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Showing posts with label DKP Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DKP Announcement. Show all posts

[Announcement] Most number of visitors online on DKP!

Dear DKP readers,sorry for my absence today due to some personal reasons.

I am here to delivers a great news,this is a very historical night for DKP.We managed to set the record of the most visitors online on DKP since its establishment May last year.

So the most visitors online at the moment is 600 visitors,hope that we can achieve more success in the future,thanks for your support all the time!

Please share this good news on Facebook and Twitter!

[Announcement] Send DKP some hot tips!

Dear readers,i have set up a tips box for readers to share some hot tips with us,we promise that we will try to make articles based on your tips provided that your tips are based on true facts.

Kindly click on the picture on the sidebar to share some hot tips with us!

Besides,we will also be recruiting some K Pop bloggers in the near future,if you have great english and love K Pop very much,you might be the person we are looking for,we will release another official statement in the near future,please share this post on Twitter and Facebook!

[Announcement] A LIVE video chat for K Pop Fans

Dear readers,i came across a powerful widget that can enable K Pop fans around the world to have a better communications.

Honestly,this is the first time for me to come across this widget and i actually don't know much about the widget itself,but it is easy to be used of course,you just need to have a webcam connected and you can start to have some interactions with others,get started now.


[Announcement] Try to comment using DISQUS!

I received a few complaints from readers saying that they face some problems to comment on our blog.

People have problems to comment using Twitter and Facebook,i guess that DISQUS is having some technical problems with other alternatives accounts,so we advise you to use a DISQUS account when commenting on our blog.

It only takes a few minutes to register for one,kindly visit the link below to sign up!


[Must Watch] DKPOPNEWS.NET promotional clip!

This is already the 3rd week since we changed our blog's layout and a few days after we changed from DKPOPNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM to DKPOPNEWS.NET.

Our blog's main video editor Coned @ Youtube produced a video exclusively to tour you around our blog.However,the authors list in this video is not so complete as Audrey is missing here when the video was produced,i am terribly sorry about that Audrey!

Please enjoy this video and please share it on Facebook and Twitter!

Follow our amazing video editor on Youtube too!

His new account

[Important Announcement] The end of DKPOPNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM!

Well,dear visitors,i am pretty sad to say goodbye to DKPOPNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM as i have been posting here for almost half a year,however.............

Don't be too pessimistic yet,i am glad to announce that we are having our very own domain name now,starting from today,the URL of Daily K Pop News will be changed to DKPOPNEWS.NET,a really great news to cheer,this is a huge achievement for everyone who worked on DKP since it was established in May last year!

Please continue to support us in the future!

Please share this great news on Twitter and Facebook!


[Annoucement] KARA's album winner revealed!

The winner of the KARA's Lupin album will be announced in a while!

We are currently calculating at the number of comments left by our top commenters,please remember to visit this page again in a while!

The winner is..........Sherlynlovekpop

Sherlynlovekpop left the most comments here since the new commenting system was launched,really appreciate those who always love and support DKP all the time,i am sorry to say that we are only able to give away a prize each time,hope that you will always support us by leaving us some comments after reading in the future!K Pop Lovers fighting!

Top 3 commenters at the moment!


[Announcement] New commenting system for DKP!

Many people complained to me that the commenting system of DKP is not so advanced compared to other K Pop sites.

I have been wondering how to make commenting more interesting on our site,thanks god i came across DISQUS comment system when doing some research online.

Well,from now onwards,starting from this posts,you will be able to post comments on DKP using DISQUS profile,Twitter account,Facebook account,Yahoo account as well as open ID!

Besides,there are some interesting features added when commenting,you can rate others' comments as well,In addition ,you can share a certain comments on Twitter and Facebook,so commenting on DKP is so convenient now!

Please share this good news with your friends on Twitter and Facebook,thank you!

Well,you can try to post some comments on this post,see whether it works or not,you are free to spam in this post too,haha!

Please note that we have just started using this system and we will try our best to improve it based on visitors' need! 

Besides,we are so sorry to tell our loyal readers (especially those who commented on DKP regularly) that the top commentors list will change to a new one to support our new commenting system,i apologise for that inconvenience!

Our all time top 10 commentors! 

  1. Sammie (207)
  2. Lennard (187)
  3. Juvi (147)
  4. Mocha_Tian ♥ (54)
  5. yu (52)
  6. dubii_rabbit04 (51)
  7. simba13 (43)
  8. Yumi (13)
  9. Qi Wei (11)
  10. Nikki Mariz (11)
Thanks for leaving comments after reading on DKP,please continue to support DKP by leaving more comments on our posts,i am sure that the new ranking will be more accurate compared to the previous one!


Please support our new channel!

Well,this is a truely bad week not only for 2PM,but for me as well.

I have been working very hard on my channel (dkpopnews11 @ Youtube) for the past 2 months and i managed to gain over 3600 subscribers.However,another nightmare for me when i noticed that my channel was banned again by Youtube.

Well,i hope that you will continue to support and subscribe to our new channel,thank you!!


[Announcement] Join DKP's team!

Dear readers,we are looking for more K Pop lovers to join our team.

The main objective of Daily K Pop News is to spread the K Pop love and make this place a "Home Of K Pop Lovers"!In order to make our blog a better place for K Pop lovers to gather,we need more K Pop lovers to share the love too.

We are currently looking for some authors,contributors as well as video editor to join us.

People might be wondering what's the difference between authors and contributors.Let's make it simple,authors are those who are able to produce some original or self-written articles while contributors are those who take articles from other sites and forums with proper credits.

For more rules and regulations of posting on Daily K Pop News,kindly refer to this page!!

Besides,we are looking for a video editor to join our team,the main job of a video editor is to make videos for our blog.Maybe it will take months for a new project for video editor,to join our team,you have to convince us with your previous project.

A simple video produced by me,apply to be a video editor if you have great video editing skills,i am sure many of you can produce a video which is better than mine.

Benefits of joining our team!!

You must be wondering what's the benefits of Joining DKP's Team,well i will list down some advantages here.

Ever thinking of having your own K Pop blog??You have to consider about many things if you want to start a K Pop blog.Firstly,you have to work on your blog's layout to make it attractive to visitors.After applying an attractive layout,you need to decorate with some banners.

After modifying your blog's appearance,you have to think of how to promote your blog.Besides,you are afraid that people won't visit your blog again due to slow updates.Everything is done on your own,but if you join our team,everything is totally different!

1.)We provide a great environment for authors,we have blog's designers as well as banners creators.
2.)We have loyal readers here who visit our site everyday.
3.)You don't have to worry that your articles are not appreciated as we have a minimum of 50000 pageviews per day!
4.)You don't have to promote your own articles as we will promote your articles on our Twitter and Facebook Fanpage.
5.)You can promote your own Twitter and Facebook page at the end of the articles to gain some fame.

What are you waiting for,visit this page and apply to be in our team now!!

Contact if you are interested to join us!!

[Announcement] Become a member of Daily K Pop News!

Dear readers,i have a small request here.

In order to have more interactions with readers of Daily K Pop News,i sincerely hope that you will join our blog to become a member here.

It is easy to join us as a member,it is easier if you have a Twitter account,kindly scroll to the bottom of our blog and click on the follow button to be a member here.

If you do not have Twitter,you can register using Google Account,apply the same method and become a member of Daily K Pop News!

The main benefits of becoming our blog's members are!

1.) You will have an avatar while commenting on our posts!
2.)You will have the opportunity to attract other people to visit your own blog while leaving comments here.
3.)You will have the right to request for the K Pop wallpapers you like!  Download Wallpapers Here

Just a click and you will have some many benefits,what are you waiting for??

[Announcement] Support Daily K Pop News on Twitter!

Dear readers,our blog's staff Shayne Kay has created a Twibbon for Twitter users to share the k pop love.

Kindly click on the box above to show your support and of course share it with your friends,thank you!!

[DKP Video] Daily K Pop News promotional video!

Dear DKP's readers,i have created a very simple videos to promote our blog.

This is the first time for me to produce a video and i do not know much about producing video.This video is produced using Movie Maker,a software for beginners,haha!

If you are confident that you are able to produce a better video for Daily K Pop News,kindly send us an email.!

Watch our blog's promo video here,please share this video with your friends,thank you very much!!


[Announcement] Parnerships with UrAsianSourceTv!

Dear readers,we are proud to announce that UrAsianSource TV @ Youtube is now an official partner of Daily K Pop News.

DKP will be working together with UrAsianSource TV in the future to provide readers with more up to date K Pop News and many more latest K Pop clips!

Please show our partner some support !


[Announcement] Happy Lunar New Year....and Happy Valentines day!

Happy Lunar New Year to all DKP's readers who visit our blog regularly.

This year's Lunar New Year is a bit special as 14th February is Valentines Day too.I represent all the staff of Daily K Pop News to wish everyone a remarkable "Tiger" year.

Besides,i also want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.For those who are still single,best of luck to get a partner soon.

Lastly,please take note that we won't be updating as much as always for these few days as many of us are celebrating the Lunar New Year,sorry for the inconvenience that might cause..

Happy Lunar New Year & Happy Valentines Day


[Annoucement] Join our group on Facebook!

Dear visitors,i know that you must be wondering why are we building up another page on Facebook since we have a fanpage for Daily K Pop News already!

Well,the main purpose for us to create a group on Facebook is to have interactions with DKP's readers,the fanpage that we have serves to update fans with all the news we posted on our site!

So please support us by joining our group on Facebook!!

Thanks for your suppor dear fans,we will work hard to provide the latest K Pop news in the future!

[Announcement] Partnerships with Really Cute Asians!

Dear visitors,DKP is currently looking for sites or forums that are interested to be our blog's partners!

We are glad to announce that we have agreed a partnerships with a popular site that blogs about asian girls (Really Cute Asians).

You can see the banner of Really Cute Asians on our sidebar.For more informations of the hottest models in Asia,kindly visit the site!

If you are interested to form a partnerships with Daily K Pop News,kindly contact us through email

The main criteria to become our blog's partners is,you must have at least 2000 unique visitors per day on your site!

[DKP Announcement] Breaking 3 millions hits!

It has been a while since i posted up an official post here to interact with DKP's readers.

I am writing this post to deliver a great news to all of you here.I placed up a hit counter on our blog 2 months ago to calculate our blog's hits,many of us were surprised when it broke 3000000 hits within 2 months,that's a mission impossible for DKP when we started this blog.We only managed to get 50000 hits for the first 2 months when DKP was built!

So without K Pop lovers who visit us regularly,we won't reach 3000000 hits in 2 months,once again i want to thank all of you for showing your love and support towards K Pop and DKP!

For those who have any suggestions or opinions to tell,kindly leave them here,thanks!

[DKP Announcement] The winner of SNSD's "Oh!" album is....

Before announcing the winner of the "Oh!" album,i have to thank every loyal readers of  DKP who contributed your opinions after reading news here and enjoy the interactions with other K Pop lovers around the world.

I am so sorry that DKP is only afford to giveaway 1 album for this contest,i have to apologise to those who wanted this album so much.Besides,there are some confusions caused on the instructions of the contest,i am so sorry about it,since this is the first time we are having a giveaway contest,we make some mistakes.

Now,i will announce the winner of the album.The username of the lucky winner is Brandonlim , congratulations!We will contact you will e-mail later for more details!

Lastly,once again i have to thanks everyone who has participated in this contest,we will try to host more prize winning contest in the future,so please continue to show K Pop your love!

[Notice] Singapore Wonderfuls Annual Kpop Gathering 2009!

There are some informations concerning the Annual K Pop Gatherings in Singapore,so k pop lovers in Singapore,what are you waiting for,there are even promotional clips prepared for the gathering,please have a look!

Information as below:

- Reliving the Wonder Years: Singapore Wonderfuls Annual Kpop Gathering
- 5th December 2009, 7pm
- Public Utilities Board Recreation Club - 48 Woodleigh Park S(357844)
Dress Code: Smart Casual

Early Bird: SGD$7
At the Door: SGD$10
*excluding SGD$1 entry fee

Official Event Thread:
Official Facebook Event Page:

Promotion clips:

Yours sincerely,

Apple Lee
General Executive Officer,
Wonder Girls Singapore fan club - Singapore Wonderfuls

With effect from 6th December 2009, I will be converted to Honourary Member till further notice. Please direct all enquiries to the following personnel:

- Chief Executive Officer 원★Day:
- Technical Executive Officer nelsontyc:
- Moderator Shox:
- Moderator Qiann:
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