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Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts

[news] Don't you miss Jaebum, JYP?

2PM is handling a very busy schedule, appearing in variety shows, dramas, and commercials.

Despite their schedule, a lot of the fans still seem to miss Jaebom. However, 2PM seems to be doing pretty well without him.

Last September, something tragic happened to 2PM, a much loved group. Jaebom's post on Myspace about his difficulties before his debut was found.

Not able to overcome the witchhunting, Jaebom left 2PM and returned to the United States. Finally, the scandal calmed down and the witch hunters were criticized. However, Jaebom's wounds are not going to heal that easily.

Fans of 2PM couldn't accept Jaebom's empty space. To please the fans, JYPE left the hope that Jaebom will one day return.

How does JYP feel right now?

If JYP feels any regret for not having Jay, he wouldn't be putting so much effort into the schedules of 2PM. Fans believe it is because JYP wants to take care of the remaining members and take care of Jay when he returns.

Contrary this idea, JYP may be enjoing the 2PM without Jay, 1:59 PM. After he's done enjoying the fun, maybe he'll give Jay a call and ask him to come back? JYP knows that fans will still enjoy the 1:59PM.

This doesn't mean he's going to completely ignore the efforts of the fans. It's just that even though it's slightly not satisfactory without Jay, 2PM seems to be doing so well that it just passed JYP by.

On the 19th, fans revealed the song they wrote in hopes that Jay returns, "Waiting for you, PT.2." Their disappointment in not having Jay seems to be growing bigger.

Sometimes, fans get updates of Jay through Youtube. Although they want more, for now, they can live with just these videos. But how does JYP feel about this? Only he will know the answer to that question.

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[news] 2PM fans release 'Waiting For You' version 2, Updated with lyrics

2PM fans have produced another song for Park Jaebum, titled 'Waiting For You 2.'

Last September, fans had previously produced a song titled 'Waiting For You' and released it as a video. They had expressed the feelings of the fans with lyrics such as, 'Without you, the time of 2PM has frozen in place.'

On the afternoon of the 19th, they have revealed the 2nd version of the song in the form of a response from Jaebum. Produced by themselves, the lyrics state, "I'll go back to 2PM to fulfill that last one minute. I'm not afraid even if I'm alone because you guys are always walking behind me. Let's walk together forever, Hottest.'

Fans have stated, "I hope that the members listen to this song and never forget Jaebum. I hope that Jaebum will find the strength to come back. Please never forget that the 7 members are 1." There have even been reply relays stating, "We are waiting forever for 2PM's leadja Park Jaebum."

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January 13th, do you remember the day?
The day I came to this foreign land
The fact that I was alone was such a big wall
Where I went to find hope, there was no hope

There were only walls that trapped me in
I looked for light in a place that only gave me pain
A race for my dreams

Finally, it starts

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
We are ONEDAY, forever
A happy time that will never stop

The 7 stars were able to add wings to their dreams
I am not alone
I'm going to become the brightest star and light the world
I'm your super star

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
I'm sorry, I'll never leave again, I promise you

I lost my dreams to one mistake
But I will never give up
I'm 2PM's leadja
In order to fulfill that last minute in 2PM, I'll go back
I'm not afraid even if I'm alone
I have you guys walking behind my back
Let's walk together forever, HOTTEST
And my precious ONEDAY

Let's not spill any tears so we don't get hurt
I'll always be by your side
In this world, only lovely you & I

Girl, I'm with you
I pray to be able to laugh by your side
I'm back to you, girl
We are ONEDAY, forever
A happy time that will never stop

We can no longer be separated
Without you, I can't breathe
I'll be there forever
I hope that you'll be with me too

For always protecting me by my side, I love you
Girl, I'm with you
Just my one heart
I want to give it to you guys
Back to you, girl
ONEDAY forever
A happy time that will never stop

Produced by Min
Sung by Yejin
Rap by 'TrueChansung'
Video 'Jaebum, I 5 you'

Translation by hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY.COM

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[News] No Jaebum in the end of 2PM's "Win Win" Episode

[TV Report Reporter Lee Kyungnam] 2PM garnered a lot of interest as "Win Win" was their first talk show since their debut. Even though they talked about their music, choreography, ideal women, the behind stories from their trainee days and many different varieties of stories, in the end, they did not talk about Jaebum.

In the episode of KBS 2TV talk show “Win Win” that was aired on the 16th, the 2PM members did not mention Jaebum at all. MC Kim Seungwoo said, “I’d like to apologize beforehand the fact that we did not take any questions about Jaebum. They (JYPE) said that they don’t have anything to say yet. I hope you guys try to wait a bit longer,” and explained the members’ position in their stead.

At the “Win Win” press conference, [the producers] said, “You will be able to hear the stories you are curious about in the 2PM episode.” However, since this did not happen, many were disappointed.

Also, there is a feature in the show called, “Let’s Ask Quickly,” which gathers questions from viewers. However, because of this, more than 400 of those questions that came from the fans, became useless.

When Park Jin Young appeared on MBC’s “Golden Fishery," through his “Jaebum Statement,” he created ripples in the entertainment industry. The speculation regarding Jaebum’s uncertain return went on a rampage. Although it looks as though the 2PM members remained silent on the matter because they did not want to add to the controversy, the fans could not hide their disappointment.

This was especially because it was found out through the fans that were present at the recording that “even when Jaebum was mentioned, they stopped recording and then re-recorded the part.” The fans’ disappointment and curiosity multiplied.

On this day, when Taecyeon started saying, “Well since we have seven members…” he had many eyes on him because he showed how he really felt behind the scenes. This show is supposed to be a program where viewers participate in the “Viewer Participation Talk Show” concept and while they failed in that aspect, they still received praise from those who said, “At least they didn’t use Jaebum to try to boost up their ratings.”

On the other hand, it seems like the only way to see Jaebum’s most recent activities are through video sites.

Picture = KBS2 “Win Win” Episode Capped Picture
Reporter Lee Kyungnam

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[Fanaccount] SeulOng gets censored on 'Win Win' for mentioning Jay


Nam Yongshin (Choreographer for Again & Again and Heartbeat) also appeared as a guest. The MC asked "When you think of dance, which member do you think of first?" He quickly avoided the question by saying nobody.

Kim Seungwoo (Win Win MC) explained beforehand that the reason
the Jaebum 'best replies' were not chosen was because it did not fit with the direction the program wanted to go in.

Before the recording, Kim Seungwoo made it very clear and
was adamant about the boys not talking about Jaebum.

Seulong was the one that talked about Jaebum.

The question was "What is most precious to 2AM?" Seulong responded by saying,
"All of the members, including Jaebum." The MC's face expression suddenly turned dark and the rest of the members flinched.

One of the staffs spoke up and said, "Let's try this again."

Eventually, Seulong's "Including Jaebum" statement was changed to
"All of 2AM and 2PM."

Basically, all of the media play saying that the show might feature the boys talking about Jaebum was a fluke. Please don't be swayed by the media play.


-Omitted Parts-

And lastly, Jaebum...
After the Jaebum controversy, this is the first talk show for the children. They laughed, they were bored, they were amazed, and sometimes even dozed off. In the midst of all that,
there was no story about Jaebum.

Kim Seungwoo asked the boys twice, requesting that there be no talk about Jaebum as it does not fit with what the program originally planned.

And an extra account that I just remembered. It was the highlight of my day. The Win Win camera director was focusing on recording when all of a sudden he screams, "Who is that? Is that person a boy? Wasn't she a girl?!"

He even called the FD to double check.

"Who is that... That.. kid behind Taecyeon. Girl or boy?"

The people sitting around me looked at the camera to check and we all fell back in laughter.

The member that the camera director was pointing at with his camera... the member that was caught with a oneshot, smiling brightly...

.... was Kkap Kwon!

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NAVER (SOURCE) ; hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS), kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY.COM

*LOL at JoKwon mistaken as a girl ^^
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[NEWS] One Day fans help newborns in Africa under Jaebum's name

2AM & 2PM fanpage One Day Room has been involved in a campaign which makes hats for newborns, under the name of 2PM leader Park Jaebum.

One Day Room has been doing the campaign since last October 29 (2009) until this January 20 (2010). They have made and collected a total of 420 hats, which will be sent to Mali, Africa to newborns who may catch the deathly disease hypothermia.

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P.S. You can find more about the Save the Children campaign
here. Newborns are susceptible to suffer from hypothermia in Mali, and one way to help is through these hats, which increase body temperature.

[News] 2PM Fan-Cafe, donated 8.7 million won in Jaebum's name

2PM 팬카페, 재범 이름으로 870만원 상당 아이티 후원기금 기부

'2PM 팬카페 환상'은 지난 22일 재범의 이름으로 사회복지단체 하트투하트재단에 아이티 후원금 명목으로 인터넷 포털사이트에서 모은 해피빈 콩(1개 100원) 8만7000개를 기부했다. 이후에도 팬 카페 회원들은 계속해서 기부를 위해 해피빈 콩을 모으고 있다. 해피빈 콩은 즉시 현금화할 수 있는 사이버 머니다.

2PM 팬카페 환상의 관계자는 "재범의 이름으로 도움이 절실한 아이티 국민들에게 작은 힘이나마 전해주고 싶었다"며 "스타와 팬들이 함께하는 기부 문화로 정착시키고 싶다"고 전했다. 이어 그는 "재범이 하루라도 빨리 2PM의 리더로 복귀했으면 하는 바람이다. 많은 사람들이 재범을 기억하고 복귀를 원하도록 팬들이 마음을 모았다"고 덧붙였다.

2PM fan-cafe, donated 8.7 million won* under Jaebum's name to the Haiti Fund 
*it's about $7,564

The 2PM Fan Café, “Fantastic” donated on the 22nd to the Haitian Hearts Heart Foundation, through an internet site that collected Happy Beans (1 for 100 won). A total of 87,000 beans were donated. Even after this, the fan café members are still collecting Happy Beans. Happy beans are a form of cyber money that can be exchanged for cash.

2PM Fan Café, Fantastic’s representative said, “We want to help the desperate people of Haiti with what little strength we have in Jaebum’s name.” “I’d like to see a culture of giving between stars with fans.”

“We hope this will help Jaebum return to 2PM as their leader a day sooner. So many people remember Jaebum, and the fans collected these (beans) desiring his return,” she added.

CREDITS : Nate (SOURCE) ; Pingoo@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS); kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY.COM (EDIT)
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Copy this whole phrase out.

[News] American Rapper Support JaeBeom At Twitter?

American rapper shows support for Jaebeom via twitter? Not quite...
From angryasianman:

"This is the situation, as I understand it. For the past couple of days, fans of the Korean pop group 2PM were tweeting "#RT기 다릴게 박재범 기다릴게 2PM" (never mind what it means) to show love the group's ousted Korean American leader Jaebum, who had been kicked out by his company for anti-Korean comments he made on his MySpace page a while back (which is a whole different drama, and not really relevant for this story).

Fans managed to make the 2PM tweet a pretty popular trending topic, which got a lot of people curious about what the hell the Korean phrase meant. Others, like rapper The Game, simply saw something foreign and "Oriental" and decided to mock it with an ignorant-ass tweet like this:

"#RT 기다릴게 박재범 기다릴게 2PM dont kno what dis trendin topic is or means but I like shrimp fried rice alot & smokin makes my eyes tight so I RT'd it"

For some people, the sight of a weird Asian language will always simply equal Chinese takeout and chinky eyes. Thanks for showing the love, Game -- for both shrimp fried rice and 2PM. Your blind idiot re-tweet just supported a South Korean pop group in a time of great distress for their fans. That's real gangsta, and they thank you."

How do you guys feel about this? Perhaps this indirectly will get more people curious about what 2PM is and bring more light on the issue regarding Jaebeom?

cr: kakaman @ soompi || angryasianman || ahhyala @ OMGKPOP

[News] Jaebum's High School Days, Makes me Hurt

Jaebum’s Charming High School Days, “Hurts my feelings”

Pictures of 2PM’s Jaebum, who withdrew from the group have been revealed, showing his high school days.
In various internet portal sites, netizens have been feeling pity as they are able to see Jaebum’s training years from JYP Entertainment.

It has been said since Jaebum grew up in the United States and could not speak Korean well, he was hungry and lonely while training, as well as having cultural shock which made adjusting to Korea even harder. The background on why he withdrew became known through the degrading words about Korea as people were surprised and could see a cultural difference.

Netizens that want to see Jaebum return have said these comments after seeing his pictures of being a student as they long for Jaebum.
“My feelings are hurt even more after seeing these pictures of him, as he seems to be charming”
“As I think about him training all by himself without his parents and at such a young age makes me feel pity”


[News] Jaebum Was Trending On 8th January

How did one fan twitter protest appear in a UK Article? Well, all thanks to the trending topics – and the hottests who trended it, it happened. Gaining international publication.

On January 8 Twitter users are tweeting about the things they think are tacky.“Wearing socks with heels,” “wearing ugg boots with a dress” and “coupons at a fine dining joint” are all things people on Twitter think are tacky.
The term “#NowPlaying” has dropped one position to the second spot on Twitter’s list of trending topics while the “#omgfacts” meme jumped up three places.
The performing name of South Korean boy band singer Jaebum, formally of 2PM fame, is back in Twitter’s list of trending topics on January 8. People on the microblogging site are posting tweets about the singer, real name Park Jaebeom, hoping that their tweets will encourage him to return to 2PM.
“It has been four months, JaeBum Oppa,” wrote one microblogger, “I don’t wanna ask when will you come back, but please do come back one day, ok? We’ll be waiting.”

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on January 8 at 9:30 AM GMT are:
1. #tacky (new)
2. #NowPlaying (-1)
3. Jaebum (new)
4. #omgfacts (+3)
5. Follow Friday (new)
6. Shorty Award (unchanged)
7. Nexus One (-2)
8. Goodnight (new)
9. Avatar (new)
10. CES 2010 (new)

Source: The Independent || UK
Credits: iloveohkpop@wordpress

[News] 2PM Junsu, “Jaebum ah, this award is for us all''

2PM JunSu relays his excitement of winning an award to fellow member JaeBum.
JunSu has written his afterthoughts on his minihompy diary after winning the Best Song Of The Year during KBS 2TV Gayo DaeJun.
He wrote, “Like a dream. I would like to thank everyone for giving us such great happiness. And when we are on stage, the cheers we hear makes our heart beats faster. Hottest, I love you. Hope 2010 will be a year when everything goes well, and2PM will just gets hotter.”
He ended off with, “JaeBum ah, this award is for us together.”

2PM has enjoyed great love and popularity from fans for their hit songs like ‘Again & Again’ and ‘Heartbeat’ released last year.

But leader member JaeBum was caught in a MySpace controversy in September and had left the group and country after the saga.
S: StarNews
Credits: kbites

[news] kHottests' "bright" message for Jay

To our one and only Jaebum oppa
We will wait for you
right here until whenever~
We love you <3

During the lights festival, supportive message for Jaebum!

After wandering around Myungdong all day, I went to Kwangwhamoon Plaza and even though it was cold, I continued to hold onto my camera and paced back and forth until finally the messages appeared starting at 9:30pm.
Jaebum's message came a little later...
I gained so much strength from seeing that message shone onto such a huge building...
I took one picture as evidence.. hehe


[INFO] 091224 Jay spotted Christmas shopping


오늘 xxxxxxxx mall 갔다가 재범이봤어요!!
오후 7신가그쯤에 크리스마스선물사러갔는데 사람완전많은데.
그많은데서 눈이딱 마주쳤어요 딱보고 어디서많이 봤는데..생각하니까 2pm재범이!!
쇼핑백들고 친구랑 걸어가고있던데..
눈이쫙찢어지고 얼굴도 새하얗고 반짝반짝빛나더라구요!!
근데 포스가장난아니었음..카리스마있는게..무서워서 말도못걸겠고,.
나이도 나보다 한참어린애기한테..참..;;
달려가서 누나가 니팬이야.이러고싶었는데..ㅠ
같은동네살아서 언제한번보나했는데..이렇게보다니..
같은동네지만 주소를 모름..;;

I saw Jaebum!

Today I saw Jaebum when I was at xxxxxx Mall!
I went around 7pm to buy some Christmas presents and there were tons of people there, but among them, our eyes met.
As soon as I saw him, I thought, I’ve seen him around somewhere… and realized it was 2PM’s Jaebum!!
He was walking around with his friends holding a shopping bag…
His eyes were slanted and his face was white and he just glowed!!
But his pose was no joke… his charisma… I was so scared I couldn’t even talk to him..
Even though he’s a lot younger than I am… man…;;
I wanted to run up to him and say, “This nuna is your fan”… TT
And all this time I’ve been thinking… since we live in the same neighborhood I wonder when I’ll see him..
to see him like this…
Even though it’s the same neighborhood, I don’t know his address..;;
I was happy!!!!!!!!!!


[picture] Picture of Jay on plane back to Seattle

Jaebum, who was on the same plane~

Ah, so he's not flying business class....

A fresh, young man...


[News] Possible reality show in the works for Jaebum

Some have stated the opinion that Jaebum is warming up for his return by entering dance competitions. These opinions stem from the fact that Jaebum would not have entered if he did not discuss it with his agency, JYP Entertainment. An associate of Jaebum stated "He entered the competition knowing that the news could reach his fans back in Korea," meaning that he was fully ready to accept the attention that would come with it.

 Recently, a cable channel has began plans to go over to America and create a reality show that reveals Jaebum's plans for return. It is said to be a secret comeback show similar to Ivy's through cable channel Mnet.

JYPE has gone into production discussion with the production team but has requested for a pause in any further advancements as Jaebum's return is still not certain or planned (through an exact date). An associate of the production team stated "JYPE is not exactly against the idea of this program. They have said that they will discuss it with us again later since Jaebum's return is not yet clear."


[News] kHottests' Support for Jay at the 2009 Melon Music Awards

banner: Today is Leadja's 100th Day of Absence

이거 이분들이 쉬는시간에일어나서
찍어주시고 많이 퍼트려주세요!! 박재범 잊지말아주세요!!!!!!!!!!!
라고 외치셔서
기자들 엄청찍어가고
거기 모든 팬들 관계자가 환호성질러주고 멋있다고 소리지르고 장난아니였음


아 저 전광판은

LED 전광판으로 제작하신거랫어요 ㅋ궁금해서 가서 사진도찍고 물어봣다는ㅋㅋ
진짜 멋있엇다는 불다꺼져도
완전 반대엿는대도 다보엿어요 ㅠㅠ

플랜카드도 완전크고 멋있엇어요 ㅠ
리드자 부재중 오늘이 100일째 ㅠㅠ역시핫티에요

In English:
These people stood up during intermission and shouted, “Please take pictures of this and spread it!! Please do not forget Park Jaebum!!!!!!” which caused many reporters to take pictures of it and all the fans there to cheer out in support and say how admirable they were, it was no joke.
Hotties are really amazing.


Oh, that board,
They said it was an LED board they made. I went and took and a picture and asked them cuz I was curious keke
It was really cool even when the lights were all turned off
Even though I was on the opposite side, I could totally see it

The banner was also really big and awesome.
Today is Leadja’s 100th day of absence. ㅠㅠ Without a doubt, they are Hottests.


[News] “2PM fans”… “Pink Day” a warm hearted donation function for “Jaebum’s Return”

“2PM” Fans want the return of Jaebum and created a donation event that is gaining interest.

“2PM” Fans gave this special event the name ‘Pink Day” on the 16th. This event seems to have taken place in many places with flow and population, as it took place in Seoul, Myungdong, GwangHwaMoon, Gangnam, Busan, Gwangju, Incheon and Ulsan.

“Pink Day” is carried out with fans writing “Return Jaebum” on a pink envelope with money which is placed in a Salvation Army box.

The fans prepared this event to say “It has been 100 days, on the 16th since 2PM’s leader Jaebum left. We think it is time that Jaebum comes back and although this is not a formal event it was done out of the free will from fans”.

They have also expressed, “We cannot just protect the 6 members of 2PM, and hope that the continuous withdrawal of Jaebum does not happen again”.

Even when it was lunch time or in the evening when people were leaving work the fans concentrated on the “Return of Jaebum” event and enlisted more fans.


[News] Jaebeom, B-Boying in Seattle wins 1st Place

"재범, 댄스 실력 그대로네"

2PM 전 멤버 재범이 시애틀에서 열린 한 댄스경연에서 멋진 비보이 공연을 펼치는 모습이 공개돼 팬들의 환호를 받고 있다.

지난 13일 동영상 사이트 유튜브에는 재범이 동료들과 함께 팀 대항 댄스 경합을 벌이는 모습이 담긴 영상들이 올라왔다. 게시자에 따르면 이것은 '윈터 나이츠(WINTER NIGHTS)'라는 비보이 댄스 경연대회에 참가한 모습을 촬영한 것이다.

재범이 속한 팀의 이름은 AOM(ART OF MOVEMENT). 팀원들 모두 그룹 이름이 적힌 검정색 티셔츠를 유니폼으로 입고 있는 것이 눈에 띈다. 이는 재범의 팬들이 제작해 보내 준 것으로 알려졌다. 재범과 동료들은 이날 대회에서 뛰어난 실력으로 우승을 거머쥐었다.

동영상 속 재범은 검은 비니모자를 쓴 채 다른 비보이들의 공연을 지켜보는가 하면 혼자서 무대를 차지하며 녹슬지 않는 춤실력을 과시하기도 했다. 또 영상 중간중간 재범의 웃음소리와 목소리가 들려오기도 한다. 재범의 근황을 알 수 있는 이 영상은 현재 팬들 사이에서 급속하게 확산되고 있다.

동영상을 본 팬들은 “춤을 추고 있는 모습이 무척 즐거워 보인다”, “오랜만에 재범을 봐서 너무 기쁘다”, “원래도 춤실력이 출중했지만 더욱 좋아진 것 같다”며 반가워 했다. 또 “미국에 가서 많이 힘들법한데 스스로 잘 이겨내고 있는 것 같아서 대견하다”, “마음을 잘 추스리고 열심히 자기가 좋아하는 일 하고 있는 것 같아 보기 좋다”며 재범을 응원하고 있다.

한편 리더 재범의 탈퇴 후 6인 체제로 활동하고 있는 2PM은 신곡 '하트비트(Heartbeat)'로 음악방송 1위를 차지한데 이어, 경쾌한 리듬감과 반복되는 가사가 돋보이는 CF 삽입곡 '마이 컬러(My Color)'로 높은 인기를 얻고 있다.

In English:
Jaebum, Seattle [USA] B-Boy Dance Battle First Place becomes “the talk of the town”

“Jaebum’s, dance skills are still the same”

2PM’s former member Jaebum has been seen in Seattle performing at a dance battle which fans seen and have been cheering for him

On the 13th, a video of Jaebum and his fellow members dancing at a dance battle was uploaded onto Youtube. This was through a B-Boy competition called WINTER NIGHTS in which Jaebum participated in.

The team Jaebum is in, is called AOM (Art Of Movement). Everyone in the group has their uniform of a black t-shirt with their names on it, which stands out to the crowd. It was known that Jaebum’s fans produced the shirts and gave it to them. Through Jaebum and his team mates skills they got first place.

In the video you can see Jaebum in a black beanie as he watches the other B-Boys and takes the floor on his own, displaying his dancing skills. In the middle of the video you can also hear Jaebum’s laugh and voice. As you can see the recent conditions of Jaebum through the video fans have quickly responded to the video and spread the news.

As fans see the video some comments were about cheering Jaebum on, the comments said were:
“He looks very happy dancing and watching other dance”
“I am very proud as I haven’t seen Jaebum in a long time”
“His dance skills have been outstanding but I think they have gotten better”
“I am satisfied that he is slowly winning (being able to overcome the situation) as I thought he would be having a hard time”
“It is good that he is taking his time to think about his feelings while working hard and doing what he likes to do”

But, as leader Jaebum withdrew from the group the six members have started their activities with the single “Heartbeat” ranking number 1 on various music programs, delivering their cheerful selves with the repeated lyrics to the song. Also, raising their popularity by the CF song “My Color”.

CREDITS; NATE NEWS and jina_bing_bang@2ONEDAY.COM for the translation

[NEWS] K-hottests with a new campaign " Pink envelope" after Jae Beom left for 100 days!

K-Hottests will start a campaign on 16th December as it is the 100th day since Jae Beom left 2PM!

All the envelopes collected will be donated for charity,the main purpose of this projet is to let people know that "this is the 100th day Jae Beom left",he is not just a member of the group but he is the leader of the team!

Some samples of the " Pink envelope" campaign!



[News] Kara's Nicole talks expresses her sadness in 2PM Jaebum's situation, "Messages of hate leave scars behind..."

'카라' 니콜 2PM 재범에 대한 안타까움 토로 "말(악플)이 얼마나 큰 상처 남기는지..."

인기 걸그룹 ‘카라’의 멤버 니콜이 '2PM' 박재범에 대해 언급해 눈길을 끌었다.

니콜은 10일 방송된 MNET ‘유쾌한 니콜의 수의학개론’에서 ‘비판적 사고와 토론’이란 강의시간에 여러 학우들과 ‘박재범 사태’라는 주제를 가지고 열띤 토론을 나눴다.

니콜은 “친구사이에서든 인터넷에서든 사람들이 가끔 착각하는 것이 있다. 행동 보다 말이 얼마나 더 큰 상처와 흉터를 남는지 사람들이 가끔 잊는 것 같다”고 말하며 입을 열었다.

이 어 니콜은 “우리도 공인이다 보니 분명히 사랑받고 싶은 연예인이다. 신경 안쓰는 척 하지만 뒤에서 상처를 많이 받는 경우가 있다. 아직도 데뷔하고 나서 봤던 악플을 기억한다. 심지어 아이디까지 기억난다. 말이라는 것이 얼마나 힘이 큰지 사람들이 깜빡하는 것 같다”며 안타까운 심정을 드러냈다.

이날 진행된 토론은 “아무리 연예인이라도 그들도 표현할 수 있는 사람이기에 여러분들이 한발쯤 뒤로 물러나서 생각할 수 있는 바른 네티즌의 모습을 보였으면 좋겠습니다”라는 의견으로 마무리 됐다.

한 편 '2PM' 박재범은 2005년 당시 개인 블로그 마이스페이스를 통해 지인과 주고 받았던 대화가 뒤늦게 한국 비하 논란에 휩싸였다. 이에 재범은 팬카페를 통해 사과문을 올렸지만 비난 여론은 수그러들지 않았고 파문이 확대되자 급기야 재범은 그룹에서 탈퇴를 선언한 뒤 가족이 거주하는 미국 시애틀로 돌아갔다.

이후 2PM 재범이 한국비하 발언과 관련해 벌어진 일련의 일들이 한 팬의 오역에 이은 제보인 것으로 밝혀져 팬들과 많은 네티즌의 안타까움을 자아냈다.

In English:

Kara's Nicole talks expresses her sadness in 2PM Jaebum's situation

Popular group Kara member Nicole’s mention of 2PM’s Jaebum Park grabbed the attention of the public.

On MNET’s “Nicole’s Introduction to Veterinary Training’ that aired on the 10th, a debate was shared in Nicole’s critical thinking and discussion lecture on the ‘Jabum situation’ .
Nicole said, “There are times between friends and netizens where things are mistaken. Sometimes people forget how much more powerful words can be than actions in leaving deep scars and wounds.”

Continuing Nicole said, “Since we are public figures, as celebrities we want to receive love [from the general public/fans]. We pretend as if we don’t care, but there are lots of times when we hurt behind the cameras. I still remember the harsh words that were posted when we debuted. I even remember the ID of the person who posted it. The ability of words and its powerful effect is sometimes forgotten,” confessing her disappointment in such things.

The debate that continued that day states, “Humans need to express themselves, celebrities are human and thus it would be nice if once in a while netizens took a step back and allowed some space for these celebrities was what the group concluded.
Excluded irrelevant information discussing what happened with Jaebum.

CREDITS: NATE NEWS; tvxqbuzz7921@2OD

[News] Park Jaebum is a Pink Bunny

A staff from Corby CF posted on a 2PM webboard that she was requested by the JYPE to add a 'Pink Bunny' to Khun's set so she only had like a few hours to prepare for it. JYPE also asked the staff to engrave 'Jay' on the bunny. However she couldn't do that because she was out of time and very tired. So, even though there was no Jay name engraved but this pink bunny is Jay ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Translations from Art director's blog

At the scene of Anycall Commercial Shooting

24 hours from the shooting had begun
he was resting peacefully
on the pink sofa

Early morning a day before the shoot
About 3am in the morning
A number of things had to be added
Pink bunny,flush toy,closet
Pink carpet,etc.
Just in 3 hours
I had to prepare all these things
how could i make it work?

Tried to get my head around it
Have to move fast before the shooting begins
Commercial shootings are like that
There is nothing impossible.
The day of shooting the commercial
It was a sunday
I went to the morning market
The closet
I sent the closet I had at home
to the scene

And the pink clothes
I searched to the DDM fashion malls
Namdaemong morning market
And the last
Pink Bunny Flash Toy
Where in hell should I get it

I asked a friend from university
to make it. It was that difficult to get this
toy made.

This commercial shoot
was hard
Now we are working on the
last bit of it
If i had a wish
I really hope that it turn out well
as so many people had worked hard for it
Please let's have an working
environment where there is plenty
of time to prepare..
Ah too much too much too much

An stant decision determines
Whether the scene would be
a success or a failure
I made a decision
Let's make it
So I just start making the toy
Just in 3 hours
Just like that
It's lying peacefully on the sofa
that Pink Bunny
It's Him

Go 2PM!!

This is a secret ^^
You all know who is it right?

I really hope that the member would come back
Wish that he wouldn't be suffering too much


Translation Credit: Lisa @
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