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[NEWS] BoA for Korean comeback coming 25th August in lieu of 10th debut anniversary!

With her 10th debut anniversary coming up, singer BoA will be back in Korea releasing a new album.

Coming 25th August, BoA will release a full-length album in Korea and start promotional activities. This will be her comeback in Korea 5 years since her last album ‘Girls On Top’ released in 2005. And in lieu of her 10th debut anniversary, she wishes to have grand comeback in Korea. Currently, BoA is doing her Japanese concert tour after the release of her 7th Japanese album ‘Identity’ released in February. After the concert tour, she will start preparations for her domestic comeback.

SM Entertainment revealed on 1st March, “2010 is the 10th debut anniversary for BoA. She will release a new album and meet with fans after 5 years since her ‘Girls On Top’ album. The comeback date will be symbolic 25th August.”

For her recent Japanese album, BoA participated as a producer for the first, to better show her own colours and charms in the album. And as for her comeback album, the SM rep said, “There is possibility for BoA to participate as producer for this new album to better showcase her own unique music style. It will be decided through our discussions for the album.”

And as for her American promotions, BoA debuted with the song ‘Eat You Up’ in 2009 and for 2010, the SM rep revealed, “She will continue with her American activities. Even now, Lee SooMan producer is seeing to BoA’s promotions in the States.”

S: IlGanSports + sookyeong

[Videos] KARA & Rainbow at SS501 Encore Concert

A couple days ago, we have reported that KARA & Rainbow will make appearance for their sunbae, SS501 Encore Concert.

I just found some fancams for their performance.
Well, it's just fancams, sorry if the quality is not so good.
But it's still a worth performance.

Enjoy the videos.

KARA performed Lupin & Mister

JungMin - If You Cannot (ft. KARA Gyuri)

JungMin sang Rainbow - Kiss (Kiss is Rainbow song, composed by JungMin) - Ver. 1

JungMin sang Rainbow - Kiss (Kiss is Rainbow song, composed by JungMin) - Ver. 2

Cr: 3kimheoparkss501@YT & as tagged
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[News] Brian Joo to make comeback on M! Countdown

Looks like this March, there will be another comeback. This time is from Brian Joo.
Just now, he tweeted that he will make his comeback on this week M! Countdown.
Let's just hope for his success.

Here is the screen cap from his twitter
Anticipating his comeback as well
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Please support our new channel!

Well,this is a truely bad week not only for 2PM,but for me as well.

I have been working very hard on my channel (dkpopnews11 @ Youtube) for the past 2 months and i managed to gain over 3600 subscribers.However,another nightmare for me when i noticed that my channel was banned again by Youtube.

Well,i hope that you will continue to support and subscribe to our new channel,thank you!!


[Pictures] BEAST 'Shocking' Teaser

cr. Bestiz + ♥JunSooYe♥@b2strising

As we all know, BEAST is going to make their comeback anytime soon.
As for now, they've released the album jacket for their new mini-album "Shock of the new Era"
Well, for me, it's shocking just like the title.
Their look do change.
And for a bit info, their MV will be released today (1st March)
So, stay tuned for the MV



Anticipating their comeback?
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[News] SS501 plans for new album release

On 27th, before their Encore concert in Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastic Stadium, in the press conference, SS501 revealed their plans for their new album and received much concern.

As for when SS501 new album will be able to reveal to all, they expressed: "The 2nd album is currently under preparation, we have decided together with our company to release it on 1 May since it represent 501. Whether it is a full 2nd album or mini album, it is not confirmed yet. However, because with the thoughts of '501 days', so the new album will be revealed on 1 May.

In addition, SS501 revealed 'Holding our concert in Asia region, we have received a lot of response/feedback from the audience, it helped in planning the stage, song, and dance well. Unknowingly, while holding the concert, one year has past, we have grown up for another one year old, coming to the mid of 20s, becoming more matured."

Lastly, SS501 expressed that they are working towards the target to hold their Asia Tour Concert every year.

Credit: + (Chinese translation) ByFhyunglang@Baidu Tieba SS501 + (English translation)
Please repost with full credit

*Looking forward their new album
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[Pictures] f(x)'s Sulli at Nana'b fansign event!

Wow,Sulli is getting much exposure nowadays compared to other f(x)'s members.

Here are some photos of Sulli on the scene of the fansigning event of Nana'B,please take a look at her photos here,she is cute right??

Source: As Tagged + bestiz
Reuploader: SUPERSEXY! JAE.
Credit: Aff(x)tion Forums

[NEWS] F.cuz, ‘We cast off the burden of being 2nd generation idols’!

Garnering interest even before their debut, idol group F.cuz (Jinon, Lee U, Kan, Yejun) has officially debuted and is taking a stab at the music industry.

They can’t look any happier than when they sing their fresh youthful debut-song ‘Jiggy.’ On the day of the interview, despite the fact that Kan had injured his leg and was wearing a cast, he smiled saying, “I’m so happy to release and promote this album.”

# Within 3 minutes our whole lives…

They still remember their debut stage very clearly. They’ve prepared for 2 whole years but in those short 3 minutes and 10 seconds it felt like they revealed their whole lives. Even though they felt it might’ve been in vain they did not cry. They probably won’t ever forget what their debut stage was like.

This newly debuted group is filled with ambition. Lee U is very playful and likes talking so he’ll probably do well in variety programs. Kan is very masculine but has an off-the-wall charm. Leader Jinon wants to approach fans as a ‘simple guy’ or ‘pleasant guy.’

Their love for youngest member Yejun is especially particular. The members smiled proudly, calling Yejun their team’s mascot. “He is so unbelievably cute when he smiles!”

# Supernova, a good experience

Leader Jinon was originally a member of Supernova. I wonder how he remembers the experience. He shared, “Right now the background is helping me in many ways. Like, I have experience of living in a dorm, so as a leader I have a lot to share. Also because I’ve been the youngest before I understand how difficult it can be. So I want to make sure our team’s magnae Yejun never feels hurt for being the youngest.”

He added, “I said, ‘Let’s make it to the top together without any dropouts’ and I think the dongsengs are following me well.”

# We don’t feel so burdened anymore!

Lee U was already known pre-debut for being Sul Woon-do’s son. Being a 2nd generation celebrity can be a blessing but it can also be a curse.

About this Lee U said, “At first because of prejudice against second generation celebrities, there were some misunderstandings and some did not approve of me. But these days it’s gotten a lot better. The disapproval is not as sharp anymore. Now I think I prefer it this way; my father gives me a lot of advice.”

Actually Lee U used to look at his father who is a singer, and think, “I better not become a singer.” This is because he felt resentful due to his father always being too busy to be home. But then in his first year of middle school he saw his father performing a concert and saw that his father glowed. After that he realized that while the job of a singer is difficult it has its benefits. He knew that the road to becoming a singer would not be easy. His father opposed. But seeing his son working hard persistently, he eventually gave his consent.

# Fun dorm life

Right now members of F.cuz are living together in a dorm. At first they could not even imagine living together. But after the decision was made and they met and talked, it felt like meeting family that they had known for 2, 3 years. Because they communicate well and have similar personalities they are having a great time together. Living in a dorm feels like filming a fun variety program.

# Our charms

Next we had an opportunity for them to shamelessly boast their individual charms. We didn’t realize how quickly time passed as they blatantly listed them one by one without thinking to be shy.

Yejun, “I think I’m a man with a beautiful smile. People really don’t like when my face is expressionless so I try to always laugh. And I think my hands are nice.” (Haha)

Kan, “I think I have 1000 faces. My image changes according to how I’m styled. And my honey thighs are attractive and I’m the strongest.” (This is embarrassing)

Lee U, “Hmm, should I say my charm is my smiling-eyes and my small face? (Haha) And people do say that I play the piano well.”

Jinon, “Like my cherry lips, sharp nose, and Jjang-goo-like thick eyebrows? But it’s really embarrassing to say this with my own lips. And I think I look good in a suit.”

F.cuz has made their goal this year to become closer with fans. While winning the newcomer award would be great, their main goal is to concentrate on their activities while showing their unique colors and personalities. F.cuz has a lot left to show us, and this is only the beginning.

Korean Source: OSEN
Translated by: [info]okdubu @ [info]omona_prection

[NEWS] Gyuri meets her "ex-boyfriend" after 10 years.

On KBS 2TV 'Sweet Night's corner 'Sweet Meeting!" broadcasted on February 28, girl group Kara's Park Gyuri reunited with her "ex-boyfriend" Podong from the show 'Sonagi' after 10 years!

Park Gyuri reunited with her old friend 'Podong', Kim Youngdae. They acted together on the show 'Sonagi', corner of MBC's old variety show 'Today is a Good Day!'. On that show, Park Gyuri starred as Podong's girlfriend. It's been 16 years since they filmed 'Sonagi' together and 10 years since Park Gyuri last saw Kim Youngdae. Kim Youngdae got popularity by giving the viewers a lot of laughs when he acted along Kang Hodong 16 years ago.

Park Gyuri expressed she missed him by saying: "I wasn't able to meet Kim Youngdae for 10 years". Because of that, the staff of 'Sweet Night' contacted Kim Youngdae to make the reunion come true but when they met, Park Gyuri seemed surprised at how much Podong had changed. The little chubby Podong grew up to become a tall handsome young man.

Afer seeing the tall and handsome 23 years old Kim Youngdae, the hosts and the other Kara members said to him: "Do you have a girlfriend?" "You two should date!".

Kim Youngdae, who was on a break from his military service that day, appeared on the show wearing his military uniform and explained about his appearance change: "When I was to enter highschool, I lost almost 30kgs to become an actor." And revealed: "I'll be discharged from military service on the 5th of March". To this, Park Gyuri said: "(Youngdae) grew up well." while smiling embarrassedly.

Kim Youngdae continued: "I'm happy to meet again like this. I wish success for Kara's new album." and also revealed his personal dream by saying: "I'm eager to start acting again".

Source: NEWSEN (Screencaps included)
Translated by:
Do not alter the translations when taking out!

[News] 2PM next album is still set for April

There will be no change in their schedules. The members will continue to prepare for the album to be released in April. Because of the World Cup that begins in May, they need to be able to control and organize their schedule. Although it is expected for them to delay their album production because of the Jaebum controversy, they will not be delaying it at all.

Their individual activities will also continue as planned.

If there is a difference from last September, it is the support of the fans. Fans are rejecting the group after notice of the complete withdrawal of Park Jaebum and it is expected to effect the activities of the group.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

*Let's support the boys. If 2PM is precious to all of you, it means 6 members are precious as well.
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[NEWS] JYPE "2PM's six members are the victims"

JYPE, who had a meeting with the fans after announcing that 2PM’s leader Jaebum has officially ended his contract after leaving the group and returning to the US for saying bad things about Korea, revealed that the rest six members were the victims. On February 27th from 3PM to around 7PM, 2PM’s six members and JYPE’s representative Jung Wook had a meeting with the 2PM fans at Seoul Munjung-dong Garden Five.

On February 28th at around 12:20AM, 2PM fans posted up on their fan café ‘Hottest’ the content and other regards of this meeting.

Based on this summary, Rep Jung Wook revealed about the ‘serious personal mistake’ that was listed as the reason on the message from February 25th about Jaebum’s contract termination: After this situation occurred, I didn’t want the six members to become traitors. The rest six members are more important than just one member.”

Rep Jung Wook also said, “We couldn’t write a lie that would be read by all citizens of Korea,” and explained, “If we look at it schematically, the other six members are victims and if we do not tell the truth, there will be continuous questions about it so we revealed the reason as ‘a serious personal mistake.’

Especially Rep Jung said, “JYPE isn’t responsible for personal lives of the celebrities of our company, and I think Park Jaebum should be entirely in charge of what happened,” and he repeatedly claimed, “If we look at it schematically, Park Jaebum is the offender and the rest six members of 2PM are the victims.”

In response to the message revealing that the reason is simply ‘a serious personal mistake,’ Rep Jung Wook asserted, “We didn’t want it to be disclosed but because there is a person related to the problem so even if JYPE doesn’t do it, I think there is a possibility the problem will be revealed. So, there is entirely no blame for the victims.”

Jaebum was in risk after the netizens found out on September 5, 2009 that Jaebum posted up messages such as “I want to leave Korea” on his MySpace, an American Social Networking site, in 2005.

In response, the fans did many protests and boycotts and other various works for his comeback. However, on February 25th, JYPE revealed that Jaebum, who is in the US after leaving the team last year because netizens found out about his criticizing of Korea, has permanently ended his contract. JYPE explained, “The reason is a part of Jaebum’s personal life so we can’t reveal it, resulting in the decision to terminate his contract.”

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
CREDITS : starnews (SOURCE) ; qtkrngal515@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

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[Video] Idols Dance Party on Family Outing Season 2

On February 28th's episode of Family Outing Season 2, just like usual the family members have to do a certain task to avoid chores, continuing the tradition of the first season of the show. On this episode they have to dance. Check out the idol members of the family!

SNSD's Yoona danced to Seo Taiji's "I Know" and 2PM's Taecyeon danced to T-ara's "Bo Peep Bo Peep" and Turbo's "Black Cat". Surprisingly 2AM's Jo Kwon gave an impressive performance of Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean". But that's not all! For Jo Kwon a ssanti dance is always a must, so he also danced to SNSD's "Gee". Check out their performances!

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