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Showing posts with label fancafe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fancafe. Show all posts

[Twitter] Super Junior arrived at Korea safely!

Shindong's tweets

말레이시아가따가 지금막 한국도착!!!!^^ 유후..^^ 고생하셧급습니다
6:50AM KST via Tweetie
Just arrived at Korea from Malaysia!!!! ^^ yay..^^ good job everyone

말레이시아공연 아주 좋았어요 행복했습니다^^ 난 이제 아이들과의 약속을 지키러 뽀뽀뽀 동그리동 으로 변신!! 얍얍 ㅎㅎ 뽀뽀뽀 하러가잡….^^ㅎㅎ
7:16AM KST via Tweetie
Malaysia concert was really good. I was really happy ^^ Now I’m changing to DongGriDong to keep the promise with the kids~ going to BboBboBbo!! Yay yay ㅎㅎ Let’s go doboBboBbo… ^^ ㅎㅎ

@ShinsFriends 뱅기타고 오시느라 고생많으셨어요 /via @bluecat1106 갠적으로 말레이시나 항공 너무 불편하네요 !!ㅠㅠ 그리고 인천공항 마지막 출구나올때 세관신고서 받으시는분….반말하지맙시다..”천천히! 멈춰! 가! ” ㅡㅡ
7:43AM KST via Tweetie
@ShinsFriends Must have been hard on you to be on plane~ /via @bluecat1106 Personally feel that Malaysian airline is uncomfortable!! ㅠㅠ And the person at the customs, let’s not use banmal*.. “Slow down! Stop! Go!” ㅡㅡ

* impolite to say to someone you’ve seen for the first time
Source: Shindong's Twitter
English Translation: Chrissy @

May take out with proper credits and without editing

Sungmin's Diary Entry
2010.03.22 time : 14:28 
I am a very busy man!
still have a long, long way to go..

credit: ♬thea @
Do not add credit to yourself if taking out.

MinWoo (Siwon)'s message to fans
Dear my lovely family!

Hello, this is Choi Si won. How have you been?
Though it's already close to the end of march, it's still cold outside ^^
Be careful not to catch a cold and be well ^^
Thanks to your attention, love and prayers, filming is going well ^0^
Thank you sooo much!

Finally, today is the opening!
Hope our drama makes you happy in these chilly weather ^^
Please be generous and enjoy even if there might be some mistakes ^^

It's really comforting and I cannot thank you enough that you are always with me ^-^

I love you guys very much!
I pray that today would be happy with the bless and lead of holy spirit.

Sung,Minwoo Choi,Siwon

CR: The Siwonest
Translated by: 리건 @Happytalk
Take out with FULL and PROPER credits!

[Fancafe] Heechul updates his fancafe

10.03.04 22:52
Title : Urgent

So it seems that many Petals have ended their recent dejected life and came back to school
Were you accepted to school ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I will have a long vacation after ending filming for the recent drama
also going on a trip(+_+)

What is the next project, should I do the emcee work...I'm in the middle of thinking about it
But for the moment I will do my best for the concert! I will finish it do it Chu~♡ perfectlyㅋㅋ

Jah it is this image, isnt it ? ㅋㅋ
I has stolen it from another site of me..
But the problem is its size is too large so I couldnt upload it to minihompy(+_+)

It seems as if all the talented Petals have got together
How can you make itㅡㅡ?
Next time let's make it not more than 500kbㄱㄱ

But why I'm rushing writing like this now!!
Because I'm brushing my teeth and there is a toothbrush which is covered with toothpaste in my mouth and ah it's so bitterㅡㅡ^

I'm gonna brush my teeth now so everybody let's have a good school life! Dont be alienated by anyone! And dont alienate anyone!!

source : Kiseki fancafe
translated by
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

[Fancafe] Kyuhyun wishes you hava a Happy New Year

Title: Hello? 
Written on 2010.02.13 at 04:43 AM


It's been a long time.. it's been an extremely long time hasn't it?

In this late night I just.. because I just want to come over and scribble this and that thing to my sides

Have aekyu people been doing well?

Daesang singer, Popularity Award singer Kyuhyunie comes greeting you since a while ^^

Ah...ㅎㅎㅎ this makes me rather shy~

The 4th meaningful day of my debut will be gone in no time~

Time goes by truly quickly~

Obviously I remember the image of myself working hard to adjust to the team even up until a few days ago

But that time was just like a dream..

The same day we got together has slipped away without us realizing!

In the year 2010 whether we're going to be able to be together even more so than last year..

I'm truly happy each day

because in any case
, good events, bad events, my sides* do not give up the trust they have in a person such as me

Of course it's very good that my sides
* also point out my mistakes..

But who am I~ if I don't make futile mistakes I'm not myself~ ㅎㅎㅎ

I'd like you to just give me faith and protection.. just like we've been until now together! ㅋㅋ

Ah~ and starting from this year I have my own goal set too and I will go on living enthusiastically day by day..

of course while also relieving stress every now and then as well ~~

Will our E.L.F. too set goals and live up to them...?ㅎㅎ I'll have faith in you~

(And once again I'm also just surprised by the careful selection of gifts from aekyuhyun people..ㅎ)

Have a very happy new year~~ and receive a lot of money too
***.. or give a lot !

Wishing for this year too to be a happy year together with Kyuhyunie and Super Junior ^^

A very happy new year~♥

Original Source. 愛규현 Fancafe
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET

* Similar to "my other half", he's referring to the fans. It stresses on how important they are.

** Gifts by 愛규현members: a CD with 23 instrumental versions of his favourite songs (one for each year of his life), so that he can record himself singing with the microphone they got him (All-In-One USB Powered Condenser Microphone), and a pocket-sized DJ system device. Lastly, they gave him a small booklet with a few hand-written letters.

*** New Year's gift of money, a tradition.

+++ Kyuhyun never fails to be extremely polite and well versed in his fancafe entries, he's always using honorifics even for E.L.F.; translating his entries is difficult, but also very gratifying.


[Fancafe] Seungri's Message From Japan

Seungri Day here in Japan feels different!*
It's been so long since I last wrote here
^ ^ How's everyone!?
It feels weird because I used to write here in VIP Zone everyday
ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ (ke ke ke ke)

[FanCafe] Jinwoon " We finally achieved it..."

We finally achieved it...
The greatly anticipated first place
Everyone has worked hard for 1 year and 7 months and maybe the award is the result to all this
This is not something that we could have done on our own and it is a great present to us
Thanks to our IAM fans I have recieved the greatest present in my life
This isn't something you recieve alot in your life and it is a great graduation present
Writing like this is somehow really embarrassingly making me happy, I'm so happy that theres no word to explain
I'm really thankful..
We will become a team that will not fail to impress!!
I'm really thankful and I love you all

Hwaiting for the future and I love you IAM!!!

Take out with full credits. There shouldn't be any removal or addition to the credits.

[News] 2PM Fan-Cafe, donated 8.7 million won in Jaebum's name

2PM 팬카페, 재범 이름으로 870만원 상당 아이티 후원기금 기부

'2PM 팬카페 환상'은 지난 22일 재범의 이름으로 사회복지단체 하트투하트재단에 아이티 후원금 명목으로 인터넷 포털사이트에서 모은 해피빈 콩(1개 100원) 8만7000개를 기부했다. 이후에도 팬 카페 회원들은 계속해서 기부를 위해 해피빈 콩을 모으고 있다. 해피빈 콩은 즉시 현금화할 수 있는 사이버 머니다.

2PM 팬카페 환상의 관계자는 "재범의 이름으로 도움이 절실한 아이티 국민들에게 작은 힘이나마 전해주고 싶었다"며 "스타와 팬들이 함께하는 기부 문화로 정착시키고 싶다"고 전했다. 이어 그는 "재범이 하루라도 빨리 2PM의 리더로 복귀했으면 하는 바람이다. 많은 사람들이 재범을 기억하고 복귀를 원하도록 팬들이 마음을 모았다"고 덧붙였다.

2PM fan-cafe, donated 8.7 million won* under Jaebum's name to the Haiti Fund 
*it's about $7,564

The 2PM Fan Café, “Fantastic” donated on the 22nd to the Haitian Hearts Heart Foundation, through an internet site that collected Happy Beans (1 for 100 won). A total of 87,000 beans were donated. Even after this, the fan café members are still collecting Happy Beans. Happy beans are a form of cyber money that can be exchanged for cash.

2PM Fan Café, Fantastic’s representative said, “We want to help the desperate people of Haiti with what little strength we have in Jaebum’s name.” “I’d like to see a culture of giving between stars with fans.”

“We hope this will help Jaebum return to 2PM as their leader a day sooner. So many people remember Jaebum, and the fans collected these (beans) desiring his return,” she added.

CREDITS : Nate (SOURCE) ; Pingoo@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS); kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY.COM (EDIT)
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits. 
Copy this whole phrase out.

[Cyworld] Heechul Fancafe Entry and Donghae Sidebar Update

Heechul Fancafe Entry 2010.01.01
First I’d like to wish everyone Happy New Year, hehe.
It’s already 2010… Time passes by quickly…
We debuted in 2005… Wow…
When I think of when we were so young and immature,
charging into a drama with Kibum when we both didn’t know much ^-^
After I got the script I had to go through it tens of times, practicing together, causing havoc together…

Looks like I completed Rainbow Romance with Kibum hehe
After becoming more knowledgeable I naturally wanted to improve my acting skills
This way my impromptu performance skills have improved quite a bit hehe

And then there was “Bad Family” hehe
Dances, joint performances, MC, DJ, TV dramas, sitcoms…
This was when I was the most impulsive and sensitive hehe
Even now I still have random meetings with “Bad Family” cast members

And then there was “Golden Bride”
My character had a personality very similar to mine, and so in the later scenes I could actually feel the conflict and sadness…
While reading the script I cried a lot, while filming I cried a lot too…
Filming even had to stop one time because I cried too much…
Really, I have lots of tears too…

“Thousand Times I Love You”
Because of my initial dream of being an actor I cherish this work ^-^
Up until now I’ve been able to devote myself completely to my works, I feel blessed hehe
Because before I was too busy, I had to film after only reading through my script once
Now it’s twice, three times… up to ten times and more, so I can fully throw myself into filming

In this time I’ve really competed many fine works!
What are my Petals’ wishes for this year? My personal dream?
“Oppa, please get rich~”
These things I’ll see to myself. I was asking about your wishes hehe
I’m 28 year old.
28 isn’t young right ^-^

Before, everyday I would do lots of bad things
I should always be beautiful, never get old, I always thought I was Peter Pan hehe
I thought that I’d be Cinderella forever ^-^

You never really know with life, just like how right now everything is unknown
From some point on, time starts to pass naturally
For example, there’s more time to ponder things
For example, there’s more time spent on looking in the mirror, looking outside the window and reliving memories

The new year just started and I wrote a lot of depressing words ^-^

Okay! Finally I shall organize my main point…
My beautiful Petals who have praised me and followed me
Let’s bloom in the next year as well

Source and HcKiseki
Credits: busizhishen@omona_prection (really thank you for do us this favour^^)
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Donghae Sidebar:
2010/12/31 Believe in Teukie hyung and let’s go again…Let’s smile like what Eunhyuk said…
Credits: 이동해 Cyworld
translated by
thanks ❧ y σ υ for the heads up

may take out with full credits


[News] Siwon Fancafe Update

Written on 09.12.13 at 03:32 AM

To our dear families..
Our families who are always with us..
Thank you so much ^-^
Even regardless of how far apart we’ve been this year
I’ve constantly been doing well thanks to everyone’s prayers!
Thank you so much once again

Successfully wrapped up the Nanjing concert and now I’m posting up late in the morning ^-^
Is everyone alright?
Lately I’ve been too absent-minded so I’m sorry I couldn’t visit!
When I’m done writing this entry I’ll go say my prayers for everyone before I sleep ^0^

In my prayers I always sincerely wish for our dear families to dwell in the Lord ^0^
See you in Korea our dear families

I love you more day by day ! Love you all & Blessing
Original Source. 최시원 at
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET

[Fancafe]Taegoon's Fancafe entry

"The weather is not a joke...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

Are you well?

I'm sorry to always say "It's been a long time"... (but it's true ^^)

Recently I've been coming and going back and forth to Japan~~^^

There will be a concert in Japan on the day of December 11th..^^

I'm frantic with the preparations....

My minihompy can't be updated lately...

I'm doing almost all the songs from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd album on the concert on the 11th...

I want to show it to you.....ㅜㅜ (Someday...)^^

Anyway!! Since the weather is cold, wear warm clothing when you go out~!^^

Original source:
Please credit when taking out of this site.

[Fancafe] Ryeowook FanCafe Reply

ELF: Oppa (I’ve) come see you, concert fighting,
Even though can’t go see oppa sing,
But I will give oppa support,
Oppa is the best!!!
I miss you ~~~Good night~~

Ryeowook: Thank you^^

Source: Kim Ryeowook Chinese Cyworld ; sup3rjunior@wordpress
Shared in
May take out with full and proper credits


[News] 091122 Ryeowook FanCafe

thank you E.L.F. ^^
09.11.22 00:06

before Super Junior released 3jib in the first half of the year..
i thought of how i was counting down the days with my fingers and praying during recording while doing activities in china~^^
that together with the members 3jib will do well and all the praying a year past~
praying helps but without ‘ELF’ our album will not be able to do this well^^ thank you so much~~ sincerely !!
even though i can’t watch tv in china*

it seems fun~ hyehye
let’s have fun together at the next award show~ㅋ !!

* he meant that he can’t watch MAMA

source; fill me in ryeowook
translated by; carolyn @


[News] Hyun Ah's mesage on 4Minute's fancaf

Hehe...^0^ Annyeonghaseyo.. it's HyunAh.. erm... I'm shy..
I'm happy that our job is to bring more music to everyone, so, thank you to all those who appreciate our music... ^-^
It's been 150 days since our debut, time goes by in a scarily fast speed.
Even though many things happened, this is not the first time you guys know me.. hahaha ^0^
Erm...spent a lot of time thinking about re-debut matters...
I really didn't expect everyone to still have so much love, power from your hearts and touching letters for me...
But I never express my feelings of gratitude.. sorry
Really, thank you..!! ^-^ hehe
(You know my sincerity(?).....>0<)

Erm.. also, I always get sick.. and cause everyone to worry for me, sorry…
HyunAh is not sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm healthy!!!!!!!!!!
I promise that I will not leave the stage again, I really love it.
Don't worry, I'll try not to get sick... ^0^
(Ha~~~~~~~I'm calmer than expected >_<)

4minute... we...
Even though it's just a short distance of the journey, there must be 12-hour prayers every day for the past 150 days.
I will tell myself that I still have many things to do, but it's always hard to overcome my own limits.
Once I have new improvements, I promise that I will tell you guys ^-^
I told myself that I must embrace an attitude fitting for a rookie, and always thank people.
I will work hard.. hehe ^0^
Saranghabnida..!!~~~~~~~~~jjeok~heart ppyong ppyong~~~~~~~~~~~~^-^!!
4M hwaiting!! BEAST hwaiting!!
Cube our family, saranghaeyo..
Those who have supported us since the start.. thank you…
saranghaeyo ~~~^0^ 20,000 times ppyong~!!
(HyunAh's headline-less writing(?), ppyongㅠㅠ)

Chinese translation: 果子@4MinuteBaiduBar
English translation:
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