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Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park Jaebeom. Show all posts

[News] Newest Banner Outside JYP Building

정문에 오늘 현수막 붙이고

이거는 수거 안하기로 했는데
없어질지 모르니
가실때마다 확인좀 ㅋ

In English:
Today we put up a banner on the front gate
We did not plan for it to get collected,
and because it might disappear,
whenever you visit, if you could make sure it's still there keke

We want our hearts to beat again
Come back Jaebum


[news]Teachers join the Hottest crowd

A scan of a test paper has been heavily circulated on the internet!

The so called paper will never be everyone’s topic if there’s no such name as 2PM JaeBum on it! It is JaeBum’s name indeed, and as they say that once is never enough, JaeBum’s name is mentioned in several questions!

Go under the cut to find out what the teachers wrote of JaeBum in the test papers.

In the question, some of the sentences used are:

  • JaeBum ah, come back soon”
  • JaeBum ah, come back to Korea”
  • “If I was Park Jin Young, I would already have brought JaeBum back”
  • JaeBum is cool”
  • JaeBum is not in Korea now”
  • “This is the first time I’ve seen someone so cool like JaeBum
  • “Let’s go, JaeBum is going to leave soon”
  • “The airport is crowded with fans who are present to send him off”
  • “Will we be able to see JaeBum at the year-end award ceremonies?”
  • “It seems that there are more than a thousand fans gathered at the airport”



[Video] Jaebom B-boying in America

A couple weeks back JYP announced on ‘Golden Fishery’ that he is personally helping 2PM’s leader Jaebeom to continue his training as an artist by making sure he resumes his singing and dancing lessons. Well, it seems like JYP has stuck by his word as there is proof that Jaebeom has been honing his dancing skills!

If you’ve been following 2PM since their ‘Wild Bunny’ days, you should remember the episode where Jaebeom introduces the dance crew Art of Movement through a YouTube video. Back before he became a singer, Jaebeom was a part of this dance crew and if you search carefully you can even find videos of him dancing for AOM a couple years back. However, a recent video of Jaebeom b-boying has surfaced and is starting to catch the attention of many fans.

On November 21st, a video of Jaebeom dancing with AOM in a competition has been revealed. Although some people are speculating that the person in the video is his brother Jehan due to his buffer appearance, eyewitnesses are stating that it really was him. Check out the video for yourself!

Video Credits:SmashJEJproductions

credit: allkpop

[News] 2PM, “The title ‘1:59PM’ means that we are waiting for JaeBum hyung”

2PM on their first visit to China.

Recently back promoting as 6 members with album ‘1:59PM’ , after member JaeBum left the group in September, 2PM performed for ‘Feel Korea in ShangHai: K-POP Night’ on 25th November.

Many fans were seen hopping on vans and taxis following the group around. Also fans were seen holding placards like ‘2PM=7′ during the group’s performance.

The 2PM members spoke up about their 1st album title ‘1:59PM’, “It means that we are waiting for JaeBum hyung. Even though we are waiting for him, because he is not around now, we are not 2PM.” And when asked, “Does it mean that the group is not in perfection since JaeBum is not around now.” They answered, “Yes.”

They said that this was the idea that producer Park Jin Young came out.

“We were discussing about this with Park JinYoung producer, and we talked about the idea of 1:59PM. We thought it is a good title for the album since we are waiting for JaeBum hyung.”

And about their comeback title song ‘Heartbeat’, it shows off a different charms for the boys who have been known as the ‘beasty idols’ doing acrobatic performances before. The members revealed that the comeback performance concept is rather experimental this time.

TaecYeon said, “Originally the word beast is not a really complimentary word for guys, but we are happy that our fans used it for us because they like the side that we show during our promotional activities. But now with the song ‘Heartbeat’, we are being called ‘zombie-dol (zombie idol)’.

Just 2 years into debut, the group won the Artiste of the Year award amongst other awards on 2009 MAMA, but the boys revealing that they are still not there yet for their overseas advance.

The members who received an unexpectedly warm welcome in China said, “Even though we received much love in Korea itself, we are curious how we will be received overseas. Even though it is a shame that we will be returning on the 26th, we will visit again on 1st December for WonderGirls’ first independent concert in ShangHai as guest appearances.”

The boys were also asked about Nich Khun’s performance with Ivy during 2009 MAMA last weekend. Ivy had appeared on stage with a vampire concept and had put up a sexy performance with Nich Khun but due to fans’ unhappiness on the over-suggestive performance,she has to even close down her minihompy.

Nich Khun spoke up, “I was a little shy when performing with Ivy noona. But I feel sorry for Ivy noona. A performance is just a performance, I hope that people see it that way.”


[news] JYP on tvN E News coverage of JaeBum, “We feel bad”

After the broadcast of the current situation for JaeBum has been revealed, the voices of his agency and his fans have been getting louder and louder.
On the 25th, cable channel tvN’s ‘E News’ released a preview promising a recent update on JaeBum in Seattle, America.

Fans have been leaving messages on the show’s board stating “Jaebum is not a machine you can use to raise viewer ratings,” and “This is an invasion of privacy,” clearly expressing their distaste.

A representative of JaeBum’s agency, JYPE, stated “We feel bad.”
tvN has stated that after Jaebum returned to America, he has been working twice a week at a tire shop owned by his father’s friend. In his free time, they revealed that he spends busy days practicing piano and dance.


Another article:
After the release of a preview on the current whereabouts of Jaebum in Seattle, fans have been flocking to the show’s board and leaving comments of disagreement and begging for the show to leave Jaebum alone.

A representative of E News spoke with Newsen on the phone and explained “Our corner, titled ‘Finding the truth Blackbox’ is a corner that was made to defend celebrities in the face of contradiction and bias. Jaebum is a celebrity himself and so we are using this corner to argue on behalf of Jaebum as a defense.”

The representative went on to state “We went to meet the environment and surroundings of Jaebum to further see his development and listen to Jaebum’s story. We did not go to collect additional data. We just went to see a more human side of him. We also definitely did not film him secretly.”

The show is said to be releasing footage of Jaebum arriving in Seattle to the moment he got on his car last September.


[Video] Preview of tvN News reporting on JaeBum’s recent situation in Seattle

tvN News will be doing a report on 2PM member JaeBum’s recent situation in Seattle as the crew flew down directly to Seattle to find out on more information aboutJaebum.

A preview of the report was released, it is known that Jaebum is working (part time possibly?) changing tires.

Subs to the video:
[Report from Seattle!]
[25th Wednesday 9PM]
[He still works here. He changes tires.]
[Report from Seattle! Exclusive on 2PM Jaebum's present situation!]
[Park Jaebum, who is this young man?]
Reporter: Anyone home?
[It will be revealed on the 25th at 9PM on tvN news]

c: DC gallery; saradah@2ONEDAY (Trans/Upload); isabellajing@2ONEDAY for finding this

[News] Jaebeom Is Gone But Still Going Strong

2PM 첫번째 앨범 ‘01:59PM’ 정상질주

세계일보 | 입력 2009.11.24 08:22

재범 없지만 그래도 '탄탄'

멤버 재범의 탈퇴로 7인조에서 6인조로 라인업을 바꾼 남성 그룹 2PM의 인기가 위축되기는 커녕 천정부지로 치솟고 있다.

2PM은 지난 13일 첫 번째 정규앨범 '01:59PM'을 공개했다. 이 음반은 23일 현재 오프라인 음반 판매량 집계 사이트인 한터에서 실시간, 일간, 주간차트에서 모두 정상의 자리에 오르는 기염을 토했다. 선배 아이돌그룹인 빅뱅이나 SS501은 물론, 비슷한 시기에 데뷔한 샤이니마저 제친 순위여서 더욱 눈길을 끈다. 타이틀곡인 '하트비트(Heartbeat)'도 온라인 음악사이트 멜론 차트에서 1위, 엠넷닷컴, 벅스, 도시락 등에서는 2위에 오르는 등 상위권에서 인기몰이 중이다.

특히 음반 판매량에서 폭발적인 점유율을 보인 것은 2PM이 아이돌그룹 시장에서 일정 규모 이상의 팬층을 확보하게 됐다는 사실을 의미한다. 2년여 만에 비슷한 시기에 데뷔한 남성 아이돌 그룹 중 선두를 달리게 된 셈이다. 더구나 2PM은 올해 걸그룹의 열풍 속에서도 '짐승돌'이라는 신조어를 만들어내면서 새로운 아이돌그룹의 미래를 제시하기도 했다.

2PM은 올 초 두 번째 싱글앨범 수록곡 '어겐앤어겐'과 '니가 밉다'로 '짐승돌'이라 불리며 정상급 아이돌그룹으로 급부상했다. 그러나 멤버 재범이 연습생 시절 인터넷 사이트에 남긴 글로 인해 논란 끝에 그룹을 탈퇴하는 시련을 겪어야 했다.

그럼에도 불구하고 이들은 6인조로 활동을 이어가겠다는 의지를 내비쳤다. 소속사 사장이자 작곡가 겸 프로듀서인 박진영의 진두지휘 아래 JYP엔터테인먼트의 소속 작곡가인 이우석, 홍지상, 조종수, 심은지, 김창대, 토미 박 등이 참여해 새 앨범 준비에 돌입했다. 박진영이 작사·작곡한 이번 음반의 타이틀 곡 '하트비트(Heartbeat)'는 전혀 새로운 스타일의 실험적인 곡이지만 2PM만의 색깔을 뚜렷하게 표현했다. 사람의 심장 박동 소리를 곡의 뼈대로 해 여기에 음정을 부여한 드럼 사운드와 주제 악기, 그리고 오케스트라를 결합시킨 곡이다.

이처럼 2PM은 재범의 탈퇴라는 악수에 주저하지 않고 꾸준히 자신들의 음악 활동을 이어가며 오히려 위상을 더욱 굳건하게 다지고 있다.

스포츠월드 한준호 기자
[ⓒ 스포츠월드 &, 저작자표시+비영리+변경금지] < 세계닷컴은 한국온라인신문협회(의 디지털뉴스이용규칙에 따른 저작권을 행사합니다. >

In English: 
Jaebum is gone but still going strong.

2PM has released their 1st album on the 13th, '01:59PM'. This album, on the 23rd, on offline purchase site in a few days sold a good amount. They have risen above ther idol 'sunbaes': Big Bang, SS501 and also SHINee who has debuted around the same time. The title song 'Heartbeat' is also in 1st on Melon and 2nd on, Box, Doshirak. They are rising in rankings.

During the girl group craze, 2PM brought out a 'beast' concept and broke through.

2PM's single album with 'Again and Again" and "I hate you" created the 'beast' nickname and normal idol group. (ann. normal is in natural / real)
However, they went though a surprising event when Jaebum left the group due to comments on a internet site during his trainee days.

Despite this, the 6 mebered group will continue on. Heartbeat is a very new style of music to try but 2PM has brought color to the song. It is a combination of a heartbeat, drums, instruments and an orcastra.

Even after 2PMs Jaebum's resign, 2PM will do many music promotions and activities and go on rather stronger and firm.

OMIT : info of what happened to Jay, Porducer names etc and irrelevent / repetitive info.
CREDIT :Sports Word, Han Jun ho Reporter
TRANS: Bajaebum @ 2OD

[News] Is Jaebeom Expelled?

Because education is important, one curious (stalker) fan decided to give a call to ex 2PM leader, Jaebeom’s Korean university, Dankook University in Seoul, where the 22-year-old was enrolled. The fan found out the kicked out 2PM member  failed to submit documents requesting a leave of absence. The fan then asked if that meant he’s automatically expelled from the university. The office worker didn’t necessarily reply, but it is the university’s policy that if a student is absent from the university without submitting documents for that absence, that student can be expelled from the program. However, students expelled in this manner can be re-admitted after review.
Jaebum left Korea on September 8, 2009. Registration for classes at Dankook University ran until August 28th, adding or dropping courses until September 11, and absence report cutoff was until the 30th. Most fans assumed that Jaebum was too preoccupied to handle these matters.
Netizens started writing on the Internet, “Jaebum withdrew from Dankook and is preparing for university in America,” and “Jaebum is taking this opportunity to settle in America, it doesn’t seem like he’ll come back,” though there was no real confirmation of this news.
When the media learned of the fans’ findings, they also started inquiring to the university about Jaebum’s real status. Dankook University answered, “For privacy reasons, we cannot check.”

Credits: popseoul

[news] Is Pressure on South Korea’s Celebrities Leading them to Suicide?

Newspapers all over the world write up stories when celebrities commit suicide. We can’t help wondering why those we idolize most — the world’s wealthiest, most beautiful, most talented — would take their own lives. Don’t they have it all? Don’t we want to be them? And won’t we show up anyway tomorrow to audition for JYP – the Korean management firm that trains and manages K-Pop bands, Korean TV stars, and even models?

Though it is not uncommon for celebrities to take their own lives, in South Korea more than anywhere else it has become a trend, and the blogs are buzzing at the recent death of a Korean runway model. Is caused by the country’s demanding entertainment industry, the voracious appetite of its fans, or the plain truth that Korea’s stars face the pressure of also being their country’s ambassadors — as the small country has had so many entertainers reach the international spotlight?

Yesterday, model Daul Kim was found hanged in her Paris apartment.

A 5′10″ statuesque beauty who had modeled for Chanel and Topshop and had traveled the world, she found herself gradually becoming an icon for her country, the ambassador for the beauty of Korean women. According to the AP:

In an Oct. 30 entry on her blog, Kim wrote she was “mad depressed and overworked,” and in another entry said “the more i gain the more lonely it is … i know i’m like a ghost.” … Bloggers in South Korea mourned her death, speculating she felt the pressure of high-fashion modeling and a loss of identity.

Kim is also the ninth Korean celebrity to commit suicide over the past two years — joining a list that includes actors, actresses, and even the country’s past president. But though many reasons can lead one to feel desperate enough to take one’s own life, in suicide notes, many of these celebrities cited the pressure of the spotlight.

Last September, TV star Ahn Jae-hwan killed himself, supposedly after rising debts, and soon afterward Korea’s “national sweetheart” Choi Jin-sil committed suicide.

According to Korean entertainment columnist Park Soo Na, one of the reasons could be Jin-sil’s status as a single mother, a woman forging her own path. “Korean society does not like strong women, and thinks single moms have a personality disorder,” she said.

On March 7th this year, soap star Jang Ja-yeon left a seven-page suicide letter behind at her death, accusing 10 TV producers, newspaper CEOs, her talent agent and other entertainment execs of sexual exploitation.

The Guardian mused about whether the source of her struggle wasn’t the “slave contracts” Korea’s celebrities are subjected to.

Whereas some garage bands can have a year of sloppy practice sessions and get signed to Virgin records, Korea’s pop and film stars are intensely trained, supervised, and toured around to celeb functions by a coordinated network of agents, managers, publicists and execs.

In his special behind-the-scenes feature on the world of K-Pop, Edward Chun explained how Korea’s music stars go through intense training. “Ten to 12-hour work days, seven days a week – that is the life of a K-pop star-in-training,” he wrote ...

I asked the group to describe a typical day, and Kevin(UKISS)...filled me in: two hours of exercise in the morning, four hours of dance and choreography classes, two hours of vocal training, and two additional hours for review and language studies. This was their 24-7 schedule – and is in addition to busy days on the road touring, appearing on television programs, or recording music….I asked them if they felt that their company controlled their private lives. “Being an entertainer, to be honest, especially teenagers who think it’s a glamorous thing – it’s only on-stage or on television,” said Alexander. “Behind the scenes, we put in lot of effort. We are also worried and get stressed about how we can keep being popular, and how to keep our fame and be a successful star.”

K-Pop Star Isak told Chun every detail of her training regimen, including how the management kept tabs on the talent’s love life:

“[T]hey were afraid that we would sneak out. They would put in a house phone for us, and we couldn’t call from our cell phones. We had to call from our house phone to our manager as soon as we walk[ed] in the door [to inform them] that we came in.” Isak also recalled the strict no-dating policy at the time: “No dating,” she said. “You get caught, you pay consequences.” I asked her what the consequences were. “I was threatened that if I didn’t break up with my boyfriend then I would be either cut from SM or not [be] able to debut.”

But it isn’t only the management that doesn’t allow South Korean celebrities to have complete, happy lives. It’s also (gulp!) the fans. In the West, stars that do few interviews with the media and try their best to lead completely private lives are thought of as artistic savants who need their space. Think of Daniel Day Lewis, the American actor who at the height of his career moved to Florence to learn the practice of cobbling shoes, and returned five years later, telling reporters he wouldn’t speak of it: “It was a period of my life that I had a right to without any intervention of that kind.” He went on to win multiple Academy Awards.

In Korea, the lead band-member of pop group 2PM is on hiatus — whether at the bidding of the management or his own inclination — and the fans won’t stop their protests, going so far as to boycott the record and broadcast a sign to the singer via low-flying airplane. That’s a tough crowd to face.

With the eleventh highest suicide rate in the world, Korea’s rate could also, of course, be linked to the country’s averse relationship with psychiatry. “Koreans are very secretive about psychiatric problems,” Lee Myung Soo, a psychiatrist at the Seoul Metropolitan Mental Health Centre, told Time Magazine

If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression, please reach out. Call LifeLine, where operators are standing by to talk to you about whatever you need to talk about. It works in whatever country you are in, and is completely free and confidential. The phone numbers are available HERE

source: MTV IGGY

[news] JYP: "If Jaebum Is Willing To Return, I Will Help...",

Park Jin Young speaks up officially about 2PM's Jaebum for the first time on MBCs's "Golden Fishery".

On the November 11th episode of "Golden Fishery", Park Jin Young said, “If Jaebum comes back, he will return as part of 2PM, of course. It will not be a solo comeback.”

MC Kang Ho Dong then asked, “Did you have to send Jaebum off to America in such a rush?” and Park Jin Young replied, “When Jaebum’s case was exposed, it was put under great criticism. And when he returned to the States, suddenly public opinion was, ‘Was there a mistranslation?’ and that he did not do any wrong. The answer is in-between.”

He continued, “Even though it was not like it was a mistake, it was not like it wasn’t a mistake as well. Someone who is responsible for part of the culture or has nothing to do with our culture should not be receiving the criticisms.”

“Jaebum is not a bad child. Back then, he was going through a tough time and was not motivated at all. He even said to me, "If it is not Park Jin Young’s song, I am confident of success." But I like it that he does not lie. Jaebum has been changing and the Jaebum now is very different from the Jaebum then. The Jaebum back then caused hurt to many Koreans, but the Jaebum now is very embarrassed by what he has done and does not want to burden the group as the leader, so he has decided to leave. If it was me, I would have done the same.”

Kang Ho Dong then asked, “As the company, shouldn’t you stop him?” Park Jin Young said, “He did wrong, and on his own, he thought that he did wrong. If you care about Jaebum... I think that public opinion and fans should leave him be. He will know that everyone cares, but leave him to be for now.”

inally, he said, “The thing that I can do is be help as a singing and dance teacher to help him keep his standards as a singer up during this resting period. When he is willing to return on to the stage, I will help him willingly. If Jaebum is to return, he will return as 2PM and not solo. Jaebum, the other members and myself, will not want a solo comeback.”

credits: Osen/Kbites

[INFO]Hottests' 100 Reasons why they love Jaebum

Reasons to Love Park Jaebum 101

1. Because you are 2PM’s Leadja
2. Because you are 2PM’s heart
3. Because you’re a muscle man but has smiling eyes like an angel
4. Because you are guy that takes good care of himself
5. Because you have abs that are more awesome than Usher’s
6. Because you made your abs from Choco-chex
7. Because on stage you have a pose that no one can imitate
8. Because on unlike being on stage, you lose your mind easily
9. Because you are an acrobatic person
10. Because you are an emoticon person
11. Because you match clothes colors
12. Because you are a guy that matches to the color pink the best in the whole world
13. Because you are a respectful guy
14. Because any hairstyle matches you
15. Because even a suit matches you very well
16. Because the way you make double eye-lids is of great charm
17. Because you act like a kid around mango
18. Because you are an idol that goes around saying you like nipples
19. Because on shows you ruin yourself without hesitation
20. Because you do Rated-R shows well
21. Because while the other members watch porn, you don’t
22. Because you are good at annoying Taecyeon
23. Take off..don’t take off…because you always take off your clothes
24. Because you relay God’s message to the members
25. Because you use Chansung’s earphones like your own
26. Because by going to Seattle, you left your notebook there and only brought back the mouse
27. Because the vampire costume fits you so well
28. Because you were so pretty even wearing a stocking over your head
29. Because your didn’t wear underwear during a shoot so they wouldn’t get wet
30. Because you dance well, but are also good at singing, but also good at rapping
31. Because you are able to intimidate Chansung and Taecyeon with merely a fan
32. Because you use Jaebum’s “fusion dialect”
33. Because you were worried that Junho wouldn’t be able to have babies with those kinds of pants
34. Because of your confidence, that even though you are not good at driving, you act like you are
35. Because you continue to drive even after running into a [Mercedes] Benz
36. Because you know that Wooyoung wears a thong
37. Because it seems like you’re going to expose your lower parts someday
38. Because your lower body is weak in comparison to your upper body.
39. Because you dance to Chae Yeon’s “Shake” better than she can or anyone else
40. Because while autographing, you wrote so honestly in the P.S. that you really needed to go to the bathroom
41. Because you honestly said on a show that you were drinking water for having diarrhea
42. Because you match wife beaters better than anyone else in this world
43. Because you’re a grandpa that has to eat Glucosamine due to your damaged cartilage
44. Because you dance perfectly to girl group songs, such as “Gee” and “Forever Love”
45. Because you tried to expose Wooyoung
46. Because when Wooyoung couldn't speak because of his throat during an interview, you read out loud everything he wrote
47. Because you said that only you can be the Leadja
48. Because you dream of 2PM conquering the world
49. Because you do Kim Jaedong’s impersonation very well
50. Because you didn’t have your ID, but danced to Again and Again in front of a club and was allowed in
51. Because of your modesty- when anyone would agree that you are amazing, you say you’re not
52. Because you have thick lips you have to wet often
53. Because you have a very good voice
54. Because you sing with your beautiful voice for us
55. Because you are a caring Leadja who really loves and takes care of his members
56. Because you have milky skin like a baby
57. Because your embarrassing pictures are still very stylish
58. Because you even made the “ssanti” (cheap) dance very natural
59. Because you make us continue studying English
60. Because you really love your family and think of them
61. Because even though you’re the leader, you don’t seem like one, and you don’t seem like a leader, but you are the forever leader
62. Because you are more passionate that anybody else
63. Because you are cute, but sexy
64. Because the ends of your eyes turn up and no one can copy this
65. Because you said that hottests are the best fans in the world
66. Because you are one of hottests’ reasons to live
67. Because you are the hottests’ president
68. Because I feel like going crazy if you’re not next to me
69. Because you don’t forget you’re a rookie and try your very best
70. Because you’ve become the center of our lives
71. Because my heart jumps like crazy by just looking, hearing, thinking about you
72. Because you are a present from the sky
73. Because you are an angel who gives it his all for everything you do
74. Because every time I see you, you look different
75. Because of your infinite charms
76. Because your addiction is too much
77. Because there is no way out
78. Because for always showing us more than what we expect
79. Because even though you are playful like a child, on stage you are a serious adult
80. Because you don’t lie
81. Because you know how to appreciate everything
82. Because you are skilled and know how to do anything and everything
83. Because your past is still stylish
84. Because you are a “Beast Idol”
85. Because regardless of what I’m doing, I only see you
86. Because 2PM and hottests are forever
87. Because you taught me how to truly like someone and wait for him
88. Because you are a person who helps your younger brothers to shine before taking care of yourself
89. Because you had the courage to give up everything and come to Korea in order to become a singer
90. Because when I look at you, my smile never ends
91. Because without you, it doesn’t matter if I live or die
92. Because without you, I cannot be fixed
93. Because without you, I cannot laugh again
94. Because the more I look at you, you have so many good qualities
95. Because I cannot hate you
96. Because you are my destiny
97. Because you are just Park Jaebum
98. Because you are one of 7 people
99. Because only you can make it 2:00pm
100. Because I know that you are definitely going to return

CREDITS: DAUM (SOURCE); kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY & hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY (TRANS)

[news] Could Jaebeom Be Back?! [EDIT]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But what kinds of words has this photo of Jaebeom struck up?

In the last couple of hours, a certain photograph of 2PM’s ex-leader Jaebeom has been circulating around on fan sites, stirring chaos amongst 2PM fans. This candid photo shows Jaebeom leaving a Korean airport.

Wait! Korean airport?! Yes, you heard me right. Many fans are speculating that this photo is recent because it hasn’t been seen by many people yet. Some fans are even suggesting that he may be returning just in time for this year’s MAMA. Now if this is the case, the question would be whether he’s returning just to attend the awards show or to perform with 2PM, as they are having a special stage with Ivy this year.

So what do you think? Could this possibly be Jaebeom’s return to 2PM? Or is it just a rumor?

cr: mashimello @ allkpop


cr: twooneday @ twitter

[INFO] More Jaebum "Hot Blood" diary entries,

A few entries from Jay's diary written during the filming of ONEDAY'S "Hot Blood" show during their trainee days.

Jaebum’s Diary

Yesterday was a bit demanding so this morning’s training was more difficult than usual…
The yoga was also harder than I thought…
I think the yoga teacher is really pretty…
3 years prior I was annoyed by my mom’s nagging and
annoyed by my brother, but now there is never a day that I don’t miss them.

Mom, Dad, Jehan, Peatry, Tony, JR, Yoon
Sam, all my relatives
I love you guys so much...
Thank you God for putting them into My life

My strength
My hope
The reason I want to do well
So that the other people can be proud
I want to become a good brother, friend, son, student, person…
If I do well, if I succeed, I can buy them the things they need and give them happiness…
All the people I love can do well…

Art of Movement

Jaebum's Diary

Today… I can only describe it as daebak[truly amazing]…
It was so cold I thought I was going to freeze to death, but in the end I finished it well
The other kids did well too…
Even if I was to leave this group, I am able to wish the kids to have an amazing debut and do well, without any regrets or sadness….
I mean it very sincerely…
Even before I entered the group, I wished it…
Today, all the people put in a lot of effort.

Jaebum's Diary

The morning exercise was a bit hard, but good…
I almost let out tears… (because of talks about member’s elimination…)
In the end I kept it in…
The rap was also fun and good…

Mr. Typhoon seems cool…
I think he writes raps better than the other kids first thought…

I want to go exercise…
Please give me my cellphone…
I miss everyone…
Art of Movement

Jaebum's Diary

It was not that hard waking up…
Running with our tops off was cold, but it was good because something about it was liberating.
I’m really sad that I couldn’t box.
It’s an honor to learn b-boying from MAXIMUM CREW…
The best.
I saw an online video of them b-boying in the States…
Anyways, even if I’m tired, keep “Killin it”
Art Of Movement

CREDITS: DAUM (SOURCE) and TIME2SUB@2ONEDAY (screencaps); kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY (TRANS)

[news] Interview with 2PM fancafe core member, stance on Golden Fishery statements

After JYP appeared on the show 'Golden Fishery,' 2PM fans have been flocking to the show's board and are pressuring JYP with statements such as "Immediately stop using Jaebum as a marketing tool."

A core member of the '2PM Fan Cafe' agreed to a phone interview with us on the 12th in an effort to express the viewpoint and feelings of the fans after the statements JYP made on Golden Fishery.

She did not hesitate to express her disappointment, starting with "I saw the broadcast, but I immediately regretted seeing it. I thought that it was so like JYP. There's a big difference between what regular people view JYP as and what fans view him as. Others see him as successful with great corporate skills. We admit that. But fans do not accept JYP in any way.

There is no difference between what he said on air and what he said through official statements months ago. It is merely a voiced version of those articles. JYP made the fans out to be little brats that are whining for Jaebum's immediate return. He placed the blame on Jaebum and placed great pressure on the fans to leave him alone and stop our boycotts. Basically, he pushed the blame on to someone else.

There are fans that have given up and have began supporting 6PM after the broadcast. But instead of trusting JYP, they are attempting to give him a chance because at this point, JYP is the only person holding the key to Jaebum's return.

Furthermore, JYP is ignoring the efforts of the fans. When Jaebum's controversy first exploded, we as fans attempted to fix it by spreading the fact that there were translation errors. We also participated in various charities such as blood donations, donations for the youth, books... We attempted to find forgiveness for Jaebum through these actions.

In order to help Jaebum feel more at ease, we sent more than thousands of hand written letters with thousands of folded paper roses with thousands of post its with thousands of UCC messages. What fans want now is not Jaebum's return. What we want is an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact. Even if Jaebum does not immediately return, the fact that his spot remains open will be of great assurance to the fans.

What we want especially is not leaving little comments on shows such as 'Golden Fishery' but an official press conference that states these things. Then the boycott will cease. Should JYP continue to ignore the fans and use Jaebum as his marketing tool, the boycott will never stop."


[News]Park Jin Young, “JaeBum will return. When he does, he will return as 2PM” !

Park Jin Young speaks up officially about 2PM JaeBum for the first time on MBC Golden Fishery.

On Golden Fishery aired on 11th November, Park Jin Young said, “If JaeBum comes back, he will return as part of 2PM of course. It will not be a solo comeback.”

MC Kang Ho Dong then asked, “Do you have to send JaeBum off to America in such a rush?” and Park Jin Young replied, “When JaeBum’s case was exposed, it was put under great criticism. And when he returned to the States, suddenly public opinion was ‘Was there a mistranslation?’ and that he did not do any wrong. The answer is in between.”

He continued, “Even though it was not like it is a mistake, it was not like it wasn’t a mistake as well. Someone who is responsible for part of the culture or has nothing to do with our culture should not be receiving the criticisms.”

“JaeBum is not a bad child. Back then he was going through a tough time and was not motivated at all. He even said to me ‘If it is not Park JinYoung’s song, I am confident of success’. But I like it that he does not lie. JaeBum has been changing and the JaeBum now is very different from the JaeBum then. The JaeBum back then had caused hurt to many Koreans, but the JaeBum now is very embarrassed by what he has done and does not want to burden the group as the leader so he has decided to leave. If it’s me I would have done the same.”

Add-on translation:

Kang Ho Dong then asked, “As the company, shouldn’t you stop him?” Park Jin Young said, “He did wrong, and on his own he thought that he did wrong. If you care about JaeBum, I think that public opinion and fans should leave him to be. He will know that everyone cares, but leave him to be for now.”

Lastly, he said, “The thing that I can do is be help as a dance and song teacher to help him keep his standards as a singer up during this resting period. When he is willing to return on to the stage, I will help him willingly. If JaeBum is to return, he will return as 2PM and not solo. JaeBum, the other members and myself will not want a solo comeback.”

Credits to : Osen , K Bites

[News] Park Jin Young to speak up officially about JaeBum’s future plans on MBC Golden Fishery

JYP Park Jin Young will talk about 2PM JaeBum’s return on MBC ‘Golden Fishery – Mureuppak Dosa’.

After previous week, coming 11th November on the show, Park Jin Young will talk about JaeBum’s future plans, after leaving group 2PM and is currently staying in the States. This will be the first time that Park Jin Young talks officially about JaeBum after he left the group.

And also recently, in the teaser video released for 2PM’s 6-member comeback, it was mentioned in the video, “We are 7 members”. And fans are curious and wondering if this means that JaeBum will be returning to the group. So with that, it will now hold greater meaning now that Park Jin Young will speak up about JaeBum.

And also the production team to the show said that they will not edit out any part of Park JinYoung’s speech on the show.


[NEWS] Jokwon expresses his desire for Jaebum's return

2AM’s JoKwon’s sincere expression “1:59 KEEP GOING for 2PM’s Jaebum’s return”

2AM’s JoKwon wrote on his mini home page his thoughts of Jaebum and his return.

JoKwon updated his mini homepage by putting “1:59, 2:00” below the main picture and writing “Yearning” on the left side, as well as writing “Keep Going” at the top for the title.

1:59 is the time that 2AM/2PM fans use after Jaebum left. The hope for writing “Keep Going” is to express that the clock stopped at 1:59, hoping that it can be 2PM, the 7 member group again as soon as possible when Jaebum returns and activities continue.

(Unrelated info omitted)

Click on the pictures for clearer view !

[INFO] 080300 Jaebum's diary entry from "Hot Blood" show

Jaebum’s diary-
I wasn’t that surprised this morning…
We didn’t even do anything good and coming to the beach to play, doesn’t make sense…
Since I always exercise, it was manageable…
It seems like the teacher is very good….
Right now, at this time, it seems like I can persevere these hardships…
It’s because I suffered a lot for four years after leaving home…
It’s not like we’re even staying here…
I don’t show it, but honestly, it’s a little….
I must show strength while thinking of the people I love…
Art of Movement!
425*-206 3-10

*: Edmonds, Seattle, area code (reppin his boys back home!)


[news] 2PM Interview with InStyle revealed

After two long months, 2PM is truly back - first with a controversial performance at Dream Concert, then two song releases, and now an interview. Many Hottests have been dying to see these boys up close and personal again, and their wishes have finally been granted. Check out this interview with InStyle below:

To many people, these videos are a relief - the boys seem much brighter and healthier than in September, and even crack some jokes. Wooyoung briefly talks about the individual charms of each member, revealing that Chansung was a nice guy that didn't get along well with people, and Junho ripped his pants during the photoshoot due to his overly tight pants. Great to see that our boys are still as hilarious as ever!

Unfortunately, Jaebeom wasn't present, and his name never came up during the interview... it felt like there was an elephant in the room.

[some comments cut]

cr: jennylylicious and chaahroo @ youtube; allkpop

[news] ‘Infinity Challenge’ Looking For Ways They Can Send Jaebum Rice

The MBC ‘Infinity Challenge’ production staff are looking for ways to send Jaebum, who has participated in the rice farming project’, rice.

The staff revealed recently to Star news that, “We are considering plans to send rice to the members who worked hard in the rice farming project.”

When asked, “Do you have intentions to send some to Jaebum, who’s currently residing in Seattle?” they showed a positive stance and replied, “We are currently discussing that. Isn’t it only right to for him to get his share of the harvest after working together.” However they also added that it was not easy to send grain abroad.

Jaebum had made an appearance in one of the episodes for the ‘Rice farming project’ bringing about a lot of attention and interest.

*Irrelevant info omitted

Source: MT Star News
Translations: saradah@2oneday
shared by: kpopJJang
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