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Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

[Info] "When you’re feeling falsely accused, let’s look at God’s bigger picture" - Jay's Pastor!

When you’re feeling falsely accused, let’s look at God’s bigger picture.

If you watch the movie about Joseph’s life story, there is a scene where Potiphar’s tries to seduce Joseph. Potiphar’s wife says to Joseph, “Joseph, spend the night with me,” to which Joseph replies, “I don’t like middle-aged women who are old and ugly like you.” When Potiphar’s wife grabs Joseph’s clothing, he leaves his clothing behind and runs away. She becomes extremely mad and her goodwill towards him turns into rage. She shouts in a loud voice that this slave tried to dishonor me. The scene changes and it shows Potiphar holding a trial in front of the whole household. Potiphar’s wife shouts that Joseph must die. Joseph insists that he is innocent. However, in the end, Potiphar decides to put Joseph in prison. The scene changes again and shows Potiphar’s bedroom. It shows Potiphar’s wife turning on her husband in a fit of rage, “Why did you not kill the one that tried to disgrace me? Don’t you think that just sending him to prison is not enough?”

Potiphar says this, “I believe Joseph. I know that he is not that type of person. You were the one that intentionally tried to seduce him, right?” In this scene, as he says this, he hits his wife. I could not continue watching because I felt that this [movie] did nothing for my devotion. In the Bible, there are those who are falsely accused. The first is Jesus, and the second is Joseph. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt because of his brothers. Even in Egypt, where he was serving his owner, Potiphar, he was put in prision because he refused the seduction of Potiphar’s wife. Potiphar knew that his wife was not living a virtuous life. At the same time, he also knew of Joseph’s loyalty and religious belief when he put Joseph in command of the whole household. If he really thought that Joseph was guilty, he would not have simply put Joseph in prison. He would have killed him. At the time, the owner had the power to decide whether a slave should live or die.

Joseph was the sacrificial lamb for Potiphar’s honor. Potiphar sent Joseph to prision knowing he was innocent to protect his and his wife’s honor. There was a rumor that that Caesar’s wife also had an affair with another man. This turned out to be false. However, Caesar still cast out his wife. The reason? It is because Caesar believed that “there should not be any rumors about the wife of Caesar”. This is because of the characteristic of the men who cared more about their honor than the truth. That is why Joseph was falsely accused and sacrificed to save Potiphar’s honor. Joseph did not fight with people to try and convince them that he was innocent. He only cried to God about his false accusations. This is also important to us as believers. Joseph was put in prison under false accusations, but it turns out that prison was a shortcut to meet the king.

Right now, there is someone who is by my side that is also suffering from unspeakable false accusations. He is suffering from all sorts of rumors and gossipers. To save their own honor, they are making a young man and his parents suffer. It may look bad now, and even though you feel falsely accused, if you just trust and follow the way that God is leading you, it will turn out to be the fastest shortcut. When you feel falsely accused, you need to place your complete trust in God, who is creating the bigger picture. This is because God’s way of thinking is different from the way humans think. You could resolve it by retaliating like regular people. You could also resolve it by explaining. However, none of these solutions can completely resolve false accusations. Nevertheless, later on, when you look back at the way God has led you, it will have been the shortcut not to false accusations, but the shortcut to receiving blessings.
February 28, 2010
From the Pastor’s Office, Pastor XXX

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[Info] South Korea's Top Celebrity by Forbes Korea!

I have translated the whole list into English.

See the list here!

1. Kim Yuna
2. SNSD 
3. Park Ji Sung
4. Lee Byung Hun
5. Big Bang
6. Go Hyun Jung
7. Lee Seung Gi
8. Lee Hyori
9. Yoo Jae Seok
10. Kang Ho Dong
11. 2PM
12. Shin Ji Ae
13. Ha Ji Won
14. Lee Sung Yeop
15. Kim Myung Min
16. Jung Ji Hoon
17. Ha Jung Woo
18. Lee Min Ho
19. Hwang Jung Eum
20. Kim Hyun Joong
21.Bae Yoong Joon
22.Lee Yo Won
23.Kim Tae Hee
24.Kim Beom
25.Park Ye Jin
26.Ju Shin Shu
27.Park Mi Seon
28.Shin Min Ah
29.Jang Seo Hee
30.Park Bo Young
31.Yang Yong Eun
32.Lee Sun Jae
33.Seol Keong Ku
34.Jang Dong Gun
35.Seo Ji Seob
36.Lee Kyung Kyu
37.Chae Tae Hyun
38.Park Jung Hun
39.Lee Su Geun
40.Yun Sang Hyeon

translated by Kacey @ Daily K Pop News

[News/Info] 2PM Fan Union Question & Answers

1. Despite Underground having corrected our document of questions and resubmitted them, why have you opened this conference without answering them?

Jung Wook: Park Jaebum has requested for us to reveal his withdrawal at the end of February and so we couldn't answer the questions. We are opening this conference in order for the members to have an honest talk with the fans.

2. What the fans wanted as communication with JYPE. Why are the members present at today's conference?

Jung Wook: In order for the members to express their honest thoughts. If only I had come to the conference, the fans wouldn't believe the members.

3. JYPE announced that the members agreed to Park Jaebum's withdrawal on the 6th of January. Are there any refutes against this statement?

Membes: We all agree to the statement.

4. We would like an honest response as to why the members continued to speak of Jaebum's name in broadcasts and their interviews even after the decision was apparently made on the 6th of January.

Members: Despite his withdrawal, he is still a good hyung to us. I don't think it's a problem to be honest in saying that we miss him. And from now on, if we miss him, we will say so. We don't think it will be a problem.

5. After the termination of the contract with Park Jaebum, what are you required to do by law?

There is nothing left.

6. Until when is the income distribution active?

There is no fee for the termination of his contract. Income earned up to December completed its distribution in January.

7. Please explain what the company is doing to handle the mental and physical stress that has been placed upon the members and their families with the various rumors that are circulating.

Jung Wook: JYPE is not responsible for the personal and social lives of the celebrities within our agency. We believe that Park Jaebum must take full responsbility for his actions. The rest of the members are victims to this case, while Park Jaebum is the attacker.

8. It is not hard to ask for articles to be taken down and for hateful replies to be deleted. Why didn't the company take a stance on this issue?

Jung Wook: Honestly speaking, we have never had to delete articles or replies before this issue. However, after the issue broke out, our company has tried our best.

9. Despite revealing that decisions have been made on the 6th of January, the company has been using Park Jaebum's name for marketing. Please reveal your reason.

Jung Wook: It is impossible for JYPE to control the media and the press. It is true that the decision was made on the 6th of January but we had already come to an agreement to release the information late February.

10. On the official notification, you described the reason as 'a severe personal mistake.' Will you be taking responsibility for specifically using the words 'severe' and 'mistake?'

Jung Wook: I will reply with three reasons.
1. After this 'mistake' occurred, we didn't want the remaining members to turn into betrayers. The 6 members are just as important as the one.
2. The notification was to all of Korea. We could not lie.
3. The 6 members are the victims and if we did not speak of the truth and reveal it as a severe mistake, people will get the wrong idea.

11. Does Park Jaebum know about the conference with fans? Does he know that the reason for his withdrawal is 'due to a severe personal mistake?'

Khun: I have texted Park Jaebum recently. He knows that we are holding this conference. He wanted to give us a video recording.
Jung Wook: He knows of the notification, too.

12. In the future, will 2PM be adding a new member or deciding another leader?

Jung Wook + Members: There are no plans.

13. Is there really no chance for Park Jaebum's return? And if he returns through a different company, what is your opinion on the matter?

Jung Wook + Members: There is no possibility for him to return through 2PM.
Chansung: If Jaebum wishes to take responsbility for all of this and comes back as a celebrity, we will encourage him. However, I think a return through 2PM is out of the question.

14. Couldn't the company have covered for the severe personal mistake? And, if the members did not agree to Jaebum's withdrawal, don't you think the issue wouldn't have gotten this far?

Members: It's not something we can just cover.
Jung Wook: We were put in a situation where the only thing we could do was agree. That is why we agreed. If we hadn't, I believe that the results would be the same.

15. If the controversy last September never happened, would your decision still stand the same?

Everyone: Yes

16. Do you personally control the cyworlds of the members? There are posts that went up after the 8th that have created much controversy amongst the fans. Are they all your posts?

Wooyoung: Yes, I was truly frustrated which is why I wrote it.
Chansung: Yes. I was truly in a state of confusion which is why I wrote it like so. But it has nothing to do with the issue.
Jung Wook: We believe that a celebrity must be responsible for his own personal and social life. We do not control them.

17. What do the members think of the boycott?

Junho: We didn't care because we knew that Jaebum would return and knew that it would all be solved with his return. But honestly speaking, I would be lying if I said wasn't hurt. If, after today, the boycott continues, then I will think of it as the fans hating us. We will show that we will be trying our best through our songs and performances.

18. If the severe mistake is revealed to be false, do you realize that you will be charged for libel?

Jung Wook: We only wrote of the truth.

19. Will Park Jaebum be able to receive the income for his 1st and 2nd singles?

Jung Wook: He will have to discuss that and reach an agreement with copyright officials. It has nothing to do with JYPE.

20. Will you continue to use the name 'Hottests' for 2PM's fanclub?

Jung Wook: Yes. Are you saying that the members are not 2PM? No. The 6 members are 2PM, therefore, we will continue to use Hottests.

21. The members were revealed to be on vacation when the specifed date of January 6th was revealed.

Wooyoung: It was our first vacation.
Taecyeon: We are celebrities. We cannot cringe at the people we meet.
Chansung: We cannot meet our families during the holidays with dark faces. What do you want? Do you want us to make a fool of ourselves asking for Jaebum to come back on live broadcasts?

22. Do you know the rumors circulating on the internet? Will you protect him?

Wooyoung: We are not throwing him away but protecting him. We knew that we would regret it if it was later revealed.
Chansung: Please don't be skeptical of our friendship.
Junho: After finding out on January 3rd, I honestly hated Jaebum. We had always tried our best for his return. However, we believe that silence will protect him.
Taecyeon: I believe that rumors will always disappear after time.

23. Why is there no fee for the termination of his contract?

The other members have a lot of CF, etc contracts but there are none for Jaebum. That is why there are no fees.

24. Please reveal Park Jaebum's exact contract terms.

Jung Wook: His contract was set for 7 years. We offered 10, then offered 8, and then again for 7 years.

25. Park Jinyoung stated on Golden Fishery that Park Jaebum's return will definitely be through 2PM. What is the company doing now to hold true to that statement?

Jung Wook: Up until December 22nd, when he called us, he was still a precious member with the chance of a return.

26. What are you doing to support Jaebum in America? Park Jinyoung specifically stated that he is receiving support and training from JYPE.

Jung Wook: We had trainers reach him in Seattle at the end of September. We had always tried our best for his return.

27. JYPE has used Park Jaebum's name to promote and market 2PM's 6 membered album. Was this in order to hold the fanbase down or was it really part of a plan to have Park Jaebum return?

Jung Wook: In my heart, he was a precious member from the minute he left Korea to the day he called me on the 22nd of December. However, after the 22nd, things have changed.

28. JYP Entertainment previously revealed that the first official album will have the income distributed evenly amongst the members, including leader Park Jaebum. However, there are many opinions that go against this statement. Please correctly specify the income distribution terms.

Jung Wook: The income earned through December of last year was distributed and finalized in January.

The 2PM Fan Union agrees that everything stated above is the truth and not a lie.
- 2PM Fan Union

May be taken out with full credits.

[Infos] SHINee & Super Junior will guest for SNSD's Shanghai Concert!

Here are some details of SNSD's Concert in Shanghai on 17th April.

Super Junior & SHINee will guest for the girls in Shanghai.The prices of the tickets as seen,starting from 1280RMB to the lowest 480RMB.

Besides,the venue of the concert is the same as the place where Super Junior hosted their Super Show,SNSD's Concert will be held at Shanghai Gymnasium!

Photos credits to DK_Tom @ Soompi!

[Info] 2AM Changmin Family Tree Revealed

After Big Bang, SHINee members family tree gets revealed, now lets take a look for 2AM's Changmin family tree.

I found out this one is so cute, especially the Etemon one (the monkey character)

Creator: AngBi (앙비) @OneDayRoom
Trans Credit: EyesOnFire11@2OneDay
Please Do Not Take Out Without Credit

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[Info] Popularity of female singers from 2003 to 2009!

Came across this chart on Soshified showing the popularity of female singers from 2003 till 2009!

It is pretty obvious that sexy diva Lee Hyori dominated the chart since the second half of 2003.Wonder Girls managed to move to the first place in 2008 thanks to songs like "Tell Me" and "So hot".

However,it seems that SNSD is now the most popular singer in Korea as they dominated the chart in 2009.!

Written by Kacey @ Daily K Pop News

[Info] First Ever Kpop Night in Manila!!

Dear DKP's readers,there will be a K Pop Night in Manilla and i have received a notification from Celine to spread the love here,more info please refer to the details below!

The Philippine Kpop Committee brings you another 'first' in the Kpop scene in the country. The Philippine Kpop Committee and Alchemy present KPOP NIGHT, the 1st ever club party in the Philippines. Party the night away and shake your booties with the hottest Kpop songs all night long!

Party starts at 10pm on Feb 19

Php300 - with choice of 1 beer or cocktail (for pre-registered only)
To register, e-mail your name and contact info to kpopconph@gmail. com or text Celine at 09165480036. 18 years old and above only. So, bring your IDs! Pre-register now. *regular door charge apply for walk-ins so pre-register now to save money :)
For more information go to

[Info] 2NE1’s upcoming tracklist for new album revealed?

For the time being,please treat this tracklist as a rumour as it has not been officially authenticated by YG Entertainment!
Cr: kblackjacks@2ne1cafe + various korean blackjacks supporting sites + shared by ygladies

[Info] CDTV Most Wanted Lover Ranking!

CDTV released their Most Wanted Lover rankings on February 14th, 2010.

Male Top 20:
01. Jaejoong (Tohoshinki)
02. Akanishi Jin (KAT-TUN)
03. Yoochun (Tohoshinki)
04. Kamenashi Kazuya (KAT-TUN)
05. Yamamini Tomohisa (NEWS)
06. Changmin (Tohoshinki)
07. Junsu (Tohoshinki)
08. Hikawa
09. Domoto Koichi (KinKi Kids)
10. Takahisa Masuda (NEWS)
11. Sho Sakurai (Arashi)
12. Takahiro Nishijima (AAA)
13. Tsuyoshi Domoto (KinKi Kids)
15. Matsumoto Jun (Arashi)
16. Ryosuke Yamada (Hey! Say! JUMP)
17. Kazunari Ninomiya (Arashi)
18. Masaharu Fukuyama
19. Shunsuke Kiyokiba
20. Yusuke

Credits: Ameblo + Mitakki@soompi
Shared by: DBSKnights

[Info] Good & Bad of Soo Young revealed!

cr; naver & for translating!

[Info] KARA's Gyuri is Tweeting too!

KARA's Park Gyuri created a Twitter account right before their comeback for "Lupin"!

She announced this news of her cyworld about this news.However,i have visited her Twitter page and it seems that she is Twitting in Korean,hope that she will use more english to interact with international fans in the future.

I have already followed her and if you have one,be a follower of Gyuri too!!


[Info] 2PM WooYoung Good & Bad Examples Revealed

There's been a lot of good & bad examples lately.
Here is the good & bad examples for 2PM WooYoung.
It's so epic, and cute ^^
And the last picture is so funny, I can't stop laughing ^^

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

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[Info] Good & Bad of SNSD's Seo Hyun revealed!


cr : sosiz , translated by : typicalharu@soshified ll adi92@soompi ll Tetsuya@mysone,SONEms

[Info] Isak tweets about 2PM...and TVXQ?!

Isak, formerly of SM duo Isak n Jiyeon recently tweeted about two idol groups who are in a state of crisis.

Her first tweet (the one on the bottom) links to a recent video which features Jaebom of 2pm at a recent BBoy Battle : Here
The OMNTD article featuring this video

Her second tweet links to TVXQ's music video for Tonight (And not even the official one from sment's page)

source: Isak's Twitter
Taken from Omonatheydidnt!

[Info] Netizens want Jae Beom to come back on Twitter!

Netizens made "Jae Beom" a trending topic once again on Twitter!

Fans expressed their will for the come back of 2PM's leader on Twitter.This is already not a fresh news,everyone wants Jae Beom backs and many actions have been taken for the comeback of the leader,what we can do now is "Wait",or in other words "Keep The Faith"!

Many thanks to flowerr @ Soompi for sharing!

[Info] SNSD "Oh!" MV viewer's gender ratio!

The photo above shows the gender ratio of the viewers of SNSD's "Oh!" MV!

This charts is obtained based on the viewers of SNSD's "OH!" MV on Naver,the results is really surprising as females paid more attention on SNSD's MV.I thought SNSD has a lot of male fans but the statistics seems to have proven me wrong!

Charts credits to Lemon99 @ Soompi!


[Info] Details on U-Kiss comeback

Notice on U-Kiss' 1st full album comeback stage schedule.

Hello Kiss Me ^^
This is a notice regarding
U-Kiss' 1st full album comeback stage schedules.
You've been waiting for U-Kiss' comeback stage, right?
Have you heard '
Without You' which was released online on the 27th?.
The new song 'Without You' is a joint composition by
Brave Sound's main producer Brave Brothers and Elephant King.
It is included in the 1st full album as the 3rd track

5th Feb: Music Bank
6th Feb: Music Core
7th Feb: Inkigayo

They will hold a fansign at
COEX mall on the 6th of February after Music Core.

I omitted the details that don't involve us international fans (i.e. time & place to report for broadcastings)

Credits: + ukissme.SG (Translations)

According to reliable source 'Without You' won't be the title song. They're still deciding the title song. The MV shooting will be held on the 29th of Jan

[Info] C.N. Blue Jong Hyun Left A Message At Their Official Site 102501

This is CNBLUE’s guitar playing vocalist Lee Jonghyun!

Hello this is CNBLUE’s guitarist and vocalist Lee Jonghyun.
It was so hard lately because of the extremely cold weather but looking at today, i think the weather’s slowly starting to improve.
However if you’re careless you can catch a cold so please take care of yourselves!!
Health is most important^^

Oh, and these days we are receiving alot of love and attention.
We are practising hard in order to live up to those expectations!
We’ll continue to send you our love through good music.

Now that i’ve written this i can see that its a bit too formal…;;
That’s what my personality is like……… hehe please understand~!

Last but not least, please love CNBLUE and Lee Jonghyun!

+ These days after the music shows i feel so bad when i see you shivering outside.
Whenever you come to cheer for us please wear warm clothes!

Cr: 이종현 @ + x. suki @ (trans)

shared by:sukira@dailykpopnews

[Info] U-Kiss First Album Tracklist

After teasing us with their first album cover, now I'll tell you the track listing for their new album. According to reliable source, their album will be released at 27th Jan (Online release), and 3rd Feb (Physical Album).

Here are the track listing for their new album:

  1. Intro
  2. I Like You Remix
  3. ManManHaNi Remix
  4. Not Young Remix
  5. O.K Remix
  6. Give it to Me Remix
  7. Talk to Me Remix
  8. 뭐라고
  9. 빙글빙글
  10. Bang Bang Ban
  11. Dancing Floor
  12. Without You
  13. 뭐라고 Instrumental
  14. 빙글빙글 Instrumental
Credits: 도노만 + chrestos@ ROCKETBOXX.NET
No Hotlinking & Full credits if taken out.

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