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[Interview] Super Junior Kyu Hyun Interview For Pasta OST By BUGS Music


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Bugs : Hello, you seems to be glad to meet Bugs family, could you first introduce yourself
Kyuhyun : Hello, I’m Super Junior Kyuhyun. Bugs was a good searching site to me since when I went to school, so I’m very grateful to be able to give my greeting through Bugs.

Bugs : Last year Super Junior has got the daesang award at Golden disk. Although it’s late but congratulation. How was your feeling then ?
Kyuhyun : That was out first time to get the deasang award at Golden disk, while if you look at the history those who got that award were all great sunbae singers. But having that award was like a dream to us, I couldnt sleep that night.

Bugs : What did the members talk to each other after the ceremony ?
Kyuhyun : We said “Iya~ Now we are deasang (great) singer !” and everybody liked it. (laugh)

Bugs : It’s was pity that you didnt have time to say speech when accepting the award because Super Junior have so many members, was there anything you want to say but couldnt ?
Kyuhyun : I always thought that I’m Super Junior’s magnae so I cant do the speech when accepting award. Therefore, I didnt prepare a speech for my own….it’s just I wont do it (laugh) but our leader Teukie hyung had given a good speech because he knows everything. I will save mine later if I am given another chance to talk at another award ceremony.

Bugs : You have wrapped up your last year very well, and you’ve comeback to the fans this year with drama OST “Listen…to you”. Do you enjoy watching “Pasta” ?
Kyuhyun : Yes, I’m watching the drama because I’m interested. Especially Lee Sungyun, he’s very impressive.

Bugs : It’s a drama about food, are Kyuhyun good at making food ?
Kyuhyun : I’m famous with my Hankang ramen among the members. I got that nickname because we live in a dorm and when I first joined in, I had to cook ramen because I’m magnae but I couldnt adjust the amount of water. After then no member told me to go cook ramen. There was also an anecdote. I wanted to eat fried ham so I asked Ryeowook who is very good at making food how to do and he said I should use oil to fry. But I got to know later that the oil I used was seasame oil, after then no one told me to make food as well (laugh).
Bugs : So which food are you confident in making ?
Kyuhyun : I’m good at making bibimbap haha.

Bugs : This time I will ask about the song. Can you tell us the story how did you get to sing drama OST “ you” ?

Kyuhyun : First I just knew that I will record a song for a drama’s OST, then I got to know that drama is and my song is quite important in the drama. I felt both excited and nervous at the same time when I began to record the song. I really like the song’s sweet melody. Although the lyric sounds a little bit embarrassed but I had tried my best as the direction from the music composer to sing the song like a sweet whisper to the girls’ ears.

Bugs : Recently the competition between the OST are also intense. Can you point out some charm of OST ?

Kyuhyun : OST absolutely have their own charm. Actually, there are times that you dont feel anything when you just listen to a song, but together with the video/image of movie, drama, you can see their affection.
Bugs : Recently which drama do you enjoy watching ?
Kyuhyun : Pasta haha.

Bugs : Can we see Kyuhyun perform “Listen…to you” on the music shows ?
Kyuhyun : If only people give the song a lot of love, then I can directly make a suggestion at the office. “I want to perform once because people love it that much!” although I can try to say it but it’s not now. Although I dont have detail plan yet but I will work more hard to show a good image when there is chance.

Bugs : How are Super Junior’s reactions when the song is out ?

Kyuhyun : In spite of feeling excited & glad, they didnt directly say anything to me, but they still contacted me though. “The song is good”, “it’s not that bad !”…I thanked them for their possitive reaction and support.

Bugs : Which member gave you the biggest support ?

Kyuhyun : All the members gave me their support. Instead of being able to say who gave me the biggest support, I can say Shindong hyung is the first member who show the reaction to me. He enjoyed listening to the song so much that he was the very first one who called me.

Bugs : You had sung the song “7 years’ love” in the 20th anniversary album of Yoo Youngseok-sshi, how did you get that chance ?
Kyuhyun : I havent said it before yet but I will tell Bugs about it (laugh). Yoo Youngseok sunbaenim had been very worried to decide whether to work with an idol singer in his anniversary album. But at that time, there was a song called “Shining star” in our 3rd album that was written by him. When recording that song, Yoo Youngseok sunbaenim had showed that he liked me so much and he praised me a lot. He always said “You’re genius ! Why you’ve been hiding until now ?” whenever I sang the song (^^). And I had worked with him separately later because of the song and by chance the anniversary album was begun then so I got to sing the song “7 years’ love”.

Bugs : Was there any difficulty when you worked with Yoo Youngseok-sshi ?
Kyuhyun : Since sunbaenim has a young soul and he shared a lot of things with me so we got along quite well. If I have anything to ask, he will give me a lot of advice. That was a quite meaningful time to me.

Bugs : Not long ago Bugs had an interview with Yoo Youngseok. He praised Kyuhyun-sshi very truly then, how do you feel about it ?
Kyuhyun : hahaha, I feel really strange. I’m not good at compliment. But usually when a great sunbaenim praise me too much, although it’s awkward but I feel very happy.

Bugs : So are you somehow close with Yoo Youngseok-sshi ?
Kyuhyun : I think so, too., I just hope that sunbaenim will have the same thought with me.

Bugs : How do you get the <7>’s emotion to express when you sing that song ?

Kyuhyun : Because I dont have any experience in a 7 years’ love so it was quite hard for me the first time I recorded the song. I has said this in another interview that my recording always got interrupted. It’s because I didnt have the emotion and I didnt understand the lyric about a person’s lost and gain. So I stopped the recording and went asking sunbaenim why was the lyric like this, he kindly spent 10 minutes to explain it for me. After hearing that story, I had an imagination about the song and be able to express it. It was a good experience to me.

Bugs : Do you feel a lot of difference between perform solo on stage and perform with the group ?
Kyuhyun : It’s little more difficult. When recording Super Junior album, whenever there was any difficult thing, I can share and talk to the other members. But when I’m recording the solo song, the difficult thing is I have to cope with all the song alone and I dont have much experience.
Bugs : But is there any good point about it ?
Kyuhyun : The good point is I like it when my voice is continuously coming out (laugh)

Bugs : Listening to Kyuhyun-sshi voice I can feel that it’s a little different with the other members of Super Junior and you’re the only one having that voice. Do you have any song which you really like that you thought about it like “This song is divided into parts and I sing it with the members, but I want to sing it alone…”
Kyuhyun : Yes, there is. We got a song called “Disco Drive” from Yoon Jongshin sunbaenim for our 2nd album. Actually I liked that song since when we got the demo version. And recently we sang a song called “Shining star” from Yoo Youngseok sunbaenim in Super Show concert, I also like this song very much. If I have chance I want to sing those 2 songs alone, and I often sing them too when I come to the noraebang.

Bugs : Do you have any plan to release a Kyuhyun’s solo album in the future ?

Kyuhyun : If I say I dont want that it would be a lie. But right now I just want to concentrate on doing the group activities. And if there is chance, I will think think about it. This time OST was also a chance to me so I had did all my best. But I really dont have plan for solo activities right now, I still think that team activities should be put above all.

Bugs : Which style of music do you want to do in the future ?

Kyuhyun : The music I like and often listen to is ballad so I want to focus on that style of music. Right now dance singer image is very popular so my group’s music have to match with that. But in the future I want to sing ballad of I have chance. And I think I wont choose dance music if I go solo (laugh)

Bugs : So what is your favorite song recently ?
Kyuhyun : Ah, recently I enjoy listening to Brown Eyed Soul’s “폭풍의 주” (The Lord in the storm)

Bugs : Which singer is your role model ?
Kyuhyun : I like Sung Shikyung sunbaenim and Kim Dongryul sunbaenim. Actually there are many sunbae singers that I admire but If I have to choose, I want to be like two of them. I like all their songs.

Bugs : Is there any field that you want to challenge yourself or feel interested in : acting, variety, MC….if not have you ever thought of continuing your study ?
Kyuhyun : I dont want to continue to study (laugh). Uhm, every member is good at a certain field but I havent known which way I should choose yet. I’m interested in too many things…
Bugs : Which members that when you see them on the show you feel quite jealous but you think that show is not easy to do ?
Kyuhyun : Ah, I really enjoy watching “Strong heart” and Leeteuk Eunhyuk Shindong are very funny. Although I cant be funny like them but I really want to try to appear on a show like that once a year. And although I always feel I lack of acting skill when I see the other members but I want to try it sometime too. But that is for future, right now I just want to focus on music and get recognized in the music field.

Bugs : If you have a chance to do a duet song, which singer will you choose to sing with you ?
Kyuhyun : Can I choose an idol singer ?
Bugs : It will be more interesting ^^
Kyuhyun : I want to sing with SNSD Taeyeon and Jessica. Those two are very good at singing. But the company wont gave me that chance, haha.

Bugs : In music field, which image do you want people to remember about Super Junior Kyuhyun ?
Kyuhyun : A person who really love singing, love fans, I hope people will remember me as a person who love music.

Bugs : Thanks for the interview. I also hope that “ you” will get a lot of good response. Would you give some words as the last greeting and about your activities’ plan ?
Kyuhyun : So above is the interview about OST and the other things. I hope from now on the music composers for drama OST will come to me more (laugh). Super Junior new album will be released soon so until then I hope everybody will listen to Kyuhyun’s “ you” a lot, enjoy watching Leeteuk Eunhyuk Shindong on variety, look forward to Heechul, Siwon, Kibum’s acting. Me and all the members will show you a good image. Thank you.

original article is here
translated by

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