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Showing posts with label CNBlue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNBlue. Show all posts

[NEWS] Seohyun-Jung Yong Hwa has a couple ring?

Jung Yong Hwa, who recently enrolled into "We Got Married" TV program, totally got caught by the netizens: Before Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun couple's "We Got Married" can air, this couple-ring issue is becoming a hot topic. [Pics_provided - Screen Capture

Jung Yong Hwa, "Yes, it's a couple-ring"
"It must always be on as one of our "We Got Married" missions"

"They are a couple!"

If you had choose the hottest idol to date, it would probably be CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD's Seohyun. To prove their rise in popularity, they have even been casted into the TV show, "We Got Married" as a new couple. That's why, when they were both seen wearing a couple-ring, this news gained a huge interest from the fans and viewers.

People's interest in their relationship is spreading like wildfire all over the internet since you can even see the videos people put up on the internet. The couple-rings were first seen on the 19th of Feb. during the KBS 2TV "Music Bank". On stage, we zoomed into CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD's Seohyun's hand to compare the two rings. Jung Yong Hwa replied to this issue by confirming it, "Yes, it's a couple-ring", then he showed the ring and continued on saying, "It's one of our "We Got Married" missions. We were told to wear it all times even outside the, "We Got Married" program. "

Seohyun-Jung Yong Hwa couple will air on the 27th of Feb. through broadcast and there is a rumor that Jung Yong Hwa thinks if Seohyun as a very "cute" imaginary wife.

CN Blue's debut song, "Loner" and SNSD's, "Oh" is attracting a lot of popularity.


[news] Jung Yong Hwa rushed to the hospital

The new group CNBLUE leader Jung Yong Hwa got in a car accident.

Jung Yong Hwa got into an accident on the morning of 22nd while traveling in 'Sunday Sunday Night' corner 'Eco House.' He is currently being rushed to the hospital.

CNBLUE agency FNC Music associate said on phone interview with Newsen on the morning of 22nd "The vehicle that Jung Yong Hwa was riding on fell off the road and crashed into the rice field. Yong Hwa's vehicle couldn't avoid the taxi as it was turning the corner." Jung Yong Hwa is currently on his way to the hospital with his manager, who was riding in the same vehicle with him.

The associate said "There is no serious injury but he will be getting full check up at the hospital. We'll have to wait for the check up result to see if anything is wrong with him."

Meanwhile, Jung Yong Hwa has been working as "Sunday Sunday Night" corner 'Eco House' as MC since last month. He will appear on MBC 'We got married' on 27th and taking over both gayo and variety show fields.

CREDITS:Newsen +

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[news] Jung Yong Hwa Gets Into Car Accident

CNBLUE's leader Jung Yong Hwa became invovled in a car accident.

The 22nd morning, on his way to the MBC 'Sunday Sunday Night' (SunNight) recording, Jung Yong hwa was quickly sent to the hospital after getting into a car accidnet.

According to the 'SunNight' staff through a call with Money Today StarNews on the 22nd morning, it is reported that "Jung Yong Hwa was on his way to the 'EcoHouse'recording place in Gyeounggido YangPyeung when his car fell into a ridge between rice patties". Continued, "the car fell in the rice patties while trying to avoid an accident".

The staff said that "Jung Yong Hwa and his manager was sent to the hospital. The status of their health has to be checked before anything can be confirmed".

Thus, the recording of 'SunNight' is to continue without Jung Yong Hwa.

credit: + Star News

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[news] Ethical girl Seohyun, First Question to Jung Young Hwa: "What is Your Outlook of Life?"

[Newsen Reporter Kim Hyung Woo]

How would the first encounter of Seohyun and Jong Yong Hwa like? CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa and Girls' Generation's Seohyun were chosen as new couple in MBC 'We Got Married'; and proceeded with their very first date.

Seohyun and Jung Yong Hwa have conducted their date on February 17th, at a major book store in Seoul Metropolitan area. Their first date garnered a great deal of attention. The pictures of them taken by citizens were quickly spreading out through the online and brought a huge attention.

Then how did Seohyun and Jung Yong Hwa's date looked like? The public's curiosity is about to explode because of this prim and proper girl's transformation into a newlywed right after her high school graduation.

One of the staffs have stated, that Seohyun's very first question towards Jong Yong Hwa was soo much like "Seohyun". Her very first question towards Jung Yong Hwa was "What is Your Outlook of Life?". Their explanation was that her question proclaimed much of her pureness and fresh charm. Furthermore, she asked questions like "What kind of books do you like" which made the spectators satisfied watching them trying to ask questions or start conversation that showed their true character.

Another staff has mentioned, that "We know that some of the fans are worried from the fact that Seohyun did an imaginary marriage even though she's too young for it. Also, they said "Being both clean and pure-hearted, Seohyun's charm will remain in her acting for the imaginary couple" "There is no need to seriously worry about her."

Credits to: (Reporter Kim Hyung Woo:
Translated by:

Original link to the article: LINK

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[news] Lee HwiJae: CNBLUE member reminds me of first love, CNBLUE guests on MBC's Ecohouse

Dominating with their hit single (I'm A Loner), newcomer band CNBLUE for the first time had all of their members take part in an Entertainment Program together.

It is the MBC program (Sunday Sunday Night)'s corner (EcoHouse) where Jung Yonghwa is taking part as a MC. Jung Yonghwa gaining strength from the other members' appearance on the show worked harder than ever, and with CNBLUE's entry, the atmosphere during the taping of the show became a step brighter.

Despite it being CNBLUE's first appearance on a show as team, they worked their heart and bodies gaining much love from their hyungs on .

In particular, Lee Hwi Jae (nicknamed the "player") was the most happiest with CNBLUE's participation. Lee Hwi Jae could not take off his eyes off of one member stating that the member looked so similar to his first love. Moreover, Lee Hwi Jae took care of that one member causing flaming looks from the others.

CNBLUE members who received an abundance of love from Lee Hwi Jae will appear on on February 22nd at 5:20pm.

[credit:] [Park Yong Ju Reporter @ bnt news]

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[Video] CN Blue remixes "I'm A Loner" @ Inkigayo!

CN Blue performed a special version of "I'm A Loner" on today's Inkigayo!

This new version is named as "Burning" version ,i have no idea why they named it in that way,most probably because their performance was too hot,burning like fire!

Watch it here,love it or not??


[Video]Trailer of Seo Hyun & Yong Hwa's "We Got Married" revealed!

This is just a preview for the long awaited "We Got Married" featuring SNSD's Seo Hyun & CN Blue's Yong Hwa!

This couple is really something to look forward,can't wait to watch the show next week,love this couple or not??


[NEWS] SNSD CNBlue VS Kim Jong Kook Taecyeon VS 2PM SHINee

SNSD and CN Blue, Kim Jong Kook and Taecyeon, and 2PM and SHINee will have a special performance together.

They have got together to perform it on February 20th for "Show! Music Core's" 200th Episode.

In this week's "Show! Music Core", SNSD, CN Blue, 2PM, Kara, 2NE1, SHINee, Brown Eyed Girls, Baek Ji Young, After School, and Lee Eun Mi will perform. Also, Big Bang's Dae Sung and Seungri will be an MC for the day.

Current MC Tiffany and Yuri will perform with CN Blue, and they will be singing SNSD's Gee and Psy's Champion.

2PM and SHINee will perform Dance History, which are collections of dances by famous singers in the past.

Kim Jong Kook and 2PM's Taecyeon will perform Turbo's song.

Here are the videos.

SNSD and CN Blue's Gee

SNSD and CN Blue's Champion

2PM and SHINee's Dance History

Kim Jong Kook and Taecyeon's Reminiscence

Please comment which performance you liked best!

Jinsoo @ Daily K Pop News
Credits : Newsen

[Video] CN Generation performed "Gee" & "Champion" on Music Core!

I have not been listening to Gee for a long time and this new version of Gee really gave me a refreshing impression of the song.

Watch the video here,love it or not??


[picture] Official Mnet M!countdown MC backstage photo's

Original Photo's:

English translated (click for larger view):

Last thursday, Mnet kicked of their brand new M! countdown with 8 MC's and special stages from artists.

Ahead of the broadcast, mnet announced that they will be having 8 MC's for the show instead of the typical 3 MC's for a long period. The 8 MC's will have a rotation of MC-ing every thursday.

With an overload of maleness, since all the MC's are guys, it didnt bother fans instead made them giggle, who wouldn't? I know i did!

So, check out the backstage photo's with translations! There's lee joon happily eating fruits and Kiwi, the whole gang laughing together and looks like new found friendships are going to be formed in this show.

Photo credits: Source:
Translated by mir-fied @ absolutemblaq

article by: Blueprincess824 @ DPK; follow me in tumblr!

[news] CN Blue performs with live instruments for the first time on a music show!

I know its kinda late since this was yesterday's event but i still want to emphasize it, so here we go.

Ever since CN blue debuted, their performances on music bank, music core and inkigayo were only live on vocals and used audio for the instruments.

This got a lot of fans disappointed because they want to see the real talent of CN Blue with musical instruments instead of their instruments being just decorations during music shows.

Although its disappointing, the music shows have their own reasons which are, for better sounding performance, since it is a closed studio, the live band may get too loud or noisy; the music shows want perfect audio background for easy performance, etc.

But on the comeback episode of M!countdown at Mnet, CN Blue was able to perform live not only with vocals but with their live band instruments! For the first time in music shows they were able to perform and no more instrument decorations.

They performed with a more rock version last thursday compared to their usual "Im a loner" version.

You can sense the true rock bank within CN Blue with the live instruments and their talents have been finally put to use.

Check out the mnet performance:

Music Bank performance:

Which do you think is better? I very much prefer the mnet performance :))

credits: UnknownCarrot3 & UnknownCarrot4 @ youtube for the video's
article by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me in tumblr!

[news] Jung Yong Hwa, dances with Yuri and Tiffany before "We Got Married" with Seohyun airs

[Newsen Lee Un Hyuk reporter]

Jung Yong Hwa will be dancing with Yuri and Tiffany before his segment on "We Got Married" with Seohyun airs

CN Blue and SNSD's Yuri and Tiffany, will be having a special stage together on Feb. 20th MBC's, "Music Core" 200th anniversary. Jung Yong Hwa, who is currently in, "We Got Married" together with Seohyun will be having a dance with Yuri and Tiffany through, "Music Core" TV program.

Other than these two groups, 2PM and Shinee will also be popping the stage with extreme dance performances as part of their "Dance History" collaboration. Furthermore, Kim Jong Guk, 2PM and Taecyeon will be will be re-enacting Turbo stage of Jae Yun Ha and Hong Jin Young in order to sing a trot medley.

On Feb.20th, "Music Core" will be featuring the following artists; 2PM, Kara, 2NE1, Shinee, B.E.G., Pek Ji Young, After School, and Lee Eun Mi. Also, Big Bang's Daesung and Seungri will participate.

The show will broadcast on Feb. 20th at 4pm

Lee Un Hyuk


*NOTE: I used the word popping and in this context I meant it as in firing up the stage or making the stage exciting. Sorry for the inconvenient misunderstanding.**

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[Fanvid] YongHwa & SeoHyun getting married photos

A moment ago, we have posted an article about CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun while they were filming the first episode for MBC We Got Married.

Just now, I found a fanmade video about their recent photos, and I find it quite cute, especially the "ATTENTION" part.

(It's the same pictures, just this one is in video)

Have a look for the fanmade video, enjoy!

Cr: galio4th

Can't wait for their pilot episode ^^

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[News] Netizens reaction on newly wed couple YongHwa & SeoHyun

Amidst news that So Nyeo Shi Dae SeoHyun and C.N Blue Jung YongHwa have been confirmed as a new couple on MBC We Got Married 2, many netizens also raised their voices about it.

Some netizens linked it to incidents of C.N Blue’s recent plagiarism accusations and manager’s violent behaviour to fans, “Too much noise and news about Jung YongHwa”, “He should just have stopped at drama” etc.

And about SeoHyun’s appearance on the show, “She just recently graduated from high school, isn’t it wrong for a teenager to be involved such a program on marriage?”, “Even though SeoHyun is good, but I don’t think she is cut out for variety shows” etc.

Also previously on a variety show, SeoHyun revealed that “Sweet potatoes are better than men” showing no interests in men. With that many netizens’ stand is, “I object to this marriage”, “Rather, get a sweet potato on the show” etc.

There also netizens who are worried that SeoHyun’s appearance on the show may also hurt her image as even before the show is aired, there is so much negativity against this new couple.

Cr: TVDaily & KBites

*I don't care what Korean netizens say about this. I'm anticipating their enterance as a newly wed already ^^

Just hope JinWoon don't get jealous, since he's the "MC" of the show ^^

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[News] 2AM, 2PM, CN Blue, MBLAQ to be Mnet M!Countdown MCs

2PM Nich Khun, JunHo, ChanSung, 2AM Jo Kwon, Jung JinWoon, C.N Blue Kang MinHyuk, MBLAQ Lee Joon and G.O will be the new MCs on Mnet M!Countdown.

According to Mnet on 16th February, the 8 members will grouped in groups of 3~4 members to MC M!Countdown set to air every Thursday from 18th February. This is different than the usual arrangement of 1~2 fixed MCs on shows.

The CP said, “The 8 members are some of the representative HOT star icon representatives of Korea. They are chosen as MCs as we felt that they will be able to relay Korea’s music and trends as the advocates of our global music show.”

“M!Countdown will bring unique and experiental performances on its shows every week. And hence the MCs of the show also play an important part to that. So we have chose MCs who will match the concept of performances to MC for that episode.”

Meanwhile, the 8 members have been given the name of MCD Guyz.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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[NEWS] Young Hwa & Seo Hyun getting married??

Two of the top celebrities have come together to be the next couple featured in the TV show, "We Got Married."

CN Blues' leader Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD's youngest member Seohyun have been announced as a new couple in the, "We Got Married" TV show.

The Jung Yong Hwa the leader of CN Blues who've been gathering popularity with their song, "Loner" and the already popular with their new album, "Oh" SNSD's, Seohyun will meet as a imaginary couples in the show, "We Got Married." Due to both star's incredible popularity, this imaginary marriage is attracting a lot of attention.

These two officially started shooting in Kyongido, Ilsan on the Feb.12 and even though the first shoot went smoothly as planned, the possibility of the two star actually becoming a actual couple due to natural attraction is becoming a big news.

Jung Yong Hwa, who was born in 1989, came on the show called, "You Are Handsome," and was marked by a lot of viewers. With the recent release of the song, "Loner," and appearance on the show, "Sunday Sunday Night," Jung Yong Hwa's popularity sky rocketed.

Seohyun was born in 1991 is the youngest member of SNSD who's known for her innocence and cuteness among the fans. She recently graduated from high school and is now devoting her time in performance of their new hit album, "Oh".

The "We Got Married" episode of Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun is scheduled to next month. Until then, "We Got Married," will show JoKwon-Gain and Lee Sung Ho-Hwang Woo Seul couples on air. Right now, "We Got Married," is attracting attention with their hot couple, JoKwon from 2AM and Ga-In from B.E.G. who showed off their incredible charms as a couple. Furthermore, once impudent Lee Sung Ho-Hwang Woo Seul couple has now found their common ground and is attracting a lot of attention. It's expected that once Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun is added to the show, it will boost the show's popularity even more.

Star News
translated by djaddick @ ssf

[Pictures] Trailer photos of CN BLUE Bluetory Episode 2 !

Some photos of the 2nd episode of CN BLUE Bluetory Episode 2!


source: minhyuk

[NEWS] Jung Yonghwa's confession, "I wish to wipe away the memories of the Public Nuisance MC."!

CNBlue's Jung Yonghwa expressed, "I wish to wipe away the memories of the Public Nuisance MC."

Jung Yonghwa spoke of the subject on the upcoming broadcast of KBS 2TV "Star Golden Bell" on February 13.

The music industry's greatest anticipation in 2010, CNBlue's Jung Yonghwa revealed that he was given the nickname, 'Public Nuisance MC'.

At the recording, MC Jun Hyun Moo asked, "Does Jung Yonghwa have something he would like to discard after debuting?" The received reply was, "The nickname, Public Nuisance MC, from a music festival."

The dizzy memories of newbie Jung Yonghwa as an MC at the last SBS Music Festival were brought up. He willingly disclosed, "I was so nervous I couldn't find the cameras and that came on screen," causing the guests to burst into laughter.

"When there are 2 parts to a show, cue cards of the first half should be left behind. However, I brought both the first and second to stage. I couldn't find the right page and broke out into cold sweat as a result," Jung Yonghwa said, causing a sea of laughter at the recording studio.

This episode will be broadcasted on February 13 at 5:15PM.

Original Source: Newsen
Translated by: CrystalHeng @ CNBlueSGFC

[NEWS] Lee Joon mentioned that YongHwa is wilder than Mir!!

Yong Hwa is wilder than Mir,i think many of you do not agree with it right?

But how far do you agree with the saying that Yong Hwa is wilder than Mir??For more infos,please read the news below!

Source: News.nate
Translated by mblaq_mir_ @ absolutemblaq
Template by taekly @ absolutemblaq

[NEWS] CNBLUE's Composer Once Again Denies Plagiarism

Kim Do-hoon, the songwriter of the hit song "I’m a Loner" by four-member group CNBLUE, says the allegations that he copied indie band Ynot’s song are groundless.

The songwriter of the hit song by four-member group CNBLUE, has denied the allegations that he copied the indie band Ynot's song"Blue Bird."

"I have not deceived my conscience," said composer Kim Do-hoon in an interview with the Hankook Ilbo. "I have never heard of the song 'Blue Bird.' I did not plagiarize it."

He said Ynot sent him a letter to claim that CNBLUE's "I'm a Loner" is similar to its song in melody and rhythm ― a usual step needed before filing a suit.

Yet, Kim denied the accusations, saying the two songs are different in rhythm and melodies as a whole.

"Those who know music will be able to easily figure out that the two songs are in the same genre but are completely different," he said.

He said the plagiarism accusation is not based on logical evidence.

"The fame I have built over the last 15 years collapsed in a moment. The singers are damaged but the biggest victim is the songwriter," Kim said.

He said a professional copyrights institute needs to be established to determine the truth of plagiarism allegations.

"I hope there will be countermeasures to make sure there will be no victims like me going forward."

Kim said he does not understand why Ynot has not yet filed a suit.

The noise surrounding the plagiarism accusation is getting louder as it pits the supporters of indie bands against those backing the rising band and established music groups.

Some Internet users are holding an online campaign to boycott the composer, claiming that it is not the first time that he has been involved in plagiarism disputes.

Thousands of netizens have signed the online campaign to evict Kim from the music scene at portal Daum's Agora Web site.

Rocker Shin Hae-chul has added fuel to the disputes by posting comments that slam CNBLUE for alleged plagiarism. ''If the song (''I'm a Loner'') is not plagiarism, plagiarism will disappear in the world,'' Shin said.

CNBLUE, which is sweeping music charts with its debut song, is comprised of guitarist and lead singer Jung Yong-hwa, guitarist and vocalist Lee Jong-hyun, drummer Kang Min-hyuk and bass guitarist Lee Jung-shin.

Source: The Korea Times
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