It has been known that there have been preparations for special ceremony for HWASEUNG OZ Lee JaeDong.
Lee JaeDong made an appearance as the winner of the past season in 2010 MSL Season 1 Selection Ceremony on 25-May held in Seoul, YoungDeungPo-gu MoonRae-dong, Loox Hero Centre. Lee JaeDong aroused curiosity when he made known that he will have a special ceremony on his entrance for the selection ceremony.
The ceremony that Lee JaeDong chose is to dance to boy group U-KISS's 'Binggeul Binggeul'. In the afternoon of 25-Mar, SS501's Kim HyungJoon went to HWASEUNG OZ company and made a special request. Appearing for variety program 'SS501 HyungJoon, To be a Pro-Gamer' by MBC Game, Kim HyungJoon visited HWASEUNG dorm and made his special request to Lee JaeDong after getting to know about the ceremony time during selection ceremony. His request is to use his brother, Kim KiBum's group, U-KISS's 'Binggeul Bingguel' as the background music and dance along to it.
Lee JaeDong agreed without hesitation to Kim HyungJoon's proposal and quickly downloaded the video to begin practicing the dance. Lee JaeDong has been practicing the dance at HWASEUNG dorm, selection ceremony venue and even during travelling in car, doing his best to keep his promise to Kim HyungJoon.
Lee JaeDong said "After agreeing to Mr Kim HyungJoon's request, I had been practicing diligently, however I am not sure if I will do well."
Lee JaeDong had previously shown his hidden talent when he danced to techtonik dance on stage during 2009 in a meeting with HWASEUNG fans.
Credits : thenam@dailyesports.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com + megan_ @ Rocketboxx.net
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