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Showing posts with label Pictrures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictrures. Show all posts

[picture] stalker shots of CL and Minzy outside of Big Show and Dara Park with fan boys!

We all know that 2ne1 was present in Big Bang's concert and performed with them right? i mean... why wouldnt they?

CL and Minji spotted outside of the show... just arrived, these stalkers shots are really awesome... CL looks so hot despite with her back on the camera and Minji totally not noticing the camera!

And Dara Park took a picture with fan boys! which i find really cute! looks like Dara is getting more and more fan boys these days! g-dragon watch out! im an appler (a daragon fan) ^^

I will post more pictures once i find them!

credits : cyworld + 21impat + YGSECRET21
uploader : bpquack

Article by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; Dont forget to follow me on tumblr!

[PHOTO SPAM] CN Blue, 2pm and 2am Backstage @ SBS Inkigayo!

CN Blue Backstage:

Your super rookies looking as hot as ever! Their image is perfect for their looks and it looks like their being an indie band is chosen by destiny! Look at my favorite members in 1 picture! the drummer and the bass ^^

Even though they are just rookies, they look very calm and relaxed, not the typical rookie behavior. Confidence sure is the key!!!

Stay tuned today at SBS inkigayo maybe they will bag another mutizen for the week!

2pm Backstage:

Its their goodbye stage! and something tells me some of them looks sober, like wooyoung and junho~ O_o

I seriously LoLed at the nickhun and chansung photo XD I wonder how nickhun smells... of baby powder perhaps? or baby lotion XD hahahaha.... okay... must stop now ^^

Looks like Junho was being "we to riya" for a second at his emo picture~ O_o dont worry junho you'll be back with a new album in the summer right? ^^

2am Backstage:

Jinwoon seems to be glued to seulong! and he is loving it! ^^ all the time while seulong was talking to the other 2am members, he has his head glued on seulongs back shoulder.... LOL! sure makes the fangirls jealous! wait a minute!!! THAT ISNT JINWOON! @_@ after investigating through the pictures... is that... is that.... NICKHUN! *gasp*

These were backstage photo's from their comeback performance... sure did a great job on their comeback cause their vocals were so amazing! so DAEBAK!

Photo credits: SBS Inkigayo as tagged
Article written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP

By the way.... You can follow me @ tumblr, My homebase is there other than facebook~ follow me for regular photo spams!!

Thanks a lot! ^^

[Pictures] Song Hye-Kyo's New Look For Levis 2010

Latest Song Hye Kyo’s Levis advertisement photos. She got a new and fresh look with her short hairstyle. Still as pretty as she is.



[Pictures & Videos] Taeyeon's ChinChin Corners (19/01/2010)

Well since SNSD is on hiatus nowadays,there aren't much news about them to keep us entertained.

But fear not,we still have the dorky leader after all!
Looking at these pictures makes me jealous of the people who could take the photos with her.
Don't you just wish you could be in any of these photos?!
Anyway,enjoy these pictures.
*Click on the images to view them in full size.

Anyway,here are some bonus videos from the radio show of this particular day.

You just have to admit that she's too adorable to resist.

Credit : snsdlife@NOW it's Girls' Generation

[Pictures] Hong Gildong Promotional Pictures

Here are the promotional pictures for the upcoming Hong Gildong Musical starring Super Junior Yesung and Sung Min.

Hong Gil Dong is the story of the illegitimate son of a high ranked minister. A local monk took him under his wing and taught him martial arts. Hong Gil Dong was inspired to fight for the injustice in this society that divided people into nobles and ordinary citizens whereby the former enjoyed all the privileges due solely to their birth.

Sungmin & Yesung will both play the main role "Hong Gildong".

Name : Musical "Hong Gildong"
Place : Woori Art Hall, Olympic Park

credits: Miss Park | marenubium + Sungmin Wings
reup: LaCrymaMosa + Blue`Princez @
shared by icepluscoffee@wordpress + sukira@dailykpopnews


[Pictures] Samsung fansigning event features Jang Geun-seok

Oy. On the heels of that handsome, newly released Tae-kyung-inspired photo (and the one from the more sartorially questionable Japanese fanmeeting), we’ve got super-cutie Jang Geun-seok once again delving into his wardrobe o’ whimsy for this lovely new look, which he donned for a fansigning event on December 5. It took place in Seoul at the newly opened first store for Samsung Mobile.
So how do you know if Jang Geun-seok dressed himself for an event? If he comes looking like Snape, that’s a pretty big clue. Pale skin, greasy hair, stifling black wardrobe… If he’s wearing a (p)leathery-looking women’s suit snazzed up with roadkill, that’s another sign. Or if he’s dressed as some kind of’80s-inspired mage apprentice. Or as an punk-rawk vampire. Or a rocker drag queen. Or a fresh-faced and wholesome-looking ajumma.
It makes me miss the days when he was trying to go over-the-top butch, perhaps to counter his naturally pretty looks. Most of all, I miss when he wasn’t trying so hard to be anything in particular and looked very cute just as himself.

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