2ne1 dara:
Original message:
와쌉!? 오늘 오랜만에 음악방송 나와서 너무 재밌었어요!^.^ 신나구~오늘 다들 신나게 노래도 따라불러주구~ 꺄악!!! 쁘~라~!!!
In English:
Wassup!? We came out to a music broadcasting today after a long time and it was great fun!^.^ Awesome~ And we did the new song this week~ Kyak!!! Wooh~!!!
Original message:
여기는 영등포 타임스스퀘어 2AM이 싸인회중 사람들 시끄럽다…
In English:
Here at Youngdeungpo Times Square is a 2AM fansigning and everyone is making so much noise…
SHINEE (key):
Original message:
[Key] 우리아들♥세상에이런천사가있을까 빨리커서아빠랑진지한대화를나눠보자!키키♥♥
In English:
[Key] Our baby♥This angel is growing up so quickly!Key Key♥♥
Original message:
[Key]몇일전대구시내에서요로고돌아다니는거본적있는사람손~~!!!! key였지롱…ㅋㅋ
In English:
[Key]With a complete change of city there is a Daegu logo on his hand showing that he is a legal resident~~!!!! It’s Key…ㅋㅋ
2AM Jo Kwon:
Original message:
홍콩 ㅎㅎ 너무 좋았어요^^*
In English:
Hong Kong ㅎㅎ I’m loving it^^*
Original message:
KAIST 대학축제 가는 길… 차는 막히고, 우린 잔다… ㅋ
In English:
Going to the KAIST college festival…the car is stuck in traffic, we’re sleeping…ㅋ
(Translation: AA-Chan.net)
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