasty idols"

blue-balloon.gif it seems hard for SuperJunior to become beasty idols 
SuperJunior member Siwon showed his abs in his new drama. Regarding this recent hot topic, Leeteuk said "Beasty idols who have six packs seem to be a trend right now" and "among these beasty idols, Siwon's abs are the best". Such comment is not only made by Siwon's group member Leeteuk; Siwon's abs are also recognized by Kim Jong Kuk, the singer sunbae and "King of nice body".

"but even if beasty idols are a trend, it seems hard for SuperJunior to become beasty idols. Although Siwon or Donghae may become beasty idols...the other members are so different. (laughter) we shall develop on our own charisma"

why have you become a hot candidate at variety shows?
Leeteuk, who has become a hot candidate at variety shows, impresses the viewers as the "next-generation variety shows MC" by his "Teuk Academy" at the popular SBS variety show "Strong Heart"

Leeteuk works with SuperJunior group members Eunhyuk and Shindong and warms up the atmosphere for other guests at the cost of ruining their own images.

"It's really worthwhile if my efforts make people happy. Staying up all night for Brainstorming is an interesting thing. As time goes by, my energy level decreases a lot. Although sometimes i feel wavered, that kind of thought disappears the moment i get to the filming site."

Leeteuk said generally he would hear from the producer about the attendants list 2 days before the filming of "strong Heart". Then they would stay up all night to prepare, especially to collect the "shameful photos of celebrities in the past"

"Although some responded 'hasn't this crossed the line?', this is much better compared with getting approval to show the photos beforehand. We showed Narsha Noona from BEG the photos before filming and her manager said "isnt it too weak?' and asked us whether we had better (funnier) photos."

Leeteuk doesn't even sleep because he has to look for materials, so often times he feels sleepy as soon as he sits down. However, his eyes looked different when we talked about the "Teuk Academy". Tiffany at the side also commented "Leeteuk oppa is really great!"
Tiffany added "Variety shows reallly aren't something anyone could manage. but my fears go away if i'm attending with the Oppas from SuperJunior (Leeteuk, Shindong and Eunhyuk)."

Credit: donga
Korean -> Chinese translation:
Chinese -> English transaltion:

only the parts about SuperJunior are translated.
please take out with full credit ^^

[Cyworld] Eeteuk: ''Should I cut my hair again?''

Eeteuk's Cyworld
2010.03.14 19:06
Title : ..the memory of the short hair..
..should I cut my hair again..ㅋㅋㅋ

2010.03.14 18:54
Title : ..duplicity

...hok** !!!!..
* Leeteuk means the gif is his two total different sides : chic/cool & funny/cute
** the sound Leeteuk made in the 2nd picture (the one in the dance performance)

Credits: 박정수 미니홈피
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thanks ❧ y σ υ for the shout out

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

2010.03.13 22:49
..He's superior..superior..

..My dongsaeng Siwonie..^^..

..With this special childhood picture of Siwonie..ㅋㅋㅋ

..everyone can envy with his childhood handsome appearance...

..and he has a global face..I mean he has the superior gene...

..however he got that recent body because he has exercised for 5 years...heuk..

..he's such a hard-working boy..^^

..even if I want to say he must fail at something...but his personality is also good..

..since he's just started with drama again after such a long time..I hope everything will go well..

..Oh My lady!!! Everybody please give it a lot of love..

..My dongsaeng Siwon-ah!!!! Let's just fighting!!!!^^ I love you...♥

Source : 박정수 미니홈피
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Eunhyuk's Diary Entry
2010.03.14 04:41

Ah....when shall I take care (of it)?
It's troublesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ㅜㅜ

Note : Most of the fans who left comments under his entry assumed that Eunhyuk was talking about taking care of his body (exercising so he can have a nice body like Siwon's)

Source : 이혁재 미니홈피
translated by
thanks katakko for the shout out

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2010.03.15 00:37

White Day.....
In stead of a girlfriend...............I only went exercising with leader-nim ^^
I will definitely remember today.............
I'm OK....but hyung why ? why with me ? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

a little note so everybody dont misunderstand : Jongseok seems to be a trainer of the boys since both Eunhyuk and Sungmin said they went to exercise with him, and they called him "교주님" which means leader/leader-nim

Source : 이혁재 미니홈피
translated by
thanks Blue19 for the shout out

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[Cyworld] Eeteuk: I will comeback with more handsome and let's make our next comeback cooler than "Sorry Sorry"!

2010.03.11 03:59 

..Our beloved ELF..

..How have you been ?..



..Asia..and Europe..all over the world...

..Our truly beloved ELF who cheer for Leeteuk and Super Junior..

..I'm always grateful..and will always be grateful...

..Time has past quite fast, rite ?..Teukie Teukie~~~Although I have been in this Leeteukie name since debut but really..'s still just like seems that people can carry on living so well by just "eating" memories..

..Recently do you know that I long for it very much ?..I miss it very much..

..Going on the Asia tour and watching the TV..I really miss the stage...

..For my future I am and will do my best in entertainment and DJ and MC..

..Please wait for a little longer..I will comeback more handsome...more handsome..

..Together with us let's make it (next comeback) cool~~er than "Sorry Sorry"

..Got it ?..I miss you..!!Aja!! Super Junior...ELF... fighting!!!
Source: 박정수의 미니홈피
Translated by
thanks dDonika for the shout out

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

In Folder "Star That Met Yoon Young Mi"
Kim Kibum
2010.03.10 09:42

Work through (as) Super Junior member

Isn't it Kim Ki Bum who recently is commited to acting?

Now is doing "A (Middle) Nap" play that is directed by Heo Jin Ho.

So handsome and good looking,

While we're talking (I found out that)

His inner side is even more meaningful young man!

Even though he grew up in USA

He is not close with online or computer

He is an analog young man who likes fishing and climbing

NOTE: Yoon Young Mi is an SBS Announcer
Source : 윤영미의 미니홈피
Translated by superlover♫
Thanks for the help :)

May take out with full credit and no adding your own credit

[Cyworld] Donghae: I love ELF from all over the world

Donghae's Cyworld:
2010.03.09 16:43

This is ELF's strength!!

It's a must-have thing!!

ELF of the whole world..

I can't help but love them!

The reason why I love the color blue most is because of ELF.

The half of the concert place...Couldnt take a picture of the other half...ㅜㅠ

Anyway it's the best!!
Donghae left a comment under it :
Lee Donghae: The best shine!! The perfect shine!! The brighter shine than the sun!! (2010.03.09 16:56)

2010.03.09 16:46
-One way-

One Way's Leader Mike !!

His talent is also really good, and he also sings really well! This time debut successfully through Mucore^^

Please kindly give lots of love to One Way's song!!

He's really a nice son that God really loves^^

Please give them lots of encouragement with prayer, love and attention^^!

2010.03.09 16:34
[Scrap] In Haiti with Danbi*

Together with MBC Sunday Night Danbi's Team in Haiti

First trip with precious memories...
source: Lee Jae Eun's Minihompy

*Donghae didn't write it, he only linked it to his CY ^^
Donghae left a comment under it :
Lee Donghae: At this moment the condition is really not good!! It seems like we will need to pray more!! (2010.03.09 16:59)

source 이동해의 미니홈피
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Eunhyuk's Sidebar Update:

Source: Lee Hyukjae's CY
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Eeteuk's Diary Entry:
2010.03.09 04:14

..There is a slight difference between happiness and loneliness... 

Source: 박정수의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credits

Heechul's Photo entries
2010.03.08 02:46
Title : The natural hair

Bleaching Perming Dying ...
My hair almost looks like a duster

Suddenly (saying) maybe just having your natural hair so I was like what (-┏)

Recently Baengsin and Heebum always quarrel too noisily that I couldnt sleep well
Thanks to that chapped lips and pimples are freely (appear) eet-hing~♡

* a cute giggling sound

2010.03.08 03:01
Title : 5 years ♥ Hee

花 雨 東 山***

** that's what is written on the card tha fans were holding
*** a Korean idiom, it means the petals will drop like the rain and fly away to the Eastern mountain

Credits: 김희철's Cyworld
translated by
thanks ❧ y σ υ for the shout out

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

2010.03.08 20:50
Title : Baengsin on the bed

Next time I will trying to use the high-definition video (option) to upload

Credits: 김희철's Cyworld
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thanks Chikuma for the shout out

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[Cyworld] Eunhyuk 'Now i won't be sick'

Eunhyuk's Sidebar Updates
Okay now !!
Let's keep our chin up
Yah-hap !!!!!!!!
Thank you~

Photo Entry:
2010.03.05 04:22

Voila!!!! I have came back~
Now won't be sick ^ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ^

original source : 이혁재의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

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Eeteuk's Diary Entry
2010.03.03 수(2010.03.04 03:34)



..I will always treasure it..

..I'm happy...
*can also be "gratitude"
source :박정수의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credit and no adding your own credit

Heechul's Cyworld

Title :
Sulhee in Shanghaiㄱㄱ

Photo Entry
In folder " 尊"
2010.03.03 02:00스크랩:89

Too great (ºㅁ º )=b << Have not written for a long time became garbleㅋㅋ

But the one on the left looks like me.. Who's on the right;;

Is that me too

(Or) Heebumie became human..

The one on the right! My future girlfriend!

Ah Good sense

Source: Kim Heechul Cyworld
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DO NOT hotlink image
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Sungmin's cyworld
2010.03.07 11:55
Hong Gil Dong

Please leave your comment~^^

Even if it's not exactly about Ming Gildong
*'s performance it's okay ~^--^

Even if it's good thing or bad thing please write everything ~

* Fans call the Hong Gildong's performances when Sungmin performs is Ming Gildong (밍깅동) and when Yesung performs is Jjong Gildong (쫑길동 )

source 이성민의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credits

2010.03.07 01:10

Ahoo memorizing the lyrics in only 3 hours is such a difficult thing~ㅋㅋㅋ

However I did memorize it without any problem!ㅋㅋㅋ

Indeed I'm Hong Gildong ain't I..ㅋ

It seems that my diet is absolutely successful...

Jongseokie-hyung thank you very very much~

Cheer up! Let's go exercising together once I come back to Korea~


source : 이성민 미니홈피
translated by
thanks tiromaru for the shout out

may take out with full credits
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