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Showing posts with label daul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daul. Show all posts

[news] More to Daul’s suicide than it seems?

In a recent article ‘Daul Kim IMed With a Friend About a Physically Abusive Boyfriend Hours Before Her Death‘ by NYMag, it seems that there is more to Daul Kim’s suicide than it seems.

Article: The Daily Beast reports that Daul Kim, who was found dead in her Paris apartment last week in an apparent suicide, instant-messaged with a close friend on the morning of Thursday, November 19, just hours before her death.

She was depressed, she wrote, according to a transcript of the chat seen by The Daily Beast. She and her boyfriend had just had another brutal physical fight. She’d punched him in the face; he’d yanked her hair. But she was afraid to leave him, afraid to suffer the agony of being apart. The last time they separated, she hadn’t been able to eat, dropping from 112 to 99 lbs. Her friend begged her to leave town, book a job, call her mother. No, she said. She’d miss her dog. She ended the conversation abruptly, saying she was going off to clean the house.

Hours later, her body was discovered by her boyfriend. This week, Kim’s family closed her blog to the public and questioned whether her death was really a suicide. Concerns have been raised over how quickly French authorities came to this hypothesis.

Some are speculating about the effect her Korean background may have had on her emotional well-being. The Daily Beast continues:

“Daul was the face of Korea on a worldwide scale, and when someone represents Korea on that level, there is pressure,” says Joy Yoon, Kim’s friend and a fellow Korean. “Though Daul had an extremely bright future ahead of her, I don’t think she could cut loose from her background and the pressures of it. The loneliness she must have felt must have been suffocating. Did her agencies really have her best interests at heart? I know she wanted stability and somewhat of a normal life and even complained about it. Isn’t that a sign? A cry for help?”

The model is said to have left a suicide note.

cr: sookyeong

[news] Daul Kim IMed with a friend hours before her death

The Daily Beast reports that Daul Kim, who was found dead in her Paris apartment last week in an apparent suicide, instant-messaged with a close friend on the morning of Thursday, November 19, just hours before her death.

She was depressed, she wrote, according to a transcript of the chat seen by The Daily Beast. She and her boyfriend had just had another brutal physical fight. She’d punched him in the face; he’d yanked her hair. But she was afraid to leave him, afraid to suffer the agony of being apart. The last time they separated, she hadn’t been able to eat, dropping from 112 to 99 lbs. Her friend begged her to leave town, book a job, call her mother. No, she said. She’d miss her dog. She ended the conversation abruptly, saying she was going off to clean the house.

Hours later, her body was discovered by her boyfriend. This week, Kim's family closed her blog to the public and questioned whether her death was really a suicide. Concerns have been raised over how quickly French authorities came to this hypothesis.

Some are speculating about the effect her Korean background may have had on her emotional well-being. The Daily Beast continues:

“Daul was the face of Korea on a worldwide scale, and when someone represents Korea on that level, there is pressure,” says Joy Yoon, Kim’s friend and a fellow Korean. “Though Daul had an extremely bright future ahead of her, I don’t think she could cut loose from her background and the pressures of it. The loneliness she must have felt must have been suffocating. Did her agencies really have her best interests at heart? I know she wanted stability and somewhat of a normal life and even complained about it. Isn’t that a sign? A cry for help?”

The model is said to have left a suicide note.


[News] Daul Kim’s company reveals suicide as cause of death

The company of late top model Daul Kim speaks up officially about her death.
Kim SoYeon, representative of Esteem Model, said on 24th November, “Kim Daul has hung herself at her home in France Paris on 19th November.”
“Her body was found at local time 9.30am on 19th November, we cannot confirm the time of death. A memorial will be held for her on 23rd November by family and friends.”
And about the reasons for Daul Kim’s suicide, the representative said, “This girl has started out modelling at a very young age, and she felt the intense anxiety and uneasiness about the rest of her life. In addition, she was not able to live the normal life like any girls at her age. We suspect that she had felt confused and lost, after experiencing the difference in anticipation before and after she has reached the top of her career.”

“The reason why we did not come out to announce her death officially is that we do not want to further cause hurt to her soul.”

s: DongaNews

[News] Late Model Kim Daul's Battle with Loneliness

The model Kim Daul was found dead in her apartment in Paris on Thursday last week, after what has now emerged was a long battle with loneliness and depression. 

Kim started modeling at the age of 13 and was picked as one of the top 10 models to watch by New York Magazine in 2009. She also won fashion model award at the 2009 Asia Model Festival Awards. 

While she was loved and praised by world class designers around the globe, behind the runway, she felt increasingly isolated. 

According to the cable channel FashionN, which made a special tribute program to Kim, hers was a lonely struggle in an intensely competitive world. In interviews with FashionN since 2008, Kim said, "I'm always overwhelmed by the tight show schedules. One day I had to run constantly for auditions from 7 a.m. until midnight on a rainy day. The pressure of the runway is quite difficult to deal with." 

In an interview on Olive Show, a talk show about fashion and style on the cable channel Olive, Kim also talked about misunderstandings that happened due to her not-so-fluent Korean because she went to elementary and middle school in Singapore, and the trouble she had at the beginning of her career because she was "different." "I was always the troublesome one. Nobody understood me. I was a loner at school," Kim reflected. 

But it is unlikely that Kim's confession will be aired. According to a FashionN spokesman, Kim's family wishes to bid farewell to her quietly, so the program might be cancelled.


[News] GDragon had expressed his condolences for late Daul Kim on MAMA!

Big Bang GDragon was seen expressing his condolences for late top model Daul Kim on 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) on 21st November.

A white flower was seen on the left side of the coat he was wearing on the red carpet that day. It is not common to see such a fashion on prize ceremony. And it was known after that he had want to express his condolences for late Daul Kim. A friend of GDragon said, “It was a big shock for him as the news came all of the sudden. When he was preparing for his outfit that day, he thought of Daul Kim and wanted to place the flower there.”

GDragon has also wrote on his me2day on 20th November, “My condolences to Miss Kim Daul. Daul ah, please rest in peace. I’ll pray for you Goodbye..”

The 2 are known to be friends. GDragon had great interests in fashion and the 2 could get into conversations very easily. This goes the same for 2NE1 stylist ‘Yang Gang’.


[news] Daul Kim's Final Words

Daul Kim's final words from her last interview will be seen through a two-part interview on O'live entitled, Daul Kim : Beautiful Twenties.

In the two-part interview that took place back in October, Daul reveals stories from her childhood up until her life as it was then.

The majority of the interview by Suh Eun Young will be aired in an episode called, Daul Kim's Unfinished Words. Through the interview, you can see Daul thanking Suh Eun Young for helping her become a model and that she is really thankful. Daul has also said that she's glad people liked her unique personality in the industry.

Daul's words on her personal life were as, "I've been working too hard. Right now all I have is a tiny apartment in Paris with just a pretty-looking rice maker. I'm happy I can buy fresh fruits from the local grocer, though."

"Ever since I started modeling, I've been able to make some friends," were some of the other words spoken in the final interview, as well, and some Netizens are questioning the sincerity of this interview. Daul has said before on her blog that when you become famous - you can't trust anyone anymore, and that your closet friend could just be a fan.

Previously on the 6th of October, Daul had posted an entry on her blog about the recent interviews she had done. She said in that entry, "korean viewers are tough. be more understanding!!! please! be more paitient viewers!!!!"

cr: omgkpop

[news] Is Pressure on South Korea’s Celebrities Leading them to Suicide?

Newspapers all over the world write up stories when celebrities commit suicide. We can’t help wondering why those we idolize most — the world’s wealthiest, most beautiful, most talented — would take their own lives. Don’t they have it all? Don’t we want to be them? And won’t we show up anyway tomorrow to audition for JYP – the Korean management firm that trains and manages K-Pop bands, Korean TV stars, and even models?

Though it is not uncommon for celebrities to take their own lives, in South Korea more than anywhere else it has become a trend, and the blogs are buzzing at the recent death of a Korean runway model. Is caused by the country’s demanding entertainment industry, the voracious appetite of its fans, or the plain truth that Korea’s stars face the pressure of also being their country’s ambassadors — as the small country has had so many entertainers reach the international spotlight?

Yesterday, model Daul Kim was found hanged in her Paris apartment.

A 5′10″ statuesque beauty who had modeled for Chanel and Topshop and had traveled the world, she found herself gradually becoming an icon for her country, the ambassador for the beauty of Korean women. According to the AP:

In an Oct. 30 entry on her blog, Kim wrote she was “mad depressed and overworked,” and in another entry said “the more i gain the more lonely it is … i know i’m like a ghost.” … Bloggers in South Korea mourned her death, speculating she felt the pressure of high-fashion modeling and a loss of identity.

Kim is also the ninth Korean celebrity to commit suicide over the past two years — joining a list that includes actors, actresses, and even the country’s past president. But though many reasons can lead one to feel desperate enough to take one’s own life, in suicide notes, many of these celebrities cited the pressure of the spotlight.

Last September, TV star Ahn Jae-hwan killed himself, supposedly after rising debts, and soon afterward Korea’s “national sweetheart” Choi Jin-sil committed suicide.

According to Korean entertainment columnist Park Soo Na, one of the reasons could be Jin-sil’s status as a single mother, a woman forging her own path. “Korean society does not like strong women, and thinks single moms have a personality disorder,” she said.

On March 7th this year, soap star Jang Ja-yeon left a seven-page suicide letter behind at her death, accusing 10 TV producers, newspaper CEOs, her talent agent and other entertainment execs of sexual exploitation.

The Guardian mused about whether the source of her struggle wasn’t the “slave contracts” Korea’s celebrities are subjected to.

Whereas some garage bands can have a year of sloppy practice sessions and get signed to Virgin records, Korea’s pop and film stars are intensely trained, supervised, and toured around to celeb functions by a coordinated network of agents, managers, publicists and execs.

In his special behind-the-scenes feature on the world of K-Pop, Edward Chun explained how Korea’s music stars go through intense training. “Ten to 12-hour work days, seven days a week – that is the life of a K-pop star-in-training,” he wrote ...

I asked the group to describe a typical day, and Kevin(UKISS)...filled me in: two hours of exercise in the morning, four hours of dance and choreography classes, two hours of vocal training, and two additional hours for review and language studies. This was their 24-7 schedule – and is in addition to busy days on the road touring, appearing on television programs, or recording music….I asked them if they felt that their company controlled their private lives. “Being an entertainer, to be honest, especially teenagers who think it’s a glamorous thing – it’s only on-stage or on television,” said Alexander. “Behind the scenes, we put in lot of effort. We are also worried and get stressed about how we can keep being popular, and how to keep our fame and be a successful star.”

K-Pop Star Isak told Chun every detail of her training regimen, including how the management kept tabs on the talent’s love life:

“[T]hey were afraid that we would sneak out. They would put in a house phone for us, and we couldn’t call from our cell phones. We had to call from our house phone to our manager as soon as we walk[ed] in the door [to inform them] that we came in.” Isak also recalled the strict no-dating policy at the time: “No dating,” she said. “You get caught, you pay consequences.” I asked her what the consequences were. “I was threatened that if I didn’t break up with my boyfriend then I would be either cut from SM or not [be] able to debut.”

But it isn’t only the management that doesn’t allow South Korean celebrities to have complete, happy lives. It’s also (gulp!) the fans. In the West, stars that do few interviews with the media and try their best to lead completely private lives are thought of as artistic savants who need their space. Think of Daniel Day Lewis, the American actor who at the height of his career moved to Florence to learn the practice of cobbling shoes, and returned five years later, telling reporters he wouldn’t speak of it: “It was a period of my life that I had a right to without any intervention of that kind.” He went on to win multiple Academy Awards.

In Korea, the lead band-member of pop group 2PM is on hiatus — whether at the bidding of the management or his own inclination — and the fans won’t stop their protests, going so far as to boycott the record and broadcast a sign to the singer via low-flying airplane. That’s a tough crowd to face.

With the eleventh highest suicide rate in the world, Korea’s rate could also, of course, be linked to the country’s averse relationship with psychiatry. “Koreans are very secretive about psychiatric problems,” Lee Myung Soo, a psychiatrist at the Seoul Metropolitan Mental Health Centre, told Time Magazine

If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression, please reach out. Call LifeLine, where operators are standing by to talk to you about whatever you need to talk about. It works in whatever country you are in, and is completely free and confidential. The phone numbers are available HERE

source: MTV IGGY

[NEWS] Daul Kim mentioned 2NE1 & BB in an old post

Posted by Daul Kim
say hi to xin&danny's styling for 2NE1

So this is a female version of bigbang…


my friends xin and danny are styling them!
im so proud of them!!!!! <3

korea is really…super conservative country
were the most… taoist out of i guess..all of north east asia

although south korea is capitalist country,
we had dictatorship in the 70's so our parents like grew up with no…
rock music (one time they put all the rock musicians in jail)
and when my dad was going to college they did this thing where
men's hair is longer than a certain length under ear, they get fined or
cops come and shave their hair…

also curfew for everyone after 11:30pm u cant be on the street or something

extreme right?

so even when dictatorship was gone,
for koreans ALOT of things can offend alot of people so…easily

people get offended when they see tattoo bleach hair….etc (i got both:P)
so all the celebrities/actors/musicians end up always playing things safe
and they all look the same… so boring!!!!!!

go xin and danny~!!!<3


Her post on 2009/05/06

"say hi to paris life"

Xin and jiyong came couple days ago and it was so fun

i am alone in my apartment in i guess.. le halles???? area
i make big salads everyday

i kinda changed…i used to shop everyweek but nowdays i just…didnt go at all
i kinda lost … drive to shop…until
i went to Jean paul gaultier and bought this tattoo top
i really love it but its kinda cold to wear it

uhhh i really miss my mom, mom's house and friends back home and my guineapig

[news] Police Believe Daul Kim Committed Suicide

More details have emerged surrounding 20-year-old South Korean model Daul Kim, who was found dead yesterday. Kim's boyfriend, who declined to be named in the press, found her hanged in her Paris apartment and alerted police. Authorities are operating under the hypothesis that she committed suicide. Kim's agent tells the AP her mother is arriving in Paris today.

Bloggers in South Korea are speculating she felt the pressures of the fashion industry. On October 30, Kim wrote on her blog she was "mad depressed and overworked." On November 5, she wrote in another entry, "the more i gain the more lonely it is ... i know i'm like a ghost i have nothing but myself." In her last entry, on November 18, she posted a track by Jim Rivers, "I Go Deep," with the headline "say hi to forever."

Source: The Cut

[News] Friend who found Daul Kim dead revealed that she have hung herself

Late model Daul Kim was said to be found hanging herself when she was discovered at her apartment on the day she passed away.

On SBS ‘8pm News’ on 20th November, it was reported that the French police revealed that Daul Kim was discovered by a friend at her apartment on the morning of 19th November. And she was said to have hung herself. The friend had then reported to the police.

But it was not sure how her friend has entered Daul Kim’s locked apartment. Currently, the cause of Daul’s death has not bee confirmed and her body is being transferred to the hospital for autospy test.

Daul Kim’s parents have flown over to Paris after receiving the unfateful news.

Daul Kim is one of Korea’s top models, with her name known abroad. She is also known to be friends with model Lee HyukSoo, Hye Park, GDragon etc.

c: SportsChosun
Another article:

More details have emerged surrounding 20-year-old South Korean model Daul Kim, who was found dead yesterday. Kim’s boyfriend, who declined to be named in the press, found her hanged in her Paris apartment and alerted police.

Authorities are operating under the hypothesis that she committed suicide. Kim’s agent tells the AP her mother is arriving in Paris today. Bloggers in South Korea are speculating she felt the pressures of the fashion industry.

On October 30, Kim wrote on her blog she was “mad depressed and overworked.” On November 5, she wrote in another entry, “the more i gain the more lonely it is … i know i’m like a ghost i have nothing but myself.” In her last entry, on November 18, she posted a track by Jim Rivers, “I Go Deep,” with the headline “say hi to forever.”
Source: The Cut

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