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Showing posts with label Siwon. Show all posts

[News] Siwon Beat Up Eeteuk?

100115 – 100121 Sukira Transcripts

Men who have no face in front of women
Eunhyuk: Leeteuk, when was it, that you felt you were very short and small?
Leeteuk: The year when we were having Happy (SJ-H) activities, we went to a volley ball court once, and as Super Junior’s leader, I walked in full of confidence. Once I saw the handsome male volley ball players, I couldn’t lift my head. 193…… 198……
Eunhyuk: You looked like a dwarf.
Leeteuk: The Im Yong Han team members? Who are they, all of them look so handsome, and they are so tall, looking at them, I’m really envious. I’m wearing shoe lifts, and I still need to lift my head to look at them, it’s like with someone 3 meters tall.
Eunhyuk: Really envious……
Leeteuk: Have you had moments like this?
Eunhyuk: It was also during the Super Junior activities period, we went to two Super Model Selection Finals.
Leeteuk: Miss Korea beauty contest, we’ve been to both of them.
Eunhyuk: At that time, when we were escorting them onstage, it really embarrassed me…… Guys should be a lot taller than girls, but……
Leeteuk: We should be at least 15cm taller
Eunhyuk: But we’re too short, we really don’t have any face
Leeteuk: They are all 176 tall, and add on heels of 15cm
Eunhyuk: Even if the stylists put in their best efforts to find us the highest shoes, it’s also useless
Leeteuk: Next time, if we go there again, we can pile our hair vertically upwards
Eunhyuk: Or we can just sit there, and not escort them on stage

Siwon beat up Leeteuk
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, have you been hit on the nose by someone before?
Eunhyuk: I’ve been hit before, but it has never been broken
Leeteuk: Previously, I was hit by Siwon, and my cartilage broke
Eunhyuk: Yeah, that time when we were having dance practice, he suddenly used too much force……
Leeteuk: That huge hand of his……
Eunhyuk: His arm is so long, you were at the back and suddenly gave a loud scream, and after that you went to the hospital
Leeteuk: It hurt until my butt fell on the floor, and they were still saying I was joking “What happened to you? Ah, you’re groaning without any pain again”
Eunhyuk: All of us thought that you’re too talented in gag, while practicing the dance, there still was a lively atmosphere
Leeteuk: That day, when I went home, my face was all red and swollen, the second day, when I went to the hospital, the doctor said my cartilage was broken……

Girls who fought because of Eunhyuk
Eunhyuk: When I was young, there was an incident where the girls fought because of me
Leeteuk: You’re too good, when would there be something like this?
Eunhyuk: Really, when I was in Primary 6, some girl from my class, and another girl from the next class started fighting in between classes……
Leeteuk: (yawns)
Eunhyuk: Don’t sleep, listen to me. The two of them were the stronger girls in school, and pulling at each other’s throats, they yelled “Hey, you’re not allowed to date Hyukjae!”
Leeteuk: What is this
Eunhyuk: I’m not lying to you at all, in the area, there were many people watching
Leeteuk: Really childish.

Eunhyuk is Stingy
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, you’re so petty, when returning you money, you’re quite clear of it
Eunhyuk: Of course, I’ve always been like this
Leeteuk: A long time ago, I lent you money, I myself forgot about it, and one day, I suddenly remembered and asked you, and you actually still remembered.
Eunhyuk: I’m very clear about money related matters. Although I’m quite petty, even when I’m with my best friend Junsu, I calculate the debts very clearly
Leeteuk: You return them quite late
Eunhyuk: true.
Leeteuk: In the past they used to say that when friends went to eat hamburgers, regardless of you and me, one person would pay the bill. But that time I went with Junsu and Eunhyuk, the two of them, each brought their own food……
Eunhyuk: of course.
Leeteuk: I said “why did both of you just buy your own food”,
“Hyung, we’re eating on our own”
Eunhyuk: We have never felt that it should be like that, it has always been each person paying their own bills
Leeteuk: Then when you finished eating, you still let me buy (food) for both of you?
Eunhyuk: That is because you’re the eldest
Leeteuk: On account of our old relationship, I want to let them treat me to a meal
Eunhyuk: Ah? Oh, when we have the time.

Yesung needed the Toilet urgently
Leeteuk: Previously, we held a fansign event in Myeongdong. On the way there, Yesung told me “Hyung…… I’m dying……”
“What happened, Yesung?”
“Hyung…… I really cannot control it……”
So he dashed into the noisy crowd of people at Myeongdong……
Eunhyuk: It gave our manager a shock
“ Yesung ah, just wait a little, we’re reaching soon, reaching soon……”
“Hyung, I really can’t take it……”
Leeteuk: After that, he came back again, I asked him what happened, he painfully said “There’s too many people……”
Eunhyuk: However, everyone who has heard this big secret, do not go to his CY to talk about it. When I get back to the dormitory, he’s going to come running and ask me “You talked me again? Why do you always have to talk about me? “

Korean to Chinese translations by Kimseohye
Chinese to English translations by --dreamx @

[News] Siwon might act in SBS new drama "Oh my lady"

Super Junior's Siwon has received the offer for the main role in SBS new Monday-Tuesday drama "Oh my lady". Siwon's character is a kkotminam top star named Sung Minwoo. There is a sudden twist in Minwoo's life and he has to live together with an ahjumma manager Yoon Kyehwa (Chaerim). The drama will be aired begin from March 15th, after "Wish upon the stars/Stars falling form the sky".

A person from SBS said "Chaerim & Choi Siwon are strong candidates but we havent signed contracts or started filming yet". Siwon's management company SM said "We have received the offer for the drama but we're in the middle of reviewing it so we cant confirm anything yet".

original articles here , herehere
translated by

may take out with full credits

[news] Little boy talks about Siwon

This is from a boy appeared on TV show “Star King” with Siwon

The little boy had sung Beatles’ songs on the show three years ago, and will appear again this weekend.

He thanked Siwon for his many generosities
and he said that of all the entertainers he’s ever met, Siwon is the most gentle, sweet, and handsome one

according to the boy’s anecdote, when he was discouraged due to his awkward recording Siwon personally came to the boy’s waiting room and genially cheered him up with having his joke.

even Siwon remembered the boy singing Beatles and performing with SJ 3 years ago (the first pic)

and the boy also said that Siwon is noted for his thoughtful consideration, modest attitude, and kindheartedness to children in the entertainment industry.

Credits: Naver
Translated by: soybean

[Pictures] Siwon and Donghae for 12 Plus Miracle BB Powder!

For the fans who watched the CF before, i think you guys sure jealous of the lucky girl-Pancake, who has a opportunity to shoot the CF with Siwon and Donghae. How many of you will buy the powder after watching the CF? Enjoy the photos of Donghae and Siwon below!

Click Here to get more photos!

The fans still wait for them while they were shooting the CF by holding the banner. The 7.5m long "Believe in Kangin" banner made by thailand ELF to support Kangin. And thailand elf said that kangin saw the banner and then took a photo of it when he was in the van, he even showed them (thailand elf) his phone. I think lots of you know about this right. They also made another banner and gave to Donghae so that he could pass to Kangin. 


[News] SuJu Siwon Attends An Acquaintance’s Wedding, Headline News on Taiwan Media

Super Junior – M once again proved its popularity through their activities in Chinese speaking countries.
Siwon decorated the front page of the recent issue of one of Taiwan’s most influential media “Liberty Times” (Korean Entertainment). It is reported that Siwon attended the wedding of his two acquaintances which was held in Taiwan. He was seen together with actress Lin Chi-ling in both the ceremony as well as the reception.

SJ-M’s successful album promotion in China as well as his own appearance in a Japan-China joint venture film “Battle of the Wits” are more than enough to make people recognize Siwon for his amazing skill as a star.
The attention he got from the local paparazzi was so intense that the Taiwan entertainment were concerned of the damage it could provoke to his privacy. In addition, he is known for his “idol star” appearance and a “Crown Prince-level” popularity among local female fans.

On the 19th, an official from SM Entertainment stated, “Super Junior-M is now a highly-demanded group, all for their activities in the Chinese speaking countries.” They also added, “Siwon as well as SJ-M have garnered great interest of local fans.”

Original article: 
English Translation:


[News] Siwon Fancafe Update

Written on 09.12.13 at 03:32 AM

To our dear families..
Our families who are always with us..
Thank you so much ^-^
Even regardless of how far apart we’ve been this year
I’ve constantly been doing well thanks to everyone’s prayers!
Thank you so much once again

Successfully wrapped up the Nanjing concert and now I’m posting up late in the morning ^-^
Is everyone alright?
Lately I’ve been too absent-minded so I’m sorry I couldn’t visit!
When I’m done writing this entry I’ll go say my prayers for everyone before I sleep ^0^

In my prayers I always sincerely wish for our dear families to dwell in the Lord ^0^
See you in Korea our dear families

I love you more day by day ! Love you all & Blessing
Original Source. 최시원 at
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET

[News]SJ-M’s Siwon asks God to kiss his lips !

Popular idol group Super Junior-M met up with their Taiwanese fans on December 5th. The 7 members not only left the stage to get close with the audience, they also performed 12 songs including “Super Girl”. Henry, whose mom is Taiwanese, performed Jay Chou’s “Silence” to show his affinity for the fans.
SJ-M performed at the TICC on Friday night. Unlike other Korean stars that often show music videos and play games at fan meetings, their show cost NT 3 million for lighting and audio, 3D effects, and other equipment. SJ-M played the game “Musical chairs” with their fans and shared a hug with the winning person, while the rest got to shake their hands.

The members have been working hard on practicing some local hit songs for this fan meeting. Member Zhou Mi sang Wang Pei-Rong’s “Only want you to be happy”, Kyuhyun sang Jam Hsiao “Forgive Me”, and Ryeowook sang F.I.R.’s “Our Love”. Donghae performed a dance version of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours”, while Hangeng did a hip-hop dance, making the fans go wild. Siwon sang the Chinese Gospel song “Happy Day”, in which the lyrics included, “God, you wash away my sins” (ni xi jing wo di zui), but due to his inaccurate pronunciation, it sounded more like “kiss kiss my lips” (qin qin wo di zui), making the fans blush.

Source: CpopAccess
Original Article : HERE !
Credits to : Jenny32@shiningblue

[Cyworld] Siwon wishes to pray for every of his fans to God

09.12.03 01:04

it's all thanks to everyone's prayers and support the Bangkok concert ended successfully and i returned safely ^-^
thank you, thank you , xiexie, khob khun krab, arigato gozaimasu etcetc :)
anyhow i'm really thankful to everyone ^0^

and this week i'll be going to Taiwan for Super Junior M's fanmeeting
hope it will end successfully like in Thailand
everyone please pray that there will be happy moments together with the fans in taiwan ^-^
i read the replies to my message last week and it's really good ^-^
i'm really thankful for all the prayers for my team and I. .. :)
but it's a pity if (the fans') real names were provided i can pray and give more details (to God)
it'll be better if you write your real name :) (yereuldeulreo daye heesun jueon suyeon mihwa mira nari dajung yoonji yoonhye yerim yueun etc ,
especially! yoonji-yang maternal-uncle you'll get well soon no worries!, sumin-yang's grandfather you'll get well soon too! and paranhaebaragi-nim
read this and smile for 5 seconds ^0^!! )
please pray to God Father please pray for hyukjaeeuijebalkyun-nim.. for keunom-nim.. please pray for daeseneunsibsamida-nim
at this rate (typing) can be abit ... of a problem so maybe i request that you write your real names ^0^
i really read all the replies carefully so those with problems let's share them :)
you don't know how much strength can be given just by praying for each other ^0^

anyway! please do not catch a cold and continue to pray :) !!

love u n miss you all !
I'm absolutely touched by his sincerity and heart.♥
Credit: the siwonest

[news] Siwon Fancafe 091123

11.23 2009
09.11.23 19:06

everyone how’s life ^^

it’s been long time you haven’t forget me right? ㅎㅎ (even if i’m forgotten serve me right..Hmm.. )
the weather in korea’s really chilly now so wear more clothes that can keep you warm when you go out everyone in SIWONEST!

the reason why i’m here is

everyone who’s got problems or need to pray please leave a message (in detail/specifically) ^^
i’ll pray for you too

doing this it’s like family ^0^

do not catch a cold everyone

God Bless


source: the siwonest
translated by; carolyn @

[news] Siwon wants to pray for who?

Title: [SiWon] For those that I love…
Posted: 2009-11-24 Time:11:15:00

Is everyone alright? How have you been?

I’m currently in Shenzhen:) because I’m shooting a CF, going back to Beijing again. Because everyone have been missing me, I have been praying hard for you all lately.:) I still want to pray for everyone even more!

So if anyone have anything that you wish to pray for, you can reply your name and what you need to pray for below after seeing my message!( it doesn’t matter what language)

I will confirm it and then pray for you all! Everyone have given me a lot of love and prayed for me. Although I’m little afraid that it may not be much but I want to repay you all!

It doesn’t matter where, happy or sad or tired, we will get through it together!

Although I’m straying off topic…I hope that distance between everyone and I will be pulled closer. Everyone do participate!

I will love everyone more in the future!
May God bless you!

I love you all!

Thanks to Blue` for the heads up!^^
Take out w full credits

[News] Choi Si Won is going to shoot a film next year?

CCTV's Music Radio called The Sound of Music, the worldwide Chinese-language radio and pop music station, voluntarily joined a collaboration ― Global Chinese Golden Charts 全球华语流行金榜, (Nov 16,2009) established today in Beijing. Organizers also invited popular boy band Super Junior-M for support, thus making the scene crazy. However, it was a pity that one of the members, Donghae, could not attend due to catching a cold.

When handsome Hangeng appeared, the scene turned into chaos. He revealed that in future, he and the team members 
will hold album conferences and concerts in Taipei, Nanjing, etc; next year they will even shoot a film. When asked about the role the wants to act in the most, he said, "I want to act in hero-like roles. (Which star do you most want to collaborate with?) I want to collaborate with Older Brother Jackie Chan the most because, from the films that I've seen of his, I think that his martial arts looks really good."

Source: DaHe/

[news] Donghae is most suitable to be Zhang Li Yin's boyfriend

Powerful young R&B diva, Zhang Li Yin recently guested on Jiangsu's "Exceptionally Unlike Another" variety show. As the younger sister to idols Super Junior, Zhang Li Yin has garnered a lot of attention since her debut. On the show, Liyin discussed many interesting events that happened during the times she and Super Junior collaborated together, as well as revealed her standards in a potential boyfriend: She has the most chemistry with Siwon, but thinks Donghae is most suitable as her boyfriend.

Secretly trained by SM Entertainment for three years, she has become China's first R&B female vocalist. With her own efforts and her own talents, Zhang Li Yin has developed her own piece of China's music market. With its many benefits, the popularity of her older brothers Super Junior has paved a powerful road to stardom for Zhang Li Yin, making the collaborations of Zhang Li Yin and Super Junior a familiar topic among many fans.

At the filming site, under the hosts' enthusiasm, Zhang Li Yin willingly opens up and shares her experiences and feelings about her collaborations with Super Junior. She says with a smile, "I've filmed MVs with Han Geng, Siwon and Donghae. Han Geng is very caring towards people; because Siwon has taken professional acting classes, so when I collaborate with him, we have the most chemistry (compared to others)." But when asked who is most suitable as her boyfriend, Liyin embarrassedly answers, "I think Donghae is most suitable as a boyfriend."

Source: Sina
Translated by: Wendy @ Chocolyn

[Video] Dong Hae & Siwon 12 Plus Miracle BB Powder CF with Pancake IS OUT !

Previously , it had been reported that Super Junior's Dong Hae and Siwon would be shooting for 12 Plus Miracle BB Powder CF with Thai Super Model , Pancake . The CF are out now ! Here Dong Hae version , Siwon version and also the making of Dong Hae and Siwon videos ! Enjoy !

Siwon Version 1

Siwon Version 2

Dong Hae Version

The Making Of Dong Hae and Siwon

Credits to ; whatsubb + godjimom @ 13monkeyshouse
CrazyOfKorean + polarelle @ YT , WWW.WHATSUBB.COM | polarelle @ YT
Source : TwELFs

[News]Hankyung vouches for Kangin’s character and helps Siwon apply lip balm

Recently, Super Junior M and their junior Zhang Liyin have released a mini album and an album single <晴天,雨天 (qing tian, yu tian, Sunny Day, Rainy Day)> respectively. During the album release conference held in Beijing, Hankyung not only helped Siwon apply lip balm, but the two also joked around, acting out an intimate scene as lovers taking photos. Regarding the criticisms Super Junior member Kangin has received for his involvement in a drink-and-drive accident, Hankyung not only expressed his support for his fellow group mate but also vouched for his character.
The sweet scene with member Donghae and Zhang Liyin taking photos together in the MV made Hankyung and Siwon, who both did not participate in the filming, very envious. As such, the two of them re-enacted one of the classic footages in the MV, making lots of mistakes and thus causing much laughter off-stage. In the event segment after that, Hankyung helped his good buddy (Siwon) apply lip balm, and gave this lip balm to a selected lucky fan, causing much envy amongst the other supporters.

ot long ago, SJ member Kangin was condemned by the public for causing an accident while drink-driving. As his buddy, Hankyung has shown his support, saying that Kangin is very caring towards the other members and vouches for his character. Touching on Kangin’s current situation, Hankyung said that he should still be in the midst of trying to re-adjust himself and hopes that everyone can give him time and a second chance.

SR: 新浪娱乐
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @ SJ-WORLD.NET


[Video] Siwon's 12 plus Miracle BB Powder CF

Recently Siwon has been featured in a CF in Thailand. It shows Siwon who gets seduced by a girl with 12 plus Miracle BB Powder, a skin cosmetic product. There are two versions of this CF. Check them out!


[Video] Siwon and Dong Hae in Thailand !

Mcot News , Super Junior's Siwon and Dong Hae in Thailand ! They are receiving lots of love in Thailand . They went for Thai Massage , I think the boys enjoyed it . The MC even massaged for Siwon , then Siwon massaged for Dong Hae , followed by Dong Hae massaging Siwon , they are having lots of fun !Later , there is the interview . Here is the video ! Enjoy !

Source :
Credits to : pwincesz02@youtube , aoisora999@shiningblue
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