When first made No. 1 on a Music Chart, fans commented on the appearance of the members on television, "They don't really look that happy". Through UFOTown's Star Camera, member Lee Jungshin revealed, "That's a misunderstanding. Truthfully, we were so happy but because it was our first time, we were so nervous that we couldn't relate our happiness across very well and instead 'stood frozen like ice'".
Lee JungShin also explained, "When we made No.1 for the second time, it was the same, we were surprised at getting No.1 again so we were in "lightheaded mode".
Continuing, "I always wanted to participate in Designer Andre Kim's Fashion Show and so I'd really like to stand in one day" revealing his aspirations.
Kang MinHyuk had to this to say, "One time after a fan sent me a text message, I replied at 3am. I received a text message back scolding me for "not going to sleep at such a late time"."
Revealing that he liked the
Jung Yonghwa added, "Because of our schedule, we tend to reply to the text messages from fans very late. We really want to send a reply to everyone who sends us a text but sometimes we don't have enough time. We're sorry. Even if we're busy, we promise to send a text message back, so make sure you don't take your cellphone off your hand." sending his earnest request.
Lee JongHyun without fail says, "We feel the most thankful when fans tell us
Readers can confirm CNBLUE replying to the text messages from fans on UFOTown's
*Himnae: Japanese equivalent of
[Credit: paperwings09@cnblue-sky.net]
[Newsen Entertainment]
[Shared By: neptune_joker@soompi]
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