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[News] The Teaser's Strong Scent and Yang Yoseob's Shocking Transformation

[NEWSEN Reporter Lee Eunhyuk]

As the manly BEAST revealed their teaser with a strong scent, another sudden gust of wind is expected.

BEAST's (Yoon Doojoon, Yang Yoseob, Yong Junhyung, Jang Hyunseung, Lee Kikwang, Son Dongwoon) agency, CUBE Entertainment, revealed the image of the 2nd mini album, 'Shock of the New Era' on February 27th in the morning through the official homepage's notice board.

10,000 females already swarmed the official homepage, causing the server to crash. In the meantime, fans are hearing about the teaser through the notice boards of portal sites.

The powerful image of BEAST's teaser, that is starting a flame, is expecting a shocking transformation of the members. Especially Yang Yoseob, who came out on top as a pet-like idol, transformed his trademark blonde hair to black, surprising fans.

Fans are reacting with "I'm looking forward to their full version of their music video and their performances on stage," "Their comeback will be a good shot," "I'm looking for BEAST's awesome stage performance."

In the mean time, their title song 'Shock' that is included in their album will be revealed on March 2nd.



[News] Jinwoon "Eyes Shut Tight" after sending away ideal woman Seohyun

2AM's Jinwoon showed deep regret about Seohyun joining the line of virtual marriages in 'WGM'.

On the episode that aired February 27th, Seohyun and CNBLUE's YongHwa's first meeting was shown. Jinwoon, who is working as a WGM Caster, showed himself full of regret.

This was because Jinwoon had before said that Seohyun was his ideal woman. When Jinwoon saw Seohyun and YongHwa's story, he looked very despaired, making another member Im Seulong and the remaining casters feeling very sorry (?) for him.

When Jinwoon saw their first meeting close at midnight, he said, "There's a rumor that Seohyun sleeps at midnight for her skin to regenerate," providing his vast knowledge of her.

However, whenever he saw Seohyun's 4-dimensional side throughout with curious eyes, he kept drinking water constantly and tried to compliment YongHwa but had to stop and closed his eyes tight, getting consoled, "You don't have to fake compliments."

On the other hand, this episode foretold the possibly rocky marital relationship between the cool Jung YongHwa and the strictly overachieving Seohyun.

Source: NewsEn Translated by: JinaStar@2ONEDAY


[News] 2PM Conference, "What happened during the 4 hours?"

2PM Conference; What happened during the four hours between the 6 members, the JYPE rep, and the fans?

[TV Daily=Reporter Jo Euiji] In the afternoon on the 27th, there was a conference for about four hours between the fans and the 2PM members regarding 2PM’s leader Jaebum’s permanent withdrawal.

There was a conference in the Garden Five in Seoul MoonJungDong from 3PM to 7PM between the fans, the 2PM members, and a JYPE representative on the 27th.

There was no set format for the conference. People could freely ask and answer questions during the conference.

The fan representatives that were present at the conference are going to organize the contents of today’s conference on the fansites.

From JYP’s end, he came out on television and set the fans at ease by spinning Jaebum’s return in a positive light. However, on the 25th, it all suddenly changed. He said that Jaebum wanted to quit because of his personal issues and said that although the members thought about it painstakingly, in the end, all six of them agreed to his permanent departure.

Because of the sudden announcement by JYP, fans became so enraged that besides boycotting all of 2PM’s endorsed products, they protested in front of the JYP building and held a chrysanthemum* performance.

[Jo Euiji Reporter]

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[News] Infront Of JYPE Building With Chrysanthemums; 2PM Is Dead

On the 26th at 2PM, 100 2PM fans gathered in front of the JYP Entertainment building to show their were against the permanent withdrawal of Park Jaebum

After hearing the news of Park Jaebum's permanent withdrawal, 2PM fans gathered to protest. Because the protest had started due to Jaebum, it is thought that the gathering will only grow. To show they were against Jaebum's withdrawal, they laid down chrysanthemums.

Junsu, Wooyoung, Chansung, Junho, Taecyeon and Nichkhun idol group 2PM's company, JYP Entertainment, realised an announcement on the 25th at 8PM via their official homepage regarding Jaebum's withdrawal. It was a long post but explained that it was because of Jaebum's personal mistake. They explained that this personal mistake was much worse than the incident that happened in September, and came to a decision to end his contract.

However the majority of the fans are not willing to agree to JYP's announcement. The fans have refuted each point made in the announcement and declaring it as conspiracies. Because of this many uncertain rumors are rising to the surface.

The fans' opinion is that the time that the 6 members agreed to the withdrawal with JYPE does not match up with the actual situations they were in. The apparent time of the 6 members' agreement was at the start of January, a time when the members were given a holiday. Also on February 3rd, during the Seoul Music awards, they referred to Jaebum in their speeches. Because of these points the voices of those who do not understand the announcement are increasing. In regards to the announcement that this happened during the time of 2PM's 'Again and Again' promotions, the fans have voiced out that their schedule was too busy for this to happen. Fans are bursting in rage, declaring that "JYPE are lying".

Meanwhile 2PM's Taecyeon has deleted his Cyworld minihompy. Until now Taecyeon has been actively communicating with fans via his minihompy and leaving posts in his diary section. Fans are shocked that he had suddenly deleted his minihompy. Last January, another 2PM member, Wooyoung, also suddenly deleted his minihompy and has made fans more shocked. Junsu's minihompy was also closed his minihompy, and on Chansung's minihompy, he closed it with his status as "Confused...".

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[News/Info] 2PM Fan Union Question & Answers

1. Despite Underground having corrected our document of questions and resubmitted them, why have you opened this conference without answering them?

Jung Wook: Park Jaebum has requested for us to reveal his withdrawal at the end of February and so we couldn't answer the questions. We are opening this conference in order for the members to have an honest talk with the fans.

2. What the fans wanted as communication with JYPE. Why are the members present at today's conference?

Jung Wook: In order for the members to express their honest thoughts. If only I had come to the conference, the fans wouldn't believe the members.

3. JYPE announced that the members agreed to Park Jaebum's withdrawal on the 6th of January. Are there any refutes against this statement?

Membes: We all agree to the statement.

4. We would like an honest response as to why the members continued to speak of Jaebum's name in broadcasts and their interviews even after the decision was apparently made on the 6th of January.

Members: Despite his withdrawal, he is still a good hyung to us. I don't think it's a problem to be honest in saying that we miss him. And from now on, if we miss him, we will say so. We don't think it will be a problem.

5. After the termination of the contract with Park Jaebum, what are you required to do by law?

There is nothing left.

6. Until when is the income distribution active?

There is no fee for the termination of his contract. Income earned up to December completed its distribution in January.

7. Please explain what the company is doing to handle the mental and physical stress that has been placed upon the members and their families with the various rumors that are circulating.

Jung Wook: JYPE is not responsible for the personal and social lives of the celebrities within our agency. We believe that Park Jaebum must take full responsbility for his actions. The rest of the members are victims to this case, while Park Jaebum is the attacker.

8. It is not hard to ask for articles to be taken down and for hateful replies to be deleted. Why didn't the company take a stance on this issue?

Jung Wook: Honestly speaking, we have never had to delete articles or replies before this issue. However, after the issue broke out, our company has tried our best.

9. Despite revealing that decisions have been made on the 6th of January, the company has been using Park Jaebum's name for marketing. Please reveal your reason.

Jung Wook: It is impossible for JYPE to control the media and the press. It is true that the decision was made on the 6th of January but we had already come to an agreement to release the information late February.

10. On the official notification, you described the reason as 'a severe personal mistake.' Will you be taking responsibility for specifically using the words 'severe' and 'mistake?'

Jung Wook: I will reply with three reasons.
1. After this 'mistake' occurred, we didn't want the remaining members to turn into betrayers. The 6 members are just as important as the one.
2. The notification was to all of Korea. We could not lie.
3. The 6 members are the victims and if we did not speak of the truth and reveal it as a severe mistake, people will get the wrong idea.

11. Does Park Jaebum know about the conference with fans? Does he know that the reason for his withdrawal is 'due to a severe personal mistake?'

Khun: I have texted Park Jaebum recently. He knows that we are holding this conference. He wanted to give us a video recording.
Jung Wook: He knows of the notification, too.

12. In the future, will 2PM be adding a new member or deciding another leader?

Jung Wook + Members: There are no plans.

13. Is there really no chance for Park Jaebum's return? And if he returns through a different company, what is your opinion on the matter?

Jung Wook + Members: There is no possibility for him to return through 2PM.
Chansung: If Jaebum wishes to take responsbility for all of this and comes back as a celebrity, we will encourage him. However, I think a return through 2PM is out of the question.

14. Couldn't the company have covered for the severe personal mistake? And, if the members did not agree to Jaebum's withdrawal, don't you think the issue wouldn't have gotten this far?

Members: It's not something we can just cover.
Jung Wook: We were put in a situation where the only thing we could do was agree. That is why we agreed. If we hadn't, I believe that the results would be the same.

15. If the controversy last September never happened, would your decision still stand the same?

Everyone: Yes

16. Do you personally control the cyworlds of the members? There are posts that went up after the 8th that have created much controversy amongst the fans. Are they all your posts?

Wooyoung: Yes, I was truly frustrated which is why I wrote it.
Chansung: Yes. I was truly in a state of confusion which is why I wrote it like so. But it has nothing to do with the issue.
Jung Wook: We believe that a celebrity must be responsible for his own personal and social life. We do not control them.

17. What do the members think of the boycott?

Junho: We didn't care because we knew that Jaebum would return and knew that it would all be solved with his return. But honestly speaking, I would be lying if I said wasn't hurt. If, after today, the boycott continues, then I will think of it as the fans hating us. We will show that we will be trying our best through our songs and performances.

18. If the severe mistake is revealed to be false, do you realize that you will be charged for libel?

Jung Wook: We only wrote of the truth.

19. Will Park Jaebum be able to receive the income for his 1st and 2nd singles?

Jung Wook: He will have to discuss that and reach an agreement with copyright officials. It has nothing to do with JYPE.

20. Will you continue to use the name 'Hottests' for 2PM's fanclub?

Jung Wook: Yes. Are you saying that the members are not 2PM? No. The 6 members are 2PM, therefore, we will continue to use Hottests.

21. The members were revealed to be on vacation when the specifed date of January 6th was revealed.

Wooyoung: It was our first vacation.
Taecyeon: We are celebrities. We cannot cringe at the people we meet.
Chansung: We cannot meet our families during the holidays with dark faces. What do you want? Do you want us to make a fool of ourselves asking for Jaebum to come back on live broadcasts?

22. Do you know the rumors circulating on the internet? Will you protect him?

Wooyoung: We are not throwing him away but protecting him. We knew that we would regret it if it was later revealed.
Chansung: Please don't be skeptical of our friendship.
Junho: After finding out on January 3rd, I honestly hated Jaebum. We had always tried our best for his return. However, we believe that silence will protect him.
Taecyeon: I believe that rumors will always disappear after time.

23. Why is there no fee for the termination of his contract?

The other members have a lot of CF, etc contracts but there are none for Jaebum. That is why there are no fees.

24. Please reveal Park Jaebum's exact contract terms.

Jung Wook: His contract was set for 7 years. We offered 10, then offered 8, and then again for 7 years.

25. Park Jinyoung stated on Golden Fishery that Park Jaebum's return will definitely be through 2PM. What is the company doing now to hold true to that statement?

Jung Wook: Up until December 22nd, when he called us, he was still a precious member with the chance of a return.

26. What are you doing to support Jaebum in America? Park Jinyoung specifically stated that he is receiving support and training from JYPE.

Jung Wook: We had trainers reach him in Seattle at the end of September. We had always tried our best for his return.

27. JYPE has used Park Jaebum's name to promote and market 2PM's 6 membered album. Was this in order to hold the fanbase down or was it really part of a plan to have Park Jaebum return?

Jung Wook: In my heart, he was a precious member from the minute he left Korea to the day he called me on the 22nd of December. However, after the 22nd, things have changed.

28. JYP Entertainment previously revealed that the first official album will have the income distributed evenly amongst the members, including leader Park Jaebum. However, there are many opinions that go against this statement. Please correctly specify the income distribution terms.

Jung Wook: The income earned through December of last year was distributed and finalized in January.

The 2PM Fan Union agrees that everything stated above is the truth and not a lie.
- 2PM Fan Union

May be taken out with full credits.

[Rumor] Super Junior is heading to Vietnam

MTV Exit Concert is gonna be in March/April in both HN & Saigon. The confirmed line up isSuper Junior, The Click Five, Kate Miller-Heidke. Backstreet Boys are TBC!
MTV EXIT is launching a nationwide concert tour in Vietnam which will kick off on March 27 in Hanoi with top local and international artists. Stay tuned for more information!
Source/cr: MTV’s / shared by hyukxenhae
NOTE: 8 members are scheduled to fly to Hanoi on March 27th after Bangkok Motor show

Cr: welovesuju
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews

[News] Super Junior rules Twitter (than American Idol?)

As Twitter goes global, so goes the Top 10 Most Tweeted Brands chart (look for it each Friday), a collaboration between Advertising Age and What The Trend, the social-media trend-analytics service. U.S.-based entertainment brands used to routinely bigfoot the Twitter “trending topics” list,

But this week 13-member South Korean boy band Super Junior actually outranks “American Idol” (sorry, Simon Cowell),
Thanks largely to Indonesian fans tweeting their love. Partisans of U.S. pop culture can console themselves that pint-size crooner Justin Bieber (who is originally from Canada, but signed to the U.S.-based Universal Music Group) is still the most-tweeted entertainment brand (or brand of any sort) on Twitter,
While the Jonas Brothers cracked the Top 10 once again — but only because of Chilean and Argentinian fans begging the boys to visit their countries.
Credits: welovesuju@twitter
Thanks to the active twitter accounts for international ELFS  @welovesuju @twelfs @sujunesia etc.

screen shot by: shaynekay@dkpopnews

[News] Super Junior-T mentioned in The Independent Newspaper

**This is the 2nd time SJ has been featured; first it was “Choi Siwon”**
Korean boy bands are back in the top end of Twitter’s trending topics on Thursday, February 25.
Super Junior-Trot, otherwise known as Super Junior-T, are a sub-group of the popular Korean boy band Super Junior. Super Junior-T are highly regarded in Korea for their “trot songs” (trot songs are recognizable for their distinctive background “trotting” beat and are one of the oldest forms of Korean pop music).
The vibrant fan following of Super Junior-T fans are using Twitter to congratulate the band on their third anniversary.
An article about Gmail Lab features on technology blog Mashable has been retweeted around the social network Thursday morning. Google announced it was going to implement six Gmail features that had been trialed in its Gmail Labs (Google’s Gmail testing environment where everyday users can opt to help Google test new mail features) and retire five others.
The term “Click” appeared at number eight in Twitter’s most talked about topics list on February 25. “WARNING Clicking on DMs saying: “This you???? http://…” will hack your account! Do NOT click these links!” wrote users warning of phishing scams spreading through the Twittersphere
The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on February 25 at 9:30 AM GMT are:
1. #nowplaying (unchanged)
2. #SuperJuniorTrot (new)
3. #nothingworsethan (new)
4. #ThatsYouHuh (new)
5. #forUs (new)
6. Gmail Retires 5 (new)
7. #its2010whyyoustill (-5)
8. Click (new)
9. #uever (new)
10. My Top Subjects (new)

shared by hyukxenhae
posted by: shaynekay@dkpopnews

[Video] Kara Generation - "Oh, Lupin!"

So what happens when you mix Kara's new "Lupin" single with the choreography of SNSD's "Oh!"? Well, you get this exact video below. Something for all you hardcore Kara Generation shippers. Enjoy the fun little video below!


[News] Park Jaebeom to leave 2PM and JYPE for good?

Former 2PM leader Park Jae-beom will not be making his much-anticipated comeback to the K-pop music scene as the group's agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) has decided to terminate its contract with the singer.

JYPE announced the unexpected outcome through a message on its official website Thursday, saying that Park's confession to "a huge personal wrongdoing" led to the decision.

The singer had called his agency's president Jeong Wook in late December, admitting to a "mistake" he made while promoting 2PM's hit single "Again and Again" last summer which was belatedly causing problems.

JYPE did not reveal further details, saying it was linked to his personal life, but explained it was "far worse" than the controversial comments Park came under heat for last year and "something that could create much more serious trouble on a societal level."

Park, 22, had quit the boy band and returned to his hometown of Seattle in September after remarks he made before his debut on his MySpace account regarding Korea became public and sparked national controversy.

As fans pleaded for his return and the public outrage died down however, JYPE founder and the band's producer Park Jin-young hinted at readmitting the singer to the boy band early this year, even mentioning it several times on television shows. 

JYPE explained in its message yesterday also that Park Jae-beom's comeback had been long planned; when he returned to his hometown in Seattle, Park Jin-young set the singer up with local instructors -- in acrobatics, dancing and vocals -- to continue training him. 

The two Parks had agreed that the former idol return to Korea and hold a press conference in February after the Lunar New Year's break, making his official comeback in time with 2PM's new album release in April. 

After the young singer broke news of his blunder however, the agency told the remaining six members -- Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung -- about the matter on January 3, which came as "a big shock."

His band members judged it would be "difficult to work with Park Jae-beom as the group 2PM any longer" while JYPE also came to the conclusion that Park is "no longer fit to be the agency's artist."

Despite the drama surrounding the group, an official at JYPE said in phone call with Asia Economic Daily later on Thursday that they plan to go forth with the fan meeting scheduled for February 27. 

2PM members had recently announced that they will be meeting with fans to talk directly with fans about various issues including Park's leave from the group as well as rumors surrounding the incident. 

2PM, one of the most popular idol groups in town since their debut in 2008, saw a successful comeback as a six-man band last December with their single "Hearbeat." 

Editor in Chief : Hwang Yong-hee
Reporter : Park Kun-ouc
Editor : Lynn Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


[News] New T-ara music video a hit upon release

The music video for girl group T-ara's "I Go Crazy Because of You" reached the top of an online music video chart within just hours of its release Thursday, according to their agency Core Contents Media. 

The video reached No.1 on the highly popular Korean multimedia player GomTV's music video chart in less than two hours of going public in the afternoon.

"I Go Crazy Because of You," written by famed R&B singer Wheesung, is the title track to their repackaged album "Breaking Heart." 

The record dominated the real-time online charts of Korea's social networking site Cyworld and Monkey 3 upon its release Tuesday, beating out Girls' Generation, Kara, Big Bang and 2NE1. 

The girls will kick off promotion of "Crazy", starting by performing the song on cable music channel Mnet's "Countdown" and several other televised music programs over the weekend. 

T-ara made their debut last year contributing to the soundtrack of MBC drama "Cinderella Man" and soon after released their debut single "Lies." The girls are preparing to make their Japanese debut in March with boy band Cho Shin Sung. 

Reporter : Lucia Hong
Editor : Jessica Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


[News] Jang Geun Seuk warns of fan tour ticket fraud

Korean actor Jang Keun-suk, set to kick off his fan tour in Asia next month, has asked fans to watch out for bogus tickets for the event.

"We heard from the company organizing Jang's fan meeting in Taiwan that several fans had bought tickets for the event through online ticket sites and fan cafes but never actually received them," Jang's agency Y-TREE Media said on Friday. 

All 2,500 tickets for the "2010 Jang Keun-suk Asia Tour in Taipei" on March 7 had sold out however, in just three hours of going on sale earlier this month.

"Tickets for Jang's fan meeting in Taiwan have sold out completely and there is no secondary seller so there is a high chance that the tickets bought through someone other than the event's organizer are fake," Y-TREE emphasized, adding fans for extra caution in purchasing tickets for his remaining tour.

The actor is set to visit a total of four countries till May for his Asia tour which also includes China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Jang made his debut in the entertainment industry as a model at the early age of five. He has appeared in several dramas such as "Beethoven Virus" and "Hong Gil-dong." 

Last year, he played the role of an eccentric lead singer of idol group A.N.JELL in TV series "Minamishineyo." 

Reporter : Lucia Hong
Editor : Jessica Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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