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Showing posts with label DKP Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DKP Pictures. Show all posts

[picture] PHOTO SPAM: 2pm @ market o sponsored fan signing event!

Been missing out on 2pm lately? after wrapping up their first full length album not much has been seen of 2pm as a whole lately. But FEAR NOT! Market O which is a product they are endorsing sponsored a fan signing event for their o beloved hottest fans!!!

Its nice to see 2pm gather up in one place.

Nothing can be more candid than these candid photo's of the boys. Gotta love those wooyoung photo's. 2pm looks hotter than ever despite the cold weather, seeing them smile from these fan taken shots are more than enough to feed the hearts of hungry 2pm deprived fans all over the globe.


Article written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] PHOTO SPAM: SHINee @ Latest Star Golden Bell recording, KEY is back!

Heads up fan girls! your daily does of vitamin SHINee is about to be served! minus Taemin and Minho, sadly.

SHINee's Jonghyun, Onew and Key guest starred again for the latest episode of Star Golden Bell, and good news to those concerned cause Key is back! after being MIA because of the death of his grandparents.

These pictures are pretty onew biased with a little bit of key. Minho and Taemin arent around i guess, maybe they have another recording.

Looks like onew had a lot of fun during the recording, seating beside narsha and doing cute same expressions together!

These pictures are such a tease arent they? just cant wait to watch this episode and the return of almight key!

Which is your personal favorite photo? mine is the one where jonghyun poses and sparkles appeared, while narsha and onew totally didnt care! XD

source:one in a million || kim brothers || shinee 89 II cherish the boy

Article written by:
Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP pictures] SHINee's Taemin looking dark and mature for sponsored clothes!

Are you used to seeing Taemin smiling all the time? Doing aegyo's here and there? but now.. have you seen him look sexy?? oh ho ho ho ho~ you wont be disappointed!

I have found a picture of SHINee posing for sponsored clothes and goodies, but its either he's not in the mood and woke up in the wrong side of the bed or he just wants to mature into full grown man? hmM~ something tells me its more of being not in the mood.

Despite looking dark with black uber skinny jeans (why is his legs skinnier than mine? and im the girl!) a black jacket, a white shirt, a dark corner and a frown, Taemin still manages to look hot and noona-licious*.

*noona-licious is a term i invented to describe how a young man can be so handsome and cute making the noona's regret they were born earlier.

But you got to admit it! he seriously looks good in that picture!

reupload: TaeMinMakNae

Article written by:
Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] SHINee at Build-A-Bear Workshop

These may be a tad bit old photo's but its still pretty recent, just a week ago or something, but i still want to share them anyways.

SHINee @ Build a bear workshop where you can customize your own personal bear into anything you want, which includes what clothes it wears, accessories etc. you get the idea.

What is interesting in the first two photo's is that Taemin cant keep himself from looking at his shinee-mate's bears....

Picture 1:

Taemin looking at Minho's bear and key catches him looking at someone else's bear~ What could be his problem?

Picture 2:

All are done customizing their bears but Taemin still cant help himself and looks at Jonghyun's bear in which Jonghyun was proud to show to everyone and compares it to key's :D unfortunately... Onew wasnt so sure what he was doing to his bear and Minho wasnt finished yet! probably cant make up his mind eh?

These are good SHINee photo's and they are very cute ^^ as cute as the teddy bear eh? If you get to choose... which one would you take home? SHINee or the oh so cute bears? or do you wish to be the bears which the SHINee members bring home and hug at night?

You be the judge :D

source: | reupload: winkme | credit:

Article written by:
Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP pictures] photo's of minho and taemin sleeping on a plane!

Hihi~ dont you find it cute how theyr trying to steal some sleep like that?

Knowing SHINee they are very busy, with schedules non stop everyday, thats a life of an idol group~

but, we dont just love them for their on screen image do we? we got to love some behind the scenes dorkiness!

Now, dont ask me who took this picture cause i have no idea, it may be a fellow SHINee member or a lucky fan taking the same plane as them but i doubt it cause the plane looks pretty empty to me...... but these are stalker shots... so... probably a flight attendant or something :D

Baby Taemin needs to grow more so he needs all the sleep he can get! :) arent they cute? ^^

source: truemin
reupload: 2MINheart
credit: SFI

Article written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] Bom poses with Aimee Lee Lucas!

This was from Aimee Lucas' Facebook account in which where she uploaded it.... Dont ask me whats her facebook account cause i dont know myself... i will try tracking it down so that i can add her as a friend! hahaha

anyways~ Aimee Lee Lucas is a long time choreographer @ YG entertainment and i love her since she is a very talented dancer, and very pretty too!

Looks like she has a strong friendship bond with bunny Bom of 2ne1, looking at this picture, dont you just miss 2ne1? well, dont worry... YG promised their comeback to be in the first half of the year.. which can be any month till june...

photo credits: LET'S PLAY: 2NE1
article written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP

okay~ Click the link below to open the picture in which it was originally uploaded:
Click me!

Click the link below for Aimee Lee Lucas' guaranteed authentic Facebook account, No Poser~:
Click me!!!

IF your a big fan..... like me.... you would add her as a friend :)) in which i just did :D wouldnt it be awesome? your friends with the choreographer of the hit songs from big bang, 2ne1 and other YG artists! even if its only in facebook its already a big thing right? :D

follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] Big Bang at BIGSHOW Rehearsal!!

After being silent in the kpop realm for almost a year making all fan girls so big bang deprived, i tell you, i know ... its not easy to have no big bang action in korea for a whole year.

Although we got to get a taste through their solo promotions and variety show appearances and year end show performances... it wasnt enough still huh? got you craving for more!

YG has been very generous lately, giving out a free song, announcing that they got hundreds of cotton candy machines to give out cotton candies to the audiences during their 3 day BIG SHOW concert.

A picture was taken by.... i dont know who but lets be thankful to who ever it is, to get a glimpse of g-dragon on stage rehearsing for their concert....

the big question is:

WHAT IS HE HIDING FROM THAT BEANIE? a new hair? new concept? we'll never know!!! but the VIP's present at their concert will be the first to know!!

Credits: as tagged + g-dragon1988 of Soompi for posting
reuploaded by:

written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] Unseen pictures of G-dragon three years ago?

Wanna go on a flashback three years ago??

when big bang was still fresh in the kpop scene and was the hip hop prime group of the year?

Well... lets go on a time machine then! to when G-dragon was still a teenager and the leader of the fresh new kpop group that's now one of the biggest names in kpop big bang.

Those pictures were taken in 2006, when Big Bang was sporting the gangsta outfits, with the baggy jeans, bullcaps and bling blings.

GD sure looked younger on those pictures huh? but i dont think he changed that much, i personally think that his blonde get up was the best among all the fashion trends he has started in kpop~ ^^

Credits: 빙글빙글 @ bbvipz | shinhdeplol of Soompi for posting
reuploaded by:

written by: Blueprincess824 @ DKP; follow me on tumblr!

[DKP Pictures] SNSD's "Oh" MV snapshots!

I have been waiting for the release of the MV for whole day and i just went out to have lunch for a an hour,the MV is out already....

Anyway,i have prepared some snapshots from the amazing MV of SNSD,hope that you will like those snapshots,the girls changed a lot in the MV,it seems like the girls have become younger in the latest MV!

More snapshots here!

Prepared by Kacey @ Daily K Pop News
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