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Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

[Interview] Hangeng's most recent interviews!

Han Geng Accepted An Interview

When I saw Han Geng, both of us embraced in a big hug, during this sensitive time when his contract lawsuit has still not been settled, we both were appreciative of each other’s understanding. We also reminisced about the scene four years ago when I interviewed him when he had just returned to China, it was the same as it was today as well with him facing the questions by himself, even though the circumstances now are very different, but he is still that Han Geng who is hardworking and always improving himself, while I am still that Sohu Dapeng who abandons all resistance before him. This part will probably make him fairly embarrassed, my so-called “abandoning all resistance”, is firmly rejecting any assistance from the stylist, because no matter how they make me handsome, before Han Geng it will be comparatively very ugly, so doing his interview really is a difficult matter, but when I see him sitting across from me with confidence in me and unguarded like that, in my heart it is very warm and there is a big sense of accomplishment.

This time the interview was conducted in secret, not only did fans not know, the staff members were all informed only when it occurred, this was for this intense time, to give Han Geng a relatively relaxed interview environment, as to when the content of this interview will be broadcast on Sohu, I don’t know either, only by coincidence this week from Beijing, by coincidence receiving a good friend’s telephone call hoping that I would host this “very meaningful” interview. That’s right, the content of our conversation was roughly about his recent situation, how he spent the New Year, what he’s doing every day, what his individual plans are for the future, also, what he wants to say to the fans the most...

Okay, seeing you still able to smile happily and relaxed that way, we are satisfied. Best wishes Han Geng!

Translated by:
Source: Sohu, Third Chapter

[Interview] Cool Music Magazine interviews SHINee members

#1: onew

- even though he’s the leader, he seems kinda shy
- always had a huge/silly smile on his face
- kept swinging back and forth during the photoshoot

COOL: Among the members, you have the most solo songs. What do you think about this?

Onew: Of course I think it’s a great opportunity. (laugh) Even though it feels great to do activities together with the other members, I can show another side of myself with a solo song. I think it’s a pretty good thing.
COOL: As the leader, what about you makes the other members feel at ease?

Onew: Really hard question…..(talks with the translator twice) I…..can often make the members laugh. Ah! Really hard!
COOL: What do you think is the most important thing about being an artist?

Onew: You must have your own dreams. No matter if you’re standing on stage, or just practicing daily, you always have to think you’re the best. Even if it’s not like that now, you have to believe you will achieve it someday, and always work hard.

#2: taemin

- pretty and energetic
- his favourite Chinese artist is “Victoria noona”
- when posing for the photoshoot, the staff told him to do a powerful expression; he said it was too embarrassing so he’ll just smile

COOL: Idol Maknae Rebellion received a really good response in Korea. As SHINee’s maknae, have you ever shown any rebellious behaviour?

Taemin: I don’t think I’ve ever really rebelled before. The hyungs take care of me, so even if there is a temporary disagreement, we’ll talk it out to solve it.
COOL: As the maknae, what do you envy the most about your hyungs?

Taemin: All the members except for me have become adults, these days I want to grow up quickly, to become an adult soon. But in terms of envying them, I don’t think there’s anything. Rather, the hyungs envy me a little because I’m the most youthful. (laugh)
COOL: On year-end shows you performed some MJ dances. Are you satisfied with your performances?

Taemin: I personally really like and respect MJ. Even though I frequently imitate his dances on stage, there is something regrettable each time. There hasn’t been a performance I’m satisfied with before, but I’m happy to be able to imitate the sunbae I respect the most on stage.

target #3: key

- leaves a deep impression, has a lot of ideas
- one of staff’s phone rang, the ringtone was Lachata, he then took out his phone and played Lachata and started wiggling to it
- He asked how to say fries in Chinese (in English), and then started saying “shu tiao! shu tiao!” to let the staff know he was hungry

COOL: You’re naturally very talented in dancing, and you’re the member who picks up choreography the fastest in the group. You are also exceptional at imitating girl group dances. As the “almighty key”, has there been anything new you’ve wanted to try?

Key: Right now I haven’t thought about it, but if there’s an opportunity in the future, I will perform it for everyone.
COOL: What do you think should always be preserved?

Key: Freedom, doing whatever you want to do.
COOL: So on shows you can say anything.

Key: My personality was always like that.
COOL: You did well!

Key: Hahaha…..but the hyungs have been unhappy about it before.
COOL: It feels like you have a lot of ideas about fashion design.

Key: Yes, I contributed a lot of my ideas when shooting for our mini-album. Usually the members would also exchange ideas.
COOL: Do you take care of your appearance a lot? What is the most important “point” of outer appearance?

Key: All of it. I think you have match from head to toe. You’re most handsome when you coordinate everything.

#4: minho

- handsome & good-looking
- he was so tall that they had to keep raising the background higher (for the photoshoot) and when he realized this, he seemed like a kid that had found out he had done something wrong
- when the translator misinterpreted the question as “You were picked to be in SHINee for your looks”, he looked hurt, while the other members were laughing their heads off (they re-translated and then he smiled)

COOL: As Dream Team’s ace, you interact really well with your sunbaes. What have you learned from them?

Minho: I’m the youngest there, and the age gap between the sunbaes is pretty big. They always give me a lot of advice, like how to do variety shows well, how to make it interesting, and encourage me with things like that. Doing the show is not only fun, I also learned a lot of things I normally wouldn’t learn, it’s a really good show.
COOL: Even though it’s been said that you were scouted because of your outstanding looks (other members: hahahaha!), you’ve made a lot of improvement since debut. What have you personally worked hard at?

Minho: Before going on stage I would practice a lot, and I would also discuss a lot with my members. Through experience on-stage, I would become better at performing. I began recognizing my strengths and weaknesses, and would practice continuously to improve them.
COOL: Your performance in shows like Star King have been getting better and better. Which side of you would you want to show to everyone the most?

Minho: I want to show my personal charm. It would be better to say I want everyone to see SHINee’s different sides. Every time I’m on a show, I would work hard to perform well. Since variety shows are there to make everyone happy, I will try hard to create joy.

#5: jonghyun

- no matter what they started talking about, they’d always end up talking about music with him
- even though he talked a lot, he liked listening to the members’ answers and laughed the hardest when Taemin accidentally wrote “2100″ instead of “2010″
- he hit Minho back into his seat (or something like that)

COOL: On stage, you’re very bling bling. Is this something you deliberately do, or were you naturally like that?

Jonghyun: I usually practice a lot, so when I’m performing on stage it becomes easy.
COOL: Other than singing, do you have another personal talent?

Jonghyun: My favourite thing seems to only be singing, I’m also learning how to write lyrics and compose songs. After I’m developed enough in these areas, I want to show another side of me.
COOL: Everyone said they could see Jonghyun’s limitless possibility through “Juliette”, what do you think?
Jonghyun: Of course I’m very thankful.
COOL: Will you continue to try and master this type of activity?

Jonghyun: Of course, I’m still only beginning to learn. I will work hard from now on.
COOL: Jonghyun’s singing is full of uniqueness. As a singer, which do you think is most important among voice, technique, and composing ability?

Jonghyun: I think as a singer, you need emotion when doing a musical piece. No matter if you’re a lyricist or a composer, I think this is really important.
COOL: What kind of music do you want to do the most?

Jonghyun: R&B, music that people can relate to.
COOL: Your voice is really suitable for it.

Jonghyun: Xie xie! (Thank you!)

Credits: kpoprants@wordpress

[Interview] Jonghyun sleeps with his eyes open?

It’s all about SHINee’s shining appearance Singapore here.

Dressed in their gothic punk “Ring Ding Dong” outfits, SHINee made their debut appearance to the Singapore media on a sunny Saturday morning, at Esplanade’s Theatre Main Foyer.

As journalists from various media platforms shot their questions to the “man” band wannabe – SHINee, and to other prominent Korean figures present (which includes Bobby Kim and Oh Joonsung), SHINee stands out at the shyest bunch. Most of the time, it was Onew and Minho speaking up, while the rest of the members sat there quietly with their heads hung low.

However, these pretty boys seemed to be a different group of people all together when teens snagged a short 10-minute “closed-door “interview with them after the media conference. They are actually a fun-loving boy band that loves to poke fun of each other in front of the media!

teens: What kind of shiny objects does SHINee like?
SHINee: Spotlight!

teens: It’s impressive that Onew ranks in the second place in his whole school during one of his high school year! You guys have to juggle with both your schoolwork and your career. How did you guys manage to do that? Care to share some study tips for our readers so that they could excel like Onew?
Onew : (giggles) Study tips? Eh…
Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun : (laughing in Onew’s face) Study tips!!!
Key : Due to our hectic schedule, we only could study during the wee hours of the night. Therefore, we make use of that time wisely and focus really hard while studying! Focusing is very important.

teens: I understand that SHINee has been living under the same roof for quite some time. Is there any member with interesting living habits?
Taemin : (points frantically to Jonghyun) Jonghyun, Jonghyun! He sleeps with his eyes open! He also puts his blanket all the way up to cover his face while sleeping!

teens: …and who’s the one who wakes up the earliest?
Jonghyun : (raises hand shyly)
Taemin, Key, Minho, Onew: Jonghyun!!!

teens: We heard that SHINee has to adhere to a strict diet whereby you guys can’t eat after 7PM. Is that true? Is that why you all are so skinny?
SHINee : Not true!
Key : It’s actually a personal rule I set to myself. But well, we are naturally skinny. Our body type is just like that.

teens: Will SHINee ever come back to Singapore for a full-fledged solo concert?
Onew : We can see that an opportunity may be coming, but so far, we have no specific dates yet.
teens: Any messages for your Singapore fans?
SHINee : We are so excited by the warm welcome we received at the airport, and if there’s any chance for us to comeback for a solo concert, we will make a point to come to Singapore. We really appreciate all the attention.

Cr: highlights re-written by NOLEM@soompi


[INTERVIEW] MBLAQ SPN interview New Year Wishes

Source: SPN News
Translated by Grace ♥ Kpop @ absolutemblaq
Template by Hoda @ absolutemblaq

*yut nori = yut play is like a traditional game

Source: SPN News
Translated by mblaq_mir_ @ absolutemblaq
Template by Hoda @ absolutemblaq

It is kind of a pity that Seungho was not able to be there, but it is true, health matters more. :D MBLAQ rocks~
They all shared wonderful experiences, and yes, I agree with Joon, and I too wish MBLAQ members, not only them, but many kpop idols, to be healthy. I also hope the Joon will get into another production! Joon Hwaiting~!
And wow G.O. makes me jealous too! I'd only get about, $200...
And like him, all goes to my mom.
I'm like Thunder, I hope i improve in self-control too!
What about you guys? What are your Chinese New Year ( if you celebrate it) wishes?

[Interview] Gain would only buy BigBang's album?

**I'm referring the worker as K (Kim) and G (Ga-in)**
A lucky worker there at the photoshoot got to interview Ga-in.

K:“You look tired."

G:"Up till now i'm still receiving interviews from news agency...Our schedule had been really packed lately, and also with this much rehearsal, that's why I look tired.."

K:"When i'm watching WGM, you look like someone very tough and active, but in actual fact, you look like a quiet person, i was shocked."

G:"I'm actually very shy with strangers, people always think that i'm hard to approach during our first meeting."

K:"Once my friends heard that I'm going to be interviewing Ga-in, they quickly asked me a lot of questions. For example, with all this hectic and packed schedule, how do you keep your beauty and stamina?"

G:"Regarding the stamina, I don't really think about it recently. I don't even have a fix time to eat but I do drink a lot. I drink all those expensive drinks which my friends introduce me to, i heard that the drinks help to improve immunity. I also eat vitamins, omega 3, and other essential nutrients." (laughes)

K:"Our company have more night shift or special class cases, that's why we're very concern with our own health. Because of this, let me ask you another question. Looking carefully, there's a bottle or two of tonic on most of your desks."

G:"Once a woman doesn't get enough sleep, it will be shown on the skin so it's very important to drink lots of water. If it's possible I'll buy the expensive cosmetic, i don nothing special besides those."

K:"Today is my birthday. Meeting you all is like my birthday present."

G:"Oh, really? Happy Birthday."

K:"The following question you might be asked quite a lot of times. Brown Eyed Girls debuted as potential singers but suddenly became idols. Do you have any special pros and cons about this?"

G:"The good point is, no matter how we put it, the people got a chance to know about us. Whether it regarding their concern and awareness towards us, it's definitely more than when we were a vocal group. There was a huge gap between the age. At first there was a few older people who likes to listen to our song bu recently, there's more and more younger people starting to like us.Saying that we're idol, but when you talk about our age, we're a little worried. (Laughes) Sometimes we will be confused as whether to act cute as all those idol group do, the golden rule of being an idol. In actual fact, talking about age, we should resist being like those young idols, producing idol-like music and maintain our those mysterious feel which idols are supposed to have and always stay lovable."

Because too shy with strangers and got a lot of comments about it.

K: Just now you said you were shy with strangers, to what extent?" 

G:"Very serious extent. As an artist, this is a very huge weak point. My personality on screen and off screen are totally different. Being on shows, it's part of my work. At that time, I would change my personality. After being an artist for 5 or 6 years, besides one or two close friends, no one else really understands me. Only those who really understands me knows the real me. When they watch those shows that i'm on, they'll say:"ahh, she's actually not that type of person." But other people have other comments about me, there's even someone who said that i'm a rude person."

K:"That is just too different. (Laughes)

G:"There's even some who says i have split personality. (Laughes) Besides me, there's lots of people who are like that."

K:"Which artists are you close to? You said one or two just now."

G:"Although there's a few artist that i'm closer with, but i'm even closer with my manager and the staffs. Maybe because i'm still young, that's why it's easier to talk to my high school friends."

K:"You look kind of passive. Ever thought that you would become a singer?"

G:"In school even when the teacher marks attendance, i would be embarrassed. At that time i was afraid of speaking up, so i never do that. But some of my close friends felt that i have the artist aura. 2 of them agreed, they even helped me get into battle shinwha."

K:"So you were chosen to join this company through battle shinwha? Not through casting?"G:"At first i joined a few competitions. Then i was chosen for casting, never thought myself to be so lucky. But of course our hard work is also important, no matter how lucky we are, without our own hard work there's no chance for people to notice you. I guess luck is singer's biggest motivation."

K:"Recently there's many idol group members who joined lots of shows and activities, have you ever thought of your own future?"

G:"I've done a project with UEE, Seungyeon and Hyuna. Not just that, i participated in many projects and still am. This time i participated in the cinema not just to open up more opportunities and maybe next year i can get into a line related to it. I don't know whether it's gonna be drama or cinema. If there's a unique role, i'd like to try it out."

Would like to try out a role which is the total opposite of me

K:"Do you personally have a role that you want to play?"

G:"I would like to try playing the role of a murderer. (Laughes) I've thought of others too, one can only show her true talent by portraying different characters. Maybe you've watched 'Love By my Side'?"

K:"Oh, I haven't watched it."

G:"In that movie i acted someone rude. But some people said that the character i played is almost the same as me myself. They said that i wasn't acting, but only showing my real self to the audience. (Laughes) I'd like to play the role of someone totally opposite of me."

K:"You're the maknae, do the other members take good care of you? Or do they ask you to do what they want?"

G:"First off, i'm not a kid. And secondly, eonni have already reached the age of spoiling the maknae. The leaders in other groups will be the maknae if they're in our group. I definitely won't act like a spoiled child so most of the time is not them taking care of me, in fact it's them asking for my opinions."

K:"Now you're in WGM, acting as brother sister couple. While shooting the show, would you have 'why do i let a kid control me' kind of thinking?"

G:"Seriously, when shooting, I'll have those hateful thinking. As a woman, whenever i see myself on tv, I'll always feel that why is it so dull. That's why, we should have some dating experience so that we can show some sweet moments, and all those aegyo. But maybe because i'm a little passive, and haven't really officially date, that's why i'm like that on that show. (Laughes) Every once in a while showing my inexperience moments. At first when i heard that i was chosen to join WGM, i wanted to act as a sweet lady whom every man wants to date but i never thought that my 'husband' would be JoKwon. (Collapse like =,=||) I just act with 'Ish, don't care about anything just be myself' type of thinking. that's why people see us as eonni taking care of dongsaeng. Are you married?"

K:"Married. But after you're married, isn't that how you'll be living your life?"

G:"Actually, not everyone is the type to say 'Sarangheyo' everyday to each other. There's also people who started off arguing and slowly became a couple. But everyone's pushing me too hard to create a romantic atmosphere. You're married, do you have kids?"

K:"Two girls. Sorry, I'm married to my husband and yet i'm still interviewing you. (Laughes)"G:"I have a husband too. (Laughes)"

K:"Although you and JoKwon are on WGM, your husband was chosen for you but what's your ideal type?"

G:"I like people who are older. It's better if he's 35 years old and above. I like someone older, who's like an uncle. Especially a person who's clean and tidy. If he's too handsome, it gives me pressure. If he looks more girly than me, I don't like it either. For example those with double eyelids."

K:"Must he be tall? Nowadays, height has been a hot topic."

G:"Ah, if loser (laughes) is tall, it's better, more manly. Because i myself am short, that's why when i'm attracted to guys who are tall. But in the end, we can't judge people by their appearance, it's the heart and whether we can connect well that counts."

K:"Those songs that you youruself performed, which is your favourite?"

G:"Actually those songs that i sang, i can't listen much to them. If i want to perform a song, it must be gone through more than a thousand times of listening and practice. That's why i rather listen to other singer's songs. the only own song that i listen to is Abracadabra."K:"Do you like singing other singer's songs?"

G:"Not like singing. Lately, i like listening to 2PM's song. When it comes to male idol group, i usually am not picky, like to listen to all of it. (Laughes)"K:"Is your fans support a huge motivation?"

G:"Of course it's a huge motivation. But to me, it's very tough because we have to rethink whenever we want to come out with a song which is not what the people wants to hear, which is not tot their taste. Especially when i come out with a style i like, the people doesn't like and this is very tiring. I wish to come out with some artistic type of songs, if only people likes them. Even if those music we produce now is not the type that i like but what the people like, i'm still very happy."

K:"Then, have you ever thought of composing?"

G:"Honestly speaking, no. Abracadabra this genre is also not the type that i like."

K:"Personally, is there any direction you would want to go in the music industry?"

G:"Those type of songs which you can get people's attention without having to dance (on stage) those type. 

K:"Maybe because i'm the old fashioned type, up till now i still buy cds. Comparing downloaded mp3 and cds, i have to spend at least 10million every month on the cds."

G:"Honestly speaking, i don't really buy cds. Of course, now there's some seniors giving me cds as gift. Last time i would wait for the cds like Jo Sung Mo sunbae's and god sunbae's cd to arrive at the shop. But now since every one is following the trend, no matter how stylish the cd is, the type of songs are all the same that's why i don't really buy cds. If i were to buy cds now, i would only buy BigBang's. They have their own style. Although there's some issue on GD, but nevertheless, he still has his own style."

K:"When buying cd, there's just too many digital single which only consist of 4 songs or so. The whole cd only last about 10 minutes, isn't it a waste of money?"

G:"Us koreans aren't considered as the type which likes to buy cds. Maybe it's something to do with the mentality? They have 'I do use my money, but others has pirated cds why should i waste more money?' type of mentality. Overseas people like to buy cd as collections but in our country it's different."

Comparing with being international, I would rather have my activities in Korea

K:"Have you ever thought of going beyond Korea? Have you ever get tempted by that?"

G:"Up till now I haven't given a though about that yet. Looking at Wonder Girls' success, I really envy them. They get to perform and interact with people of different cultures. But I still don't have that kind of courage to take that step."

K:"That's because they interact through music."

G:"They are still young and their company had helped them in many ways, but i think we could do better in Korea. If we ever thought of going beyond Korea, i think we won't be successful either in Korea or internationally."

K:"Is your English good?" 

G:"English? I don't quite like English."

K:"If you ever want to go beyond Korea, don't you have to practice your English?"

G:"I do need to, but my personality is that I won't do what other people does. (Laughes) I'd be the first to do what others can't do. At first i though 'I must master my English.' but then when i see other people learning English as well, then i think to myself that 'No matter how i still won't be able to speak well or treat it as one of my talents.' So i rather go learn Japanese. Now, my Japanese is a little better than my English."

K:"Is it because singers has the artist charisma that's why they can act so well?"

G:"Acting is not easy. If it's only a simple drama or one that you can relate to, it's easier. If it's those fancy kind of character, i think most singers would act it out very well since we've always been trained to act so. If it comes to real drama, that would be tough. I have to act with Kim Myeong Min sunbae, Im Ha Ryong sunbae and Nam Neung-Mi sunbae I really didn't know what to do. Relying only on your artist charisma won't help much. Those sunbae all have the 'actor charisma'. In the first few days, nobody paid much attention to me since they're all actual actors. To put it in an easier way it means if you get beaten by their 'aura' you can't succeed in anything. When they said 'Hey, come over and do this.' I'll say 'Sure.' smiling and do whatever they told me to do. Just by walking here and there doing whatever they ordered makes them think i'm crazy for the first few days but when i wasn't at the set for a few days, they would ask 'where's Ga-in? Is she not coming today?' and then the company calls me to tell me 'when you're not here, it's a little boring.' (Laughes) The most important thing is not to fear their aura. 

K:"Now BEG has already reached the peak."

G:"Not the peak. No, it may be the peak but if don't improve we'll fall back down.. (Lauges)

K:"Now BEG is one of the top girl group. (Laughes) You girls didn't straight away reach this success when you debuted, rather you girls slowly climb your way up here. It's always better to slowly gain popularity and recolonization than being the best at the starting but slowly falling back."

G:"The funny thing is people see us changing slowly from time to time and their comments about us keeps increasing. Some say 'Why does BEG come out with less and less artistic songs?', 'You started off with such nice songs, how come BEG are slowly losing their originality?' these kind of comments."

K:"yeah, there's many comments about that."

G:"Many has asked us 'what's the relationship between 'Brown Eyed' and us', 'Why did you stop coming out with artistic songs?', Do you like these kind of music?', 'Why do you dance?' etc. We had been listening to these comments for 4 years now and we already have no more feelings towards those kind of comments. (Laughes) Although they criticize us a lot but whenever we get an award, they post comments like 'You became successful!', 'For this day, you girls have trained for 3 years, right?', 'How can such a small company produce such big successful girl group?'. Those who previously said 'How can you BEG sing a dance song?' had now changed to saying 'I knew you would be successful from the start.' Although they're right, but we don't know how successful we are. So, I still go shopping alone."

K:"You shop alone?"

G:"(Artist) would usually wear mask when they go out. I thought no one would recognize me but i was wrong. No matter how i cover myself, people could still recognize me just by looking at my eyes (Laughes)"

K:"Just now i saw you were very close to your manager and staffs."

G:"We're actually very close but we don't show it in public. We know when to play and when to work. Artists are too much like a robot that's why i don't wish for it to be like that, i just want to do as my heart tells me to."

K:"I'm very happy you're able to spare me some time for this interview."

G:"I think I'm a little shy to strangers. (Laughes)"

K:"I'm shy too.. (Laughes)"

Translation Cr.
Kor - Chi : 
YUYA @ BEG Chinese Forum
Chi - Eng : 
LuvGa-in @ BEG International Forum

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