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Showing posts with label super junior m. Show all posts

[news/video] Super Junior-M on Azio Entertainment @ Asia + Text Translation - pranking Patty Hou!

Part 01:

- Each member randomly picks a piece of paper with "tasks" written on it that they must do for Patty (Siwon has to find a way to make her laugh, Henry has to dance with her, Ryeowook has to tell Patty he loves her, Kyuhyun has to give her a massage, Zhoumi has to find a way to get Patty to say he's "shuai" ("handsome" or "cool"), Hangeng will play a prank on her).
- Hangeng and Zhoumi joke around because Zhoumi thinks his task will be pretty easy.
- Siwon tells them not to worry.
- Hangeng wonders how they'll pull off the prank -- "who should we get to fight each other?" (then they speak in yeah. Anyone know what the Chinese subs are?)
- Patty introduces the group. She's afraid of saying each of their names because she thinks the screaming that will follow will damage her hearing.
- RW says "I love you" to Patty during his intro.
- Patty asks what kind of girls Donghae likes and he says they have to have a pretty forehead. Patty's like "Hm, is mine too much of a fivehead?" lol. Then he adds "big eyes, long hair, curly is okay". Henry says Donghae means Patty fits that type.
- Patty says Hangeng had the hardest time because he was the first Chinese member to go to Korea to train. She asks him to help translate because his Korean is the best. Hangeng says it was hard doing promotions in China at first due to the language barrier (he and Zhoumi were translating a lot and it was difficult), but now the rest of the members can understand and speak Chinese better so it's not a big deal. They can follow along and know what the general discussion is about. Donghae agrees and says he can slowly listen and guess what's being said. Patty mentions that the first time they met, only Hangeng and Siwon could communicate in Chinese. She compliments Siwon, but he goes "Oh no, no, no..." Patty then suggests that the fastest way to improve their Chinese is to find a Chinese girlfriend, and Siwon says, "Well, what do you think of us??" Patty's like "OHKAY, moving on" lol
- The next activity involves them writing down random questions they want to ask each other on dry-erase boards. Patty asks them to raise their hands if they have a girlfriend, but no one does. Henry says he's looking for one though haha.

Part 02:

- Hangeng says he teaches the members some of the phrases they say to fans in Chinese, like "wo qin ai de bao bei men" and "wo te (zhei) xiang ni" ("I'm super thinking about you/thinking about you a lot" or something?), which is something people say where he's from.
- Ryeowook is the first to be asked a question, but he's not ready so Hangeng teaches Patty how to say "no problem" in Korean. I think Hangeng gets annoyed that RW's taking so long hehe. So anyway, Hangeng's question to RW is "Why do you always want me to take you out to dinner?" RW giggles, but I don't know what he's saying. Patty asks if it's because Hangeng is the leader, so he has to provide for and pay for their meals, but Hangeng's says no, that's not how it works.
- Hangeng's question to Zhoumi is "Do you really think you're shuai?" Zhoumi's like "umm YEAH". Then they talk about how he got into the group. Zhoumi's friends sent in tapes of him singing in Korean to a contest they were holding in Korea, so that's how he got involved. Patty and him agree that it was fate.
- Hangeng and Zhoumi joke around some more about the shuai thing, and Patty asks who HG thinks is the most handsome. He thinks ZM is quite handsome and wants to know who Patty thinks is hot. She doesn't wanna answer, but thinks all together they're very cool and good-looking when they're singing and dancing. Patty also wants them to teach her some of their dance moves.
- HG's question to Henry is "Did you shower last night?" Henry says he did, but HG thinks Henry is one of those people who doesn't like showering. Henry's excuse is that he's so tired usually from performing that he just skips it and sleeps. HG says "The concerts aren't scheduled that close together [so he should find time to bathe]", hahha but Henry shushes out of embarrassment. Meanwhile, RW is shaking his head in the back :D but then he admits he saw Henry shower that morning (Patty says, not together I hope hah)
- Kyu's question to Hangeng is "Are you my Hangeng?" HG says he belongs to everyone. They say it's an inside joke and Hangeng always says "NO" when KH asks him.
- Kyu's question to Henry is "Why do you act so 'sha' (dumb)" (loose translation) He clarifies that he means "like a dumb little kid." Kyu then wants to give Patty a massage.
- Donghae's next and he rushes to sit next to Patty. Patty says she can tell he really likes Siwon from what's written on his board.

Part 03:

- Patty points out all of the stars he wrote all over Siwon's name. DH's question to Siwon is "When are you gonna buy me a Playstation?" Patty says "Oh, it's cause he's rich right? His family is quite wealthy because they own a convenience store chain." Siwon gets really embarrassed, but says he'll buy it for DH when they get back to Beijing. The story behing the Playstation thing is that after an awards show in 2008, they were drinking Baijiu (Chinese hard liquor), but DH was reluctant to drink it, so Siwon promised to get him a Playstation console if DH tried some. Patty's like "So if I drink some, can you buy me something too?"
- DH's question to ZM is "Why is your face so big? Haha, kidding. You're still very/most shuai." Super-vain ZM DID NOT LOOKED PLEASED. Patty then asks do you mean he's very ("hen") shuai or the most ("zui") shuai, because he used both in the sentence and it doesn't make sense together. DH thinks about it and goes with "very" or "hen" (not the most LMAO). ZM still looks mad.
- Then Hangeng says to excuse him, he has to discuss something with the rest of the members for a second. *they speak in Korean* HG pretends to look upset.
- They keep going with the activity. RW asks Siwon something in Korean. Siwon then tries to get Patty to laugh, so he says "You're very pretty in Taiwan." Patty's like, "But I'm not when I go to Hong Kong?" lol
- Questions from fans: "If you guys had little sisters, which members would you approve of them having as boyfriends?" "What's your most unforgettable birthday?" "I love you SJM, give me back my money, and marry me (wtf)" "What do you think is the sexiest thing about Patty?" "When were the most angry?" "Hangeng, can you perform a traditional dance?" "Any funny stories from when you guys go out drinking?" "What kind of girls do you guys like?" "Siwon, do you like this pic of Kyu?" (Sorry I couldn't catch all of the questions!)
- Patty expresses how moved she would be if she were in their position, having so many fans from different places encouraging them. Hangeng agrees and says they feel very happy that all of their hard work had not been in vain.
- Question to RW: "Which member would you choose as your little sister's boyfriend?" He chooses Siwon. Why? HG says "It's 'cause he's rich!" RW says it's because he thinks Siwon is a kind-hearted person and "clean" haha. Hangeng says "Oh yeah, what about me??" Zhoumi says Kyu is probably the worst choice because he's always playing games and will ignore his girlfriend.

Part 04:

- Kyu admits he plays games a lot, but says if he were to have one, she would be his everything and his princess~~ Patty says they'll know the day he finally gets a girlfriend when he puts down his gaming stuff.
- So this is when HG starts getting annoyed. I love how Patty immediately starts freaking out and speaking in English to Henry. The reason they give her for the tension is that the filming is taking a lot time due to translation and communication isues and they had a lot scheduled to begin with. Patty is worried it's because it's something she said, but their manager denies it.
- They laugh and discuss the prank backstage in Korean. Hangeng says in Chinese "Wow everyone really does think I'm angry!"
- They all go back to the interview area where Patty is and explain that Hangeng is a bit frustrated, so they'll continue without him. Haha, Patty is such a good sport! She wants them to teach her the Sorry Sorry dance, and Henry says "I'll do it, I'll dance with you!" in order to fulfill his task. He wants to teach her the Super Girl dance instead though. She asks RW to show her the Sorry Sorry dance. Then they all dance to Super Girl together.
- HG says something like "Are you guys coming out? What are you even clapping about?" omg, he's scary when he's mad...HAWT
- Patty doesn't hear him say that though, so HG comes out and calls the members away. They apologize to her and go backstage again.
- Happy Birthday to Patty!!

Part 05:

- Patty's like "I was so scared!" She thanks everyone, including SJM and her crew, while breaking out in tears. DH acts like he wants to smush the cake into her face.
- She continues saying that she was really scared and that their acting was very believable. HG said that DH even admitted being scared speechless by his act. Then they eat cake and reveal the tasks they were supposed to do with her (the massage, dancing, making her laugh, etc.) Patty says she was afraid she had drawn out the interview too long, but HG reassures her and tells her she is patient/even-tempered.
- a clip of RW teaching Patty their dance moves while most of the members were backstage with HG during their prank
- Donghae asks how old she is turning, but she wants him to guess. He thinks she's 28 now, but he's wrong (she just turned 30 I think)
- Haha, Patty is still stunned by what happened and compliments their acting again. Henry thought HG really was mad though until they reminded him backstage it was a prank lol. Apparently Kyu was also fooled and asked Hangeng the same thing in an earlier video (pointed to me by [info]proleptical, thanks!)
- The next ep will have SJM cooking for Patty's birthday.
- OMG Hangeng's dumplings!!

Translator's note: Translations by me. If you want to post this elsewhere, please ask me first because I did this in a hurry and will being doing revisions where it's needed. Also, if anyone finds errors, please let me know, thanks :D

Source: lehninguh @ aiyatheydidnt for translation; guigui072909 @ YouTube for videos

[News] SJ-M Nominated for New Artist in Fengyun Bang Music Festival, Hangeng might go alone

Earlier, Music Fengyun Bang disclosed that the music festival that will be held on January 11th 2010 has invited, popular Korean group, Super Junior M. However, there has been a recent problem; Super Junior M’s leader, Hangeng requested the termination of his contract, which might lead to the group disbanding. This problem made a great impact on if SJ-M will attend the festival or not. The festival’s representative has talked to the Korean staff and is hoping to make a deal, that even if SJ-M can not attend this festival, Hangeng can attend alone.

This year, Super Junior M has reached a great success in the music industry. Earlier this year, in Korea because of ‘Sorry Sorry’, Super Junior caused an uproar in Asia. Then in September SJ-M’s Mini album ‘Super Girl’ became the top selling album in Taiwan. ‘Super Girl’ also made an impressive record for Mainland TV and Radio. During these two years, SJ-M became highly popular due to their professional view towards music, which has captured many fan’s hearts.

Because of their new found popularity this year, Music Fengyun Bang’s organizer was planing on giving the “Best Role Model Oversea Artist of the Year” to Super Junior M. But due to the problem explained earlier, the chance of Super Junior M attending this festival if very low. Even so, the organizers are trying to contact Hangeng, in hoping to not let down the fans.

original article is here
Translated by asian517 @
Requested by one_love
Please take out with Credit

[News] Super Junior-M’s Hankyung Contract Termination, Happy Valley Music Festival Changes Performers

Super Junior-M’s Hankyung Contract Termination, Happy Valley Music Festival Changes Performers
New Guangdong Net, December 26 news (Reported by Chen Wen)
According to Shenzhen’s Happy Valley’s news, the 9th Happy Valley Pop Music Festival-cum-Golden Bell Music Festival will have a change in the performing lineup due to Korean group Super Junior-M’s Hankyung contract termination (case).
Originally scheduled on the night of 1st January 2010, Super Junior-M was initially scheduled to perform (in the festival), but due to Hankyung’s contract termination case, the group’s management is currently unable to ensure that all SJM members can attend on the day of the event. The organizers have decided to cancel SJM’s performance at Shenzhen’s Happy Valley on that night, and will invite another popular teen-idol group to be the performer, in order to celebrate the new year with the audience.
According to the organizers, those who have previously purchased the tickets for the event through the Shenzhen’s Happy Valley website, or from the ticketing counter, are still able to use the tickets that night. But if SJM’s fans would like to return the tickets due to SJM’s absence, the organizers will also provide an easy way to refund the tickets. Those who would like to refund the tickets can log on to the Shenzhen Happy Valley’s website or call 0755-26949184 for queries.
Original article here
Translation credits: eternalsnow @


[news] SJM’s Confirmed Show Airing

SJM’s Confirmed Show Airing/GDAs times in Taiwan


1.『DongFeng – Entertainment@Asia』
→ Airtime:December 26 (Saturday) 9PM-10PM (Part 1)
→ Airtime:Janurary 2 (Saturday) 9PM-10PM (Part 2)

2.『BaDa – 100% Entertainment』
→ Airtime:December 27 (Sunday) 6PM-7PM (Part 1) → (Episode Repeat)
→ Airtime:January 3 (Sunday) 6PM-7PM (Part 2) → (Episode Repeat)

3.『ZhongTian – The Largest Political Party*』
→ Airtime:December 31 (Thursday) 9PM-10PM (Part 1)
→ Airtime:January 1 (Friday) 9PM-10PM (Part 2)

4.『DongFeng – FUNMusic』
→ Airtime:January 2 (Saturday) 5PM-6PM (Part 1) → Episode Repeat
→ Airtime:January 3 (Sunday) 5PM-6PM (Part 2) → Episode Repeat

→ Airtime:December 28 (Monday) – January 1 (Friday) 8PM-11PM
(* This is a exclusive interview with the members, but there will be another interview with each member that will be broadcasted in the future. )

◎ Hit Fm – Lunar Year Special

*2009 Golden Disk Award (with SJ+SNSD+SHINee…) will be broadcasted in Taiwan*

※『DongFeng TV Station – 2009 Korea Golden Disk Awards』
→ Airtime:December 31 (Thursday) 10PM – 1AM (Full Ceremony) → Premiere

Source: Akpop
Translated by:
Only translated the air times*
May take out with proper/full credits

[news] Hu Nan TV Does Not Accept Henry & Zhang Li Yin Replacing The Group

Hu Nan TV does not accept replacement group

SJ-M still has a final performance for the year that is the Hu Nan TV Countdown Concert performance on the 31st and the reporter has learnt from one of Hu Nan TV’s staff that for SJ-M to appear at the concert as a whole group would prove to be a great feat. He said that before Han Geng’s contract termination issue has been settled, SJ-M would be unable to perform together as a whole. And when SM suggested it they could let Henry and Zhang Li Yin replace SJ-M, they did not agree as the audience had wanted to see Han Geng the most. In conclusion, they would not give up till the last minute ( for the whole of SJ-M to perform that night ).

As a result of SM company’s last minute changes, one of the local performance coordinators says that for him to inviting all seven SJ-M members requires 150 000 dollars of performance fees, while inviting Henry and Zhang Li Yin only requires 50 000 dollars.

original source: sjhangeng
translated by bulletproof @

[news] Han Geng's Termination of Contract Leads To Fragmentation of SJM - Hunan TV Rejects New SM Group

The disturbance caused by Han Geng’s lawsuit is yet unresolved, but the company will not give up any chance at money-making, putting Henry and Zhang Liyin into a temporary group for performances.

Yesterday, a reporter learned from the source of a local performance that because of Han Geng’s contract termination, the constantly acting together SJM is now faced with disintegration, with member Henry and company colleague Zhang Liyin being put into a temporary group for performances. For thirty days, they will be performing together in Dongguan, pulling invitation prices of no more than 50000 RMB.

Hunan TV also confirms this – being affected by the termination of contract, SJM may still appear in the New Year’s show as a “battered formation”.

[SJM is replaced by a new group.]

SJM was originally scheduled to perform live as a group at Dongguan on the 30th, but a reporter failed to see SJM on the night’s performance list, instead seeing the group of Henry and Zhang Liyin performing “Love Me”. Before this, no SJM member had ever performed without the other members. As leaked by a staff member of Guangdong TV, they suddenly received an urgent message from SM company on the 21st, expressing that SJM is unable to perform as a group due to “internal problems”, and raised the idea of replacing SJM with the new group of Henry and Zhang Liyin. The anonymous staffer said, “Only after that did we learn from SM’s Chinese division that the reason for SJM’s inability to show up was Han Geng’s termination of contract lawsuit. The company is currently trying to negotiate with Han Geng – in this time where Han Geng is trying to leave the company, SJM’s members will temporarily disband, while both Chinese citizens Henry and Zhang Liyin are turned into a new group to deal with the difficulties of maintaining performances.”

As for the temporary adjustments by SM, the local representative of the performance expressed a continued welcome, saying, “Before, inviting the whole of SJM took 150000, and it wasn’t possible to invite just one member. Now, inviting just Henry and Zhang Liyin takes just 50000 RMB.”

[Hunan TV Rejects The New Group]

SJM had one remaining last performance of the year, namely at Hunan TV’s New Year’s Gala. Yesterday, reporters learned from a staff member at Hunan TV that to get the entirety of SJM to perform is now very difficult: “SM says that until Han Geng’s contract dispute is over, they will not be able to send the entire group to perform. They brought up the idea of having Henry and Zhang Liyin perform in SJM’s stead; of course, we didn’t agree, because what the audience wants to see is Han Geng, and we won’t give up trying (to get him) until the last minute.”

Translation: Neph @ cfensi
Original article:

[News] Donghae and Kyuhyun are ‘rat’s droppings' ?

SJ-M’s explosive revelation – Henry is dirty, Ryeowook is like a mother, Donghae and Kyuhyun are ‘rat’s droppings*
Gentle and handsome flower boys group Super Junior-M is extremely popular recently, revealing each other’s (secrets) on shows. Henry was pointed out to have poor hygiene, cuisine expert Ryeowook was laughed at for acting like a mother, while Kyuhyun and Donghae were pointed out by the members as the black sheep of the group because they often either forget the lyrics or dance the wrong dancesteps during performances.
SJ-M was recently on Azio’s ‘Be Friends’ and accepted Mickey Huang’s interview; the 7 members usually live together, their closeness makes them just like real brothers. But Zhoumi revealed that Henry does not like to clean, once when waking him up his bed was full of beef jerkies, cookies and unwashed clothes, even money was hidden inside the bed slits.
Among members there is the untidy Henry, but there is also the mother-like Ryeowook. Donghae said that, like a mother, he (Ryeowook) will gather everyone to eat every time; Henry too said that there was once when Donghae was sick in bed, Ryeowook even went to feed him food. After hearing this, the touched Mickey Huang called Ryeowook “Mama!” on the spot.
However when asked among the members who is most likely to make mistakes, everyone spear pointed at Donghae and Kyuhyun, but the two of them denied it and pointed at each other as the ‘rat’s dropping’. In the end, the guilty conscientious Donghae admitted that he really likes to be late.
* – another term used to describe a black sheep or bad apple
Source: Yahoo! Taiwan
Shared in
May take out with full and proper credits


[News] Henry & Zhang Li Yin to replace SJM to perform at “Passionate Animation Festival”

Since reporting that Korean group Super Junior-M’s leader Han Geng filed a contract termination request against SM Entertainment on December 21st, it has triggered many speculations from the media world. Recently, a reporter noticed that the December 30th event guest list for “Passionate Animation Festival” includes SJM’s member Henry’s name.
The reporter realized that Henry’s name is not linked with other members, but with SM’s Chinese female artist, Zhang Li Yin to sing her song, “Love Me”. According to festival producers, they originally planned for the entire group to appear at the event but because of the recent lawsuit, SM declared that SJM cannot perform due to “internal reasons” and offered the Zhang Li Yin & Henry combination instead of the originally planned complete SJM group. The festival staff member then said, “Afterwards, we learned that SJM cannot attend because of Han Geng’s contract termination. Currently, the company is consulting with Han Geng on this matter. During this stage of Han Geng’s leave of the group, SJM will also temporarily disband, and Henry with Zhang Li Yin will represent the company by forming a group for future promotions.”
About SM’s temporary adjustment, the producers welcomed it. “Before SJM required 150,000 in appearance fees, now with only Henry and Zhang Li Yin, it is only 50,000. The fee difference is quite a lot.”
Source: Sohu here
Translations: Wendy @

[news] Super Junior M to temporarily end all activities

Since reporting that Korean group Super Junior-M's leader Han Geng filed a contract termination request against SM Entertainment on December 21st, it has triggered many speculations from the media world. Recently, a reporter noticed that the December 30th event guest list for "Passionate Animation Festival" includes SJM's member Henry's name.

The reporter realized that Henry's name is not linked with other members, but with SM's Chinese female artist, Zhang Li Yin to sing her song, "Love Me". According to festival producers, they originally planned for the entire group to appear at the event but because of the recent lawsuit, SM declared that SJM cannot perform due to "internal reasons" and offered the Zhang Li Yin & Henry combination instead of the originally planned complete SJM group. The festival staff member then said, "Afterwards, we learned that SJM cannot attend because of Han Geng's contract termination. Currently, the company is consulting with Han Geng on this matter. During this stage of Han Geng's leave of the group, SJM will also temporarily disband, and Henry with Zhang Li Yin will represent the company by forming a group for future promotions."

About SM's temporary adjustment, the producers welcomed it. "Before SJM required 150,000 in appearance fees, now with only Henry and Zhang Li Yin, it is only 50,000. The fee difference is quite a lot."

Source: Sohu
Translations: Wendy @

[News]Super Junior's Han Kyung's Twitter update(Not sure if its the real Han kyung)

A reader of ours, send us this information about Han kyung updating his twitter 38 minutes ago.

It is in Chinese,

The translations in english are : It will all be okay.

Note:We are not sure if this is the real Han kyung as there are many fakes on twitter.

So if this is not real, please read this with a pinch of salt.Do not believe 100% .

Thanks to noodles for the translations and information.

Translated by:Dkpopnews.blogspot
Please take out with full credits.

[Trans] SJ-M on Taiwan iRadio Transcript

HG: iRadio 96 FM Chinese/Cantonese Music. Hello everyone, we are Super Junior [All: M!] Today we are really happy that three of us can be your DJ today. Hello everyon, I am Hangeng.DH: Hello everyone, I am Donghae
RW: Hello everyone! I am Ryeowook.
HG: we are really happy to come to Taiwan and have the chance to become your DJ.
* So our next song is from our Super Junior M’s first mini album. And this time, I think that our album gives us a new feeling, especially our song “Super Girl”, it’s very handsome and has a very mature feeling to it. So I hope everyone will like our Super Junior M’s ”Super Girl”
[Super Girl - Super Junior M]
HG: Alright everyone, you just heard our song from Super Junior M’s new album, “Super girl”. So our company has many many different artists [Ryeowook and Donghae agrees], F(X) and others. And especially our younger brothers SHINee, they’re very cute and very handsome. Don’t know what Donghae feels about them**
DH: SHINee… they’re cool! I think they’re very kind.
HG: Very kind. Right.
DH: *says something in Korean about SHINee and Ring Ding Dong* Everyone, please listen to SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong!

[Ring Ding Dong - SHINee]
HG: Okay, we just introduced our younger brothers, SHINee. And next we have our little sisters. In the group, they actually have two more Chinese members. One of them is from QingDao and the other is Chinese. Our Ryeowook on the side, how do you feel about F(X)?
RW: *sings Chu~<3* Oh, very cute!
HG: Very cute!
RW: And, they have a lot of strength!
HG: Have a lot of strength!
*Can’t make out what they are saying*
HG: And next we have F(X)’s Chu~<3
RW: *sings Chu~<3*

[Chu~<3 - f(x)]
HG: iRadio FM 96! Hello everyone, we are Super Junior [All: M!] And today we are your DJ, hello I am Hangeng.
DH: My sweet darlings, I am Donghae.
RW: I am Ryeowook!
HG: Hello everyone! Well this time since we arrived in Taiwan, we have been really excited because this is Super Junior M’s first time coming to Taiwan and meeting with everyone. Let’s have Donghae and Ryeowook talk about their trip to Taiwan now.
DH: Taiwan… is very beautiful. And the fans… the fans [T/N: he repeats it because he is trying to get the pronounciation right]
HG: the fans
DH: The fans are very kind and very pretty. Very good!
HG: How about Ryeowook?
RW: I really like it.
HG: Really like it.
RW: The people in Taiwan, are very kind and very clean [xD]
HG: Actually, Taiwan has given us a lot of feelings and warmness. So our next song we will put on a song also by our younger sisters, Girl’s Generation. Gee!

[Gee - SNSD]
HG: Alright, next, when we came to Taiwan, we’ve had a lot of *could’nt understand this part* There were a lot of things to eat that we couldn’t eat, but really wanted to. Now Donghae, out of all of the Taiwanese food, what do you want to eat the most?
DH: Taiwan’s Shabu Shabu [T/N: mini personal hot pots]
HG: Ahhh Shabu Shabu.. hot pot!
DH: and….
HG: Stinky tofu!
DH: Stinky tofu! But I haven’t.. I don’t know about Taiwan’s food.
HG: Oh so you haven’t been able to try Taiwan’s food?
DH: Yup.
HG: I wish our managers would take all 7 of us out to eat. I really want to eat Taiwan’s Zhu Xue Gao (Pig’s blood rice cake). It’s really delicious. Well our next song be from our, yes again, our little sister, Zhang Li Yin “Qing Tian Yu Tian”
DH: Yeah~

[Moving On - Zhang Li Yin]
HG: Okay, that was our younger sister, Zhang Yi Lin’s “Qing Tian Yu Tian.” Don’t know if everyone enjoyed it or not.
RW: Ah! Very good!
HG: So after we arrived at Taiwan, there were a lot of places that we were NOT able to go to. And I have a lot of places that I wanted to visit, like th beach, Ji Long, and others (deng deng…)
RW or DH: Deng deng deng deng~
HG: How about you Ryeowook, where do you want to go the most?
RW: Yao Ling Yao.
HG: Yao Ling Yao
RW: Ahh! I want to go to Gu Gong
HG: Oh, Gu Gong Museum? Ah this is a place worth going to, because I wen there before, its very nice. So our next will be David Tao’s “Easy Love”

[ Easy Love "Ai Hen Jian Dan"- David Tao]
HG: iRadio 96 FM Chinese/Cantonese Music. Hello everyone, we are Super Junior [All: M!] Hello everyone, I am today’s DJ Hangeng!
DH: Hello everyone, I am DJ Donghae.
RW: Hello everyone! I’m Ryeowook!
HG: So when we came to Taiwan, we also know about many different Taiwanese artists for example, Guang Liang (Micheal Liang)
HG: And Cao Ge (Gary Cao)
HG: Etc. etc.. many artists and singers and actors that we like. Now, who does Ryeowook want to collab with?
RW: “Wo men de ai” by F.I.R.
DH?: F.I.R. ooh~
RW: The girl in F.I.R., she’s really pretty
HG: Then can you sing a few verses from “Wo men de ai”?
RW: *sings F.I.R.’s song*
HG: Wow.. amazing~ now that we’ve heard Ryeowook sing, here’s “Fairytale” by Micheal Linag.

[Fairytale - Micheal Liang]
HG: So after listening to Micheal Laing’s Fairytale, we don’t know if everyone else has heard Super Junior M’s version of it. And also, one of my other favorite songs is from Super Junior M’s first album, “Atleast I Still Have You”
DH?RW: Right!
HG: This song was the first time all seven of us sang Ling Yi Lian’s song. We hope everyone liked it and hopefully when we preform it again on stage, everyone will sing it with us. So here it is, Super Junior M’s Atleast [All: I still Have You!]

[Atleast I still Have You - Super junior M]
HG: So everyone just heard our “Atleast I still Have You”
RW: Very good very good!
HG: And this time, our Donghae and Ariel Lin filmed an MV together. How does Donghae feel about it?
DH: I like Ariel Jie Jie
*** the most.
RW: Mei Mei!
DH: When we were filming the MV, she helped me a lot, so I was really convinient.
HG: Oh very relaxed?
DH: yes, so in the future, if I get the chance, I want to film again with Ariel Jie Jie
HG: MeiMei!
DH: to film a TV drama with her. If i have the chance again.
HG: If I had the chance, I want to film a TV drama with her. Alright so now we’ll let everyone hear Ariel Lin’s “Firefly”

[Firefly - Ariel Lin]
HG: iRadio 96 FM Chinese/Cantonese Music. Hello everyone, we are Super Junior [All: M!] Hello everyone, I am today’s DJ Hangeng!
DH: Hello everyone, I am DJ Donghae.
HG: So very soon we will be leaving Taiwan, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. on the 9th.
DH: Right.
HG: Even though its really a shame, I really hope we can quickly come back to Taiwan and meet with everyone again. But its ok! Because next year’s
DH: February 20th is Super Junior’s Second Concert
RW/HG: oooh~
DH: Super Show
HG: Super Show 2!
DH: hope everyone will definitely, DEFINITELY come to our concert!
HG: Definitely! So don’t be sad because next year on February 20th, we will be at the Xiao Ju Dan and meet with everyone again! Super Show 2! Now our next song is Super Junior’s “It’s You”!

[It's You - Super Junior]
HG: That song that everyone heard just now is Super Junior’s “It’s You”. Don’t know if everyone liked it or not. This time coming to Taiwan, we were really happy but the time was too short. And this show is almost over… It’s a shame but it really left a great impression on me. Especially the fans; welcome and warmth
DH: Right!
HG: And their support, it really gave us a lot of encouragement. Ryeowook, what was your most memorable moment this time?
RW: Today! I was a DJ! Hopefully next time I come to Taiwan, I can be DJ again.
HG: If next time we come with all seven of us, I can leave early! So our last song will be Wang Lee Hom’s “Kiss GoodBye!”
RW: *Sings Kiss GoodBye*

[Kiss Goodbye - Wang Lee Hom]
Made a guess on what he said, I couldn’t understand it*
Kinda like a question directed at Donghae
JieJie = Older Sister
MeiMei = Little Sister

Source: [X]
Translated by:


[News] Han Geng's contract termination just a cover-up of SJ-M's latest scandal?

Source: Ifeng
Translation: Sarah @

Yesterday, news broke out that Super Junior member Han Geng submitted a formal application to court, wishing to terminate his contract with management company SM Entertainment. This left the public very puzzled and fans also did not understand why he took this action. But immediately after this, SJ-M’s ‘happy gate’ scandal was exposed, and left everyone thinking whether this whole contract termination ordeal is just to cover up SJ-M’s scandal and divert the public’s attention.

SJ-M is Super Junior’s 3rd sub-unit, designated to target the Chinese market. Under Han Geng’s lead, SJ-M have developed successfully in China, and they even have their own exclusive fan club. Recently, SJ-M attended various award ceremonies in China & Taiwan. On the 19th of December, the 53rd Asia Pacific Film Festival was held in Kaohsiung and SJ-M were invited as special guests. The whole process seemed to go very smoothly, however a 6.8 magnitude earthquake suddenly struck Taiwan and became the fuse of the ‘happy gate’ scandal.

After the awards ceremony, during an interview, SJ-M member Zhou Mi laughed saying: “When the earthquake struck just then, it was just like playing.” Moreover, Zhou Mi even used last year’s Si Chuan earthquake as comparison, saying: “Last year, when we were promoting in China, we also met an earthquake, and it was pretty happy.” And Han Geng who was beside him immediately rushed forward to clarify: “He (Zhou Mi) doesn’t mean happy.” However, it was too late, as everything was already recorded by the media.

After the scandal was exposed online, SJ-M have remained silent. When reporters contacted SJ-M’s performance representative, he said that he is currently on vacation, and is unclear about the situation, and is also inconvenient for him to disclose anything. And SJ-M’s Korean manager has yet to answer his phone.

But coincidentally, yesterday, all the major Chinese news sites published the Han Geng contract termination news at almost exactly the same time. And according to one of the new site’s entertainment editor, she revealed that the news was provided by SJ-M’s side, and that they even specified the location to where the news would be published to make it as eye-catching as possible.

[News] “SJ-M’s Manager: News of Han Geng’s contract termination was released by fans, in the midst of coordinating with the company.”

SJ-M’s Manager: News of Han Geng’s contract termination was released by fans, in the midst of coordinating with the company.”
December 21, reports have emerged that Chinese celebrity Han Geng has officially filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment with the Seoul District Court, asking for a termination of contract. Once this news was released, the level of this ‘explosion’ is no less than that of Dong Bang Shin Ki’s case previously. has contacted SJ-M’s manager Kim Min Wook (?) to respond to Han Geng’s opting out. Kim Min Wook said he himself was not sure if Han Geng initiated the termination of contract, and that he saw the news from the internet, “All news were said by fans, the company does not know (anything).”
Kim Min Wook added, he saw that a lot of Super Junior related news surfaced online today, but in regard to whether Han Geng, as per what the rumours have stated, has filed the lawsuit with the Seoul District Court against SM Entertainment’s to be terminated, he isn’t very sure himself, and is currently reaffirming this with the company, Kim Min Wook said, “All the news are what fans said.”
As to whether it is a worry, as being Super Junior’s only foreign Chinese artiste, if Han Geng’s opting out will affect Super Junior’s development in China, Kim Min Wook repeated again, “If there is really something, we will discuss it well with Han Geng and hope that Super Junior’s future development will not be affected.” Once the news of Han Geng terminating the contract spread, surveyed fans. 80% of the fans think that it is SM’s doing of cooking up publicity for Super Junior’s Asia tour next year. To why they say it’s a form of cooking up publicity, Kim Min Wook declined to respond but only repeated “Thank You” non-stop and hurriedly hung up the phone.
translated by ゞilσvεjr⌒★
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits


[News] “Miguhui” SJ-M and Fahrenheit , 11 Males Each and Every One More Charming than Flowers

SJ-M Number 1 in Popularity in China

Fahrenheit Number 1 in Popularity in Taiwan

Last year Miguhui awarded the highest selling group award to S.H.E, who have not had any songs for 2009 that have been able to hold on to it. So at the soon to be held 4th Annual China Mobile Music Award “Miguhui” on 20 December at Beijing’s Wukesong Stadium, female fans are going to have a treat for their eyes!

The four member beautiful boy group Fahrenheit released their album <> [ translator’s note: ie. “Love you more & more ] and headed towards Japanese-style rock and roll that was very suited to their own qualities, which pushed their popularity to new heights. Then they followed up with their “Fahrenheit Fantasy” World Tour, which commenced in Taipei and went to Shanghai, Nanjing etc and confirmed once again the fact that Fahrenheit is indeed Taiwan’s most popular boy group at the present time. Taking away China Mobile Music’s highest selling group award should be ripe for the taking and success assured as their aren’t any troubles, right?

Actually, not so. Since releasing their first Mandarin last year, with their popularity that has remained high, Super Junior-M also has the possibility of vying for this award together with Fahrenheit. The 13 member group Super Junior released their <> album this year in April and it has been sung all over Asia. Even if you aren’t able to sing the whole song, you will definitely be able to do that part of the “rubbing hands dance” that the entire population can do. And in the second half of the year, SJ-M also released their second Chinese album <>, which not only caused an upsurge in a rush to buy it in the mainland China region, even in the Taiwan region it has grabbed first place in sales. It can be clearly seen that the charm of these seven members has spread over the entire Asia area.

From looking at the numbers, Fahrenheit’s four members might be suspected of being at a disadvantage in meeting the challenge of SJ-M’s seven members, but from looking at the influence of their songs, Fahrenheit does not lose out at all. Furthermore, Fahrenheit’s four members also have their individual movie and drama popularity as additional support, so with their super high popularity they may not lose to SJ-M in China Mobile Music’s number of downloads. After all, Miguhui is an award ceremony that is based entirely on numbers, so it really is not good to arrive at a conclusion of the final result of the battle.

But even if SJ-M take away the highest selling group award, in the category of China Mobile Music’s best overseas group award there shouldn’t be any other overseas group that will be able to fight and win over SJ-M’s popularity in China, right? So those seven very handsome boys actually have one more chance compared to Fahrenheit.

If who will win and who will lose is not discussed for now, then there is one point that can be definite and that is no matter which group appears to perform on stage or if these 11 beautiful boys appear at the same time, the female fans at the venue will be able to feast their eyes!

Translated by:
Credits:    Cr: twelfs

[News] SJ-M performing onstage, Eason Chan and S.H.E. imitating below

The 4th China Mobile Wireless Music Award Ceremony ‘Wireless Music Mi Gu Hui* ‘ took place at Beijing Wu Ke Song** ports Stadium at 20 Dec 2009 730pm. This year’s ceremony is vastly different from the previous years, as it newly introduced the overseas award and people are anticipating who will be the one receiving the award.
News have been widely circulated that SJ-M will be appearing with all the 7 members in this year’s ceremony, since they will be appearing, the award that they won seemed to limelight in the media.
Not talking about the award but just the performance, since they came, SJ-M definitely made a spectacular performance. This year, SJ-M’s most popular song must be [Super Girl], the melody, tempo, image and dance steps, all become the hot topic in teenagers.

In addition, when popular boy group SJ-M were performing up on stage, celebrities like Eason Chan and S.H.E. were playing along and imitating them below, laughing wholeheartedly at the same time. All were happy and celebrating the Mi Gu Ceremony.
*Mi Gu Hui- pinyin of the ceremony name
** Wu Ke Song- pinyin of name of stadium
source :
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may take out with full credits

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