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Showing posts with label So Nyeo Shi Dae. Show all posts

[FANACCOUNT] Taeyeon's Small Birthday Party With Fans

Taeyeon' Birthday Party fan account

The party ended little past midnight.
Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Sooyoung and Yoona came. Sooyoung MC'ed and Sunny assisted.

After the cake, there was talk time where each member said something about Taeyeon

The first one was,
The one with the most cringe inducing moving talk Hwang Mi Young keke (Sooyoung introduced her this way keke)
When Sooyoung introduced her Fany said Taeyeon is even more cringeworthy these days.
She revealed that when Taeyeon texts her, she calls Fany "YePeuni" (Pretty Dear)
Next to her Taengoo then made an uncle laugh heoheo keke

Fany said she was really surprised at the number of candles '22' on the cake.
They grew together like this already and she realized they have spent so much time together
She said let's be together even longer than the time spent so far, and said "I love you".
And feeling embarrassed she did the eye smile keke.
Then she and Taengoo hugged hard.

Now Yoona's turn. Yoona was embarrassed and had a choding expression. She said she couldn't talk straight and she turned around facing the balloons at back kekeke
She said Taeyeon didn't talk much about her sadness, pain, and hardships before.
But now she talks to members about those hardships in her heart.
Yoona is so happy of this and hopes Taeyeon will continue to share everything with the members.
And said she is thankful and that she loves her.
After this talk Yoona seemed embarrassed and did an aegyo keke. So adorable it killed me. And Sooyoung imitated this exactly then they started talking in that aegyo voice. Then Fany said 'Oh those aegyo voices are giving me lots of stress these days' kekeke

When it was Seohyun's time to talk she let out a sigh making the girls laugh out loud kekeke
Seohyun didn't talk long kekeke
She said I love you and Thank you repeatedly and the last touching word she said to Taeyeon was "Thank you for being born"
But when Seohyun was talking Fany and Yoong would keep eating the cake so the fans were giggling,
then Seohyun in her maknae unique tone said "Why... Why are you laughing?" like she was puzzled and it was the cutest thing kekekeke

When Sunny started to talk it was already touching she started by calling her "Leader Kim Taeyeon" TT TT TT
Yes our Soshi Leader Kim Taeyeon jjang TT TT

She thanked her and said even with the great burden of being the leader Taeyeon worked so hard.
And said "My friend let's be always together"

Then the MC Sooyoung had her turn.
Like Yoona, Sooyoung said she is also happy that Taeyeon opened her heart more and shared her hardships together.
She said it only seemed yesterday that she and Taeyeon were commuting to their school in uniforms together but they are now 22 and the girls are singers and have won No 1s and Daesang awards(Fans cheered loudly at this point) and all of it is so wonderous she said.
While talking about Taeyeon, Sooyoung used the phrase "unbreakable bond" and I really felt this expression in my heart TT TT
Soooyoung then said while there are many great girl group singers, she thinks woori Taeyeon sings really great and Sooyoung herself is a fan. Then Soonkyu said "Taeyeon sings the best among the girl groups. That is what I hear in my ears"(And a great cheer from the crowd here kekekeke). Then Soonkyu added that our lead vocal Taeyeon is the shortest one and the girls said "Soonkyu you need to think of your own height" kekekeke

After the members' talk Taeyeon said
"These days it's hard for all of us to get together. It's been some time since we were able to get together and talk like this(The members nod). Since we are nine members, a group with many members, we need to talk like this more but the members have so many individual schedules now hehe. Yoona has to go to the beauty shop right after this party for FO2 filming."

Here Yoona confessed that to be here for the party she skipped washing up at home keke Fany next to her held her nose and made gestures like something is stinking keke. Sooyoung said "Hey Taeyeon you are the one with the most schedules! Why are you meeting so many chingoos?" keke I think she means Chinhan Chingoo.

Taeyeon continued "And Seohyun comes home late these days because of WGM. Fany, Sooyoung, and Sunny all have schedules in the morning. And they are all here to congratulate me I am so grateful"

There was question time from fans and the one fan asked how come the fanservice seems to be better now

Taeyeon answered that before she was... like when fans approach her she would tend to step back. But doing the concert last year she says she has gone through lots of changes in her thoughts and character. She said there are some things she made promise to herself. And many fans visit her parents spec shop and she talks to her dad at night about them. Listening to all the stories from fans Taeyeon says she felt that she should approach the fans herself. And said "From now on I will be loving more and more and I don't think it will ever turn less heehee". So moving TT TT TT TT

One samchon fan asked how Taeyeon manages her health.
Taeyeon said she doesn't TT TT
She said she doesn't even take the medicines that she should. And maknae beside her yelled "That's true!" kekeke
Maknae is sensitive to health management she kept scolding Taeyeon kekeke
Maknae said "Taeyeon unnie.. when she has stomach ache but she wants ice cream then she eats ice cream. She will eat and say *Oh I think I have stomach trouble but oh this taste good~*"
Soonkyu said she will force medicine in Taeyeon's mouth if she has to...
Taeyeon talked about her throat - "You know some time ago my throat went bad(The fans yelled Park Kyung Lim! here) Yes that's right hehehe. After that my throat wasn't completely well and I did the Encore Concert and since yesterday my throat became little swollen. So on Inkigayo today to be honest I lipsync'ed... My throat condition was pretty bad."
"But maknae takes care of me keke"
"I promise to manage my health better from now on"

And Yuri is fine.
Soonkyu said "Ah and Yuri is the one that takes care of her health the most and how come she got it" keke
Yoona said "I am her roomate even. And I didn't get it hehehe"
Sooyoung said "Hey be careful it could be dormant inside you kekeke"
Taeyeon then said "After Yuri was diagnosed, we all went to the hospital to get checked out and we are all ok" and the fans clapped.
Fany said "Yuri had a lot of schedules so that may be the reason why she got it. But then how come she is ok?" as she was pointing to Sunny. Sunny then shrugged and pointed at herself like she was saying she doesn't know anything about it kekeke
Taeyeon said "I texted with Yuri today. She is a lot better. You should see her soon hehe"

Jinsoo @ Daily K Pop News
Credits : Soshified


[News] What Will The K-Idols Do This Lunar New Year?

What will the idol groups be doing this lunar new year holidays?

So Nyeo Shi Dae who are recently back with their new song ‘Oh!’ will have a sweet break in a long while. Tiffany will also be going back to the States to visit her family. She will be sending the festive season with her family even if for a short period of a few days. The other members will also be sending their families, and member Jessica will be doing ther first musical performance of ‘Legally Blonde’ in Taiwan.

As for 2PM, Nich Khun will be back in Thailand. He will also participating on Thai cultural project with fans during this lunar new year holidays. The other members will be spending their holidays with their families at home, but for JunSu and TaecYeon, their plans for the holidays are still not confirmed as yet. 2AM Jo Kwon will be off in HongKong for the filming of MBC We Got Married, while the members will get to enjoy their holidays.

As for Super Junior, since there is no special activities scheduled, they will spend their holidays at home resting.

But for KARA, who is preparing for their comeback, the holidays do not mean rest for them. They will get to meet their families for a short while, but they will be spending most of their time practising for their comeback.

And for groups promoting overseas, they will be rather busy this festive holidays. WonderGirls will be doing their public performances in the States, and for Big Bang they will be holding their concerts on 13th and 14th February. They also have concert in Tokyo on 16th and 17th February, hence this holidays mean no break for them. Same for 2NE1, who will be touring with them for this concert.

Source:Newsen || cr:KBites


[News]Fans Ranks Idol Group Members In Their Groups

The ranking of idol group members have been the hot topic online amongst netizens.

Fans of each idol group revealed the ranking of the group which they support. In So Nyeo Shi Dae, member SooYoung was ranked #1, while in 2PM and Dong Bang Shin Ki, the youngest members ChanSung and Max ChangMin are ranked #1 in their respective groups.

Other than ranking the members in each group according to age, height, build, time of joining the company, broadcast hit etc they also compared the potential for further celebrity career development, mass popularity, fashion sense, language abilities and individual talents etc.

So Nyeo Shi Dae

In So Nyeo Shi Dae, fans ranked SooYoung at #1, for reasons that she is charismatic in her ways and has a good sense of variety on broadcast shows.

Comparing on language capabilities, youngest member SeoHyun was at #1 while in terms of popularity Tiffany was #1 and for singing abilities, TaeYeon was ranked #1.


As for 2PM, JaeBum is ranked #1 in 4 categories – age, broadcast appearance, build and fandom. While in terms of overall sequence in the group, youngest ChanSung was ranked #1.

In terms of language, member Nich Khun was ranked #1 – he masters 4 languages including Korean, English, Thai and Chinese, while TaecYeon is at #2 as he understands Korean, English and Spanish.

ChanSung was ranked #1 under the category of ‘NomSaByeok – The unbreakable 4 walls’ for he has once set the record of eating 49.5 bananas. While the members who uses internet sites like Cyworld most frequently were ‘Jjang Cy Boy’ WooYoung and ‘Ok-tizen’ TaecYeon.

Dong Bang Shin Ki

For Dong Bang Shin Ki, youngest member ChangMin was ranked #1 overall in the group for his confidence and ‘gluttony’/appetite.

Micky YooChun was ranked #1 for fashion sense, UKnow YunHo ranked #1 for his build and general popularity, Xiah JunSu ranked #1 for charisma and gag skills and Hero JaeJoong ranked #1 for broadcast appearance.


Fans of groups 2AM and SHINee also did similar rankings for the members.

Netizens comment, “It was be tiring to do such detailed report/ranking”, “It is really the idol groups which can garner such fandom”, “It hit me that the idol members may not even be aware of such rankings in the group themselves” etc.

Source:Newsen || cr:KBites

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