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Showing posts with label G Dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G Dragon. Show all posts

[Picture] GaHee & teenager G Dragon!

Found an old photo of After School's leader Park Ga Hee with Big Bang's leader G Dragon.

Although both of them are leaders of groups,but their age difference is pretty obvious in this photo.They really look like siblings in the photo,sister and brother!!

[NEWS] K-VIPS angry over Serbian claims that G-Dragon is a "Korean Wannabe Milan Stankovic"!

Milan Stankovic is a singer from Serbia who gained fame after he came out as 4th on the popular Serbian singing show Zvezde Granda. KVIPS are extremely upset after the Serbian media has called G-Dragon a “Korean Wannabe Milan Stankovic”. Proof of that here.

Not only has the Serbian media made false accusations but even the singer himself came out to say “I’m glad that Balkan is recognized in the world and that my influence is found in a country so far away. It’s nice to see that a music star from another country is being inspired by my style and it’s the more proof that I’m doing the right thing!”, proof of that here.

A Serbian fan claimed she saw news of this on her tv and that the singer actually came out and said on tv that G-Dragon had “stolen my clothing style, and hair style also".

Korean fans find this absurd as well as me because this guy has been seen wearing similar clothes to G-Dragon after GD had wore them first but yet he says GD was inspired by him! Take a look at this video in which you see him wearing clothes extremely similar to the ones G-Dragon wore at the MAMA 2009.

Milan Stankovic also released a music video called “Face”, you can see has some similarity to the wardrobe and glasses wore by G-Dragon in his “Heartbreaker” video.

KVIPs have left a comment for foreign fans saying “To foreign fans, we’re angry and upset not because he just copied GD’s style but he told a lie on a tv show & articles we want to correct it. No one can deny GD’s style is much earlier and more creative & stylish.

source: ibigbang translated from 프다미G.
video source: JasonEscFan yt

[DKP Gifts] Download some latest K Pop wallpapers!

 Our site's designer Jheane Cruz is back with some new artworks!

I am terribly sorry for not being able to fulfill most of your requests recently as our blog's designers are also busy with their daily life nowadays.

However,i think these amazing wallpapers here are more than enough to satisfy your love towards K Pop,please feel free to take out and remember to say thank you to Jheane!


[Pictures] GD's Gaho got a new friend!

Some recent photos of G Dragon's pet dog,Gaho!

It seems that Gaho has forgotten about G Dragon once it has a new friend.Gaho likes its new friend so much ,it dares not let it go as shown int he pics.

Gaho must have missed G Dragon a lot as GD can hardly have to time to take care of it due to busy schedules...

Photos credits to BigBangupdates!


[News] Seungri and G-Dragon Transcript @ Electric Love Tour

Seungri was in charge of being the MC. (Tension was high but so cute.) Their conservation in Japanese:

Seungri : Does everyone love dessert (or confection)?
The VIPs think he will give some candy or chocolate because Valentine's Day is coming so they answered loudly:
VIP : Yeah!!
Seungri : But we all like spicy food! (Laughs)

Seungri : How is it?
G-Dragon : It's great.
Seungri : What's great? How? (Teases G-Dragon to speak more Japanese more by asking questions)
G-Dragon : ......... (Tries to smile)
Seungri : What?
G-Dragon :
(In an undertone) ..I... I don't know.

A monitor zoomed in on G-Dragon's face.
His expression was "I'm unable to speak Japanese ( > w < )"
Seungri and VIPs : Hahahahaha

Credit: nami24/7 ; Eng translation by tokarroK @ popcornfor2
via shinhdeplol @ soompi


[NEWS] G-Dragon: Big Bang more relaxed after solo activities!

Part 11! Part 10 is here.

It is uncommon for people to know the individual talents and names of each member in an idol group, especially now that they are pretty much flooding the music industry. If one person stands out, another tends to be shunted aside. But Big Bang is one of those rare groups where every member plays their individual role in the group so well that they stand out as a whole.

”If you look at normal idol groups, they usually have one, or sometimes even up to three members who are given all the attention and the rest of them kind of just blend in. And the maknaes aren’t allowed to talk. But we take turns being the one in the spotlight; it was me in our first album and Taeyang in our second.”

Because Yang Hyun Seok believed that singer groups lasted longer if each member was given a chance to show their individuality and ambitions, Big Bang’s members were able to distinguish themselves by showing their talents in various fields. It is also crucial for passionate youths like them to be active in their lines of specialty.

”My forte would be writing and composing while Taeyang’s is looking and dancing like a foreign singer. To put it straight, he’s got style and a sort of moderate beauty. Cute Seungri does his musicals, Daesung showed prominence in variety shows and Top is becoming more and more determined to show himself as an actor through dramas and movies. After working as individuals, I think we’ve become even closer. We admire each other a lot more too and the topics of our conversations contain way more variety nowadays. We’re more relaxed now, not as in we’ve gotten cocky but as in we feel like we can see further now.”

While the other members continued to show different sides of themselves in their various fields, G-Dragon consistently worked on his solo album. The thought that noone knows how many years it would be until his next solo album, and that this might be the last chance to show Kwon Jiyong as a person kept him going.

Original article

Translated by sjay.x @
via bigbangupdates

[Interview] G-Dragon : "I don't know where it ends"!

Most of the songs G-Dragon has written have gone on to be huge hits ('Daebak' s). The song ‘Lies’ on Big Bang’s first mini album (released in 2007) which he had originally written for himself became a massive hit, as did ‘Last Farewell’, ‘Haru Haru’ and ‘Sunset Glow’ to follow.

”Even though people kept telling us we’d become 'a huge hit', it didn’t feel like it at all because we weren’t allowed to go out. The only places we’d go were broadcasting stations, living quarters and practice rooms. We were still nothing but kids and people continued to say “what do we do with them?”. Even though we kept getting number 1, we didn’t feel any different. When the audience cheered and clapped for us, we just thought ‘it’s only because we’re singers’. Whenever we went on stage people would clap, but we wouldn’t be able tell at all since we’d be singing.”

There’s a saying that celebrities often hear, and repeat to themselves over and over again: “The next one is the most important”.

”I think that’s what’s hardest about being a celebrity. Even if we do really well, it’s always ‘next time is more important’. Normal people might think being a celebrity is easy, but it really isn’t.”

Even when they’re on hiatus, celebrities can’t let their guard down. Anxiety in the form of thoughts like ‘I must try even harder’, ‘I can’t give up now’, ‘The next one is more important’ continue to taunt them.

”I just don’t know where it ends. Whenever we see fans who say ‘Big Bang helps us build our dreams’, I realise ‘Man this really isn’t just a joke’. I feel increased responsibility.”

However the Big Bang members aren’t really the type for excessive breaks anyway. When they’re given a holiday, they spend the first couple of days at home before crawling back to the practice rooms because they have nothing to do.

”It’s not like we plan it or anything but even during our days off we see each other dancing or writing lyrics...Practice is like a regular part of our lives now. That’s why we write more songs than others and have more to choose from. I think we’ve come this far because we don’t want to disappoint our fans.”

Even through the times where he had no choice but to run, G-Dragon learned to keep his balance with the thought and determination not to disappoint his fans. We finally start to feel and understand what it was he ran so hard for.

Original article
Translation by sjay.x @ BBVIP.netvia bigbangupdates

[NEWS] G-Dragon : "What's with President Yang?"

Part 9 of the interview series. Read Part 8 here

So once YG Entertainment’s President Yang Hyun Seok decided the song G-Dragon had written for himself, ‘Lies’ would be used as a Big Bang song, G-Dragon started to rewrite it for the group.

”I felt so weak knowing I had to rewrite it from the beginning. Still, I did it and showed the other members, worried about whether they’d like it or not. It was a lot different to the music we’d done til then so at first the members just looked really blank after hearing it. I was sitting there quietly thinking ‘They don’t like it? Oh well I can’t do anything about that. Then Taeyang said ‘Let’s do it!’”

G-Dragon still doesn’t know what emotions the other members felt at the time. Just the fact that he was letting them hear a song he had written for his own solo made him nervous. In other words, he was worried about what the other members might think of the piece he had written based on his own taste.

”I was nervous. Of letting them hear... But after editing the lyrics and giving it to them so they could work out their own parts, things unravelled nicely. Our President is a pro. If he tells us we should release something at a particular time or something, it always gives us the best possible results.”

G-Dragon would write countless songs and President Yang would listen and choose the best. President Yang was usually more like an easy-going neighbourhood hyung or uncle but when it came to work he had the best ear for music and trends.

”I think HyunSeok hyung has psychic powers. (laughs) After listening to a bunch of songs, he’ll just sit there without a word, rolling his eyes once in a while and he’ll decide not only what songs to use but when to release them too. If I send him all the songs I’ve written, he cuts them down. Sometimes he doesn’t even listen to a song for a second. Rather than calculating it, he sort of just goes ‘No not this’ or ‘I have a good feeling about this one’. Every song he’s said he has a ‘good feeling about’ has been a huge hit’. It’s really scary and constantly makes me wonder ‘What’s with this person??’”

President Yang is a good hyung, teacher, and secret hill to G-Dragon. Because he himself was once a singer, he is a President who understands how his singers feel. Their hardships, what gives them strengths...He has made a good system based on these things.

”The music we want to do, the clothes we want to wear, the performances we want to do..he lets us do it all. In the end, ‘Lies’ turned out to be a huge hit because I did what he said.”

Korean article

Translated by sjay.x @
via bigbangupdates

[NEWS] G-Dragon interrogated for sexually explicit scene at concert!

Big Bang’s leader, G-Dragon, was interrogated on the 4th for his sexually explicit bed scene at his first solo concert.

When asked about the sexually explicit bed scene, G-Dragon responded with, “I didn’t know it was that sexually explicit.”

When asked if he knew the song he performed, “She’s Gone,” was inappropriate for minors, G-Dragon responded, “I didn’t know.”

A representative of the district court stated, “G-Dragon has denied all charges. We are going to continue our investigation to determine whether G-Dragon’s actions are punishable by law. We plan to finalize our investigation by next week.”

This is great news so far… pending the outcome, the next time I have a sudden urge to hump a girl in public, I’ll just respond with “I didn’t know it was that sexually explicit.” I mean this is really great, I don’t even have to be reborn a dog.

Credits to Johnnydorama @ Allkpop! 

[NEWS] G-Dragon was an SM trainee? PLUS adorable little G-Dragon pictures

G-Dragon (name: Kwon Ji Yong, 23) became famous when he was young due to being a part of "Kiddy Roora." This "Kid Roora" was just like the hit song "An Angel Without Wings", so what kind of thoughts did Kwon Jiyong have from being in the show business so early on?

"I started by being on MBC's 'Bbo Bbo Bbo.' The seat next to Bbomee noona was the king's chair. Ever since I was young I loved to dance so as I danced really well, the noona always let me sit next to her. I guess the 'Roora' management saw me then. While Roora was promoting 'An Angel Without Wings', Kid Roora also wore the same clothes and went on the same concert tour. We weren't great at enunciation but we put out a record full of carols too. (laugh)"

As time passed, Roora's popularity died and the Kid Roora group also got broken up. And young G-Dragon was shocked.

"All of a sudden they said, 'as of tomorrow there's no Kid Roora' so I was shocked as a young 8 year old. I thought I would continue being a singer with that job. I remember telling my mom that I would never do anything like this again. So from then on I lived a normal life, studying and going to tutors."

But even if he was hiding his disposition for being a star, it was fated he would eventually become famous. When he went to a ski resort with his family and coincidentally entered a dance contest, he beat out many older boys and took 1st place. And the MC of that dance contest happened to be SM Entertainment's management head Lee Soo Man. He recognized GD's talent and took him in as a SM trainee right then. As he trained for five years under SM, H.O.T. started to become popular and SES/BoA/Shinhwa etc. were all trainees as well.

"When I first signed a provisional contract as a trainee, SM wasn't the big company it was today so instead of practicing every day, I would go once every month or once every three months. People who worked at SM probably don't even remember me. I'm only flashy or noticeable when I dance, but otherwise I don't really get noticed by people. It's not like I'm good looking now but when I was younger I really looked silly, like a mischievous brat. I danced well but I wasn't that great at singing, so it was hard for the company to steer me in a proper direction. I sat on the Shinhwa members' laps and played with them but they probably don't remember that? (laugh)"

Even as a SM trainee, GD didn't have a clear vision of where he wanted to go; however, when he was in third grade he went to his best friend's house and heard hip-hop for the first time. Wu-Tang Clan's music in particular attracted him. He naturally sought a place to learn freestyle rap, which turned out to be the People Crew's rehearsal room.

Article :

Translations by : filmsession @ [info]omona_prection

[NEWS] GDragon exposes his feelings on the concert issue

GDragon had many labels in the past, some good and some bad. Big Bang’s leader. The youngest boy who was participating in HipHop albums by the age of 13. One of the top 8 composers that shined in 2008. Placing first in all possible music charts with his solo album. 2009’s greatest selling record. Plagiarism issues. Known for interesting fashion. And the most recent one, concert issues.

There had been a set of associated words with GDragon. However, he was the boy that went on along his way without any rest in the music world, but there will always be the critics commenting on his actions. Through an interview, we learned about what kind of a path he kept on going from that one little boy to a star that is loved by many people.
People who are close to GDragon say that he is “very detailed and trustworthy.” So detailed that he would check daily on every single detail of his album and watch the concert stage from the 3rd floor to make sure that his fans wouldn’t miss out on a thing. A person like that was slammed down on his first concert. It was all because of the sexy performance he displayed during his own song, ‘Breathe.’
GDragon stated, “I believe that since I am a singer for the public, I know that it is right for the public to judge me. No matter what I was trying to show, it was my fault if it [the concert] was disturbing and high level. I was only trying to show a stronger appearance because it wasn’t a public show, but a concert performance. I’m really sad that the response was different from what I expected.” While he was preparing his first concert, he was excited. Since the age of 13 entering YG Entertainment, this was the stage he was dreaming about for 10 years. He pondered on the videos to show, and explored each section of the audience seats to view how the stage would look from there. Big Bang’s stages also made him excited, but this solo concert that had his own name on it as a single singer meant the world to him.
“Seriously, I don’t know even remember how hard I rose up to this level for my solo concert. I might be saying this because I’m still young, but really when this concert ended, I really thought to myself, ‘I would want nothing else more.’” But, when I turned on the internet the next day, my heart crashed to see only the parts of concert torn apart with the issues.” He confessed that he faced sadness as a singer when he realized that the performances that he worked hard on was torn apart and that one cut represented his whole concert. Was it to much for him to show different sides of him to the audience that couldn’t easily access the concert?
“Instead of tears, fake laugh came out as I thought, ‘will I be cursed so that anywhere I go, I get bashed at?’” I didn’t want it to go this far. I just wanted to show my fans the different sides. In the performances I showed cute sides, and handsome sides, but why did it only get cut into this part? All the news paper articles had that strong word in them, and I was embrassed and sad that my parents might see these articles that only had one side to them.” He added on, “My thinking was short. However I just wish that people wouldn’t criticise me just for that one section. The song ‘Breathe’ in general is about not wanting to wake up from a dream because my ideal woman appears in them. Because of those lyrics I had a bed on stage and showed that I was searching my dreams. But the final product the public saw was, ”sex demonstration.” I was shocked and thought, ‘I’m not this, but I guess this is how I look to the people,’ realizing it then.”
He finally added, “Whether I get praised at, or slammed at, I think that is proof that the public is showing interests toward me. I have to understand the fact that telling me what part I did wrong helps me to improve in the future. The way I could he accepted and win praises is to do better on the next album. This once again reminded me that I have to do my best on the Big Bang album coming out this year.”

Translated by Nulsaranghae @ K Bites

[NEWS] Aimee Lucas' views on GDs concert written by Philip Chung!

If you’re like me, the public outcry that ensued when Janet Jackson flashed her nipple for all of half a second during a performance with Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl seemed like much ado over nothing. But if you think Americans are overtly prudish, they have nothing on the Koreans. Last month, Korean pop star G-Dragon (of Big Bang fame) was accused of “dry humping” a dancer on a stand-up bed during the song “Breathe” at his “Shine A Light” concert.

Once pictures like the one above hit the internet, the outrage was almost instantaneous. It’s become such an issue in the country that this month, the South Korean government decided to step in and is investigating the incident. If he loses the case, G-Dragon faces a fine and up to a year in prison. His fans, including those who were at the concert, have started a petition in support of the pop star and the case is still pending. YG Entertainment, G-Dragon’s label, released an apology but otherwise no one involved with the incident has spoken about what happened. Until now.

The dancer being “dry humped” on stage by G-Dragon is Aimee Lee Lucas who happens to be a friend. I admit I know next to nothing about the Korean pop scene, but when I saw the stories and “offensive” photos of Aimee popping up online, well, I had to find out what really happened. Aimee was kind enough to hang out with me at a Starbucks on a rainy afternoon and talk publicly for the first time about the now infamous incident.

Although Aimee works as a dancer/choreographer for YG Entertainment, she’s not Korean. In fact, she’s a Filipina homegirl from the Bay Area, now living in L.A. Aimee studied ballet for 14 years before transitioning to hip-hop. And though she took her dancer training seriously, when she moved to L.A., the plan was to go to school and find a “real” job that had nothing to do with dancing. But when she tagged along with boyfriend Shaun Evaristo (also a dancer/choreographer) to a commercial audition, she ended up booking it herself and was soon dancing in an iPod ad.

Then, two years ago, Shaun was hired by YG to work with their artists in Korea and once the execs saw Aimee’s talent, they hired her too. Since then, she’s appeared in numerous concerts and videos with artists like Tae Yang and Big Bang. Here she is as the lead female dancer in Big Bang’s “Number One” video:

So when Aimee performed the “Breathe” number with G-Dragon and the aforementioned stand-up bed, it was just another normal bit. She flew back to L.A. the morning after the last concert thinking all was normal but by the time she landed, the controversy had broken out all over the internet in Korea.

“I was shocked when I heard what was happening,” Aimee says. “We performed two shows on a Saturday and Sunday. All the VIPs and big people came out on Saturday and no one said anything. During rehearsals, no one told us we were going too far and should hold back. So the reaction was surprising.”

Initially, the internet comments directed at “the dancer in the number” were critical (“what is that girl thinking doing that?”), but once Aimee was identified as the dancer, most of the negative comments stopped. In fact, during the whole controversy, everyone associated with the number from G-Dragon to YG has been targeted and vilified—except Aimee who is not facing any of the charges, fines or jail time. “I think it’s because I’m American,” she says. “I’ve been told from the start that I’ll be treated differently because I’m American and that’s been the case.”

Here’s a clip of the offending bit shot by a famcam. Judge for yourself if you think it’s obscene:

When she first started performing in Korea, Aimee was surprised by the rabid, (very) young and female fan base of the K-Pop acts who would appear in the form of large mobs everywhere she and the musicians went. “When I became the lead dancer opposite Tae Yang, people joked with me that they were surprised I wasn’t dead,” she says, “that the fans didn’t come after me with pitchforks for doing what they all dreamed of doing with him.”

To understand the controversy, one must first understand the K-Pop scene. If Big Bang is like the Korean N’Sync with its more innocent and tween friendly music, G-Dragon is its Justin Timberlake—pursuing a solo career to explore more “adult” subject matter. His first solo album “Heartbreaker” was deemed inappropriate for children because of the lyrical content of several songs like “She’s Gone” (sample offensive lyric: “If I can’t have you, I’ll kill you.”). The songs are pretty tame by our standards; the content of an American pop song like Justin Timberlake’s “Rock Your Body” is downright pornographic compared to G-Dragon’s music (and I’m sure G-Dragon won’t be doing the Korean equivalent of this anytime soon). But because of the concert controversy, a new “investigation” has also been launched regarding the appropriateness of his album.

So here’s Aimee’s explanation of what happened:

Before the first creative meeting for the concert, Aimee was already thinking of ideas for the different numbers. Since the imagery of a bed was so strong in “Breathe,” she thought it would make sense to incorporate that into the piece. “At the meeting, G-Dragon had pretty much the same idea to do something around a stand-up bed,” she says. “He likes to let loose and push boundaries. Everyone agreed so that’s what we worked on.”

“There was no humping,” she continues. “If you watch the (footage), the whole bit lasts only a few seconds. He straddles me for a bit, we do some ‘acting’ and then we’re done. I had to lift myself (on the stand-up bed) and hang there and support all my body weight with my arms. I could only do that for a couple of seconds so there wasn’t any time to do any humping.”

Aimee thinks the controversy erupted because the first images to be posted online were photos of her hanging from the bed straddling G-Dragon with her legs wrapped around him which could be misinterpreted when seen out of context. By the time video footage from the concert hit the web a few days later, the damage had already been done. Since she left for America right after the concert, she hasn’t talked to G-Dragon about the incident but has heard from others at YG that he seems to be doing fine.

So is it just me or is this a ridiculous attempt by an artist-unfriendly government led by President Lee Myung-bak (who derogatorily referred to filmmakers as “hippies”) to make an example of a pop star in the name of family values? Aren’t there more pressing issues in the country to be worried about?

Source:Philip Chung on (

[NEWS] Prosecutors to prepare subpoena for “lewd conduct to minors” for G-Dragon !

Big Bang's G-Dragon will be summoned to a criminal investigation for the violation of Youth Protection Act for his public performance which contained “lewd conduct to minors.”

The investigation will focus on G-Dragon's 1st Solo Concert, “Shine a Light”, last year which was considered as "exhibiting explicit performance", despite the fact that it is rated as strictly prohibited for the preteens under the age of 12.

The Eastern Seoul District Prosecutor official stated, “The investigation is in the progress of collecting, reviewing and summing up all information given based on the subjected matter,” then continued, “We will determine the specific time frame when G-Dragon will be summoned to this investigation process shortly after this.”

G-Dragon held his concert last December with a performance of "arousing sexual libido" with a female dancer in his song, Breathe.

The prosecutors are seeking for the reasons that given “She’s Gone” and “Korean Dream” were banned by the same Act in November then why those two songs were deliberately added to the aforementioned show.

The two specific songs are prohibited for sale, rent, screening and/or distributing in any channels to the adolescences by this law.

Individual who is convicted of lewd conduct according to the Article 245 in the Youth Protection Act will face fine not exceeding ₩ 5,000,000 and one year imprisonment and the penalties for violation of the same Act are ₩ 20,000,000 fines and three year imprisonment.

YG Entertainment Representative gave a statement on the issue that, “YG will assist the investigators in this progress and will take care of it on behalf of the client (G-Dragon).” then added “we will hereby accept the decision and are responsible for the legal action taken according to the Act.”

SOURCE: PinkyPK❤ @


[NEWS] G-Dragon will be formally investigated by the police

It was reported that G-Dragon (real name: Kwon Ji-Yong) will be called by the police to be investigated for his concert, which is suspected to have shown unlawful materials to teenagers. His solo concert in last December caused many controversies because of many indecent acts including sex simulation and violence.

Police stated that they already had finished investigating the background information regarding the case. They commented, “We are looking at past decisions on similar cases. We are focusing (the case) on the affects on teenager audience. We might interview upon both producer and the singer of the concert.”

The law states that indecency in concert could be penalized up to less than one year in prison and $5,000 in fine.


Kpop Gossip

[News] GDragon in another round of criticisms by netizens?

After the recent criticisms against his solo concert and while investigations are still in the process on the controversial parts to the concert by Health and Family Welfare association, Big Bang leader GDragon has all eyes on him again.

GDragon was previously appointed the public ambassador by Korea’s Ministry of Justice for the Law and Order department, and this was being raised up in various online community sites recently by netizens.

In one community site, netizens uploaded photos of GDragon at the public ambassador appointment ceremony and also news article regarded to it, and many netizens have also posted up criticisms about the case.

Already on the 15th, an investigation was warranted out to investigate on GDragon’s recent solo concert, which was said to have showcased many scenes which were unhealthy for teenage fans. Performances like ‘She’s Gone’ and ‘Breathe’ put up during the solo concert are said to be inappropriate for the teenage fans present as they involved many dances and movements which are said to be more suitable for adults.

S: TVDaily


[DKP Survey] GD VS Park Bom,who wears it better?

GD and Park Bom are showing some YG's family love!

Both of them were spotted wearing the same type of shirt while attending different events.

G Dragon wore the shirt when he was recording for Kim Jung Eun's Chocolate a few months ago.Park Bom just attended the Cyworld Digital Awards a few days ago for winning the song of the month in Cyworld.

A simple question here,who wears it better?


[DKP Survey] G Dragon VS Nichkun,who wears it better??

G Dragon and 2PM's Nichkhun are spotted wearing the same t shirt.

G Dragon is always on the top of the latest fashion while Nichkhun looks well no matter what he wears.

A very simple question for you guys,who wears it better,G Dragon or khunnie??

Many thanks to Shinhdeplol at soompi for the sharing!


[Pictures] GDragon for Vogue photoshoot revealed!

Take a look GD's style for Vogue! the full set of the photoshoot has been revealed.


[Pictures] G dragon in Vogue magazine!( dec issue)

One word. WILD. haha, he simply look great! Fantastic makeup brings out the wildness in him! :)

Credit: kpopjjang
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news

[Video] G-Dragon gets a surprise phonecall from ‘Gold Miss’

Actress Yang Jung Ah recently succeeded in a surprise phone call with G-Dragon.

On the latest episode of entertainment show ‘Gold Miss is Coming’ Yang Jung Ah called singer G-Dragon to ask him to sing at her wedding, to which G-Dragon happily replied “Yes”. The rest of the ‘Gold Miss is Coming’ members were attempting to grab the phone once Yang Jung Ah was done so they could get a word with G-Dragon but she purposely hung up.

Yang Jung ah and some of the crew had the chance to meet Big Bang last year in a Christmas special episode of ‘Gold Miss is Coming’, once they heard him on the phone cheers of joy started to come out. G-Dragon’s voice when he answered sounded like he had just woken up, causing laughter on the show.

One of the ‘Gold Miss is Coming’ members then told Yang Jung Ah ”What are you doing! You’re his noona by 17 years!” causing laughter on the set. But the embarrassment was quickly lifted afer G-Dragon sang a little part of his song ‘Butterfly’ which impressed everyone on the set with a sweet voice.

“It feels like I was dreaming. Listening to his voice is nice, he is my favorite idol” said Jung Ah.

Korean article: newsen
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