Chansung's Cy
울지마...난잔다.. (사랑하는 권이 조권)
황촹솽 웡황놩 (땅꼬마 손가인)
Don't cry...I'm going to sleep.. (Loving Kwonnie Jo Kwon)
HwangChuangSuang WeongHwangNuang (Ground Midget Son Gain)
Gain's Cy
조심해. (엽5 조권)
머라는겨어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!ㅋㅋㅋ (황거인 황찬성)
ㅋㅋㅋ 홍콩에서 좋은 추억 만들었어?? (옥거인 옥택연)
Be careful. (Yeobo Jo Kwon)
What are you saying kekekeke !!!kekeke (Hwang Giant Hwang Chansung)
kekeke Did you make good memories in Hong Kong?? (Ok Giant Ok Taecyeon)
Taec's Cy
혀꼬여서 마지막 가사 완전 웃기게불렀어 -_-;; 근데 글케 이상했나..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (리다깝권 조권)
니가빨리오래서..빨리왔어.. (니귀에캔디 손가인)
I got tongue-tied so I sang the last lyrics totally strangely -_-;; But was it really that weird..kekekeke (Leader KkabKwon Jo Kwon)
Because you told me to come quickly..I came quickly.. (Your Ear's Candy Son Gain)
(From Kwon)
Hyung asked me to come quickly...I came quickly..
Ong's Cy
나왔어 옹슬아 (제수씨 손가인)
졸리다..근데 자면 못일어날것같에 (JYPkwon 조권)
I'm back Ongseul-ah (Sister-in-law Son Gain)
I'm sleepy..But if I sleep I don't think I can wake up (JYPkwon Jo Kwon)
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
CREDITS : 손가인@cyworld; 황찬성@cyworld; 옥택연@cyworld; 임슬옹@cyworld; (SOURCES) ; shmesmx3@2ONEDAY.COM(TRANS)
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