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Showing posts with label Eeteuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eeteuk. Show all posts

[News] Boom, “I miss Eeteuk, Eunhyuk and 2PM”

Currently serving his military service, broadcaster Boom (Lee MinHo) reveals that he wishes to see/misses juniors 2PM and Super Junior.
Boom revealed after f(x)’s “2010 Friends APEC Goodwill Ambassador” held on 29th January in Seoul. He told reporters present that he misses the colleague celebrities whom he did not get to meet after he entered the military.
He said, “Even though I haven preparing to enter the military for a long time back, because I could not tell those around me, entering the army had seemed like very sudden. I cannot say that there was no regrets since I’m doing well on broadcast shows, but I thought as a Korean this is due duty which I have to serve.”
He added, “But it was really a shame that I could tell my colleagues before hand about entering the military. I miss Lee Teuk and Eun Hyuk, and I also really miss 2PM. I really miss the original Boom-academy. I also miss all the seniors like Lee GyeongGyu, Kang HoDong, Kim YongMan etc.”
“Also Lee SeungGi said he would visit, but he hasn’t done so.” relaying his affection to colleagues on SBS variety show ‘Strong Heart’.
But when asked if there is any competition amongst all the upcoming idols prominent on variety shows, like Jo Kwon, Lee Teuk, Eun Hyuk and ShinDong, Boom said, “There is no competition at all. I guess there will be all the talk about it after I finish my military service. But I’m not scared at all and I’m watching.”
Boom reported for his military service on 27th October last year.
Credits: kbites

[News] Eeteuk, Heechul & Shindong to be special MCs for this week SBS Inkigayo

This week SBS Inkigayo will be a special epsidoe for Vancouver Olympic with the special MCs Super Junior's Leeteuk, Heechul and Shindong.

Also on this week Inkigayo - Vancouver Olympic special, a video clip to introduce the event which featured 's Teuk Academy's Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Shindong will be aired.

The show will last 80 minutes and will be aired live at 4PM on January 31st.

original article is here
translated by

may take out with full credits


[News] Eunhyuk:Super Junior Will Never Separate

Eunhyuk Has Only 300 Won with Him

Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, in your wallet, aside from money, what other things do you put inside?
Eunhyuk: 300 Won.
Leeteuk: Really? Wow, you’re crazy.
Eunhyuk: Hehe, I don’t have that much money. I only brought some cash for emergencies, cards, my identity card…… nothing else. Ah, as well as discount cards and coupons.
Leeteuk: Ah, you still bring cash with you. In my wallet, there isn’t any money. There was once, me and my manager went on the expressway, we had to pay the toll and I only had 500 won, I asked how much it cost and he said 800 won. I said I only had 500 won, and asked if he could give me a discount. That man thought I was crazy, I said I didn’t have money with me, what should I do. The manager beside me also didn’t have any money. In the end he left his bank account number, and we agreed to use Internet Banking to make the payment.
Eunhyuk: Just because of a mere 800 won…… I think the people passing by would even lend it to you (800 won is equal to less than 1 USD)
Leeteuk: The person is a civil servant.

Eunteuk’s ranking of the people around them
Eunhyuk: Leeteuk, in your handphone, who is number 1 on your speed dial?
Leeteuk: It’s empty. Because I feel that by arranging the people around you as number 1, number 2, when you interact with them, it’s as if there is also a sequence, so I do not arrange them on purpose.
Eunhyuk: So I purposely have a sequence when interacting with others
Leeteuk: Really? Then who’s number 1 (on your speed dial)?
Eunhyuk: My father
Leeteuk: Number 2?
Eunhyuk: My mother, my mother might be upset when she hears this, but a person’s habit is to address their father before their mother.
Leeteuk: Number 3
Eunhyuk: My sister
Leeteuk: Number 4
Eunhyuk: Number 4, at the moment…… there isn’t anyone
Leeteuk: Which beautiful girl are you planning to put there?
Eunhyuk: What. Originally, it was my home’s number, but now the phone line at home has been cancelled, so it’s blank. Number 5 is Leeteuk.
Leeteuk: Really? Ahahahaha.
Eunhyuk: From number 5 to the last one, would be our members, the sequence is according to the age.
Leeteuk: Oh, so it’s not a good sequence.
Leeteuk’s Fingernail is Broken
Eunhyuk: Just now, listening to the song “Broken Fingernail*” I suddenly thought of last week, one of the days Leeteuk was at the university recording a program, I was at home with nothing to do and listening to this song on my MP3. After that, at night I went to the KTR broadcasting studio, and Leeteuk’s fingernail was accidentally broken, it broke while recording the program…… Tell us about the situation
Leeteuk: Half of my fingernail split and broke.
Eunhyuk: When I came I saw him sticking a band-aid on
Leeteuk: So when I saw him, I said “Eunhyuk ah, hyung’s fingernail is broken, today, let’s play the song “Broken Fingernail”.
Eunhyuk: I got a shock, “Hyung, I also listened to this song during the day”
Leeteuk: It’s because you listened to this song, which is why I became in this state
Eunhyuk: I was feeling guilty. It’s okay now, right?
Leeteuk: Yeah, it’s much better. It’s not very serious, it only spilt a little.

Boasting King – Leeteuk
Leeteuk: We just sent off our guests, f(x), I said that when I had the time, I’d treat them to a meal. Our production crew outside was very anxious…..
Eunhyuk: You always say that you want to treat someone to a meal, but you have never given them a treat once. Always bragging “What do you want to eat? What do you like? Just say, when I have the time, I’ll treat you to a meal, and chat at the same time”, blindly saying this, but never having any actual action.
Leeteuk: I’m too busy
Eunhyuk: Busy, what are you busy with. During breaks, you can only sleep.
Leeteuk: That is called replenishing your energy.
Eunhyuk: Then you should stop bragging all day
Leeteuk: Then decide on a day, I’ll treat everyone to a meal. You decide on a time.
Eunhyuk: The time has been decided long ago, it’s just that you never treat (us).
Leeteuk: Just decide, I will really treat (you). Yesterday, Donghae told me his car was out of fuel, and he went out to refill more fuel. He called me to go over saying “Hyung, really sorry, I didn’t bring my wallet……”
Eunhyuk: Donghae, when he goes out he never brings his wallet, he is more unreasonable than me.
Leeteuk: I went to find him, I was late by 20 minutes. The person who went out to refill more fuel actually said he didn’t bring his wallet.
Eunhyuk: If you are going out with Donghae, you have to verify beforehand “Have you brought your wallet?”. He always answers saying he didn’t bring it, and even watches your reaction.

Sincerely wishing Eunteuk would find a girlfriend soon
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk! Recently, I’ve finally thought clearly why I always cannot get into a relationship. I really thought for very long, it’s because I’m afraid of getting hurt.
Eunhyuk: Afraid of breaking up? Afraid that in future, both of you cannot get along and break up?
Leeteuk: And when I like a person, I will commit wholeheartedly, I’m afraid it’ll be very tiring.
Eunhyuk: Me too. Once I commit, I also do it wholeheartedly. So each time I have a girlfriend, I don’t think about breaking up in the future.
Leeteuk: But I still wish I had a girlfriend…
Eunhyuk: It’s already autumn, and you’re still like this.
Leeteuk: Actually, no matter what, we are idols, and if we were to reveal that we have a girlfriend, the fans would explode “Oppa, how can you be like this, how can you not want us any longer”. But now it’s really too depressing and too lonely, even on cyworld and other places, many people want me to find a nice person soon.
Eunhyuk: Seems like all our fans have become mature.
Leeteuk: Their original words are like this “Oppa, why are you living like this? Is this even human?”
Eunhyuk: We are men too……
Leeteuk: For me, it’s okay. My date with the fans every day in Sukira is my life’s greatest pleasure.
Eunhyuk: Saying these, doesn’t it make me a bad person……

Donghae is Evil
Leeteuk: The other day, I turned off the light in the room, and I was organizing my clothes. For a moment, I was not careful and my kneecap hit the wooden surface beside my bed. Donghae, who was there sleeping, heard me knock into the bed and laughed really happily.
Eunhyuk: In the past, when I was in school, if I was to turn around and borrow something from my classmate, my elbow would accidentally hit the side of the chair, and it would feel numb, just like being electrocuted. I hate this the most. Even after graduating from school for so many years, I still have not forgotten that kind of feeling.
Leeteuk: Yeah, the feeling of your whole body being weak.

Members’ first individual vacations since debut
Eunhyuk: For the first time since Super Junior’s debut, this is really the first time we have been awarded a vacation.
Leeteuk: An individual one.
Eunhyuk: Yeah. The members’ schedules are all different, so everyone has an individual holiday. My holiday is from 9 September to 13 September, 5 days and 4 nights. So I decided to go on a vacation on my own. Ahahahahaha.
Leeteuk: Where are you planning to go? Can you say it out?
Eunhyuk: I’m going to….. France. Once I received the vacation, I felt that I definitely had to use it well, I really wanted to feel what an individual vacation was like. So I decided to go to this place that I am totally unfamiliar with.
Leeteuk: You can speak French?
Eunhyuk: It is getting closer and closer to my departure date, I suddenly feel very scared and very nervous. The people around me are also worried for me.
Leeteuk: Why did you choose France?
Eunhyuk: Because I wanted… because I wanted to experience the European culture, and at the same time, go shopping.
Leeteuk: Aiish…… You’re beautiful to death.
Eunhyuk: I hope I will not become an International Missing Person.
Leeteuk: I don’t have a vacation…..
Eunhyuk: There’ll be one in future.
Leeteuk: There won’t be one in future. I’m okay with not having one, being like this is quite alright.
Eunhyuk: When I go there, I will definitely take more pictures, and tell everyone some interesting stories.

Super Junior will never separate
Leeteuk: If I were to perform magic, and could fulfill one of your wishes, what would you wish for?
Eunhyuk: Super Junior will never separate.
Leeteuk: … Always? Forever?
Eunhyuk: Yeah. I’m very charming, right?
Leeteuk: What, charming? Are you saying the truth? What happens when we are old?
Eunhyuk: But I still wish that Super Junior will always be the best.
Leeteuk: I don’t feel this way, life will definitely reach a stage……
Eunhyuk: Now, it’s also the best moment, I just wish we can forever remain as it is right now. And I hope I can continue hosting KTR, forever, this is really sincere.
Leeteuk: In this lifetime, there will be nobody chasing you away forever, are you always going to host on your own?
Eunhyuk: Yeah.
Leeteuk: You don’t want me?
Eunhyuk: No, no, you have to be here, we have to host together. Leeteuk, what is your wish?
Leeteuk: I don’t have a wish, I just hope my faith will never change.
Eunhyuk: What is that faith of yours called.
Leeteuk: Ah, I’ve thought of it. When I’m old, I want to be able to hold my partner’s hand and stroll together.
Eunhyuk: Yeah, that’s quite blessed.
Leeteuk: And to be able to close my eyes and leave on the same day as her…… but this can’t do, she has to die before me, after she’s dead, I want to decorate her grave for her, ahahaha.


[News] Siwon Beat Up Eeteuk?

100115 – 100121 Sukira Transcripts

Men who have no face in front of women
Eunhyuk: Leeteuk, when was it, that you felt you were very short and small?
Leeteuk: The year when we were having Happy (SJ-H) activities, we went to a volley ball court once, and as Super Junior’s leader, I walked in full of confidence. Once I saw the handsome male volley ball players, I couldn’t lift my head. 193…… 198……
Eunhyuk: You looked like a dwarf.
Leeteuk: The Im Yong Han team members? Who are they, all of them look so handsome, and they are so tall, looking at them, I’m really envious. I’m wearing shoe lifts, and I still need to lift my head to look at them, it’s like with someone 3 meters tall.
Eunhyuk: Really envious……
Leeteuk: Have you had moments like this?
Eunhyuk: It was also during the Super Junior activities period, we went to two Super Model Selection Finals.
Leeteuk: Miss Korea beauty contest, we’ve been to both of them.
Eunhyuk: At that time, when we were escorting them onstage, it really embarrassed me…… Guys should be a lot taller than girls, but……
Leeteuk: We should be at least 15cm taller
Eunhyuk: But we’re too short, we really don’t have any face
Leeteuk: They are all 176 tall, and add on heels of 15cm
Eunhyuk: Even if the stylists put in their best efforts to find us the highest shoes, it’s also useless
Leeteuk: Next time, if we go there again, we can pile our hair vertically upwards
Eunhyuk: Or we can just sit there, and not escort them on stage

Siwon beat up Leeteuk
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, have you been hit on the nose by someone before?
Eunhyuk: I’ve been hit before, but it has never been broken
Leeteuk: Previously, I was hit by Siwon, and my cartilage broke
Eunhyuk: Yeah, that time when we were having dance practice, he suddenly used too much force……
Leeteuk: That huge hand of his……
Eunhyuk: His arm is so long, you were at the back and suddenly gave a loud scream, and after that you went to the hospital
Leeteuk: It hurt until my butt fell on the floor, and they were still saying I was joking “What happened to you? Ah, you’re groaning without any pain again”
Eunhyuk: All of us thought that you’re too talented in gag, while practicing the dance, there still was a lively atmosphere
Leeteuk: That day, when I went home, my face was all red and swollen, the second day, when I went to the hospital, the doctor said my cartilage was broken……

Girls who fought because of Eunhyuk
Eunhyuk: When I was young, there was an incident where the girls fought because of me
Leeteuk: You’re too good, when would there be something like this?
Eunhyuk: Really, when I was in Primary 6, some girl from my class, and another girl from the next class started fighting in between classes……
Leeteuk: (yawns)
Eunhyuk: Don’t sleep, listen to me. The two of them were the stronger girls in school, and pulling at each other’s throats, they yelled “Hey, you’re not allowed to date Hyukjae!”
Leeteuk: What is this
Eunhyuk: I’m not lying to you at all, in the area, there were many people watching
Leeteuk: Really childish.

Eunhyuk is Stingy
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk, you’re so petty, when returning you money, you’re quite clear of it
Eunhyuk: Of course, I’ve always been like this
Leeteuk: A long time ago, I lent you money, I myself forgot about it, and one day, I suddenly remembered and asked you, and you actually still remembered.
Eunhyuk: I’m very clear about money related matters. Although I’m quite petty, even when I’m with my best friend Junsu, I calculate the debts very clearly
Leeteuk: You return them quite late
Eunhyuk: true.
Leeteuk: In the past they used to say that when friends went to eat hamburgers, regardless of you and me, one person would pay the bill. But that time I went with Junsu and Eunhyuk, the two of them, each brought their own food……
Eunhyuk: of course.
Leeteuk: I said “why did both of you just buy your own food”,
“Hyung, we’re eating on our own”
Eunhyuk: We have never felt that it should be like that, it has always been each person paying their own bills
Leeteuk: Then when you finished eating, you still let me buy (food) for both of you?
Eunhyuk: That is because you’re the eldest
Leeteuk: On account of our old relationship, I want to let them treat me to a meal
Eunhyuk: Ah? Oh, when we have the time.

Yesung needed the Toilet urgently
Leeteuk: Previously, we held a fansign event in Myeongdong. On the way there, Yesung told me “Hyung…… I’m dying……”
“What happened, Yesung?”
“Hyung…… I really cannot control it……”
So he dashed into the noisy crowd of people at Myeongdong……
Eunhyuk: It gave our manager a shock
“ Yesung ah, just wait a little, we’re reaching soon, reaching soon……”
“Hyung, I really can’t take it……”
Leeteuk: After that, he came back again, I asked him what happened, he painfully said “There’s too many people……”
Eunhyuk: However, everyone who has heard this big secret, do not go to his CY to talk about it. When I get back to the dormitory, he’s going to come running and ask me “You talked me again? Why do you always have to talk about me? “

Korean to Chinese translations by Kimseohye
Chinese to English translations by --dreamx @

[News/Video] Super Junior Eunhyuk "hope Leeteuk have his military service soon"

View Raw Image" href=""> View Raw Image" href="">

After recieved award in SBS Entertainment Awards as The Best Rookie MC with Boom Academy (Boom and Eunhyuk) in SBS Strong Heart last night, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk celebrated it with Kang Ho Dong and Lee Seung Gi.
Because at the time of the award ceremony held was the end of December 2009, Boom who is in his military service came, he speak a lot and gave their speech in Strong Heart.

Leeteuk seriously say “When I receive this award, my mother is having surgery, she was alone with no one accompany her.” He said that he watched the awards ceremony when they will be receiving this award, “I cry a lot, so thank you to my family”. and to MC Kang Ho Dong, “I believe in 10 years from now he will give his position to me” (haha let’s work to it, leader!)

While Eunhyuk said, he’s not happy with the name of Boom Academy changed to Teuk Academy, and said “hope Leeteuk have his military service soon”.

source: Here, newsen
translated by ‘Chell^^


[News] Eeteuk challenge Kang Ho Dong in 10 years to give his position

After recieved award in SBS Entertainment Awards as The Best Rookie MC with Boom Academy (Boom and Eunhyuk) in SBS Strong Heart last night, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk celebrated it with Kang Ho Dong and Lee Seung Gi.
Because at the time of the award ceremony held was the end of December 2009, Boom who is in his military service came, he speak a lot and gave their speech in Strong Heart.
Leeteuk seriously say “When I receive this award, my mother is having surgery, she was alone with no one accompany her.” He said that he watched the awards ceremony when they will be receiving this award, “I cry a lot, so thank you to my family”. and to Kang Ho Dong, “I believe in 10 years from now he will give his position to me”
While Eunhyuk said, he’s not happy with the name of Boom Academy changed to Teuk Academy, and said “hope Leeteuk have his military service soon”.
video of their acceptance speech (subbed)
Cr: 4minniemink@youtube

source: Here, newsen
translated by ‘Chell^^

[Cyworld] Eeteuk: Happy Birthday Kim Youngwoon and Yesung Cyworld Updates


Diary Entry:
2010.01.17 17:53
..Happy Birthday Kim Youngwoon…!!!
Photo Entries:
2010.01.17 16:01
Title : ..Where is the skin pores..

..can you find it..ㅋㅋㅋ
..I should film a CF for cosmetics..!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2010.01.17 17:38
Title : ..Jungsoo ~ where are you going ?!!!..

..lost my mind..ㅋㅋ
..I’m going for a playtime!!!!>.<..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
..dililililililili ~~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ…
Credits : 박정수 cyworld
diary entry and 1st photo entry were translated by superlover♫
2nd photo entry was translated by

may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits
Yesung's Photo Entry
2010.01.18 01:11

Ah …. (I) want to go to Babtol’s …..
Original source: Yesung’s CY
Translation by LaCrymaMosa
May take out with full credits.

[Cyworld] Eunhyuk Falls In Love With A Girl?

2010.01.15 01:44
Title : =

There is a high wall blocking our relationship
No matter what (I) shout that girl…the wall….(they) wont say anything
In order to meet that girl…
I will think of the way to jump higher than the wall
source : 이혁재 미니홈피
translated by

may take out with full credits

2010.01.13 Wed(2010.01.14 20:53)
(It’s) been awhile (since filming) Let’s Go Dream Team!!!!!!
Because it has been awhile I was very nervous just like when I first started (Let’s Go Dream Team).
Because of it I made some mistakes(wink.gif (I’m) annoyedㅜㅜㅜㅜ
E.L.F.(s) who came to cheer (me on) !!!!! Really too too thankful!!!!!
It was very cold…..(I’m very) thankful…^^
I was nervous (during the) game(.) (I) was concentrating (so much) I don’t think I responded with a proper greeting~
(In my) heart (I’m) very thankful~ You didn’t catch a cold right?
Take good care of you health ^ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ^
Credits: 이혁재Cyworld.
Translated by
May take out with FULL credits.

Eeteuk's Sidebar update
..(I) must not be tired..
..(I) should come to my senses..
Diary entry
2010.01.14 (2010.01.15 01:17)
..there are some time when I hate everything..
source : 박정수 Cyworld
translated by
thanks ❧ y σ υ for the heads up

may take out with full credits

[News] Sukira Transcripts, Eunhyuk Wants To Become Wonbin?

100102 Eunhyuk bullied the Chinese trainee
ET: Eunhyuk, if you could be reborn, who would you want to become?
EH: Uhm, Wonbin! Since I was young, I’ve always thought that he’s really handsome, if I were a girl, I would definitely like him. When I was still a trainee I even lied that I was Wonbin.
ET: That’s right, it was annoying.
EH: Everyone called me SM’s Wonbin. At that time there were a few Chinese trainees who asked me what my name was, & I told them I was called Wonbin, so the first week they started they kept calling me Binhyung/oppa kekeke
100101 Once again Eeteuk creates an idol first
ET: Say, it’s not a big thing if I get married this year, right? Your dad got married at my age right.
EH: Yes, he was 28, my mum was 27.
ET: Actually I want to get married when I’m popular. Firstly because in Korea’s history Super Junior is the group with the most members – we were the advocates; this year we also won the newcomer award in acting – we were the idol advocates. As idols, again & again we’ve set new records, so in the area of marriage we also want to be an advocate.
EH: Yes, this thinking isn’t bad. If you get married then I’ll want to get married too. We’re all a bunch of softies, when you get married we’ll definitely be in a mess.

100101 Fool reading

ET: Eunhyuk, recently what book are you reading?
EH: .
ET: What a terrific book title. What’s it about?
EH: I’ve only read five pages. When I was reading I gave myself a little test, to see how many pages I can read before falling asleep. In the end I read five pages & fell asleep.
ET: You’re really a fool.
EH: I still hold the belief that I have finish reading this book, so I’ll continue to read.

100101 The 86 Line in the industry

EH: Today we had a meeting of the 86 line, about ten were there. Myself, 2AM’s Changmin, Supreme Team’s E-Sens, Jewelry’s Eunjung & Juyeon, Ex After School member Soyoung, Seeya’s Boram & Yeonji, & lastly Junsu. We got together & had a meal, we even went bowling – even right now they’re still together. I said I have to go off for a program so they can stay here & wait for me, after the program ends I’ll rush off & look for them.
ET: What about BoA? BoA & Junsu are very close, ask her along. (Note: Whenever Eunhyuk mentions people of the same age, Eeteuk will tease him about the awkward relationship with BoA.)
EH: Then, I’ll try.
ET: Will BoA play with you?
E: If she doesn’t want to then it’s fine. Next time I’ll bring this group of friends into the studio. This is the first time I’ve ever gathered with so many other celebrity friends.
ET: I haven’t met with other celebrities outside before. Before I become the nation’s xx, I won’t meet with anyone outside.
100101 New Year Wishes
ET: Eunhyuk, on the first day of the New Year, I hope that in the new year to come you’ll become a Lee Hyukjae that will have more success. Thank you for always thinking of the team, without you there won’t be a Super Junior.
EH: Thank you thank you, what you said is very right.
ET: Anyway it’s almost over.
E: You, as Super Junior’s leader, in the year to come we’ll face a very difficult mountain to overcome.
ET: Yes, there’s a lot of issues.
EH: Hope that you’ll be able to safely lead us through it.
ET: Help me~
EH: We’ll follow you, believe in you.
100105 Eunhyuk’s regrets for Gayo Daejun
ET: On the 29th for Gayo Daejun we performed Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. In the original version, when singing of Billie Jean, Michael Jackson would lean forward. So we decided that we would also perform something that’s different from others, so we decided that at the end of the dance they equipment will grab Eunhyuk’s leg, & he’ll lean forward. We practiced that move for hours, & before the actual performance we were shouting that our group was too awesome, Billie Jean is too awesome, Eunhyuk is the second Michael Jackson, the dance was too awesome. In the end, during the live broadcast, somehow when going down it got stuck, ending in a fall… once we got off stage Eunhyuk was crying his eyes out.
EH: That was our first program in the gayo daejun, I felt like I let down everyone, & I was also really angry. We prepared for so long, wanting to put up a perfect performance. It was all good until the live broadcast when a problem came up, it was so frustrating. Me crying alone was better than everyone scolding me.
ET: Yes, we should have comforted you, Eunhyuk, you’re the best.
EH: Sigh, no need to say anymore, I’m very depressed.
100105 Immature, jealous Eunhyuk
EH: When I was in high school, my average results for my exams was about 80.
ET: That bad…
EH: I said I got around 80, one time my girlfriend said that if I got more than 85 marks she would do something…
ET: Do what? Kiss you?
EH: I forgot what that something was, but it wasn’t a kiss.
ET: How immature, how immature how immature how immature how immature how immature how immature.
EH: To get just a kiss would be too little. If I didn’t get 85marks, she would to go the movies with a male classmate that I extremely disliked. So I worked really hard, & in the end my average mark was 84 point something. That night after the exams when I was in the training room she called & said she already went & watched a movie with that guy. At that time I was so mad…
ET: &?
EH: After that, for a period of time I didn’t contact her.
ET: &?
EH: I just wanted to tell everyone not to easily place bets.
ET: &?
EH: I just wanted to share my experience.

100105 Eunhyuk & Junsu stand up for H.O.T.

ET: Eunhyuk, when you were younger did you frequently discuss about celebrities with your friends & end up arguing?
EH: Yes, very frequently. Especially male celebrities.
ET: H.O.T., Sechskies?
EH: I’m a major H.O.T. fan, & my classmates would say bad things about H.O.T. on purpose, especially after I joined the company as a trainee. They would say awful things to provoke me on purpose. At that time, Junsu & myself hit back at them together, even the faces were scratched.
100105 All the members protect female stars
ET: Yesung, he’s Moon Geunyoung’s biggest fan right. When we first debuted, we would watch tv together, & when Moon Geunyoung appeared, someone commented, “I think she’s just ordinary”, Yesung actually loudly exclaimed, “what did you say? Don’t be like this to our Moon Geunyoung etc etc”.
EH: From that time we set down rules. The female stars that the members like, we’ll have to protect them, no slandering them.
ET: So for example, for example, if there was a chance for one to contact the female star that he likes, to start dating & even get married, then the other members would definitely have to pool together a few hundred million to hold a wedding.
EH: But none of us could contact the female star we like.
ET: Because the one I like is already married, Han Gain.
EH: You can just go stand in a corner.
100105 Eeteuk who got shot by a stun gun
ET: Once when I was young I was eating ddukbokki in a little shop, & beside me sat a policeman on patrol. Around his waist was a baton & what not. I was curious & asked him, “ahjusshi, if I get hit by this, will it hurt?”, “Be quiet, it’ll hurt a lot.”, “Will it really hurt?”, “I already said it’ll hurt, eat your ddukbokki.”, “Tell me ahjusshi, if you use it on thieves will they all die?” Right after I said this I really got stunned a little, I nearly died.
EH: It really hurts a lot, how could you not know that.
ET: I was wrong.
100107 Ryeowook working hard for 4jib
EH: Recently our Ryeowook is in the dorm learning some form of yoga. Now he really wants to dance properly, & also build up his body, also for the 4jib, he’s working really hard to build up.
ET: Hmmm 4jib…
100107 Lonely lonely Eunhyuk
EH: Eeteuk, your record for the most hours slept in one shot is?
ET: It should be 12 hours? Ten hours?
EH: When I was younger I made a new record, 17 hours. In the evening when I woke up I realized that everything I needed to do today hasn’t been done, I felt so empty, my head also hurt.
ET: Lately I sleep when it’s bright out, the sun shines through the window, it’s so warm, I can’t sleep.
EH: Just draw the curtains.
ET: With the curtains drawn it’s still warm. The temperature of the room rises to more than 30 degrees, it’s so warm I can’t even breathe.
EH: Whoa, that’s good. My room has never reached 30 degrees before. In the dorm the coldest room is my room. Windows on both sides, high storey room, even if I close everything tightly there’ll still be a breeze, it’s really cold.
ET: My room is so hot there’s no way one can sleep for more than six hours. At seven in the morning I’ll sleep, & at eleven or twelve it’ll start heating up.
EH: Aish, during summer my room is really hot, during summer it’s the hottest, during winter it’s the coldest. That year when we moved, via drawing lots all the members paired up to sleep two to a room, leaving me to have a room to myself. At first when I drew that lot I was happy, to have a room to myself. I even did it up nicely, but who knew it would be so hot & so cold.

original; kimseohye @
translation credits; fragment @
found & requested by; viragis @

may take out with proper credits, BUT NO ADDING YOURSELF IN THE CREDITS!

[Cyworld] Eeteuk, Yesung and Sungmin Cyworld Update

01.10.2010 Sidebar Update

..I was very happy..
..I feel very uneasy..
..Thank You..
..I will make an effort..

Credits: 박정수's Cyworld
Translated by junzzzz@sj-world net
May take out with FULL Credits.

01.10.2010 Photo Entry Update

2010.01.10 23:41
Title : The first introduction ~^^

This is Sen~^^
It has been about one monthsince he/she came to the house
he/she is Hyaku's 1-month-younger dongsaeng

source : 이성민 미니홈피
translated by
thanks viragis for the heads up
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits

01.11.2010 Photo Entry Update

2010.01.11 01:33

2010.1.9 First visit to babtolseu in the new year~~ ㅎㅎ
I could feel that there were many people around ^^

credits : 김종운 미니홈피
translated by
thanks LaCrymaMosa for the heads up
may take out with full credits
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