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Showing posts with label cl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cl. Show all posts

[NEWS] Swings wants to work with G-Dragon, CL and Teddy!

Interviewer: So are there any other musicians you want to work with in the future? Limited to Korean artists. (laughs)

Swings: I’ll just mention about five people. Teddy, YDG -Yang Dong Geun hyung, and Jinbo hyung. To be honest, I didn’t really know who Jinbo hyung was.

[...] Hmm… and I also wanna work with Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) later on. On his album that was released last summer, there was this song called ‘The Leaders’featuring Teddy and CL (of 2NE1). Kwon Jiyong’s lyrics were so awesome in that song. He knows the meaning of style. And I think rap lyrics are the coolest when you’re saying something that only you can say.

Like Jay-Z, he wrote something about how he helped the current President a little, and it’s true. He helped at elections and stuff. But how many other rappers in existence would be able to say that except Jay-Z? [...] In a similar way, Kwon Jiyong says what only he can. What he said was in English and roughly translates to “You should check your girl’s phone, that’s my face on her frame.”(laughs) As soon as I heard those words, I agreed straight away. He was so awesome. I realised he really knows how to work it. He really understands hip hop in terms of fashion as well asperformances.

The music he’s doing right now may not be 100% hip hop, but he’s doing his own type of music and knows how to do it stylishly, so I think that’s hip hop too. And CL was mentioned before too, she’s also a really good rapper. She’s so talented and she knows the meaning of style too. I would love to work with any one of these people some time.

Translated sjay.x @ bbvip +!


[NEWS] CL, “My father is Prof. Lee Ki Jin of Sogang University”!

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The leader of female group 2NE1, CL’s (real name: Lee Chae Rin) father is Lee Ki Jin a professor in the physics department of Sogang University.

This immediately became a topic when everyone suddenly got to know about this. On the 16th according to the report of Dongya newspaper “Professor Lee is not only a physicist but also an author for children’s stories. Simultaneously as he draws manga he also writes special columns regularly for a magazine of high school students. He who has studied overseas in France, Japan, Russia and Armenia, started working on manga and writing children’s stories because of his two daughters.”

Towards everything that his two daughters request, if it is something serious he won’t hesitate to comply with them, for example when his eldest daughter Chae Rin wanted to practice Jazz in the 3rd grade of primary school, when she wanted to make a memorial book for the school he even introduced her a printing company.

Professor Lee also revealed “Even though I don’t know if being a singer is Chae Rin’s absolute dream, but life is like a process, I only hope my two daughters can be happy for the rest of their lives.

The netizens have left these kind of comments: “He really is an excellent father.” “Often when we teach children we won’t respect their opinions. We should really learn from him.” “Perhaps this kind of education is needed to be able to cultivate such singer like CL.”

translation:Transition @

[NEWS] CL had a very Happy Birthday!

She wrote, “Thanks to you (Black Jacks), I had a very happy 20th birthday!”
& on the side of her picture of “lion-bear” , she wrote “I’m still Baby Rin!”

Credit: sjaikb@Soompi & alicejaanga@Soompi for translations.

[Pictures] CL received tons of presents for her birthday!

What i mean with "Tons" here is truely tons!

Just look at the presents from her fans during birthday,a lot right,it can easily make the presents i received since i was borned in 1990.To be honest with you,what you can see here are just part of all the presents!

Photos credits to 2ne1 evo!


[Me2day] Dara's Message To Birthday Girl CL


Original message:
오늘 밥한끼도 못먹은 아가린… 미역국도 못끓여주구…ㅠㅠ엉엉엉 미안하다~!!!생일 너무너무너무 축하해~!^.^ 이제 스무살이지만 우리에겐 영원히~ 아가린~ 이야~!!! 앞으로도 건강하구 행복하렴!알라븅~~~!!!^^♥

In English:

Today I didn’t eat a meal… I didn’t even cook brown seaweed soup…ㅠㅠ Ungungung sorry~!!! Happy happy happy Birthday~!^.^ CL is forever with us~ CL~ Yah~!!! Best wishes and good health! I love you~~~!!!^^♥


[News] 2NE1's CL talks about her controversial SBS Gayo Daejun outfit

Leader of 2NE1, CL is infamous for her outlandish clothes and style. Some would even say she’s the Korean version of Lady Gaga, that is, in terms of style. On a recently aired episode of KBS 2TV’s Entertainment Tonight, this princess of hip hop revealed her thoughts on her past outfits and costumes, including the controversy behind the black spandex outfit she wore at the 2009 SBS Gayo Daejun that revealed both her stomach and the tops of her bra.

On the show, CL commented, “The outfit was not that revealing. However, it was a bit unconventional and rebellious. I like clothes that are unconventional rather than those that expose a lot.” Although this statement will certainly raise eyebrows, CL has finally given her side on this controversy.

In addition to CL’s comment, fellow member Dara stated, “With the new year, I become one more year older and more tired.” Dara, you never fail to make the atmosphere more lighthearted.

Credits: ericaumali @ ygladies forum


[News] A similarity between SNSD hyo yeon and 2NE1 Baddest Female?

SNSD and 2NE1 are one of the hottest groups around.It looks like both members of SNSD Hyo yeon and 2NE1's Baddest Female CL have the same liking towards a certain thing...or you can say clothing.

SNSD hyo yeon was spotted wearing the same sweatshirt which CL wore At the MAMA awards.Hyo yeon was spotted wearing it when she was promoting with the other SNSD members at ShimShimTaPa Radio !.

Jeremy Scott is the brand of the sweater and it is one of the 2009 Fall collection.

Do you agree with me that its the same shirt? o.o?...
Please take out with full credits.

[picture] CL flaunts her sexy s-line figure at Big Show conert

CL flaunted her s-line figure during their performance for Big Show concert. CL being the "baddest female" in Seoul sure has knock out figure!!!

CL sure knows how to flaunt her curves and has the confidence to show it. She has also been in issues regarding her body fitting outfits from their I dont care promotions and the revealing costume she wore during MAMA awards that got people talking!

Nothing is wrong especially when it is nothing too revealing, but these pictures sure make people's mind go crazy!

What do you think? Hot nor Not? I totally say HOT!

Photo CREDITS: as tagged + DC2NE1 & letsplay2ne1
article by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me in tumblr!

[picture] stalker shots of CL and Minzy outside of Big Show and Dara Park with fan boys!

We all know that 2ne1 was present in Big Bang's concert and performed with them right? i mean... why wouldnt they?

CL and Minji spotted outside of the show... just arrived, these stalkers shots are really awesome... CL looks so hot despite with her back on the camera and Minji totally not noticing the camera!

And Dara Park took a picture with fan boys! which i find really cute! looks like Dara is getting more and more fan boys these days! g-dragon watch out! im an appler (a daragon fan) ^^

I will post more pictures once i find them!

credits : cyworld + 21impat + YGSECRET21
uploader : bpquack

Article by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; Dont forget to follow me on tumblr!

[Pictures] 2NE1's CL Upskirt??

Me2day Queen is back again!

Of course she has updated her Me2day with a few interesting photos but i will only share the most interesting one with you guys here!

Can you recognise the person in the photo above??That person is Lee Chae Rin,of course known as CL of 2NE1,she was forced to transform into Chae Rin Monroe thanks to her unnie Sandara!

What i can say here is,CL is so hot !Agree with me??

[DKP Special] Netizens are comparing CL and Lady Gaga!

A year has passed (in fact just a few days) since CL's performance on SBS Gayo Daejoon,however her sexy outfits during the performance is still a hot issue until today.

Netizens are comparing CL's style to Gaga recently,i have found a photo showing a comparison between Gaga and CL.

I have nothing much to say concerning this sensitive issue ,so it's time for you to voice out some opinions ,any opinions to voice out concerning this issue?


[news] Twilight Cast Justin Chon wants to be part of 2NE1, His favorite artist is CL,

From Disney’s “Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior” to the still box office topping “Twilight” series, Justin Chon has come a long way into Hollywood. But what does the public actually know about him? Who is he? Why are we even talking about this Chinese boy?

That is exactly why we are talking about him.

We got to sit down stand and soak in the warm California sun while getting to know this 28 year old Korean American Actor. (For those in Southern California, read until the end to find out where you can meet him and maybe get a little mistletoe action going on. Although he may be busy with Jill…)

PS: So tell us a little about yourself.
Justin: Iono, let’s talk about something interesting. I don’t feel like I’m that interesting.

PS: Just a brief introduction. I mean this interview is about you, so you must be somewhat interesting.
Justin: A brief introduction… hmmm…what you need to know to get to know me is don’t take me seriously because I’m like absolute chaos, I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. [Basically], I try not to care what people think. I am my own entity.

PS: Any interesting quirks, habits, random thoughts?
Justin:“I have a lot. Quirks…ummm… ::baby screams:: I find stuff like that amusing, little kids screaming (author’s note: not that he enjoys baby’s in pain but you know random stuff). My quirks, I really like to bother people. Sometimes I can be really mean but I try not to be.

PS: You mean sarcastic mean right?
Justin:Yea. I also state the obvious a lot of times. And I don’t know mang I just…whatever I do I just want it to be fun. You know what I mean. It’s gotta be fun or I don’t want to do it.

PS: I’m pretty sure it’s gotten you into a lot of situations.
Justin: Oh yeah. Many times a lot of ppl get angry at me but I try not to let what other people think effect me because at the end of the day, a 100% of the people aren’t going to like you. That’s a fact. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as I do what I want to do then it’s all good. Because even with acting, I would say that a majority of the people told me not to do it. They’re like “you got a business degree why would you go into acting blah blah blah”. And it’s like if you give a crap about what everyone else says you won’t get anything done. And that’s the thing about my life I kind of did just what I want to do and so far it’s worked out pretty good.

PS: What do you see yourself doing in 10, 20, even 30 years then?
Justin: I have no idea. I live day by day. What’s the point of planning thirty years from now when it’s just you have no idea. I can die tomorrow.

PS: That’s interesting, usually people who are in business have 10 year plans.
Justin: Well yea I do stuff to help that out but seriously these days I’m just… you don’t know when it’s going to end. I had a friend who recently passed away last week (RIP) and just made me realize dude nothing really matters as long as your having fun in the moment and making enough to feed yourself and help out your family. That’s good enough. It can be taken away literally anytime. People who take themselves too seriously that turns me off sometimes, not always, if they’re passionate about something it doesn’t but some people who just can’t take a joke, it turns me off.

PS: You said you love music and that you can play various instruments, do you see yourself in the music industry?
Justin: No, I like playing music but I don’t want to pursue it as a profession and that’s the thing a lot of people think because I’m in this movie or that and people know me they have to listen to me. Maybe I might record something and put it out there but I’m not going to try to make money off it and force it down people’s throats. But yea, I would say no I don’t think I won’t

PS: Do you see yourself doing something other than acting then?
Justin: Yea, owning a business. Just doing business. But that’s the thing man, you can’t plan, you can’t put yourself in a box, you just go with the flow. You can’t let expectations of society put yourself in a square. I’m just going to do whatever comes my way.

PS: Because of your acting, you’ve been to a lot of places. Where is your favorite?
Justin: Paris because it’s metropolitan but it’s chill and it’s private. No one bugs you and everyone’s cool and it’s very romantic. Lot sof history good food public transport is amazing. (Proceeds to sing “I love paris in the spring time, I love paris in the fall. I lov paris in the winter when It drizzles. I love paris in the summer when it sizzles. I love paris every moment…”)

PS: With “Eclipse” finally done shooting, are you working on any new projects?
Justin: Yea, I’m doing a movie around May called “Fortune Hunters”. It’s a little indie that’s going to be shot in Seattle. The director is Tom Harp and it’s going to be great.
And I’m actually executive producing this show with a friend, Ben Jackendoff, called “All You Can Eat”.

PS: Can we know a tentative date of release?
Justin: We just shot it actually. The first pilot should be done within 2 months. It’s kind of a passion project me and my friend Ben are doing. Hopefully we can sell it and turn it into a network show or something but we’ll keep you updated when it’s done.

PS: You said you were interested in the Asian entertainment industry and you even almost went on “Strong Heart” with Brian Joo, what kind of role are you specifically interested in?
Justin: I like to be an actor because that’s what I am. I like to do a great movie with a great director or a great drama with a great writer. That’s what I want to do. I wouldn’t mind working in South Korea. Just depends on what the project is. Why not expand my horizons.

PS: If you had to join a music group, what group would you join?
Justin: I would join 2NE1 because I think they have a lot of style and they really have a lot of stage presence and are original. They just tear it up. So I would be the transvestite member of the group. I would be the side comedy gig. They’ll be all serious and I’ll be doing whatever in the back.

PS: Favorite 2NE1 song?

PS: Favorite Korean actor?
Justin: Yoo Ji Tae b/c that’s my Korean name but I’m Chon Ji Tae not Yoo Ji Tae. I like Lee Byeong Hun (who he has met). I like Choi Min Shik, I like a lot of the dark actors. I like the older actors not so much the older ones?

PS: What recent Korean movie do you like?
Justin: “Thirst”… I liked that a lot. Oh I love Song Gang Ho. And I really want to watch “Mother” I heard it’s good. I like Wonbin.

PS: Who’s your favorite solo artist?
Justin: CL. I like her style. I think she’s great and I guess Brian Joo f He’s my homie, I gotta give him a shout. His new CD, “Manifold” is out from Sony records, make sure you buy it. He’s my favorite solo artist Brian Joo.

PS: Not someone like Lee Hyori?
Justin: No, Brian Joo, “Manifold” Sony records out now. ::Smile::

PS: How was Piff? Did you get to see everyone you wanted to see?
Justin: It was good. I got to see Brian.

PS: Is Brian your secret lover?
Justin: Iono, you should ask him. But I do like him I think he’s cool. But yea.. I got to see Brian.

PS: Anyone else you were excited to see?
Justin: I saw Dorothy from Arirang, she’s the “Mama Bear”.

PS: What was most memorable about PIFF?
Justin: Just the way it’s pronounced “PIFF”

PS: And to wrap up, here’s some holiday questions. Favorite carol?
Justin: No… oh I like that one that goes Pa rum pum pum pum. (aka “The Little Drummer Boy”)

PS: Favorite Christmas memory.
Justin: When I got my first generation Nintendo when I was five with “Super Mario Brothers”.

PS: What does your family do?
Justin: We just go with the flow. Tomorrow we’re eating prime rib.

PS: What have you received/what do you expect to receive tomorrow?
Justin: My friend Danny, Daniel, put DAHniel got me a XBOX 360 with a wireless controller, year subscription to XBOX live, with the messenger thing, two games… XBOX RULES. I’m realy excited to buy “Modern Warfare” and play it. And tell [everyone that although] everyones on PS3, I’m just throwback like that.

PS: Anyone you want to be caught under the mistletoe with?
Justin: My left hand. (proceeds to kiss it) her name is jill.

PS: Does your right hand have a name too?
Justin: Will.

PS: Won’t Will be jealous your kissing Jill?
Justin: No, Jill is very independent she’s got a mind of her own.

PS: What do you think of Christmas in general?
Justin: I’m sort of like scrooge. I think it’s great b/c you see your family and get together but I don’t like how your forced to buy presents for people. I just like buying presents for people just b/c out of the goodness of my heart. But Christmas forces you to buy presents for people and I don’t like being forced to do anything.

PS: In this industry, aren’t you forced to do things you don’t want to do?
Justin: NO. Of course I’m forced to but I just do it my way. It’s confidential because I don’t want to get in trouble?

PS: Have you ever received “saebae” (New year’s) money?
Justin: I never got saebae don in my life and that’s only from my grandparents in Korea.

PS: Wouldn’t you be expected to give money if you go to Korea though because of your age?
Justin: Yea, I would give money to them but in return they have to do me some favors. I would give hem money and they would have to give me orange juice from the fridge and if I say I want a jjoo joo bbah they would have to go to the market and buy me a jjoo jjoo ba/jazz bar/screw bar. Here’s 1500 won you can have the manwon but you have to get me a jjo jjoo bar you punk. You Filthy animal! Where’d I get this quote from? “Get out of here your filthy animal! That’s one of my favorite movies ever… “Get out of here you filthy animal? (Note: remember he’s sarcastically mean)

PS: What are you looking forward to in 2010?
Justin: Just living everyday but I’m doing that right now so I just look forward to living to the max everyday.

PS: Any closing remarks?
Justin: Wait til we do the video interview. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Oh and tell everyone to meet me at Yogurtland [in Irvine on Jeffery and Walnut] on Christmas Day at 7pm after I eat my prime rib! Meet me at Yogurtland at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

Credits: POPSEOUL ; colyn7 @ YGladies

[DKP Survey] CL Vs Doo Joon ,who wears it better?

2NE1's and BEAST's leader spotted wearing jackets of the same design!

BEAST's leader Doo Joon wore the jacket when he was on Gag Concert.

I am not sure when CL wore the jacket but they are wearing jackets of the same design.

A simple question here,who wears it better??


[Me2day] Big head CL??

Naughty Sandara of 2NE1 updated some weird photos of CL on her Me2day!

CL appeared in the photos with big head and the actual translations of the photos above are as below!

We took a giant step towards having our own concert todayㅋ It was so good! Hmm..umm… 2NE1 all played well! Today was busy~ This very day we stopped writing wrongly and shyly.. Today, we found courage from within!ㅋ I had something similar to a sesame roll but I didn’t know what it was!ㅋ CL found the truth~ The gel was cute!!…

Wassup’, Black Jacks?! Did you get home safely? ^^ Are you really cold? Awwㅠ How can it be.. We were on stage being photographed and although we wanted to play longer, we couldn’t. We did manage to get some pictures though! Yea, it was so fun!^.^ This was our first chance and it was so good! It was only our space! Kkyak!!!

Translations credits to aachan!

[DKP Survey] 2NE1's CL and Jung Joo Ri look alike??

Jung Joo Ri appeared on Strong Heart yesterday and she was compared to 2NE1's L during the show?

She has revealed that someone has told her that she looks like 2NE1's Cl a while ago on Star Golden Bell,i do think that there is something similar between the two persons.

I think i should put up a poll here to ask you guys whether they look similar or not.Please vote on the poll below to see how many people are agreeing that two of them look alike.


[NEWS] Embarrassed CL wants to punish Sandara!

Still remember the sexy swimsuit photo of CL posted by Sandara on her Me2day?

CL seemed to get embarrassed by what Sandara did and she replied on her own Me2day saying that,"Sandara is crazy,someone should punish her"!

Some fans responded to CL's reply by saying that,"You should punish Sandara,by posting her sexy swimsuit photo on your me2day"!!!

[Picture] Baddest female in Seoul wears swimsuit!

You are right,the person i mentioned on the title is 2ne1's rapper CL.

It is such a precious photo,this is the first time for me to see CL wearing swimsuit,i think she wants to show off her body to dear fans.

Sandara uploaded this photo on her cyworld,maybe she still has more to share with us,maybe the bext time will be Bommie or Minji in swimsuit,haha!

[Me2Day] Updates 091210 feat. CL Minzy

Original message:
카리쓰마! 포스 좔좔! 파워풀한 댄스! 그리고 너무너무 믿음직스러운 동생들이지만ㅋ나에겐 너무나도 귀엽고 사랑스러운 아이들이다!^.^ 막내라인 홧팅!!! 굿밤~!

In English:
Charisma! Force! Powerful dance! And they really really understand their position even though they are youngerㅋ To me, they are cute children and should be loved as such!^.^ Maknaes, fighting!!! Good night~!

Original message:
그리고 그 다음날 그걸본 채뤼니는 또 자기 사진으로 바꿔놓고 그다음날은 또 밍끼..또 채뤼니.. 밍끼.. 이런식으로 내 배경화면 차지하엿다!ㅋ귀여운 동생들의 행동을 보는게 너무 재밌엇다ㅋ결국 마무리는 내 사진으로 하는걸로 끝이낫다!ㅋ

In English:
And when CL saw it the next day, she substituted it with her own photo, then the next day Minji changed it again..and again CL.. Minji.. The background screen was occupied with this!ㅋ I saw what the cute younger girls were up toㅋ Finally, they stopped and it was over!ㅋ

Original message:
플똥고팀과의 귀여운 추억! 연습생시절~ 내가 새핸드폰으로 바꾼어느날.. 배경화면이 없던 내폰을보고채뤼니가ㅋ귀엽게사진을 찍어서 배경화면으로 해놔따! 다음날 그것을 발견한 밍끼!!ㅋㅋ내폰을 가져가더니 자기 사진으로 배경화면을 바꿔논것이다!ㅋ

In English:
Reminiscing about the cute ‘Please Don’t Go’ team! Practice time~ Some day I changed to a new cell phone.. I didn’thave a picture of CL as the backgroundㅋ Take the cute picture, pick it and then add the background screen! Minji discovered it the next day!!ㅋㅋ She took my phone and changed the background screen with her own photograph!ㅋ

Credits: aa-chan

[Pictures] What did CL wear on Inkigayo?

Sorry for the crappy image quality. HQ would be up as soon as I find one.
Here's Part 1 with what 
CL was wearing at SBS Inkigayo on the 29th November. Performing to "Please Don't Go" with maknae (youngest) Minzy.

Hellz Bellz - Love Bites Graphic Tee, retails for USD$36.
I'm not a big fan of 
Hellz Bellz clothing, which is probably why it has not surfaced on Eiffel In Seoul but they have nice graphic tees. Stylists of 2NE1 modified the tee to a crop tee revealing CL's body.

On the other hand, I'm a huge fan of peplum skirts. And this Betsey Johnson x Opening Ceremony Cherries Peplum Skirt tells me I need to get one asap. Looks really good on Leader CL! The skirt retails for USD$210 on! I won't say its overpriced considering its Betsey Johnson!!

Adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott's 3 Tongue Sneaker which we have seen them wearing at MAMA. Definitely a good sneaker to invest!! Retails for $328.72 on

CL also wore latex leggings to complete her look.
What do you think of the look? For me, its 50/50. Average look for 2NE1, I dislike the crop top but everything's fine. Her hair is abit messy, she should have a high straight ponytail like what Park Bom usually have. Leave comments on your thoughts!!

Stay tuned to Minzy's outfit!!

Credits: eiffelinseoul

[Me2Day] me2DAY Updates 091129 feat. CL


Original message:

In English:
I was in the car and there was a horse.


Original message:

In English:

Original message:

In English:

Original message:
도끼 콘서트 12월4일 홍대 브이홀 (게스트: 에픽하이, 슈프림팀 등)! CHECKIT!

In English:
Dok2’s concert is December 4th at the Hongdae V-Hall (Guests: EPIK HIGH, Supreme Team)! CHECKIT!

Original message:
이제 난 아톰이다.

In English:
Recently, I’m an atom.

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