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Showing posts with label Strong Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strong Heart. Show all posts

[News] Park JungMin “Had a fight with Kim HyunJoong, Doesn’t talk and look at each other”

SS501 attended to SBS TV talk show ‘Strong Heart’ broadcasted on 8-Dec, and exposed each other without hesitation, giving eye candy and ear candy for viewers. Kim HyunJoong talked about his loneliness when he was infected with H1N1 influenza.

Kim HyunJoong said “I returned back when I had fully recovered, but my members went to the hospital to be examined as soon as I returned to Korea.” Kim HyungJoon responded by saying "However there is this one and only member who did not go for examination.”

When being asked who is that, 
Kim HyungJoon replied “Park JungMin” and explained briefly “Because he had a big fight with Kim HyunJoong before he was infected with H1N1 influenza in Japan that they didn’t even look at each other nor talk to each other, so there is no need for him to go for examination.”

Park JungMin felt ridiculous and confessed frankly “I had a cold war with him so as to avoid H1N1 influenza. Before we had our concert in Japan, I had some trouble with Kim HyunJoong. I was angry because Kim HyunJoong was always late for our schedules. My character is not generous noble (?). I get angry easily.”

Kim HyungJoon who heard Park JungMin said again “They didn’t take nor speak to each other for about 2 months.” Highlighting on Park JungMin’s pettiness.

Meanwhile, actor Lee CheonHee, Yang MiRa, Shoo, group SS501, Cultwo, etc, attended to this day’s broadcast of ‘Strong Heart’ and showed their eloquence.

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Pictures Credits:


[Pictures] Kim HyunJoong ‘ssukso’ photo revealed

‘Strong Heart’ key section ‘Special Gayo’ displays guests’ real image once again.

In the 10th episode of SBS ‘Strong Heart’ broadcasted on 8-Dec, the release of humiliating photos of stars under the theme of ‘it was already the past’, made a round of laughter. 

=unrelated omitted=

Next is Brian who is pouting his lips and SS501’s Kim HyunJoong who was doing the ‘SsukSo’ (smirk) with one side of his lips raised. Kim HyunJoong isn’t keen in hiding his photo unlike other singers and placed the photo beside his own face in satisfaction. 

=unrelated omitted=

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

[Video] SS501 Kim hyun joong cut with eng subs on SBS Strong Heart

Video Credits:iBreatheLifeMusic

SS501 Kim Hyun Joong aka Ji Hoo sunbae cuts on Strong Heart with Eng Subs !.Enjoy he video ;).

[News] Kim HyunJoong “H1N1 entertainer no. 1? I am not even robot Taekwon V...”

SS501 Kim HyunJoong talked his mind about being called H1N1 influenza entertainer number 1.

Kim HyunJoong said in SBS ‘Strong Heart’ broadcasted on 8-Dec, “When H1N1 influenza situation was serious, it is fine as long as you have white cloth and soap. White cloth is mask, wash hands with soap so as not to catch H1N1 influenza and you are able to go anywhere.”

MC Lee SeungGi said “I feel sad looking at Kim HyunJoong, because it is not like it is someone else’s story” and asked Kim HyunJoong “You understand right? The pain?”, getting sympathy from the guests. Kim HyunJoong “I was being called entertainer number 1. It’s not even robot Taekwon V...” showing his displeasure.

Kim HyunJoong jokingly asked Lee SeungGi “SeungGi is number 5?” Lee SeungGi said “I am about number 10” ejecting a round of laughter.

Kim HyunJoong revealed that when he was confirmed with H1N1 influenza in Japan, even the attitude of the doctor changed. Kim HyunJoong said “The doctor in the hospital in Japan said he is a fan of mine and treated me very kindly. However after I finished the medical examinations, the doctor was 10metres away and used his hand to indicate to me that I got infected with H1N1 influenza and later put on a mask.”

Meanwhile in ‘Strong Heart’, SS501 Kim HyunJoong, Kim HyungJoon, ParkJungMin, Lee CheonHee, Ji SangRyul, Cultwo Jung ChanWoo & Kim TaeKyoon, Shoo, Yang MiRa, Yang EunJi, Jin BoRa, Kim SanHo, Danny An, Brian, Super Junior LeeTeuk EunHyuk ShinDong, Kim HyoJin, SolBi, Jung JuRi, Nancy Lang attended. 

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

[News] Taeyang and Daesung to appear on Strong Heart

It has just been announced that Taeyang and Daesung of Big Bang will appear on an upcoming episode of variety show Kang Shim Jang, otherwise known as Strong Heart.  VIPs will have a lot to look forward to because on this new hit show hot, juicy tidbits abound.  On the debut episode of Strong HeartG-Dragon told viewers of Big Bang’s foiled get away attempt and Seungri confessed that he was the one that told YG of his hyung’s plans.
The pair will participate in the recording of the show on December 10th.  Their episode of Strong Heart will be broadcast on December 15th.  I can’t wait to hear what stories Taeyang and Daesung have to share.  My only question, what happened to T.O.P.?  I guess the sexy Mr. Cold-blooded-killer is too busy with IRIS to appear on a variety show.

cr:  bnt news
Credits: seoulbeats

[News] “Strong Heart” participant was Broadcasting Under the Influence?

Today, k-netizen raised an issue of whether the participant from the popular variety talkshow “Strong Heart” was doing their recording under an influence?

The reason for this question is because a bottle of Soju was caught k-netizen’s eyes as it’s made its appearance behind the seat of one of the show participant.

This incident was from November 17 “Strong Heart” broadcast in which k-netizen caught a glimpse of a soju bottle behind one of the participant’s seat.

The k-netizen also expressed their thoughts and say that it’s difficult to understand why there’s such bottle at the show.

Source: tvdaily

[News] Teuk Academy is getting a lot of attention., Strong Heart

World National Star, Super Junior is into making people laugh(?) Mainly with Leeteuk, EunHyuk and ShinDong etc, members are on a show called SBS Strong Heart who is a member of Teuk Academy, named after Boom academy.
In this show, everytime different people comes, they get their pictures of their past, or conte to have a fun atmosphere in Strong Hearts. They fill in the spot for Boom(Real name:Lee Minho) Before Boom went to the army, he gave the leader job to Leeteuk.
Before the talk, they make the atmosphere more excited for the talk.But when the atmosphere goes down, they come back again and performs to get the atmosphere back again. In Strong Heart, they are the person that you have to have.
PD in Strong Heart had told that they don’t live as a singer but as a comedian.World National Singer Super Junior is having their own schedule besides the concerts they preform with all the members. They are trying their best to be the main guest not only in Strong Hearts but other shows as well.
Strong Heart PD have told that they think of the things they want to perform with music, pictures etc. if they can use them. They all bring and get those things ready for the show.They always want people to laugh, but if they don’t they don’t as well.But because they have fun while they do it, they have fun and enjoys the show.In future, Teuk Academy will be preforming usually with conte.
They get World National Singer title and shows their actual inner side,making people laugh and have fun.Because of Teuk Academy’s job, Strong Heart gets funnier and can’t wait for Teuk Academy to preform and makes people wonder who will be the next guest in the next show.

Translated by
Original source: and
Thank you.

[Video] Teuk academy getting funnier week by week?

Teuk academy getting funnier week by week? YES! I watch the video for umpteen times
and end up i'm still laughing like mad. I remember a few weeks ago when teuk academy
first performed on strong heart, the response wasn't that good. The audience was laughing but the laughter was mostly edited by the production team. Well, this time round, you can see everybody went crazy because of their performance.

Good job boys! Do Boom proud! Boom will be so happy watching this in army!

credit: codemonmonseason5 @ YT
reported by ting1♥ @ daily kpop news

[news] Taeyang and Daesung on “Strong Heart” ?

This December 3rd, it is possible that we see Big Bang’s Taeyang and Daesung on “Strong Heart“. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but some details to the Christmas Special episode of Strong Heart have been released and fans are getting excited.

This is the possible guest list: Big Bang (Daesung and Taeyang), SNSD, Brown Eyed Girls, Kim Tae Woo, Bae Soo Bin, Kim Jang Hoon, Tablo.

This guest list has not been confirmed yet and more details are still waiting to be released by SBS. Check back here to stay updated on more developments.

I hope this is confirmed soon! This would be Taeyang’s first variety show without the rest of the members around.

Thanks to 골미남

source: ibigbang by Alee
credits: bhie_witch @

[Video] Brand new Teuk-kigayo on SBS Strong Heart

After Boom left for army in October, Boomkigayo is taken over by Super Junior Lee Teuk for Teuk-kigayo aired on 24th November on the show.

Eun JiWon and MC Mong’s photos pawned everything!

Cr: kbites

[News]SBS Strong Heart PD says Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk's next generation MC will be Super Junior's leader Leeteuk

SBS “Strong Heart” Park Sang Hyuk PD says Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk’s Next Generation’s MC will be Super Junior’s leader Leeteuk.

Park PD met with reporters and he thinks that “after Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk, fewer comedians and more singers will be MCs”. Out of the singers he thinks "Leeteuk will be the most successful.”

Right now there are two top MCs. As for a second MC, more singers will be a MC over comedians because comedians aren’t as popular.

The reason the second MC will be singers is because they can sing, dance and act. They are better at a variety of things compared to comedians. Although he is usually a second MC, Leeteuk has the potential to be a main MC. So there is a high percentage he will be the main MC soon.

Boom MCed with Leeteuk on “Strong Heart”. Even though he left for the army, Leeteuk does his little “search” corner a very smart and funny way that people like. There have been a lot of reporters who want to interview Leeteuk.

Leeteuk has said before that he wanted to have his own talk show called the “Leeteuk Show” when he is 40 years old.

Park PD said that Leeteuk MCed well when he MCed for SBS Popular Song for a couple of weeks. Also, he thinks he will be successful on “Strong Heart” and will soon become the best main MC someday.

Credit: sj-world
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news

[Videos] Strong heart ep 7 out!

Strong heart ep. 7 is out! Unfortunately, we still can't see teukigayo(teuk academy) performance yet. We can only see their performance in ep.8. Although we can only see it next week, eeteuk, eunhyuk and shindong has grab chances to talk in the show. They are usually quite quiet during strong heart ( or maybe being cut off) so its good to see them talking and making everybody laugh! As you have seen in the previous cuts i've posted, Jessica also talks about mistakes during performances. Watch to find out what else happen!

Credit: minniemink @ YT
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news

[Videos] Strong heart 091117 Jessica and Eunhyuk cut!

Jessica has so much aegyo like sunny! It really brightens up my day seeing her
with so much aegyo! so cute! In the second video, she talks about mistakes during
performance including the falling shoe incident, and the music repeat incident!
Im sure some of you should know what actually happened! She described it in such a funny way , really cracked me up! I've seen this episode just 2 hours ago and
sad to tell you that teukigayo( teuk academy) performance will only be in the episode
next week! This week is just eunhyuk and shindong talking abit. Third video is eunhyuk's ' hot packs' instead of six packs! Super funny! ENjoy!

Credit: codemonmonseason5
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news

[news] No-go for Lee SeungGi to return on broadcast schedule yet

Singer-actor Lee SeungGi is currently still resting from swine flu but is preparing to resume broadcast comeback.

He previously was confirmed of swine flu on 10th November and has been resting since. He no longer has high fever but is still suffering from cough.

A representative said on 17th November, “Lee SeungGi’s health has improved a lot but he is still having cough symptoms. He will rest for a few more days and we will decide again from his recovery whether he will resume broadcast schedule this week.”
There are plans for Lee Seung Gi to return to the filming of SBS ‘Strong Heart’ on 19th and KBS ‘Happy Sunday 2Days1Night’ this week.

Credits: K Bites

[news]Netizens on Sunny’s middle school grad photo


On the latest episode of SBS Strong Heart aired on 10th November, So Nyeo Shi Dae member Sunny was seen a little angry (?) at her middle school graduation photo and even broke the photo panel.

On the show during the ‘Boomkigayo’ corner, celebrities’ middle school graduation photos were revealed – from Super Junior EunHyuk, to goodlooking Boom, to healthy looking Kang HoDong, to role model student Tei.

But when it comes to revealing Sunny’s middle school photo, the moment the photo was revealed, she has broken the photo panel.


This was similarly to what happened to Brown Eyed Girls’ GaIn when her middle school photo was revealed on the show on 27th October. She has also broken the photo the moment it was revealed. It was later hailed as ‘GaIn violent reaction case’ by many netizens.

GaIn herself said that she could not look at the photo for more than 3 seconds.

Netizens’ reaction:

  • “Why not? I thought Sunny looked cute in that photo”
  • “In anyway, they are still like goddesses in my eyes”
  • “This was funny. I knew Sunny would break the photo. But still, I love the 2″
  • “Try counting those whose middle school graduation photos would look good. I don’t even wish to look at mine”
  • “Well, makeup does wonders you know”


[Video] Strong Heart ep.6 out!

This episode of strong heart is quite interesting! Boomkigayo(Boom academy) has it usual comedy act but this time round its a parody of G.O.D + Kim tae woo and later
son dam bi. Also, this time round Lee Seung Gi is paired up with son dam bi and
after they did Andre Kim favourite scene, eeteuk and eunhyuk rush up and say ' Yoona is watching!'.

The winner of this episode is seo in gook, champion of superstar K, a talent search competition. He revealed that before he joined the competition, he tried out for JYP several times and has gotten rejected because of this body type which he says that he was similar to MC Kangs body type. He went on a diet and became anorexic as he force himself to vomit the food he eat. He couldnt sing due to this in the second round of audition in Jyp. But now, he survived in the competition as 1 out of 720000

This was the last episode of Boom academy in strong heart but next ep, its gonna be teuk academy!

Credit: minniemink @ YT
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news

[Pictures] Teaser pictures of SNSD Sunny and Yuri on Strong Heart!

It has been reported earlier that SNSD' members Yuri & Sunny will appear on SBS Strong Heart which will be aired on 10th November.I have found some officials photos of the Yuri and Sunny on the show,hope that you will like them!

Besides,below is the teaser for the 6th episode of Stong Heart,please enjoy!

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[DKP NEWS] SNSD's Yuri & Sunny clashed on Strong Heart!

On SBS' Strong Heart that has been recorded recently, SNSD's Yuri and Sunny shocked everyone by revealing each other's secret!

The war started as soon as the recording started,Yuri is the one who started the war.Yuri said that SNSD's member with the most mistakes on stage is Sunny,then she demonstrated some mistakes made by Sunny,everyone applauded and burst into laughter.

Sunny who was humiliated launched her counter attack!

She said that many people said that Yuri is a black pearl and she is very innocent,she revealed some interesting incidents that happened to Yuri due to her over friendliness!

This episode of Strong Heart will be aired on 10th November,the below is the preview of the show,please have a look!


[Video] Strong Heart KangShimJang Tiffany Yoona Cut *Eng Subbed*

SNSD Tiffany's and Yoona's cut on Strong heart.Yoona talks about her phobia of cameras and Tiffany about how she work hard for her Korean language.

Enjoy the videos.

Video Credit:toebeast

[news] SNSD’s YoonA and 3 Men, Lee SeungGi, LeeTeuk and Brian ‘Explosion of Relationships!’

There was a build up of tension when multiple casts of ‘Strong Heart’ simultaneously chose SNSD’s YoonA as their dream girl.

On the SBS ‘Strong Heart’ that aired on October 27th, when MC Lee Seunggi’s dream girl YoonA made her appearance on the show, MC Kang Hodong and the other cast did their best to try to link them together.

But when YoonA announced, “There is a person that have told me that I was also their dream girl” the atmosphere of the studio started to change.

The person that YoonA pointed out was a person from the same entertainment company, Leeteuk of ‘Super Junior’. YoonA stated, “I have been a trainee since I was 13 years old. Leeteuk was 20 at the time and since then he has always joked around saying things such as ‘Come and marry me when you are older’”. Leeteuk was not embarassed or ashamed but instead he straight forward came out and stated, “YoonA has the image of the girl of my dreams” and went on to embarass YoonA.

Lee Seunggi was also shocked at this sudden announcement. However this was not the end. During the show, Brian stated, “It would be nice if YoonA was to marry me” and “Her image is similar to my dream girl”. Brian also stated, “I’ve always had YoonA in my mind, but never had a chance to come out and express myself” and “I wasn’t going to say anything, but Lee Seunggi and Leeteuk made me nervous and worried. I should be making her mine…” and made everyone in the studio burst into laughter.

These three casts provided laughter and joy by competing against each other to support YoonA and laugh at her stories even though they weren’t funny.

Source: Newsen
Translations: k_Taevid @ soshified
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