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[Interview] 10Asia Interviews 2AM!

“Jo Kwon is the "It boy"!” This is how Jo Kwon described himself during the "Radio Star" segment on MBC variety show "Golden Fishery". That is very true. Jo Kwon and his group 2AM are the "It boys" of the moment. Their new single instantly shot to No. 1 on digital sound source chart and they are all over the television.

But come to think of it, they were quite a strange bunch. In 2008, they debuted with a charismatic image yet presented themselves as idols who are starting from rock bottom, singing that "the only thing to give you is this song." And rather than becoming talk of the town right away, they looked like a group of hard-working singers.

Two years later, they have finally started to establish an identity. They are one of the most sought-after guests on variety shows and their most recent single "I Can't Let You Go" topped online sound source charts immediately after its release. 10Asia talked to the group who is steadily rising to top.

10: Your single "I Can't Let You Go" topped singles charts as soon as it was released.
Jo Kwon (Jo): I couldn't believe it. The highest our song ever ranked was No. 3 on a chart with "This Song." But "I Can't Let You Go" topped all real-time charts within an hour of its release. And it was the first time I had seen the members of my group look so happy. Chang-min's face was all red when he came home and how he smiled!

10: Topping a chart as soon as a song is released also proves how popular you are. Do you realize how popular you are?
Jo: I do a bit now. Since even the elderly recognize me. It had been my goal to show the real me and be loved by people by appearing on variety shows so I'm happy nowadays because I think its gradually coming true.
Seulong: We all like going on variety shows so we've enjoyed appearing on them but it's been hard too. Kwon in particular had such a tightly-packed schedule that he had to get IV shots in between too. But I think we've gotten to see such good results because we tried hard.
Changmin: And in the meantime, we also kept talking about working on an album. That we want to make a comeback.

10: It must've not been easy taking care of your vocal cords.
Jo: It's actually difficult. Since I have to keep talking when I'm shooting MBC make-believe reality show "We are Married." too. But it's all about self-management. I go to the hospital if I'm in the least bit worn out and drink lots of water. I don't want the rest of my group to suffer because of me. Whatever situation I may be in, I want to do the best job I can at singing.

10: I think your feelings toward each other must have changed during the past year because of the different schedules you had.

Changmin: There were times when we wouldn't see each other for days. But I think we grow closer during rough times. We worry more for the other person.
Jo: Jinwoon kept text messaging me while I was shooting SBS variety show "Family Outing." He sent it right when I was feeling tired saying, "How is it? Careful you don't catch a cold." I felt so thankful to him. Some people ask if other members of my group don't envy me since I sometimes have the busiest schedule but we don't have any qualms about it. We'd been trainees together for a long time, going through hard times together, so we are good at understanding and being considerate toward each other.

10: What did you think of "I Can't Let You Go" when you first heard it? It seemed like producer Bang Si-hyuk put a lot of though into it -- so that it could be received well by the public.
Changmin: We too immediately said the song was going to be a hit.
Seulong: I felt a bit awkward singing it in the beginning because it wasn't the JYP style I had become used to but I started realizing how great it is while recording it.

10: It was impressive how your harmony in the hook of the song was emphasized, different from your previous songs. It expresses your voices better as a group.
Jo: I think harmony is important in appealing who we are. Since we are singers and part of a group. We hadn't harmonized for the recorded version of "This Song" but we did when we performed the song live.

10: Jo Kwon, you lead the harmony. Is there anything you keep in mind in particular when you sing?

Jo: I think emotions are crucial to harmony. The listener will be moved when we put our hearts into the song rather than being too technical about it. I'm the main vocal for the hook but when every member concentrates on the lyrics and pours his heart into his singing, we can make the melody sound like it is sung on a single note rather than several.
Seulong: "I Can't Let You Go" is a song which shows that we are indeed a group. I hope people will feel and think that we are a group, not a 2AM which pursued their individual activities upon hearing how we harmonize.

10: What did Bang Si-hyuk ask for when you recorded the song?
Jo: Both him and Park Jin-hyung always emphasize that we have to sing as if we're talking to someone so that our emotions get delivered to the listener. The difference between them is that Park will point out everything about the song, to the smallest detail, while Bang will ask us to sing the song in the way we feel about it after looking at it overall. He'll then coach us until we express the emotions in the right way.
Changmin: Park is a singer-turned-producer so he'd give us vocalization lessons while recording a song. But Bang emphasizes expressing the emotions more. We kept practicing based on that and what we thought worked so I think that's why the album may seem different from our previous albums.
Seulong: I have a part where I sing as if I'm churning out the rhythm. I like grooving as I please so I think it was easier to express who I am as a singer with this song.

10: How was singing "I Can't Let You Go" for you, Jinwoon? Part of the lyrics that you sing says, "I get hurt too, even if I'm young."
Jinwoon: I sang it the way it was written. I had a first love too and everything but when I tell people, they often say "What would you know when you're so young." I really sang it the way I feel it.

10: At the SBS Music Festival last year, I saw Jinwoon patting Seulong's shoulders. It looked like you do your job as the youngest of the group.
Jinwoon: He told me to, as if I'm practicing playing the drum on his back.
Changmin: We step on him when we're at home.
Jo: He does a good job of being the youngest. (laugh)

10: In reality show "We are Married," you guys seemed to give off the vibe that you as a group would attack intruders when Jo Kwon's make-believe wife Ga-in appeared at your house.(laugh)

Jo Kwon: We do that. Do everything as a group.
Seulong: We were able to act comfortable around her when we shot that because we're friends with her. And she came to our house as Jo Kwon's wife so we tried to make it funny.

10: Jo Kwon, it seems that you're going on the dates that you usually don't get to do through "We are Married."

Jo: At least I can. There are cameras and a lot of people around when we shoot the show but I don't mind it too much. I really have fun with it.

10: Well fans usually object against idols going out but I think the response is a bit different with you and Brown Eyed Girls member Ga-in.
Jo: I'm surprised about that too. I didn't know we would receive this kind of response when we first appeared on the show. I think some people think we would actually look good as a real couple because we treat each other like friends, quite comfortably. I also think we've scored some points from fans after appearing on the show because I get to show the more masculine side to me and Ga-in is seen more as a lady who knows how to act coquettish, different from the slightly haughty look she puts on when she's performing on stage.

10: You seem to be the one who acts more coquettish though. (laugh)
Jo: I can't help it because I'm younger. (laugh)

10: What do the rest of you think?

Seulong: He acts exactly the same as he usually does.
Jinwoon: It's fun watching other couples but Jo Kwon and Ga-in really look good together.
Changmin: I envy them a lot. For the fact that they can date so openly. (laugh)

10: Well it can't be all fun, especially since you're all becoming busier with your appearances on variety shows. Jo Kwon had to participate in a sports event on "We are Married" even though he caught the stomach flu. What keeps you going?

Seulong: I think the common desire to make 2AM successful.
Changmin: What we said when we first started appearing on variety shows was that one's individual popularity equals to that group's popularity. When we go on a show, we introduce ourselves by saying, "Hello, I am 2AM member whoever." And by saying this, the viewers get to hear the name of our group. That's what was important to us -- making our name known. When we first debuted, Park Jin-young used to tell us, "Wherever you are, at a small event or on TV, put yourself out there with the mindset that you'll each attract just ten fans that day." I think that helped us a lot.

10: And I think the response to "I Can't Let You Go" proves that. I think your group has entered a new phase due to your activities during the past year. What sort of team do you want to become in the future?
Seulong: First of all, we want to keep going the way we have been going so far. Show our real selves on variety shows, sing sincerely on the stage and be good at self-management and also taking care of our throats. We've gotten where we are now because we steadily built on our experience so I think we're stable now. I think that if we keep going, there will be a day we receive even more love from our fans.

10: Changmin has to answer three questions in a row. (laugh) First, why did you change your singing style? When we listen to you sing "Another Day" in high school, your deep voice sounds very attractive. Do you think you will go back to singing in your old voice tone?
Changmin: For the time being, no. My real voice is the current voice but it was the trend back then to sing R&B in a deep voice like [Fly To The Sky singer] Fany, so that is how I did my vocal exercises. But I kept getting a sore throat singing like that, so I started doing vocals in my own voice and changed to my current voice.

10: I will read you this question, asked by one of your fans, word for word. "When I heard you were a military-graduate-idol, I thought you would be very old but was shocked that you were surprisingly youthful." Why did you go to the military so early?"

2AM: Hahahahaha
Jinwoon: He called you "youthful", not "young"...
Changmin: My mother told me to go. She persuaded me by saying things like if I go during my freshman year of college, she will buy me a car when I get back. Or that there will be no obstacles in pursuing my singing career if I fulfill my military duties. I wanted to go to the army later because if I became a singer first, I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep doing music after I went off to the military. That is why I went early.

10: Changmin is an idol but he gets ignored a bit on KBS variety show "Star Golden Bell".
Changmin: I get ignored a lot. (laugh)

10: You are an idol and ballad singer. What is like to play a character who gets attacked like that?

Changmin: Honestly, in the beginning... I sort of liked it. I thought they were expressing their interest in me and I had said I wanted show my funny sides a lot. But after a while the fans would laugh when I was singing ballads. (laugh) That was a little hard on me. But the image that I show in variety programs is sort of the guy-next-door image, so when I get attacked on entertainment shows, I attack them back. It was a little difficult for a while but I don't feel the pressure now.

10: What kind of thoughts run through your head when you get involved in spontaneous situations, like when you suddenly had to start beatboxing on "Radio Star"?
Changmin: That I have to do it. I could be bad but be honest and give my best shot at it. If I run out of breath, that could be funny too.
Seulong: I think on variety shows, people accept you the way you are as long as you are honest about whatever it is that you're doing.

10: So you were being yourself and got misunderstood in the Netherlands as being gay with the "Dirty Eyed Girls" video. ["Dirty Eyed Girls" is a parody group of Korean girl band "Brown Eyed Girls" composed of two 2AM members and three 2PM singers.]

Seulong: I sort of overdid it in that... (laugh)

10: How do you feel about doing many variety shows even though you are very skilled singers?
Seulong: It is all right because we ourselves enjoy appearing on them. We like talking with a lot of people on those shows.
Changmin: There are people who listen to our music more after seeing us on variety shows, so I like it.

10: Jo Kwon, have you felt that you could really date Ga-in after having appeared on MBC variety show segment "We Got Married"?
Jo Kwon: I think I would be lying if I said I don't have such feelings at all. I heard that even actors believe that they are truly in love with the person while they are acting to express romantic emotions toward a lover. I think it is a similar case with "We Got Married". I think we're increasingly developing these wonderful feelings as we get to know each other's personality and charms.

10: How did the other members react when Jo Kwon said on "Radio Star" that he "almost became a 2PM member but saved 2AM by coming to this team"?

Seulong: It was true and bitter to hear too.. (laugh) There was a 2AM member among 2PM singers too. Like all the trainees at the company, Kwon and I went through seven different combinations of groups before finally making our debut as 2AM on the eighth combination.

10: When Jo Kwon took his college entrance exam, there was a heartwarming story about Changmin making a lunchbox for him. What about when Jinwoon took his exam?

Jinwoon: My mom made mine. Everyone had a very busy schedule...
Changmin: We couldn't go and support Jin-woon when he took his college exam because work ended late in early morning. But we plan on going to his graduation if we don't have any work that day.

10: Fans really loved to see Jinwoon wear his school uniform and many have requested that he keeps wearing the uniform in college.
Jinwoon: I heard there were schools in the U.S. that wear uniforms, so if you send me to the U.S....
Jo Kwon: Just wear it. Wear a sailor uniform.

10: If 2AM could hold a solo concert, what kind of performances would each of you want to put on?
Jinwoon: At the last fan meeting, I made a digital sound source myself and sang a rock song. But the sound was disappointing because it was not a live performance. When I do a concert, I want fans to see me making music with friends that I have been doing music with.
Changmin: I want them to hear the songs that I really like. Personally, I like everyone from Ray Charles to Rancid, but so far I have only song trot songs. (laugh)
Jo Kwon: I want show them a unique and fantastic performance.
Seulong: Lady Jo Kwon?
2AM: Hahaha
Jo Kwon: Not Lady Gaga, something cool.
Seulong: I want to do a performance but with no dancing. I want to just stand and sing a song like Ne-Yo's.

10: Are there any activities that you want to do separately? I think some fans still want to see Seulong's body accentuated.
Jo Kwon: Shoot a sexy photo spread?
Jiinwoon: Im Seulong sexy photo spread!
Changmin: If you appear topless, you'll get mistaken for a woman.. and become famous in the Netherlands again.
2AM: Hahaha
Seulong: I do work out harder because fans like that side of me. Everybody wants to do solo activities, and I do too. But I think we still need to work as the group 2AM.

10: In the teaser video prior to the album release, there was a scene where Seulong got soaked in the rain and you received an outpouring of questions such as, "Seulong, how did you bulk up your chest?" (laugh)

Jo Kwon: His chest was big even before he started working out. His chest feels hard because it is all muscle now but before working out...
Seulong: Everyone is born with certain exceptional body features. I was born with an exceptional chest. (laugh) The trainers at the gym always touch my chest, saying that they want their chest to be like mine. They told me to "develop the area which is best developed" and that is how I got to be like this, but all you have to do is just work out hard. But you can't do anything about what you are born with, so you have to give it up. (laugh)

10: After watching "We Got Married", fans even wanted to know what kind of smell was coming from Seulong's room.
Seulong: Oh come on.. that is so wrong. My room doesn't smell, right?
Jinwoon: That is because you are in your own room.
Seulong: No! I don't smell! Really!
Changmin: There was one time when we left a chicken breast in there and it rot. (laugh)
Seulong: That was because I am very forgetful and I forget to remove lunchboxes and stuff. It doesn't smell now.

10: What about the rooms of other members?
Jinwoon: Not really...
Jo kwon: Oh, your room smells too. Sometimes it's even worse than Seulong's room.

10: Jo Kwon seems very confident. (laugh)

Jinwoon: His really doesn't smell.
Jo Kwon: I buy a bunch of air fresheners and put them in my room. I put about two in Seulong's room and I even put in moisture removers in all the closets. (laugh)

10: What is the most radical thing that you have done while working as 2AM?
Changmin: Taking my glasses off. My eye sight is 2.0 and I feel uncomfortable wearing glasses. So I took them off for wardrobe and concept reasons. Some people like it and others tell me to put them back on.. I think that was a radical thing. (laugh)
Jinwoon: Hitting my chest during my singing. (laugh) It was okay to hit the chest but I went too far by saying on the radio, "What I can never give up on stage is hitting my chest." If I give it up now, I feel like losing.
Changmin: Chest-hitting was not in the original plan, but he did it once during the music video and got a pretty good reaction from people. And he's been hitting himself ever since.
Seulong: Looking back on it now, I think I went a bit too far with "Dirty Eyed Girls." (laugh)

10: How did you guys react after shooting "Dirty Eyed Girls"?
Seulong: I didn't think it would be such a huge hit when I was shooting it. When we get together with the 2PM boys, we get along really well, even better than you see on TV. We just did our thing and people really enjoyed watching it.
Jo kwon: I knew it would become the talk of the town. (Licking his lips with his tongue) We do it like this -- how could it not be a hot topic? (laugh)
Changmin: I still remember these guys saying, "I think this will surely get us onto [Korea's year-end music festival] MKMF."
Jo Kwon: And we really did it a lot on variety shows.
Seulong: They still make us do it.

10: You will probably have do something beyond that performance to make them stop.
Changmin: Beyond that? What in the world can we do...

Source: - 1 & 2

[Interview] G-Dragon : "I don't know where it ends"!

Most of the songs G-Dragon has written have gone on to be huge hits ('Daebak' s). The song ‘Lies’ on Big Bang’s first mini album (released in 2007) which he had originally written for himself became a massive hit, as did ‘Last Farewell’, ‘Haru Haru’ and ‘Sunset Glow’ to follow.

”Even though people kept telling us we’d become 'a huge hit', it didn’t feel like it at all because we weren’t allowed to go out. The only places we’d go were broadcasting stations, living quarters and practice rooms. We were still nothing but kids and people continued to say “what do we do with them?”. Even though we kept getting number 1, we didn’t feel any different. When the audience cheered and clapped for us, we just thought ‘it’s only because we’re singers’. Whenever we went on stage people would clap, but we wouldn’t be able tell at all since we’d be singing.”

There’s a saying that celebrities often hear, and repeat to themselves over and over again: “The next one is the most important”.

”I think that’s what’s hardest about being a celebrity. Even if we do really well, it’s always ‘next time is more important’. Normal people might think being a celebrity is easy, but it really isn’t.”

Even when they’re on hiatus, celebrities can’t let their guard down. Anxiety in the form of thoughts like ‘I must try even harder’, ‘I can’t give up now’, ‘The next one is more important’ continue to taunt them.

”I just don’t know where it ends. Whenever we see fans who say ‘Big Bang helps us build our dreams’, I realise ‘Man this really isn’t just a joke’. I feel increased responsibility.”

However the Big Bang members aren’t really the type for excessive breaks anyway. When they’re given a holiday, they spend the first couple of days at home before crawling back to the practice rooms because they have nothing to do.

”It’s not like we plan it or anything but even during our days off we see each other dancing or writing lyrics...Practice is like a regular part of our lives now. That’s why we write more songs than others and have more to choose from. I think we’ve come this far because we don’t want to disappoint our fans.”

Even through the times where he had no choice but to run, G-Dragon learned to keep his balance with the thought and determination not to disappoint his fans. We finally start to feel and understand what it was he ran so hard for.

Original article
Translation by sjay.x @ BBVIP.netvia bigbangupdates

[Interview] CNBlue's ELLE Girl Interview!

We will say the truth. The interest of on C.N Blue started from Jung YongHwa. The fantasy drama created by the Hong Sisters, ‘You’re Beautiful’ didn’t get nearly close to the view ratings for IRIS, but still, in many ways; this drama had its own specialties. One of it being that the drama carried the face of the new star, Jung YongHwa.

Jung YongHwa starred as the guitarist in the popular band A.N.JELL. Whenever the female lead, MiNyu, was stuck in a situation, he played the role of the fantasy character that would come and save her without any words, gaining the interest of many. But later you could find out that he was the leader for the soon to debut band, C.N Blue. The rumors that they were a band that already had 2 albums out and also those they were highly skilled had interested many. What? They were going to stand as the band group in a place dominated by ‘entertaining’ idol groups? This was the reason that we invited these 4 guys despite of their practice for their upcoming showcase.

Jung YongHwa, Lee JongHyun, Kang MinHyuk, Lee JungShin. The C.N Blue members that dominated the set were first of all, very tall. The long legs and arms and the good looking faces wasn’t a band, but more like flower boy idols. No, if you compared their faces to idols we met so far, their visual appearance belonged in a higher level. The members greet us in a nervous and excited faces. The person leading the mood was oldest, and the leader, Jung YongHwa.

The filming started first with his solo cuts. As if acting helped him to get accustomed to the camera, he stated to pose very comfortably. He laughs and jokes around with the staff members and smiles a lot because he doesn’t like awkward moods. He seems like the guy who loves people and let go of all the bad sides to a person. (Idk what this means)

Next up to the camera was Lee JongHyun. He was the same BuSan person like YongHwa, and he even considers YongHwa as a brother. When he smiles, he looks like ‘Matimoto Joon’. However, he had the manly side that answered every question clean, and dry. With the face similar to a Japanese actor and the quietness of a man from Kyung SanDo, he was interesting. The 91-ers that entered together, Kang MinHyuk and Lee JungShin were still very shy. Being their first photo shoot, the nervousness was still there, but they focus hard on the words of the photographer. From a glance you can tell that they were the kind dongsaengs that used formal tones to their hyungs. Kang MiHyuk had the surprising formal adult side to him and the serious Lee JungShin turns out to be the happy, fun kid that spreads happiness on to the set.

Due to the serious and sincere models, the filming continued on without a problem and the photographer finally showed the okay sign. Weren’t they too serious and quiet for new stars to be debuting soon? We even questioned if they were the same guys with so much charisma on the Live Japan House shows. However these were the guys determined the let the public know of band music where everything is set on the idol music. If we borrowed the words of MiSil, they were the guys dreamed of an ‘overly high blue’ dream. It could be their secret weapon that they will show everything with their skills. Then the interview started with C.N Blue, who was waiting in the start line quietly in the midst of all the screaming.

[EG] How did the four of you guys end up meeting each other?
YongHwa: We were all fans of music and interested in bands. In detail, we were chosen by the casting director and through an audition, we ended up getting into FNC Music. I was first an internet ullzzang (laughs), and the casting director came down to BuSan after seeing my picture in an ullzzang site.
JongHyun: I found out about this later, but that same casting director met with me after meeting with YongHwa hyung. I liked singing since I was little, and since I was learning music then, I was really happy to get that chance.
YongHwa: The three of us without JungShin and a lot of other people went to that audition. Since JongHyun was also from BuSan, we connected as soon as we met, and MinHyuk caught my eyes because he was dressed in his school uniform. You know, because most of the people who come to auditions dressed really nicely.
MinHyuk: On that day the hyungs sang really well. I thought I was going to be eliminated. We got to know each other then and even called each other. We asked each other, “Did you get contacted?” But the funny thing is, the 3 of us got in the audition.
JungShin: Because of my brother that was a music mania, I always had an MP3 in my ears. In high school I fell in love with photography, and when I was out in HongDae for a photo shoot, I was contacted by the casting director. In the beginning of C.N Blue, one first left because of personal issues so I just ended up joining naturally. I was really nervous, but the hyungs and the same age MinHyuk took care of me well.

[EG] Unlike others, you guys start out as an indie band in Japan
YongHwa: It wasn’t something formal that we went to Japan to be in a band, but we went to Japan to study where the idea of a band is more recognized. It was the idea of our company, but we were interested because it was a chance for us to improve on our skills.
JongHyun: Skills are skills, but we saw and listened to a lot. And at first none of us could speak Japanese. But in order to survive out there we needed to learn Japanese. By the end, we ended up learning the simple conversations without a problem.

[EG] If you guys can choose any memorable episodes in Japan?
YongHwa: There are so many. At one point we even had a robber come into our place, but that person didn’t steal anything, but just took a shower there. We didn’t have anything he could take anyway.
MinHyuk: More than anything, out performances on the streets is memorable. As many of you know, in Tokyo, the transportation fees are expensive. In the summer we would have to carry our guitar, drums, and lamps all by ourselves.
JongHyun: At one point we were taken to the police station during our performance. As if we were the president, we were guarded by the police on the way there. It was the biggest police station in Harajuku, but the place was so nice like a café.
YongHwa: I was so serious, but these guys were taking pictures and joking around with the police officers.

[EG] Didn’t you guys ever think “Why are we doing this in Japan?”
JongHyun: Never. Since it was what we liked to do, we enjoyed it.
YongHwa: We thought that it was hard, but we never wanted to quit. We needed to put in our efforts to gain skills, and without the skills, we wouldn’t have even been recognized.

[EG] YongHwa first became an actor by participating in the drama, “You’re Beautiful”
YongHwa: I came on the plane to Korea and did the audition. I never had acted before, but the fact that I was an actual guitarist in a band earned me some points. But the director or the writers never told me why they chose me.

[EG] It shouldn’t be easy acting for the first time.
YongHwa: Jang GeunSuk, Park ShinHye, Lee HongKi were all pros since they were young, and I thought to myself, “Wasn’t I just a raw amateur?” I never rested from the 1st to the 16th episodes. So aside from the sleeping I took the scripts anywhere with me and memorized the lines. Because the role of Kang ShinWoo is already handsome, I think that is why the public view it so well.
MinHyuk: In real life, he is a really fun hyung, but I was surprised seeing him act on TV. Of course the funny hyung was nice too.
JungShin: We called him often monitoring his drama. “Hyung, we are enjoying this. But, for us to see it is a bit embarrassing.”

[EG] Since you already came in the entertainment world, you should have been less nervous
YongHwa: Drama or other programs, I’m nervous everyday about my schedule. And since I have my C.N Blue members with me, I’m really full. The solo actititives are what Jung YongHwa showed, but now I will put in my all to show C.N Blue.
JongHyun: Hyung tells us a lot of tips. Yesterday he told us what to do for today.
YongHwa: I’m a newbie too, but I started first. In order to show more of that pro side, I told them let’s show our best. I’m the leader, but there is nothing I have to be mad about. We all match each other well.

[EG] JongHyun has an image that matches the band well
JongHyun: Like a guitar maniac? Haha. Before I used to listen to R&B and HipHop. Getting into a band made me research more about bands, and I started falling in love with band music. I really want to meet the Japanese band “Bump of Chicken”

[EG] In the teaser that was released, you had that tough image
JongHyun: I like that concept. Every day I try to act more manly. I need to focus on my manly side more if I want to appear that way.

YongHwa: JongHyun doesn’t have that fiery personality because he is a BuSan man, but he doesn’t get really mad.
JongHyun: I’m the only O type blood while the other members have A type blood. When the three of them get mad at each other, I’m the one who is laughing. Especially, YongHwa hyung is a Triple A blood type (meaning that he gets mad often) (LOL)

[EG] MinHyuk looks like a naïve student. We can’t imagine him playing the drums.
MinHyuk: When people first see me, they could be awkward and bored. But since I was little I loved doing active sports. Sport like soccer, baseball, basketball I bet I could do better than my members. I’m pretty sure I could show my powerful drummer sides.
YongHwa: MinHyuk has the clean personality so clean the room in Japan. He is nice to everyone around him and he didn’t change at all from the time I first met him. (Minhyuk's recognised as CNBlue's mother, btw)

[EG] He seems quiet, but very popular around girls
YongHwa: That is right. I always talk a lot around girls, but when MinHyuk is quiet; all the girls are like “he is so cute!” Are you guys that happy just looking at him? (YES YONGHWA, I AM! BD )

[EG] JungShin in the youngest in the team, but is the tallest
JungShin: When I was a freshman in high school I was stressed out because I was so small. Going into high school, every year I grew 10cm and now, I got over 187cm. They say that my growth hormone is still active. The doctor told me that if I want to stop growing, stop playing sports and just play my bass. (laughs) (So tall ._.)

[EG] We also heard that you are very greedy when it comes to clothes
JungShin: It happens to me and YongHwa. When we get into our dorms and do online shopping, we ask each other, “How does this look?” When I lay down to sleep, I think of what shirts and pants to wear tomorrow.

[EG] You seemed really serious, but after talking for a while you seem a bit 4-D
JungShin: Since I tend to stay away from strangers, people tell me that I seem scary. But once I get to know someone, I’m really friendly and nice to them.
YongHwa: JungShin’s world is really different. If are with him then you end up feeling happy too. JungShin ended up coming in late, but we were happy to have a skilled rapper and bass player.

[EG] On January 14th, the Bluetory album is released. What kind of songs are in it and which songs do you recommend?
YongHwa: If you say band in Korea, most people think of rock. We are putting the alternative rock feel, with ballad, hiphop, and rap. There are 5 songs on our mini album. The title song, “I’m A Loner,” the song I contributed on the lyrics, “Y, Why,” and songs like “Now or Never” that we translated into Korean. We think it is an album that anyone can enjoy without and heavy feelings.

[EG] The thing that you guys are focused on the most, is it the showcase?
YongHwa: We are practicing day and night. I think we don’t have enough songs though. We are really nervous since this will be our first performance. I also went around telling everyone when I was in Korea first, so I’m feeling anxious. But I know that we will do well.

[EG] Don’t you guys want to dance and show extravagant performance like the other guys around your age?
YongHwa: The songs aren’t songs that you can simply dance to and the bigger problem is that, dancing is like rat poison for us. (laughs) We will become the band that shines the most when we have our instruments. If we wanted to be dancers, we wouldn’t have gone to a band company in the first place.

[EG] The moment you guys have been dreaming of is in front of your eyes, what do you guys each want?
MinHyuk: I wish that our first step will be a good one. Too plain for you? That is all I can think of (I love him sfm)
JungShin: That our album will be widely known and loved by many. Being more greedy, I want win the newcomer award at the awards this year
JongHyun: It will be great to get C.N Blue loved, but I hope that people will enjoy rock music more. It will be better if Korean band industry can improve because of us and think comfortably of us. We will make stages so that all of us can jump around and play.
YongHwa: From the start we won’t be able to show all of our music, and all of our sides. Step by step we will work on it. Until we become the grandpa band.

Source: ELLEgirl magazine
Translated by: CNBlueMoonlight @ CodeAzzurro

[Interview] 2AM Interview with Donga News

The album that a lot of fans have been waiting for is finally out. Your song comes out on the 21st, right?

2AM: Yes.

Yes, already so many fans are anticipating. What is the difference between 2AM last year and 2AM this year?

2AM: First of all, different from our 2nd single 'A Friend's Confession,' our clothes have bits of pink points in them. There's a bit more of a sparkly feel. And music wise, we've matured a lot compared to our previous album so hopefully we'll be able to allow you to listen to a more mature sound...

They're also saying you've changed into a beastly idol. Yes, there have been talks that you are now a beastly idol.

ISO: Yes, our members' bodies are all great since we exercise so frequently. We also went to fitness clubs often. The images that you see show a lot of our muscles. Even in the teaser video recently released, I tried my best at acting but there were a lot of people surprised at my chest muscles shown through the pouring rain. A lot of amazed people, too. There was a lot of attention so I was thankful.

We've also heard that Changmin's singing style has changed.

LCM: Not only me, actually. Our producer changed and so there's a lot of slight changes everywhere, including our tracks. For our 2nd album, 'A Friend's Confession,' we wanted to show a manlier image so we used a mid bass voice. But in this album, we tried to express all of our individual voices a bit more comfortably. A voice that the listener can feel our sadness through. Compared to the stronger, manlier voices of the 2nd album, we tried to sound a bit more sorrowful. Anyone listening will probably think that our voices got a bit thinner.

Our Jung Jinwoon has graduated high school and is in the midst of entering college. Do you think you'll be able to enter the college of your voice?

JJW: About what I want to do and what kind of major...

What major would you like to be?

JJW: I'm a singer now but I also have interest in acting so I want to learn more about acting. I'd like to go in as a theatre major.

I know this might be an out of the blue question but what do the 2AM members do at 2 AM?

JK: We're in our separate rooms doing something.

What do you usually do? Gaming, perhaps?

JJW: I do two things. I practice at the company or I sleep in the dorms.

JK: I play at 2 AM. Either on the computer or just resting. Usually a time for sleep?

LCM: I sleep at 1 AM. I really fall asleep early. When it turns 1, I start getting sleepy.

Do you sleep early and wake up early?

LCM: Yes, I do wake up early. I hardly sleep past 9 AM.

ISO: I go to bed when Changmin hyung wakes up. I sleep late. Or sometimes, I'm spending my time at the health club.

What is the direction for your promotions this year?

JK: In 2009, we let the public see all of our individual selves. For 2010, we will try to secure our position musically. We will try to succeed with our music.

2AM: Yes, our new album came out in the new year after 10 months. This album is one that we've put out with the most confidence so we ask you to please give it a lot of attention. We ask for lots of love for our music and our members. Thank you.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[Interview] MBLAQ's Cosmopolitan Interview!

Some really interesting interviews of  MBLAQ's boys for Cosmopolitan magazine!

This is a great interview that you will get to know more about your idols.The boys expressed their opinions on their girlfriends in the future,what they wish to listen from the girls they love,the things they want to do with their girlfriends in the future.

So if you want to know more about the boys,you should read all the interviews below prepared by Absolute MBLAQ's Staff!

Source: Cosmopolitan magazine JAN 2010 issue
credit : absolutemblaq intl forum
Translated by Grace ♥ Kpop @ ABSOLUTEMBLAQ
Templates by *ddeokbokee @ ABSOLUTEMBLAQ

[Interview] Big Bang Interview for March Junon!

yb: G-Dragon’s personality is..crazy. (laughs) Not in a bad way though of course. He gets really into what he’s doing whether its working or playing, so… I say crazy.
gd: Yeah I really am, thanks! (laughs) TOP’s crazy too. (laughs) And manly. The manliest person ever!
top: No, he’s joking. (laughs) Daesung has a really optimistic personality and he kind of draws people to him. He’s full of charms.
ds: I have a bright personality. Taeyang is warm and kind to his members. He also gives us lots of advice and feedback.
top: Seungri’s the youngest, and he’s always dreaming of freedom. (laughs)
vi: That’s right~.
top: He’s a passionate person who wants to do many things.
vi: Yup, I’m always working to achieve my dreams!
gd: He’s Big Bang’s maknae [youngest], so everyone favours him and finds him cute.
top: He might also be the kid who gets bullied by everyone cos of his position. (laughs)
yb: True, he may seem like the bullied character to people. But it’s only because there are no walls between us members, so we can tell each other anything.
vi: A little bullying can be passed off as aegyo [cuteness]. (laughs) But I don’t like it when G-Dragon bullies me cos he can be really harsh sometimes….Joking! (laughs) I trust him so its ok. Our members are really close and it feels like a family.
gd: All five of us are so different as individuals, so there isn’t really anything we want each other to change. Because it’s only Big Bang if we all show our own individuality. I think it’s good for each member to express themselves truthfully.

Things You’re Into At The Moment

yb: My dog Boss. He’s a male Boston Terrior . He’s always full of energy and he’s so smart so it seems like he can understand what I say to him. I play with him a lot and he sleeps on my bed often.
vi: I like Japanese dramas, “Nodame Cantabile” was really good. At the moment I’m watching “Rukizu”. I really like Ania (Ichihara Hayato)! And I’m a fan of Miyazaki Aoi so I like movies like “Shonen Merikensaku” too. The other members are watching “Hana Yori Dango” at the moment.
I’m learning Japanese through dramas and movies so Taeyang, Daesung and I often converse in Japanese. But I’m the best at using slang and words/phrases that are ‘in’. (laughs) Bad words are fun so I memorise them right away. (laughs)
yb: My Japanese isn’t quite there yet so I want to study harder and get better.
ds: (looks at February issue of Junon) I’m into Junon at the moment! (laughs)
(happily rips open the little envelope at the back of the magazine and looks at the Seto Koji trading card inside) Cool!
gd: I’ve finished solo activities in Korea so I have a lot of time on my hands. I’m really into my ‘free time’ at the moment. I’m sleeping in till whenever I want and meeting friends and stuff.
yb: This was a while back, but last year,we had decided to do something fun at Christmas, all five of us since we’d been busy in Korea and Japan all year. I was the organiser so I was really concentrating on that for a while. But our plans were crushed when all the end-of-year events arrived. (laughs)
vi: It was a pity~ (laughs)
vi:안타깝네요~(웃음). { I'm so sorry~(laughs)}
top: What we were planning to do will remain a secret. (laughs) But although we had to give up our plans, we were able to be on “Music Station Super Live” so I hope everyone was happy. We’ll keep doing our best!

What You Hate Most in the World

gd: In Korea there’s this fish called ‘gaebul’ that people eat raw. I just can’t eat it.
vi: I hate ginger. I don’t eat anything with ginger in it, even if it’s just a little bit.
ds: I hate eggplant. It made me sick once when I was little and I’ve hated it since.
top: I don’t dislike anything! Cos I think we have to accept everything in this world.
the other four: Wow~!! (clap)
top: Am I manly or what? Just kidding. (laughs)

Your Ideal Girl

ds: Someone who is pretty when she smiles and who can be of one mind with me. I like people who love me. (laughs)
vi: Someone with a pretty voice. I like voices like Miyazaki Aoi’s. If I was really busy and we wouldn’t have time to see each other much, it would make me happy to hear her bright voice on the phone. Since it always cheers you up when you hear the voice of someone you like.
yb: I think I would like someone who can understand what I’m saying and thinking, and has many qualities that I can learn from when I’m with. I want a girlfriend who is polite and modest.
gd: I like girls who are a little playful and like playing pranks. I like people who are unpredictable and can surprise you. If I come to like a girl like that, I’m gonna hold her tight and never let her go. (laughs) And if I get a girlfriend, I don’t want her to be nice to other guys. I want her to show a special side of herself just to me, like aegyo [cuteness]. If I come to like someone, I would probably show them a different side of me too.
top: I like girls who understand me and think the same way. I like people who are more relaxed and calm as opposed to noisy people who badmouth others. And people who can dress and accessorize themselves well. If I got married to a girl like that, I think she’d decorate the house really well.
ds: It’s Valentines Day soon. People in Korea are probably a lot more excited and busy about it than in Japan.
yb: But I think it would make the person you love happy if you gave them gifts on ordinary days too.
ds: I buy myself chocolates every year. (laughs)
vi: I used to get chocolates from seniors or juniors when I was a student. I would leave them in my drawer and they’d all melt. (laughs) I remember cleaning it up thinking ‘what a waste…’. It was sad. (laughs)
gd: I’ve received chocolate in the past too, but it’s probably because they thought “Noone’s gonna get that kid chocolate” and felt sorry for me . (laughs)
top: People give chocolate on Valentines Day?? I had no idea. I never have…. Jokes! (laughs)
yb: I want to make a lot of nice Valentines Day memories in the future.
top: I think this year’s Valentines Day will be a good memory since we’re having our concert on the day at Kobe World Hall!

Something That Surprised You In Japan

ds: When I first came to Japan, I was really shocked and surprised because the cars were moving by themselves without anyone driving. It turned out Japanese cars’ driver’s seats are on the other side. (laughs)
vi: I was surprised at the meal tickets at a ramen shop we went to. You put in the money and the ticket comes out and then you buy ramen with the ticket… The only places in Korea that have meal tickets are convenience stores on the highway so I was shocked that they had them in a normal Tokyo shop.
gd: What surprised me the most was that WE WERE IN JAPAN AT CHRISTMAS! (laughs)
the other 4: (laugh)
yb: Like I said before, we had been planning something so when we were told that we were going back to Japan we all went “Whatever~! You’re lying, right?” (laughs)
top: It’s even more surprising that we’re having a Japan Tour on Valentines Day too.
gd: The greatest surprise of my life is that we’re spending Valentines Day as well as Christmas in Japan. (laughs) It’ll be bad for my heart if I get any more surprises. (laughs) Still, as long as our fans are happy we’re happy too so I’m really looking forward to meeting our Japanese fans in February.
top: We’ve only come to Japan for work, so I want to travel around slowly. I stayed in Akita 2 years ago for filming and it was such a nice and quiet place so I want to go there privately some time.
gd: I want to go to Mount Fuji. We could see Mount Fuji from our hotel room when we stayed in Tokyo once. I want to catch the clouds up there.
yb: I want to go on a trip to Okinawa. I want to go to the Churaumi Acquarium there.
ds: I like hot springs so when we have time, I wanna go to a Japanese hot spring!

Big Bang’s Dreams

ds: I want our Japan Tour in February to be a success, to perform well so that everyone can be happy.
vi: It’s our first Tour since we had our major debut in Japan so I want to show a new side of Big Bang. We’re really looking forward to it since we’ll be performing on big stages like Yokohama Arena and Budokan!
gd: I want our show to not just look cool but for it to feel like we’re meeting friends who we haven’t seen in a long time. I hope both us and the fans can have a good time.
yb: I want to show people more good music in the future as a member of Big Bang as well as an individual artist and to move people’s hearts. And also show lots of great performances.
ds: And I’m working on my new Korean album at the moment so I hope that comes to be a success.
top: I’ve been filming a movie in Korea so I hope I can keep doing my best to make it turn out well. And I want to keep being passionate and hot. [literally translated as ‘hot’ but it means like, driven) Like I have a bunch of those portable heaters stuck to my body! (laughs)
gd: I want to become more adult-like. (laughs) I’m still like a kid sometimes so I want to become more grown up.
vi: My goal is to help people achieve their dreams. I want to make like an academy or something for kids dreaming to become singers or artists and support their dreams.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @ BBVIP
Source: 빅뱅활력소 @ VIPZ

[Interview] SHINee tells Happy8 Magazine their “Most Dazzling” points!



SHINee: Existing to Dazzle You

It is definitely not too much to see SHINee as another of SM Entertainment’s secret weapon after Dong Bang Shin Ki and Super Junior, these 5 big boys have been widely recommended for their unique vocals and refreshing looks. On the first day of New Year, Korea’s extremely popular group SHINee arrived at Hunan TV, creating the first wave of the Hallyu in 2010. From the New Year’s Mango Festival to the media interviews the next day, not only did they dazzle the Chinese audience in front of the TV, they also dazzled the media.
Why is SHINee so attractive? All our questions were answered after meeting them. We can only say that, SHINee deserves to be loved.

Onew: Dazzling You with Silliness

Onew’s Korean fans once revealed that sometimes, his brain seems to be missing a tendon, and he is always doing silly things, even if he is a high flying student in school, even if he is SHINee’s leader. His Chinese is not proficient, and when he in Taiwan, he even introduced himself as ‘Wo Niu’(snail) instead of ‘Wen Liu’(Onew). His psychomoto skills are bad, and he is always tripping, and each fall is always very hard.. Personally I felt that there is not much to investigate about him, but during this trip to Changsha, the reporter has managed to affirm the fans’ thoughts — He is definitely ’silly’!
When he first met with the reporter, he just kept grinning, and started greeting without caring if the people around him understood Korean or not. It was until he finished saying 4 or 5 sentences that he realised : “Oh, you don’t understand Korean?”
Looking at his expression and also his tone then, there was this urge to open out his brain to see what exactly is inside his brain. Just when we thought that he would not say any more silly stuff, his low laughter on the other hand had everyone at a loss of what to do. Most people upon seeing him grinning would ask: “Why are you smiling?” And he would then ask back: “What did you just say?” This is how the phrase ‘donkeys’ lips don’t match horses’ jaws’ originated. When it was meal time, the reporter thought that he would not have anything to be silly about. But he started distributing burgers to his buddies like a cafeteria uncle who distributes food: “This is yours, this is yours, oh and this is mine.” Throughout the whole distributing process, his eyes were dazed looking, and he was just staring at the burgers he was giving out. Looking at this scene, few were not baffled — Even though he is the oldest member of the group, but he is definitely not at the age to turn senile right? After all he is only just 21 years old,but that expression and tone is really not something that a 89-er should have.
We say that fortune favours the fools, and this charmingly naive leader does possess leadership qualities that is hard to speak about. Even though he always receives ‘dirty looks’ from his members as a result of saying somethign ridiculous but when it comes to key moments, he is really quite useful. When they were asked about H1N1, Onew said seriously : “This question will be answered by Jonghyun!” Jonghyun then straightened up in his seat and answered the question, and when he was done, he did not forget to look at the leader who instructed him, as if looking to be praised by the leader. Seems like no matter how silly a leader is, he is still the head, we definitely cannot not see Onew as the cadre!

Jonghyun: Dazzling You with Childishness

Upon first look at this SHINee group, everyone will definitely take note of this boy first. Standing in the midst of “herbivorous” SHINee, his looks that seem more carnivorous (deeper and more mature in comparison) make it hard for people to neglect his existence and his fierce gaze gives people the impression that he is not easy to get close to. When a vairety show in Korea revealed a self-ca photo of him pouting, everyone suddenly realised that this Jonghyun seems quite childish too. After looking at Jonghyun’s domineering and aggressive dance on Mango Festival, and then looking at the incredibly childish kid who has transformed from his fighter mode, the reporter cannot help to lament in shock: “Seems like there is nothing impossible in this world.”
Jonghyun belongs to the kind who can have a stoic expression one moment, and then in the next moment, he can shed his ice cold exterior and start smiling, before having lots of fun with the people around him. The reporter saw him pouting and smiling at his buddies, and coy mannerism is like a kid trying to ask for sweets from his parent — Is he still the Jonghyun who stood in front of cameras with soulful eyes and singing aggressive songs? Maybe it was because the atmosphere was quite high, Jonghyun kept swaying and shaking his head when he answered the reporter’s question, looking every bit like a little dinorsaur that has not yet grown up, no wonder he is dubbed at part of SM Entertainment’s “Dinosaur Siblings” along with Donghae and Amber! When asked about a movie that they are anticipating, the few of them answered in chorus: “Avatar!” When they found out that it was being shown in Changsha that day, Jonghyun suddenly tugged at the translator’s arm and asked: “Is that true? Are there Korean subtitles?” The temperature of the room rapidly dropped to below zero degree celcius at that moment, before the entire room burst out in laughter the next second. Then this Jonghyun kid actually stuck his tongue out and with a very embarrassed look, said: “Oh no, everyone actually understands Korean.” This sentence once again had the room doubling over in laughter and at the point in time, the reporter really wanted to ask him: “Kid, are you even 5 years old this year?”

Minho: Dazzling You with Charisma

The NO.1 charisma as selected by all the members! Flaming Minho is definitely the winner.Even though he has a tanned complexion from playing soccer since young, but that still does not affect his perfection — Eyes that are sometimes deep-thinking, movements that are sometimes powerful, he definitely has a price-like presence. That’s the reason why many people will be stunned when seeing him for the first time. If he can be said as charismatic on the screen, then offscreen, he is dazzlingly charismatic.
His legs are long, his feet are long, his eyelashes are long, when he walks there is a breeze accompanying him, everything he does is enough to carry a breeze; he is like Sudhana (Child of Wealth) that has came out from a painting. When he talks, he is always half nodding at you and half smiling at you. The reporter thinks with a sigh: No wonder he is the junior of Choi Siwon. When he was chosen as the NO.1 charisma, Jonghyun points really resignedly at Minho and said through gritted teeth: “He’s so handsome, what can we do about do?” All these are still understandable, but when he was drinking from a large bottle of Coke, he even gave the feeling that he was shooting a CF. Onew who was sitting at the side was unable to tolerate it anymore and snatched the bottle away from Minho who returned the gesture with a glance and a smile, causing many hearts to break into pieces. Alright, it’s not your fault that you are handsome, but it’s your fault if you are always dazzling and killing us with your charisma all the time!
We say that loneliness is a way to protect a handsome guy, and Minho’s quiet expression from start gave everyone the feeling that “this kid is probably very lonely”. But this cool boy was able to play around ’silently’ with his groupmates (Please note, there isn’t a mistake in word choice, he really did play around with his member without saying a word) before running to a guy who was part of their entourage and patting on the shoulder, saying something softly to him. The reporter instinctively asked the translator what they were talking about, and the translator turned a little teary upon hearing their conversation. Minho was asking: “Are you missing home already? We are going back tomorrow already.” Seems like being handsome is not equal to being lonely, because this handsome boy will never let others feel lonely, and through this, he will also receive the warmth of company from others.

Key: Dazzling You with Wittiness

In this 5 member group, Key always has a special presence. When you see him, you cannot help but to think “This person exudes a really different air from the others”. Everything that is unique about him is exuded from within him, be it his gazes or his mannerism, there will always be something strange about it. The same hairstyle if put on someone else will probably make that person look like an ahjumma, but once it is put on him, he can carry it off in a totally different flavour. He has been chosen by the members as the member with the best fashion sense, and compared to his members who will let the Cody noonas dress them, Key will always have his own ideas. Be it wearing another necklace or adding another scarf, after they have been through Key’s hands, they will look different. It is no wonder that his members see him as their fashion consultant, and feel that it will be especially cool if he is their ‘girlfriend’.
Key is just like an almighty key, he possesses really shocking ability to imitate dances. During the interview, ‘Muzik’ was being played in the waiting room, and this fellow was just grooving about freely without a care for the crowd in the room, his movements so natural that it was as if he was dancing to his own dance. Jonghyun added from the side: “If you want him to dance all the girl group songs that he knows, I bet he won’t be able to finish dancing all by next morning.” The reporter thus give up trying to realise this speculation. When it comes to rap, although Minho is the resident rapper of the group, but Minho himself also strongly praises Key’s rapping ability. His strong and sharp articulation, rythmic measured tone, it is thus no wonder that he was able to participate as a guest performed in Dong Bang Shin Ki’s 3rd Asia Tour as the rapper of Junsu’s solo performance, “XIAHTIC”.
Usually witty people gives off the feeling that they are not the sort who can fit into communities since the clean and fresh pasture cannot exist with the dirty soil of the earth, but Key has this to say to everyone: Wittiness is not incompatible with harmony! When he shouts “I want to get married”, the world has come together.

Taemin: Dazzling you with Naughtiness

In all the groups from SM Entertainment, the maknaes all seem to have the most quiet existence, this natural thinking has led to people thinking that Taemin is probably like this too. In Korea, whether it is on variety shows or in front of the camera, Taemin certainly does portray that he is a quiet person; he hides behind his hyungs and listens to them answering questions, and most of the time only speaking “Hello, I am SHINee’s Taemin” when he has to introduce himself to the media. Because he is the group’s “dancing machine”, Taemin will always leap forward without hesitation whenever any sunbaes want to see the best of SHINee’s dancing abilities.
Coming to Changsha however, ever since stepping into the place of interview, Taemin did not stop moving for even a single second. Initially we thought that Onew and him were holding hands out of pure brotherly love, but then we found them glaring at each other with extremely red faces as if they were suppressing something. It was only when Taemin suddenly clapped his hand and said: “I won!” that everyone realised that these two were arm wrestling. When Minho was taking photos by himself in the front, Taemin, along with Onew, Jonghyun and Key started playing “Piggy Backing Game” at the back, causing everyone, except the photographer, to divert their attention to the unusually chaotic “Piggy Back Quartet”. At that moment we could feel that the 3 hyungs were just accepting Taemin’s commands to let him bounce and hop around, and he ended up falling 3 times, and would continue playing again after getting up each time. That certainly felt no different from a monkey in a tree.
Many people will say, this kid is still young, so when he’s naughty it’s pretty cute. However when it comes to a group discussion about who is the most Casanova out of them, Taemin actually got selected with majority votes. So we say, even though this baby is naughty but he has already grown up. No matter how naughty he is he is still a man!

1. About Their First Television Performance in China

Happy 8: This is the first time that you have come to Changsha, China, how do you feel?
Onew: For me, before we arrived at Changsha, we stopped over at Beijing. During then I felt that the airport was really clean, and after that I kept thinking it everything is not bad.
Jonghyun: Yes yes, and the fans are really very passionate, I think there are two cars that kept following us? But really thankful to the fans, it’s really tiring for them!
(In the midst of interviewing, the person sent to buy food came back. The boys started pointing at the bags and shouting in Chinese: “Fries! Fries!” )
Happy8: What is your level of Chinese like currently?
SHINee: Fries!
(The boys kept saying ‘fries’ one after another. The reporter goes teary-eyed, seems like this is not the time to ask this question.)
Happy8: After coming to Changsha, is there anything that has left a deep impression with you?
Onew: Fire crackers, they are very loud, and it gives off a lively feel. It seems like the people here likes to light fire crackers.
Taemin: Yes, the noise is really loud, my ears were ringing from it, keke.
(Unexpectedly, the boys actually asked something. We franctically explained to them the tradition of lighting fire crackers in Hunan and they all nodded thoughtfully. Not sure if they really did understand or they were just pretending to understand.)

Happy8: How does each of you feel about your first performance on television in China?

Taemin: The plane flew to Beijing before we came to Changsha, this is the first time. Other than the previous time we came for the SM Town concert, this is the second time that we have come to China, and it’s also the first time we have appeared on China’s television screen. The fans are all very passionate, so I just want to present everyone with an even better stage.
Minho: The moment I arrived in China, my mood also became really good because the fans welcomed us right from the moment we were here. They also anticipated and waited for us at our performance, so I feel really happy.
Key: The members have said what I wanted to say, but I still want to say that the fans are really very passionate, so much so that it was unexpected. We will work even harder in the future to repay all the fans’ anticipation.

2. About ‘Ring Ding Dong’ Hot Trend.

Happy8: Firstly, congratulations on receiving many awards last year, with ‘Ring Ding Dong’ even creating a hot wave. So have you thought that “we are actually this popular?”
Onew: No no, we have just started and we have always been working very hard. Actually the people whom we have to thanks are our fans who are always supporting us, they are definitely our motivation to do better.
Jonghyun: Yes, thank you so much to our fans, no matter where you are from.

Happy8: Are there a lot of people around you who are learning the ‘Ring Ding Dong’ dance? Who do you think is the best at imitating you?

Jonghyun: Hmmm, we haven’t thought of it before. Who’s the best?
Key: f(x)? Kekekeke.

Happy8: When your friends and relatives see you now, will they ask you to perform your song for them?
Key: Nope, but they will ask me to perform girl group dances for them, hahahahaha!

3. About “H1N1″ Times.

Happy8: Last year all of you have managed to achieved good results in various arenas, but there is still some little regrets. For example Jonghyun, Onew and Taemin all came down with H1N1 at different timings. How did everyone endure through that period?
Jonghyun: We rested well, ate medicine, ate meals, relaxed our moods. That… It’s actually like coming down with a flu, it didn’t feel very serious except that it’s a new virus which everyone knows of so it appears to be very seriously. But thinking about it, it’s actually nothing much…..
(Jonghyun catches the look from leader Onew and responds especially quickly.)

Happy8: Did you feel scared or confided in your colleagues saying “I am feeling really terrible” or other thoughts like this?

Onew: When I first realised it, I was shocked and unhappy as our new album was just released and we have prepared for all our promotional activities but I ended up being unable to promote, so it felt really horrible. So I just kept telling myself to recover quickly, and in the end I finally recovered.
Key: At the point in time, my first thought was : “I am really fortunate to not have been infected with the virus. I shall not see those few who are ill during this period of time.” Keke.
Minho: I just washed my hands regularly, and also tried not to tire myself out, but those with good immune systems don’t really need to worry as much.

4. About the Never-ending Personal Issues.

Happy8: What is your ideal type of girls?

Key: I don’t really have an exact person in mind, as long as her personality matches with me it will be fine.
Minho: Our personalities must get along, it will be best if she is pretty.
Jonghyun: Someone who is caring and understanding.
Taemin: A girl who has fair skin.
Onew: I like girls with pretty hands.

Happy8: If you have to choose a member to be your girlfriend, who will it be?

Onew: Key!
Taemin: I will choose Key too.
Jonghyun: Me too.
Minho: All of us feel that it is Key, because he likes shopping and takes careful notice of fashion and style. Normally he is also very thoughtful and detailed, and has a personality that is willing to take care of others, so we chose him.

Happy8: What about Key?

Key: I am not very clear, maybe it’s because I have never been in love before so I am not very clear about this feeling.
(Key’s eyes kept glancing at the other 4 members, and in the end he still did not make a decision, seems like he really cannot decide…)

Happy8: We always see photos of you shopping together, do you always go out shopping together or something?

Jonghyun: Actually we don’t always go shopping, let alone shopping together, but what is strange is that the few times we went out, we were caught on camera. We ourselves even feel that it’s weird when we saw the photos.
Key: Yes, the fans are really amazing.

5. Ask & Answer Time!

Happy8: As the leader, how does Onew maintain the relationships between members?
Onew: If I love all of them, they will naturally listen to me. Keke, they are very obedient right?
Taemin: Though there are times when there is a generation gap. Keke, most of the time we will listen to him!

Happy8: What is Jonghyun’s shortcoming?

Jonghyun: That I am too perfect, hahahahaha.
(Minho patted Jonghyun’s shoulder with the intention to say something but sighed and let go of him. The rest remained speechless.)

Happy8: Minho participated in Korea’s university entrance exam last month, how did that feel?
Minho: That is Korea’s biggest exam, before the exam I was nervous and worried. I was very busy during that period, but on the night before the exam I rested really early, and I felt good after the exam.
(There was some problems with the translating but it seems like Minho said that his results are out.)

Happy8: We always see Key dancing girl group dances in some Korean variety shows, how many dances do you know?

Key: There isn’t any limit, as long as you show me the dance I will know it. Perhaps I am faster at learning dances compared to the other members.
Happy8: Taemin is the youngest in the group, so usually which hyung takes care of you the most?
Taemin: All of them take care of me a lot… (stuttering) After living together with the hyungs for so long, all of them are just like my real hyungs.
Key: You must choose one from the 4 of us!
Taemin: Then…Then… The manager hyung!
(At this point in time, Key pretended to look very disgruntled, and kept sighing, probably thinking that Taemin was going to choose him. When the reporter complained that the answer was too safe, Taemin looked helplessly at the other 4 members who were staring at him, his expression was really amusing to watch.)

6. It’s Him? It’s Him? It’s Still Him?

Happy8: Who is the most Casanova?

Taemin: 3 votes / Jonghyun: 2 votes
Side Story: The hyungs also pointed at Taemin with the expression that this kid is really someone that we should not take lightly. Taemin seemed pretty proud that he was being chosen. Kid, this doesn’t seem to be a compliment!

Happy8: Who likes kids the most?

Key: 4 votes / Minho: 1 vote
Side Story: Just when everyone else has chosen Key, Minho raised his hand timidly and said aggrievedly : “I… I… I like kids too!” The entire room erupts into laughter.

Happy8: Who is NO.1 without makeup?

Minho received all votes.
Side Story: Minho was especially happy at this outcome, his smile was really sweet. At the moment, Jonghyun said: “So you are finally happy now right!” which caused Minho to ’strangle’ Jonghyun’s neck. Key added from the side: “Actually all of us are not bad without makeup, of course except for me. Because recently I have to apply eye makeup, so when I removed it, even I can’t stand it. Haha!”

Happy8: Who do you think will be the first to get married?

Key received all votes.
Side Story: In the process of voting, Jonghyun was shaking his head and saying : “Sigh! Do we need to even say this…” The few of them then started ranting about how Key always tell them about how he wants to get married and such stuff, and Key himself was also having the expression that agrees with them. His urgent desire to want to get married can be seen from how he actually voted for himself. But kid, how old are you now!

Happy8: Who is the most handsome member?

Taemin, Jonghyun and Onew pointed at Minho. Minho pointed at Jonghyun. Key abstained.
Side Story: Jonghyun pointed at Minho and said: “He’s really handsome!”
Happy8: Who has the biggest appetite?
Taemin received all votes.
Side Story: Initially everyone chose Minho, but Taemin was saying softly at the side: “Please choose me!” So Jonghyun said: “Of course it’s Taemin!” In the end everyone chose Taemin. We didn’t see you guys fighting to be chosen as the most handsome member, but yet you fought so much to be the member with the biggest appetite, we give it to you!
Source: 百度SHINee吧
Credits: SHINee Forums
Translation: atlantis-x @ soompi


[Interview] 10asia Interview With Singer/Actor Lee Seung Gi

10: The photographer said you are good at putting on different expressions, as if you’re acting while thinking about a certain situation. What do you think about when you take photos?
Lee Seung-gi (Lee): I noticed that some of my senior actors put on different expressions when they take photos. And it seems that the more I think, the more various expressions I can put on. That’s why I imagine I’m acting when I’m being photographed.

10: Are you the type that usually prepares and thinks a lot in advance?
Lee: The president of my agency is strict (laugh) so even if I do start becoming lazy, people around me set me straight so that I can prepare in time. And it’s different when I go to a shoot for TV shows with the ad-libs prepared. Even with talk show “Strong Heart,” I can think up several dozens of ad-libs if I look at the script enough. But I’ll only get to use one of them on the show so I keep thinking of the different situations which could arise on the show.

10: So the seemingly spontaneous remarks you make on “Strong Heart” are actually from thorough preparation.
Lee: That’s why I have a headache. [Kang] Ho-dong is the main host of the show so he has no choice but to go along with the script. I can help make the show better by wrapping up a conversation after a guest answers Kang’s question. But it’s something you can’t prepare in advance which is why it’s so difficult.

10: Did producer Park Sang-hyuk tell you why he cast you as one of the main hosts for the show?
Lee: I don’t ask those type of questions. I’m scared I might become too conscious of what I’ve heard and not be myself. How I do in the future is more important, I think.

10: Does Kang give you advice?
Lee: Kang doesn’t pressure the guests. He is cautious about telling people what he thinks because he believes that those who appear on TV are doing so because they have an ability they trust in themselves.

10: What is your thoughts on him?
Lee: That the difference between being first and second are nowhere close to each other. With variety show “Two Days and One Night,” I wasn’t host of the show so I thought all six of us were involved in its making. But now that I know what it’s like being emcee, wow. It’s definitely not an easy job at all — listening to the the stories of all the guests, figuring out the connections, giving people roles… The person who is at the center of a show, like Kang, and has to make the program fun and those who are watching from beside, are on a complete different spectrum I think.

10: You once said you have room to breathe when your goal is to reach 99 but it’s entirely different when you add 1 onto it.
Lee: I used to tell myself that I would be happy with 99. But people who will be content with reaching 99 seem to have a mindset so different from those who want to reach 100 that the gap is closer to 200 or 300.

10: How did you come to think such thoughts? I heard that you went out to do manual labor after debuting and becoming famous because you thought it wasn’t right that you were making so much money.
Lee: So many people around me were telling me that I don’t try hard enough because I didn’t face much difficulty growing up so being the immature guy I was back then, I told myself I could put myself in that situation then. I had the wrong idea about it now that I think about it. because it’s a different kind of difficulty.

10: Is it in year nature to control yourself and keep developing?
Lee: I’m very cowardly. I don’t like creating problems and I was taught at home not to either.

10: How did your parents teach you? I read on the Internet that you are close with them yet courteous toward them.
Lee: They dind’t boss me around but rather let me do what I want. But I feel guilty when they cross the line (laugh) so iI guess you could say that’s in my nature.

10: But weren’t your choices rather bold, on the other hand? Everyhitng must have been a risk for you — from your role as an annoying guy in KBS series “xxx” or taking on the role as host in “Strong Heart.”
Lee: I’m not the one who calls the bets. I’m very cowardly (laugh) so I just go with whatever bold decision my agency makes for me.

10: Even if your company makes the decision, you’re the one who gets the response. Isn’t it tough?
Lee: I really was so stressed about “Strong Heart.” If I was going to take it on, I wanted to do a good job with it, but with all the preparing I had to do, I kept myself if I could really do it. But I’ve only been at this career for about six years now. I haven’t experienced that much failure or success either. I don’t think I should be making my own decision with the mere experience I have right now.

10: But despite that personality of yours, you seem very bold in “Two Nights and One Day.”
Lee: You’re right. I’m emotional in many ways. I try not to show it too much on TV though because it won’t do me much good but I do think a tenaciousness, in the good sense, is necessary in making a show. I just let myself go (laugh) or I might get sick.

10: It seems you show more of your real self when you’re working.
Lee: It’s comfortable because I’m working within a set boundary — in broadcasting in my case. I don’t go on TV to create problems so even if there’s a misunderstanding, the viewers will know I didn’t intend on it and I get to work with veteran celebrities and they accept pretty much all I say as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And I don’t know that many celebrities. I never even went on a trip with my friends in high school. So I love traveling with the cast of “Two Nights and One Day.” I can’t wait till we shoot another expisode and I feel so happy when I make others laugh.

10: You seem to have a vibe that’s different from other celebrities your age. Even at year-end award events, you didn’t seem to quite fit into the category of idol stars.
Lee: You’re right. I felt that at the end of the year. The singers were all sitting together but I felt awkward being there. Amongst the idols, plus I’m not really that with anyone in particular. And the idol singers dance too so I wouldn’t really get to perform with them either.

10: Does working alone, separate from people your age, influence your work? You seemed to be a bit uneasy in responding to another actor’s lines in comparison to when you lead a scene alone in SBS TV series “Shining Inheritance.”
Lee: It’s because my acting wasn’t good. And I’m the type that practices a lot so I had gone over my lines numerous times. I memorize my lines perfectly to make up for my acting but that doesn’t always mean I’ll deliver them perfectly either. But I wouldn’t think of that and just pour out my lines, even after making a mistake. Because that’s how I rehearsed. (lauigh) I think that’s why my acting may have seemed awkward. And I’d be the clumsy character on a variety show at 6:30 p.m. then a son of an heir at 10 p.m. so I think that didn’t help in getting viewers into my character.

10: Are you not pressured by doing a variety of work?
Lee: I like to be natural. People see me as Lee Seung-gi so when I did “Shining Inheritance,” I think it was good that there was some of me in the character rather just being the plain bad boy. People have already seen the me at 6:30 p.m. I think I’d be driving viewers away if I was greedy and declared that acting is something completely different.

10: But a variety of responses come out depending on the success or failure of every realm of the entertainment industry you work in. For example, if your drama does well but not your music, they’ll still say you failed.
Lee: I honestly had expected my fourth album to do better so the result wasn’t as satisfying. But before that, “Will You Marry Me” received great response, much more than I had expected. I think there are times that something will work out better than you expected or worse. In the beginning I would feel good after hearing a compliement and then disgruntled after being criticized. But I don’t think I should be swayed by it.

10: You were very popular last year — doesn’t that pressure you?
Lee: I’m always the same. I wanted to be the same person I was when I first debuted so that’s why I kept working hard on “Two Nights and One Day” after “Shining Inheritance.”

10: Then how do you picture yourself in the future?
Lee: People like Kang Ho-dong and baseball player Park Chan-ho say they want to do all that they can, while they can, rather than quitting at one point and becoming a legend. They want to keep going till there is no lingering emotion left. It’s the same for me too. And I still have about ten years left to become their age so I’ll work hard for the time being.

10: Many mothers pick you as the ideal son for your trustworthy image. What sort of atmosphere were you raised in?
Lee Seung-gi (Lee): They never set any restrictions. But no matter what, they did not like me sleeping over at someone else’s house. So even in college, if I hang out till late with my friends, I would still go home to sleep.

10: Isn’t it hard being a celebrity and a college student at the same time? You graduated without taking a single leave. Are there any special memories you have from that time?
Lee: College went by in a flash. I wanted to enjoy it more but I couldn’t get the best of both worlds. I didn’t have time to hang out with other students or anything.

Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok
Photographer : Chae ki-won
Editor : Lee Ji-Hye
Editor : Jessica Kim
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