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Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts

[news] MoviesOnline interview with Ninja Assassin star "Rain"

MoviesOnline caught up with Korean pop star Rain at the Los Angeles press day for his new film, "Ninja Assassin.” The film is directed by James McTeigue from a screenplay by Matthew Sand and J. Michael Straczynski and produced by Joel Silver and the Wachowski brothers. “Ninja Assassin” also stars Naomie Harris, Ben Miles, Rick Yune and legendary martial arts performer Sho Kosugi. Producer Joel Silver explains, “Rain really is a magnetic personality. You can’t take your eyes off of him, he commands the screen.”

Rain, a top Korean R&B/pop singer, was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People Who Shape Our World in 2006; in 2007 People Magazine included him in their annual Most Beautiful People issue. His third album, It’s Raining, sold over one million copies in Asia, making it his most successful album to date both domestically and internationally, and the subsequent “Rainy Day” concert tour was a success in Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan and the United States. Rain’s World, the performer’s fourth album, was released in 2006 and led to the highly acclaimed “Rain’s Coming” World Tour.

Rain’s electrifying performance in “Ninja Assassins” suggests he’s on his way to becoming one of the great new Asian martial arts action stars. Here’s what he had to tell us:

MoviesOnline: We heard your English was good.
Rain: Thank you. I'll do my best.

MoviesOnline: So how was it playing one of the world's deadliest assassins?

Rain: You know, when I was young, I wanted to be a big action hero. It's gonna be huge I'm pretty sure. Did you see the movie? It was amazing. I'm so excited.

MoviesOnline: Did you have a hero that you looked up to like Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee?

Rain: Yeah. When I was young, I saw a lot of martial arts films with Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. I loved them. They are my heroes but, [preening and joking] I'm so powerful, I'm so [much] faster. I'm so young and so handsome like a model. I eally loved them so they are my role models. I have another model. Al Pacino. He's my hero. My favorite film of his is “Scarface.” I loved it.

MoviesOnline: Did your work on stage as a pop star and your dance movements help you when you went into learning martial arts for this film?

Rain: Yeah, it helped. I think singing, dancing and acting are very similar. I don't know why but it helped. The body just knows. When I finished “Ninja Assassin,” I said 'no more work outs, no more vegetables, no more chicken breasts, no more salmon, no more egg whites.’

MoviesOnline: So, what are you eating now?

Rain: Chocolate! I can eat everything.

MoviesOnline: What if there's a sequel?

Rain: Uh oh. I can eat everything; chocolate, hamburgers, pizza, go to McDonalds, Burger King, KFC. It's all in my body.

MoviesOnline: What did you do to train for this film?
Rain: I had to make my body fit like Bruce Lee. I trained for eight months, five days a week, eight hours a day. I just ate chicken breasts and vegetables, sometimes just egg whites. It was horrible and I learned a lot of martial arts; Taekwando, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Karate, kick boxing with a sword and double swords, Shuriken (throwing stars), the chain is my favorite. I learned a lot. I had so many coaches.

MoviesOnline: How did you learn to work with the chain? Was that hard and did you hurt yourself?

Rain: Yeah. It was hard. When I was doing stunts, I had lots of cuts on my body because of the chain. Even though everybody took care of me, I still got hurt.

MoviesOnline: Did you ever "chain" yourself by accident?

Rain: Yeah. [he demonstrates swinging the chain around his head and getting cut by the knife at the end complete with sound effects]. I cut myself.

MoviesOnline: What was the biggest accident you had with the chain?

Rain: My nose was cut, my face was cut and my body was cut.

MoviesOnline: Were they worried about covering it with make-up?

Rain: Yes. But I didn't need make-up [in the scenes where he is beat up and bleeding]. It was real. Cut, cut, cut!

MoviesOnline: What was the hardest stunt you had to do?

Rain: Actually, the hardest part is foot [using your feet?]. I'm skidding. The hardest was the bathroom sequence and rooftop sequence. Those were amazing and it was hard.

MoviesOnline: Can you talk about working with James McTeigue, your director?

Rain: There's nothing to talk about. He's the best. He is always humble to everybody. Always friendly and, yeah, I love his directing style. I love him and the Wachowskis too.

MoviesOnline: Was he very specific?

Rain: Yeah. I learned a lot from him.

MoviesOnline: Your character has to hold his emotions inside or hide them and you are a very outgoing guy so was that hard for you?

Rain: It's good acting, right? [he laughs]. Before this film, I had a Ninja expression coach so I learned a lot of my inside acting and expression acting from him.

MoviesOnline: You studied that?

Rain: Yeah.

MoviesOnline: From other films or an acting coach?

Rain: I had an acting coach, an English coach and martial arts coach. So many martial arts coaches: chain coach, sword coach, Kung Fu coach, a lot.

MoviesOnline: Rick Yune was saying you didn't have much time to do anything off set when in Berlin. Is that right?

Rain: I love Berlin but I'm not interested in partying. I wanted to focus on “Ninja Assassin” because this is a big opportunity for me so I did my best. I made it.

MoviesOnline: What did you think when they said you were going to be the star of this big action movie?

Rain: Oh yeah! It's gonna be huge. I'm gonna be a big star! So, I'm ready. It's hard walking in the streets in Asia and here I hope to do the same if people like this movie.

MoviesOnline: You really hope it's the same? That you can't walk the streets here? That people will be chasing you like they are in Asia?

Rain: In America? Yeah, why not? Yeah!

MoviesOnline: At the premiere, people were in the aisles screaming for you. Are you ready for that?

Rain: Yeah. I'm ready for the paparazzi! I'm kidding.

MoviesOnline: What do you have coming up?

Rain: I have three scripts; first one is a big action film, second one is a romance and third one is comedy/action and I haven't decided yet.

MoviesOnline: Are they all in America?

Rain: Yes. Hollywood films. I would definitely like to continue my career in Hollywood, work hard and do my best.

MoviesOnline: Are you planning to make a sequel to this?

Rain: Do a franchise?

MoviesOnline: Yes, a “Ninja Assassin 2”?

Rain: Yeah. [kidding] Ninja Assassin in McDonalds! Ask James or ask Joel. I don't know yet.

MoviesOnline: Would you like to have a more romantic love interest in the film?

Rain: In "Ninja 2"? Yeah.

MoviesOnline: Who is your dream actress that you would love to have as your leading lady?

Rain: I love Megan. Megan Fox! She's lovely and Naomi too.

MoviesOnline: What crazy fan encounters have you had?

Rain: I went to China a few years ago and this one fan claimed that she had my baby. It was crazy and so scary. [He holds his hands over his head as if holding up a baby] 'I've got your baby! I've got your baby' at the airport. I was horrible.

MoviesOnline: Are you mobbed if you go out when you are home?

Rain: I love my home, just playing games [indicates operating like a Playstation with his hands] and just sleeping. No matter where you go, nothing is better than sleeping. I love sleeping!

MoviesOnline: Could you take on Jackie Chan or Jet Li in one of these movies? You are younger.

Rain: Yeah. I want to work with them. They are my heroes.

MoviesOnline: Would you feel bad about beating them up though if they are your heroes?

Rain: [laughs] Keep watching me.

MoviesOnline: Are you on a music tour now?

Rain: Yeah. I'm doing a tour. I have a concert in Las Vegas Christmas Day, in Hong Kong this month the 27th and 28th, in Jakarta and Shanghai, Beijing.

MoviesOnline: To support your latest album?

Rain: A new album? I'm preparing my new album. I want to focus on “Ninja Assassin” for now but after this film, I will release [the album] in the U.S. market.

MoviesOnline: Would you want to move to Los Angeles?

Rain: Not yet. I'm so busy with a lot of interviews. I want to go to the beach. There are so many girls!! Woo hoo! [he uses his hands to indicate curvy girls].

MoviesOnline: How demanding is it to go on tour for your music? Is it as demanding as filmmaking for you?

Rain: Between concert making and filming, filming is very similar so I just enjoyed it. It's my job.

MoviesOnline: Did it ever concern you that you might get type-cast as the new hot action guy from doing films like this?

Rain: The Asians have their own broad and unique culture. More people have been interested in the martial arts side of it than others and that's why many Asian actors have been cast that way. But movies are changing in the way people view Asians. We can show you other sides as well; romance, comedy because I'm so young and handsome [big grin] and my body is so sexy so look at me! So, Yeah!

MoviesOnline: Don't eat too many McDonalds hamburgers though.

Rain: Okay. Thank you.

MoviesOnline: Do you have a girlfriend now?

Rain: I don't have a girlfriend but very soon. I'll go to the California beach after this interview.

MoviesOnline: You have a great sense of humor. Where goes that come from?

Rain: I’m so happy. I’m just enjoying it. Thanks for the interview. I love you guys. Thank you. [he takes off his cute newsboy cap and does a little bow].

“Ninja Assassin” opens in theaters on November 25th.

Source: moviesonline

[news] Rain: 'Keep Trying to Make Your Dream Come True'

Rain, who has been promoting his movie “Ninja Assassin” in North America, during his interview on November 21 (local time) in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA.

"’Ninja Assassin’ helped me dream. If I keep trying, someday I will top the box office," said Rain (real name Jeong Ji-hoon) during his interview on November 21 in Los Angeles. He is the first Korean actor to play a lead in a major Hollywood movie. He has been promoting his movie “Ninja Assassin” in North America since last week. On November 19, he attended a prestigious red carpet event in Hollywood and a screening. On November 21, he was to give interviews to some 30 media agencies based in Los Angeles.

While saying that his movie had received positive feedback in the U.S., Rain added that what mattered most was taking on new challenges rather than producing good results. Rain said he wanted to publicize Korean culture in Hollywood.

With regard to his Hollywood experience, Rain said, "I want to continue to try new things despite failures. It is important to overcome failures and do your best even when your self-esteem is hurt.”

The interview lasted only 15 minutes, but it was enough for Rain to convey his strong determination and confidence.

Following are excerpts from the interview.

-- What were your impressions from walking the red carpet in the U.S. as the leading actor of “Ninja Assassin?”

▲ I’m very happy and proud as a Korean. I was the first Korean in Hollywood to attend a movie premiere as its leading actor. I was also the first Asian to do so. It was a great honor for me. My first step in Hollywood has been very successful. Everything was great and many people were excited about this. Apart from my Asian fans, many of my African-American and Caucasian fans also attended the premiere. I was very surprised.

-- What did U.S. journalists show particular interest in?

▲ They asked me a lot about my body-shaping secrets, about the way I exercise. They also asked me about my nationality and about what it feels like to be a Hollywood star.

-- Will your movie perform well at the box office?

▲ In a way, this movie is mine, because I play the main character. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. If my movie doesn’t do well, I’ll be scolded, and if it does well, I’ll receive praise. As long as my movie is in the top five, it’ll be success, because nobody has done this before.

-- Will the success of your movie be influenced by “New Moon,” which opened recently?

▲ My goal is not to top the box office. If my movie trails “New Moon” or even lands the fifth spot, it’ll be huge anyway. “Ninja Assassin” has a few stumbling blocks. It’s PG-rated, so children can’t watch it. It targets only a group of devoted fans rather than the general public.

-- What is “Ninja Assassin” to you?

▲ This movie helped me dream. My first try was successful. If I keep rising to new challenges, my movies will top the box office someday. I’m not holding my hopes high this time. If my movie enters the top five, it’ll be success. I’m going to take it slow.

-- What have you learned in Hollywood?

▲ I have learned that it’s important to keep trying despite failures. If you’re worried about failing even before making a try, it’s already over. It’s important to keep doing things even if you’re likely to fail. You should overcome failures and do your best even when your self-esteem is hurt.

-- How is your English doing?

▲ I’m studying English as hard as I can. When I don’t know something important, I ask others for help. I don’t like to pretend to know everything. It’s difficult for me to speak English fluently because I am a Korean. I tell others that I’m still learning and ask for help. I want to study harder.

--What other roles would you want to try in Hollywood? You once said you wanted to play an Asian man who was in love with a Caucasian woman.

▲ I would want to try that. Everything is possible. To be honest, nobody could have imagined that I would play a lead in this movie. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this. I would want to star in a romance movie someday.

-- What would you like to say to your Korean fans?

▲ My movie has received positive feedback in the U.S. Rather than producing good results, it’s important to keep trying. I want to publicize Korean culture in Hollywood. That’s my dream. I hope that Korean viewers will also like my movie.

source: KBS Global

[News] Why Ninja Assassin is Important?

It has finally come, the week that “Ninja Assassin” opens up around the world.  The movie will be opening out in the U.S. on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.  So should you go or should you stay at home?  If you like RAIN and great fighting sequences, then buy that movie ticket.  If you want to support a Korean man in the lead role of a Hollywood action movie, then definitely go because this movie has a lot of ramifications. If you’ve watched the Matrix franchise, then you’ll see distinct plot elements that originated from the Wachowski brothers who produced Ninja Assassin and directed the Matrix movies.  And you’ll also see unique action direction from James McTeigue who is a student of the Wachowski brothers. The fighting is amazing! But what are the implications I mentioned earlier?
This movie does have implications and Hollywood is closely watching because there are certain realities that have Hollywood rethinking their business model.  Big movie stars used to almost guarantee big box office returns, but there have been enough clunkers from Will Ferrell, Tom Cruise and other big name actors that have caused pause.  DVD sales which used to be a cash cow and help counter clunkers is quickly eroding in the new digital world.  So what does Hollywood need to do to refine or change its model?  It looks overseas because there is a growing global box office.  This is why Ninja Assassin is important because it can demonstrate to Hollywood that you can cast an unknown in a lead role, especially Asian and have success because of the global market.  RAIN is one of Asia’s biggest pop stars and his ability to bring in international box office receipts will pave the way for other Asian stars to enter Hollywood and play critical roles.  If you didn’t know, Ninja Assassin is the big movie that’s kicking off the holiday movie season and it only cost $30M to make. The world is changing and Hollywood knows it and it’s realizing that the traditional model of casting and movie distribution has to change. Whether you like Ninja movies or not, let’s hope that the movie is a success and it paves the way for other Koreans and Asians in Hollywood.
For our interview with RAIN, check out the video below.

Check out the movie clips from Ninja Assassin. The fighting is real good!

credits: koreanbeacon

[news] Rain looking into several Hollywood scripts,

The doors of Hollywood are continuing to open for Korean superstar Rain who is currently looking through several scripts for his next big screen appearance, according to his agency on Friday.

"He is currently looking at about six scripts but has not reached any sort of decision yet," an official at J.Tune Entertainment said. "He is taking his time to decide, looking through each one carefully with an open mindset."

Rain had mentioned during a recent press conference that working on his upcoming film "Ninja Assassin", where he takes on his first-ever lead role in a Hollywood pic, had opened many opportunities for his acting career in the U.S.

"Ninja", set for a worldwide release on November 26, was produced by Joel Silver of the "Die Hard" and "Lethal Weapon" series and the Wachowski Brothers, famous for "The Matrix" trilogy. Director James McTeigue is most well known for his directorial debut pic "V for Vendetta".

Meanwhile, speculation is mounting amongst Korean netizens that the 27-year-old singer and actor has been cast to appear in Hollywood's adaption of popular online game "World of Warcraft". Rain had mentioned in several interviews that he is in talks to appear in a series movie whose production cost is set at over 170 million dollars.

Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, appeared in several dramas and movies in Korea before making his Hollywood debut in 2008 film "Speed Racer".

source: asiae

[picture] Everyone is jealous of this baby, why?

Because his uncle is an adorable magnae named Mir

His godfather is ~world star~ Rain

He is insanely cute and his dad (Cho Dong Won) is CEO of J-Tune

Well, at least he has good taste in who he decides is forced to fanboy

Edit: Because everyone keeps asking, I thought I should clarify; Mir's older sister is the baby's mom, so that makes the CEO his brother-in-law.

Credit: YuRi_Jung0810 @ MBLAQ soompi thread + cyworld / JungYuRi @ mba

[news] Rain's "Ninja" LA premiere to air on GomTV

The red carpet event for the Los Angeles premiere of superstar Rain's Hollywood film "Ninja Assassin" will be aired exclusively on video portal GomTV next week, according to producer Warner Brothers on Wednesday.

GomTV will record the event, set to be held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood tomorrow, and air it at 9 p.m. on November 23, Warner explained.

The main cast and crew of the action flick, including Rain, actress Naomie Harris, director James McTeigue, and producers Joel Silver and the Wachowski Brothers, are expected to turn up for the premiere.

Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, will play the lead role Raizo who is an unfortunate character fighting against the very organization that trained him to become the best secret assassin in the world. His co-star Harris has appeared in the "Pirates of the Carribbean" movie series.

The Wachowski Brothers, famous for "The Matrix" trilogy, and Silver, who created the "Die Hard" and "Lethal Weapon" series, spent ten years working on "Ninja". McTeigue has also worked on "The Matrix" triology and "Star Wars Episode 22" but is most famous for his directorial debut pic "V for Vendetta".

"Ninja", set for a worldwide release on November 26, has been hyped as one of the 50 most anticipated films of the year by U.K. newspaper The Times and one of the top 10 movies selected by the San Francisco Examiner.

source: asiae

[news] The Rain is coming down on Ningin

Hoc: Thank you Rain for taking the time to talk to We have many fans of yours on our site!

Rain: No problem, anytime.

Hoc: Was shooting Ninja Assassin the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Rain: I trained for 8 months, 6 hours a day. 5 hours were spent on martial arts training and one hour on total body fitness. (looking somewhat sad) The hardest part was the diet where I could only eat chicken and vegetables.

(The press package had a note from the Director saying Rain joked around about eating noodles, drinking beers, and smoking cigars when the shooting was over.)

Hoc: How did you prepare for your role as Raizo? Did you dress up like a ninja for two months and sneak up on people? What was your inspiration?

I think Raizo is a very strong character. He was very fun to play. I watched a lot of ninja movies and cartoons.

Hoc: Like which ones?

Rain: Ninja. That’s the title of the movie and many other samurai shows.

Hoc: Describe how you felt when the Wachowski brothers asked you to play a ninja?

Rain: I love working with the Wachowski brothers; they take good care of me. When they asked me if I wanted to play a ninja, I said, “how could I say no to that.” We have a very good relationship.

Hoc: Do you plan on working with them in the future?

Rain: Yes, I hope so but nothing definite right now.

Hoc: Those weapons in the movie look razor sharp considering they could slice people in half and all. Did you cut yourself or get hurt during the movie?

Rain: Yea I did get hurt a few times.

Hoc: Wait like, broken bones, deep gashes, stuff like that?

Rain: Yes I did get cut a lot; all over my body and even on my nose and my face. But they took good care of me, and I’m fined.

(starring at his face, I don’t see visible scars.)

Hoc: Are you concerned about getting typecast? Or do you only want to do action films. You’ve done two films in the US, Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin. Both are action-oriented movies.

Rain: Speed Racer was fun but very different from Ninja Assassin. The work is much more intense. I did much more training for Ninja Assassin. But I want to do all types of movies — horrors, romance, [and] comedy.

Hoc: Speaking of comedy, and I know Ninja Assassin isn’t technically a comedy, but you had some really funny one-liners in Ninja Assassin, (doing my best Raizo voice) “I don’t mean to be critical, but you need to finish now.” (This was during a scene where Rain was tied up and Mika was trying as fast as she could to unlock all the restraints on Raizo while a ninja was moments away from slashing Raizo and Mika in half.) I’m wondering if there’s a chance we’ll see you working with Ben Stiller or in some comedy movie soon?

Rain: (Rain didn’t know who Ben Stiller was, his translator had to tell him he was a famous comedian. Sorry Ben if you ever read this!) I would love to do comedies with Ben Stiller or anyone. I have no projects lined up but I’m currently looking at three scripts. I want to do all type of movies. You might see a comedy film very soon! That’s all I can say right now.

Hoc: Well, I’m sure you just made a lot of people happy right about now.

(Rain asks me a question.)

Rain: Have you seen the movie? What did you think of it?

Hoc: (about to say badass, but stopped myself.) I thought it was fantastic. The fighting scenes were so intense and unreal. I especially liked the scene in the bathroom where you were given your first assignment to kill. It may not have all the special effects and choreography, but it was so visceral, like a life-or-death brawl.

Rain: What about the rooftop scene? That’s my favorite scene in the movie.

Hoc: Aw man, that was a great scene too. It’s the one most oft repeated scene in the trailers and at this press junket. It was where Raizo finally decided to betray his father and family. Overall, it was a powerful and sad scene because Raizo nearly died and was the turning point of the story. I half-expected Raizo to killed a few people and run away. I didn’t think he would stay and get cut up like he did.

Rain: (nodding his head as I talked) I really enjoyed shooting that. It was a lot of fun.

(Director James McTeigue goes into more detail about that scene in part 3.)

Hoc: What do you on your days off?

Rain: I would love to sleep. A good day for me is if I can sleep in.

Hoc: Ok, besides sleep, what do you do for fun?

Rain: I like to play sports. I love basketball and baseball and anything where I move around a lot.

Hoc: Oh you like baseball (I’m a huge Yankees fan). What’s your favorite team?

Rain: Lakers. Oh baseball team, I like the Yankees.

Hoc: You’re not just saying that because you’re in New York are you?

Rain: No, I like them a lot.

Hoc: Then you must be happy they won the World Series?

Rain: (smiles) Yes I am.

Hoc: By the way, do you play video games?

Rain: No, I hate games, and never play them.

Hoc: Ok thanks for a great interview, I had a lot of fun!

Rain: No problem, thank you. Bye.

I came in with a bunch more questions for Rain, but unfortunately didn’t get around to asking them. Perhaps next time. He was so easy to talk to, I felt like I could talk for hours. Then again, I’m sure a lot of people (especially girls) would say that in Rain’s presence. Everyone talks about how nice and easy going Rain is. I got to experience that firsthand. And I have to say, it felt pretty good.

More info at the sources:
Part 1: Behind the scene and other side stories
Part 2: The Rain is coming down on Ningin
Part 3: Interview with the Director, James McTeigue

f you're interested in free stuff then check out the Ningin Ninja Month: “Ninja Assassin” Giveaway

cr: omona

[news] Toronto Preview Screening of Ninja Assassin Monday, Future Events & Locations

The highly anticpated new movie directed by James McTeigue, Ninja Assassin, begins its screenings.

This movie is not the first time that McTeigue has worked with Rain. In the past, McTeigue and Rain have worked together to make the movie Speed Racer, which received 8 nominations. Some reviews are claiming that Ninja Assassin is one of the best martial arts film since The Matrix. Can we also expect Ninja Assassin to pick up a few nominations this year?

The upcoming screening will take place at the AMC Theater Dundas and Yonge on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6PM in Toronto, Canada. Also, Rain is expected to be at this screening. Ladies, here's your chance to meet him.

Screening Dates
Tempe, AZ Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Tucson, AZ Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:00pm

Fresno, CA Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
Hollywood, CA Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
La Jolla, CA Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Orange, CA Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
Santa Clara, CA Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:30pm

Arvada, CO Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm

District of Columbia
Washington, DC Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 at 7:00pm

Atlanta, GA Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 6:00pm

Honolulu, HI Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm

Olathe, KS Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:30pm

Novi, MI Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm

Edina, MN Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm

St. Louis, MO Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm

Omaha, NE Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:30pm

Las Vegas, NV Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:00pm

New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:00pm

Richmond Heights, OH Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm

Philadelphia, PA Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 at 11:06am
West Homestead, PA Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:30pm

Nashville, TN Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm

Austin, TX Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
Dallas, TX Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm
Houston, TX Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm

Salt Lake City, UT Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:00pm

Seattle, WA Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:00pm

Wauwatosa, WI Monday, November 23rd, 2009 at 7:30pm

---For more information: advancescreenings

Ninja Assassin follows Raizo (Rain), one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge.

In Berlin, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has stumbled upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable assassins from the Far East. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders. Her investigation makes her a target, and the Ozunu Clan sends a team of killers, led by the lethal Takeshi (Rick Yune), to silence her forever. Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, but he knows that the Clan will not rest until they are both eliminated. Now, entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the streets of Europe, Raizo and Mika must trust one another if they hope to survive and finally bring down the elusive Ozunu Clan.

If you are unable to catch the screening, make sure to catch it in theaters.

Release Dates:
1. Canada 25 November 2009
2. South Korea 26 November 2009
3. USA 25 November 2009
4. Australia 26 November 2009
5. Malaysia 26 November 2009
6. Singapore 26 November 2009
7. UK 27 November 2009
8. Netherlands 3 December 2009
9. Peru 3 December 2009
10. Russia 3 December 2009
11. Ukraine 3 December 2009
12. Brazil 4 December 2009
13. Iceland 4 December 2009
14. Italy 4 December 2009
15. Mexico 4 December 2009
16. Argentina 10 December 2009
17. Germany 10 December 2009
18. France 23 December 2009
19. Czech Republic 24 December 2009
20. Spain 25 December 2009
21. Egypt 6 January 2010
22. Estonia 22 January 2010
23. Hong Kong 26 November (2009)
24. New Zealand 26 November (2009)
25. Taiwan 27 November (2009)
26. Denmark 27 November (2009)
27. Japan By October (2010)
28. Philippines (2009)

Credit: IMDB, advancedscreenings, connectingraintotheworld

[news]Rain likes portraying Raizo because 'He’s very sexy'

Korean heartthrob Rain (a.k.a Jung Ji-hoon) loves his character Raizo, in Ninja Assassin because “he’s very sexy” thus our favorite Hallyu Star can easily relate to him.
The 27-year-old, along with the movie’s director James McTeigue, talked to the Korean Beacon in New York on Nov 13.

Rain spoke a little English and seemed more comfortable with the language than in previous interviews. Nonetheless, he was at his best when conversing in Korean.

When asked how does it feel to have his own movie, Rain unabashedly replies: “Finally, you know, I’m gonna be a superstar. Keep watching me.”

Wanna keep watching Rain? Hit the play button below for the full interview:


source:korean beacon || cr:Liz

:::don't forget to catch NINJA ASSASSIN in cinemas near you!


[news] Rain’s English interview on Fox TV ‘Good Day New York’

World star Rain appeared on Fox TV ‘Good Day New York’ on 13th November for an interview.
He introduced his latest Hollywood movie ‘Ninja Assassin’ on the show and also talked about the dance-off video showed on Steven Colbert Show.

Definitely good to see him in an English interview, and not just dubbed in English like his recent one on CNN Talk Asia. Love this man.

cr: sookyeong

[news] Rain's docu scores multiple noms for Asia TV Awards

A documentary about Korean superstar Rain "Hip Korea, Seoul Vibes" has been nominated in four categories at the 14th Asian Television Awards, according to his agency on Friday.

The documentary, which aired worldwide on the Discovery Channel earlier this year, was nominated in the following categories -- Best Music Program, Best Infotainment Program, Best Direction and Best Cross-Platform Content, J. Tune Entertainment announced in a press release.

The program shows the past and present accomplishments of the Korean singer and actor, from his childhood upbringing to the difficult journey leading up to his success in music, television and movies.

It was produced by Singapore-based company Bang Productions, which previously made "Crossings: Jackie Chan" and is currently working on "The Dragon Wars", through cooperation from the city of Seoul and the Korean Film Council.

The Asia Television Awards(ATA), which is considered Asia's equivalent of the Emmys, selects the best television programs that aired in the region including Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand. This year, 204 programs from 14 countries were selected for the finals, out of some 1,000 television programs that had been submitted.

The winners of the 14th Asian Television Awards will be announced at the ATA 2009 Gala Dinner in Singapore on December 3.

Rain is currently on the U.S. promotion tour for his upcoming Hollywood blockbuster "Ninja Assassin", which opens worldwide on November 26.

source: asiae

[News] DBSK/THSK/TVXQ Jaejoong “Director And Senior Rain Inspired Me A Lot”

TVXQ member Jaejoong, who challenged acting for the first time, expressed his thoughts on his acting at the preview and press conference.

At 4.30pm on the 9th, Jaejoong attended the press conference of “Heaven’s Postman”, organised by Seoul CGV, and answered the questions presented by the reporters.

Jaejoong said, “Acting and performing on stage is completely different, and I spent a lot of time trying to find the ‘feel’ of the character. So the director suggested that I try pretending that acting was a stage performance.” He also said, “After seeing how senior Rain successfully entered the drama industry, he also made a lot of improvements in his stage performances.”

Later, Jaejoong also said, “In order to portray the character well, I agonized over it. I was troubled for very long, over how to portray the unique personality of the character, and I benefited greatly from the Director’s guidance.”

Source: [tvxq-yard + BaiduTVXQ]
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Always Keep The Faith !!!!!

[News]Rain says Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan were inspirations for ninja role

Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean pop star Rain says he drew inspiration from fellow Asian stars who successfully crossed over to Hollywood when he prepared for his first leading role in an American film.

"I watched a lot of action films of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan to create a different, unique character in the movie," the 27-year-old actor-singer said Monday at a press conference in his home country to promote "Ninja Assassin."

Jeong Ji-hoon, who goes by his stage name Rain, was first recognized in the region for his singing and slick dance moves. He first gained exposure in the West when Stephen Colbert parodied one of his music videos on his show, "The Colbert Report," in May 2007, which led to a second spoof — a "dance-off" with the U.S. comedian. He made his Hollywood debut alongside Emile Hirsch in Andy and Larry Wachowski's 2008 thriller "Speed Racer."

In "Ninja Assassin," Rain plays an orphan adopted and trained into a deadly assassin by the secret society Ozunu Clan, only to turn against it when he finds out that the group's leader executed his friend.

"Speed Racer" posted mediocre box office numbers and all eyes are on whether Rain can carry "Ninja Assassin," which will hit theaters on Nov. 25.

The South Korean star said for now, he's just glad if he can pave the way for more Asian faces in Hollywood.

"I hope the movie reaches the No. 1 at the box office, but regardless of the numbers, it will open doors for more opportunities in Hollywood not only for myself but for other Asian actors," he said.

"Ninja Assassin" director James McTeigue said in a press statement the Wachowski Brothers, best known for "The Matrix" trilogy, eagerly recommended Rain to him.

"The day that Rain did his first scene in 'Speed Racer,' the Wachowski brothers called me and said, 'This guy is unbelievable.' And we began to plan 'Ninja Assassin' immediately," McTeigue said. The Wachowski brothers produced "Ninja Assassin."

Rain was equally grateful to the Wachowskis, saying Monday meeting them was "one of the life-changing experiences in my life."

Source :
Credits to : babelhead @Babel Pop

[news] Rain promotes Ninja Assassin in Seoul

Favourite Hallyu star Rain (real name: Jeong Ji-hoon) was out and about on Nov 9 to promote his Hollywood flick Ninja Assassin.

The 27-year-old spoke to the South Korean media during a press conference at 11am at Lotte Hotel, Seoul.

Rain toplines the James McTeigue-directed flick about Raizo a trained ninja assassin (what else?) who breaks free from his clan to exact revenge on them.

Ninja Assassin
will be released in Malaysia – and South Korea – on Nov 26.

Arrival: Rain (left), along with his faithful
bodyguard, arrives for the PC

Check out the Korean sensation as he talks to the press.



[News]"Do not get defeated by me", Says who...?

It's no other than MBLAQ's world famous mentor, Rain!

World star Rain showed off his force as a boss.

Rain's harsh advice about MBLAQ's situation after finishing their first airing released through Mnet TV's Reality Documentary program, 'the ABC of Work' on November 4th, was shown.

Rain first released 5 male group MBLAQ produced by himself at his concert last October 9th, after this, MBLAQ really began working as a singer starting with their first airing on October 15th.

During this program before and after his concert, Rain showed his delicate attention, giving encouragement to MBLAQ, "If you see the ground, you'll be completely defeated by me", which attracted attention.

But, he seemed to have turned completely about them after their first airing.

Rain smacked down MBLAQ who got so nervous they froze up just by being told as, "Rain is here", by saying, "I'll give you a score of less than 5 points out of 10." "I was so anxious all the way through your appearance on stage." "You have no breadth of mind." "Most people don't know how I've taught you." "You were extremely poor performers."

When shown the program, Rain received an enthusiastic response by the viewers.

"Rain properly created an atmosphere of a boss." "Such attitude is like Rain." "Rain with his calm attitude and scare force is so cool."

Meanwhile, MBLAQ was charged with the mission that they should invite celebrities such as actor 'Lee Byung-Heon', actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun', singer 'Tiger JK', and novelist 'Lee Woi-Soo'. to his own fan meeting offered by the program of Mnet TV.

credit to Newsen
Brief translation by rain bird@rain-eu
reposted @ absolutemblaq

Credits to : yellowhahahabooyah@MBLAQ Power International Forum

[news] Rain to hold Xmas concert in Las Vegas

nAsian pop sensation Rain will hold a concert in the United States over Christmas, according to his agency on Thursday.

"He will hold concerts at a hotel in Las Vegas on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day," an official at J.Tune Entertainment said, adding that all the details have been agreed upon and are about to sign the contract.

The official added that the show will take on a similar format from his "Legend of Rainism" tour this year.

Rain will be performing for the first time in three years in the U.S. after holding his first concert at New York's Madison Square Garden in February 2006 and in Las Vegas in December the same year.

The 27-year-old singer, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, has been one of the most successful celebrities in the entertainment industry since his debut in 2002.

His singing career has gained him massive popularity throughout Asia and he also appeared in several movies and TV series -- most notably dramas "Full House" and "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School." He recently starred in a Wachowski Brothers production "Ninja Assassin", which is set for a worldwide release in late November.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc
Editor : Jessica Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

[News] Singer Rain strikes a boss pose in front of MBLAQ

World star Rain strikes a boss pose.

On the reality documentary ‘Art Of Seduction’ featuring MBLAQ aired on 4th November, Rain was seen being strict and giving advice to the group.

MBLAQ is a group produced by Rain, and they performed for the first time during Rain’s concert in Seoul on 9th October, they then had their debut stage on 15th October with the song ‘Oh Yeah’.

And during this documentary episode, it shows Rain and MBLAQ before and after these 2 performances. Rain said before his concert to the MBLAQ boys, “If you look at the ground, it means you have lost to me.” showing them encouragement for their first performance.

But after their first live performance on tv show, Rain made a 180 degrees change into a strict producer. After the performance he said, “I can’t even give 5 points out of 10 points for it”, “When I was watching it, I have many dissatisfaction”, “You don’t look like you are enjoying it but as if you were doing it as a chore”, “Others don’t know how I have taught you”, “Really really cannot make it” etc

With the reveal of Rain’s features as a strict producers, TV viewers commented, “He looks like a boss”, “Rain after all. Even his scary and strict features look cool” etc

Netizens say:

* “Lol, I bet he learnt some of those from JinYoung hyung”
* “He must have got it this way from JYP too hh”
* “I like Rain’s new hairstyle”
* “The 7th photo – the reporter an anti fan?”
* “Honestly I watch this documentary because Rain appears in it”


MBLAQ look so nervous in front of Rain Lol

[news] Rain announces solo concert in the US

No, we're not Shanghai-ing you guys: It has been officially announced by J.Tune Entertainment that Rain is heading back to the stage in the States for a solo concert, after the Asia Tour that he had over the summer. And it's about time, I'd say, since it's been three years since his last solo concert in the States.

J.Tune Entertainment stated:
"The solo concert is scheduled to be held on December 24th and 25th at the Caesar's Palace Hotel in Las Vegas, in the Colosseum. It's not 100% confirmed since the contract between us and the venue has not been signed yet, but we're doing the best we can not to change the date."

They also added:
"Rain will focus on promoting his movie Ninja Assassin for this month, but will start training vigorously for his concert in December."

A little heat in the midst of winter? Ooh, I like.

At any rate, Rain's current priority is promoting his soon-to-be-released movie, "Ninja Assassin," which is his second Hollywood movie project, but his first as the main lead. The Hollywood premiere for this much-anticipated film is set to be on the 19th and the movie is set to be released on the 25th. However, us at allkpop have already had a chance to catch the screening on the 3rd, so keep checking back for our review on the movie as well as updates on his upcoming concert!

cr: allkpop

[news] Ninja Assassin - Most Anticipated Movie

Ninja Assassin, the new upcoming movie starring Rain (Jung JiHoon) has been chosen as the most anticipated movie not just in Korea, but in US as well.

Warner Bros. Korea has announced that according to the poll in, Ninja Assassin has received first place out of other sixteen films as the movie the viewers want to see the most. Out of 9745 votes, the movie received 28.4%.

It passed other greatly anticipated movies like 2012 (27%), and New Moon (14.7%).

Plot summary (credits to

Raizo (Rain) is one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them...and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge. In Berlin, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has stumbled upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable assassins from the Far East. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders. Her investigation makes her a target, and the Ozunu Clan sends a team of killers, led by the lethal Takeshi (Rick Yune), to silence her forever. Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, but he knows that the Clan will not rest until they are both eliminated. Now, entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the streets of Europe, Raizo and Mika must trust one another if they hope to survive...and finally bring down the elusive Ozunu Clan.

Are you waiting for this movie to come out as well? As a fan of Rain, I've been waiting for this movie to come out forever.

Article translated from by mandu_ @

[News]MBLAQ's Lee Joon 'Both Rain and I suffered during the filming of Ninja Assassin '

MBLAQ's Lee Joon 'Both Rain and I suffered during the filming of Ninja Assassin'

MBLAQ's Lee Joon expressed his feelings on appearing in the Hollywood movie 'Ninja Assassin'.

'Ninja Assassin', which will have its worldwise release on 25th November, is Rain (Jung Jihoon)'s first main Hollywood role. Lee Joon plays the younger version of Raizo.

"My heart is pounding like crazy because it's only a month until the release", Lee Joon confessed. He also said that all he can remember whilst filming with Rain in Germany was being in pain and suffering, but he was happy when he saw the completed film a few days ago. He had waited for the past year for the release since filming ended.

Whilst Rain was making his 'Godly Body' with 0% fat, Lee Joon spent those times with him. He tried his best at training in order to portray the younger version of Rain well. From the 6-stage auditions and the weight training to the martial arts training, he didn't have an easy time. The pain that he suffers whilst dancing on stage is also from those times.

"The weight and martial arts training were the most difficult. But I was able to follow a normal dietry pattern whilst Jihoon hyung had to follow a strict diet routine along with training, thus it'll have been harder for him. The martial arts training is one of the worst ordeals that I had to go through. I only had two 'action' scenes whilst Jihoon hyung had at least half the movie doing them, so it must have been hard for him."

He pointed at his nose, explaining that there's a bone which broke. He also pointed at his elbows saying that it still hurts from when he hurt himself there whilst training. But he didn't stop smiling. This was because the end result was good.

The other members saw the movie with him. They described Rain and Joon as 'cool'. Even though it'd be understandable to show a little bit of jealousy as he debuted in Hollywood before them, despite the fact that they trained together, they just patted him on the back and told him they enjoyed it. Their teamwork was better than expected, especially considering the fact that they were newly-formed.

"Ninja Assassin" will be released worldwide on 25th November, and it'll be released in Korea on the 26th.

CREDITS: BLAQ'n' (translation) + Newsen (source)
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