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Showing posts with label Kyu hyun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kyu hyun. Show all posts

[Cyworld] Kyuhyun Updates his Cyworld again

After news went out that Super Junior member HanKyung has filed for provisional disposition of contract with his management company SM Entertainment, memberKyuHyun’s recently minihompy post has caught the attention of many fans and netizens.
KyuHyun wrote on his minihompy on 21st December after the news about HanKyung came out, “Even a beast don’t bite the hand that feeds one…I can not understand” expressing his disappointment about it.
But the post has also attracted much criticisms from netizens after it was posted, andKyuHyun has later set the post as private and posted the phrase on his minihompy “My only intention was that I wished that (he) goes on the good way (좋은 길로 가길 바라는 마음이었을 뿐)”.
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that HanKyung has submitted application for provisional disposition of contract terms with SM Entertainment to the Seoul Central District Court recently.
And SM Entertainment has came out to say that they will “try to settle things with HanKyung through communications for the sake of Super Junior”.
Credits: kbites

To go the right way
Is the only thing i have in my soul..

Source: Kyuhyun’s CY
translated by krezzo @



[Cyworld] Kyuhyun Diary Entry About Hankyung's problem?

12.21.2009 Diary Entry

2009.12.21 월 18:25

Even a beast don’t bite the hand that feeds one…

I can not understand…
He wrote it in English

UPDATE: After an hour or so, he hides this diary entry.. probably due to the amount of attention it gets from the media.

Source: Kyuhyun Cyworld | Shared by myystiqueen @

Hope everything can be solve before the end of 2009. Feel free to comment but no bashing please, thanks.

[Cyworld]Kyuhyun Cyworld Sidebar + Diary Update !

If any one of you is without sin
be the first to throw a stone*

* It’s a passage from The Holy Bible.
Original Source. 조규현 미니홈피
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET

Kyuhyun’s Diary
2009.11.15 at 17:48


Original Source. 조규현 미니홈피

Credits to : Shiningblue

[news] SNSD Jessica, “I Want To Share A Stage with Super Junior Kyuhyun”

SNSD Jessica who has just had her debut showcase for musical “Legally Blonde” on October 22 said, “I want to share a stage with Kyuhyun oppa from Super Junior”.

Legally Blonde is a Hollywood blockbuster starring Reese Witherspoon which tells a story about an ordinary blonde teenager who got into Harvard University to win her ex back. Jessica, playing the lead role, impressed her fans with her acting skills in the showcase. With this being the first musical she has ever been a part of, we couldn’t see her nervousness on stage as she naturally transformed into “Elle Woods”.

In the recent interview with SSTV, when asked whom she would like to act together with in the future, she directly replied that it would be f(x) Krystal, her own sister. She also added, “If I have to choose from another group, I would pick Kyuhyun oppa from Super Junior. He has such a lovely voice and he will definitely do well on stage”.

The musical will be performed on November 14 at the Coex Atrium.

translation: tjoenit @ twelfs + silis7noy
article: myystiqueen @ twelfs
video: ying5387isme @ YT
Source: TwELFs

[video and picture] Evil Kyuhyun caught on video!

Remember the news before that kyuhyun laughed so hard when fellow Super Junior M member Zhou Mi's voice crackep up when he was singing his part which was rather high? well, now you cant watch it on video! It was sure funny and i really felt bad for Zhou Mi cause he was so embarrassed about his voice cracking up. Ryeowook continued to sing and wasnt bothered about it. Kyuhyun on the other hand couldnt stop laughing.

Kyuhyun was just beside Zhou Mi and when Zhou Mi's voice cracked up he couldnt stop laughing! he tried his best to control his laughter, turning his back to the audience, keeping his head down but it was so obvious he was laughing and Zhou Mi laughed with him and even kept on hitting him.

The video was very funny although laughing at someone's mistake is not good, it was all good between them. After they performed the song Hangeng quickly went up and said something about Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun hugged him and it was all good.

Blueprincess824; Photo credits as tagged; vid credits: kahboon @ youtube

[Pictures] Kyu Hyun in Beijing ? Taken by Fans !

Kyu Hyun in Beijing ? I don't know either ! Here are some pictures of kyuhyunnie took by fans , he always looks so good , especially with that shades and hat ! He is so good looking ! Enjoy the pictures !

Source :
Credits to : Kyuhyun Baidu + G.H.F , Jenny32@shiningblue
posted by estee28♥~ @ daily kpop news
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