Last year, if you guys can still remember, we showed you guys what was inside MBLAQ's bag. Now it's time for f(x) to reveal what is inside their bags.
f(x) – Items Of Children Gabangsok
Amber: 화장은 안 해도 아베다 핸드크림은 꼭 챙겨요.
생각날 때마다 영어 가사를 끄적이는 랩 노트는 제 보물 1호람니다.
“no makeup so only Aveda handcream is tucked (placed) inside.
everyday ideas/thoughts are scribbled in english lyrics inside my rap note(book) – my #1 precious (item).”
Victoria: lots of beauty products ranging from kiehls lipbalm to korean products! even chinese beauty items! nice!!! she’s taking good care of her pretty skin! ^^ and of course, she carries her korean electronic dictionary/org/diary (amber also has one!). and she mentioned that she carries the ipod that she’s been using since her trainee days. + a gift from an unnie fan.
Cr: bestiz || re-upped by zahieyjunki@aff(x)tion || some translations by mjboa@aff(x)tion || shared by:kpoprants
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