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[News] Super Junior’s Interview On Epop Magazine


Epop: This year could be said to be Super Junior’s year, and also receiving the Daesung, how does that feels?
Leeteuk: To be a singer on stage has been my dream. So I am very happy! Many thanks to all the ELFs and those who have supported us all these while.
Epop: This time, Super Junior’s stage didn’t have KiBum and Kang-In, it must be really difficult for you guys right?
Leeteuk: Erm.. Actually, Super Junior has 13 people. Although they may not be physically with us, but mentally, they always are. Furthermore, after knowing that we received the DaeSung, KiBum and Kang-In were very happy as well!
Epop: Other than the members, are there any problems that you are worried about?
Leeteuk: DBSK’s lawsuit. Even though they debuted before us, but according to age, they are all like my brothers. To me, DBSK is an example to be looked up to. Seeing them becoming one of the world’s best idol group, we always thought, when will Super Junior reach that level? That was probably why, when DBSK had this problem, we were all very upset, because they were like my brothers, and we have gone through practices together, so if there is any problems, you can always discuss it with us ~
Epop: You have filmed with Andy Lau, do you still stay on contact with him after the filming?
Siwon: Hehe.. Andy Lau is really nice. When I am in China or in Hong Kong, Andy Lau would invite me over to his house, and I am really grateful for it.
Epop: So, will you be filming any new movies?
Siwon: I would really love to, but now, I am rather busy with all the promotions. Maybe next year, there might be a chance of starring in a movie or a drama ~
Epop: Have you ever thought of branching out into hosting?
Siwon: Haha.. Every time I see the members doing such programs, I am really in awe. I think if I was to be me, I would just stand at one corner and watch how things are going (instead of participating).
DongHae: Actually, I have wanted to give it a try. Because everyone’s hosting techniques are different, therefore, to be a host, you must have the ability. I remember there was one program that I was in, and when the show was broadcasted, my scenes were all cut off. It’s sad just to think about it. Hehe..
Epop: Describe your ideal type?
Siwon: Easy to communicate, and must be really caring.
Epop: Sungmin and Girls’ Generation’s Sunny shares a really good friendship right?
Sungmin: We hosted a radio program together, hence the good relationship with each other. Plus, those around us love to pair both of us together ~ Hehe..
Epop: With the recent promotions in different countries, how does it feel?
Ryeowook: Yes, these days, we are always flying to China, and it’s like taking a bus. Hehe.. it feels great, and it’s a really good experience.
Epop: What do you think of your popularity in China?
Hankyung: My popularity is obviously the highest ~ Haha..
Epop: When in China, you guys probably rely a lot on HanGeng?
Ryeowook: Yes! Because HanGeng is really good!
Epop: In Super Junior, what do you think you must have to showcase yourself better?
Ryeowook: Having your own character. Because when 13 people go on an event, it is hard for people to take notice of you. If you don’t possess a unique character, you will be easily missed out. As for me, my personal characteristics would be my vocals.
Epop: What do you think a good singer needs to be ready for?
Ryeowook: Must have been in love ~ Haha.. because there is a difference in the emotions between those who have had a relationship before and those who haven’t experienced it. Look like I have to go get a girlfriend! Hehe..
Epop: The song, is really popular. When you first heard it, what were your feelings?
DongHae: During that time, Eeteuk gave me an impression that he didn’t like the song. But I really loved the song, and together with our choreography, it will definitely be a hit!
Epop: Do you come together to discuss every time you get a new song?
DongHae: Yes, every member would give their own opinions.
Epop: Is there any difference between the boys on stage and the boys off stage?
DongHae: Erm.. it’s about the same. Although on stage, we may be really serious and glamorous idols, but off stage or at home, we are all very noisy.
Epop: Actually, the age gap between you and your fans are really big, right?
DongHae: Haha.. actually, age doesn’t make a difference to me.
KyuHyun: If one of our older fans were to get married, I would feel that, ‘Wow, time passes really fast~’
Epop: What other aspect of the entertainment industry would you like to try out?
YeSung: Actually, I would like to try acting. I used to do stage productions, so I feel that acting is like a different aspect all together.
Leeteuk: I would still like to stay as a host ~
Epop: What would the 30 year old Super Junior be like?
EunHyuk: Erm.. hopefully even when we are all middle-aged, we will still be able to use the name Super Junior to carry on all our activities.
Source:Epop Magazine Is. 240
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