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[Interview] Vivi Magazine April 2010 Issue - 5000 Word Interview!

Q: It has been 5 years since you debuted in Japan. When you first debuted, the members were all kids below the age of 20 but now, you have grown up to become matured men. Now, you guys have released your first best album. Then, let me ask each member which song do they think is the "best of the best" amongst all these songs?

YH: Mm, because of the huge number, it is hard to come to a decision. However, I feel that it is still . This is the first single from Tohoshinki that managed to get to the top of the oricon daily charts. When we knew of this news, we were actually having a photoshoot of the cover of our next single, , and because of we were too happy, we kept smiling sneakily during the shoot. However, the cover of requires us to have a very cool appearance so it was very tiring for us to hold it all in (laugh). At that time, it was as if there was a movie in our head, memories from the moment we stepped into Japan.

CM: I will choose . This song was previously made the opening song for the anime right? This anime is very popular in Japan and is rather influential and we had the honor of performing the opening theme for it. When I listen to this song while watching the anime, although I won't be very excited but I will also think "this is really our song~" and these sort of feeling is really unimaginable and makes one really happy.

JJ: I also choose because this is a very happy song! is also very interesting. My favourite character would be Luffy, if it's a female, then Nami. Although she seems very violent but in reality, she's a really good kid right? So.... ah~ I'm sorry, I've gone out of the question. (Laugh)

JS: I like the most. We did a lot of experimenting and challenged ourselves with the genre of the song. Didn't the end product have a lot of Tohoshinki sort of feeling? Full of energy, very cool and it is because of this that I feel is a song that can represent Tohoshinki!

YC: I would choose !! Because this song is the last song of the whole best album. It's very sad. Although the last song has "begin" as the starting but it is better to not look at the order of the songs (Laugh)... I'm joking. I just really like this song. I feel that the feeling that the melody and lyrics give is very similar to "the end".

Q: Then, what is the song that, although is not your favourite but you want to give to a lover?

YC: It's still , a very clean melody. I want to sing while playing it on the piano for her. During the Tokyo Dome Concert in summer last year, I played the piano whilst singing for everyone to hear (shyly)... But what I regret is that I don't have an audience personally and I want to experience a different kind of happiness. Haha...

JJ: I also choose , the main reason would bet hat the lyrics are too perfect. "From now on, we will hold hands and walk forward". This sentence is really nice and that is why I want to say it once.

YH: For me, I would choose or . If we are looking at it from the title, then is not too bad.... but all of them seem to be sad songs. Tohoshinki has a lot of songs that show a "I want to walk to the future with my lover" feeling. Amongst them, I would like to recommend to everyone. "Although there will be sadness, but the bright tomorrow will definitely arrive" as I like this sort of "enthusiastic" attitude "towards the future".

JS: I will also choose . Tohoshinki has performed many songs about love but this song's lyrics has the most direct theme of "I want to protect you". Isn't it good to let a person you like to hear this song? Regarding love, I am also the kind that "wants to protect his lover"... Okay, I also wish to be protected sometimes. (Laugh)

CM: I choose . This is a song that is very deep and that is why I choose this song from the best album.

Q: The previous topics were all regarding a song from the best album. Now, as a whole, what do you all feel about this best album? As compared to a normal album, releasing a best album must harbor different feelings right?

YH: Firstly, my feeling now is "Ah... we really worked hard for today" and also, this is proof of our fans love for us. Looking at it like that, this best album is a wonderful product of our hard work and everyone's love.

JS: Yes yes. Isn't wanting to gather all the wonderful songs for many to listen to the main purpose of creating a best album? This point is also worth being happy about.

CM: From our debut track to our latest songs, every time we release a new single, we will always grow a lot more compared to our previous one and we hope to show everyone this sort of music and image. I feel that this best album is a collection of our changes through many years. Although they are all songs that have been pre-recorded in our previous albums but the feeling that it gives is entirely different.. How do I say this? It brings back a lot of memories and the tiel "Best Album" is definitely suitable!

YC: When we started, I always doubted if there were any songs we could have in this best album. Next, I thought of all singles we have released until now and then surprisingly realize "we have actually already performed so many songs~~"! So I am really happy.

JJ: They still say "Just 10 songs is not enough~ We should add 10 more!" If that was the case, then won't it be "best" no more? Ahhaha!

Q: Just like the songs, I believe everyone must have grown a lot. Next, I want everyone to talk about their thoughts "as a man". Firstly, what kind of person do you think you are? Please start from both your strengths and weaknesses.

JJ: Strengths? Strengths... Mm, I'm not the kind that will put my own things as priority. Usually, I will consider the other person and that is why I won't reject so easily. Those with O blood type seem to have this sort of character. But this is just words, I really have a lot of stress in reality. Then, when I have reached the point where I can't stand it anymore, I will explode and say "I have already tolerated all of this to this point!" (Laugh) That's why people say I'm really scary when I get angry.

YC: My strength is that I have a warm heart (Laugh). My weakness is that I haven't gone out much recently, it's as if I hate the feeling of going out...

JS: I have no strengths. (Laugh) How do I say this... I just don't really know. Many say I have a strong will. Basically, I'm one that would always look forward no matter what and when I feel that something can't be done, I'll just say "no way" as frankly as possible. My weakness... none as well. (Laugh) I have a lot of weaknesses and my biggest one is that I'm a sore loser so there are many tiny things where I will never admit defeat. Recently, I have been more matured about this and won't be too serious. To a man, being a sore loser is not exactly a good thing.

YH: For me, once I have an interest in something, I will be really focused and will not give up until I reach the goal. I also feel that I'm a very passionate person. Once I'm focused, I won't be able to see what's happening around me. No matter how they go "Yunho! Yunho!", I won't be able to hear anything. In other words, I have more of a manly character.. How do I say this? It also means that it would be harder for me to understand a girl's heart. (Shy) I feel that my definition of romantic..... but to girls, it's a bit hard (Understand)...

CM: I should put it this way, including things I hate about myself, I love everything about myself. For a blood type B, I might get rather irritated easily but I think it's because of this, people find my strengths rather unique. Basically, my character is one of those that is a little more quiet, and a little shy. However, once I know someone well, I will be very chatty and passionate. I belong to the "small social circle, deep and slow" type... Mm, anyway, other than my tendency to be irritated, the rest are strengths? This is obviously a joke. (Laugh)

Q: Then, what kind of lover do you think you are?

YH: I am the kind that will be totally immersed that the surroundings become invisible!... But, I haven't really got into a relationship so I'm not too sure myself.

YC: I used to be the "immersed" kind too. If I like someone, I will feel that "it's definitely this person!".... but recently, I have been conscious about others' opinion as well. Until now, I usually am immersed too deeply so it doesn't really turn out well.

JS: I have two sides. Not only will I be immersed but also really calm. Also, when I'm in love, my thoughts will change a lot so I won't really know what I will do later on. However, I won't think too much and just want to be more natural.

CM: It was only during my first love that I "didn't really care about the rest" but after that, I became a lot calmer. There hasn't been any situations that have affected my work and such. It was only during my first love... that I was a bit crazy. (Bitter laugh)

JJ: Mine differs with relationship. If the girl is enthusiastic then maybe I will change to be like that too, if not, then it might be a little boring. But no matter what type, I will always protect her and that is why I have to take good care of my body and save my energy (laugh).

Q: Then, how will all of you protect a girl?

CM: Mm... if it was a situation where she met with a robber after a date or something, I would get her to grab a taxi home and leave first. This way, no matter how much I run after that, she'll never be able to see that side of me. (Laugh)

JS: I will carry her and run! Because I run really fast so I have confidence in running away safely.

YC: If I were to think about it practically, I would tell my girlfriend to "contact my manager" and before his arrival, I will fight. Because I used to practice Taekwondo, I think I would be able to stop them for a little while.

YH: I used to be a Hapkido trainee as well so I will fight myself. Ah, but it won't be too good for an artiste to fight right? But I still have to be a bodyguard, bodyguard. Because my girlfriend's emotions and safety is the most important.

Q: It feels safe! Then at the end, what kind of man do you want to be in the future, please tell us your goal.

YH: Just like what I said before, the person I respect the most is my father. I wish to be just like my father, to become a presence that gives people strength. Also, I'm still doing volunteering work and that is also a very important part of my dream.

CM: My dream is to be a man that can build a warm family. So, not only in love, but I need to have enough strength and the requirements to earn enough money, right?

JJ: I wish to be a young dad (shy). I wish to be the kind that can send the kids to school. But this world still holds many dangers. To be honest, I don't want want to be a father of a daughter so if I were to have kids, I think it's better to have sons.

YC: I want to be a calm man. My definition of calm here means I know what I should do.

JS: Same here. I want to be the kind that can face everything calmly and be able to care about others. I also wish that I can always sing...

Source: [heyjj]
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[NEWS] A Message from the Chief Editor on Jay's departure!

Jaebum's Situation Hurts My Heart

It happened last September. Like a horde of alligators attacking for food, Korea’s netizens ripped him to shreds. “Return to your country” and “Yankee go home” were some of the less harsh comments. Awful words such as “Suicide Petition” and “Amputation of all Four Limbs Petition” upended the internet all in one morning.

In four days, he returned to Seattle where his mother was. The name “Park Jaebum” became ingrained in my mind after I saw the video of his mother greet him at the airport through the internet.

When I saw the mother who most likely cried on the inside as she warmly hugged her son, who was locked in despair, it did not just feel like another person’s business.

After he left Korea, the atmosphere changed in an instant. It was discovered that his words that were at the root of the problem were actually mistranslated with bad intentions to slander him. After this, popular idol group 2PM’s leader Park Jaebum became more well-known by the day. After the third generation young Korean-American man was unjustly forced out of Korea, it looked as if his return to show business was certainly to be expected.

However on the 25th of February, the entertainment company unexpectedly announced Park Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal. The reason they gave was because of his immoral personal life. This reason that was announced by the entertainment company was more than enough bait for the netizens and the press.

Again like starved coyotes, it was obvious that they were going to attempt to try and find out what his immoral personal life was like. When I realized that they were killing Park Jaebum twice over through the evils of the internet in Korea, where human rights do not exist, where he was put in a situation where he cannot even defend himself, I could not contain my sadness.

However, my prediction was wrong. It was shocking. Surprisingly, after the announcement by the entertainment company, the public was showing boundless faith in Park Jaebum.

It was hard to find any antis attempting to witch-hunt. It was almost suspicious as to how this could happen on the internet in Korea.

Now with the past revealing his complete absorption in his training in his unfamiliar motherland, his tearful love for his parents who were far away, the thorough self-discipline through which he would not drink or smoke because of the dream he wanted to achieve, the cheerful way in which he learned more about the Korean society, this third generation Korean-American’s pureness and humbleness has grabbed a hold of the hearts of the netizens.

The general public who are defending him do not seem like they are coming from his young female fans. Men in their thirties and forties and housewives who are over fifty are, on various message boards and blogs, revealing their opinions. They are embracing the broken dream of the third generation young Korean-American man that was so appallingly stomped on and ripped under the large entertainment company.

On the other hand, the group members that pointed the arrow of betrayal towards him, their personal lives are being exposed uncontrollably. Because they were fans all this time, they glossed over and hid the members’ two-faced personal lives, but now without any filters, their personal lives have been revealed to the point where the internet is about to explode.

The fanclub of the members has been voluntarily closed under the manager, and the members of the fancafe are leaving in mass amounts. This is an unprecedented extraordinary event that is happening in the history of Korean show business and the internet.

The regrettable part is that at the cross section where he is being given both moving faith and dirty betrayal, where he has already once experienced horrible despair, he is again being given an incurable wound from his motherland itself.

His mother has said even as she is going through this current situation, “I am able to hope rather than despair when I see the maturity that Jaebum is showing even though he is put in a situation where he could despair over all of the rumors.”

Even though he was ripped and wounded to the point where he was thoroughly hurt, I wonder if his mother’s feelings are that because this is the country of her mother, the homeland of her son, she has no choice but to stay silent and can do nothing but forgive. When I think of his mother, who has probably countlessly repressed the tears that have been exploding from deep within her heart, my heart gets choked up.

Chief Editor Choi Yoonjoo

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[Pictures] BEAST's Gi Kwang used to be a backup dancer for Epik High!

I did not realise that Gi Kwang of BEAST used to be a backup dancer too!

Here are some photos of Gi Kwang when he was still a backup dancer for Epik High.He looked like Lee Seung Gi when he was young,agree with me??

Cr: 냥병아리 @ playb2st cafe + Gunfire@soompi

[Picture] Meet T-KARA in gold!

It is really really rare to see members of KARA & T-ara posing together!

It is great to see the girls wearing gold outfits at the same time,they are so shiny here.Judging from the outfits they wear,this photo must be taken at the backstage of Music Bank!

Some members are missing here (Seung Yeon,Eun Jung & Boram),but glad to see both sides remain friendly despite the girls group competition!

Photo credits to Chungmah @ Soompi!

[Video] SNSD performed on Vancouver Olympic Special Show!

The girls performed on Vancouver Olympic Special Show Picture aired earlier today!

The outfit they wear here is the same as the one they wore when performing on Inkigayo.As usual,the girls performed "Oh!" to cheer up those korean athletes.

Watch their performance here!


[Cyworld] Eunhyuk 'Now i won't be sick'

Eunhyuk's Sidebar Updates
Okay now !!
Let's keep our chin up
Yah-hap !!!!!!!!
Thank you~

Photo Entry:
2010.03.05 04:22

Voila!!!! I have came back~
Now won't be sick ^ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ^

original source : 이혁재의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credits

Eeteuk's Diary Entry
2010.03.03 수(2010.03.04 03:34)



..I will always treasure it..

..I'm happy...
*can also be "gratitude"
source :박정수의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credit and no adding your own credit

Heechul's Cyworld

Title :
Sulhee in Shanghaiㄱㄱ

Photo Entry
In folder " 尊"
2010.03.03 02:00스크랩:89

Too great (ºㅁ º )=b << Have not written for a long time became garbleㅋㅋ

But the one on the left looks like me.. Who's on the right;;

Is that me too

(Or) Heebumie became human..

The one on the right! My future girlfriend!

Ah Good sense

Source: Kim Heechul Cyworld
Shared in

DO NOT hotlink image
Take out with FULL credit

Sungmin's cyworld
2010.03.07 11:55
Hong Gil Dong

Please leave your comment~^^

Even if it's not exactly about Ming Gildong
*'s performance it's okay ~^--^

Even if it's good thing or bad thing please write everything ~

* Fans call the Hong Gildong's performances when Sungmin performs is Ming Gildong (밍깅동) and when Yesung performs is Jjong Gildong (쫑길동 )

source 이성민의 미니홈피
translated by superlover♫

may take out with full credits

2010.03.07 01:10

Ahoo memorizing the lyrics in only 3 hours is such a difficult thing~ㅋㅋㅋ

However I did memorize it without any problem!ㅋㅋㅋ

Indeed I'm Hong Gildong ain't I..ㅋ

It seems that my diet is absolutely successful...

Jongseokie-hyung thank you very very much~

Cheer up! Let's go exercising together once I come back to Korea~


source : 이성민 미니홈피
translated by
thanks tiromaru for the shout out

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[Fancafe] Heechul updates his fancafe

10.03.04 22:52
Title : Urgent

So it seems that many Petals have ended their recent dejected life and came back to school
Were you accepted to school ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I will have a long vacation after ending filming for the recent drama
also going on a trip(+_+)

What is the next project, should I do the emcee work...I'm in the middle of thinking about it
But for the moment I will do my best for the concert! I will finish it do it Chu~♡ perfectlyㅋㅋ

Jah it is this image, isnt it ? ㅋㅋ
I has stolen it from another site of me..
But the problem is its size is too large so I couldnt upload it to minihompy(+_+)

It seems as if all the talented Petals have got together
How can you make itㅡㅡ?
Next time let's make it not more than 500kbㄱㄱ

But why I'm rushing writing like this now!!
Because I'm brushing my teeth and there is a toothbrush which is covered with toothpaste in my mouth and ah it's so bitterㅡㅡ^

I'm gonna brush my teeth now so everybody let's have a good school life! Dont be alienated by anyone! And dont alienate anyone!!

source : Kiseki fancafe
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may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

[Interview] Cool Music Magazine interviews SHINee members

#1: onew

- even though he’s the leader, he seems kinda shy
- always had a huge/silly smile on his face
- kept swinging back and forth during the photoshoot

COOL: Among the members, you have the most solo songs. What do you think about this?

Onew: Of course I think it’s a great opportunity. (laugh) Even though it feels great to do activities together with the other members, I can show another side of myself with a solo song. I think it’s a pretty good thing.
COOL: As the leader, what about you makes the other members feel at ease?

Onew: Really hard question…..(talks with the translator twice) I…..can often make the members laugh. Ah! Really hard!
COOL: What do you think is the most important thing about being an artist?

Onew: You must have your own dreams. No matter if you’re standing on stage, or just practicing daily, you always have to think you’re the best. Even if it’s not like that now, you have to believe you will achieve it someday, and always work hard.

#2: taemin

- pretty and energetic
- his favourite Chinese artist is “Victoria noona”
- when posing for the photoshoot, the staff told him to do a powerful expression; he said it was too embarrassing so he’ll just smile

COOL: Idol Maknae Rebellion received a really good response in Korea. As SHINee’s maknae, have you ever shown any rebellious behaviour?

Taemin: I don’t think I’ve ever really rebelled before. The hyungs take care of me, so even if there is a temporary disagreement, we’ll talk it out to solve it.
COOL: As the maknae, what do you envy the most about your hyungs?

Taemin: All the members except for me have become adults, these days I want to grow up quickly, to become an adult soon. But in terms of envying them, I don’t think there’s anything. Rather, the hyungs envy me a little because I’m the most youthful. (laugh)
COOL: On year-end shows you performed some MJ dances. Are you satisfied with your performances?

Taemin: I personally really like and respect MJ. Even though I frequently imitate his dances on stage, there is something regrettable each time. There hasn’t been a performance I’m satisfied with before, but I’m happy to be able to imitate the sunbae I respect the most on stage.

target #3: key

- leaves a deep impression, has a lot of ideas
- one of staff’s phone rang, the ringtone was Lachata, he then took out his phone and played Lachata and started wiggling to it
- He asked how to say fries in Chinese (in English), and then started saying “shu tiao! shu tiao!” to let the staff know he was hungry

COOL: You’re naturally very talented in dancing, and you’re the member who picks up choreography the fastest in the group. You are also exceptional at imitating girl group dances. As the “almighty key”, has there been anything new you’ve wanted to try?

Key: Right now I haven’t thought about it, but if there’s an opportunity in the future, I will perform it for everyone.
COOL: What do you think should always be preserved?

Key: Freedom, doing whatever you want to do.
COOL: So on shows you can say anything.

Key: My personality was always like that.
COOL: You did well!

Key: Hahaha…..but the hyungs have been unhappy about it before.
COOL: It feels like you have a lot of ideas about fashion design.

Key: Yes, I contributed a lot of my ideas when shooting for our mini-album. Usually the members would also exchange ideas.
COOL: Do you take care of your appearance a lot? What is the most important “point” of outer appearance?

Key: All of it. I think you have match from head to toe. You’re most handsome when you coordinate everything.

#4: minho

- handsome & good-looking
- he was so tall that they had to keep raising the background higher (for the photoshoot) and when he realized this, he seemed like a kid that had found out he had done something wrong
- when the translator misinterpreted the question as “You were picked to be in SHINee for your looks”, he looked hurt, while the other members were laughing their heads off (they re-translated and then he smiled)

COOL: As Dream Team’s ace, you interact really well with your sunbaes. What have you learned from them?

Minho: I’m the youngest there, and the age gap between the sunbaes is pretty big. They always give me a lot of advice, like how to do variety shows well, how to make it interesting, and encourage me with things like that. Doing the show is not only fun, I also learned a lot of things I normally wouldn’t learn, it’s a really good show.
COOL: Even though it’s been said that you were scouted because of your outstanding looks (other members: hahahaha!), you’ve made a lot of improvement since debut. What have you personally worked hard at?

Minho: Before going on stage I would practice a lot, and I would also discuss a lot with my members. Through experience on-stage, I would become better at performing. I began recognizing my strengths and weaknesses, and would practice continuously to improve them.
COOL: Your performance in shows like Star King have been getting better and better. Which side of you would you want to show to everyone the most?

Minho: I want to show my personal charm. It would be better to say I want everyone to see SHINee’s different sides. Every time I’m on a show, I would work hard to perform well. Since variety shows are there to make everyone happy, I will try hard to create joy.

#5: jonghyun

- no matter what they started talking about, they’d always end up talking about music with him
- even though he talked a lot, he liked listening to the members’ answers and laughed the hardest when Taemin accidentally wrote “2100″ instead of “2010″
- he hit Minho back into his seat (or something like that)

COOL: On stage, you’re very bling bling. Is this something you deliberately do, or were you naturally like that?

Jonghyun: I usually practice a lot, so when I’m performing on stage it becomes easy.
COOL: Other than singing, do you have another personal talent?

Jonghyun: My favourite thing seems to only be singing, I’m also learning how to write lyrics and compose songs. After I’m developed enough in these areas, I want to show another side of me.
COOL: Everyone said they could see Jonghyun’s limitless possibility through “Juliette”, what do you think?
Jonghyun: Of course I’m very thankful.
COOL: Will you continue to try and master this type of activity?

Jonghyun: Of course, I’m still only beginning to learn. I will work hard from now on.
COOL: Jonghyun’s singing is full of uniqueness. As a singer, which do you think is most important among voice, technique, and composing ability?

Jonghyun: I think as a singer, you need emotion when doing a musical piece. No matter if you’re a lyricist or a composer, I think this is really important.
COOL: What kind of music do you want to do the most?

Jonghyun: R&B, music that people can relate to.
COOL: Your voice is really suitable for it.

Jonghyun: Xie xie! (Thank you!)

Credits: kpoprants@wordpress
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