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Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

[Interview] JJ Magazine - The Very Best Of DBSK!

Q. Can you tell us what you think about your first BEST ALBUM, which will be released on 17 February?

Yunho: This best album includes many good songs from our debut days until now... it contains a countless number of our memories. Through this album, you can feel every small bit of growth that Tohoshinki made! It is literally the essence of Tohoshinki.

Changmin: The past 5 years of our activities in Japan are all recorded in this album. The members trying their very best, and the fans giving their support... Everytime I listen to these songs, a lot of memories come to mind. This is a compilation of best works that we are most confident of.

Jejung: I can confidently say that this is our best album! Up until now, we've been working in Japan for 5 years, and in between, it'
s a fact that Tohoshinki has grown, and this growth is all thanks to the support of our fans. Everyone, thank you so much.

Yuchun: Through this album, we can re-live all the past activities that we did, so it's an album that is very important to us. Our hearts are filled with all these precious memories and emotions. These 5 years passed by in a flash, yet it was also fulfilling. I hope that our fans can listen to this album.

Junsu: This is Tohoshinki's first best album. It is a "5 years of memories" compilation of Tohoshinki's lives in Japan. I hope that the people who listen to this album will feel Tohoshinki's growth, as well as the message that we are trying to send to everyone.
Click "read more" for solo interviews :]


Q. Do you have any Valentine's Day memories?
I guess... I started receiving chocolates ever since high school. (laugh)

Q. If you want to go on a date in Japan, where would you go?
It would be most comfortable to go to a hot spring.

Q. If you want to confess to a girl you like, do you think telling her through a phone call or text message would be better?
I will confess when I meet her.

Q. Did you buy anything recently?
I bought a small bag that I carry around daily.

Q. What is something that will make you feel troubled if you don't have it?

Q. How many text messages do you send daily?
About 10 I guess.

Q. Japanese cuisine that you like and dislike?
I like Yakisoba (T/N: fried noodles). I dislike Kusaya (T/N: salted dried fish/fermented fish), which I ate during a "Punishment Game" on a TV programme.

Q. Something you will definitely do as you go about your day?
Relax leisurely.

Q. The best way to relax, to relieve stress is?
Spend 3~5 hours watching funny programmes that I recorded, and laugh without thinking about anything.

Q. A movie you like?
I like "Love Story".

Q. Do you drink alcohol? If you do, how much can you drink? (T/N: His level of alcohol tolerance.)
I love sake! (T/N: Japanese rice wine) I can drink really well~

Q. Something that surprised you recently?
Before this when I came to Japan, I was told that it was the coldest day of the year that day, but I thought to myself that it was actually quite warm. It's because it is really cold in Korea.

Q. What do you think accounts for the "loveable" factor of Japanese females? Also, the "loveable" factor for Korean females?
Japanese girls have high-pitched voices that are a little nasally, so it feels very cute. They give off thise cute image. Korean girls have beautiful skin.

Q. What's a good thing about Japanese fans?
They come to concerts as a whole family. We're really happy when we see that.

Q. A song you must sing when you go to the Karaoke?
It's embrassing to sing Tohoshinki's songs, so I don't sing those. I usually sing Korean artist Shin Seung Hun's songs.

Q. Is there something that is precious to you?
My diary that I write in everyday before I go to sleep. I started keeping it 3 years ago.

Q. A Japanese word that you remember recently?
「バツイチ」 (T/N: "Batsuichi": Someone who has been divorced once) Because I acted as someone like that in a drama...(laugh)

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
If I'm a girl, I'd definitely read JJ regularly.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
For fashion, I like mini-skirts. For hairstyle, I like long hair that gives of a neat and classy image.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Last year, there was the spread of influenza so it was terrible. This year, take care of yourself and let's support the World Cup!


Q. Do you have any Valentine's Day memories?
Last year, my brother's girlfriend gave me one tiny piece of chocolate.
It was painful, but I was happy. (laugh)

Q. Is there any gesture that females make that you think is "loveable"? The gesture that attracts you?
I like to see them washing up or without make up, which is rare. I don't really like it if they use vulgarities.

Q. What is the thing that makes you go 「キュン♥」 when girls talk to you? (T/N: makes your heart race)
When they compliment me on a song that I created.

Q. Food that you want the person you like to make for you?
Home-cooked food, things like miso soup with tofu...

Q. Where did you go for your first date?
The road that is the return route from school to my girlfriend's house.

Q. When your in love, are you the devoted type (T/N: sticky) or indifferent type?
Whether it's contacting or meeting up, I'm the devoted type.

Q. Do you change your attitude in front of girls?
In front of my girlfriend, I do, because I want to show my true self.

Q. Your dreams when you were a child?
A basketball player or car racer.

Q. A part of your own body that you like?
I love my wide forehead. You can even play soccer on this forehead! (Editor's note: For heading)
(T/N: Yuchun meant that his forehead is big enough for you to play soccer on it, but the Editor misinterpreted it.)

Q. Something you absolutely have to do or somewhere you must go when you come to Japan?
Ramen shop.

Q. The good things about Japan, America and Korea?
For Japan,the food is delicious no matter what it is!
America is a country with a lot of freedom.
Korea is where I live together with my family.

Q. You performed Taekwondo (T/N: Korean martial art) in front of the Korean President before, what was it that got you started?
I started learning it when I joined the Scouts in Third Grade.

Q. What's the latest fashion you've gotten into?
Ugg boots style!

Q. What kind of accessory do you always wear?
A silver present that I received from my younger brother. It's my amulet.

Q. Right now, is there anything that you are collecting?
Plates. Although I can't cook, it makes me feel good when I see pretty plates. I buy the plates and give them to my mother as a present.

Q. What is a Japanese word that you remember recently?
「ご机嫌うるわしゅう」 (T/N: A very proper way of greeting someone)

Q. A song you must sing in the Karaoke?
Masaharu Fukuyama's 「最愛 」 (T/N: "Saiai": Beloved)

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
The photography seems to be really difficult.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
I like the simple and natural pants style. For hairstyle, I think it's better if it the style suits the person, but basically, as long as it's not too complicated.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Valentine's Day is already coming soon?? (laugh) 「ご机嫌うるわしゅう」


Q. Any memories of Valentine's Day?
In high school, a girl who was 5 years older confessed to me with hand-made chocolate and a letter. Because it's the first time I received a confession from an older girl and I was still a kid, I politely rejected her.

Q. What kind of female fashion or clothes that allow them to exude their charms make you go "She's irresistable wearing that!"?
White style. I like the intellectual and elegant style.

Q. When a girl removes her make up and you think - this is someone else! Have you experienced that?
Even if she shows me her natural face, it's fine. I like it best when they show their natural faces. But I also like the various looks girls create when they wear make up.

Q. What fetish do you have when it comes to girls?
Eyes. When I talk to anyone, I will always look at that person's eyes. I'm not sure what makes me go "Her eyes are pretty", but I'll feel it when her eyes are conveying pretty feelings.

Q. What do you think of aggressive women?
Because I like wild girls, I think it's good if they are aggressive.
Although I'm the type that leads, when it's just the 2 of us, I want my girlfriend to lead me!

Q. Songs that you want girls to sing at the Karaoke?
Hideaki Tokunaga's "Rainy Blue" and James Ingram's "Just Once".

Q. The first thing you do when you reach home?
I'll take a Japanese bath, and recently I've also been listening to music or reading a book for about 50 minutes while I'm at it.

Q. What kind of sleeping style do you have?
Dark blue or pink jersey. If it's pink, I'll definitely wear spectacles.

Q. Something you like and dislike about your own personality?
I like that I'm forward-looking and dislike that I'm so forgetful. I keep losing my things and it makes me even more forgetful.

Q. When you where a kid, what kind of child were you?
I was very active and adventurous! There was once I went hiking with my friends and we forgot the road back so everyone ended up crying.

Q. If you have to describe yourself as an animal?
According to my friends, I'm a passionate leopard.

Q. If you could only bring one thing to an uninhabited island, what would you bring?
I'll bring a knife to keep a diary on the trees or walls.

Q. In 2009, you had your first drama in Korea. How was it?
It was a really good time. I got to do something that was different from usual. There were similarities between the character I portrayed and myself, so I felt that doing the drama also allowed me to grow.

Q. You seem to be fascinated with 4-letter idioms. 4-letter idioms that you like?
前代未聞 (T/N: Unprecedented) 自画自賛 (T/N: Singing one's own praises) 一石二鳥 (T/N: Killing two birds with one stone)

Q. The most effective way to remember words from a foreign language?
Watch dramas, and talk a lot with the staff who are familiar with those terms.

Q. Is there someone you respect a lot?
My father. I think he looks really cool when I see him doing his best in his life. My father always tells me, "Don't ever forget that you're standing here today because of the supportive staff around you and the fans who cheer you on." I always keep my father's words in my heart.

Q. If you didn't enter the entertainment industy, what do you think you'd be?
My childhood dream, probably a prosecutor.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
I'd be happy if we had this kind of men's magazine! For people of our generation, we like to use fashion to portray our characters and personalities, so if we had this kind of magazine, I'd definitely study it!

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
I think the knitted one-piece (T/N: dress) is cute. I like straight, long hair.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
A new year has begun. Forget all the regretful things and bad memories that happened last year, and let's make new and exciting memories. Also, it's going to be Valentine's Day soon, please have a good time with the person that you really like.


Q. Any memories of Valentine's Day?
When I was in Third Grade, I received an amazing number of chocolates! Because I was so surprised, I remember that I received 47 chocolates.

Q. For Valentine's, would you rather receive hand-made chocolates or store-bought chocolates?
If they were hand-made, I'd be really touched!

Q. If a girl confessed to you on Valentine's, what could she say that would make you really happy?
If she told me straight "Can I be your girlfriend?"

Q. Are you the type that will give girls surprise presents?
I'll do it! For the sake of my girlfriend only, I'll give her a song as a present.

Q. If you have any dating course, please tell us.
Chatting while drinking coffee at a place where we can see the sea or river, with only the 2 of us there. Because I want the time to spend the time leisurely with the person I like...

Q. If we're talking about Junsu, it's definitely oyaji gags. Please tell us any recent oyaji gag that you like.
Actually... recently, I've sealed all the oyaji gags. (laugh)

Q. When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you do?
Drink water!

Q. The first CD you ever bought?
When I was in elementary school, I bought H.O.T's CD, a traditional group from Korea. (T/N: I have no idea why he said traditional either ==;; )

Q. The song you must sing at the Karaoke?
Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love Of All".

Q. Sports you like?
Baseball and soccer. Even now, I still play baseball, so I'm teaching Yuchun. I wish Yuchun would work harder to learn! (laugh)

Q. A dish you would recommend from Korean cuisine?
My favourite Gamjatang. (T/N: Spicy pork bone soup)

Q. Is there something that is precious to you?
Passport. Because we keep flying to and fro between Korea and Japan, it would be really troublesome if I lost it.

Q. The Japanese word that you use the most?
「まあまあ」 (T/N: "maamaa" = so-so)

Q. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you do? Also, what would you eat?
I want to keep singing. The last thing I want to eat (Editor's note: without any hesitation) "Hitsumabushi" (T/N: Grilled eel on rice)

Q. Your motto?
Keep going forward.

Q. Please tell us what you thought when you first came to Japan.
I felt that there was a strong sense of fashion and character.

Q. What's your favourite place in Japan? Also, what kind of place do you like?
Odaiba. Although it's a city center, you can see the sea and the beach. I like places with natural scenery best.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
It's full of cute girls~ (laugh)

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
For fashion, I like coordinated outfits that consist of beige, off-white and other soft colors. For hair, I like the lady-like, light and airy style.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Please spend Valentine's Day with a guy you like. If you don't have one... Can't it be me!? (laugh)


Q. Any memories of Valentine's Day?
When I was in Elementary School I received many things from girls, but after that, it seemed like I never received anything from anyone aside from fans!

Q. A birthday present you received that made you really happy?
Keyboard. Even now, I use that keyboard when I'm composing songs.

Q. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do! But I won't make the first move.

Q. Do you have any wish to get married?
Yes. I wish to get married before I'm 28~

Q. Do you like to woo the person you like, or be wooed by the person you like?
If I'm the one who liked her first, I would also want her to love me back.

Q. I heard that compared to looking at a girl's face, you look at her hands first. Do you also look at her nails? What kind of nails do you like?
I don't like nails that are too complicated. I like fingers that are slender and long.

Q. What would you do if the girl you like is feeling down?
Usually I don't like to have long phone conversations or send long text messages, but if she was feeling down, I'd do my best to do it.

Q. The biggest failure recently?
Before we came to Japan this time, I wanted to compose a song, but I started drinking halfway through... In the end, I got dead drunk and didn't complete the song... and just came to Japan like that.

Q. The number one thing that made you really happy?
It was when I went drinking like I mentioned in Q88 (T/N: the question above), 10 of us male friends got together. As we usually spend the end of the year in Japan, I was really happy to be able to attend a bōnenkai in Korea.
(T/N: "bōnenkai" = a drinking party held amongst colleagues or friends at the end of the year, and it's meant to forget the troubles of the past year)

Q. I heard that you're good at cooking, what is your specialty?
As long as it's Korean cuisine, I can do all of it!

Q. Please tell us the artist and song that you've taken to recently.
m-flo's "Yours only/Lies".

Q. What is the thing that makes you happy when you do it?
When I have a week's holiday and I spend all of it at home. I'll sit on the sofa and watch TV and movies, drink alcohol... When I'm doing nothing and I can completely relax, that makes me happy.

Q. If you had to describe yourself in one sentence?
Yes~ I can use any example? The falling "rain", which can be weak yet strong.

Q. A recommended spot in Korea for tourists?
Korea's famous river, the Han River.

Q. If your schedule for tomorrow is suddenly cancelled, what would you do?
Because I always have to consider our schedule and it limits our time spent eating, so if that happened, I would go and eat without any worries.

Q. If you had to pick something as your "treasure"?

Q. What do you think accounts for the "loveable" factor of Japanese females? Also, the "loveable" factor for Korean females?
I think Japanese girls are cute with their curly curls. On the other hand, Korean girls have really lustrous black hair, and I think it's pretty.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
Unfortunately, I bought it! (laugh) I've been studying the use of colours for my own fashion.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
Pants or skirts are okay, but I like the lady-like, casual style. For hairstyle, I like those that give them lady-like silhouettes.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers
This is Jejung. I am also JJ! Please give me chocolates!♥

T/N: Full scans in the Forum here.

Pictures source: [tagged + baidutvxq]
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[Interview] Aimee Lucas Interview Talking About Big Bang And YG Family

Lyna : For YG Family fans, I’m sure they are very interested to know something about them. We already know that some of Big Bang, 2NE1 and other YG artists know how to speak English. I read your previous blog post in MySpace about Big Bang and wondered if your first impression about them is still the same.

G-Dragon: Leader.

Stylish, motivator, confidence, fearless. I like g-dragon! I always find an item of clothing that I like each time I see him. One day it’s his hat and another it’s his top but most of the time it’s the way he wears it. Plus, he can dance. I think I like his tats most though since I am a supporter of ink myself.

Lyna : What do you really like about G-Dragon besides his stuffs, tattoos and the fact that he can dance?

Aimee : I like GD’s attitude

Aimee : From what I’ve seen I like how involved he is in his music

Lyna : Yes… I love his style also… It puts you on the edge

Aimee: TY also participates heavily during rehearsal and focuses on perfection.

Aimee : I Like TY style. It’s very guyish

Lyna : How come you said that G-Dragon is fearless? In what sense? Is he not afraid of anything?

Aimee: I feel he is fearless when I think about all the controversy surrounding him.

Aimee : he’s not afraid to try something new or go against the grain

Lyna : I know what you mean…

T.O.P.: Handsome.

Tall, awkward, FUNNY yet quiet. Sticks to his diet & eats a lot of fruits. Although he’s not the best dancer or is this ability natural to him, I admire his hard work and determination. He knows when he’s behind and he reviews the steps over and over again for muscle memory…I admire that. So when he gets it right-I praises him.

Lyna : I really agree with you that he’s handsome, tall and awkward. (I’m being biased eh? I guess I’m too obvious.*blush*) But, what’s with “Funny yet Quiet”? I can’t imagine how a quiet guy can be funny…

Aimee: He’s more respectful than quiet. Also I speak English which is a set back and I’m not around him often

Aimee: he’s funny cause I see it when he talks and everyone laughs

Aimee: his facials and body language makes me laugh. Like a comedian

Lyna : ow.. I see… happy.gif He usually does gags in the group.. I understand… the language barrier…

Aimee : he’s pretty animated and his voice is deep.

Lyna : really… I hope to witness it someday

Lyna :yeah… Really different… Very masculine… LOL

Aimee: but he talks to me in English whenever we see each other

Lyna : really…. Is he fluent?

Aimee : not sure

Aimee: can’t say

Lyna : but he knows how to speak English

Aimee : yea

Aimee: they all do and Japanese

Lyna : It’s nice that they know many languages.. happy.gif

Lyna : I also notice that TOP lacks some dancing skills and he really is trying very hard to cope up with the dance moves. Anything new about him? Since you’ve seen his collection of Bear Bricks, Can you describe it? Most of us are clueless about it.

Aimee : there’s many. Most of them are big. They sit on white shelves and cover one wall. Top is getting better in dancing. I can see it. He looks comfortable on stage. You can see he’s having fun.

Lyna : Yeah… esp. in Ora Ora Yeah..though we haven’t seen it yet.. just from behind the scenes

Aime: iono? sorry

Lyna : iono?

Aimee : I don’t know

Lyna : aw…

Lyna : sorry.. hahaha

Aimee: haha

Aimee : no it’s ok

Youngbae: Sweetheart.

He always makes sure I’ve eaten and that I’m ok or he asks about my day. I like that and he’s always been like that from the get go. A performer, freestyler, confident, loves his fitted caps and I love his Boston terrier. Yes girls…his puppy ‘Boss’ is the cutest! You know who has his brother? KUSH! named ‘Macho’.

Lyna : Why do I feel jealous? Hehehe… So, ‘Macho’, dog of Kush is ‘Boss’ brother?

Aimee: yup!

Aimee :Boss is awesome I saw him as a baby then a year later and his size matches his big heart.

Aimee: They say “a dog is a man’s bestfriend” and I believe Boss is Tae Yang’s bestfriend! smile.gif

Lyna : There has been news lately about Taeyang wanting to have a girlfriend. Is there anyone whom you’d like to recommend to be his gf? And, why?

Aimee : no I don’t have anyone in mind

Aimee: He’s wanted a girlfriend but he’s very particular which is important..

Lyna : particular? In what way?

Aimee : He deserves a great person

Lyna : yeah… I agree.

Aimee: I think I would want someone great for him too. He has a lot of love to give. As everyone knows, he has a lot on his mind and I think he needs a girl who can take him away from work and listen to what he has to say.

Lyna : Do you know anyone in particular whom he likes…

Aimee : No he hasn’t expressed that with me.

Lyna : okay… =)

Aimee: He’s told me what he likes and looks for in a girl though. I consider him my closest friend in Korea. Him, Jay, and Teddy.

Aimee : I want to be a friend he can confide in and trust but language gets in the way. He feels the same way so it’s mutual.

Lyna : you’re very lucky… I mean… you’re the envy of all his fans.. Including me LOL

Aimee: biggrin.gif

Aimee : he’s a great guy but so quiet and thinks and keeps everything to himself

Aimee: I want to get it out! smile.gif

Seungri: Dancer.

Eager, willing, student, LOVES dance! He researches on youtube whenever he gets the chance. He knows his material, studies it, and applies it. He makes it a point to call us when Shaun’s in town and learn choreography even if it’s one on one. He’s focused on doing meaningful songs with quality choreography. I admire that! Plus, he has an iPod with a great selection of music in really cute font. LOL!

Lyna : Since Seungri has an iPod, do you know what his favorite songs are?

Aimee: No but he listens to everything

Aimee: From what I know, Big Bang is on top of all the new music that comes out

Lyna : Yeah.. You’re right

Daesung: RUM TUM!

LOL…his stage name/character in the musical ‘cats’. I wish I had more time with him but he barely had time to come. Maybe two or three rehearsals total he attended. How hard is that? I wish Shaun and I had some time to go watch his musical in fact but we were leaving a few days later and never had the chance. I’m a big fan of his voice and it works well for Korean folk songs. He is soooo funny, makes the craziest facials (him and TOP) yet is also the quietest. But I admired that he does all the country songs and variety shows.

Lyna : I never imagine Daesung to be quiet… Really! He’s very good at variety shows and he never fails to make me laugh when I watch ‘Family Outing’. Daesung’s voice is also my favorite… It’s perfect for lullabies. Anyway, did anything change since then? I mean your perception about him. Is he still quiet? *laughs*

Aimee : No. Dae sung is so happy and funny!

Aimee: We barely talk cause he’s so busy but I saw him on several sets including wedding dress, I think. We greeted each other with a hi, smile, and a big hug.

Lyna : Daesung gave you a hug???

Aimee : Well, we all hug each other. Actually, I hug them “hi” and “bye” like our American culture.

Lyna : I see… that’s cool!

Lyna : Do Big Bang play other musical instruments? We know GD and YB can play the piano… How about the rest? Do any of them play guitar?

Aimee: I don’t know2NE1

Lyna : You’ve just met 2NE1 recently from your stay in Korea. What are your first impressions about each of them?

Aimee: FUN and so CUTE

Aimee: I liked it cause I could have girl conversations with them

Lyna : Can you describe them each.. Like Dara, CL, Bom and Minzy?

Aimee : I like talking to them about boys, Big Bang, dance, singing, clothes…

Aimee: It’s hard to describe them individually when I first met them. I was busy determining their dance skills.

Lyna : Ok….

Aimee : but they’re thoughtful

Aimee: CL bought me a Nike tanktop once

Lyna : Really? Who are you close with?

Aimee : Dara shared her keychain and jewelry from the P.I.

Aimee: Bom gave me a box of make up as a cute present

Lyna : WOW!

Lyna : so much love…

Lyna : what about Minji?

Aimee : Minji gave me earrings for ‘Teacher Day’ and tokpoki? spicy rice cake

Aimee: all at different times

Lyna : wow… they’re really nice

Aimee : on their own

Aimee: they look out for me cause they know I have their best interest in mind

Aimee : They’re mostly busy but TY always tries to make time for me.

Aimee: CL and Minji want to constantly get in the studio and have dance lessons

Aimee : smile.gif

Aimee: Bom’s the funniest to me though

Lyna : Yeah… they really dance great.. I wonder who choreo “Please don’t go”

Aimee : Shaun and me

Lyna : WOW!!! Really!!! I Love it!!!

Lyna : It’s really good…

Lyna : and it fits the song well..

Aimee: I took care of the transition and blocking

Aimee :thanks

Lyna : *bows head*

Aimee: Shaun sent the first verse online, I taught it, and made blocking for the dancers.

Aimee : YG fine tuned everything and made it even better. Plus, Jay is always by my side which makes me feel comfortable so I can work fast.

To check out the full interview, please Click Here!

Cr: colyn7@YGLADIES + wwlyna@wp


[Video] F(x) KBS Interview and GIFs!

Annyeonghaseyo! From La Chata to Chu~ and Lollipop, the 5girls of f(x) always did their best on stage, and here is the interview of KBS with f(x). Sulli is really cute and adorable with the 3 poses, and they had only interviewed Krystal, Sulli and Victoria which i think it's really unfair to Amber and Luna.

However, Watch the interview and you'll see Krystal with her manly charm, Sulli's 3 continuous shots of smiles and Victoria is trying hard to learn Korean. 

Cr: heartfx@youtube

A question to ask you guys, don't you think Sulli and Luna look alike in the picture below?

Pictures credits to iheartfx@wordpress

[Interview Part 3] Forever SNSD!

To SNSD...from Park Kyunglim

Hey guys~ what's up? It feels like yesterday when you guys were on "Park Kyunglim's Wonderful Outing", but time flies. Even at that time, you guys were receiving a lot of attention, but you guys were so polite and humble. I think I obtained a lot of energies by watching you guys work hard.

During that time, a thought occurred to me, "Soon, these girls will dominate the broadcast shows".

Despite being young, Sooyoung, you are able to connect with people well; Yuri, a smile never leaves from you; Hyoyeon, even girls are attracted by your dance; Yoona, you're a woman of unsurpassed beauty; Tiffany, you are a dorky girl who has an unique eye smile; Your bluntness is your charm, Jessica; Taeyeon, I always see you as a neighbor at 7th floor of MBC building; Sunny, you are like a refreshing vitamin; Finally, well-being Seohyun who brought steam cooked sweet potatoes for me!

Like always, I enjoyed this interview thoroughly. You guys are really bright, cheerful girls.

It must be difficult for you guys to handle busy schedules, yet you guys are still cheerful? I think that is what led you guys up to this point. I hope in 2010, you guys will continue to be healthy and give lots of energies to everyone~ As a fan, I will support you guys, forever SNSD~!!

To Park Kyunglim...from SNSD

Yuri: To our 'knee-drop-guru [someone who listens to one's problem and helps solve their problem] Kyunglim unnie' Forever~! After reading your book "A person", it feels like I'm reborn.

Tiffany: Kyunglim unnie~ It feels like yesterday when we filmed together for that show, but it is already 2010. I would like to congratulate your son's first birthday. I'm very grateful for your unchanging warm heart. I want to ask you to take care of us for this year as well.

Hyoyeon: To Kyunglim unnie, who never loses her smile, wherever she is! Ah~! I realized how you can enlighten the atmosphere by greeting the way you do. I have always wanted to be like you, unnie. I really appreciate your advices, whenever I see you.

Yoona: Unnie, I'm so sorry that I couldn't make it to your son's first birthday party. Like always, continue to show people how you can easily connect with everyone.

Sunny: Unnie, you never fear trying out something new. Unnie, you truly are an amazing person in this era. I will go and see your musical. Aja-aja. (variation of hwaiting)

Taeyeon: Thank you so much for treating nine noisy girls with your warm hospitality, as if we were your sisters. As you know, I'm a DJ for that radio station. I think that's why I feel like I'm close to you.

Jessica: Unnie! Congratulations on your son's first birthday. This year, I hope your family will be filled with happiness. Unnie, hwaiting!

: Unnie, I really respect you for your optimistic personality and how you approach everybody with a genuine heart. I will work hard to be like you, someone who gives happiness to everyone.

Sooyoung: Unnie, like your husband, I want to be in love with my future husband and give birth to a son like Minjoon. I will pray for you that God will bless your family.

Written by: Kim Sungeui
Translated by: cathode
Edited by: nerD

[Interview Part 2]It's not easy to date SNSD!

-When you guys received the grand prize at the Golden Disk Award, you guys all cried a lot, right?

"We pretty much didn't go to any of award ceremonies in 2008. That year, we had to watch award ceremonies on TV. That reminds me of our sadness. We grew a lot in a year and I never expected us to win the grand prize". (Yoona)

-Which member is the funniest?

"Usually, Tiffany is the funniest member. If Tiffany can do it the way she would with us, then her sense of humor would be funny on TV, but that's not the case". (Sooyoung)

-Even though you guys are young, aren't you guys worry about becoming older?

"When that happens, we will use our secret weapon, Maknae Seohyun. We'll use her to reduce our average age, right? When f(x)'s member Sullie comes to our waiting room with her pigtails, we would straighten our hair. We just couldn't stand having the same pigtails". (Tiffany)

- Aren't you guys upset that SM launched f(x)

"Since we are singers, we wonder if we lost a good song or dance to them; but it's not like we are competing with them". (Sooyoung)

-Which female singer sunbae(senior) do you like?

"Lee Hyori unnie and BoA sunbaenim. Recently, Tiffany was on SBS' Family Outing. Whenever Lee Hyori sunbaenim messed up and ended up getting the punishments, she wanted to face the punishments with Tiffany. Initially, I didn't like it but I think she did that so Tiffany would get more screen time. I became thankful for her". (Sooyoung)

-Unlike Super Junior who do unit promotions frequently, you guys always go on stage with all nine members, right?

"If one member is absent, then we have to practice again. Even if they're sick, we helped them get up and held hands to practice together". (Taeyeon)

-You guys were on that baby-sitting program, who was the best?

"Hyoyeon was the best one. Sunny was good at taking care of the baby as well, since she has a nephew/niece. Sooyoung has sort of a dark face so babies tend to avoid her at first". (Tiffany)

-Which member will get married first?

"Sooyoung and Tiffany are praying hard for their future spouse. Both of their dream is to be a good wife and wise mother. Sooyoung said if she meets the right man, then she wants to get married as soon as possible. For Tiffany, she is good at taking care of herself". (Taeyeon)

-It isn't easy for female celebrities to find the right guy. We don't have that much time and it is hard for us to discern their heart. There is a high possibility for us to fall in love easily, if they were to help us during our hard times.

"I'm into Gosu from 'Will it Snow for Christmas?' Like housewives, I get into the drama so I end up crying often". (Sooyoung)

-You guys are frequently asked out by many male celebrities, right?

"What Taeyeon has disclosed on that show was a long time ago, during our debut days. There is no secret among us. Since we are all close with each other, they have a hard time approaching us. Unnie, hook us up". (Sooyoung)

-All the good guys I know are gone now. There are about 180 girls who have asked me to hook them up with guys".

"If we weren't celebrities, then we would be around sophomore to senior in college. Since we are always with girls, I think we lost the sense of dating". (Taeyeon)

-Were you guys ever upset over twisted news articles?

"Not really. We got a good laugh from Jessica and Tiffany when they asked us about if the phrase 'Crowned with six awards' was good a thing or a bad thing on this one article". (Hyoyeon)

-As people have a higher interest in you guys, you guys have to be careful with words, right?

"Yes, it's not easy for us to be honest. When people ask us questions, we would hesitate, and think once more before we speak. If we are not careful with our words, someone might get offended". (Tiffany)

-As a SNSD member, what are some of the things you have gained and lost?

"We have gained precious eight friends. On the other hand, we have lost many of our school friends. Living with our new family, SNSD members, it is also unfortunate that we have to live far away from our parents". (Taeyeon)

-Who is good at showing love?

"Hyoyeon is blunt so she doesn't say 'I love you' often. When Jessica gets angry, she becomes a cry baby; tears help relieve one's stress. For Seohyun, she tends to hold it in then blow up later. For Tiffany and Sunny, they don't really cry". (Taeyeon)

-How do you guys decide on who will give the winning speech?

"It depends on members' conditions and that day. There are times when a member pushes another member to the front and ends up talking for the group". (Sooyoung)

-Recently, that incident where Seohyun's face was covered by a logo became the hot topic.

"When we saw that, we laughed so hard. It wasn't intentional. Tiffany went through the same thing long time ago. When the camera is on, there is no way to find out which spot is the good one. Lately, we have been making Seohyun sit in the middle". (Sooyoung)

-Are you guys jealous when you see a member gets to film a CF by themselves?

"Actually, we tell them to treat us dinner or something; since they filmed a CF. We would tease each other if we don't bring back free stuff from the CF filming, like cereal boxes or cosmetic products". (Jessica)

-What are SNSD's future plans?

"Although popularity has ups and downs, I hope our attitude won't change. We want to have the attitude of being one. If there is a member who is falling behind, then I hope to see other members who are going ahead help them get up". (Hyoyeon)

to be continued in part 3...

Written by: Kim Sungeui
Translated by: cathode
Edited by: sneezes

[Interview Part 1] SNSD are surprised to see themselves on TV!

2009 was definitely "Girls' Generation'. Three years into their debut, they won a grand prize for Golden Disk digital and won six awards at the Melon Music Award. Sweeping all awards at various ceremonies, they all said, "Last year was magical".

"Park Kyunglim's 300mm interview" met twice with SNSD at the end of December and this month. First interview took place on the 30th of December at year-end award ceremony. For in-depth interview, on mid-January, we met with SNSD's Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Tiffany. They dressed up causally without make-up and met with Park Kyunglim at a cafe in Chungdamdong, Kangnam, Seoul. After they finished the interview that lasted two hours, they said, "I don't think we were this honest before with the interviews. It feels like we're burnt out".

▲ Like an old couple, we have come to accept it.

-Hey Sooyoung, thank you for sending that wreath to me while I was at the musical practice room. Everybody was going crazy. They asked me if this was really from SNSD's Sooyoung. Some people thought it was my friend Lee Sooyoung who sent them to me.

"I went to the flower shop and ordered it from there. Unnie, I'm glad you liked it". (Sooyoung)

-I'm so busy raising my son, Minjoon. He is growing up so fast. Last week, I bought him a hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) and it was kind of big for him. But when he wore it this week, it fitted him perfectly. That meant he got taller. (laughs)

"Why didn't you bring him here. We could have taken turns to take care of him" (Sunny)

-"Soshi's" popularity is immense. What is your thought on this?

"Whenever SNSD is mentioned on TV, it feels like another SNSD is being shown. It's still surreal that they're talking about us". (Tiffany)

-As time passes, are you guys getting closer?

"We started doing secret santa. We have been together for ten years but to become even closer, we decided to play it. It's been two weeks, but we still don't know who our secret santa is". (Hyoyeon)

-Still not all 9 can be close with all. There must be someone whom all of you are close to more than other members, who are they?

"Tiffany and Sooyoung goes to church together so they are close. Hyoyeon and Yoona see each other often, since they are roommates. Actually, it's not like we are close to only one member, but instead all of us grow to be close with whoever we go around with". (Yuri)

-At times, do you guys have conflict with another or one member annoys other members?

"It has been ten years so we know each other better than an old couple. We got over with having conflicts with each other a long time ago". (Jessica)

▲ Drunkard male fan visiting our dorm scares us the most

-I know you guys moved but you know how we lived in the same apartment complex? Yesterday, a drunken man, who looked like he was in his late 30's, was looking for your dorm in front of the entrance. I was done for the day around 1:00 AM and I was on my way home. I told him you guys moved away but he didn't believe me.

"That apartment had some security issues. One time, couple of guys were waiting for us by the stairs. We got goose bumps". (Sooyoung)

-It would be safer for the all members to go home together. With individual activities, you guys go home at different times. It must be really dangerous.

"One time, a stubborn male fan visited us and said, "I just got here in Seoul but I have no money to go back home". Our manager gave him some money and sent him home". (Tiffany)

-Yea that apartment was scary. The light in the hallway didn't work. When Lee Sooyoung first visited me, the hallway was so dark that she couldn't find the elevator. She ended up using the stairs. She was upset, "Kyunglim must not be doing well after she got married". Shabby and dark is the perfect description for that apartment". (All laughs)

"We used to call it 'Sicily 2km'. So many different people visited our dorm and they left a memo on our front door with a marker". (Yuri)

-Man. Maknae Seohyun is so special. She steam cooked three sweet potatoes and brought them. She gave it to me as a housewarming present. Usually, people would bring toilet papers, candles, or fruit baskets. What a mature young kid. Such a warm kid.

"Every morning, she blends Ma (plant) and eats them. She steam cooks sweet potatoes and eats them. In our dorm, we call her, 'A house wife' ". (Hyoyeon)

▲ When we watch TV and see ourselves in it, we ask ourselves, "Where did they come from?"

-Last year, girl group thrived. Excluding f(x), which girl group interested you the most?

"We really liked 4min and Kara's butt dance. So we danced to their songs. Tiffany is an expert in boy groups rather than girl groups. You should ask her about it. For solo male singer, we really like K.Will's 2nd album; we always take turn to listen to his music". (Sooyoung)

-Which group do you guys think poses a threat to SNSD?

"We are not exactly sure. But we get nervous whenever we see other groups working hard". (Seohyun)

-What is SNSD's strength?

"Team work and drive. If we see a member doing something wrong, we point out their mistake. When we watch TV and see ourselves on screen, we ask ourselves, 'Where did they come from? How did the staff managed to bring out the best of us?' I think producers are great. Heh, I kind of went overboard, right? (Sooyoung)

-Who is the prettiest member?

"We thought Seohyun was the prettiest. But lately she ate so much sweet potatoes that her face slowly became yellow. (everyone laughs) I think Yoona is the prettiest, while Seohyun is best for her feminine, lovely side". (Sooyoung)

-In terms of looks, which members' look became more refined?

(With one voice) "Of course it's Yuri! She was always pretty and her fashion style changed a lot. Her fashion became more fashionable. For Sooyoung and Hyoyeon, since their trainee days, they had their own distinct fashion style". (Tiffany)

-During your trainee days, did you guys used to dislike certain members?

"Of course we did. There were many conflicts and critical moments. Those who couldn't persevere, they ended up leaving before we debuted. You would think that Sooyoung is "A sergeant" because she emits a strong vibe. Rather, she is soft. When it comes to leadership, it's Hyoyeon. She manages circumstances very well". (Sunny)

To be continued in part 2...

Written by: Kim Sungeui
Translated by: cathode
Edited by: sneezes

[Interview] Super Junior Yesung And Sungmin's Interview At Musical Hong Gildong’s Press Conference

Q : Sungmin & Yesung have debuted in 2009 with the musicals “Namhan sansung” & “Akilla”, now both of you will be in the musical for the second time with “Hong Gildong”, how are your feelings ?

Yesung : Last time “Namhan sansung” was a historical musical, too. And because of it so I feel less nervous this time with “Hong Gildong”. And because I have many same things with Hong Gildong so there isnt really difficulty in practicing. Although my acting still lacks something but I will try my best to show everybody what I couldnt show last time. Especially because there are many action scenes so I’m in the middle of learning how to use stick as weapon and fencing.
Sungmin : Actually the only word/line in “Akilla” is Akilla so the acting is both difficult and easy at the same time. But the lines in “Hong Gildong” is much more different in compared with “Akilla” so I think it’s more difficult to me than Yesung hyung. And there will be many splendid action scenes in this work.

Q : In the future you will continue participating in musicals so do you have any work that you want to try individually ?

Yesung : Personally, I have many work that I want to try. It was pity that I had to practice for “Namhan sansung” so I missed “Notre Dame de Paris”. But the musical that I want to try most is “Mozart!”, it’s pity I couldnt participate because of the year-end music award ceremony. In the future if there are chances, I want to do not only historical musical but also challenging myself in license works.
Sungmin : I still have a lot of thing to learn so I should take “Hong Gildong” as a chance for me to improve my ability. If there are chances I want to do some good works. I want a lot of things but I also lack a lot of things.

original article is here
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