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[news] Jo Kwon, "I Want To Take A Wedding Photo With Gain"

2AM JoKwon mentioned that he wants to take a wedding picture with Gain.

On March 17th, MBC's "Music Travel LaLaLa" aired a spring special episode called 'Boys and Girls Meet Spring,' where 2AM was invited.

2AM performed a special stage where they remixed "Even If I die, I can't send you away" into an accoustic version.

Then they sang Alicia Keys's 'If I ain't got you' with a female singer named Ali, and each one of them showed off their unique voice colors, yet presented the perfect harmony.

On this day, Jo Kwon was asked, "When you think of spring, what comes to your mind first?," and he answered "A wedding."

He showed his envy by stating that "When you walk around in the spring time, you see many wedding photo shoot sessions," and he revealed his hope that he would like to take a wedding photo before spring goes away.

On this episode, many musicians from diffrent genres like 2AM, Ali, Lucid Pole, YoJo, YunhaJane, MiZi, The One, and the indie band called 10 cm appeared and presented their own unique spring stages.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

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[news] BIGBANG to attend an IRIS related event in Japan



そこで、VIP JAPANではチケットの一般発売にさきがけて、ファンクラブチケット

【 ドラマティック・ライブステージ『IRIS』 】
5月26日(水) 大阪城ホール 
開場/開演 【昼公演】13:00/14:00 【夜公演】18:00/19:00
6月 1日(火) さいたまスーパーアリーナ 
開場/開演 【昼公演】13:00/14:00 【夜公演】18:00/19:00

チケット金額 : 全席指定 ¥9,800(税込) ※未就学児童入場不可

■□ 抽選エントリー受付期間  □■
<上記期間中24時間 受付OK>   

This info comes from an e-mail from the JVIP fanclub. Basically it says that there's going to be an event called DRAMATIC LIVE STAGE 「IRIS」 where not only T.O.P, but all BIGBANG members will be present.

- May 26th (Wednesday) - Osaka Castle Hall
1st show: opens at 1pm, starts at 2pm
2nd show: opens at 6pm, starts at 7pm

- June 1st (Tuesday) - Saitama Super Arena
1st show: opens at 1pm, starts at 2pm
2nd show: opens at 6pm, starts at 7pm

Ticket price: JPY 9,800

There's a presale for fanclub members from March 15th till 25th, and the official sale will be on April 10th (according to the IRIS soompi thread, cause this is not specified in the e-mail).

source and translation: susifg @ soompi
credit: ncly @ bbvip

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[news] Full Translation of BIGBANG on Choice is Yours Interview

:: First part :::

♥ What is your impression of Japan?

YB: I've always said it, but the streets are very clean, everywhere is clean. There are lots of snacks, and we always go eat buffet. It's really very comfortable here.
SR: Also, the weather is very good. Recently, Korea is super very cold, and the weather is very good in Japan, it's good.

♥ What's your feeling towards Japanese fans?

GD: No matter they are from Korea or Japan, our fans are always ready to be happy with us on the stage, it's very fun.

♥ (from the fans) What's your type of girl?

YB: Lovely girl. If I meet her, I would have no problem [marrying her] even if it is tomorrow, or even if I meet her right now... The life I am living right now, I have the means to get married; when I come home from work, I do not want to be lonely. Also, I love children, so I want to get married as soon as possible, or else it will be too late.

TOP: I think differently at different tiomes, but I think it is better to get married a little later. I still love my career more right now, I want to do many things when I am still young. When I have more free time, I will want to get married and live happily.

DS: Soulmate. I have been to quite a number of weddings lately, and when I saw the happiness on the faces of the bride and groom, I felt that they were very happy. If at all possible, I want to get married early, as long as I love her from the bottom of my heart it will be enough. (Q. How many years until you have to get married?) Within 5 years.

GD: K-k-k- That's all I can say. (YB: We understand.) After this interview, I want to get married immediately. (?!)

SR: My type is Miyazawa Aoi. I like girls like her. But I don't want to get married yet. Because I am still young. (YB: He still wants to have fun with his life.) No, no, no.

♥ (from the fans) What's your favourite Japanese phrase?

SR: Suge! (Brilliant!)
GD: Ora! (Hey!)
YB: Osu! (I have no idea)
TOP: Ikura desu ka? (How much?) YES YES TOP WE KNOW.
DS: Choudo ii. (Just right.)

♥. (from the fans) What is your most treasured possession now?

SR: The members. (GD and YB drops their head in their laps) What is this reaction?! They are very important people to me.

♥ G-Dragon, how do you feel to hear this?

GD: I feel good. Yes.

♥ You are all very close, no?

DS: Yes, we are very close.

::: Second part :::

♥ (from the fans) If G-Dragon did not enter Big Bang, what career will he choose?

GD: Seungri's manager.
YB: Seungri's manager.
SR: VI's manager. Isn't it good? It's good to have G-Dragon as manager.
GD: (Q. Why VI?) Oh, because I think if I can't be a singer, VI can support my living.

♥ Is there something you want to apologize to a member for?

YB: We've read... VI's... mail. We wanted to keep it secret, but we feel that this is not right.
SR: It's not right. Absolutely not right! (Q. Did you know?) Yes, they would be reading from my cellphone and keep laughing. And I would ask, "Why are you laughing?!" They would say, "You, what is this [in your phone]?!"
GD: So, what is the content of the mails?
SR: ...I'll tell you later.
YB: I want to tell everybody [what is in your mails].
SR: It's mails I send to my friends, but the content...
YB: It's really bad stuff. Stuff we can't talk about in a television show.

[Some comments about Electric Love Tour, but nothing too interesting so I'll skip it.XP]

::: Third part :::

(starting from 1:35)

YB: Thank you everyone, the titles we have chosen is- *ding-ding*.

YB: I chose this title because if we become singers for like, another 10 years, I want us to mature into artists that is capable and deserving of singing a song that is called "Earth".

DS: I chose "Kizuna". The reason is that between us and our fans, there is a warm kizuna (bond). I want to make a new song of it, so I chose this title.

SR: I chose "Suki da Yo!" (I Like you!) I say, "I like you!", you'll be touched, right? "I like you!", so touched, right? It's so good, this phrase. Isn't it great?
YB: Well, because it is you, this phrase suits you.

TOP: I chose "Baaachishi" (Osaka way of saying "Great"). I like this word "Baachishi", so I chose "Baachishi". How do you say dream in Japanese? (YB: Yume.) Yes, our dream is to be baachishi, so...
YB: But we are already baachishi now.
TOP: No, I am hoping we will become baachishi. *laughs* Is... my Japanese good?
SR: Yes! It's good!
TOP: Thank you. I love you.
SR: Who? Who? Who? Who?
TOP: You... I love you.

GD: My choice is "Give It To Me!" It's because I remember a singer I used to like a lot when I was young, so I chose this. I hope everyone can yell after me. (sings) Give it to me one time! Well, everyone is not doing it. (sings) Give it to me one time! (FAILS) Okay, once more, Give it to me one time! Give it to me two time! (FAILS AGAIN)
SR: It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
TOP: It's alright.
GD: Argh, fine, that's all.

YB: (finally they chose Earth) I'm so happy, the one that I chose is decided on. We will sing this song, and always strive to become singers who will be deserving of a song with this name!

::: Last part :::

♥ Saying their grateful to VIP and asking them to keep supporting them and saying they will try their hard to perform and entertain all the VIPs..
♥ Bae goofing around while Ji doing his speech waving his peace sign on the camera..Same goes to Tabi,Dae disturbing his effort trying to speak in Japanese but in the end major failure again.So he just continue in Korean making the boys LOL at him..!

Translation by: o_srsly & nurika@LJ
Credit: nurika of Soompi for posting

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[news] The end of the generation of golden idols | The idol that you've used to know is dead

These days it's becoming more difficult for idols to maintain support from the wide general public without doing advertisements or entertainment shows.

Therefore within their fandom they're idols, but to the general public they are idols who are entertaining. Although Super Junior received the Golden Disk Daesang, its members Leeteuk and Eunhyuk received SBS's Entertainment Rookie award. In their fandom they are worshipped grand prize winners, but in front of the public they have to become entertainers who can do anything. Even people in the fandom know that though they might reach No.1 on music charts through their new single, in the industry, it will not make them well respected top stars. When Nick Khun was dating an ordinary woman on the Mnet Show "Scandal", 2pm's fans wrote "That's my man's work", and when Super Junior was doing individual activities, some fans said "It's my hubby's outside activities". As the fandom becomes less commercially influential, they can't own their idols anymore. As the idols reach out into dramas and entertainment, and do more performances overseas than in their own country, the fans will have to keep up with their idols' other work.

More Explanation on the article:
"Okay so what it is basically saying is that...

Through music and fans alone, Idol stars cannot make it.

Because once upon a time, you were an idol and OMG You were the hottest thing since sliced bread!
(Such as H.O.T., S.E.S., Fink.L, Shinhwa... ) (Yes they were huge.)

BUT NOW there are 1238041 groups out and many fans are not so hardcore.
(H.O.T. fans and Sechskies fans... you could only be a fan of one group.
If you even mentioned the group you would be cursed at. If you cheered... that'd be the end of your life -_- NO JOKE)

Anyway.... That is why they are doing entertainment shows... for example Shindong and Bbo Bbo Bbo and Teuk and Hyuk with Teuk Academy. Radio shows... all these stuff. Because other people like old ladies and men and non-fans will get to know them also.

So meaning...........

The fans cannot have their idols to themselves.
They must share with the world.

quoted from: Jihee @ /sj-world

source : 10asiae and sj-market
translated by superlover♫
thanks for helping with the trans
thanks to ♥ jubee ♥ @ for extra checking & rephrasing
may take out with full credit and no adding your own credit

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[news] Kwon, When Asked If He's Actually Dating Ga-in..

Currently, Jo Kwon and Ga-in are the best couple on MBC's 'We Got Married'. If their air time is shorter than other couples, the discussion board becomes flooded with complaints. They received an explosive amount of love, enough to get first place on KBS 2TV's 'Music Bank' for their song 'We Fell In Love'. They also touched many people by donating 50 million won (approx. $50000) from the profits of the song to help out for Haiti's tragic earthquake. It wouldn't be surprising if they were a real couple because of the sweet atmosphere in 'WGM' and their actions outside of the broadcast as well.

Recently, in a location with reporters, when Jo Kwon was asked "Are you two actually dating?" he answered with a short "Yes". When asked a second time, he answered "No". Jo Kwon laughed while saying "They don't believe us if we say we're dating and they don't believe us if we say we're not". He continued saying "The more confused people get, the better it is" showing that he's enjoying the current situation. He also openly boasted saying "People don't know Ga-in's real charms".

2AM's Seulong, Jinwoon, and Changmin said "We're jealous that they're idols that can express the feeling of love" and "Jo Kwon's image that he shows on the broadcast is 100%".

'WGM2' which wasn't doing very well for awhile, received many remarks that the entrance of idol singers Jo Kwon and Ga-in was irrational at first. It was not that idol singers like Taeyeon and Kangin had not appeared before, but it was impossible for the virtual marriage of idol singers in their early 20's
to not be a burden.

'WGM' participants have tried to emphasize at least in the broadcast the roles as a married couple. It is difficult for 'WGM' participants to show their natural image in front of the camera unless they have feelings for each other. It is also true that most participants don't even contact each other, as they have stated 'We're a married couple on the broadcast, but in reality, our relationship is just for business'.

Compared to these couples, Jo Kwon and Ga-in aren't hiding their roles as a 'WGM' couple outside of the program. They seem to be just enjoying it fully without avoiding the virtual yet real concept of 'WGM'.

It looks like Jo Kwon and Gain's popularity will continue for awhile. The important thing is, like Jo Kwon's "Are we dating for real?", is that they maintain their will for their 'Half joke, half truth' feelings and actions.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
CREDITS: Yahoo! Korea (SOURCE) ; shmesmx3@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

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[news] Beast Yoon Doojoon Crowned as 'NamChinDol

[Newsen Report Park Saeyeon]

Idol group Beast's leader Yoon Doojoon has been crowned as 'NamChinDol' [T/N: Nation's Boyfriend Idol].

From their recent comeback 'SHOCK', Beast's Yoon Doojoon not only displays the typical manly-like persona on stage but his gentle smile has been shown to garner much attention claiming him as "an idol most likely chosen as a boyfriend".

As evidenced through the filming of MBC's 'DANBI' who've also claimed him as the 'well digging idol', Yoon Doojoon's responsible and caring interactions with local children received much heart-warming responses.

Furthermore, after seeing his selca pictures taken from the variety show, one could see various images overflowing with much wit, proving him again as a "mainstream idol'. In response to this, netizens while voting him as #1 "NamChinDol", commented by stating, "I want to have him as my boyfriend", "He appears very tender and seems to have a friendly charm", and "he has that warm-hearted style".

It was said that Yoon Doojoon's currently in Laos for the purpose of filming 'DANBI' and will continue on his Beast activities at his return.

CREDITS: NEWSEN (SOURCE); b2uty@B2ST Rising (SHARING); dujuseob@B2ST Rising (TRANS)

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[news] KARA's Alphabet Talk

Girl group KARA conitnues to soar with their latest hit Lupin. Slowly turning away from their cute image, they now take command of the stage as sexy, charismatic theives. In this interview, we get to know more about the members - Park Gyuri, Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, Goo Hara and Kang Jiyoung, based on the alphabet, using KARA-LUPIN.

K: Kilogram (Weight)
The weight loss of Nicole and Jiyoung from their debut days has particularly been noticeable.

While Nicole shares that "I lost about 5kg. I go to the gym to exercise, and I also try to control my intake. A meal for 1 serving, I usually divide into 3 smaller parts.", Jiyoung says "I don't think I lost a lot of weight, its just that my body became more toned because of the exercise."

A: Accompishment
What did Nicole, who grew up abroad, want to accomplish most?

"I want our group to be recognized and acknowledged by everyone. I also want to show a great performance to my friends and family back in America. Since moving to Korea 5 years ago to fulfill my dream as a singer, I've never gone back yet. I want to go back as a KARA member and show how much I changed and grew over the years."

R: Remember
For Seungyeon, what is the most memorable experience as a KARA member?

"The day we first debuted as a 5-member KARA. It was incidentally my birthday at that time. While we were on stage on M! Countdown for our Rock U performance, I was just so nervous. It was really nerve-racking. But a lot of fans came to support us that day. I cried so much after our performance"

A: Afraid
Hara looks like she's scared a lot of things, because of her big eyes. What is she most afraid of?

"Threats. Haha~ I'm afraid to even think about threats made. You know, we hear in the news about death threats and blackmails made to celebrities. I imagined myself being in that situation, and I think it will really be scary."

L: Leader
Whats the best and worst thing about being a leader for KARA's leader Gyuri?

"Honestly, I don't know what's the best and worst thing about being a leader yet. You know the saying 'You think you know, but you have no idea?'. I think thats the case. If I wasn't a leader, I would easily be able to anwer what I would be able to do in a hypothetical situation as a leader. I think as a leader, you are responsible for a lot of things. You become more burdened than the other members. And I think it is able to help me grow morally and helps me in a lot of different ways."

U: Unique
What's the most unique thing about KARA?

"We're not always made up. As girl idols, we are expected to act pretty all the time, but on programs, we show our hardworking nature instead of pretending to look good. We think thats what our fans like about us. That we are like younger sisters to them. But on stage, we try to show them a charismatic performance."

P: Precious
Whats the most precious thing for you?

"My parents" (Gyuri)

"The bible. I've been reading it everyday for the past 8 years since my middle school days, so its precious to me. I read it every night before going to sleep, and I feel that during this quiet moment, I am able to reflect" (Seungyeon)

"My mom and my two friends here in Korea - 2AM's Jinwoon and Shinee's Key. Because we work in the same industry, we are able to understand each other well." (Nicole)

"All the people around me. I think its because of these people who worry about me and offer me their advices that I am able to be where I am today." (Jiyoung)

"Myself. Although I know that other things are important as well, I think I need to value and love myself first." (Hara)

I: Invite
If KARA were to have a concert, who would you like to invite the most?

"Our parents. We have never performed on stage where all our parents were present. So we wish to show a great performance on a big stage to our parents someday."

N: Need
Whats the thing you need the most?

"Trust. I think trust is most needed to be able to have relationships with other people." (Gyuri)

"People. Family. Fans. Close friends." (Seungyeon)

"Concern and care. There are times during our activities that we each feel tired, so I think to be able to stick together, we must always be concerned and take care of each other." (Nicole)

"Personal time. Nowadays, its piano. I want to learn how to play the guitar and keyboards." (Jiyoung)

tip-off: mae@KARAholic, anne@KARAholic
translated by: coffeebeanie@KARAholic.

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[news] SNSD's Quick Release of "Run Devil Run"...The Netizens' Explosive Responses

[AsiaKyungjae Reporter Jo Bumja] SNSD released their title song for their repackaged 2nd album, "Run Devil Run," on the 17th. It is already receiving explosive amounts of responses from netizens.

A preview of the concept of "Run Devil Run" was shown during the last part of their "Oh!" music video. Just as shown in the preview, the lyrics of the song are sending a word of warning to bad boys honestly and without hesitation. They showed a preview of a transformed SNSD by giving off a "femme fatale" atmosphere, which is slightly different than what atmospheres they've been giving off before.

The fans who have heard this new song through Bugs, Melon, and other music sites, have welcomed the transformed SNSD by saying comments such as, "It's mysterious and fresh," and, "It's so catchy, it seems like this one's going to be big as well."

The title song, "Run Devil Run," has a very strong sound of synth pop, and it perfectly balances SNSD's very charismatic vocals.

Busbee(USA), Alex James(UK), Kalle Engstrom(Sweden), and other composers from all over the world have collaborated to create this song. The new American popstar, Ke$ha, recorded a "guide version"** of the song before her debut around August 2008, as she is close with one of the composers.

There has been cases where Ke$ha's guide version has been taken down from Youtube as it was illegally leaked and uploaded. Thus, SNSD is the first to be officially presenting this song.

In addition, SNSD is expected to show a very powerful and charismatic performance to match the atmosphere of this title song. The interest in their performance, outfits, and more, is expected to to be very high.

On another note, the music video for SNSD's new song, "Run Devil Run," will be revealed for the first time on Bugs and the smartphone SNSD application at 12:00am on this coming 18th. Their first performance will be on the coming 19th of March on KBS2's "Music Bank."


**By "guide version", they mean like a "demo" version. This means that Ke$ha recorded the song before her debut just as a demo track, and it also implies that Ke$ha doesn't hold rights to this song. It was first offically released by SNSD, so SNSD did not "copy" Ke$ha. I know there was a lot of commotion around this. If this becomes an issue and SM needs to come out with an official statement on it, they will.

Source: Asia Kyungjae

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[picture] Wonder Girls filming for a new CF?

Havent had much wonder girls lately?

But looks like the girls are quite pre occupied these days, with a possible filming for a car commercial?

some say its a CF for KIA a well noted car brand.... but its just rumors....

but still, its nice to see the wonder girls around right?

especially with their comeback soon....

Credits (photo): TooBinLovers @ wgspectacle

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[news] F.Cuz Jinon - “Those words from Kwon Sang Woo made me...”

[Irrelevant information omitted]

“In our singing industry, no matter if it’s debut or what-not, just go all out for it.”

Leader Jinon looked at the eyes of his dongsaengs*, 3 more months before their debut in October 2009, their responsibilities and fatigue had already been raised to the highest peak. Although they endured and prepared for two years, yearning for the stage in desire, it was not like that. The four members caught a cold together, feeling unwell for a long time. However, seeing that the debut was right in front, training had to be doubled up, and had to endure it painfully. But, the gentle dongsaengs still nodded in agreement with Jinon’s words.

At dawn, while everyone was still asleep, they packed their luggages and called for a taxi. Without any plans, they escaped the hostel. Although escaping with strong hearts, but from the first day, money had already been spent away. With the help of Jinon’s friend, the day was spent innocently and helplessly at his house. However, in the end, under their parents and company’s persuasion, their “escape” ended within three days.

And in the end, on 8th January 2010, F.CUZ performed on KBS ‘Music Bank’ stage. With a very strong addictive beat and melody, the first digital single ‘Jiggy’ has gotten an explosive response after their debut.

“How did we finish singing and get off the stage, did we hold the microphones properly, I totally had no impression at all. Of course everything was in a mess, but the performance was above expectation, so I will give myself about 80 points, haha.”

In fact, long ago, leader Jinon actually appeared in front of the large audience before.

In 2005, during SBS ‘Truth Game’**, performing in a role of Kwon Sang Woo’s cousin, he got on the top internet search on portal sites within a month and thus received a lot of attention. The reactions from the surroundings were very passionate. Flooded with contacts from famous project companies, even if it was immediate, it felt as if one would able to become a superstar.

“One day, while chit-chatting with a friend at a café, I took a look at the side mirror. I, myself, didn’t even realise about my straight neck, facial expression full of arrogance. I also got a shock as to why was I being like this, so I gave myself a slap immediately. From that point onwards, I was determined that in future, even if I become successful, I must not be like that.”

In July 2005, Jinon was very fortunate to meet a big-scale project company, which was in preparation for the group ‘Cho Shin Sung’***, to join as a member. He started his training period, but, the dream of a trainee life was definitely not that beautiful. In the end, because there were some disagreement among the members, he gave up halfway, determined to withdraw.

“For a young age, the impact was so huge. Saying it in another way is, experiencing the bitterness of society life. After withdrawal, I got into depression and was afraid to get close to the crowd. Bulimia and anorexia happened repeatedly as if it was a life in hell.”

At last, he still had to visit the hospital for treatment. Under the head of the current project company, it was like a stream of light that shone in the darkness; he started his ‘second life’. When preparing for F.CUZ, he got an opportunity to act in ‘Cinderella Man’ because he resembled Kwon Sang Woo. Although he was famous by the name ‘Anyang High School of Art, Kwon Sang Woo’, but meeting Kwon Sang Woo was still his first time. Having to catch a glimpse of the ‘real’ Kwon Sang Woo in the filming studio, because of the words that he told Jinon, Jinon felt goosebumps all over.

*Dongsaeng – Little brother
**Not very sure of exact show title
***Cho Shin Sung – Supernova

Source: Asiae & Likemoon
Translated by: xing@F.CUZ Singapore

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[news] F.Cuz LeeU does not want Taiwanese fans to waste money

In the past, it was always the fans who were giving the presents. However, after Korea's "pretty boys" rookie group F.CUZ signed to Taiwan's Seed Music, instead, main vocalist LeeU who will be celebrating his 21st birthday on 20th March, doesn't want noble gifts but hopes that the record company will hold a "Birthday Celebration Greetings" event. He will also pick 5 creative messages written by the fans and giveaway his autograph as an appreciation.

LeeU revealed through the agency that he hopes everyone will not waste money this year, but instead, leave him a message. Seed Music will organise this message event at their official site until 19th March, 23:59PM, and to have a Seoul interpreter to translate all the messages next, and then send them to Seoul to let LeeU read for himself.

Wanting the idol to favour the fans' messages, several fans even expressed themselves in Korean. Besides wishing LeeU a happy birthday, they also wished for him to work harder in learning Chinese. There are even messages from Malaysian fans , hoping to see F.CUZ to perform overseas.

Source: Showbiz Chinatimes
Translated by: xing@F.Cuz Singapore

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[news] Jang Keun Suk talks about his drinking buddies and Lee Hongki

Jang Keun Suk talks about his drinking buddies, says that Lee Hong Ki walks away without paying

Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk held his fanmeeting at the National Memorial Hall on the 7th. He said Taiwanese fans' enthusiasm has drawn his attention, "They follow me wherever I go! Looking at them getting on cabs, chasing after me on motorbikes, I hope that they can be more aware of their safety." He went onto saying that he once went drinking with showbiz friends Lee Hong Ki and Kim Heechul. Among the two, Lee Hong Ki's drinking ability is better and he drinks more, but also tried walking out without paying.

Jang Keun Suk said when he was studying in New Zealand, he thought Taiwanese classmates were very friendly, he also flirted :"Taiwanese girls are very pretty." Most Korean celebrities tour around night markets[Taiwan is famous for their night markets that sell a lot of special Taiwanese food and products] and the 101 Tower. But Jang Keun Suk does not go along with the norm, he said that he especially wanted to visit convenience stores because "from visiting convenience stores one can observe the consumer behavior and culture of people belonging to that place. Beside, I love drinking tea, so I am hoping to purchase a box of Taiwanese tea and bring it back to Korea."

He knew FT Island's vocalist Lee Hong Ki from working on "You're Beautiful" together, and he also worked with Super Junior's Kim Heechul on Inkigayo. Jang Keun Suk said humorously that Lee Hong Ki's drinking abilities is the best, "before he came to Taiwan, I had dinner with him and we drank until morning. He fled without paying!" He also complimented that Kim Heecuhl's drinking manners are quite good, whenever they go drinking they will each pay half of the bill.

Korean actress Park Shin Hye worked with him in drama "You're Beautiful". Jang mama openly declared that she likes Park Shin Hye a lot. Jang Keun Suk said that the two families live in the same area and the distance between them is only 5 minutes by road. However, when they were done with "You're Beautiful"'s filming, Park Shin Hye was too into her role in the drama and consequently kept a distance fearing that she would fall in love with him.

Credit to: Karrenstar @ JangGeunSuk thread @ Soompi
re-post: poko_poko5000@Soompi + resha_rin@Silh0uette

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