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Showing posts with label fan account. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fan account. Show all posts

[Fan account] ''Oh My Lady'' filming on the 12th March- Greetings to fans in China

On the night of 12th March, after filming a scene in the drinks’ store endorsed by Sung Min Woo, Siwon went to a swimming pool in a 5 stars hotel to film a scene of him swimming.
This scene is going to appear in the 5th episode of .

According to the shooting crew, for this scene, Siwon had been abstaining from foods. He asked the crew to finish this scene as soon as possible so that he could eat something.
The crew members also praised that Siwon’s acting skills are really good. ^^

Siwon stayed in the pool for 2 hours. These 2 hours includes filming different angles of him swimming underwater. It is believed that the audiences in front of the TV that day would either drool or have a nose bleed.
* almost had a nose bleed. HAHA!)

After everything ended around midnight, Siwon greeted every single crew member politely and said, “You’ve worked hard.” Suddenly, he used Chinese and said, “Say hello to my fans in China.”
That person
* he spoke to, froze on the spot immediately.
* I think the someone/that person is the author of the actual article.

Translated by:
Take out with full credits

[FANACCOUNT] Taeyeon's Small Birthday Party With Fans

Taeyeon' Birthday Party fan account

The party ended little past midnight.
Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Sooyoung and Yoona came. Sooyoung MC'ed and Sunny assisted.

After the cake, there was talk time where each member said something about Taeyeon

The first one was,
The one with the most cringe inducing moving talk Hwang Mi Young keke (Sooyoung introduced her this way keke)
When Sooyoung introduced her Fany said Taeyeon is even more cringeworthy these days.
She revealed that when Taeyeon texts her, she calls Fany "YePeuni" (Pretty Dear)
Next to her Taengoo then made an uncle laugh heoheo keke

Fany said she was really surprised at the number of candles '22' on the cake.
They grew together like this already and she realized they have spent so much time together
She said let's be together even longer than the time spent so far, and said "I love you".
And feeling embarrassed she did the eye smile keke.
Then she and Taengoo hugged hard.

Now Yoona's turn. Yoona was embarrassed and had a choding expression. She said she couldn't talk straight and she turned around facing the balloons at back kekeke
She said Taeyeon didn't talk much about her sadness, pain, and hardships before.
But now she talks to members about those hardships in her heart.
Yoona is so happy of this and hopes Taeyeon will continue to share everything with the members.
And said she is thankful and that she loves her.
After this talk Yoona seemed embarrassed and did an aegyo keke. So adorable it killed me. And Sooyoung imitated this exactly then they started talking in that aegyo voice. Then Fany said 'Oh those aegyo voices are giving me lots of stress these days' kekeke

When it was Seohyun's time to talk she let out a sigh making the girls laugh out loud kekeke
Seohyun didn't talk long kekeke
She said I love you and Thank you repeatedly and the last touching word she said to Taeyeon was "Thank you for being born"
But when Seohyun was talking Fany and Yoong would keep eating the cake so the fans were giggling,
then Seohyun in her maknae unique tone said "Why... Why are you laughing?" like she was puzzled and it was the cutest thing kekekeke

When Sunny started to talk it was already touching she started by calling her "Leader Kim Taeyeon" TT TT TT
Yes our Soshi Leader Kim Taeyeon jjang TT TT

She thanked her and said even with the great burden of being the leader Taeyeon worked so hard.
And said "My friend let's be always together"

Then the MC Sooyoung had her turn.
Like Yoona, Sooyoung said she is also happy that Taeyeon opened her heart more and shared her hardships together.
She said it only seemed yesterday that she and Taeyeon were commuting to their school in uniforms together but they are now 22 and the girls are singers and have won No 1s and Daesang awards(Fans cheered loudly at this point) and all of it is so wonderous she said.
While talking about Taeyeon, Sooyoung used the phrase "unbreakable bond" and I really felt this expression in my heart TT TT
Soooyoung then said while there are many great girl group singers, she thinks woori Taeyeon sings really great and Sooyoung herself is a fan. Then Soonkyu said "Taeyeon sings the best among the girl groups. That is what I hear in my ears"(And a great cheer from the crowd here kekekeke). Then Soonkyu added that our lead vocal Taeyeon is the shortest one and the girls said "Soonkyu you need to think of your own height" kekekeke

After the members' talk Taeyeon said
"These days it's hard for all of us to get together. It's been some time since we were able to get together and talk like this(The members nod). Since we are nine members, a group with many members, we need to talk like this more but the members have so many individual schedules now hehe. Yoona has to go to the beauty shop right after this party for FO2 filming."

Here Yoona confessed that to be here for the party she skipped washing up at home keke Fany next to her held her nose and made gestures like something is stinking keke. Sooyoung said "Hey Taeyeon you are the one with the most schedules! Why are you meeting so many chingoos?" keke I think she means Chinhan Chingoo.

Taeyeon continued "And Seohyun comes home late these days because of WGM. Fany, Sooyoung, and Sunny all have schedules in the morning. And they are all here to congratulate me I am so grateful"

There was question time from fans and the one fan asked how come the fanservice seems to be better now

Taeyeon answered that before she was... like when fans approach her she would tend to step back. But doing the concert last year she says she has gone through lots of changes in her thoughts and character. She said there are some things she made promise to herself. And many fans visit her parents spec shop and she talks to her dad at night about them. Listening to all the stories from fans Taeyeon says she felt that she should approach the fans herself. And said "From now on I will be loving more and more and I don't think it will ever turn less heehee". So moving TT TT TT TT

One samchon fan asked how Taeyeon manages her health.
Taeyeon said she doesn't TT TT
She said she doesn't even take the medicines that she should. And maknae beside her yelled "That's true!" kekeke
Maknae is sensitive to health management she kept scolding Taeyeon kekeke
Maknae said "Taeyeon unnie.. when she has stomach ache but she wants ice cream then she eats ice cream. She will eat and say *Oh I think I have stomach trouble but oh this taste good~*"
Soonkyu said she will force medicine in Taeyeon's mouth if she has to...
Taeyeon talked about her throat - "You know some time ago my throat went bad(The fans yelled Park Kyung Lim! here) Yes that's right hehehe. After that my throat wasn't completely well and I did the Encore Concert and since yesterday my throat became little swollen. So on Inkigayo today to be honest I lipsync'ed... My throat condition was pretty bad."
"But maknae takes care of me keke"
"I promise to manage my health better from now on"

And Yuri is fine.
Soonkyu said "Ah and Yuri is the one that takes care of her health the most and how come she got it" keke
Yoona said "I am her roomate even. And I didn't get it hehehe"
Sooyoung said "Hey be careful it could be dormant inside you kekeke"
Taeyeon then said "After Yuri was diagnosed, we all went to the hospital to get checked out and we are all ok" and the fans clapped.
Fany said "Yuri had a lot of schedules so that may be the reason why she got it. But then how come she is ok?" as she was pointing to Sunny. Sunny then shrugged and pointed at herself like she was saying she doesn't know anything about it kekeke
Taeyeon said "I texted with Yuri today. She is a lot better. You should see her soon hehe"

Jinsoo @ Daily K Pop News
Credits : Soshified


[Fanaccount] SeulOng gets censored on 'Win Win' for mentioning Jay


Nam Yongshin (Choreographer for Again & Again and Heartbeat) also appeared as a guest. The MC asked "When you think of dance, which member do you think of first?" He quickly avoided the question by saying nobody.

Kim Seungwoo (Win Win MC) explained beforehand that the reason
the Jaebum 'best replies' were not chosen was because it did not fit with the direction the program wanted to go in.

Before the recording, Kim Seungwoo made it very clear and
was adamant about the boys not talking about Jaebum.

Seulong was the one that talked about Jaebum.

The question was "What is most precious to 2AM?" Seulong responded by saying,
"All of the members, including Jaebum." The MC's face expression suddenly turned dark and the rest of the members flinched.

One of the staffs spoke up and said, "Let's try this again."

Eventually, Seulong's "Including Jaebum" statement was changed to
"All of 2AM and 2PM."

Basically, all of the media play saying that the show might feature the boys talking about Jaebum was a fluke. Please don't be swayed by the media play.


-Omitted Parts-

And lastly, Jaebum...
After the Jaebum controversy, this is the first talk show for the children. They laughed, they were bored, they were amazed, and sometimes even dozed off. In the midst of all that,
there was no story about Jaebum.

Kim Seungwoo asked the boys twice, requesting that there be no talk about Jaebum as it does not fit with what the program originally planned.

And an extra account that I just remembered. It was the highlight of my day. The Win Win camera director was focusing on recording when all of a sudden he screams, "Who is that? Is that person a boy? Wasn't she a girl?!"

He even called the FD to double check.

"Who is that... That.. kid behind Taecyeon. Girl or boy?"

The people sitting around me looked at the camera to check and we all fell back in laughter.

The member that the camera director was pointing at with his camera... the member that was caught with a oneshot, smiling brightly...

.... was Kkap Kwon!

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
NAVER (SOURCE) ; hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS), kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY.COM

*LOL at JoKwon mistaken as a girl ^^
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[Fanaccount] Jaebum in Seattle

Original text :

저는 시애틀에서 유학하고 있는 한국 학생입니다.
지금 시애틀에 4년동안 살고 있었는데
그저께 처음으로 박재범씨 봤어요
2pm 좋아하는데 팬까진 아니구요
어디다가 글 남겨야 좋을지 몰라서 여기 남겨요.
저희 학교에 유학생을 위한 파티가 있는데요
그 곳에서 새로운 남자친구를 사겼어요
스페인계 친군데 그 친구가 비보잉을 해요
저가 막 비보잉 보여 달라고 조르니깐
그 지역 비보이들이 다 모이는 그런 날이 있대요
거기 같이 가자고 해서 따라 갔어요
엄청 넓은데
사람들 꽉 차서 다 춤추고 있구요
저처럼 구경온 사람들은 없어서
혼자 뻘쭘했어요
혼자 막 둘러보고 있는데
박재범씨 같은 분이 있는거예요
긴가민가해서 가까이 다가갔는데
진짜 박재범씨더라구요
제가 친구한테 저 사람 아냐고 하니깐
예전에 배틀 같이 한적 있다고 했어요
저 사람 한국에서 엄청 유명한 가수라고 흥분하니깐
막 웃으면서 인사하라고하는거예요
제가 민망해서 못하겠다고 하니깐
같이 가줬어요
피부 엄청 하얗고
입술은 완전 빨깧고
키는 큰 편은 아닌데 비보잉 하는 사람 치고 큰 편이었어요
춤은 잘추시는데
제가 비보잉에 대해서 잘 몰라서 평가는 못하겠네요.
검은 모자 쓰고 계셨는데 머리는 엄청 짧은것 같았고요
청바지랑 점퍼 힙합스타일로 입고 계셨는데도
엄청 말라보였어요.
껌 좋아하시는지 제가 2시간 구경했는데 2시간 동안 껌 씹고 계시더라구요.
제가 혼자 뻘쭘하게 서 있으니깐
심심해 보였는지
웃으면서 씹으라고 껌도 주머니에서 꺼내 주셨어요


가끔 눈 마주치면 막 웃어주시는데
완전 잘생겼어요
치아도 예쁘구요.
사실 처음에는 동내 노는 오빠 같이 생겨서 무서웠는데
말해보니깐 엄청 친절하고 착하고 귀여우세요.
싸인은 종이랑 팬이 없어서 못받았는데
제 친구랑 재범씨랑 저랑 셋이서 사진 같이 찍었어요
사진 올리려고 했는데
모자이크 하는 법을 몰라서...
나중에 모자이크해서 올릴게요
말 많이 해보고 싶었는데
춤에 집중하시고 계시길래
방해될까봐 이것저것 묻지는 못했어요.
잘생겼다고 하니깐
고맙다고 하고
눈썹 웨이브 하심ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

English Translation :


I’m an international Korean student in Seattle.
I’ve been living in Seattle for 4 years, and I saw Park Jaebum for the first time yesterday.
I like 2PM, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan.
I didn’t know where to write a post, so I’m posting here.
There’s a party at our school for international students, and I met my new boyfriend there.

He’s Hispanic, and he B-boys. I begged him to take me to see B-boying, and he told me there was an area Bboy gathering. He asked me to go with him, so I went.

The place was huge, but packed with people all dancing. I was the only person just watching. I felt weird by myself, so I walked around by to watch and I saw the real Park Jaebum.

I asked my boyfriend if he knew him, and he said he had battled with him before. When I told him that (Jay) was a super famous singer in Korea, he laughed out loud and told me to go say hi to him (Jay). I told him I was too embarrassed to, so he went with me.

His skin was super white and his lips were completely red. He wasn’t the tall type, but about the height of his b-boy friends. He dances well, but since I don’t know about b-boying, I can’t really rate it. He was wearing a black hat, but it looked like his hair was really short. He wore jeans and a hip-hop style jumper (jacket), but he looked really skinny.

I guess he liked chewing gum, but for the two hours I watched, he chewed gum the whole 2 hours. I guess I looked out-of-place or lonely, he laughed and offered me some gum from his pocket.


We caught eyes several times and laughed. He’s totally good-looking. His teeth were also pretty. To be honest, he looked like the neighborhood oppa at first and so I was a little scared. But after talking to him, he was friendly, nice, and cute. I couldn’t get his autograph because I didn’t have a paper and pen, but the three of us- my boyfriend and I took a picture with him. I was going to post the picture, but I don’t know how to fade out the faces. I’ll do it later and post it.

I wanted to talk to him more, but he was also dancing. I didn’t want him to react, so I didn’t get to ask him much. I told him that he was good-looking, and he thanked me and wiggled his eyebrows. kekekke

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
Copy this whole phrase out.

[News] Donghae Fan Account, The flight from Wu Han to Seoul. Our love, your love

A fan account of the happenings at WuHan Airport and on the flight from BeiJing to Seoul.
1. At the airport today, we spotted Donghae wearing the pair of shoes that we had just given him the day before. We were ecstatic and instantly we shifted our camera focuses to take pictures of the shoes. In the end, our actions were realized by Donghae, and he even purposefully stuck out his foot (so that the fans could take better pictures of him wearing the shoes) ><.
2. While we were following the flight, we asked Donghae if he liked he shoes. He said he did. We replied him politely with ‘I’m glad that you like it*’. Donghae continued our sentence, and said, ‘very much!*’ Haha, alright, he not only liked the shoes, but liked it very much! Haha! Thank you for liking them so much. ^_^
*In English
3. We tried to ask for stamps, but in the end, Donghae couldn’t understand what we were talking about. Hence, we asked Henry who was at the side watching it all, how to say ‘stamps’ in Korean. Henry thought deeply for a moment: I don’t know ai** …
**Something like ’sigh!’ in Chinese
4. We still had Donghae’s baidu bar birthday video from last year in our laptop, so we asked Donghae if he’d like to see it. We told him we took a very long time to make it. Hence Donghae took over the laptop, sat alone, and took a whole half an hour to watch the six and a half minute video, thoroughly enjoying himself. >< Pause, rewind, pause, replay. When he was finally done with watching the video, he called one of us over, handed the laptop over with two hands (clapped his two hands together, loudly) and said: Thank You!
Your seriousness made us feel weird, but the serious ‘Thank you’ which you expressed, we’ll be sure to keep it well, because if you’ve noticed, in every slide of the video clip, is made up of everyone’s thoughts and well wishings for you.
Every slide which states a city name, every smiling face holding onto a gift to you, every light stick, fan board, and towel, is the love that we wish for you to see. The ‘Thank you’ which you expressed, tells every darling part of ELFISH, that our efforts and support have been noted by you, and you are thankful for it.
The ‘No, thank you’ which we should say to Donghae, we now pass it to the ELFISH who have loved him all this year. In future, we would also sincerely tell Donghae, that his ‘Thank You’, is worthwhile for us to do more for this kind child (referring to Donghae). Thus, our dear Donghae, ‘No, thank you’!

Source: Donghae baidu bar &
English Translation by


[FanAccount] Super Show II @ Bangkok, Thailand FAN ACCOUNTS

SS2 Thailand Fanaccounts (Hyuk got punched?!)
edit: *PLEASE NO BASHING !! I dont think the fangirl purposely meant to hurt Hyukkie. with all the screaming and everyone wanting to touch him, she probably just got too excited and accidentally “punched” him.
I don’t know if all the members did this, but in our area, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk climbed up the aisle in the SK and SL zone! AND OMFG HYUK CLIMBED UP TO MY AISLE!!!! It was so surreal at first because the bodyguards suddenly ordered us to stay away from the aisle and then they opened the barricade. Then Hyuk stood in front of it, gave us an ‘Are you ready ladies ’cause here I come 8D’ look to which….well, let’s just say it wasn’t one hundred percent pretty (((( He climbed up, and the bodyguards wouldn’t let you touch him at all! They were freaking strong (((( He passed by me and for some odd reason he suddenly recoiled and got dragged down by the guards. I was able to give him a squeeze on the shoulder because he looked so sad. I then asked Sakurakhyuk what happened afterward and it turned out right after he got past me a fan reached out and punched him on the cheek! (((((((((((((((( I only saw his reaction afterward, which was a look of shock while he held his reddening right cheek. I don’t know what happened but people who saw it said that basically he was going up and fans were just patting his shoulder and arm, and then right when he was about to approach the fourth row, a clenched fist came out of nowhere and hit his right cheek. The impact was really hard and the bodyguards were furious and pulled him down right away.
Be careful next time fangirls ^___^

SJ Press Con:
I don’t think this will be much of a fanaccount so….I’ll just say what I remember(since my brain’s already killed)
The press conference started at around 6(Thai time) and they had dancers to dance different songs of SJ. They had man in love,sorry sorry and its you. The fans were all very united and we did fancheers for the songs
SJ came in at around 6.30 and yeah,the screaming starts. I think all of them looks just like in the pictures lol. I think Sungmin and Hyuk looked so much thinner in real life.
I would have said that the press conference was a little disappointing for me because:
1. I forgot to bring my SJW fantowel. Screw that. During halfway around the show,Siwon pointed to a fangirl’s towel and said it was cute. WHAT IN THE WORLD ._.
2. I didn’t really observe all the boys closely as the boys only stayed for like..half an hour? & for at least 25 minutes,I was biasing at teuk’s face XDD
3. Teuk didn’t look very happy as he was sick. I think fans at the back couldn’t really see but I was right infront and I was observing him. He kept having his hands at his back and he kept coughing. I think he has a backache. Poor thing ):

But there was this part of the conference when the boys were to say a sentence of Thai each, it was a pity i didn’t understand at all. But i know Geng said something and “I am your Super Man”,which led to the fans screaming. Then teuk said something wrong(i think) and Siwon wanted to whack his hyung playfully
I went Dusit Thani earlier on,hoping to catch them but I didn’t. I think they might be still rehearsing for tomorrow’s concert
I have pictures and videos but I didn’t bring my camera cable along with me ):
I think I’ll borrow the cable tomorrow so await for them

Credits(if needed) to ☆Yoojin@SJ-WORLD.NET
Kyuhyun fanaccount:
Do you want to know what impression I had about Kyuhyun?
He’s really amazing. I could see clearly what he did the whole concert.
And… when he sang/danced I could see that he enjoyed it and the fact that he can do it… he enjoyed every second and gave himself fully to each song/dance… his dance moves were amazing today…
He shared his happiness with fans with such pleasure, he smiled so much and his smile made everyone smile in return.He shaked hands so many times, he stood and looked in the crowd, each row so many times and even put his hand to his forehad to get the better view of the back ones.
He bowed so many times during the songs.
He picked things from the stage and threw them to fans.
I was really impressed by him, he’s amazing.

translation by

Heechul had a new solo! Firstly, Henry appeared playing his violin. Then Ryeowook on the keyboard. And finally – Heechul. He was dressed in white with blue ribbon in his hair and bordo blouse under the jacket . He sang IVY’s song, that old one which he already sang many times (yes, it’s Sonata of Temptation!). But he changed it into something very cool. Hyukjae also appeared during the song.
In the beginning Ryeowook appeared 2 rows behind me. My first thought was “He’s so beautiful”. His face is just…
Heechul is really scanning people! * He doesn’t look at a particular person, he looks at many people at the same time, but it’s amazing! He’s exactly like he should be.
Han Geng’s smile was so kind. Unbearably kind.
KyuMin hugged each other several times and in the end Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun on the cheek.
Heechul and Kyuhyun hugged each other too. Siwon piggybacked Heechul again. Heechul was very active – HanChul, SiChul, but there also were SiHan. HanChul danced together.
Leeteuk smiled a lot and waved to fans. Sungmin too, he also made hearts with his hands!
When Kyuhyun introdused himself, he drank a whole bottle of water and choked. Shindong patted his back. Han Geng impersonated Super Man, Yesung danced his crazy dances… Shindong layed on the stage, he did that a lot during the whole concert.
translation by


[FANACCOUNT] 091123 Fan Accounts About DBSK/THSK/TVXQ @ MAMA

091123 Fan Accounts About TVXQ’s Appearance in MAMA

TVXQ’s appearance at the MAMA was surrounded by controversy but even so three members - Youngwoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu made an appearance to greet the fans. According to fans who were there, the boys didn’t have an entourage of stylists, make-up, bodyguards like they normally do.. this time the cassiopeia present did not surround them either, instead they made way for them so that they could leave peacefully and quietly. Here a fan account of a cassiopeia that was present:

(Full Credits to jeeelim5 at Tohosomnia)

she was one of the Cassies who moved out of the way for JaeChunSu as they left.. and she overheard the staff talking.

Staff 1 - “Hey, did you see YoungWoong Jaejoong cry?”
Staff 2 - “Of course I did. I saw him crying silently and it was so sad that I felt so bad for him.”
Staff 1 - “They must be going through hell.. All three of them lost so much weight..”
Staff 2 - “Of course it’s hard for them… Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu were holding back tears..”
Staff 1 - “I feel so bad for them..”
Staff 2 - “Now that I think about it, it’s the first time I’ve seen YoungWoong Jaejoong cry. He used to hold back his tears even when they won the biggest awards. But to see him cry so hard that he didn’t care about what he looked like.. Phew.. I pity them..”
Staff 1 - “They’ll survive this well, they’re young.”

As the three were getting off the stage..
The fans started shouting “Miduhyo! Miduhyo!”
and YoungWoong Jaejoong apparently couldn’t hold it back anymore and burst into tears..
A Cassie overheard some of the staff talking
and they said that they had never seen YoungWoong Jaejoong cry so hard before….
He cried so hard that his screwed his face up and just let it out, not caring about what he looked like…
It hurts me to think of them in such pain…..
Also, in the parking lot, someone yelled “I believe in TVXQ!”
and the three stopped their car..

Yesterday, the three boys didn’t have bodyguards with them so the reporters were all over them so the Cassies acted as their bodyguards
And when they were leaving on the van that they had borrowed
A Cassie stuck a ‘Miduhyo’ sign on the car window
so the three stopped the car. So they could see it more, so more Cassies could stick these signs on their window.
And when the van was leaving, the Cassies acted as blockades so that the three could leave safely.
Our kind Cassies ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ yuaerebi

Source: [Daum Television]
Translation credits:
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Always Keep The Faith !!!!! Cassies will forever protect the 5 of them :)
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