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[news] Full Translation of BIGBANG on Choice is Yours Interview


:: First part :::

♥ What is your impression of Japan?

YB: I've always said it, but the streets are very clean, everywhere is clean. There are lots of snacks, and we always go eat buffet. It's really very comfortable here.
SR: Also, the weather is very good. Recently, Korea is super very cold, and the weather is very good in Japan, it's good.

♥ What's your feeling towards Japanese fans?

GD: No matter they are from Korea or Japan, our fans are always ready to be happy with us on the stage, it's very fun.

♥ (from the fans) What's your type of girl?

YB: Lovely girl. If I meet her, I would have no problem [marrying her] even if it is tomorrow, or even if I meet her right now... The life I am living right now, I have the means to get married; when I come home from work, I do not want to be lonely. Also, I love children, so I want to get married as soon as possible, or else it will be too late.

TOP: I think differently at different tiomes, but I think it is better to get married a little later. I still love my career more right now, I want to do many things when I am still young. When I have more free time, I will want to get married and live happily.

DS: Soulmate. I have been to quite a number of weddings lately, and when I saw the happiness on the faces of the bride and groom, I felt that they were very happy. If at all possible, I want to get married early, as long as I love her from the bottom of my heart it will be enough. (Q. How many years until you have to get married?) Within 5 years.

GD: K-k-k- That's all I can say. (YB: We understand.) After this interview, I want to get married immediately. (?!)

SR: My type is Miyazawa Aoi. I like girls like her. But I don't want to get married yet. Because I am still young. (YB: He still wants to have fun with his life.) No, no, no.

♥ (from the fans) What's your favourite Japanese phrase?

SR: Suge! (Brilliant!)
GD: Ora! (Hey!)
YB: Osu! (I have no idea)
TOP: Ikura desu ka? (How much?) YES YES TOP WE KNOW.
DS: Choudo ii. (Just right.)

♥. (from the fans) What is your most treasured possession now?

SR: The members. (GD and YB drops their head in their laps) What is this reaction?! They are very important people to me.

♥ G-Dragon, how do you feel to hear this?

GD: I feel good. Yes.

♥ You are all very close, no?

DS: Yes, we are very close.

::: Second part :::

♥ (from the fans) If G-Dragon did not enter Big Bang, what career will he choose?

GD: Seungri's manager.
YB: Seungri's manager.
SR: VI's manager. Isn't it good? It's good to have G-Dragon as manager.
GD: (Q. Why VI?) Oh, because I think if I can't be a singer, VI can support my living.

♥ Is there something you want to apologize to a member for?

YB: We've read... VI's... mail. We wanted to keep it secret, but we feel that this is not right.
SR: It's not right. Absolutely not right! (Q. Did you know?) Yes, they would be reading from my cellphone and keep laughing. And I would ask, "Why are you laughing?!" They would say, "You, what is this [in your phone]?!"
GD: So, what is the content of the mails?
SR: ...I'll tell you later.
YB: I want to tell everybody [what is in your mails].
SR: It's mails I send to my friends, but the content...
YB: It's really bad stuff. Stuff we can't talk about in a television show.

[Some comments about Electric Love Tour, but nothing too interesting so I'll skip it.XP]

::: Third part :::

(starting from 1:35)

YB: Thank you everyone, the titles we have chosen is- *ding-ding*.

YB: I chose this title because if we become singers for like, another 10 years, I want us to mature into artists that is capable and deserving of singing a song that is called "Earth".

DS: I chose "Kizuna". The reason is that between us and our fans, there is a warm kizuna (bond). I want to make a new song of it, so I chose this title.

SR: I chose "Suki da Yo!" (I Like you!) I say, "I like you!", you'll be touched, right? "I like you!", so touched, right? It's so good, this phrase. Isn't it great?
YB: Well, because it is you, this phrase suits you.

TOP: I chose "Baaachishi" (Osaka way of saying "Great"). I like this word "Baachishi", so I chose "Baachishi". How do you say dream in Japanese? (YB: Yume.) Yes, our dream is to be baachishi, so...
YB: But we are already baachishi now.
TOP: No, I am hoping we will become baachishi. *laughs* Is... my Japanese good?
SR: Yes! It's good!
TOP: Thank you. I love you.
SR: Who? Who? Who? Who?
TOP: You... I love you.

GD: My choice is "Give It To Me!" It's because I remember a singer I used to like a lot when I was young, so I chose this. I hope everyone can yell after me. (sings) Give it to me one time! Well, everyone is not doing it. (sings) Give it to me one time! (FAILS) Okay, once more, Give it to me one time! Give it to me two time! (FAILS AGAIN)
SR: It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
TOP: It's alright.
GD: Argh, fine, that's all.

YB: (finally they chose Earth) I'm so happy, the one that I chose is decided on. We will sing this song, and always strive to become singers who will be deserving of a song with this name!

::: Last part :::

♥ Saying their grateful to VIP and asking them to keep supporting them and saying they will try their hard to perform and entertain all the VIPs..
♥ Bae goofing around while Ji doing his speech waving his peace sign on the camera..Same goes to Tabi,Dae disturbing his effort trying to speak in Japanese but in the end major failure again.So he just continue in Korean making the boys LOL at him..!

Translation by: o_srsly & nurika@LJ
Credit: nurika of Soompi for posting

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