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Showing posts with label Ga-In. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ga-In. Show all posts

[News] Gain's 100 rules of life

Have a look of Gain's 100rules of life!
1. Do not lose the heart you originally have.
2. Do not be self-centered.
3. Be confident.
4. Be filial to parents.
5. Do not lose your arrogance.
6. Always think that you're an international star.
7. Do not engage in violent acts.
8. When pranked by someone, must take revenge.
9. Always be humble.
10. Watch adult films in moderation.
11. Accept those bad comments with an open heart and then quickly forget about them.
12. The past is the past. Forget all the bad memories.
13. Have faith in myself when solving problems.
14. Do not bear with unjustifiable comments.
15. Do not feel shy about crying or tearing.
16. Do not be afraid of new challenges.
17. Do not forget that you're a singer.
18. Always come out with better music.
19. Read more books to increase knowledge.
20. Rap with confidence.
21. Do not forget about the young self.
22. During broadcast, entertain more by showing off my awesome body.
23. Do my best even when acting.
24. Do not hold back the tears when you feel like crying.
25. Do not voluntarily be dumb.
26. When you go beyond Korea, stay the same.
27. When opportunity comes, do not let it slip away.
28. Become someone who gets a lot of blessings.
29. Become a person who always has a goal.
30. Give your best to move forward without regretting what you did in the past.
31. Do not undergo too many changes.
32. Give it all to become a "Look Out For Me" idol.
33. Remember that your songs are powerful and resounding.
34. Date your boyfriend in a dignified manner.
35. Always remember that all men are the same.
36. Date someone who can think in your shoes.
37. Date a person who can give you happiness.
38. Date a guy who makes you feel "love at first sight".
39. Drinking too much coffee is bad for health. So, drink moderately.
40. Your figure is already very good so one day before any award ceremony, don't starve myself.
41. A perfect stage is good but when the weather is cold, wear a coat.
42. Three meals a day is a must.
43. On the way to work, catch some sleep during free time.
44. Use eye-liner moderately as it may harm the eye.
45. Eat some food in the car during traffic jams.
46. Do not go for double eye-lid surgery.
47. In the dorm, do not put on any eye make-up.
48. For the well-being of the eye, putting on eye-liner thicker than 3cm is prohibited.
49. Your fresh face is beautiful, you have to have faith.
50. must forget that Haedong cave bangs are just a myth.
51. Artist Ga-in! Do not forget that your drawing talent is the best!
52. Do not forget that you look prettiest when you smile.
53. Must not have love handles (in simple terms, get fat)
54. Apple-head hairstyle is the most suitable hairstyle.
55. Most attractive smiley eyes.
56. Really charming part of your voice is my medium tone.
57. Do not forget woman's most attractive part is their eye liner and beautiful legs.
58. There's a cute side and sexy side hidden in you.
59. Keep that arrogant charm.
60. Agree that the more you look at yourself, the more charming you find yourself.
61. Know that your culinary skills are first-class.
62. Be less careless.
63. Do not forget my violent habits.
64. Aegyo when you make a mistake during broadcasts.
65. Open my eyes when taking pictures.
66. Speak out more during broadcastings.
67. Don't forget to put on a taut face in front of your fans.
68. Control yourself towards fans' skinship.
69. Transform back into the conservative Ga-in.
70. Take care of fans frequently.
71. Treasure the precious gifts given by fans.
72. Must try to create commotion among Everlasting today
73. Take care of Everlastings.
74. Give some replies on Yoota.
75. Must leave a message at Cafe once a month.
76. While recording and saw some fans, must treat them well.
77. Update cyworld frequently.
78. When giving acceptance speech, shout 'Everlasting!' loudly.
79. Do not forget that Everlasting will always be with B.E.G.
80. Looking at you not even knowing your age.
81. Stop Jea (i suppose its the nickname for her is raccoon) from munching
82. After schedules, buy Narsha a can of beer.
83. Do not forget important people.
84. Prepare herbal medicine/drink for members.
85. Do not forget the cuteness and aegyo of a maknae.
86. Aegyo towards eonni.
87. Contact family members at least once a day.
88. Control the other members as the head of the household/dorm
89. Do not lock the bedroom door.
90. Contact schoolmates and classmates.
91. Do not treat Eonni like in the military.
92. Do not yell at Min Soo oppa.
93. Treat unnie well.
94. Don't speak informally to unnies when I'm sleeping....
95. Must know that EVERYDAY is precious.
96. When you're tired, Abracadabra will help fix it all.
97. Do not forget that B.E.G.= M.N.J.G.
98. Always go towards superior.
99. Don't leave this 100 rules aside.
100. No matter what, do your best as BEG.

Translation Cr.
Kor - Chi: 
BEGIRLSCN translation team
Chi - Eng: LuvGa-in & cassirina @ Ga-in International Forum + griffie @ BEG International Forum


[News] Jokwon-Gain Couple Vacation! To Hong Kong for 'WGM' Recording

2AM's Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls' (BEG) Gain will enjoy a vacation by themselves in Hong Kong during the New Years' holiday.

Jo Kwon and Gain who are receiving love as the 'Adam Couple' on MBC's "We Got Married'(WGM) will leave for Hong Kong for four nights and five days with 'WGM' staff on February 13th, the first day of the New Years' Holiday.

A 2AM representative told Newsen through a phone call on the 12th "Jo Kwon will be going to Hong Kong on vacation to record for 'WGM' on the 13th for five days". There are rumors that Jo Kwon and Gain are unable to hide their excitement for first 'WGM' couple vacation.

On the other hand, there are big expectations for 'WGM' being broadcast on the 13th with Jo Kwon and Gain's first visitor which happens to be a foreigner.

CREDITS : Newsen (SOURCE) ; shmesmx3@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[ME2DAY] 100206 Kwon & Ga In Update - gonna sleep and go to a concert


It was so embarrassing….

The post below is Gain-noona..ㅜㅜ keke After watching WGM~~ I'm going to a Whitney Houston concert >_<

Everybody's waking up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to sleep

CREDITS : Adam Couple's Me2Day (SOURCE) ; shmesmx3@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)

follow me in tumblr!

[NEWS] Brown Eyed Girl GaIn to have a surprise kiss in 2AM’s new MV?

The process of GaIn joining the music video for 2AM’s ‘Can’t send you even if I die’ has been revealed.

On the ‘We Got Married’ episode aired on the 30th, it showed the recording progress for 2AM’s movie filming. During the meal, the 2AM members began lecturing Kwon for having no kissing experience. One of their ideas was to “Have GaIn in the music video as a cameo and have a surprise kiss.”

At the members’ genius idea, Jo Kwon posted on his me2day that he shares with GaIn stating, “Come to the music video filming immediately.” Eventually, GaIn decided to go to Ilsan where the filming was taking place. Seulong was able to hold a fun atmosphere by dropping in comments into the two’s phonecall and acting out various surprise kiss scenes.

The whole story of this kiss scene will be revealed next week in MBC’s ‘We Got Married.’
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[PHOTO] Who's This? GaFany!

There is a picture in the internet that looks exactly like SNSD's Tiffany and Brown Eyed Girl's Ga In!

Netizens can't decide, so they call her 'GaFany'.

Some say it's Tiffany, some say it is Ga-In, and say that they can't really decide, so let's go with GaFany!

But who knows? It might be an edited picture. You decide!

Credits: Newsen
Jinsoo @ Daily K Pop News
Please Take Out With Credits

[Me2Day] Gain and Jokwon Me2Day Update

Jan 22:
진심으로 감사드립니다.. 솔직히 눈물 꾹 참았어요 ㅠㅠ 2AM1위하면 그때 어떻게될지몰라서요.. 너무 정신이없어서 우리 I AM 얘기를 못했네요 공카에 올릴려고했지만 실시간으로 올릴수있는 방법은 미투데이라서 올립니다 I AM 사랑해요!! (오후 8시 20분)

Honestly--thank you.. To be honest, I held back my tears. ㅠㅠ I wasn't sure what I would be like if 2AM got number 1. It was so crazy that we didn't get to say anything to our I AMs. We were going to upload it, but the only method to upload something during our break time was Me2Day, so I'm doing it. We love you I AM!! (8:20pm.)

Jan 23: GAIN: 
스케쥴하고 오는길에 차안에서 핸드폰으로 봤어요 ㅠㅠ 제아언니랑 둘이 너무 크게 소리질러서 목이 아파요 지금 ㅋ 권이혼자 수상소감 말하니깐 ㅋㅋ 부럽기도 하고 조금 쓸쓸해보이기도하고 ㅋㅋ 엥? ㅋㅋ 같이무대도 하고 상도받았다면 더 좋았을텐데 히히히 (오전 0시 49분)

After doing our schedule, I saw this through my cell phone in the car.ㅠㅠ I screamed so much with Jea Unni in the car that our throats hurt right now. keke Kwonnie did the acceptance speech by himself keke I'm a little jealous and it looks a little lonely keke what? keke If we both performed on stage together and received the award it would have been nice Hee hee Hee. (12:49am)

내일도 화이팅 ~~^^ (오후 10시 29분)

Tomorrow, too, Fighting~~ ^^ (10:29 pm)

어이쿠..날씨도 추운데 우리 I AM팬여러분 플래쉬몹 잘봤어요..^^감사합니다 감기조심해요~ (오후 11시 56분)

Sheesh.. It's cold outside and our I AM fans did a flash mob.. ^^ Thank you! Please don't catch a cold~ (11:56 pm)

Jan 24: 아아 ㅎㅎ 아이엠핫티스트 감사합니당 ㅎㅎ ^^. 우결..다음주 부끄러워서 어떡해요 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ (오전 0시 15분)

Ahhh hehe I AMs and Hottests-- Thank you hehe ^^. WGM.. Next week's episode is embarassing.. what should I do? ㅠㅠ kekekeke(12:15pm)

CREDITS : Adam Couple's Me2Day (SOURCE) ; Pingoo@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits. Copy this whole phrase out.

[NEWS]BEG GaIn gets jealous because JoKwon’s first love was 4Minute’s HyunA!!

2AM Jo Kwon’s first love “Oh Bang Shil”

A strong candidate for the first love of 2AM’s Jo Kwon, ‘Oh Bang Shil’, will be unveiled on the January 23rd episode of MBC’s “We Got Married”. The person who has made Gain nervous is no other than 4Minute’s HyunAh.

HyunAh, who has a three year age difference with Jo Kwon, white complexion, and big eyes, fits the criteria for Jo Kwon’s “Oh Bang Shil” and has become a controversial figure. Because of this, Jo Kwon and HyunAh meeting in front of Gain has become a much more intriguing topic.

Gain’s suspicion is continuing and there are rumors that Gain has become uncomfortable because of Jo Kwon and HyunAh’s seven years together as trainees, where there was naturally some friendly physical affection.

Gain has become ‘Sherlock Gain’ in her ‘quest to find Jo Kwon’s first love’, which will be revealed on the January 23rd episode of MBC’s “We Got Married”.

[omit sentence unrelated to 4Minute]

Source: newsen
Reported and Translated By: mochalatte @


[NEWS] Jo Kwon- Ga In, Are they real or fake?

In the MBC TV real variety 'We Got Married' (or WGM) the best topic of conversation is Jo Kwon and Gain known as the 'young kid couple'.

In 'WGM- Season 1' imaginary couples appeared and shared a sweet, dream-like story of new marriage and received lots of love. However, the dream was only 'fake' and after Shinae and Jung Hyung Don revealed that it was a fake marriage, their popularity died.

The 'WGM' staff decided to add a real couple in season 2 in order to prevent this again. The first candidates were Hwang Jung Eum and Kim Yong Jun couple.

However the current 'WGM- Season 2' does not have reality. As they disguise fiction as reality, only Ga In and Jo Kwon are present. However no perfect imagination exists. Ga In and Jo Kwon are in between reality and imaginary.

These two people started off as made-up, but are now emphasizing that they are really falling for each other which make the viewers supspicious forcing them to ask "Are these two really dating?". Viewers are expressing great interest in every move they make.

On TV they show their cat-and-dog life with quarrels but nobody can deny that they really do match each other well. In the end, people even began to push them saying "Just date already!" and there is a boom for 'Making Ga In-Jo Kwon into a couple'.

Isn't 'sincerity' the reason these two are changing from 'fiction' to 'reality' ? The viewers understand this honesty. These days viewers have keener eyes than in the past. It would have been only a matter of time for the viewers to know if they forced video edits to make them look close or if they were acting.

Does Jo Kwon and Gain know. The fact that they are on the border line of imagination and reality and that they cannot hide their feelings drives the viewers crazy.

In a Ga-In ♥ Jo Kwon Couple Thread one said this: I watched the first episode today and they were so cute! I loved how awkward they were in the beginning but gradually they got more comfortable with each other. Their reaction to their house was a 'LOL' moment.

and here

[News] The Truth Behind Jokwon and Ga-in's Sticker Photos

The sticker photos that idol group 2AM’s JoKwon and girl group Brown Eyed Girls’ Gain took are becoming a hot issue in the web.

The two individuals’ sticker photos are spreading quickly in entertainment communities and other kinds of internet portal sites. The netizens that spotted this photo said, “They really are dating”, “The sticker photos are plain evidence!” claiming that JoKwon-Gain are actually dating.

However, this photo later revealed to be wrongly interpreted. The two’s sticker photos were taken during the filming of MBC “We Got Married”.

The producer of “We Got Married”, Jung Yun Jung Producer said, through a call with SportChosun T-News on the 19th, “JoKwon-Gain couple are learning English in one of Seoul Apgujung’s foreign languages school. The sticker photo that’s floating around the web was taken when the couple was on the way from the school, when they were going to get something to eat.” Then, he added carefully, “The contents of this episode wasn’t aired yet, so that’s probably why there was some suspicion about this.” Finally, he hinted, “The episode where JoKwon-Gain couple is shown learning English at the school will probably be aired in February.”

JoKwon-Gain, the two that are appearing on “We Got Married 2″ as a virtual couple, are showing themselves like a real couple, joking with each other, talking about each other’s personal life and being jealous. Also, they’re popular with the viewers with their truthful and innocent selves, like being strongly embarrassed at even just a small skinship. Their duet song “We Fell in Love”, actually got 1st place on a lot of music sites, and scored 1st place on KBS’ ‘Music Bank’ as well.

Especially, the two people are featured on many programs together, such as MBC ‘Three Wheels’, SBS ‘Star King’, etc., not showing any aspects of themselves that made them look like a virtual couple.

Source: SportsChosun Translation by: JinaStar@2ONEDAY

[Me2day]100114 Ga In and Jokwon me2day Update

Original message:

저희 새앨범 많이 기대해주세요^^.. ㅎㅎ. 드뎌 공개된 사진..

In English:

Please wait for our new album^^.. ㅎㅎ. Finally, it’s opened to the public..

Original message:

우리 신혼집에서~~~ 히히

In English:

In our newly married house~~~ hehe

Original message:

ㅎㅎ 볼링장에서 ^^ 가인누나는 볼링 처음친다는데…잘 치더군…ㅎㅎㅎ

In English:

ㅎㅎ At the bowling alley ^^ It was the first time bowling for Ga-In noona…she’s good..ㅎㅎㅎ



[News] MBC We Got Married, “Jo Kwon and GaIn are not leaving the show!”

The production team to MBC We Got Married comes out to clarify the rumours going around recently that Adam couple Jo Kwon and GaIn will be leaving the show.

The production team said over a phone conversation with Newsen on 13th January, “The rumours of Jo Kwon and GaIn leaving the show are groundless rumours. They will be appearing on the show for a long time to come.”

The staff also revealed that currently there is much air time for JoKwon-GaIn couple and new couple HwangWoo Seul Hye and Lee SeonHo, who joined on 2nd January. There are no plans for new couples to be added on the show at the moment.


[News]Ga-In And Jokwon Are Really In A Relationship?


With recent interactions seen between them on stage and on the show "We Got Married," netizens and fans are saying the chemistry between them is too real to be fake!

A couple pictures have surfaced on Korean boards that shows Ga In and Jokwon filming the future episode of "We Got Married." While at a English school, the two stood side by side and looked like real couples. They give off the vibe that they are real newlyweds.

Also, one of the pictures shows them goofing around and the couple looks as if they are displaying skinship. The netizens responded to photos with comments like "I hope they do go out in real life," "they are the best couple in WGM," and "it's not filming, it looks like they are really dating."

Is Jokwon's and Ga-In's acting skills really that great? Didn't Ga-In reveal that she really never had a real boyfriend?

How many of us really want them to go out?




[News] "We Got Married" Jo Kwon, Burped During Broadcasting?

2AM Jo Kwon, who is married to Brown Eyed Girl's Gain (Elegant Couple), accidentally burped in front of her during the "We Got Married" broadcasting. He is receiving a lot of attention because of the accidental burp.

Jo Kwon accidentally burped after tasting the rice-cake soup Gain made for him in MBC's "We Got Married Season 2" broadcast on the 9th.

Afterwards, Jo Kwon became very embarrassed and regretful of this unintentional action. He was even more embarrassed towards Gain, which made viewers laugh as well.

Gain then told Jo Kwon, "Who's going to take you? You have to be grateful towards me", getting rid of the awkwardness between them.

Jo Kwon also confessed to the production manager in an interview that, "Honestly, it was really embarrassing. It was a broadcasting accident." 

Credit: Today Korea (Source), love-yun@2ONEDAY (Trans)

[News]Jo Kwon♥GaIn Is Now Popular In Singapore

MBC We Got Married made-believe couple Jo Kwon and GaIn is said to have quite a following crowd in Singapore.

On MBC We Got Married episode aired on 9th January, GaIn was featured returning to Korea from her trip to Singapore for Brown Eyed Girls‘ public performance.

She said after meeting Jo Kwon for filming, “I went to Singapore for Brown Eyed Girls‘ public performance and wherever I go I see the placards with ‘GaInJo Kwon‘ written on them.” She also received a fan with the words ‘Jo KwonGaIn‘ from a fan in Singapore.

GaIn added, “It was a happy thing that there are people who follow us in Singapore.”

Also, Jo Kwon did a vidoe message to fans in Singapore during that episode. He said, “Thank you for always supporting us. I will continue to work hard. Thank you.”

Source:MoneyToday || cr:Kbites


[Video] Jo Kwon & Ga In performed "We Fell In Love" on Music Core

Their first time performing this song LIVE.

I really like the romantic feel of this song and both of them really look like a real couple in this performance!JoKwon has very amazing singing skills and GaIn's voice blended well with him in this performance!

Please enjoy their performance for "We Fell In Love" on Music Core!

[NEWS] Jo Kwon "Fell In Love" with Ga In on Music Core!

Ahead of singer comeback, 2AM leader Jo Kwon will take the stage with Brown Eyed Girls GaIn for duet performance.

Coming 9th January on MBC Music Core, the 2 will be performing their duet ‘We Fell In Love’. The duet song talks about their sweet love story for MBC We Got Married where they played made-believe couple. Even though there was no promotions for the song, it has gone up to #1 on music charts after it was released.

Jo Kwon, “All this time, we’ve seen the cool performances that Brown Eyed Girls have put up. But now it’s the time for 2AM.”

S:Newsen credits to k bites!


[News] Gain and Jo Kwon's duet tops online music charts

Brown Eyed Girls' Ga-in and 2AM's Jo Kwon are taking online music charts by storm with their duet song "We Fell In Love", according to a press release by agency Nega Network on Wednesday.

As of December 30, "Love" -- composed by songwriter Lee Min-soo and lyricist Kim Yi-na -- ranked at No. 1 on various Internet music sites such as Cyworld, Melon and Dosirak. The duet also ranked second on other Web-based music providers including Mnet and Soribada. 

The duet track, which was released on December 17, was performed by the two singers who appear as a make believe couple on popular variety show segment "We Got Married" (MBC). Footage of Ga-in and Jo Kwon recording "Love" in a studio were shown in an episode of "Married" which aired this past Saturday. 

Ga-in is one of the four members of girl group Brown Eyed Girls, who debuted in 2006 with album "Your Story". They had two hit singles this year, "Abracadabra" and "Sign". 

Jo Kwon is the leader of boy band 2AM, who were discovered and trained by South Korea's major talent agency JYP Entertainment. The group was one of the two sub-groups which spun off from a boy band called One Day. The other sub-group was 2PM. 

Reporter : Lynn Kim
Editor : Jessica Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Cr: xoxlindaxox@youtube

[News]Jokwon Confesses His True Feelings

JoKwon confesses his true feeling about his “wife” GaIn. During a recent interview, 2AM JoKwon reveals a shocking statement that caused some of the netizens to start hoping.

When everyone started to tell him that he and GaIn matched very well, he stated in a recent interview, “I’ve thought about going out with GaIn noona seriously” confessing his actual mind.

GaIn had also previously stated, “Now, when JoKwon calls me outside of the filming and he calls me “noona” instead of “honey,” I feel a bit sad” confessing her connection with JoKwon. Also, in a recent episode of ‘We Got Married’ they filmed, GaIn’s mother told JoKwon, “I wish that you were actually my son-in-law” showing so much love towards him, almost enough to make GaIn sad.



i personally say~~ GOOD COUPLE! i like them both~ LOL.. what do you think?


[News] Jo Kwon 'I Have actually thought about dating Ga-in'

Group 2AM’s Jo Kwon stars in MBC ‘We got Married’ as a virtual couple with Brown eyed Girls Ga-in but recently said that he has actually thought about dating in reality.

On the recent episode of ‘We got Married’ after the episode in the interview they had gotten a comment saying that they suit each other as a reply ‘I have actually thought about dating her (in reality)’ he told the interviewer truthfully about his feelings about Ga-in.

Also Ga-in added ‘After recording and Jo Kwon calls me and does not says ‘wife’ but ‘noona’ (an older girl) sometimes hearing that can feel awkward and sad’. Both couples reveal their true feelings carefully.

Credit: Gwangnam + Baby♥ANGANG@2ONEDAY.COM (Trans)

[News] Jo Kwon and GaIn’s duet ‘We Fell In Love’ taking music chart by storm

2AM Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls GaIn’s debut collaboration ‘We Fell In Love’ has been taking music charts by storm.
The song has climbed up to the #1 spot on Monkey 3 site for the 4th week of December (21st ~ 27th December) in the same week of its release. The 2 who are currently playing make-believe couple for MBC We Got Married and the lyrics to the song talks about the real story of the 2 in a soft melody.
#2 goes to Gummy’s ‘Because Of You’ which is also the main theme for SBS drama ‘Will it snow this Christmas?’.
Go under the cut for the rest of the chart results.

The rest of the rankings
  1. Jo Kwon and GaIn ‘We Gell In Love’
  2. Gummy ‘Because Of You’
  3. Zia ‘One Glass of Wine’ dropping from #1 last week
  4. SG Wannabe and V.O.S ‘I Love You’ moving up 17 ranks from last week
  5. YounHa ‘Broke Up Today’
  6. Jewelry ‘Love Story’
  7. Eun JiWon ‘Siren’
  8. After School ‘Because Of You’
  9. Kim TaeWoo ‘Love Snow’
  10. T-ara ‘Bo Peep Bo Peep’
Lee Seung Gi’s new song ‘Like The First Time, Like Then’ is #16 and ‘Seoul’ song by Super Junior and So Nyeo Shi Dae is also up #30.
Credits: kbites
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