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[news] Im Seulong, "My ideal woman is Gyun Miri, age difference doesn't matter"

'2AM' Im Seulong attracted eyes by revealing an ideal woman who was unrelated to age matters.

In the episode of SBS aired on the 28th, Im Seulong said, "The last time I had a girlfriend was during my high school years. I think I mind a lot about expectations towards a woman when I date her."

He then added, "However, I think age doesn't matter at all in love. My original ideal woman is Gyun Miri."

'2AM' Jung Jinwoon, also appearing on the same episode, agreed with Seulong about age difference not mattering in love.

Jung Jinwoon said, "I don't care up to 6 years older (women). I think it's because my own hyung is older than me by 6 years."

On the other hand, Im Seulong is going to make his debut as an actor in the MBC drama , featuring Lee Minho-Son YeJin, which is going to be aired on the coming 31st.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

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TBS cable aired Big Bang's ELT Yokohama yesterday from 00.00 to 02.00 AM in Japan.
For those who has not watched it....

Click here to watch the rest of the show

2. ガラガラ GO!!
3. Top Of The World
4. MC 1
6. MC 2
8. Strong Baby *V.I Solo
10. Ah-Moo-Rut-Chi-Ah-Neun-Chuk (Pretended) *T.O.P Solo
11. Follow Me
12. Number 1
13. Stylish
15. Som Sa Tang (Cotton Candy)    *D-LITE Solo
16. MC 3
18. Chak Hahn Sa Ram  (A Good Man) 
19. Stay
20. HaruHaru
21. MC 4
22. G-DRAGON Intro
23. Heartbreaker *G-Dragon Solo
24. Korean Dream *G-Dragon Solo
25. 声をきかせて
26. LIE
27. MC 5
28. Ma-Ji-Mak-In-Sa (BABY BABY Korean Version)
- Encore -

Haaah Daeri's medley stage is finally aired ^^
( I like Big Show's medley better though)

Credit: bigbangupdates: elt
YT Source :
Link-Up source: TBSjapan

[news] 2ne1 is the best girl group in Beast’s eyes

They were asked what who their fave girl group is, and Ki Kwang was like, our company’s 4Minute ^^; and being all cutesy LOL but then they were like seriously and so they had to think and then Ki Kwang saiddd

“Well, I guess it’d have to be, how similar to us, they’re pursuing their own music, 2NE1 who is always working hard and showing their unique colours. They’re a really cool girl group.”

And then Doojoon replies and says
“Ki Kwang-kun said that they’re too great for us, we can’t even dream about it.”

And then they somehow end up at the conclusion that all the girl groups are too great for them and how they should simply stick to 4Minute. LOOL.

Translations/explanations: GEE @

sources: letsplay2NE1 + SuJuBang2NE1 @youtube

[Picture] Tomb Raider ,Nicole Jung?????

Have you ever imagined KARA's Nicole transforming into the main actress of Tomb Raider??
Well,another great piece of work from KARA's fans again.They have transformed KARA's Nicole into the fierce heroin as shown in the photo.

Maybe she should be invited to star in the next episode of Tomb Raider!

[news] Hyori's 4th album H-Logic teaser photo + dates

- March 29th: Comeback teaser video release
- April 1st: Tracklist and music video release
- April 8th: [H-Logic] the full release

Source: Naver music
credits: dysphoriia @ omonatheydidnt

[news] Wonder Girls are back in Korea!

The Wonder Girls just announced via Twitter updates that they're now back in Korea! Seems like it's for longer this time/is for something important...but ugh tell me tell me, t-t-t-t-t-tell me it's to prepare for their Korean comeback *__*

Translation of the most recent Tweet: "It's been a while since I've written in Korean (literally "in our language")?? No.. on this.... it's probably the first time ..... kekekekeke"

She probably means it's the first time she's written in Korean on Twitter XD

SOURCES: WG Twitters: Ye Eun; Yoobin; Lim.
translated by: akaich0u @ omonatheydidnt

[me2day] ZE:A trip to Japan updates 100328


Original message:
잡지에 실릴 사진을 찍고있어요!인터뷰만 30개를 소화한 일본 첫날!!!!

In English:

Tsaking a picture that will appear in a magazine! 30 interviews on our first day in Japan!!!!

Original message:
일본 팬분이 주신 풍선들에 매달린 편지 ^^*

In English:

Mail hung to the balloons that were given by the Japanese fans ^^*

Original message:
인터뷰중이에요!! 미나상 곤방와 ZE:A 데쓰…!

In English:

Interviewing!! Good evening everyone, we are ZE:A…!

Original message:
일본 잡지에 실릴 폴라로이드사진들!!

In English:

olaroids to be used in a Japanese magazine!!

Original message:
일본 팬여러분께 드릴 선물에 싸인중!!!!

In English:

Gift envelopes to give out to the Japanese fans!!!!

Original message:
일본공연 못올린 사진!!제국의아이들 준영이가 직접찍은 일본사진 늦게나마 올려드립니다@연자씨드림

In English:

A previously unreleased Japanese performance picture!! ZE:A will be a little late because the plane was late to load.


[Videos] Visit Haiti with Dong Hae!

We have reported that Super Junior's Dong Hae visited Haiti during the shooting of Danbi and the anticipated episode is here already.

Dong Hae shows some love to the people in Haiti,watch the videos here!!


[Video] f(x) & SNSD's cut at Star King!

Sorry for being busy for the whole day,found a clip of f(x) & SNSD at Star King aired yesterday,Victoria is made of rubber here,please enjoy the clip!!


[news] Beast, "Carpe Diem, it's our generation"

[OSEN’s Reporter Lee Jungah]

For boys, they seem to flap their wings endlessly and soon enough, they become men. To come to this stage, I wonder how much they had to flap their wings. It seems as if you touch them, you’ll faint from shock of the power from the amazing 6 young men Yoon Doojoon, Yang Yoseob, Jang Hyunseung, Lee Kikwang, Yong Junhyung, and Song Dongwoon who have returned.

Stepping up from ‘Bad Girl’ and ‘Mystery’, Beast has become more powerful and stronger with their performances which help with their title song ‘Shock’ which gives us a refreshing shock.

#Muscle aches throughout their choreography practices

Beast’s song ‘Shock’ is of course a song but what caught more attention was their choreography which seemed full of strength. The performance that the six members create is full of strength that makes people not want to take their eyes away, especially the ‘vtach’ dance which makes a person want to follow it at least once.

Hawoosin, composed of six members from Europe whom also was in charge of Beyonce and Omarion’s choreography, was in charge of Beast’s choreography this time. Even though the members were always dancing, this choreography caused a lot of muscle pains and was rated as difficult. Even with their muscle pains, they constantly practiced which you could see their progression.

Doojoon said, “I tore a ligament and all my muscles in my thighs were lumped as I practiced to the point where I couldn’t even walk correctly. Hawoosin was someone who didn’t have a lot of time to lend out and so working with him was truly a fortune. Working with him felt as if seeing a new world and I felt honored.” The members dealt with the aches and pains of their muscles throughout the night of their music video filming but thinking of being able to give a better performance, they gained strength.

Yoseob said that the ‘Shock’ performance is a performance but everyone should look forward to their improvement in their live skills also as he smiled. In order to maintain their safe live skills, they constantly keep warm around their necks as well as rest in water in their bathtub which help keep their voices moist. The boys are taking a lot of care into maintaining their voices.

# I want to stand on stage so much.

From their ‘Mystery’ activities to ‘Shock’, it has been one month since Beast members have stood on music program stages. However, it didn’t seem as if they even had a break as they were constantly on variety programs and busying themselves but in response, the members said “Our bodies were itching because we wanted to stand on stage again so badly.”

Now, they’re satisfying that thirst they had in standing on stage again. They’re barely running on any sleep as they’re taking in their schedules. They must be tired without having any sleep but during breaks in filming, the members are constantly joking around. I asked where they get all that energy and they responded, “If we sit still, we just slump over and I think that’s worse for us. By joking around like this, we gain more strength and energy” as they smiled widely again.

# Shaking off the pressure

There wasn’t an ounce less of pressure with the release of the new album. They had the desire to satisfy the expectations that were received since receiving the rookie award at the Seoul Gayo Daesang Awards.

When asking about their thoughts once receiving the rookie award, Kikwang said, “We were really thankful and felt proud. We all went through difficult times and memories of them popped up in my head. Alongside that, it is important that we have now stepped up to the playing field but instead of sticking to that idea, I thought of how much more we can improve ourselves and showing a better image.”

Junhyung said, “I thought about how the public would think ‘If these guys come back in a more transformed image, I wonder how transformed it would be.’ As I keep thinking this, I felt that we have to now show a changed and improved image of ourselves. And so we worked hard on our singing and practiced a lot in our choreography. The only thought that crossed my mind was that we have to work hard.”

Yoseob expectedly said, “The song’s keys are high and the choreography is hard but we know that we can’t miss both, considering that we put a lot of stress into out live performances, so we’re always nervous for each performance. Before each performance, I tell myself in my head that I can sing the high notes well.”

Leader Doojoon even carried out exorcism well. During one of the comeback performances, as he was performing the choreography, his nail scratched his face which caused an injury. His nail happened to dig in below his chin and he had to wear a band-aid on his face. Also, because of his outfit, one of the accessories happened to rip the skin on his hand which lead into an injury. However, he said that all these were good omens to success and decided to think of it as exorcism.

*The exorcism part I think is to say that Doojoon executed everything well………I really don’t know…….it’s a play on words…

#Now, family.

All of Beast is currently dwelling in dorms. Adults with different personalities dwelling and living their lives together isn’t an easy task but the members told us that “We’re really like family now” and that they’ve become one another’s good friend as they smiled.

Because these six stay together from the moment they open their eyes until they close them, there aren’t others who know them like how they know each another. Recently they got a flat screen TV that they can hang on the wall which they gather together to watch TV when they have time.

# Wild Idols

Amongst the many singers who surpass the height of 180cm, Beast is composed of average height members that range around 170cm. They say that those around that height are able to present dance with more style and I believe that Beast is truly showing it. The members said, “I think that in order to show style, you have to be around 177-178 centimeters” and that they will continue to show a ‘styled’ dance.

Last time, Beast was called ‘Pet Idols’ as they gave off a friendly and cute feeling but now, they’re truly showing the ‘Beastly Idol’ image as they’re on top like everyone else. In the question as to which nickname they think fit them better, Hyunseung replied, “The ‘Pet Idol’ was thankful and ‘Beastly Idol’ fit out latest album concept and so I’m thankful. Hrm…also, ‘Wild Idol’? I think that’s a good one too” as all the members shouted “Oh! The ‘Wild Idol’ one is good!”

With rival group MBLAQ and comebacks of both Rain and Lee Hyori, they said that they were more nervous than in fear. Son Dongwoon, the magnae whom recently graduated high school said, “I’m excited to be in promotion with sunbaenims like Rain and Lee Hyori as I hope to learn from them personally. As for MBLAQ, I feel like I have a lot to learn from that group. Seeing each other, I feel like we’re more urged which motivates us to work harder. I think the rivalry between us is a good thing.”

From just being able to stand on stage, Beast feels the happiness as they lived day by day on the thought of ‘Shock.’ ‘Carpe Diem.’ These are the words written across member Junhyung’s arm. Just like the meaning, Beast members will be happy like anyone else and make strength for another day because of their efforts in working hard and living in the moment.


[news] Lee Da Hae, Jang Geun Suk, and other top stars support Kim Heechul's Youngstreet

[OSEN= Reporter Lee Myeong Joo] Many stars, including Lee Da Hae and Jang Geun Suk, are scheduled to make appearances on the debut recording of Kim Heechul's Youngstreet, a part of SBS's new spring schedule.

For his first solo radio hosting of Youngstreet, Super Junior's Kim Heechul has organized a celebration show and invited some special close entertainer friends to the studio for his first day of broadcasting on 29th. Both Lee Da Hae, from the recent drama 'Chuno', and the charismatic Jang Geun Seuk, from "You are Beautiful", will make appearances and have a good time with Kim Heechul.

Recently Lee Da Hae has had a very busy schedule and has become the most wanted person in show business due to her work in 'Chuno', while Jang Geun Suk rarely appears on radio shows, but these two celebrities have both spoken of their intentions to support Kim Heechul's comeback as a DJ.

Also for the debut broadcast, there has been preparations for phone calls with Kim Heechul's close and famous friends FT Island's Lee Hongki and Epik High's Mithra.

For the second day of broadcasting on 30th, Kim Heechul will appear with "Wang Biho" Yoon Hyeong Bin and the 'Heeline': SNSD Jessica, F(x)'s Sulli, and Super Junior's Donghae. On this broadcast, these people who have been through joy and sorrow together with Heechul for a long time are expected to share Kim Heechul's secrets.

Kim Heechul has revealed his ambition at a press conference: "I want to make a brodcast that reflects my own personality". Since he is coming back to work as a DJ after 5 years, Kim Heechul has been focusing on listener's concerns before his comeback.

source: OSEN and SJ-MARKET
translated by superlover♫
edited by ♥ jubee ♥
may take out with full credit and no adding your own credit

[NEWS] Jo Kwon “Nichkhun I’ll get divorced so live with Ga In” Jealousy Attack!

[TV Report Lee Kyong Nam Reporter]

“Adam Couple’s” 2AM Jo Kwon shows his discomfort when Nichkhun appears at their honeymoon house.
On the 27th, MBC’s We Got Married Season 2 (hereafter WGM) Nichkhun appears as Jo Kwon and Ga In’s one day English teacher.

On this day, when Jo Kwon sees Nichkhun in front of his house, he doesn’t open the door. During the personal interview time he says “I was annoyed. Why was it Khun hyung of all people”. In regards to Ga In’s actions towards Nichkhun “It was funny (T/N he’s being sarcastic). How can someone change like that”, which showed his jealousy.

However, even when warning Ga In in a cute way, she doesn’t change her actions so Jo Kwon suddenly “Hello? Hey Bang Shil” and pretends to talk to his first love Oh Bang Shil on the phone to make Ga In jealous. Normally Ga In would say “What? Oh Bang Shil?!”, however today she just laughs without saying anything so Jo Kwon quietly puts his phone down.

Also, when NichKhun says “I want to get married too”, Jo Kwon responds by saying “You two should live together, I’ll divorce you”, though he doesn’t truly mean it to see Ga In’s response. Though Jo Kwon shows a ‘jealous’ side of him, Ga In smiles because she is able to confirm his love and says in her personal interview “Even if Nichkhun was a millionaire Jo Kwon is still better. There is no comparing the two”.

Picture: MBC ‘We Got Married Season 2’ captures
Lee Kyong Nam reporter

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